Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1949, p. 9

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!&L, OTATO no longer mn ytpnAiuc ScenesShowing Roy W. Nichols' New G. M. Show Room and Servi*cèeDeamn ............ Top left: The 80-year old resi- ted wîth the latest conveniences new building showing the exten- chois sign above is flanked by W. Nichols on Friday night, at joyed by the interested visitors. time friends, Mr. and Mrs. A'fea ooscasaogtes dence on the south-east corner of for sales and service. With the sive concrete concoursee leading General Motors emblems which the officiai opening of the new Mr. Nichols made a welcoming Ayre, for many years praminento iparntesoros h Church and Sîlver Streets, pur- generai agency for Generai Mo- in from both streets. Wîth a white denote the agency for Canada s building. Flag draped wails, vas- speech and Mrs. Nichols was the in the Darlingtoni farming camo rou ftrepope snih chased froin Mrs. John Percy by tors cars, the new plant is equip- stucco finish and spacious plate famous line of motor cars. es and baskets of cut fiowers, pi- Mr. Nichols, which was taken ped to give prompt and effecient glass windows, the automnatîc ser- Lower left: View of part of the ano music and a public address graclous hostess. munity, now living retired. The oustpiyherserscti down to make way for his new service. vice doorway leads into the well huge crowd of 1500 people who installation were a much appreci- Lower right: Mr. Nichola is host is showing some of the new, esi fterdsrc ~ h ultra-modern building. It is fit- Top rght: Exterior view of the lighted inte or. The Roy W. Ni- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy.i ated part of the arrangements en- shown on the right with his long- features on one of the new Ger-Cut fDrai SOLINA Sunday and Monday, May 29 and 30, again marked the anni- versary of Eldad Sunday School. For the services of worship on Sunday Rev. Andrew Eustace, of Park St. United Church, Orono, braught messages of inspiration to ail. Speaking. especiaiiy ta the chiidrcn iin the aftetioon, Mr. Eus- tace eiphasizeci the importance of one's re. ponsibilit,\, iilustrating this with the story of the churcb that \vas built without any lights and was thus dependent upon each persans lanmp of liglht. "Seek ye first the Kinigdomi of God" was the theme of the evening service in whch \I, ELiitace stressed the basic pattern for Christian living. The choir music, under direction of Mirs. James Smales, Jr., and the vocal solos -Green Pastures" and "Pr-a'ver' by -Miss Donnie Creasser, of Bowmanvilie, added effectiveix ta the services. On Monday evening the young people of Kinsale and Greenwoad pre- sented the drama for which they had been awuvzrded thc Presbytery trophy, "Henipecked Henry". This drama was extremnely weli enact- ed and greatly enjoycd. Between acts, the Motor City Four, maie quartette, provideci equallv en- joyable musical interludes and al so while the Solina yoLing people were servingc lunch toalal the en- tertainers these four gentlemen were verv getierous -with their1 harmonies. The Sunday Schaol officiais are grateful toalal who contributed ta the success of these services. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell anîd Dou 'glas, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and Walter, Ebeniezer, Miss Ruby Dewell, Mm. and Mrs. Brvce Brown and Jean,, Mrs. R. J. Mc- Kessock, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.f Evemett Elliott, Mary and Barbara,1 Bowmanville: Miss Ada Pascoe. Taranto; Mr. David Malcolm, Beath Farrns, at Bruce Tink's. Rev. A. E. and MmIs. Eustace, Orono: MmI. anîd Mrs. Ivan Law, Whitb:y. Mm. and Mis. Joe Chap- t, man. Hamipton, Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Jeffemy, Maple Grave, Mr. R. J. Luke. Kudroi; -Mr. and Mrs.r Lamne Goodman, Mvrs. Douglasn Pascoe's.a Mm. and Mrs. Alymer Beech, Haydon, at Harvey Harri s,. a Prof essor and Mrs. Raymond Anthes, Jean and Lorraine, Win- nipeg, Manitoba, Miss Mary Carr, Reg. N., Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milîson, Hampton; Mr. Jerry Milîson, University of To- ronto, at Ed Milîson's. Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Smith, En- field, Mr. and Mrs. George Gra- hamn and Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Moses, Bowmanvilie, at Jack Yellowlees'. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Da- vis, June and John, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Glaspeil, Alan and Marilyn, Zion, at Raiph Davis'. Mr. and Mrs. George McCul- lough, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isobel, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell, Hamp- ton; Mr. and Mrs. John Naylor, Oshawa, at C. D. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Annand, Oshawa; Miss Luella Hepburn, Misses Mary and Joan Hepburn, Kedron, at Clarence Vice's. Miss Hazel Cryderman, Mr. John Leger, Oshawa; Miss Mar- jorie Rundle, Bowmanville, at Ev- erett Crylerman's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Lois, Beryl and Glenn, Mr. ai-d Mrs. Ralph Larmer, Blackstock. Miss Lena Taylor, Bowmanville, at E. R. Tay71or's. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hamer, Mr. Hugh Hamer, Miss Helen Ramer. Brooklin; Mr Bill Hamer, Miss Mary Ramer, Mr. Wilfred Vicks, Toronto, Mr. Chartes Hamer, Miss, Marie Evans, Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. William Isengard, Pittsburg, Pa., at Campbeii Hamer's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanna, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Goodman, Mrs. Douglas McLaugblin, Osha- wa, at Harold Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Peterboro: Miss Dorothy Winters, Oshawa: Mr. Joe Snowden, Ked- ron, at Isaac Hardy's. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and family, Taunton, at Frank West- lake's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgomery and famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and familv, Oshawa, at Bruce Mongomery's. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker, lanîce, Grant and Mary, George- town; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smales and David, Hampton, Misses -lelen Baker and Mary Tarr, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Edwvin Or- niston, Maple Grove; Miss Joan )rmiston, Bowmanville, at Jack and Tom Baker's. Miss Velma Gilbert. Toronto,i .t Russell Gilbert*s. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Large andï Robbie, Bowmanville, at Walter Parrinder's. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster. Belleville Mrs. T. Pereman and Gordon, Columbus, at Lamne Hos- kin's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett, Mur- ray and Marie, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman, Alan and Jimmie, Tyrone, at J. R. Kivell's. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werry, Dr. George Werry, Oshawý%a; Miss1 Nora Werm 'y, Miss Eleanor Mount- joy, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Rossi Pearce, Ehenezer; Mr. Noble Met- caîf, Oshawa, at S. E. and Wes. Werry 's. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Cook, Misses Doris Cook and Vera Ar- trus, Coiborne; Mrs. Arley North- cutt, Bowm-anvilie; Mms. Laverne Clemens and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blanchard, Hampton, Mrs. Bessie Densem, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Spencer, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Goyne, Oshawa, Mrs. T. Cook, Columbus; Mrs. Gordon Brent and family, Raglan, with Mms. Charles Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, San- dra and Donald, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, Hamp- ton: Mir. and Mrs. Murton Wal- ters, Maxwell's, at Wes Yellow- lees'. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Ruth and Fae, Mr. and Mrs. Har- nid Balson. Gene and Virginia, Rev. and Mjs. E. S. Linstead and Ilda, Hampton; Mrs. Charles Car- rîck. Toronto; Miss Bessie Rev- nolds, Mr. Arthur Haskil], Osh- awa; Miss Donnie Creasser, Bow- manville, at A. J. Baison's. A. L. Pascoe is at Picton this week. This is the 27th Conference of the Bay of Quinte he bas at- tended. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill, Keith and Reva, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Bessie and Anne, Kedron; Mr. and Mrs. Ever. ett Mauntjoy. Taunton*, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gannan, Larrv and Bonnie. Oshawa; Mr. Lloyd Pres- tan. Maple Grave: Miss Muriel Langmaid, Peterboro, at Roy Langmaid's. Bowling on the green is the feverish activtv of addicts the past few days. Late in statîng the oldsters and preps who fancy the game have only two weeks more ta correct thefr astigmatism and compete for the famous Good- year Trophy in the local, arinual tournamnent. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles with'Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stainton, at their cottage, Sturgeon Lake. Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Maurice and Beveriy, Ashburn, Mr. Howard Bradley and Brian, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mms. Ross Page and famiiy, Newcastle, Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Simpson, Enfield, with Mr. and Mms. L. Bradley. Mrs. J. Smales was guest of Mr. and Mvrs. G. F Leask, Taun- ton, and attended Eldad Anniver- sary ville Ashton, spent May 24 at Beamsville. Mr. Gordon Fleet and Mrs. R. Thwaites, Toronto, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fleet. Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Georgie witb relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and Clame with Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, [Hampton. Mrs. Mary Degeer and family, Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Aunger. Mms. E. C. Ashton with ber daughter Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and Mýr. and Mrs. A. Park, Louise Wayne, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. and Patty and Mr. Gordon Fleet, Walter Ferguson s. Toronto, at Mr, and. Mrs. A. L. Mr. and Mrs. H. Malton, Toron- Wearn's. to, Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Osh- Mr. Gerald Pincb, Cleveland, awva, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- Ohio, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. W. beater. Pinch. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Fred Ellis spent May 24 Clifford Pethick on the arrivai of with friends at Fenelon Falls. a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton Mr. and Mrs. F. Carter and fam- and Clarence wrth Mr. W. J. ily, Maple Grove, and Mr. and Stainton and Mr. J. D. Brown, Mrs. James Latimer, New Toron- Orono. to, with Mrs. Mary Griffin. Mrs. Ed Jennings and famiiy, Sorrxy to report Mrs. Howard Acton, spent Saturday with Mr. Stevens is in Bowmanville Hospi- and Mrs. Harold Milîs. tal. We hope for a speedy recov- Mr. Roy Spry and Mr. Bill Sales, ery. Rochester, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry and E. Wright. Master Ted, and Mrs. H. J. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. En- accompanied Mrs. A. J. Olde to ber niskillen, Mr. Howard Oke, Osha- home at St. Thomas for the week- wa, at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne end. Knapp's. Oshawa. .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milîs and with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis, famiiy with Mr. Albert Short, Enfield. Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. May and Bill, Mr. Roy Spry, Mr. Bill Sales. Toronto, with Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Rochester, New York; Mrs. Don Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mclndoo, Carr, Leon and Carolyn, Haydon, -Millbraok, Mrs. A. Williams, New. at Edgar Wright's. market. Mrs. A. Willoughby, Whit- by, wvith Mrs. John McGîll. A sound-proof camera cover in :MV- Howard Pye and Mr. Or- Hollyw~ood îs called a "Blimp". ~SALADL TIA Outstanding Quality e Deticious F14 vour KENDAL Mms. A. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. Hon- ey and Mary, Milliken, were at the fommer's home here. Miss Violet Mercer, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Mrs. A. G. Dariingtoni visited Mrs. J. Glover at Newtonviiie. Mms. Annile Evans, Orono, was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mii- ton Robinson. tMr. Robt. Alexander, Mms. Fletcher and Miss Betty Fletcher. Toronta, with Mr. and Mrs. B. Alexander. We are pleased ta hear Mr. Thos. Hiiditch is improving and is naw in the canvalescent wamd of Sun- nybrook Hospital. Kendai W.A. were hostesses ta ladies of Newtonvilie and Stark- ville W.A. and W.M.S. on Wed- nesday afteroon when Mrs. Drum- mand. Orono was guest speaker. A birthday musical social ev- ening was held Friday in the Sun- day schooi room by W.A., with about $17 being added ta the funds. Kendai bard baIl team piayed at Camborne Thursday evening, winning 10-6. Mike Quantrili was pitcher and Ray Martineli, catch- er for Kendal. Members of Kendal Beef-ming bad a busy time Wednesday moro- ing, wben they beld a bee ta dlean up and whitewash the premises used as siaughter-bouse. The gents certainly made a great imprave- ment-whetber used ta wielding a whitewash brush or not. The weathemman very unkindly favoured Kendai with coid wea- ther, high winds, and a fiurry of ramn drops Friday afteroon instead of a warrn sunny day. However, the pupils of the Sixth Line, Ken- dal and McLean's schools put on their Mayday program on the' park as scheduied. Crowning the May Queen was colorfully set among 'baskets of flowers with the p arts taken by Ruth Jackson, as Queen, and Joyce Low, Helen Hoy Kathleen Geach and Susan Foster as "Ladies in Waiting"'. The May- pale dance was very prettily done by pupils from the three schools with the girls dressed ta match the streamer they held. The folk dances. Sic Rager de Coverley, Duke of York and Chimes of Dun- kirk were well done by the wee folks. Of speciai interest was the Scottish Reel by four of the aider girls, Marlon White, Helen Hay, Joyce Low and Ruth Jackson. The ýsngs and choruses under the di. rection of Mr. N. Stewart were also much enjoyed. A good lunch was passed arojind instead of pic- nie style as planned. The pupils and teachers, Miss Stewart, Miss Howte, and Mr. Clark, also Mr. N. Stewart, musical supervisor, are to be congratulated on their fine program. We hope that, while this is thre first such program, it may be followed by many more. The teachers are planning on using the proceeds to take the children on a trip to Toronto to see the museum. Proceeds from the fish- pond and booth were added to this fund by the W. Mr. and Mrs. C. Glass and Mrs. J. G. Jackson visited friends in Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass. Mrs. J. G. Jackson and Mrs. Hoskin vis- ited friends in Newtonville and had supper with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paeden, Crooked Creek. Mrs. Milton Robinson, Mrs. J. G. Jackson and Mrs. C. Glass rmo- tored to Bewdley and called on Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Port Hope, at their summer cottage. Automobile and driver's licen- ces nette-d provincial govern- ments $32 million in Canada in 194.5. Courtice Beats Locals In Football Game Fewer than a couple hundme&, fans turned out Tuesday evening on the High Schoal grounds to pep up the Bawmanvilie teamn, playing its first hame game this season in the Darlington Foot-baU League. Late in starting, the Cour. tice team, as opponents, played j strang game ta take thé, *?vt"t wîth a 2-0 score, tallied in sue. cessive halves. Bowmanviile had severai good scarîng chances but iacked the punch when close in. The game opcned with veteman footbailei Dr. J. C. Devitt, kicking off. Slim trim and jaunty today aftem playý ing as an Ontario star mare thar 45 years ago. Doc can stili boot thi baIl with precision. Games played since aur f week's report resulted as foliaw$ May 28- Hamnpton 4, Maple Grave Enniskillen 3, Zion 0 .May 30- Sauina 1, Orono 0 <si -ý ý oCa& I Courtice 2, Bowmanvîlle The southemnmost point in ada is Middle Istand, in La~ Congratulations Roy VW . N ic h o 1P-,,oiý-t-ie On the Opening of His Modern Iý SHOW BOOM AND SERVICE DL AT- We u- ould like to take this opportunity to Roy Nichais te Bowmanville and ta co hlm on his fine new Show Room and s Delpartment. in 8 G. FRANIK JAIESý TIRE DEPOT CORNER KING AND SILVER STREETS IIIVIMBAY, TUNE 2nd, lm. 5r~*'. 'v Ire.,

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