Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1949, p. 15

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?EURDAY AP~xL th, 940TWý4ANl TAM RTAJ4£ST6EMMAN. BOWM A lTV T . ný.r AUT( The Newcastle Independent Miss Margaret AshJ ?&rS. W. H. Cooke has been visiting friends in Kingston and Portland. * Mr. and Mrs. Ross Embly spent thei weekend with Mrs. E. M. Parka, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. D. Nugent, George and Harteli, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couch, Sr., Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Merb. Dayman, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn were Sunday guests of Mr. and ~~Charles Shire, Cambray. r , .and Mrs. Harry Weiss, To- ] fdy, had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Megit. Hia friends will be sorry to hear that Mr. Harold Carr has re- turned to the west. Good luck, Harold! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cordon anid Roy, Bow&manvillc, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch on Sunday. Miss L. McPhee is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrc. Michaed McPhee, Syd- ney Mines, N.S. Mrs. J. Weatherston and Linda Lee, Mss. G. Bonathan, Tomanto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sallaws. Wallace Coudh passed lis first test in school figures at Oshawa Skating Club on Sunday. Con- gratulations, Wallace. Ms. and Mrs. Art Tuson and family, Oshawa, spent the week- end with Mss. Tusans isters, Doris and Ethel Spencer. Mss. Mary McEvoy is visiting Mss. John Sears, Port Hope, prias to visiting her daugîter, Mrs. Selby Spencer, Hamilton. Miss Evelyn Stapleton spent last Tuesday in Toronto ttending a most intesesting session of the Haisdsessers' Convention. Mr. Norman Pattesson and Misses Marlon and Lillian Patter- son, Peterboso, spent Wednesday with Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Pattes- son. Ms. H. T. Manes, Miss Mabel Oldfield, Miss Evelyni Stapleton and Mr. Tracey Embly spent Sat- Urday evening with Ms. and Mrss H. A. Gray, Oshawa. Rev. R. E. Morton, who is in charge of the pulpit of Mark St. Chumch, Peterbono until the end of the convention yean, spent Wednesday visiting in town. Mns. E. Bellamy and Grace, To- ronto, Miss Sandra Dell, Oshawa, and Mr. Stanley Jonathan, Buf- falo, N.Y., were weekend gueuts of Mr. and Mrs. Loftus Bellamy. Mrs. Harold Lush and daughten Mrs. Eric Bryans, Toronto, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Allin an Tuesday, while Ms. Lush, President and Manager ai Metal Stampings Co., Toronto, addressed Bowman ville Chamber ai Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Danielsen, Ms. W. Thorne, Staten Island, N.Y., visited Mss. D. B. Simpson and Miss Olive Tharne oves the weekend. On Monday Miss Thorne and Ms. and Mss. W. L. Daniel- sen returned ta New York by car while Ms. Thorne flew back later in the afternoon. Mr. and Ms. R. G. Wright and Ray matared ta Newcastle ta bring Mss. Wright's mother, Mss. H. A. Wetberell, home, after spending the winter in Toronto. Mss. Wetherell is vesy ill iglit now, but we hope being once more comfostably settled in les awn home will cure ail that. Manday evening several from bere attended the Orono-Milver- ton Junior game in Osliawa. It was a good game niglit fsom the start with bath teams of about equal strength for the fisst period. Hawever, in tlie second the West line came alive and pounded out 2 goals in five minutes. Outstand- ing player ai niglit was Junior West who knocked in three goals unassisted. One local chap, 'Ricky' Richardson, seored a liard-earn- ed goal. Final score, Orona 6, Milvestan 5. A pleasant time was spent by members of the evening brandli of the Women's Auxiliary of St. George's Church, wben tbey wese guests oi Miss Beatrix Mclntosh at ber home on Marcb 30. There were about twenty-five present. Games wese played, - prize- winners being Mss. J. Wsight and Mss. K. Stephienson, Mss. Neilson, Mss. Gwen Gibsan and Miss C. Dewdney, Mss. D. Cun- ningham was winnes of lucky numbes psize. Refsesbments wese served by the liostess. On behaîf ai the members of the evening branch, Mss. Harold Gibson ex- pressed their appseciation. and pleasure at being present. Tuesday afternoon, Mardli 29, Durham Caunty Vegetable Grow- ers met in the basement of New- castle Community Hall ta attempt ta solve and discuss the problems concerning the growing and marketing oi vegetables. There was a large number of farmers in attendance and ta lielp them in tleir psoblems wese excellent speakers, including, Ms. A. Walk- er, Dunnille, district disectas, Ms. Tom Sirsil, Cobourg, local disector and Dr. MacLadlian, Prof. of Botany, O.A.C., Guelphi, wba spoke inspisingly on "Tomato Diseases." To furtiu aid the fasmer in some of bis lesses psob- lems, Ms. C. R. Casveth, New- castle, sliowed, interesting films wbich were supplied by Agri- cultural Cliemicals, Ltd., Post Hope. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mss. John S. Ent- whstle and family, Toronto, with M.and Mss. Alf Brown, Mrs. F. Adsett, Belleville, Ms. and Mss. H. Rowland, Osona, witli Ms. and Mss. W. Holmes. Ms. and Mss. Ray Goode, Osono, with Ms. and Mss. Jack Holmes. Mr. and Mss. Russeil Wilson, Ms. and Mss. Frank Johns, and family, Oshawa, with Ms. and Mss. W. Baskesville. Ms. H. Jaynes, OFhawa, with Ms. and Mss. Bey. Jaynes. Mss. Roy McKay and boys, Mss. Geo. Ingleheart and baby, Bronte, Ms. and Mss. Leslie Alldned and iamily, Orono, with Ms.-and Mss..Robin Alldred. t ENFIELD Miss Doneen and Master Dallon Lycett at W. Odgen's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mms. Ivison Tamblyfi sand famnily, Onono, ait W. Baw. 1.m ns. r Mn. and Mns. G. Bray and fmii- eily, Raglan, with Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Our yaung falk enjoyed a social evening at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston, Saturday. > Murray McCulloch, student at Harvard University, spent a few days with lis parents. Our churdli service was con- celled Sunday due ta the ilI health ai our pastor. We wish him a speedy and complete re- covesy. Our roads are surprisingly >good for this time af year with lots of trmfiic and dust flying. S.S. No. 9, Clarke The Third Line Ladies were quilting at Mss. Branch's on Tuesday. Miss Betty Osborne and lies roam-mmte Miss Parker, Brant- fard, spent Sunday at Mr. Russell Osbone's. Leslie Gibson, Tc'sonto Uni- versity, Forestsy Division, spent Sunday at home. Ms. Austin Turner lias engaged Ms. Green ta lielp on tbe fasm. The family wilI be living in the former Dickson home lately va- cated by Ms. Barrabel. Miss Elsie Bottreillbas been sick with the flu. Mss. Peter Kidliko and les two littie sons Ray and Ricky have been staying witb Mss. Fred Bow- en. Mr. Kidliko spent Sunday witb lis family. We are glad ta report Ms. Fred Bowen as quite a bit impoved. He is stili in the liospital liowever. Mr. P. Williams visited his daughter Mss. L. Mastin prias ta leaving for England. He expects ta be away tbsee months. He lias leit lis grandson Douglas Costi- gan with Mrs. Martin while lie is away. Mr. and Mss. W. A. Downinîg and Mary visited Geo. Laing's on Saturday. Ms. Downing called at Bowmanville Hospital ta see lis cousin Fred Bowen. STARK VILLE Mrs. M. Slutka visited friends in Oshawa. Miss Beulali Hallowell and iniend and Miss Norma Hallowell visited Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hall- owell. Some from this section attend- ed the Homne and Schoal Club entestainment in Crooked Cseek schaol. Mr. Roy McKay, Bronte, visted Mss. Ralpli Bauglien. Ms. H. Ormiston las been in aur district. Ms. and Mss. Yule, Oshawa, visited Ms. and Mss. Ewart Robin- son. (Intended for last week) Miss Helena Hallowell, To- ronto, at home. Ms. and Mss. Howard Farrow visited Ms. and Mss. George Knox, Bsadley's. Congratulations to Ms. and Mss. Sid Hallowell on the birth aif daughter. Miss Knapp spent the week- end in Hamilton. Miss Helen Hallowel l, Cowan-1 ville, with Miss Mary Hallowell.1 Mr. D. Parker las returned toi M'r. A. Dobson's. Ms. and Mss. D. Shutka, Osh- awa with Ms. and Mss. M. Shutka. rheis daughter, Donna retusned .vith them mifter visiting les gra nd parents. Ms. and Mss. C. Allun, Kirby. visited Ms. and Mss. Victor Farsow. WESLEY VILLE Mrs. J. Hendry spent the week- Sna colhda ted end n Kigsto. 1ance of 26. Church was held at Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and 7:30 with Dr. Oke speaking on family with Mr. and Mms. Bruce Gethsemine. Mrs. Oke provided Whitney, Newcastle. the music. This service com- mences the evening and morning MAPLE GROVEYoung People's Union met at the school house Wednesday eV- Mrs. Ross Stevens, Mrs. Ted ening. Plans were being made, Hutton and daug*hter are spend- for a basket social. ing two weeks in St. Augustine, Mission Band met in the school Florida. They motored down with house with 17 present. Minutes the former's cousin, Dr. and Mrs. were moved by Sonny Schwarz J. G. White, Ridgetown. and seconded by Duane Dicker- Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, son. Since the treasurer Sonny spent the weekend at home. would be absent for future meet- Miss Mildred Snowden spent ings David Dickerson was nom- weekend with lier sister and inated in his place.. Treasurer's brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Otis quarterly report showed $1.92 in Pritchard, Manotick. t.reasury. Plans for raising extra1 This community extends hearti- funds were discussed. Rloll ral' est congratulations to Mr. and was naming a book of the Bible. Mrs. Byron Holmes (nee Velma Temperance talk "Good Athietes Crago) on their recent marriage. Do Not Drink" was given by We welcome Mrs. Holmes ta our David Diekerson. Evelyn Bmn- community. stead read "Money Travels A- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Byers, broad."1 "Praise God for Our Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. Schools" was the theme of the, and Mrs. Roy VanCamp. worship service. Mr. and Mrs. Sam VanCamp Mr. Arnold Austin suffered a and daughter, Mary, spent Sunday nasty accident while sawing lum-il with her sister and brother-in- ber. A piece of board broke off law Mr. and Mrs. Harold Behm, and struck him a glancing blow Port Hope. cutting his face and injuring his Don't forget Institute meeting head. on Monday evening, April 11, in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byrne. the schaol. Niagara Falls. called on Mr. and Mr. and Ms&. Harvey Brooks, Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke. Mr. Ron Brooks, Mr. and Mss. Mr. Ross Jones, Zion, spen, Ivison Munday, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Ms. Ross Dinner. Fred Stevens, Mr. J. Cookson, Mr. Miss Eileen Allun, Newcastle. Bob Snowden, took in the Dur- and Ms. Murray Payne att-ended ham Holstein Breeders Associa- the Oak Lake Young People's tion bus trip on Tuesday. Full Reunion at Welcome Saturday! account appears in this issue. evening. Misses Phylis Parker, Mary Bannie and Paul Austin with Maber, Amie Griffin, R.N of their grandmother, Mrs. L. Hold- Oshawa General Hospital, Mrs. away.1 A. Crosswells, Mrs. D. McCremen, Mr. Ralph Robinson, Marvel- Mr. and Mss. L. Stoneburg and ville, with his aunt, Mns. Edgar June. allof Oshawa, Mrs. Robert Barrowclough. Currie and Margaret, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke were Sunday guesta of Mns. A. F. and famnily with Mr. and Mns. W. Spencer and Mns. H. C. Huri- Longyear, Elizabethville. bent. Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Ifoldaway spent Monday afternoon at Mrs. C. Payne's quilting. Disbursements under the Fam- Mr. and Mrs. George Tufford' ily Allowance Act are in excess spent Sunday in Sunderland. of $260,000,000 annuallv, which in The Cemnetery Board met on 1947 repsesentedi about 39 cents Manday night and decided to out of the dollar of perýzonaI in- have a bec on Wednesday to corne tax paid by Canaclians, clean Up the grounds. KEN ALWayne visited relatives in Mimi- fering from the effects of a bad KE D LCO. car arcident. They misa visited Mr. V. W. Miller, Murphysairo, Mrs. Selena Stephens at Gorrie 1 Mr. John H. High wha is with Ill., visiled Mr. and Mrs. W J. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hicks at Mr. Mult Dunbar, Perrytown, Milles. Harriston mnd Mr. and Mrs. Lamne 1this year, visited fniends here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller with MCoy, Brooklin. Mr. Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKay, Port relatives at Vernonville Znd is a nephew of Mr. Norman Hope, visited bis sister, Mrs. Roy Grafton.1 Woodley. *Mercer who is stili flot fully re- Mr. John Hatherley, Ne wton- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bennett *covered. ville, visited lis fathes, Mr. R. 'and chldren. Guelph, ith Mr. Ms. and Mrs. Alec Hoy visited Hatherleý. Iland Mrs. Clarence Woodley. is paets s.ad s. er Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan A numbes from here attended * o.and Mr. and Mis. A. Spicer and the hockey game in Oshawa via Miss Violet Mercer has taken family, Bowmanville, witli Mrs. Taylor's Bus Monday night. ta position in the Labor Dept., Laura Virtue. Mr. and Mss. Hasvey Hardy, tParliament Buildings, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mescer, Grace Mission Band'will meet after Bowmanville, Ms. Russell Hardy, and Mrs. Eddie Couroux spent Sunday Scbool, April 10. Toronto. w~ith Ms. and Mrs. G. Monday in Toronto. Ms. and Mrs. Sid Martin, Ms 1Alldsead. The Vannatto family gathered and Mrs. Hesb Powell, Bowmnan-*MMr. and Mrs. H. Philp and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave ville, visited Mr. and Mss. G. Mss Jean Philp visited Mrs. Lîl- Vannatto ta visit with theis bro- Gobel.1 lie Philp at Picton. ther Andrew Vannatto, Port Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley, IArthiur, who was here over the Thornhill, visited Ms. and Mrs. S udyi weekend witb bis parents. -11ASJWSasturdioall iAs the worst day of The girls' Rainbow Club met tue out again after lier long iîî- the week for traffic accidents in- at the home of Mrs. E. Couroux. ness. volving children. Accidents al- The evenîng was spent working Ms. Donald Yellowlees, Kitch- va.vs begin to increase in the at their blouses and record books. ener, visited Ms. and Mss. Frank springtime. To the children, Ea- A good lunch finished off the Wright. fe1r bolidays are like a whole week evening. Try to attend a service of the of Springtime Saturdays. The De- Mr. anid Mrs. Easi Busley have Easter Mission at Trinity Churcli, partment of Highways says it's up returned fsom a month's motor Bowmanvile. Sec details in an- to Imotorists to protect childsen trip ta North Carolina, U.S., other column. from harm by being especimlly where they visited her sister, Mrs. Tyrone Jr. Y.P. was held at the watchful and careful during the G. Cox. Earl and Ruth are oc- home of Mr. and Mss. Sid Jegell holiday period. cupying part of the home resid- Sunday evening. witb Dosothy ence wýhile Earl is engaged in Skinnei in charge of program. lumbering opesations with R. Poem ' Patsy Philp. Mss. Cress- S , AuLII U Winn. aesryt ertlaMr.weîî gave a splendid taîk on thie S .P U We re ory t larntht Ms.Book Review of Jean Val Jean. Sam Patton wbo lias been the Mrs. Jewell pla * ed a piano solo Miniuter: REV. G. C. main-stay around tliere the past "In a Monasteryv Garden". Con- month, is now confined to bed tests were enjoycd and a dclici- Choir Direeton: Alex MeGregor with a leg ailment. ous lunch wvas served. We are vesy plensed to see Mr. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrss A.en~ Mascus Sopes able ta be out Clasence Woodley and Ms. and ]P A I) UANU11Z again after his lieast attack. Re- Mrs. Gordon Yeo who celebrated cent visitors to see them were: their wedding annivessaries on MORNING W7QR Mrs. Percy Patton, Mr. Carman April 1. Patton and friend, Ms. and Mss. Ms. and Mss. W. Rahmn visited Sa en f1 John Siemon, Oshawa. and Ms. Mss. H. Rabm, Busketon. Sca eto h Harry Rutherford, Toronto. Mss. Fred McRobests and Miss Some from liere went smelt Lillian MeRobests, Tosonto, with e pto ofI fishing and brougbt home a good Ms. and Mss. Howasd MeRobests. catch. Ms. and Mss. George Alldread,' E E T ~ U~ Ms. Jas. Alldsead, visited Mrss. E ENIG O Wm. Robinson and Ms. Percy T YRONE Robfinson at Pontypool. IsiteSacred met at Mss. G. Alldsead'son "Olivet to Calvary"- Ms. Reford Cameron, Zion, Monday aftcsnoon. visited Ms. and Mss. Herb Cam- Ms. and Mss. F. Hall with scia- eson. tives in Tosonto. Ms. 3nd Mss, B. Shred and Mastcr Jesry Taylos cnfer- family, Bowmanville, visited Ms. tained a number of bis chums at and Mss. C. Sbsed. a birthday party. E Mr. and Mss. O. Beckett quiet- Ms. éand Mss. Herli Rundle, ' ly celebsated theis 47tb wedding Hampton, witli Ms. and Mss. Neil to ' anniveisay on Apil 1. Yellowlees. »jL Ms. and Mss. A. Youngman Bobbie arnd Jimmie and Ms. Bill and famîly visited Ms. and Mss. Shorten, Toronto, with Mss. W. T. D. Flett, Taunton. Sano ii Worden. Mss. Shosten and chul- ilam -MO N C Master Douglas Sano ii dren remained witb ber mather. 1am - O N G ted bis cousin Bruce Stainton. Ms. and Mss.. Shorten and chuRcpino e e Miss Phyllis Maynard, Ms. dren ase leaving Toronto on Sat-Rceto of ewM Oscar Andrews, Bowmanville, urdny for their new home at Communion Service. witli Ms. and Mss. Roy Maynnrd. Dawson Creek. Ms. S. Dewell bas returned to Ms. and Mss. Geosge Al ead~ ..-Laruun Mr. W. Park's aftes spending witb Ms. and Mss. Dave Al sead,! ..-Sce ai sevesal weeks witb relatives in Bowmanville. Peterboro. Ms. James Alldread. Ms. joyd1 "STAINER'S CI Long Sault Home and School'Alildread, Ms and Mss. G.WAll-j Club is postponed tili Apsil 13, dre2d. Mss. Howasd McRoberts, SOLOISTS: Miss M. Ail owing to sickness. . attended the funesal of Mr. Wil- Ms. and Mss. Rd. Hawkey, lvîr. liam Robinson at Pontypool on Nicholas, Mn. T. Mlircoc and _Mss. Garnet McCoy, Bow- Tuesday. Sympafhy is extended K. Siemnon. manville, called on Mss. G. Pliais to Ms. Jas. Alldsead in the pass- on Sunday. ing of bis bsother-in-law.T aNa Y N L.O.L. met Friday evening at Ms. and! Mss. Norman Wood- BIN' UNI the hall when several attended ley, Ms. Clasence Woodley visitedT u a fsom Bowmanville. j Ms. and Mss. Arthus Stcphcns Ms. and Mss. Tsewin Scott and wbo are in, Listowel Hospital suf- WORSHIP embers. ýala by the Choir RUCIFIXION" [Min, Mrs. R. G. Harle, Mr. O. ock, Mr. 0. Osborne and Dr. TED CHURCH EASTER PREACHING A P RIL' 1OTHR T RINIT Y Cu RcHB MISSION S 15 TE SUNA'Y mo p.. MONDAT TO FRIDAY Inclusive 8 p.M. MISSIONER CANON QUINTIN WARNER .Assisting in Mission: Lieut. Farmer, Revs. F. Yardley, R. Seymour, A. Cresswell, E. Linstead, J Wright, S. Henderson and C. Quigley. i SEE -pl4o z:v A Mystery Comedy BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL FRIDAY, APRIL 81h Ai 8 p.m. Admission: 35c - 25c AUSPICES TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Potted plants made up ta your ondes. All Easter flower favorites. Loveliest surprise of &Il . . . a fragrant Sprint - tresh bouquet on Easter. Sure to make ber days mare pieasant than ever- and a ivonderful mark of your own good taste. For sure de- l ivery, place your order with us to-day. WVe bave a wide vaiety of blooms . . . al trom our own bot houses. Every bouquet art- fully rranged by skilied floral decorators. AlMuns- Flower Shop 31 KING ST. IV. DOWMANVLL PHONE 474 FOR FRER DELII'ERY ST. ANDREW'S Presbyterkzn Church Cornet ofChurcii a Temperance 8teeta 10Oa.m. - Sunday School Il a.m. - Church Service Minister: Mr. Peter Wotherspoon Orgariat:, Miss Louise Osborne. STRANGERS WELCOME iITED CHURCH 'AMMRON QUIGLEY rOrg aniat: Mrs. Rets Dudley -A.PRIL JOTII ISHIP - 11 a.m. t, Lord': Supper New Mlembers ÏSHIP ý- 7 p.m. Cantata - by J. H. Maunder ~flird~ im THE CANADM STATZSMANI BOWMANVrLLE- ONTARin 1 jýMY, APRM 7th, 1040 PAGE rnMI72N

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