Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1949, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TuE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE. ONTA~TO THURSDAY. MAWCIT 14f1, ima Dr. and Mn. J. Leslie, vislted her father. We extend our sin- Mr'. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell. cere sympathy. Mr .and Mrs. W. Young and Miss Carol Staples, R.N, Ton- tamily and Mr.. Eva McMillan, onto, visited her parents Mn. and Peterboro, visited Mrs. C. Wood. Mrs. M. H. Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomp6on Mrs. J.H. Gibson has returned and family, Toronto, spent Sun- home after spending a week with day with Mr. and Mns. Tom Lew- her sister nean Maple, Ont is. Congratulations to Mr. and Miss Camela Irwin, Toronto, Mns. Roy Forrester Jr. on their and Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, marniage on Saturday, Mari 19. visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter. Mrs. Fornester was farmerly MESSi Miss I. Linton and Miss Betty Donna West. Iànton, Toronto, spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gari(et Towns with Mn. and Mrs. Meredith Lin- and family, Coîborne, visited her ton. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stain- Mr. Bouck and Miss Ethel tan. They ail went ta Oshawa Bouck, Miss Jean Forrester and Sund1ay in the p.m. and visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Maluske, Toron- Mr. C. Stainton and family. to, visited Mr. and Mrs Roy For- Mr. M. H. Staples took the ser- rester and attended the Forrester- vice in Park St. Church on Sun- West wedding on Saturday after- day mornin-g and evening, our noon in Park St church. minîster Rev. A. E. Eustace being Mrs. J. Blue was called home to unable to speak owing ta a cold. Palmierston owing to the death of. On the altar were flowers in mem- ATTENTION Annuai Meeting of the Ontario and Durham County BERRY GROWERS' ASSOCIATION wili be held NONfDAYI NARCH 28TH ai 1:30 p.m. ln the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, WHITBY Constitution willi be presented and your representative to Hamilton meeting wlll be elected. Guest speaker from Toronto. Ail growers of bernies and smail fruits are eordially invited to this meeting. a - à& - - im A ory of the late Mr. Ed Dean placed there by his daughter Mn. A. Wet; also a bouquet in mnmory of tic late Mr. Orme Gamnbsy placed tiiere by hm sister Mn.. N. Rickard and her daughter. Mrs. C. Wood attended anniver- sary services at Hamipton on Sun- day ai ternoon and visited her sis- ter Mn.. Harold Salten. Mn. C. S. McLaren attended thc Lumbermens' convention this week at the Royal York Hotel, To- ronto. Mn.. McLaren and Arthur werc present at the banquet on Monday night. Mr. and Mns. S. B. Rutherford and Mn. J. J. Mellor attended thc Carnival of Uic Toronto Skatin-g Club Friday evening at the Maple Leaf Gandens, Toronto. The Womens' Institute held their March meeting on Thursday afternoon with Mns. V. Robinson, president, presiding. Mr. E. A. Summers, Bowmanville, was guest speaker. He gave an instructive talk on "Garden Planning" and ta each lady pres fit he gave a number of gladiefus bulbs. Mns. R. Chapman favoured with an Irish solo. Rcfneshments were served to close an interesting meeting. The Evcning Auxiliary, W.M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Milton Tamblyn on Thursday night with a large attendance. Pnogram was in charge of Mrs. Vance Cooper's gnoup. Mrs. A. A. Drummond was the speaker and Mrs. Mary Phas- ey sang a well rendered solo. At the close of the meeting lunch was served and a social time en- joyed. The businessmen of Orono and district gave a banquet at the Queen's Hotel, Newcastle, on Mon. day night, in honor of Mr. John Blue, who. will leave Orono soon ta take aven bis new duties as bank manager of the Bank of EComerce at Port Elgin. During the evening Mr. Blue was presented with a combination radio and record player. Let Our Detter Dry Uieaning'AIfL Brown Engaged 1Maintenance Man Remove PO .*from Your Clothes,ClreAaBod Now! Better dry clean- ing for your entiro wardnobe! Our Sani- tone Service eliminates offensive P.O. com- Pletely . . . leaves no trace of dry cleaning odors, cither! Yes, and you'il find that Sanitone remnoves stubborn stains and in- grained drtas no other kind of dry cieaning can. Try aur Sanitone Service today and you'Il neyer, neyer be satisfied with ordinar dry cieaning again! 5P.O. Prspiration Ode Our Famous Sanitone Services " ElimInates odors " Removes more digt " Returns colons tg now billionce " Knocks out stubborn spots Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone Zenith 13000 Oshawa Bowmanvllle Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR WARN DAYS ARE AHEAD! SAVE SAFELY WITH McCLARY McClary Deluxe 7 Cubic Foot Refrigeralor *7 tu. fi. Capacity *Fibregiass Inuulated * -Year Guarantee *AUl Poreelain Intenter *Vegetable Crisper *Storage Rie Porcelain Meat Keepen *Large Freezer *56 large lee Cubes *AIi-steel Construction *Very Economical to Rua MeCLARY, nmade by General Steel W&res o! London, Ontario, have beau making quaiity products ince 1847. This ali-steel deluxe 7 eu. fi. model is typical of the beauty ad quaalty that has made UHP Ck thse ame MeClary a reliable ~ S RC hoa.ebold wos'd fer as far $329.00 Dack as many of us ecm remembert Ternis If D.aired The Radio Shop U ING ST. IL BOWMANVILLE PRO"E 578 Regulan monthly meeting of Clarke Township Sehool Arca Board was held at Uic home of the Secretary, Orano, on Mancb 16 with Mn. Russell Osborne pre- siding. Othen members prcseitt were Geo. Morton, Chas. Alldrcd, Reg Elliott and Stan Rawe. Mn. Alfred Brown attended Uic meet- ing and was engaged iby the Board as Maintenance man fan ail 8 school in the area. The Secretany reponted on an interview with Constable Chas. C. Holman of the R.C.M.P. con- ccrning a course o! instruction whieh could be given in schools an thc histony and work of the onganization. The Board dccided ta rcquest that the talks and movies be given this spring. The Chairman will represent the Board at thc O.E.A. conven- tion during the Easter holidays. Next meeting of Board will be held an April 27 at No. 9 Schaol. WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at 10.30 with an attendance o! 36. Church followed with a good attendance with Dr. Oke preaclh- ing on "Anointing Christ King". Fanm Forum was hcld at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Tbarndyke with a good atten- dance. It was decided ta have a special program eor Uic next Monday night as it was the last meeting of the scason. Several from this cammunity attcndcd the funeral of Mrs. Simon Barrowclough in -Part Hope on Friday. Sympathy is extended ta Mn. Barnowclough and family on their bereav'cment. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dinner, Barbara Ann and Ronnie spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Snell. Mn.. John Robb and Jackie, Osgoode, are with Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke, Canal, Sharon and Linda, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Grenville Flett at Fenelan Falls. The Young People held their meeting as usual at Uic school, on Wednesday evening. The topic was taken by Mn. Alan Holdaway, anc o! the Christian Culture lead- ers. Mr. and Mn,. F. B. Bryant and Mn. Sidney Lochant, Port Hope, were Sunday callers wit'h Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne. ZION Mrs. Alex McMatcrz enter- tained the C.G.I.T. girls at ber home on Saturday.- Mr. and Mns. Robt. Killen, Jahnnie and Marie visited at Sami Lce'&, Toronto- Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Camenon and Joyce visited at Stanley Cov- erley's, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintof!, and family, Oshawa, at Wes. Camenon*s.- Hans Geissbergcr, Jr. vîsited at A. Eymnan's, Whitby.- Oshawa Presbetery Young People are having a Drama Festi- val at Zian church on March 28- ?9, commencing at 8 o'clock. Everybady welcomne.- Mr. and Mrp. 1ienry Dant and sons visited at Ross Dant's Scar- bora and also cailed an bis brother William Dat.-. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bail and famiiy visited Mn.. Wm. Brummel at Columbus- Mn.. Anson Balson, Maffat, Mn, and Mns. Noble Stephenson, Burlington, at R.W. Bal'.- Mn. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret at John Krant's, sol ina-_ Mr. and Mn,. Arnold Venner and daughteirs at S. G. Chant's, Toronto- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson an.d family at Onville Knapp'z-, St. George.- - Girl Guide News IST BROWNIE PACK lst Pack Brownies met Tuesday, Manch 15 under leadership af Brown Owl Violet Colwell, Tawny Owl Dot Thompson and Packy Beverly Frank. Commissioner Frank cnrolled the following three girls: Joan Turner, Marguerite Clarke and Patnica Chcetham. Patnica's grandmother, Mrs. Nickerson, was a guest at the meeting. The foi- lowing girls passed tests: Com- pass-Donna Thirtle; God Save the King-Donna Thirtle, Linda Colweli; Bail Throwing-Nancy Lunn; Message-Donna Thirtie. Several games were piayed and the pack entertained Mrs. Nicker- son wîth three dances. The Imps sold candy and realized 55c. The meeting closed with Taps and the squeeze. 2ND BROWNIE PACK lÇanch 16 the 2nd Pack Brownies met under leadership of Brown Owl Gertrude Halîman and Tawny Owl Helen Milne. After we form- ed the Fairy Ring a game was enjoyed. Tests were passed by Brown Owl and the fallowing Brownies passed: Compass Paînts-Pamela Dow- ne,y, Carole Milne, Sylvia Caver- ]ey, Lorelie HetheninF.ton, Betty Foran and Lamna Pinkham. Balancing Book-Naicy Van Bridger. Golden Bar tests were compieted by Pamela Downey and she ne- ceiýed her Golden Bar. Sheila Coverley. Brenda Oke. Carole Oke ail passed Setting the Table, and Carole Oke also passcd Braiding. A Pow-Wow circie was then made and the Fairy Six put an a skit about Red Riding Hood and then the meeting closed with Taps. IST GUIDE COMPANY lst Bowmanvilie Guide Com- pany met Manday evening under leadership of Capt. Jean Devitt and A/Lt. V. Colweil. After ral caîl and inspection Harseshoe was formed and the Guide Prayer re- peated and The King sung. Mrs. Wood took a Neediewoman 's Class. Mrs. Buttery taught Sec- ond Class and First Class First Aid.' Virgi»nia Stutt passed her Second Clàss Knots. Helen Terry is ta try her Tenderfoot next week. Beverly Frank was in charge of two games. At Camp- fire a gaad sing-sang was enjoyed and the meeting closed by singing Taps and The L'ord's Prayer. The heart that is ta be fiiled ta the brim with holy jay must be held still.-Bowes A great amaunt of time is con- sumed in talking nathing, doing nothing, and indecision as ta what one should do.-Mary Baker Eddy HAMPTON Mrs. H. E. Tlnk, Solina, Miss rRuby Dewell, Oshawa, at Pcrcy Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Sauina, Miss Helen Baker, Tor- onto, at Jîm Smales'. Mrs. Cecil Crossman and Jean and Mr. Jîm Nokes, Bowmanville, at Elmer Wilbur's. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Werry, Mr. A. L., Rescoe, Mr. Jack Baker, Sauina, Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Mrs. Lslie Evans, Mr. Will Lammi- man and Mr. F'rank Branton, Oshawa, at Sam Dewell's. FARM FORUM SPROVIDENCE FARM FORUM1 Our forum met at the homes of Mrs. I. Bragg and Mrs. Wm. Bragg for Review night with 45 people present. We were honored to have Rev. S. R. Henderson, minister af Trinity Church, Bowmanville, and his mother as guests. A bounteous pot luck supper was served buffet style, including ice-cream and cake supplied by the men. The homes were festive with St. Patrick's tnimmings. After supper we listened to the broadcast (CBC) then the men took over-Mr. 0. K. Osborne act- ing as M.C. Eleven men accampan- ied by Miss Lilian Osborne at the piano joined in chorus and sang "My Bonny", "Working on the Railroad" and "In the Evening by the Moonlight." These were really good and it would be worthwhile to keep up the good work. Gordon Barrie and Mr. O. K.'Osborne fa- vored with two sôlos each and -the Quartette consisting of W. Bragg. "'FIR CE E" Radio Service? Surel.v yau must know that no business can give you something for nothing. Our service ls flot free but we do offer you something you need - professionai Radio Service at an honest price. We have the knowledge, equipment and lntegrity to put your radio in perfect condition. If vour radio Is not work- lng at, its best-if reception is nolsy and poor, won't you phone us now. We know that you willi be more than satlsfled with the results. 30 DAYS GUARANTEE MY LES' Radio Service (At TED WOODYARD'S 4PPLIANCE STORE) 44 King St. W., Bowmanvile f boue 901 Orono 79-4 WANTED FOR EXPOIT Registered and Grade HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS PHONE 2403 DURBAN FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE Orono Ontario FENCING :-:LIME OILCAKE We have on hand avallable for immediate deliveny a good supply of feeds and chops. Aiso, a f ew broken bags of Stock Iodized Sait at $1.00 per cw-t. PHONE 37-r-1 ROBERT GLAN VILLE, Manager. WAR SURPLUS STORE 24 IDIVIS10l';STREET BOMWANVILLE AIR FORCE OFFICER'S SHIRTS, 2 poekets with flaps and epaulets on shiouidens---- ARMY KHAKI BATTLE DRESS, TROUSERS, 32-40 ARMY KHAKI BATTLE DRESS, TUNICS, 32-44 - AIR FORCE ISSUE BLUE TROUSERS, 32-38 NAVY MELTON TROUSERS (new) - ARMY ISSUE UNDERWEAR: DRAWERS _-----__ _-__--_ UNDERRHIRTS RiED BLANKETS, genuine all-wool, HB., new - each ARMY BLANKETS, grey all-wool -__ EISENHOWER JACKETS, 32-42- ARMY SHIRTS -_-_-_------ $2.95 $3.95 $3.75 $4.50 $4.95 $1.50 ose $6.50 $4.00 $6.95 $1.50 EXTRA SPECIAL IN PAINTS White, Grey. Green or Ried gal. $3.25 Black ----- - -- __ gai. 82.00 Douglas Wight, Gardon Barrie, and O. K. Osborne nendered "Vive l'Amour" and "Bullfrog on the Bank." Mr. Milton Wight thank- cd Lilian Osborne for help at practices. Cards and crokinole erîded a veny enjoyable evening. A vote of thanks was tendened ta the hostes&es by Lilian Osborne, lead- er during the last senies. Mn. J. F. Hcyland Uianked Uic Secretary, Mrs. A. Barnett, for her work during Uic season. Our forum would like ta express their appréciation to The Cana- dian Statesman for Uic prompt and caurteous tneatment shown ta aur weekly reports. Editor's Note-May I also ex- press my pensonal thanks ta Mrs. Barnctt for her much appreciatcd cooperation in reporting the meet- ings so promptly as well as ber splendid nreporting.-G. W. J. This concludes a very success- fui and enjoyable season w'ith an average weekly attendance of 25 members. Au-revoir until Uic Faîl. PONTYPOOL TRINITY AUXILIARY Memben. and friends of thc Evening Auxiliary met for Uic March meeting in Trinity United Church. Mrs. G. R. Elliott pre- p..red and used a very fine poster in nelating Uic life of Pastor Chu Chuin Tai. Il was designed ta help In Uic pronunciation of Chinese place names which become quite a difficulty in prcsenting the study book. Mrs. Richmond veny kindly led in the singing. Letters wene read from Dr. Gladys Cun- nin-gham of Chengtu, West China and Dr. Isabelle McTavish, at present a refugee in Foochow, Fukien, South China. Bath m~is- sionaries are staying in China and hope to carry on their wonk under Uic new regime. Four members of Gnoup No. 2 led in a discussion of Uic lasses and gains ta Uic Chnistian Church in China on account of the war. The literature sect'y presented several books for study, fitted with attractive bright red covens, a bit o! psychology ta beguile thc members ta read her wares. Light refreshmcnts were serv- Keep Wells and Woodwork Bright ailt New-Looldîng witht> INTERIORGLOSS anid SEMI-GLOSS Everybody admires Ials pinted with these beautiful !:emi"g pajots.,You can eaily keep tbem ooking ike ncw, for they 'te washable! Either the fuit Gloss or satiny Semi.Gloss wilI bring dlean,,sparklin g bauty to pour was ad woodwok. ESPECIALLY 000» FOR RITCHENU & IATEROONS $1.90 quart Phone 438 Bowmanvllle 42 KIng St E. il t I We had ta put the aid blood- hound an the 'h-ail ta find out who the Mrs. Wm. Patterson was who claimed ta be an oid neighbour o! ours. If we are correct in assum- ing, her maiden name wvas Alice Bennett, we would like ber ta know that Newpark school is stili in operation, under the capable management of Mns. Orme Miller. We regret th-at McCrea's Church does flot have regular services. When in Toronto nccently, we were guests of Bob and Mrs. Scott. Bob has a splendid job as engin- cen at the Canada Life Building. His parents used to bc noted fan the wonderful hospitality they dispensed ta any who callcd at their farm home. We can tes'tify that Mn. and Mrs. Bob Scott, their daughter Sylvia, and, mother-in- law, Mrs. Dowell, have the same virtue. Some of you aider readers may necaîl, with a twings of shame, how you used ta try wiggling out of a littie schooling, by resarting ta sly tricks ta fool the parents or teacher. The present crop are'nt too dumb, cither. A schoal in this genenal vicinity was cold, one marning this winter, the hdating system. wasn't functioning proper- ý Y. The exaspenated teacher went o sec a nearby trustee, During his absence, the aider boys, fear- ing thc fine might bumn more brig-htly, and, thus raise the room's temperature, held ice an Uic then. mometer. As a result, they wene allowed an extra haur of play. Monday was the first officiai day of spning, Mai-eh 21. Wc knew it the day before, Sunday, March 20, because, an that day we werc hasts ta 14 visitons. Good aId March, Uic mnanth of aur birth, Uic l5th ta be exact; which makes me fifty-faur. By Uic time another fifty four ycars rall by l'Il te ncady for the aid age pension. Last week, C.P.R. boarding cars, containing fifteen men stood an our siding. The men werc mcmn- bers of an "extra gang" sent ta shovel snaw, etc. At present there are faunteen Hydro c'haps staying at the Crot- eau Chalet. Our local "bottled goods" cm- poriums repart business as boom- ing. We neglected ta report, the for- mer Nellie Mucha bas left these parts ta rejain her husband in~ Biermuda. OsWald Mitchell bas returned from Edmonton. Our favou.aite blond, Blanche Kay, was around tawn aven the week-end, a sure sign that spring is bere. Some o! aur elderly folks are indisposed with colds. One of our local ladies, Mrs. Harry Richardson, bas just been notified she has won $64 on a Radio Show. Congratulations! Mn. George White, while stilil confined tu the house, is definitely on the upgrade. Steve Yacymuck is out again aften his recent illness. Oun hockey te-am, The Sturiib- lens, played Kyte's Killers of Bunketon, March 16. Sc a r e, Stumblens iO-Killers 8. With eight seconds left in the regula- tion third period, the Stumblers yankcd thein goalie, ta ice six for- wards. At the face off, Ray Faîtb grabbed the puck, whirled down the ice, and, notchen the tying goal. The lacals clinched the game by sinking the ruU~er twîice in the ten minute overtime.Th whole tcam. was on its tocsnih through the game. Then, just ta prove the Wcdnesday night game was no fluke, the locals handed the Kiliers a 5-3 shellacking an Fniday night. After tnc sun had crassed the "line" an Dec. 21, 1948, Gýeorge! Henderson predicted a sof t or mild winter for these parts, bas- ing his theory on Uie fact that when thc sun had crossed the "line", sautherly winds were biowing. We must admit Mn. Hen- derson was correct. Congratula- tions George! Did you observe how the wind blew on Manch 21? If so, please let us know, then we can wanaur 12,000 readers what ta expect in the line of weather during the next thrce montbs. We wish ta thank Miss Julia A. Syen, Lexingtan, Mass., for so kindly fcrwanding ta the writer, thnce copies of the Chnistian Science Monitor, cantaining some nf the most interesqting artices-- Prepare for a Cold Vick's Rub on Drops --45e Buckley's Capsules 35e Buckiey's Rub ,---- SOc-SOC Nyal Laxacold Tabs .. 25e Buckiey's Mixture ---40c.75c Grave', Brome Quinine SSc-59e Frosst's "217" -- 35c-75c-81.50 Matson's «'49" ~45c-75e Mynex Tabi. _-___ $ 3.00 Kyron -.----------------3.00 Meltoway Tabs. $2.95-$4.95 07 LOW PRICES 10-oz. size Noxzema -.-.81.00 93e size Noxzemna 69e Lge. Lactogen- $1.59 100 A.SA. Tabs. Igc Hot MWater Botties 98e 1-lb. Absorbent Cotton 79e Blondex Shgmpoo 23c NEW Wonder Curli--69e Toul Home Bu . nut's Home Permanent------------82.50 Permanent $3.25 Hollywood Homne Rayve Home- Permanent - - 8 2.50 Permanent - 2.50 &YERST 10-D COD LIVER OIL - Ideal for chlldren 4-oz. 75e - li-oz. $1.75 Phone O LNGS UGSO EWe Fit $05 C W IG R GS O ETramas HIGGON ELECTRIC Tour General Electric Appliance Dealer WALTER FRANK R.R. 5 BOWMANVILLE w ME CANADIAN STATUMAN, BOWMANVIIM. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MARCH 24th. 1949 le Sale Woodbury Facial Soap Regular 3 for 29c SPECIAL - 4 cakes for ý30e TAKE A TONIC NOW Wampole's Extract $1S.00 Feliow's Syrup - 89c-$1.39 Scott's Emulsion 59c-$1.19 Frosst Nea-Chemical Food ,$1.35 - $2.95 - $4.95 4 9 PAM MX

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