Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1949, p. 6

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I£M TEC ADANmATE3UAN, DUW¶IAm???U nV'W< m7SA,?!~WltI I Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bel.sey and Mr. and Mr.. Fred Adair attended thie hockey match at Mapie Leaf Gardens, Toronto. Mr..and Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Gos. Gaines Jr. and Freddie visi- ted Mr. and Mns. Gea. Gaines Sr., on7thursdmy. When your correspondent was * talklng td Mns. Hendry, Lake- -shore, lait week, it was learned frorn bis proud mother that Ar- chie bas wan nother scbolarsbip, 'fIc Robert Bruce Schalarship. Only studentsof Scottisb descent are eligibie for this scbolarsbip. Archie tried the exams at Christ- muas tirneand just learaed last week that he had won the award. Our llearty congratulations ta hlm. Archie la attending Queen's University this year. On Sunday rnorning at the United Church the following in- fants were baptized by Rev. W. W. Patterson: Canal Marie, In- fant daugbter of Mn. and Mns. Ernest Giibank; Donald William, infant son af Mr..and Mrs. Jack Hohnea and James Rndolpb, in- fant son of Mn. and Mrs. Morley Sallows. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Porter on the birtb af twins, a boy and a girl, at tbe Bowxnanviiic hospital: Thursday nigbt, the Newcastle iàons Club entertained the To- ronto Central Lions Club. A de- liciaus tunkey dinner was served. Preeldent, Toronto Club showed colored films ai the Lions Club Conventions in Timmins and New York. For musical entertainment, Mns. Llnk favored with accordian selections and Glen Allin sang several numnbers. A comic selcc- tion by Ted Belsey and Ken Ste- phenson added ta the enjayment of the evening. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Laking, George St., wbo celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary on Marcb 1 and wbo enjoyed a quiet, happy day. They were presented with a lovely cake made by Mrs. Harry Coucb. Many citizens and schaol chul- dren h e been coafined to bouse '~~--~Wthu and bd colds. Miss Mc- Nab nd Mn. Gobeen of the teacb- igstaff af the Public and High sehools were bath out ai scbool 1 OPEN STOCKC DINNERWARE 32-Piece Set $26.00 32-Piece Set $22.35 32-Piece Set $23.80 a few days. Their places were taken by Mns. A. E. Mellow and Mrs. G. Ash. Your correspondent was really pieased ta receive loveiy letters from Mr. and Mrs. N. Seiby, Grand Coulee, Sask., who stîted they are much interested in news in The Statesman, especially from Pontypool and Newcastle. We wish a speedy recovery for Mrs. Geo. Crowtber in Osbawa hospital recovering from an op- eration. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bonathan on the birth of their daughter at Bowrnanville hospital on Monday. We are giad ta bear Mrs. L. Weisgerber is recovering nicely from her eye operation. We hope ta sec ber home smon. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Keith Aiken whose mother, Mrs. E. C. Boimnd, Toronto, passed awmy this week. We cangratulate John James on bis nomination as Liberai Can- didate for Durham riding. Good luck. Lif e Membership Given Miss Blackburn W.M.S. meeting was heid Mar. 3. President, Mrs. W. W. Patter- son conducted the meeting and took charge of the opening exer- cises by reading a short poem and the Scripturc lesson. Mrs. C. Han- cock led in prayer. A highlight of the meeting was when Miss Stella Blackburn was presented with a life-membership Certificate which had been made possible by her sister Mrs. Cale. Miss Blackburn and Mrs. Mel- iow were delegates ta W.M.S. Presbyteriai at Wbitby and they brought back much of the inspira- tion and atmospbcre of tbe ses- sions by their reports. A couple of items that caused thought in- ciuded the fact that if just anc quarter of the church members titbed, there would lie plenty of rnoney for church work, but for every dollar we give, we spend $30 on non-essentiais. Sa, Chris- tinStewards were asked ta The. Newcastle Independen.t bim .Tr mdy Sailowa OPENING 0F HUYCK'S HOUSE 0F STYLE jowmanville Statesman Off ice) EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS PERMANENT STEAN WAVING BOWMANVILLE and DISTRICT ALL OTHER TYPES 0F PERMANENT WAVING - Phone 703 for A ppointmnents social evening at VfLrcoe's Pavii- ion. Visitors: Mr. Charles Shartridge in To- ronto. Misa Muriel Lmngrnaid, Reg. N., Peterboro, at borne. Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Bush, Da- vid and Catherine, Brighton, at A. J. Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Oshawa, at Raiph Davis'. MAPLE GROVE weigh and prmy before they spend. Instead of the Bible Study that aur Society had as a project last year, it was decided that we would read three books, suggest- cd by the Literature Vice Presi- dent. These are "News from China", "Look Again at China" and "Rising Out af the Dust". Frorn aur Study Book "West of the Gorges" a condensed chapter entitied "Christian Citizens in Training" was prcpared and pre-i sented by Mrs. Howard Allia. WORLD DAY 0F FRAYER The World Day af Prayer wms obscrved in Newcastle by a joint gathering of women f rom the Anglican and United Churches in St. George's Parish Hall on March 4th. From its beginning in 1920 wben, for the first time, the wo- men of the different Protestant Communions in Canada met ta pray for missions, this movement bas been extended until the day is now observed by groups of women in more than 70 countnies throughout the worid who meet together on the first Friday in Lent to pray for the betterment of conditions througbout the world. The meeting was presided aven by Miss Mclntosb, and a number of thase present taak part in tbe service, which is held altennately each year, in cither St. George's Hall or the United Church Hall. The offering which amounted ta $5.30 was given ta the supply- ing of Christian literature and Churcb Relief Abroad. CADMUS There was a dance at Devitt's Hall Friday nigbt with a large attendance. Mrs. Lewis Stinson and Mari- lyn spent the week-end in Toron- to. Mr. Phayre bas had an opera- tion in Toronto and Mns. Roland Ginn bas been in Toronto with hlm. Mr. Gordon Brown with bis Parents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown. Mr. and Mrs. D. Archer, Eldon Fee and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry with Mrs. Meredith Thompson. Cadmus Farma Forum was at Belfour Moare's Monday nigbt. There was a nice crowd when in- carne tax and alla-margarine were discussed. Farmers are disgusted with elle, as At bas done a good demi af barm ta the dairy indust- ry. An enjoyable evening was spent. A number frarn here attended the funeral af Mn. James Byers of Blackstock, one of Cartwright's oldesttand bigbly respected gen- tlemen. A number of boys fram here play with Blackstock junior boys hockey. This Friday nigbt tbey go te Part Perry ta play. Mrs. Oscar McQuade is in Baw- manville with ber daugbter Mrs. Frank Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Beifour Moare and Oram spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. Maore's mother. SOLINA Men's Club wili meet at the bal Saturday cvening. Severai attended the Liberal convention at Orano Thursday evening wben Mr. John M. James was selected candidate. Mr. Wes Werry ttended a Dairyxnan's meeting in Toronto last week. Mrs. Jack Baker bas rcturned borne after spcnding a few weeks with ber daughter, Mrs. Chirles Johnson, and grandchildren, Phil- ip and Elizabeth Ann, at Peter- bora. A number of ladies from here attended the World's Day of Prayer service at Hampton church Friday. Mrs. E. R. Taylor and Misses Gladys Yellowlees and Pearl Leach assisted in the ser- vice of prayer and sang. Rev. E. W. Tink, Muskegon, Mich., visited bis cousins, Mrs. H. E. Tink and Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink. Miss Ada Pascae bas returned home ta Toronto after a month's holiday in Florida. Tbe boys' quartette, composed of Murray Vice, Stanley Milisan, Harvey Yellowlees and Bruce Taylor sang "God's way is tbe best way" at cburch Sunday af- ternoon and in the evening sang at Nortb Oshawa Cbunch. We welcome Mn. and Mrs. Joe La Face and little daughter, Lin- da, ta this community. They-bave moved ta Mr. Ed Millson's bouse, acnoss fnom Mn. J. W. Yellowlees. About 80 attended the Farm Forum card party at Sauina School Fniday evening. Lost Hein pnizes wene won by Mrs. Frank Gilbent and Mn. Walten Pannin- der and consalation awands wcnt ta Mrs. John Broomne and Mn. A. L. Pascoe. Mns. Frank Rogers and Mn. Ernest Hockaday were awan- ded eucbre prizes. There was a good attendance at the first sale of the Solina Sale Excbange at Baker Farms Friday when about $5000 wortb ai live- stock, etc., were sold, including horses, cattle, hogs, pups, apples, potatoes, rubber tined wagon, ane automobile and a tunkey. Another sale will bo held this Fniday. Y.P.U. met Monday evening with Harold Clendenen, Fellow- ship Convenor, in charge af pro- gram. Murray Vice and Harvey Yellowlees assisted in wonship service. The histary af the Wal- densians, a group ai French and Italian people under the leader- ship of Peter Waldo, was the basis af an enlightening addness by Rev. E. S. Linstead. These people, Mr. Linstead said, are believed ta have organized the finst group ai Protestants about 1173. A reveal- ing note is that two iifths of their numbers were converts fromn the Cathalic religion. Continuai and bitter persecution was endured by followers af this graup tbraughout the Middle Ages, un- tii Cromwell intervened in their bebaîf and tbey were finally emancipated by Victor Emmanuel la 1848. Bruce Taylor gave bu- mauraus readings and Murray Vice conducted recreatian. An in- vitation ta vîsit Trinity Y.P.U.. Bowmanville, an March 21 was accepted as weli as an invitation ta join Zion young people in a 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Caskey, Frankiord, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cbase, Wellington, with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Metcalie. Miss Mildred Snowden spent the week-end with Mr..and Mrs. E. A. Everson and family at Mon- treal. Congratulations ta Ross Met- calfe an passing bis Grade 2 thea- ny exam on music. Institute meeting will be held Monday evening, Marcb 14. Mrs. Rymal Young, Winnipeg, Mrs. .H. Herancount, Oshawa, witb the former's neice, Mrs. H. R. Fa- ley. Mn. Roy Metcalfe is making satisfactory progresa after bis operatiori in Bowmanvillc haspi- tal. Mrs. A. F. Spencer was rusbed ta Oshawa bospital last week. We hope ion a speedy recavery. Mrs. Whitney Gnose (Kathleen) is at ber motber's bedside. W.M.S. MEETING Maple Grave Women's Mission- any Society met in the cburch on March 2 witb 13 in attendance. Presîdent, Mrs. H. Freeman, pre- sided and conducted the worshîp senvice with the help af Mns. M. M. Munday and Mrs. N. Wright. Special collection was taken amounting ta $10 for relief work. It was decided ta go in witb tbe Evening Auxiliany and the Wo- men's Institute the same as last yean in annanging and collecting second hand clothing for the bale. Anyone baving good dlean second hand clothîng they wish ta donate, please bring or send ta the April meeting. Special W.M.S. Sunday service is on April 24 with Mrs. R. M. Seymour, Enniskillen, g u e s t speaker. Mrs. Laird, Christian Stewardsbip Sec'y., gave a read- ing which brougbt out the need and opportunity for wankers in missionary work. Mns. Talcott took up the study book, with the belp ai Mrs. Cecil Jeifery, Mrs. I. Munday, Mrs. S. Monton, Mrs. Tunnycliff, Mns. N. Wright, Mrs. Cookson and Mrs. M. M. Munday. Quiet music was played while they were taking their places at the front by the assistant organ- ist. Mrs. S. Morton, delegate to Whitby Presbytenial, gave high- lights of a very successful con- vention, attended by 200 women of Oshawa Pnesbyteny, il attend- cd from Maple Grove. Theme af the convention wvas "It Must be done by Me". JUST M.hnm.Y SI.IS lve.y $32.96 Raaelà Canada',Ris. se.,,, son. Th# Admirai 5 uée table geodoi mité, Hilb Fd#lii1 Andis SjyJICUad 3- Ainu. Dymnmu ip#kr?. Se# M4 hem MiliodO>. The Radio Shop YOUR ADKMRAL DEALER FOR BOWMANVILLE Phone 573 38 King St. E. BURKETON Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair on the birth of a son. The community's sympathy goes out to relatives of James Byers who died Sunday in Black- stock. Mr. C. Hoskin visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Lavelle in Toronto. Mrs. L. Eaesman is with ber daughter, Mrs. L. Morton in Osh-à awa. Mrs. J. Green and Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs. T. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rahm, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Ped- ian, Tononto, visited Mrs. H. Rahm. Mrs. B. Hubband and Merle with Mrs. Merle Hubbard and Terry in Norwich. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Slute and childnen, Raglan, Mr. Tommy Gatcheli with the Gatchell's. Mr. and Mns. Dave Gatcheil and childnen with friends in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and family have moved ta the farmn fonmenly owned by Mrs. H. Rabm. Mr. and Mns. Ivan Cochrane and family with Mr. and Mns. E. Adams. Mr. Stanley Taylor was in To- nonto. ** W Sec aur new selection of Shelley cupsanmd saucens. 0 0 p E B SJlwelley and UV VKKiKl .) 100 Les.N#il WT. ' J A ?H0DUCT OF SWIFT amE roîor SPLANT FO00 S 2-126 Now tg the tîme te order your Swifi's Fertilizer for the fuat approachlng Sprntn. maure a tood erop hy usingr thec beat - Swift's Canadiau Gro-Mor Fertilizer. Let us help you with your Machinery Needs for the Spring. We have a certain number Of machines on hand or will be on hand soon, such as:- TRACTORS - DISC HARROWS - PLOWS- SPRING TOOTH HARROWS -HAY LOADERS - SIDE RAKES FAiM FENCE mand STEEI POSTS. W. H. BROWN DEAL=E FORC Came Farm Maehiner7 - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milers and Sepunators BeattY Ries. Stable Equipment 1 Creams & Lotions Pond's Cneams ------ 39c-69c lVoodbury's Creams 39c-69c Hlnd's Honey and Almond Cream - .- 33c-59e Itlum BaIm --- 35e-49e-D8c Trushay..........-- ---33c-53c 10-ot. Noxzema Creami$1.00 Almond and Cueumber Creani. -43o $ 3.47 - $6.72 - 88.12 Flaahllghts 2 - 3-Cell $1.75 - $2.75 - Baby Scales for Reni - Phone n iirvflIPCf EW Fit 695'UIILIIG'S U TOEUM: A HAMPTON Mrs. Elmer Wilbur la with relatives at Woodstock. Mrs. Thos. Jacklin, Star City, Sask., with her aunt, Mrs. S. G. Niddery and Miss Mary Niddery. Mr. Clarence Avery, Haydon, was also a visitar with bis sister, Mrs. Niddeny. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Hanna, Hay- don, at Bruce Ferguson's. Mns. Elizabeth Patterson, with Mr. and Mns. Henry Adams. Mns. Mel Davy spent a few days with friends in Detroit. Misses Dora Purdon, Alliston, and Margaret Purdon, Cherry- wood with thein parents. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Kensey and Lloyd Kensey, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Reg. Kersey and Ronnie, Ajax; Mn. and Mrs. Harold Ash- ton and Claire, Enniskillen, visi- ted at S. Kersey's and attended the wedding ai their sisten Mar- ion. Mr. and Mrs. J. Purdan and daughten visited thein son Harald and Mrs. Purdon in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Niddery and Connie, Bowmanville, Miss May Trewin, Haydon, at Mrs. S. G. Niddery's. Mrs. T. Salter bas neturncd fnom Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Wood, Orona, visi- ted relatives and attended the 3th wedding celebration ai ber sister, Mrs. Lorenzo TruIl. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Metcali, Base Line; Mn. and Mns. Albert Cale, Bow- manville; Mn. and Mrs. Russell Penkias, Zion, were also among those present. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Poole, (nee Marion Kersey) who were mannied an Saturday. Congratulations also ta Lee and Lynda Rackham wha celebrated their 6th birthday on Satunday with a birtbday panty which was an enjoyable event for the little ones. World's Day of Prayer was ob- 88 KIW., ~BOWMANVILLE ANNOUNCING PHONE 747 t THE 67 King St. W. (Opposite The Tuesday, March lSth In KI"IS.W 0F Clover and Timothy Seeds AND Seed grains Now on Display GEO. G. WICKETT PORT HOPE PHONE 228 Phone M8 s erved on Friday with a meeting at the church in charge of. the W.M.S. and conducted by the president Mrs. E. S. Linstead. The prepared programn was foliowed. Ladies fromn Zion and Eidad were present and assisted in the ser- vice. Fitting musical numbers werc provided in vocal duets by Misses Pearl Leach and Gladys Yellowiees and a vocal solo by Mrs. Chas. Naylor which added ta the service and were much mp- preciated. A happy gatbcring was heid March Ist at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barron in bonor of Mrs. Barron's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli, it Ïbeing their 30th wedding anniversary. A number of relatives and a few close friends were present. The evening was spent in garnes after which dainty refreshments were served. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tnull. An interesting social evening was spent in the Sunday school room on Thursday evening when the Aduit Bible Class held an "At Home" which was well at- tended. Mrs. M. Mountjoy pre- sided and a pleasing program was presented which opened witb a hymn followed by prayer by Rev. E. S. Linstead. Mr. Earl Luke favoured with piano accordion selections; vocal solos were gi- yen by Mrs. Jim Smales and Mr. Bert Stevens; readings by Mrs. Linstead, Miss Canal Chant, and Mrs. Mountjoy; Piano and organ numbers by Mrs. Keith Billett and Miss N. Horn; a sing-song led by Laverne Clemens; aIl of which were rnuch enjooed. Mrs. Chant conducted some fun provoking contests and. the social committee were in charge of refrcshments. "Blest be the tie that binds" was sung in closing. The Screech OwI (Continued from Page One) Belleville. This game proved ta be a gaad preparation for Tuesday's game against Cobourg. The game was fast and furiaus with O.S.D. having a definite edge in play in the first hallfand ieading 7-14 at half time. In the second half B.H.S. carne to life and with "Wee" Willy Rundie and "<Flash" Cattran leading the way carne from behind to defeat O.S.D. 30-23. In the "'Lemon League" Tom DeGeer took ail the honours. In 26 shots Tom faiied ta get a bas- ket. "Nice going Tom"! Lilberals (Continued from Page One) the bailoting, included Billv Fris- er, Trenton, and Mr. Benidickson, M.P. The latter told that he wps accompanying bis Ministerial col- leagues ta forth-western Ontario wbere ail three represented con- stituencies. Mr. Fraser, with characteristic ebuilience, was the only anc at the meeting ta make a rousing political speech, and he was, as usual, perfectiy frank in h is disciosures. Cat Out of Bar Mr. Fraser saîd he bad been In conference with Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe who pointed out that at the last election. only one Liberal had ITS A NEW HjlCHý H S' AV IN VALUE,! nuwv ÉNAVA"TAW «PPA".qff Av 'ReWVANVTLTýt. ONTARIC) "' been returned between Toronto and Cornwall. They declded it was high Urne to get started to make a comeback "for the election in 1949." Accordingiy Mr. Fraser camne into Durham County and started the bail rollbng. He depiared the Liberal apathy last election and was confident, now that he saw such a large audience before hlm ta hear the outstanding Cabinet Ministerz; he had secured toaid. dress the meeting, that succes was in the offing. He promised ta return during the fight and beip the candidate chosen. 14 was thus made clear, witbout dis. closing further back-door details, that the polItical fire-bali from Trenton, furnished the ammuni- tion and strategy for the attempt- ed rejuvenation. It may be added as a matterefI accurate reporting that the me~ ing brought forth no great b,,rsy of applause at any Urne. It was a quiet affair considerinpr thc ",- partance of the speakers. This impression was confirmed in reading the reports in the big To- ronto dailies next day from able writers with rineside sertq. i\ot one of them, including The Star, mentioned Mr. Howe and aniy a few lines were given ta Mr. Pear- son. The Statesman wiIl try to correct their omissions in another column and will have samne cdi- tonial comment on the resuit of the convention. -Aý -

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