Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1949, p. 11

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THURSDAY, MARCTH lth, 1949 U~wPLINA IIAN STAT- - - i i t In the Dim and Distant Past From Tih. Statesman Fileu FIFTY YEARS AGO Feb. 1, 1899 Caurtice-H. Gay and sans are erecting a new barn for Jas. Stanley, Bowmanville. Solina-Thos Pascoe gave an oyster supper at his residence on his retirement as reeve. Hampton-Simon Taylon's hause was destroyed by fine, supposed to have caught from stave pipes. Thos. Canant, Oshawa, has pubiished a new book -Upper Canada Sketches" which is ai con- e~iderable interest ta people af this V~district. Taranta Star is pubiishing a symposium an the subject 'Should Ministers Smake?' J. H. Devitt, reeve ai Cart- wright, bas been elected warden Unhelievablo Comfort and gueran..d MOT TO SLIP or y.vr mon.y lefu of the Unted Counties. Corporal Hobbs, janitan at the pubiic sehools, has the grippe and Fred Bannes is acting janitor. 1 Cjwanvile- Aýlfred Cobble- dick and Lizzie Wilson wene man- ried Jan. 25 by Rex'. M. E. Wilson. Crooked Creek - Wh i 1 e J. Stapleton was drixing aver the bridge on 4th Can. the bridge gave way and he and his hanse received a cold bath. Feb. 8, 1899 Two columns on front page was devoted ta a law-suit af Byers and Keeiy vs Darlington Town- ship axer an improperly con- stnucted cuivent at Bunketon. Township wan the case with law- yer Simpson as their solicitor. Deaths repontcd: Lewxis Quick.f Mns. Franklin Nonthcote andi Maimum probdeci whon imf. fIg hntvy welgMs bending. et&. fer 80 amove spartior work liii i4p t, «e M t W9e0.8 MOË e s maximoeton av/m The SPORTSMAN Trusi Cen ider thes* essentiel feutures-Scientifically Deigned fée WfSeif.ting - Maximum Protection -Real Comfort Wiéeut Friction - It is unconditionally Guaranteed 10 " PINSONAL FITTINQI 9 IVY OVER THE COUNTERI 0 TUEHOIE 0 POT Off ANS FUGIT YOUR RUPTUREI COWLING'S DRUG STORE ]PHONE 695 B9WMANVILLE lheyre arrlving dally.** the latest la SPRING COATS .SUITS. . .DRESSES... and HATS too. Drop lI tn day and choose yours. A(J DRESSES m m wlih an air of Spring Spring is here now wben you see aur large collection of new Spring creations just madle for you,~ You'Il find every style and colour imagin- able ln this hight array ai Spring fashions. Budget-con- sciaus shoppers know and appreciate aur dness shop "buys." Tailored for flattering fit, wbetber you're a Junior, Misvs or Womnan's haif size. AIl in Spring bright pints and pastels. Came in and sec these budget-priced beauties to-day /1 i. p Fashion-significani Spring .... SUIT S m m m See the New Spnîng Suifs for '49 with their reed-siim skirts . . . boxy and fttcd jacketg g.. malier-t ,-pc collars unique button treatments! Readv. for yaur immediate pneview. Camne see if thev dan't live up ta your exciting bigh lashion demands! , Couch, JOhnston & Cryderman PHONE 836 49 Ring st. W. BolVMANVILLE Samuel Westaway, Brantfar, iormerly ai Hamptani. Conundrum Art Gallery Socii at home ai Mrs. R. Freeland wý a great success. Musical pragrai was provided by Misses Eva Cr3 derman, Eva Luttreil, Edith Cal scadden, Nellie Saunders and M W. Alezander. Duncan Taylor, Woolen Miii Hamptan, bas been appointe guardian oi his niece in Spai with a fantune oi $170.000. Haydan-Prof. Venning, th pbrenoiogist, is visîting P. Mal lony. Feb. 15, 1899 Solina-W. L. Law recent], presented his famiiy with a su perb Dominion piano . . . Chaç Werry has been appointed leade ai Eidad choir. Enfield-The species ai the ca nine race seemn quite scarce o late, due no daubt, ta annual visi ofethe assessor. Rev.*J. H. Barnett pneached hi, fareweli sermon Sunday at Tria ity Congregational Church. J. K. McCullock, Winnipeg champion skater ai the world will give an exhibition at Bawý manville rink Saturday night. John Jackson rcported ail taxe! had been collected in Clark( Township with exceptian ai $10 77, of this amaunt $2 was dog tax. H. Maulton beat this record in 1894 when every cent ai taxes xvas collected. Feb. 22, 1899 Enniskilien-On Jan. 21 Miss Erena Riggs was marnied ta Mn. W. C. Bowen of Manitoba. Haydon-Thos. Goodman bas txvo broken nibs the result of a kick by a hanse. Solina-Jahn Reynolds had a christening on Wedne*sday whea guests wene ail present except the minister . . . Conti-act for îew schoai bas been lot ta Vice 3nos and Andrexv Pennington for trifle less than $1000. Tynone-Anthun Stock and Etta Farnell were mannied at the home of Mr. Wm. Farcîl Sr. Miss Shaw's Suaday schoal class had a pleasant sleigh ride ta the home ai Frank Tomlinon. Among local citizetîs attending he Ontario Ladies Coilege con- versaziane, Whitby, were Dr. A. S. TiIiey, Alian Williams, Fred Vanstone, Norman, James, Misses Gertie Gloven, May Vanstone, Masetta James, Carnie Martyn, Eva Trebilcack, Bertha Tamblyn. Newtonville. Mrs. Arthur Lockbart present- M lien husband with a bouncing aby boy. ocial event of week was mar- iage ai Chas. Ruthenford and [iss Mina Gilmer. Oshawa-S. F. Hill, Bowman- icl, grand organizer ai A.O.U.W. ias been in tawn and 9 new mem- *rs bave been added to the dge. Dr. W. E. Tilley, M.A., has been ppointed delegate ta Internat- nal Sunday schoal convention tAtlanta, Ga. .WENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Jan. 31, 1924 David Mornîson Sr., ccle.brated is 75th binthday an Jan. 30 lve's neteîitive mind has con- buted much ta the history ai is Caunty as weIl as in the ýalm ai music. The editor contnibuted a cal- -in article ta "The Wonders ai adia" wbich. in those days was its swaddiing ciothes. Darlington Couincil granted Sa- n Telephone Ca. rights ta aper- be their system. aven certain îds la the township. Walter M. Fawlds, Reex-e ai stings, was eleeted Warden ai rbam and Northumberland for ý4. diii Ayrc, Salina, attended a ncheon given in Goverament use, Toronto, bY Lieut. Gaver- SCockshutt which w'as attend- by about 400 representatives farming cammittees in Ontario. Feb. 7, 1924 W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., was elected1 esident ai Methodist Chunch 1r. T. W. Stanley was chair ec tor. Mliss Ethelda Hazlewaod was trried ta Mn. A. S. McNairn, To)- Sunday, aged 80 years. G. N. Thurston. gents furnishers i announced his selling and sale. Alpha Pinch writes from El Pa- so, Texas, where he is visiting his brother. Col. J. E .Farewell, K.C., Wbit- by, a former Crown Attorney for Caunty af Ontario, died, leaving an estate af $65.000. ial Ir. Is. ed in e ciet21,192 Toroto D 2ha, Ol1924s TonomenttohDuhome ofdrBoys' Clu me tT.hE. ahm ing n.aend Prsf. . . CWashn gtoen hd- Preo A P. oieman goae an ad dnsCoa Gergy.omaMoo Mcthodist Church C.G.I.T. put on1 a successiul pageant "The Seanch fan H-appiiiess." Cast la- ciuded Grace Caverly, Beatnice Cryderman, Janey Masoii, Lucy McMluntny. Marion Wanden, Reva Caverlv, Helen Argue, Dorothy Beliman, Catherine Pinch. Notable cancer ai a Keadal,t Clarke Twp. boy- was rccorded in the persan ai Dr. Ambrose T. Staîîîaa, Vsha was Director Gen- eral Gox'cnnment Labonatories ai Fedierated Malay States. Manv letters fromî radioias ta E. C. Rehder ai station IOAE.f Bawmaaville, are neccived m-eek-0 ]v stating they lîean the local pr- Feb. 28, 1924 Death of Clara Rice. widov J. H. Kydd, formc-rtv af Bowmai ville, took place at Cebalios, Cub on Feb. 19. Sauina Leagueirs (Chas. Shai ridge, Elgin Taylor and Lyc Tayipr) won the inter-league ýd bate from Newcastle an 'Consol dated Schools vs~ Rural Schools. It has been announced the Joh Darch and Somers farms ha' been' acquired by the gavernmer for a schooi for "sub-normal an delinquent bays." Oshawa has made applicatio ta Ontario Municipal Board ta -b A ST. PATRICK'S LANCE ivill be held ln the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday, March l7th iinder the auspices of the BOARD 0F MANAGEMENT Roy Forresfer's Six-Piece Band IN ATTENDANCE -Spot Dances and - Lucky Numbers ADIMISSION Per Person -----------50e YOUR EYES and Vision1 * . ~ Rewîittea 1from previaus *copyrights ai C. H. Tt'(K Optotmetrisi Disney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 45 Penhaps vou have noted. bead tiiting, or the closiiig ai ane cye in th- -endravoiir ta impnox-o the vision at distance or nean. Don't ox'eloak an apparent physicai condition w-hen studying the' eye and its defects. Maîv eN-e defects are marc prnnced due ta a nîn-doxxa an ovetaxed phv\- sical condition. To some extent an expianatonv therr wi Il appl ta aIl cases hut will applv at time, oniv in part. 'u esaon %with no apparent effort Vs-bu do a pic(ý<o i ai work vwell, while aiîother x;-th a xaste ai mucli tinie and effort must give up. If this means of wasting effort appeals ta ano I the case apa]ite. to voxu c-kte neasan or tue -m'"iv ion o n,'en sake. (Copyrighted' 'rsh corne tii and earne here AT RAINY RIVER D~ P VAN'I of a .3o011. mie 4iç c-ah, (il iir irtilig big gana- iii t lic-un riatîîral hlintsIl ,uui dr-ains roie truc- at liai nv Il vr.Ilre us tilie bîornoftile ligîrting tigi-n-îii-.kie. i l, otien-ýs Ii lo clomu svasrn l'or lA e îtrorît, to r itlll.in jik-!. By rail it'sa t r-i trili froiîi 'l'iîiita tel iniv l wuxci-,~ isc-Bri of I' rade us glari tir und il iii i!] ini- l'amr' Siîîinil allsaiilt Mi- ,iarie tr, Ptain 'v ILake. Yrila-ct nianv xi-.uîrirs frîilice 1-.. ik "LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME eACK" ai an- ba, ,da e- )I- ive id on Darlinqton Council -Pays $200.00 For Fox Bounties Darlington Council met March 3with Reeve Arthur Milîson pre- siding. Ken Happer addressed the council re-hunting licenses and open seasan for foxes. This mat- ter was laid aver. J E. Osb1ornc, representing South Darlington Area School Baard, requested an advance af $8000 tawards teachers' salaries. Grant- ed. By law was passed authorizing the barrawing of $20,000 for the Township. Bis were presented, and ail relief bis must be itemized and signed by reliefee. Road Supt. presented his report and vouchers which were ardered pa id. The following bills were paid: Pravincial Treasurer Insulin --- .- --9.19 Cndan Statesman Prin'Tng------------- 47.60 Cawkers Grocery Groceries ---- - 41.44 Nornman J.' Woodiey Inspection - ------ 0 Armstrong Fuels Relief Futel------ 22.00 Bell Telephone Ca. Service --6.66 Trull's Groceteria J.Grocenies ------------ 24.46 J. D.cgarth Feb. SaIany --------- - 145.00 J. D. Hoath Ecse and Postage 4.00 Post S an a toria Care 36.'00 Toronto Stationery Supplies -- ------ 171.35 , Glen Rae Dairy R . Davýev - ------- -21 6 GPioceries 15.57 M. J. Hobbs A d v a n c e Teachers' Salaries - ---------- 8000.00 J. D. Hogarth For Fox Bounfies- 200.00 Relief . 192.801 Roads and Bridges -.--- 20,647.28 Couincil adjaurned to April 7. ZION (Hope Twp.) Mr. McHolm, Roseberry Hill, was entertained by bis daughter, Mrs. Ethen Jones, Newtonvile,, on his birthday. Mr. Fred Brown is progressing! favourabiv after his iilness. While* confined ta the hause, bis son-la- law, Mr. Max Moare is helping with the farm work. Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Caswell. Jean, Iris, and Miss Gwcn Jones attendeci the Skating Carnival and visited Mr. and Mrs. Georgeý Buitlers, Orano. iMr- Edgar Walker, -O.AC, GuIeiph, spent the wveekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Caswell and family attended the birthdav party ln honor af the niece Wyi- lene Wilson, Newcastle. Miss Gwen Joncs spent the %veekend wvith hcr cousin Miss Gertrude Jones, Taronto. A number fnom hene attended the Liberai meeting in Orono raised ta the status af a city, hav- ng a population of 15,.545, citizens. .Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Cr eeper. -lorsev St., ceiebrated their 401h wedding anniversar.v an Feb. 26 uhen their friends presented them with a lavely set af Limoges hina. Phiip and Ross Tiliey, students t Universit ' vnifToronîto, made a iclan up in the inter-rcsidencr ,x\vniîng neet at Hart House. arning 32 points out of a total 52. 1 ROBIN HOOD FLOUE - a 37e CROWN or BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP Ti .25e IMPORTE D SHRINPS z 39e No. 1 WHITE NOMEYTi.. 75e FOR A REAL SHINE ]POLIFLOR WAX T . n3«< ANN PAGE HOT '+ BUNS P'g.23 FINE CANADIAN OLD CHEESE 4 . CL EANSE R OL»D UTifCH Ctni.W AYLMER CRUPE JUICE S 10< MeLAREN'S POWDERS JELLY '" 3 Pkgs. 25e IONA - 50o' SYRUP PEACHES - 2 Ooz 2l< ROYAL RIC E « Pk3 le CA MPH ELL'S TON. SOUP 2 Tins 21 OUR OWN ]BLACK TEA lb. 5 LIBBY'S, Cooked in Clisese SPAGHETTI 2Ti 25e AYLMER SLICED APPLES (2 PIES) 28.0z.15 FA N C UYTEBESI FOR LESS - RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF STEAKS or ROASTS rPORTERROUSE, SIRLOIIV65 WING or BOIVELESSIROUND lb 6 E XTRA LEAN SIE MINCE» BEEF ' 39 POeLV R LIE 1. 5 ntilil ILLD l ifCOTTAGE CHEESE ~21 BOJLJNG FOWL - 45c ~ET LARGE No. 1 lb. 8 FRESII KILED lbLT-28 LAME, Legs- - 69c COD FILLETS FRESH lb. 31< Fronts-- 45c SMNED FILLETS lb. 38e SLICED CHOICE BREAKFAST BACON 63< HALBUT STEAKS lb.3 ANN PAGE, WHITE or BROWN ILK BREA» A & P CUSTOM rROUND BOKAR COFFEE FAN CV KETA SALMON A MEAL FOR FOUR IONA GREEN PEAU IONA TQMATOES Loaf LU' -. - Ilb.,4 2 29e 320-oz.29 320.cz. 15e TinZ15 A & P 4.u;iand VUgeiai/ri Florida Marsh J for Forida xValencia, Doz. ORNGS No. 1-176's 49e APPLES B.C Mcntoh. Doz.3< IBEMONS Imported, Fresh, No. 1 Pkg.13 ONIONS Large No. 1e.,n- - 4 lb, 15< Cei o o king CA R R O TS Ten r , Ws hed, o . 4 Is 15e SPNAII Texas Curly L a 2bs. 29e CELERY STALKS p ascal o, 12 fr29e CUBAN, FIRM, FRESH, No. 1 TOM A T ES H n SlcedQ ait 25< Catufornia Iceberg au-17 LETTUCE N o. 1-60's 7 Dai eb. 14, 1924 is 0t Dirt d eithf eb ratd1is2.t birthdvi Feb.plce 12.or W eoddlage"ookn ple at9. o n-is wood PlCe'BayondebC9.aisMiss SyHen oC.onaao.hs.W Amî,tnneto.,eksRoayCu At nchoxtheBwk's oar Clb seunc hen he By otansusef- serv befehnr otnasBf Ja. bee.Duly ehsa mt J. C. serDud ievdet he, et igtreniaus aciden h ierfeu- inge tee wenarnc ih'iejrced ane oteye adsrht. nue H ot. Suhwseetdpe H.eJ. ou Chrkwas elcted rSi- det a lne giutua a -p1 PAGE ELEVEN BOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO Mai. Foote Addresses Durham Club On Pursuit of Happiness The Durham Club af Tarant( met at the I.O.D.E. Headquarters February 24, with President, Dr F. C. Trebilcock presiding. Mn. O. Henderson read a flot! Of appreciation from Mrs. J. H Fair thanking the members fa., their takens of syýmpathv on the death ai Mr. Fair. Mrs. Fair's res- ignation as corresponding secre- tary ai the Club xvas acceptec upon her request. Major John W. Foote, V.C., M. PPwas the guest speaker ai the evening. and xvas introduced b% Dr. Trebiicock. Major Foote in h opening remarks spoke Of the many opportunities aiiarded the natives af Durham County, the industries which have apened up, anîd of how, pleased he was ta be living in the County. '"Pursuit af Happiness" I as the subjeet of Major Foote's a dress. and ho based.his remarks an some of bis expeniences in the prison camps ai Germanv during the late war. He said 'that, to have true happiness ane needed ta have 'faith and courage" in what one vas doinga and that the fun- damental things af life, such as food, clothing and a xvarm place ta sleep were necessities in the iinding af happiness. Ho eniarged on the difficulties in the prison camp, the food they had ta eat, and sill the soldiers found happi- nless in doing things ta improve their education, by pursuing hob- bies and by building a church. Ex'cryane, he said, bas resources within themseives ta be happy, if anc knows how ta use them. Mn. Don Liaden, accampanied at the piano by Mn. Bruce Madden favourcd with vocal salas, "Belîs of thie Sca", and "Brown Evýes." The social hour was in charge of Mrs. O. Henderson's group,, with Mrs. A. E. Austin and Mrs. Ai. Rundie presiding at the caicee urns. The meeting closed with the inging ai the National Anthem and Auld Lanaý Syne. Visitars ac- ompanying Major Foote were MIr. Kelso Raberts and Mn. C. H. E. Stewart. The Maneb meeting is ta be in carge ai Dr. L. B. Williams when he wiIl show pictures ai Canada, including some ai Dur- am County. when Mr. John James, Bowman. parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Caniadian producers of full- ville xvas nominated as candidate. Mrs. K. Burton has been under fashioned hosiery report a grow- Mr. &ne Mrs. T. Wilson, Newv- the Doctor's care but is improv- îng demand for sheerer types of castie, helped celebrate with Mr.1 ing. hosiery, necessitating new fine and Mrs. Eilswvorth Caswell on Mr. Gray is home and recover- gauge machines. their wedding anniversary. ing from en operation at Bramp- O ton hospita'. sýMr. and Mrs. George Johns vis- Stafford Bros. r. NLMLETON ited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. MONUMENTAL WORKS Miss Helen Bowers, Toronto, eispent the weekend with hier par- Open Every Day 1. Nestîcton W.I. met at the home ns and Evenings 24 ladies and some childien pre- Gay nd Mreneovisi e rsand, 3 PhoDnde WS E.,Wh552 of MrGasFrerMrcd s t r. 1and Mrs. Ma, icoie rsond, 318hne aVitby 552 J sent. Meeting was in -charge of Mrs. E rnie Bradley, Oshawa. Mrs. R. W. Marlo\v's group. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Middle -________________ Forder handed in the 2nd finisshed tan, Saskaton, xisited their cou- quilt and the price was put on it. sins Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson. Pians were made for a euchlre Mrs. Glen Brooks, Newcastle, *party when lucky draw for quiit Mr.Gan roks owa5Ile A -OUAFFORD xili be m ade for B ritain's relief . G a t B oos:o m a v e visited Mr. and Mrs. Laurence sA letter xvas read frorn Grave W. Malcolm. * o L> I. in E ng lan d . R oll C ali w as an - C o n g ratu latio n s t a M rs. L a w -___________________ " swredwit IrsliJakes. Mrs. R . rence Malcolm in passing lier A. - -_ " W. Mrogaa lnidpprRCT. singîng xmiOsaa§ M FI M U onhelt. hrewee evr l onThursda exm n shaxaFI EMAN good readings gix en. Contest xvas Miss Lorraine Junkin, Port Cre-ST K R %von bv Mrs. Wilfred Jackson. A dit, Mr. and Mns. Kenneth Lamb, CGE T 30O%' dainty lunch xvas served by Mrs. Clarkson, visited Mr. and Mrs. M R NA Frder and lier group. Alil were Cecil Wilson and Mr. and Mrs.M RENA given a vote of thanks for another W.Lnb pleasant afternoon. Next m eeting W DoLn a g t h .A e ti g i at the home of Mrs. Sue's. Caesa- Dat r T thBoer's.A.mrching. JACK B RO UG H re, prl , ncharge of Mrs. W._______._______ Macli17 PLU31BING AND HEATING D. Ferguson's group. Bowvmanville 3 King St. W. Sympathy is extendcd Io Mrs. Ali words are pegs ta hang Phone 2384 John Bond and farnily in Mr. ideas an.-Henry Ward Beecher. Bond's passing after a lingering illness. Mrs. Wiimer Fitze visited Mrs. L. Jablin. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow entertained the Euchre Club Fni H l The E $ Re Cr s dyni ght. RHdICros Mrs. Alan Wilson is painting teinterior of their store wvhich makes a great improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Hamiley Hoskin and sons, Elmivaie, Mrs. Harold Wheeler, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernie Sxvain, HI ackst ock, visited Mi. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskjn. Mrs. Wilfrei Jackson visited AAB Mrs. L. Joblin visited lier uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Prautt. Miss Margaret Steele. R.N.. Sunnybrook Hospital i x tedli er m IH CAMAMTAM ,2 22e Tin dmft m ILVANIMS«

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