Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1949, p. 11

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TNUTRSDAY, YEn. lth, 11949 Masters, Hoskin and Wils for Omemee by tpes Smith (2). The second ga The ewcastle 8IdependeU the series will be played at Mirs. Trudy Sallows mee Thursdav (to-night)a ________________________________________ The. commun ity extends patby to Mis, Ruth Alun, Pauline Branch, Peterboro, was band joining her for the week- awa and relatives off Mr.1 home for the weekend. end. Allun who died suddenlyj Mrs. Howard Toms is enjoying Tne Young Married Couples of ronto Sunday. Mr. Allin's f was held in the UnitedC à ek' holiday witb Mrs. Ethel United Church beld a successfu1 Orono. with interment in Fettes. and enjoyable skating ary tCeer. Miss Hazel Powell. Lakeshore. the rink. About 1,5 couples were S\ mpathy is also extenc %vas ekn iitra un present. All returned to the Par- Mekn iio tSnyr.s. Howard Ormiston, Bo% Le ýi Lor?ge. sonage for refresbments. ville, on the sudden death Mr. Joe Hockin, Ajax, spent The Percy Tamrbl-n's entertain- father. Mr. Andrew Minto. Saturdav witbh hs mother Mrs. ed a number off friends Friday tonville crn Friday. The Tý W. Hockin. ievening- when a social time was resided here a few yearE Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hor Toron- en'Jo *ved. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Go- making many friends wh oar, heen and familv, Bowrnanville, 1 sorry t0 hear off Mr. Minto's to, spent the weekrnd wîth bis eedwfoth vnn. igTe ot rlie Mother, Mrs. E. Hoar.weed nfoteeenn.ngThnootorliv Mrs ErlWalo bs etîred C. G.IT. United Church grolp: friends of Mrs. Ethel Osbor. Ms alWeek's hoias -ture met on Tuesdaxv evening. Mrs. extend our sympathy. Mr! rela- Nesbiî tndd the grls ans:orcand 1borne died suddenly on Si- nd rxeds n Trono. spoke a tfe%% minutes regaig Ms.Oson abenaf Mr. and Mrs. Don Parks, Belle- health. After the business period1 figure around Newcastle for 'Ville, visited Mrs. Reita Em'blev. conducted by Norma Allun, the, years. She will be greatly xi Mr. T e and M iss Oldield. eetingz closed with Taps. For Mr. nd rs.Hary Couch and recreation the girls u-ent skating.H iti e Mrted Mrs. Percy Tambîvo vis- In the O.M.H.A. MdgL9.H lsenQe itedMrs.Tamblv'n's brother in plav-offs series. Newcastle L i Oa ad Toronto on Sundax-. plaYed Omemee at Orono arena, Holstein Board .Mrs. Ken Withers and baby; Tuesday nigbt with the score off Wayne, Pcterboro. visited berl Newcr'stle 4. Omemnee 3, Goals mother Mrs. P. Tamblyn. Her hîis- for Newcastle %vere 1wY Creamer, lI a press release issued t secretary off the Holstein- ian Ass6ciation off Canada lo-wing tbe annual meeting in Toronto, Feb. 2, the nar Jnnics T. Brown, NewcastlE pears as being re-elected 1 N a tional Board off Director tecurrent year. Mr. Browr also serve as a member off th SA LA DA Mc Extension CommittE the Association. Also elected to the Nai Board off Directors was Gei SA LAJK MLaugblin. Elmcroft F Oshaw,%a. Following the dea bis father the late R. Ray Laugblin, George took char TEAEniroft Farms and was hoi I teHltin-reinAs5 tienin ein elcte tothe Outstanding Quality - Delicious j lo r onal Directorate in wbici THE CANADIAN STATtESMAN. BOWMANvTLLLE. ONTARIO on and1 Newcastle HeS Iiy ukrHlwt r n home in Sunderland. mn andH OBms.I.gTUARYVLkei ShreuCarkce fmrs ly B nel,1 wîtAroldMr.and an ame of ýCommencement 1__ ile N rs.erc Snll. rs.Ar nldthoMr. ndke an 1 M iss M u riel M aso n w th h er Li d K a th M . a d M . tuceOrneAf-ai FREDERCK GRAHAM Mr. and Mrs J. Holmes and sister Mrs. George Martyn, Wel- Harold Barrowlough. Arote 7:30. fies igl famîi"y wîth Mr. and Mrs. N. Go- corne. Farmn Forum met nt Carrol svm- Arother off Newcasties highîy ~heen. Port Hope. I M.CrlDrertre oNcol'Mna vnn ih1 1Os- Newcastle High School held 1 respected citizens, Freder i c k preyi arertre t ihsnt da vnigwih1 Harold their commencement in the Com- Graham, was taken by eath in Mis Rae Venner, Hampton, Port Britani after spending revý-IrMet in To-J munity Hall Fridav eveningr, Feb. Bowmanville Hopital, Feb. e itb MssJoyce Martin. ea ek in Toronto. Hop. îthM and Mrs.B.H lsa dL u funeral 4. Fae Joncs. Presiàént of the Stu- had been J11 for rive and a h alf Mr. 'and Mrs .A enr r laec ihl n isrel,~~ r.B usadLu hurch j dent Council, gave a few well montbs, the latter part orff wbich Hampton, hÊd Saturday nighti Dora Anderson %vith Mr. and Mrs.EdrBrocouh Ooopresented words off welcome. The, he endured much suffering. î dinner with Mr. and Mrs. GordonI Earl Maynard, Toronto. Mr. Toppin with Mr. and Mrs. Ornprogram began with choruses by Mr. Graham w-as borri Feb*. B \Martin.I Mrs. Archie Ford and farnilv Haro]d Barrowelough. ded to student bodv wlth Claire Allin sev enty -f ive years ago in tbe M.adhr.W daswtix r ndMs o 1HI.Pr wma n- and Evelyn Goheen-as accompan- Township off Clarke, 'son off theî Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Bebee. Hope. Our ideals are our better seves. off ber ists. These numbers included late Mr. and Mrs. George Gra-, Morrish. Mrs. George Tufford at her -A. Brorson Alcott. .New- .King who Ordainest" "Go Down" ham. He was raised on tbe farm A number of Junior Farmers Minto's "Moses" "Vive La Canadienne" now occupied bY Meivin and Flos- attended an entertaioment off the -S ag (this two part being m uch enjoy- and four sitcrs.Or n H l. F b. . at w ch M \. ,. p ass- d and "Soldiers off the King". Mr. Graham~ married LydaCCarvetb. NewcRstie, showed es ndPrseetatonof ries nd, Wllo in197 ad h ave pcue ndsei'speaker t io *ne we awards were as follows: lived at the present residence oni part. " x' sOs- The Montague Scholarship for Kn t o 2yas farming and M.ad r.A.Bnwi n unday. Grade 12 was won by Joyce Mar- esri h ulca olda-famriiv with Mr. and Mrs. H.S. miliar tin, and for the bovs-Ronalder Taylor, Coî'rtice.- some Powvell- each receiving $75- H vsa ebrof h nted Mr. and Mrs. AIE Brown and riised an woth orkng or.Church, and acting eider at the Jack with Mrs. H. Brown, Toron- - The Mellow Shield for char- time off his death. He was former to. _ acter. leadership, scholarship and Superintendent off the Sunday j iathletics awarded by student School. In fraternal society con- '\* vote to Ronald Powell. nections be was a Past-master offiSN.9Cart / U. ficiency in Grade 10 was won byan Past-master off L.OL., 26.5. I .... Doreen Selby. Dr. Butler was Mr. Graham is sLîrvived bv bis This community w~as deeply by the missed as he usually makes the wiffe, four sons,. Alfred. Stanley sbocked and saddened on Fridav -Fries- presentation himself but is South axnd George off the village and wben word came that Mr. And- P Ii . afol- at present for bis health. Wilbert, on the General Motors rew Minto, our friendlv Raw lev R T held The Philip Shield for Proficien- Staff in Oshawa; rive brothers. man, had been found dead inbis me off cy in Grade 10 to Robert Martin. , Robert, Milton. Melvin, New- car on the roadside near Orono. I odru esr e, ap- These above mentioned prizes' castle and Edsall, Toronto, and He liad made bis regular calîs ci Iononefl esr o the were ail presented By Rev. D. R. three sisters, Mrs. Rueben Payne., the home in tbis vicinitv the day Ynu,16Il make it again and again and, of course with rs for Dewdney. Newtonville, and Lucy and Flos- before. He vw 111 be greatlv missed Purp a Flouhr ce...nand perh s ang seeneia n will Special prizes Sie Of Newcastle. with bis kindlv\ smile. Our sin-faheyae..ndprevnsocnmcl ie Na- PresoSuarFec Pre The funeral was held on Feb. cere sympatbv goes out to bis elleof Grae 1) t Joye Mrti an .1with a short service at the resi- daughter. Mr' Minto with his preentd b Re. W Pateron.dence witb Rev. W. W. Patterson wiffe and daughter lived for some - tinlofficiatîng and then a scïý,ice at time in No. 9 section on w'bat was ' tiona. oceepeseWe.tak the United Cburch under Mi-asonic known as the Dickson farm. i o . rech ode auspices which was very Dave McReelis happened with a ~,f rm. The Joseph Coulson Memorial largely attended. Interment was bad accident Wednesdav wben it 1 th off Prize to the winner off the Eng- in Oro)no Cemnetery. is thougbt the team he was driv-- Mc ls Esy otetRoefMl Pailbearers were F. B. Love(- ing became ffrightened off the 'ge oflw a rsntdb a.P m J. H. Jose, Irwin Colwill, train and bolted dragging Dave. noredLvai- oono Howell Rowland, Wallace tIolmes He managed to bring his team soca- Mrs. Fallis English Prize (Gr. and Hxiprv Britton. back to tbe bairnvard but cannot Nat qe and 10) on by Dorseen Powell Lovelv, floral tokens were sent rememnber wxhat happened. His and.rsne yMisH .Ms from i. O.L.. 265, Cowanv ille. Off- face %,was badlv eut and bru ised, -- Te Cnadan Cub istryficial Board off United Cburch. one nastv' gash'in tbe forehead re- ThI CndiLion itoy 1-s Club. Duîrham Lodge 66. quiring' several stitches. Both = JPrize (Gr. 9 and 10) to Doreen Palestine Chapter, Mrs. Brown's knees were 'nruised and cut. He is 1 Powell. Jru United Chîîrch W.A., New- recovering slowlv. Crest tn the "Rest Shot' in the goi Cadet Corps won by Spence castle Veterans' Association. New- Mrs. Samuel McReelis and four castle HorkeY Club. Sheppard and, sons, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Creamr.~ These last tien were' Gili Lumber Co., General Motors iD, McReelis. . rUIebd4W IftL TheAt ev. ateron Main Office Bowling League. Fourteen ladies off No. 9 Ladies 3 ~ bte PrtMI utrl r8lc qoebilgdii d rn I The Athei Shield rSThG eClub et at Mrs. Harold Gibson's 3/ cup brawn sugar ounger and spr.ad the mixtur.e v.nly over 5h.d bottom of the hanmin shield o racSr GrsThursday. Several projects are, or 4 medium size iasoeenioeap. ndetoc ei scin eoh J hapînsipt Gac MrcrNewvcastle Hits 1 under consideration. 3 rosi or green cherisia Wise. Set In rows in the. butter-îijgar ixture. Place a cherry in by last year's winner, AudreN~Ilstae Dennis Gibson spent Sundav 1/4 up sflortning ecdicerner and ont ln thé middl. Graham. IlsrtdSection wt!Bro/But hohs ur S$POOSi Vanille The J. A. Smith Shield-Sr. M nte i hsdByr. N hortein od nonilaur-o ail dd ga Boys Champion-Lloyd Martin, M nra Standard cae a.tpgranulacd sutat o.-Creom sh,.ig, ott-il.GouIyedsgrm Mr ik r sh ld yn i i 9blond weii together. Add weII.Iicoten cgg. Mix Purity leur, presented iby îast year's winner, -h Mr. FiskerSr. Niolyigwih 3/eeaspoon Sait boiiing powder andsait end sifs sogesiier 3 or 4 i,,,,,s, o dd Alec Martin. The rotogravure section of i auheMr.Ncî at Ba- 4 5cnaspons bakcing Oiscrnosciy ,ith theil 1k. Pourl#hi. botter oôcr sthé apples in, bak,.0 The Jr. G irls' C ham pionship the Ivontreal Standard, Feb. 5, tiste. near B ancroft. p li ad bl. n a nodrs vn 3 0P) o 045 mnt, 2cps fe d P isn borserv in aeode rat o. dl(350'a.)ior 4a0-43k minutes. Award to Norma Allin and the Jr. carnies a stirring story illustrated Flur mtk fot o wtiiast co serve. e c '.th iho swlttiosfllped. se"@ Boys' Championship award to witn splendid photograpbs on the 1 u mle o o T rwi'a wetsucorsrv ol iT hipd risi Norman Eddy by Miss Bell. hazards off long distance trucking W S E VL EBs o i orbkn htsPiiyFor oe A musical selection entitledî between Toronto and Montreal. _____who bake and bake depend on Psus-ixy for uniform "Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean"! The mfanY photographs taken a- Sundav Scolhdaate- resuits. lîs the flour that's milledfromnCanada's fine bard84-8 was very cutely done bw Betty long bigbway 2 show manv places ance off 29. Mr. Murray Payne wh NEr mimd ONdEvrwe. 149t. Lou Hagerman and Catherine w"here drivers have to be particu- acted as superintendent with VO tOOI NIu'r-------------- - -- -- -- -- ---- Dewdney complete with top bats, larl lert to avoid accidents. Ruth Payne providing the music. ZD * isii ils 873 rocipes dcvcloped in the Purity tails and canes. Among the ve' is an enlarged CFîc olwdwtbD.Oem lou, Kitcheni. Send ta your neareis Pur sy Tumblig andpyramds wee Phoo of he subaY , hurhfollo,-edMithiD. OkeFlou, St.s offic,- St .,oh. MI Mntren Tumlig nd yrmis wrephto ffth suwa .usteat ffpreacbing a gond sermon. 1 Que., Ottawo, 0,nt., Toronto, Ont., Winnipe, well done by the High School Newcastle village. Taken fromn Wednesday evening the W.P.U. Mon t Sn., Calgory, Alta, Vacouver, S.C. Boys. ý the east elevation, the sigo on thxe held a skating party at the rink Puri FI:Il Principal Goheen presented Ino bridge, "Narrow Subwayý" shows in Port Britain with a good at- Oati.- fROtfSLTPRPTO termediate Certificates toe Mary1 how carefully the Ontario Hg-tnac.Gad FOR j CIty Mýargaret uBonathan: Hazel MayJ way Department warns against Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tiîfford and breakfast------ --- FSher, Aîd rev Graham, Eleanor careless dniving. Io the distance - _______________ Hancock, Margaret Jackson, Alec 15 seen a glimpse off the village. Martin, Lloy d Martin, Marionl Another photo show's a level Martin, Margaret Ovens, Dorr-1 stretch off pavement bet\veen ene Powell, Newton Selbv, Ro- Port Hope and Cobourg with the bert Stephen-çon Marjorie Toms. hazard off a wet surface leading IGraduation Diplomas ta Joyce into a curve. It is a most com-SL P C V R Martn ad RnaldPowll, plete preiFentation off the dail',. The Wilmot Gold Medal (Gr. triicking business wbich ive bave: 12 General Prôficiency) to Joyce come to accept with casîtal inter-AN Martin presented by E. Fisher. est. witb littie tbougbt to tbe everAN After receiving her goid medal watchful concerno of the drivers Joyce delivered the well prepared off these modemn motor behe- valedictory address. maths. DRAPERIES The girls, some dressed as boys with small bats and feathers. blue Four out rif everi- five off Den- jeans and colored kerchiefs andmak curhs re vr70 the others wearing red, green and mr' hrhsaeoe 0 yellow skirts performed a clever years old litte fok dace.A qualified teacher travels I uTisfok ancoloe. w àoe-%ith a circus, and children off the Thi ws fllwedbya oe-employees attend morning and New beauty for vour rionsm actpla enitld "hiserstheafternoon classes in a large red .l $<- stor, off wbich was as follows: Onangodwo. this Spring when You've tnstalled s. 1account off a family quarrel Ches- - _______ ter Phelps as fot seen his mi]- our cSçtom erut slip oversn your . I..... On the day Chester is tomar Mabel Adams, uncle John comes charmlng drap"s upon your %vin- to the bride's bouse disguised indosYorhlcofevaiin black whiskeIérs, and asks ermis-,otrchie fseelfn SHOP AND SAVE A & P FANCY QUALITY TOM. JUICE A & P CHOICE UNGRADED GREEN PEAS ANN PAGE FAMOUSi EA NWith iPark Vegetfa BEANS Boston style YUKON CLUB (Contents Onlyl GiNGEIR ALE PR ICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SAT, FEB. l2th. JU8T HEAT 'N' EAT HEDLUND'S MEAT BAU.S I6-ez un 39e AT A*& Po 3 20-ca ti 25C 220-ci fins 219 2 15 oz fins 19C arie 30-oz btis 25C lONA PERCHES - 2"z-in21C WNo. i WHITrE HRONEY 1602 jar 27c ?-lb fn 47C A & P FANCY JUI CE . GRAPEFRUIT 20-oz fin lOc A"PAGE PEANUT BUTTER l6oz jar 35C FONA ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA BABY LMA DEANS GILT EDGE 11L19] * A p jal*i ,at Large Poliahed, Nb. M PECA lM s Soft Sheils J ORANGES Californie Navel, Daz.25 F l o ri d M a r 5 f o r 2 e BC. Mentosh - Dom. "FILEM Fancy Grade, 180's39 R E CH PESCalifornia Table Ibo. JENONS No.i1, MO% 4 in colla pkg. Pkg. 134 TOADSCuba,, H:nd Selected Celle le SAA NXFresh Packed Shredded Cella 12e m m 24-oz jar 25C Po l5c 98 %b ba$399 ANN PAGE FAMOUS MILK BREAD White or Brown 24-oz bof 10< ICED RAISIN LOAF* Loaf 150 'b. 240 lb. ce< CLARKS Tomai. or Vegetable SOUPS 2 Tinsz 159 NEW COP----,iBUY MfVD & MELLOW COFPEE CUSTOM GROUNO lb.47 _RedOr Blue Brand Beef- -Canada's Finest Quality Jnsist on the Best - STEAKS or ROASTS FLAT RUE RRET lb. 25< Fresh Kilied Feed Lot Lamb BLADE BONE OUT BLADE ROAST l.4<LG b6<FO T b 5 SHORT RIB ROAST lb. deFESH SHANKLESS SHORT CUT, WELL TRIMMED 49< IK SHOUI.DESlb g lb. 3 BLUE POINT 9-oz. jar PRIME RBE RGAST < OYSTERS - 55c EXTRA LEAN SMIOKED BREAKFAST lb. NINCED EEF 394 ACON, Sliced 63c 1 Francas Pae, Ev e 1v n B ir ch, ! Souînd, 1>y< highw'ay> No. 6, i UE BE EhlRoss-Bridesmaids-Elea- Sîhe e( 5mlsofaeT I no HnocShirley Gioheen, deaRn saîud, plus variety off holu- Hazel Mav Fisher. d1xy recieation. btS a grandj site IAnna the colored maid-Mar- for vour family Vacaio! ;j<îrj<>11 Laid By Experts 1 jorie Tomns. -saniui Iseaiýli for the yoiîngstersN JJohn Pheips. a rich old bachel- golf, fislîixg.and bowliing foir <ddIfyuaernirngl.,n ewlo% vna'tb or Kpitb Mellow., -;aujbie (Clipper crtîisés «rui.LakeTfiuar nsdrnlaînne forvna'tba CheterPhtIps hs nphe, te H1111 l)rtenisrîxhher mastic llqfor ismart appearance, durabllity Ch eser PhLps. harisnepe, h aHn foremiîxnrdaningforte ans d cleanlinesq. Many different design,, and eolourq from Parker Gien, best man-Pbilip 'teen agers. Write the Board of wiht hoe ieu aladorrpeettv Gilmer. Trade, Sauiîie Beach, for details. wl xli h datgs JCongratulations are due Princi- Yoîî'l imeet niany U.S. visitors... J -- -- - - -th- -antges pal R. W. Goheen and Miss qM. F. Bell. assistant, on a successfui and 'LET'S MAKE THEM plesant eî'ening's entertainment. WANT TO COME BACK!" TICKETS ,H U E0 AE T EVRYWHER Air, Rail or Steamahip C l otH p 09 ole 1U R Y_ & LOVELL 16 John Ste.or Bommnyile P rtHope 15 Ring St. W. Phone 778 PAGE ELEVE14 1 MAPLE LEAF PURlE LAR FINE CANADIAN 01.» CHEESE 1 %-ý I" -

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