Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1949, p. 4

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Pýe4Gm FOUR HelloHmears It is evi- -dent, according ta your letters, budgets. One woman writes that desserts that cast tao much in comparison ta the necessery foocrs such as milk, bread and vege- tables. Perhaps we should consider ünly desserts that yield the richest food value such as custards, bread puddings and plain fruit cups. Tben taa, leitovers ceni be used in attractive ways, and servings ceni be clculated s0 that notbing is left on the plate. Children will enjay an Apple Custard dessert. It is made by coaking sliîcd apples in a little water until tbey are tender. Then sprinkle with suger and e little leman rind. Make a plain boiled custard and pour over the apples. Chili and serve wiýh oitmncal c~oo ki es. If leitover crusts accumulate or tag ends of bread dry, roll fine and mix with brown sugar and orange rind in thesse proportions: 1'à cups crumbs, ¾ý cup sugar, 2 tablespoons grated rind, l"2 tee- spoons cinnamon-and 2 table- spoons af butter, if you cen spare it. Peel and slce 6 apples and ar- range epples and crumbs in lev- ers. Add ý2 cup ai weter and beke in electrie aven af 475 de- grecs for 45 minutcs. Serve with foamy sauce or bot milk. A plain cottage pudding is cheaper than cake with icing an it. Serve with tbickened juice fram honme canned fruit-using carnstarch ta make the sauce. Gingcrbread makes a deliciaus desFýrt and yau can use dripping instcad af butter or sbortening wbcn making it. Serve xith marshmallow sauce or just plain 7:45 p.m. Custom Killing -C. B. L. Progressive Conservative Party WANTEDcows Close or Backward Young or Old of Ail Breeds WE BUY - TRADE OR SELL -PLEASE WRITE OR PHONE - SCHWARZ BROS. R.R. 3, Bowmanlvillc Phone 28951 -Pickling and Smoking -Wholesale and Retail - We have a supply of good baby beef tg seil by the quarl*-r and the plece. - Reasonable prices. Y00d5;5mIN MUSKOKA For a gool tinîe, it's prettv liard toa tthe' %,aity .of gay SUI11iîier activity et \. iîk. On t le N tioni programtme: ridiîng, ':ir anti ieunch eruises, golf, fiî"l'ug, dancingl , tennis, svii îîiniiiîg -- elnoutgînta inake env holidliy one ta remiember. Amd from (;eurgt:ttî Bay's rcwky shore erIos taliv edgt' oi Algonîquin Park- streteli- ing nortb froi the Severn 56 miles tu Nox ar-t here" ()over 1.600 ~<iiiiU ii j>:of llii py Nli.skoka mentivgr, îiil ileBo\.uiI). 'oj( Iîuîr.-~t, 'bit i , >iilw ( glail tg) tell You aboilit caiîîp site-., abi ns, t-ottgeý., ', o-is ar i ,t, i c'an t ake a:1traini a bu', a ci a treti plai>> uOr (d iive t,> NitI iskoh- a (rei e11ls iu l ien,]iiO(ntario ini a Intter Of a tex1Vieurs. lui Ontario wc have a holiday paradi.se .. . let's do ai we caie to encourage visitors frux mross the border. Publisihed i support of the tourkst busi- am sb>' John Tlabatt Lirnitcd. LU'S MAKE THIEM WANT TO COME BACKI THZ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONITARIO 2 cups brown sugar %s teaspoan baking soda 3/ cup miik 2 tablespoons butter 1 teaspoon vanilla Few grains sait Cook brown sugar, baking soda and milk together, stirrîng con- stantly until soft bail stage is reached. For testing use a half cup cool water and pour '/2 tee- spoon hot syrup into it If! it will roll into soit bail uising finger tip, it is cooked. Cool to lukewarm, add butter, vanille and 'Salt, and beat until creamy. Pour into greased pan and cut in squares. Anne Allen invites you to write to her in care of The Canadian Statesman. Send in yaur suggest- ions on homemaking problems and watcb this coiumn for re- plies. The hW- always on alter a hikeln1%vý the aId furnace. Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank af Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bowmanville. Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitar, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmenviiie Phone: Office 688 . Residence 553 W. F. WARD. B.A. Barrister - Solictor - Notary 91ý'2 King Street E. Bowmanvilie, Ontario Phone: Office 825 - Houée 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Berrister. Solicitor, Ntary Public Successar ta M. G. V. Gauld Temperance St., Bowmeanville Phone 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Greduates ai Royal Dental College, and Fecuîty ai Dentistry, Toronto, Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. King Street - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. deily 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wednesday Closed Sunday. Office: Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J.C. Devitt . 325 Dr. W.M. RudelI - 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville' Office Hoiirs: 9 a.rn. ta 6 p.m. deily 9 arn. ta 12 noan Wednesday Ciosed Sundav. Phone 604 OPTOMETRY JOHN T. McCREERY Optametrist. 22 Division St., Bowmanvile Office 1-ours: Monday: 7:30 9 p.m. Thursday: 2- 8 pj. Phones: Bowmanville 2024; Port Hope 248 Home & School Club Learns Benefits of Immunlzation squares with a glas& of mllk. Baked apples can be a delectable treat when prepared with spiced sugar (brown sugar, cinnamon and butter). Choase flavorsome apples wash thoroughly, care and stuff with sugar. Put themn in baking cups with a little water in the bottom. Bake for 40 to 50 minutes in electric oven at 350 degrees. Cereal puddings, especielly those made of peari barley, whole wheet and rolled oats make some iof the best nutritive desserts, Here is a good pudding made of pearl barley. PEARL BARLEY CASSEROLE 4 tablespoons peeri barley 2 12 cups milk 3 tablespoons sugar 1!2 cups weter 1 egg 14 teaspoons sait 1 2 teaspoon maple flavoring Wash barley and soak over- night. Drain off any water and cook with the milk in double boiler. Beat egrg, edd sugar, sait and flavouring and stir into bar- 1ey. Pour into greased casserole and bake 15 minutes et 350 de- grees. Serves 5. APPLE CREAM 1 X4 cups milk 1 tablespoon sugar 2 egg whites 2 egg yolks 3 cups thick appleseuce 1 teaspoon lemon rind Scald the milk and edd graduai- ly to the beaten egg yolks and sugar. Cook aver bot water, stir- ring constantly until thick. Beet in the applesauce vigorousiy, . Fjd in the beaten egg whites and chill. Serves 6. DESSERT DUMPLINGS 3 cups boiling water 14 teaspoon grated lemon rind 3/4 cup granulated sugar il cup lemon juice 112 cups pastry flour Steaspoon sait 1>4 cup milk. 3 teaspoons beking powder 2 tablespoons margerine 1cup currants 1teaspoon vanille Measure and heat in saucepan the water, sugar, rind and juice. In a bowl sift and meesure flour: add baking powder and sait. Cut in margarine and stir milk and c urrants. Mix lightly. Drop mixture by spoonfuis into boiling syrup, allowing enough ý pace for dumplings to pufi double in size. Cover and simmer 12 min- 1dies--do flot lift lid during cook- ing time. Serve bot at once. Yield: o or 6. THE QUESTION BOX In reply to a question sent in by a Statesmen reader, Mrs. O. T. who asks for a recipe on: MAPLE CREAM CANDY New Declaration Issued by Church Against Alcohol The Board af Evangelism and Social Service of The United Churcb. ai Canada bas made avait- able ta ministers, the Woman's Missionary Society, the Woman's Association, and Presbyteries, a "Decleration ai Purpase" card which members ai the United Church may sign signifying that tbey promise ta abstain campîcte- ly irom aIl personal use ai alcoha- lic beverages. Wording on the "Declaration ai Purpose" 'card reads: I promise ta support my church by-(a) Ab.- staining completely irom ail per- sonal use ai alcaholic ibeverages. (b) Reireining ta aller them ta my famil ' or guests an any occa- sion. (c) Reiraining from invest- ing my money directly or mndi- rectly in any campany vwhich man- ufactures or selîs sucb beverages. (d) Using my influence ta, en- courage others ta support my church on this issue. (e) Using my vote on behali ofai a social legis- letion wbich makes e constructive contribution ta a Christian seciety. Farmn Folk Too Old To Keela Youth IdIle Claimn Keen Observer (John Atkins I The Scene fromn Shlngwmuk Farin) There has been a decline of 109, 071 head in six classes ai iivestock, including poultry, in Durham County, in the lest yeer. The Canadien Stetesman, Bowmen- ville, asks "Wby is it that the in- centive ai higher prices finds pro- duction feiling sa sharply within a single year?-TFiis paper offers no suggestions wbetever for we feel incompetent ta analyze the iacts." We make no dlaim ta greater competence in answering this question. Some reasons for the decline in livestock production, wbile prices were rising, may be found in increases in farmers' costs, but aur guess is that the principal reeson for declining Iivestock production is the ina- bility of aging farma people ta cope with the work involved. Urban work bas been so much more pro- fitable then farm wark that farmn boys and girls have gone ta the cities in incrcasing numbers. Many ai the parents who remain- cd on the farms are now uneble ta cere for any number ai live- stock. The average age af men apcrating Ontario farms is about sixty: even in Saskatchewan it is about fifty-seven. The young la- bar force which kept Canadien agriculture gaing is no langer available. When the young people who leit the farms for city employment become unemployed, they will draw unemployment insurance rether than return ta the land. In commion with other urban people, tbey like an easy life and au whole econorny is tw istdpo.itjr they get it. The oaId folks &Lt home have grown tired, or exhausted, in their efforts ta pravide tbhe young folks ai the cities wt 'bright light, luxuries and yâs~fe e School Children's In the Editor's Mail Health Service Vital Says Dr. Vivian The first 1949 meeting ai the Bowmmnville Home and School Club was held in Central School, Wednesday evening Jan. 12. Dr. G. W. Miller, guest speaker, gave the club some interesting facts cancerning the work af the Coun- ties' Health Unit. The Immuniza- tion Program, stated Dr. Miller, bas in the past two years protected 90 per cent of the children ai the United Counties against dlphther- la and whooping caugh. This en- sures aur area against an epidem- ic af these two diseases. The mothers of the club were re- minded ai the Baby Clinic heid every Mondey aiternoon in Dr. Miller's office. Dr. Miller had with him three films which proved interesting ta those members interested in home, school or public heelth. The first film sbowed the numerous acci- dents wbich happen tbrough care- lessness. '"Forty-five per cent of aIl accidents accur right in the homes," said the speaker. The second film showed the improved health pragrem in the rural schools. In the third film the ben- efits of immunizetion were point- ed out. Dr. Miller introduccd Miss J. Tebacki who bas taken over the public nurse service in Bowman- ville during Miss Lena Teyior's absence. Mrs. Allun from the Health Unit office was elso intro- duced. Mr. Cecil Cervetb, New- castle, who sa willingly gives his time toaeny work ai the Heelth Unit, wes bandling the movie pro- jectar. A group of pupils from Mr. Turner's room. under the direct- ion af Mr. R. G. Harle, sang four numbers. "The Holley and the Ivy," "The Gondoliers," "On the Levee,'" and "Nigbt Sang." Mrs. Leask gave a humorous recitation, "Measies." Mrs. S. Grant expressed the appreciation ai the club ta those wba had given their time and ef- fort ta the. evening's program. Letters were read from Mr. Finney, Children's Aid Society, Port Hope, and from tbe mother af the edopted French child. These letters thenked the club for bene- fits received. Mr. Turner won the mother's count with ten mathers present. While tbe members were enjay- ing the deliciaus lunch, President Mrs. V.. Frenk conducted a penny sale ai those things not sold et the Christmas bazeer. On Sunday Jan. 9, 1949, Mr. and Mrs. James J. White, Elizabeth- ville, merked their sixtieth wed- ding anniversary. A few relatives and friends called on tbem, be- sides receiving many congratula- tion cerds and messages. Best wishes were received from Mr. Cherlie Stephenson, M.P., and a teiegram from their majesties, King George VI and Queen Eliza- beth. On Saturday evening, previaus, the neighbours and relatives spent the evening with them. They were presented with batteries for their Diamond Wedding present, and e basket ai red roses, another present wilI follow from later donations. After a short program an address was read by Mrs. Ver- non Peacock and lunch was served. The bridesmeid, Mrs. Peter Snawden, sister ai the groom, was present Saturday evening. The graomsman, William James El- liott, brother oi the bride, passed away about 25 years ega. Mr. White is the eldest son ai the late John White and Elizabeth Ann Williams. Ail five chiidren ai this union reacbed their Gold- en Wedding Anniversary, with only the eldest sister Mary Ann (Mrs. Walter O. Berkwell ai Tre- berne, Manitoba) and e brother- in-lew, Richard F. Beatty ai Eliz- abetbville. deceased. Mrs. White was the eldest deugbter of the ]ate Henry Elliott and Charlotte Waodley and the only one of the family ai eigbt ta celebrate their golden and dia- mond wedding enniversaries. Oniy one sister (Tort) Mrs. Charlotte Robinson, R.R. 3, Part Hope is now living. On Jan. 9, 1889, James John White and Eva Ann Elliott were united in marriage by the late Rev. J. C. Bell ai Bethany, form- erly ai Pcrrytawn circuit, et the bride's borne et Osaca. They have lived on the same farm near Eliz- abethville during those years. Ta this union were barn twa deughters. Eunice. Mrs. Ambrose Robinson, R.R. 1, Newtonville, and Berneice, Mrs. Fred Wheeler et borne, and twa grandchildren- Kathleen and Jimmy Wbeeler. United Ch. Appoints Assistant Editor 0f Publications Rev. Peter Gardon White bas been eppointed assistant editor ai the Board af Publication ai The United Church ai Canada, it was ennounced today irom the Wesley Building, Toronto. Mr. White was born in Scot- land. He is a graduate ai the Uni- versity ai Manitoba with B.A. degree, followed by tbree years tbealogy studies in United Callege Winnipeg. with post graduate work at Union Thealogicai Semi- nery in New York. He was student president ai bis coliege, and the recipient ai e number ai scholarships in under- graduete and graduate studies. He is the ca-author ai a historical play which was produced in Win- nipeg in 1946. Until recently Mr. White bas been secretery ai Cbr5stian Edu- cation in Manitoba and North Western Ontario. Mr. White's pa.ct work bas braught hlm into contact with western Canada generall 'v, witb empbasis on the Manitobe and Northern Ontarioa area. His new work brings him ta the national field for the United Cburch ai Canada as an edilor ai Sunday Schaoi and yaung people's publi- cations. UNITED STATES WOOL On December 31. 1918, the Unit- ed States Dcpartment of Agricul- ture announced its wool support program for 1949 wbich will as- sure growers an average wool price ai slightîy above 42 cents e paund, greasy basis. The price appraximates lest year's support level. It will apply toa a types and grades ai shorn and miîîed wool produced in the United States and territaries. vou OMWU 'rTR DAY. ZAN. 9'7fh. mim New Forms For Vital Statistics States Town Clerk Having effect iinmediately on Januery lst, new regulations per- taining ta the registration ai births, deatbs and marriages will apply, according tai Town Clerk Alex Lyle, and new fornis are re- quired ta be filled out on such occasions. Notice was received recently from the office ai the Registrar General et Queen's Park that new forms are required in eech case, and in the case ai deaths, bath a 'statement ai deeth" and a "méd- ical certificete ai deeth" are re- quired. Stillborn dcaths must be recorded doubly elso, using a "Istatement afi birth" form and a "médical certificate af the' cause ai still-birth" iorm. Being merely born stili only r~ e one form but e brend new one. It is importent that ail doctors, undertakers and hospital officials of this area be aware of the new requirements, Clerk Lyle states, as the new forms must be filled comlnencing Janua.ry lat. Forms are available at the town office here% and persons likely to require such forms are requested to pick them up promptly, as t ie ad iorms will positively flot te mc- cepted. Birth and deatb certificates will no longer be issued at the town office, and this prerogative is restricted to the Rcgistrar's Office at Queen's Park. The fee in these cases bas been reducd from $1.50 to $1.00. In addition, local registrars will be required ta make weekly re-. ports of the vital.statistics as they apply ta their particular areas. Refined sugar production1 4,) Mexico in the 1948-49 1rndkg seasan is estimated et 770,0m0 short tons, with an exp ortable' surplus af 165,000 tons. This and so many other wonder/ui recipes callor Parity Flour. It's the reliablefavouritelor cakes, pies, cookies, - buns or bread. Whereveryou sbop you'ilfitsd ibis fine/jour ... Milledfrom Canada's/luest bard wbeat. $libuys you the amons PURITY NEIO Nt? OE ~ mCOOK BOOK with its 875 recîpes 1 NEE ONL ONEFLO * deveioped in the Purity Flour Kitchen. *Send to your neareat Purity Flour Mlii * B~iB B * Oice--St. John, N.B., Moncreai, Que., L I II 'Ottawa, Ont., Toronto. O nt.. U R: T UUiR Man,. Caiaary. XAvta.ancouver, FCCUR ~Nme ............................I ONUEIUU.PEFICIO uStreet.............................I City .............Proin:e ..........I L 866-.8. How many things mode of &'bWff#W4#ff ...nd here's why aluminum ls so useful- Alumlnum nover ruas Llghter tg use Néods ne pain§ Alweys looks amaTi Str.ng «.d lght IN ANT BOUE, today or tomorrow, you ara ikeIy to id aluminuro dust- pans. garde,, tocla, iight- ing fixtures. paint, venti- lator covere or hot air vento,,vacuum cicaner attachmants. porci, furni- ture. venetian blinda, window frames witb fly sereen.sand double wia- clonab"it rîght . --------------------------------------~-" .'~z: ..~ GEORGE DREW Lec2der Progressive Conservative Party wiII speak Thursday Night JAN. 27TH ON THE SUBJECT "The Nation's Business" Dear Mr. James: A reader af The Mixing, Bowl has written to request a candy recipe to be published in The Bowmanviile Statesman. Since our column is aiready set in type would you please insert the at- tached article in The Mixing Bowl in order that your reader is ac- cordeci prompt attention. We appriciate your interest in our weekly homemaker's com- pendium. You may recali that al credit for starting our column is due to the publicity in The Can- adian Statesman at the time of apple demonstration. Thanks to one, George James. Eight years ago next month we released our copy to eighty Ontario newspa- pers. Since then, one hundred more editors have requested our material and to date we are pleas- ed aver the favorable reception accorded The Mixing Bowl. If at eny time we cen supply your readers' with special infor- mation, write and tell us. Cord ially, Apne Allan Hydro Home Econornist Diamond Weddling MR. and MRS. J. J. WHITE A great new naine for a beautifüM new cakei For high days, bolidays, Sundmy or mny day this new Purity Flour triumnpb is bonny ta look at, roally good to emt &a. . and lucky, Iucky it's boonespun in cost. Clip the recipe right now. Better stili skip eut to the kitchen and start bmking. butershwte1fUts bOatet. aIt d-0c dCurat1. beatint unti20-30ng i thic Cramtter sortMldftefi n ol hP hnsr thdd ',ina lnd ll. rat ae p..Se . .10Mateit % dd s or. Bea nilmxur it beovf P 2 ed s fluy t e ggs R 'with oîR y elis..Biret hAtCu àad< 1 eaer unat fay d rduaiB ti uti fon egn o% fat. su g a ixture. Bet thor- ea. dd bcutssuP ar. up wyet ilttokhe 310 si, hn ui itii r cLuR sathad aint oeat a time. Blnthoughîy ";alnt M-s te beat er. ng atrndo fdwnoreiefitsaberatl!%rloit icig iûîtoîm.en wit mik, akingeaor Sadd- mxue iowiy or eadgo tior.AddtteaOrnhotei n atke.Sit c otinuUSî. so3o daenilla and UC1Y ntl -tàruts or, tirrîgco lhnded Do floet e irt"Y preaitdoty.RInv ientor u8;i e famy a nsgrawll Cve. Awhefs'ol ad DARLINGTON ABATTOIR Hampton - -Ontario P}ÉONE 2836 OPEN FOR f i Because many aduit disabilities begin in childhood and cen be checked if they are noticed in time, school health services are essential todey, Dr. R. P. Vivian,, former M.P.P. for Durham Coun- ty and naw chairman af health and social medicine department et McGill University, Montreal, declered lest week. ,,Addressing the St. Laurent Home and Schojol Association, Dr. Vivian, wbo is also medical con- sultant ta the Montreel Protestant Central School Board, outiinecf a comprehensive scheme which would commiit the chiid through his entire scbooi 111e ta a heelth program. At the time of entrance ai the child into scbool. he should be given e thorough examinatian. physical and mental, ta make.ure thet he is in a fit condition ta be educated, the speaker essertcd. After tbis. day by dlay obser- vation by the teacher is aIl that is necessary lfor a few years, but it is essentiel thet the teecher must be-oble ta refer toae resident full-time nurse, who in turn cen refer toae physicien wbo need nat be on a fuil-time basis. For the normally heeltby child. only four camplete examinatians are necessary, fromn grades ane ta il, supplemented by e healtb hîstary af eacb child kept an e file by the school nurse, Dr. Vivien continued nating that the schooi must press for the correction af vîsual, dental and other deiects. 1 1: ý' lépmeneloves I'* 6801&y prince, Everyone wiII want to try r- the SENTIMENTAL CELEBRATING 9 bmý

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