PAGE roux Hello HOmemakers! Gift shop- ping shouid be done according te plan. Too often we are carried away at the last moment by the 440on the spot glanieurl" of expens- Ive, impractical gadgets. Do net be tee easiiy diverted from the items on your shopping list. Take time to consider what the recipient wiil think of the gift two weeks after Christmas. A NOTICE high priced article is even more costly if it has beauty but lacks durability. For example, a blouse for your sister: a solid colour will cost more than white in the ident. ical material whiie a print design will cost more again. It requires an additional process ta add col- aur and the dye itself costs extra while the design in the print costs stili mare. Quoting a merchandis- u FARMERS 01- al , N IU IA4V ýE, NA QTHURSDY E.2i,14 mi 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as hlgh as $10.00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows According to afre and conditlon-Small animais removed free. No trouble to the fariner. We do the loading IIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUJGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICK PECONI, Owner VIGOR OIL CO. 78 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA FUEL OIL ing expert,our friend suggested that we should censider whether usefuliness and decorativeness balance each other. Your key ta intrinsie value lies ini the answers ta three basic questions: cf what is it made? secondly, how is it made? thirdiy, what is the quality cf workman- ship? Te heip on busy shopping days, we suggest quisk cooking dishes, that will save eiectnicity toc. Liver and Onions. Scalloped Tomatees. Gingerbread Muffins and Apple- sauce. Cream Potato-Cheese Soup. Cold Meat and Macedoine Canned Vegetables. Tea Biscuits and Chocolate Rice Pudding. Cern Fitters and Sausages. Grated Carnot-Raisin Salad. Mincemeat Tants. English Steiv (Pressure Cooked). Carnot and Turnip Sticks. Jelly Roll-Canned Fruit. REQUESTED RECIPES Mrs. T. G. asks for: 2 cups sugar, 1 cup waten, 2/3 cup iight coma syrup, small fruits or sections cf langer fruits or whoie nuts. Make a syrup of the sugar, wat- er and corn syrup. Bail, xithout stirring, to the bard crack stage (300 degrees). Remove the sauce- pan frem the element and put it inte an outer pan cf boiiing water to keep the syrup fmom bardening. Drap in the weil drained fruit cr the nut-meats, a few at a time. LSkîm eut and place on heavy waxed paper te dry. Mr. R. F. asks for: Holiday Fudge 2 cups white sugar, 'hý cup corn syrup, 1/2 cup watem, 34 cup candied cherries, 2 egg- whites, 3/ cup biaached al- moads, 1 tablespean aimand or leman extmact. Put the sugar. water and corn symup inta a saucepan. Stir il while it dissolves ever the heat, then let it bail withaut stirring tc the light crack stage (265 de- grees). Whiie it is ceekiag, beat the whites cf eggs stiffiy and when the symup is ready peur it over them, beating censtantly. Cccl slightiy (an windew sili). Beat until creamy, add nuts. cherries and extract, and peur into buttered tins. Mrs. M. J. asks for: Butter Scotch Sticks 1/4 cup butter, 1 cup brawn sugar, 1 egg, 1/4 cup broken pecan meats, 1 cup sifted fleur 1/4 teaspoan saît, 1 teaspoon bakiag pawder, 1 teaspoon vanilla. iMelt butter ia a saucepan, add sugar and when weli bleaded re- mave from the electrie element mid cool, la the saucepan, until 1 ukewarm. Add unbeaten eggs to mxture and beat weii. Mix fleur. St and baking powder, and add te, the sugar mixture; theni add Sth e ut meats and vanilla. Spread the iture la a shailow pan lined with plain paper wbich bas been greased. Bake 30 minutes ia a hot electnie aven (400 te 450 grds.Wh iie hot, eut ie ostrips an inh vid, and four inches long. Thi reipemakes about two Mrs: S. S. asks for: Gingerbread iV2 cup shertening, ,1, cup beiiing water, 1 cup molasses, 1V2, teaspoans ginger, 1 tea- speen soda, %~ teaspoon sait, 21/2 cups fleur. Meit the shorteaing ia the bail- iag watem. Add molasses. Sift the dry ingredients together and add them te the mixture. Beat viger- eusiy. Put in a greased muffin tin and bake in an electric aven (350 te 375 degrees) 25 minutes. Anne Ailan invites vou te 1 rte te her c /o The Canadian Statesman. Sead Ia your sugges- Itiens on homernaking pmeblems and watch this column for re- plies. Many Improvements 1Made to Ski Grounds And Chalet,_Haydon Since last year's sklinezended1 there have beena few chne n hie Ski chalet and the ski grouns For the past twe months the execu- tive bave been laying plans for better cnnvenicncc'- New wn dows have heen put la the chalet, curtains on the windows, and our The trails bave been cleared cf, rocks and bushes xvhene neces- sary. The big impnoven-ent has been the meving of AI Brooking's ski-tow. It bas been set up la the woeds between the two big bis xvhere the skiers xiii have advan- tage of using two hilîs and he able te ride the tox'. froin both b ills. The mater for the tow bas been set inside a building nexv te pre. vent hreakdoxvns. Mm. Brcoking has made a lot cf impravemen ts this year with his tow and motor and it is hoped that it will bring mare skiems this year. Fer a birmer iind hbettercu joîn naw. Heme's hopiag we have snow before Christmas. 76%e#7à« -u WORM OUI and drag around each day. unable to do the vork-cranky with c - iierabie, don't blaine it on 'neryes'. Your kidneys may b. eut of order-for when kidneys fail th. aystem cdogs with impuritie-and headaches. backache, dia- turbed reat. frequently follow. Té belp keep your kidneya workung properiy-use Dodd's Kidney Pill-and see for yourself if that 'ail-in' feeling a fnot acon replaced b, clear-headed energy and pep. Get and ueDodd'a Kidney Pilla todai. 140 Dodds KidneyPIIIs WEDDINGS A young couple who plan t( make their home in Oshawa wcr( married Nov. 18 in the Seventl Day Adventist Church, Oshawa hy Eider W. Hurdon. The brid( is Orie Alice Kierstead, daughtei af Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kiersteac of Hampton, N.B., and the bride. groom is Frank Marvin Astleferd son of Mr. and Mrs. Lunney Astie. ford of Yorkton, Sask. CrepE paper streamers decorated the church and Mrs. A.E. Caniey play- ed the weddiag music and accom- panied Mrs. Michael Bothe wh-i sang. The bride was givea in marr- iage by her brother Mr. Avon Kierstead. She wore a white satin moire taffeta frock fashionec with a fitted hodice and a fuil skirt falling ia uapressed pleats and short sleeves caught up wîtl- tics. lier accesseries were white matching ber iacy straw hat witlh dipping brim. A corsage of yellox' roses completed her costume. She wvas atteaded hy Mrs. C. R. Dunn, hem sister, who was in liight green moire taffeta in txvc piece style with a circular skirt aad flared pepium. She wome a white flowered headdress and a corsage cf white pompoms. The hest man was Mm. D. R. L. Astieford. A reception for the bridai party foilowed at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fenton, Gnandview Ave. Harmoay, and later the couple left for Hamilton xvhere the honeymeen was spent. HOOPER McKENNA A quiet wedding teck place in Trinîty Un ited Church Parsonage,. Bowmanvilie, on Saturday, Nav. 13, when Rev. E. R. Henderson united in marriage Rita, daugh- ter cf Mn. and Mrs. G. McKenna, Orone, and Harold Murnay 'Bud" Hooper, son cf Mrs. W. Thetford and the late Mr. Herschel Hoap- er cf Bowmanviile. The bride wcre a dressmaker' suit cf light blue wool and black accessories, with a corsage af red neses. Miss Donna West, cf Oreno, was ber attendant, weaning a darker blue suit with grey acces- sories and corsage cf yeliow and shaded peach roses. Mr. Art Heop- er, brother of the groom, wvas best man. ASTLEFORD-KIERSTEAD Nearly seven out of every ten As the basic unit of Anierican yards of woven woolen fabrics life, the family occupies a vital used in Canada in 1947 were made place in the building of the kind by Canadian workers in Canadian of future we want for ourselves milis. and our children. OPPORTUNITY They do me wrong w-Nho say 1 come no more JWhen once I knock and fail ta find you in, ] For every day I stand outside yeur door And bid ycu wake and rise ta fight and win! Wail net for preciaus chances passed away! Weep net for golden ages on the wane! Each night I burn the records of the day- AT SUNRISE EVERY SOUL IS BORN AGAIN! Dost thou behold thy lest youth ah aghast? Dost reel from righteous Retrib- ution's blow? Then turn froma blotted archives cf the past And find the future's pages white as snow. Art thcu a mourner? Pause thee from thy speil, Art thou a sinner? Sîns may bc forgiven, Each morning gives thee wings ta fiee from hell, Each night a star ta guide thy feet te heaven. Laugh like a boy at splendors that have sped, To vanished jcys 'be blind and deaf and dumb, My judgments seal the dead past with its dead, But neyer bind a moment yet te came. Though deep in mire, wring net your hands and weep, I lend my arm te ail who say "I CAN!" church. Sangs and poems were Jwritten about it, Its connection ent. Later the opperetta '"Sally" used the cburch ia its theme. In an upstairs raom, above the altar, the Episcopal Actors Guid was arganized, with George Arliss as the first president. Tbrough the years, funeral services have been heid in the littie church for Edwin Booth, Maurice Barrymore (father cf Ethel, John and Lionel), Henry Milier, Vernon Castie, Daniel Fro- hman and many other great names of the footlights. The little church's list of brides and grooms include Irene Castie, Ann Harding, Robert E. Sher- wood, James Montgomery Fiagg, Rollin Kirby and Stephen Lea- cock, the Canadian humorist and eceno mist. In its 100 years, the little church has had anly three rectors, Dr. Randoiph Ray bas been there 25 years. He says he heads a churcb which coaduets more weddings. tunerals and baptisms than any other in the United States. Since the first bride cf 1850 approximately 75,000 weddings have taken place in the church. Busy at it is with weddings, the Little Church Around the Corner is ne Gretna Green. It won't mar- ry persans who have been diverc- ed or persons under 22 withaut parental consent. Durham Potato Club Stands High Inf Province of Ontario jWHEN YOU PASS the 60.year ma à i and want to slow up, will vou be able to afford it ? Your fricnd nt Canada Life can show you how you can make sure of a cont inuing incarne whcn you decide to quit work. H1e can show you that every dollar *.;you set aside ns savings with a Canada Life contract will flot ,h a, le ýr d .5 - ""s :'~ '~ k r 0" I ony gie yo anvyou famly sdepIn the 1948 competitions of the . i as inuich retirernent income Btytmtrse deep aai Ontario 500 Bushel Potato, Clubs,as$.0i rîry8vn. Btcma gtn ie!d eagi Durham County led the provinceas$OOnoriayavn. -Walter Malone. with10cut contestants quali- w.~,~, hy flot get the facts, now, fromn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _f y in g f o r e n tr y a n d w ith t h e h ig h - 0.. . . ~ y u r c n t C n d i e est average yields. A. Johngon, - - Pontypool, was the top Durham . Little Church Around County man with a yield of 694 bushels per acre. Corner is Marriae But the individual winner a'e- AD IF Cer are gHer South Simce I IF àCentre for New York Cunywih Sedoth7S3mcoe per acre. H eld ofth733 bu. The Little Church Around tîhelIentries rated only an average of Corner, in New York, sandwiched 447.7 per acre compared with 534. zia nc between mid-Manhattan's sky- _ o Dra County. On the scrapers, becomes 100 years old county basis, therefore, Durhamw.t in Otobe. Yer byyearits potato farmers are stili tops for W1 m i m ctob r ear b yer Ithe province. The clubs are spon- BIe * C e *WSFR OUAD OUS magneism icreass. Isored by the Ontario Crop Im-j Almost everybody, it see ms, prdvement Association. wants to get married there and 150,000 people have. Almost every tourist wants to see the place and, just last year 90,000 did. - Sentiment hangs like I v y I Sl U ~ around this Episcopal Church of " A the Transfiguration. There are W IA lR S OW TIARES~ the new brides entering tremul- ousiy and the old brides, nostalgia softening their eyes, coming back onanniversaries. There are the children . brought from Australia and Switzerland and other dis- S % 'V E2 tized in the church where their OFF RETAIL PRICES ON TW TER SNO TIRES mothers were married. O YLL~1 J1V There are the stained-glass We have the f ollowing tires in SECONDS in Stock: windows, memorials to celebrities of the theatre. This is also known 600 x 16 - 550 x 17 - .500 x 20 - 650 x 16 - 700 x 16 as the actor's church. Cornelia Passenger Otis Skininer, Peggy Wood, To-3 nTuk o eo hs nS o ra ronto-born Raymond Masse, 3 nTuk on fteei n wTqa Walter Hampden and Joe Ferrer stili attend it. There is the bride's 70I 1 altar, studded with jewelis taken from oId engagement rings and family heirlooms-gifts of pastG N R L TR There is the church's history. The first service was held in a private home on the first Sunday consecrated on its present site on W INTER CLEATS 29th Street in 1850, at a time when nearby Fifth Avenue, in that sec-IR tion, was littie more than a cow 2-IN-1 I R path and the best people lived farther downtown. Itws20 years before the Husky CM ais Dig In, Crip, Pull church got its popular namne. In 1870, an actor friend of Joe Jef- ferson, the comedian, died. Jef- Through Winter's Worsi Weaiher ferson a9ked the minister of a nearby churchi to conduct the funeral service. The minister, mindful of the anti-theatre prej- udices held by moralists of his O HA E T S E day refused, but suggested 'There TR is a littie church around the cor-THIS TRE TO ner where they do that kind cf thng'po Jefferson offered APPRECIATE ITI his now famous benediction, "God 'bless the littie church around the corner", hurried there and v xvas accomodated. Organize Actors Guid f eF a i s n T r e o Actors on dressing rooms ail BOWMANVILLE PHONE 467 CORNER KING & SILVER MT. over the United States began to talk gratefully~ about the littie ROWE-FARROW The marriage cf Gwendoiyn Audrey Farrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow, Orono, te Mr. Arthur Keith Rowe, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rowe, Newcastle, took place in New- castie United Churcli Parsonage, tFriday evening, Nov. l9th with Rev. W. W. Patterson officiating. The bride chose a street length frock of Alice blue crepe fash- ioned with a side drape. Her accessories were black, and she wore a corsage cf pink roses. Miss Eileen Farrow was her sis- ter's onlv attendent. Her dress cf American Beauty moire taffeta was street length and styled with accessories and a corsage cf blue and white asters. Mr. George Knox of Enniskiilen acted as best man. For the reception held at the home cf the bride's parents, Mrs. Farrow received in a Sea-foam blue crepe dress with black acces- sories. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing a black crepe dress with sequin trim, and black accessories. Feliowing a wedding trip ta points in Western Ontario, the happy couple xviii take up resi- dence in Bowmanville. Previous te her marriage the bride was honored at miscellan- cous showers at the homes cf Mrs. Marion Richards and Mrs. Alani Rowc, Newcastle. She wvas aIse, the recipient cf a iovely silver tea service, the gift of her businesýs assnciatcs at the Kari Weyrich Factory.j With the Royal Marine Band piaying, 'Horsey, Keep Your Tail Up!", the cnly herse an the strength cf the British Navy re- cently stepped jauntily between ranks cf a smart guard cf honor at Plymouth, te be demobilized. - A manuscript once rated a faîl-t ulre, became a literary classic after a newspapor erronecusly iinked the name cf Queen Victor- ia's son-in-law, Marquis of Lamne, with that of Lorna, the heroineofcf Blackmore's "'Lorna Donne. t CARLI&G'S I -OSRAIONCRE 4HE CANADA LYNX. HELPS KEEP NATURE IN BALANCE.. SFEEDrING MAINLY ON i NOWSn1oE RARES This is one of Nature'& '"food-chains" which keep animais and plants ln thoir right proportions, or balance. Before kiiling what may appear te b. a pest, think of what it means to you. Remember-Nature in balance is Nature unspoiled. 'ýM fMgl'ýI ÙoW'-Y0U R S T0 E N JOYY 0OU R S TO0 0R 0T EC T CA'.RLI&G'S tRE CARLING IREWEIES LIMITES WATIRLO@ OhTARI LII M t O I~4~ CA~LING9 - ALSO - STVE9l1 OIL 2 ~gal, These Prices wili include Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whilby and Brooklil We are now in a position ta f ulf il 100 new fuel ail contracts For Delivery Phone Oshawa 3198 Mid. THE CANADIAN STATESMAM. nnWMAMM.T.r. nm'rAnTn Io vi otk ai bO