Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1948, p. 3

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TmTRSDA'T, DEC. md. 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMANV!LT1! fl1~9'AWT~i A MV q'~UU *The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan ' Mrs. Oweýn Fagan and son marriage to Miss Margaret Wise- Michael visited her parents, Mr. man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. anid Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. Alec Wiseman, Toronto. Bill is Miss Della Cheaney, Toronto, very well known in this district spent the week-end with her and his friends wish for him and, aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Tamblyn. his bride much happness. Miss Adele Morton visited her Dr. J. E. Wallace, Sterling, a parents over the week-end, native of Linwood, has been ap- Miss Shir.ley Porter, R.N., Osha- pointed president of Stanford Uni- wa, with ber parents, Mr. and versity, California, the appoint- Mrs. Neil Porter, ment ta take effect in September, Miss Audrey Billings with ber 1949. Dr. Sterling's father was parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bil- a minister in Orono, where he lings. and bis family were bighiy es- Mr. C. Wood, Kitchener, spent teemed. Friends here will be the week-end at hîs home here. pleased at the honor conferred Miss M. Davey visited Mr. and upon him. Mrs. Kenneth Fraelick at Prince Miss Catherine McCausland re- Albert, ceived a great deal of publicity Dr. and Mrs. J. Leslie, Peter- last week when her picture and bora, spent the week-end with a picture of ber beautiful farm ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. homne appeared in the Globe and Riddell. Mail, along with a lcngthy write- Mr. A. A. Drummond bas been up. Miss McCausland's farm is visiting bis parents in Toronto. situated near Leskard and she is Miss Elizabeth Burgess is \'isit- a familiar figure in Orono. She ing ber brother, Bey. L. Burgess, is a former nursing sister with at Elmvale. tbe Air Force during the war and In the chapel of Deer Park bas now learned ta run a farmn United Church, Tarontao an Fri n- ie day evening, Nov. 26, M1r. Wm. adlk t Rawland, son of Mn. and Mrs. H. Mn. J. H. Arnott visited bis wife Roawland, Orono, was united in and san at Mrs. Ray's. Mr. S. B. Rutherford retunned on Sunday aften attending the In- ternational Convention of Social Studies beld in Chicago, as a dclegate from Forest Hill school, Toronto. ~~ About 75 members of Orono Fish and Hunt Club and 25 mem- bers fromn Bowmanville attended the goose dinner in the town hall an Monday nigbt and thorougbly enjayed every part of it. The sumptuaus banquet was catered ta bv tbe Ladies of St. Saviour's Anglican church and left nothing ota-be desired. The geese, wbicb were deliciaus, were supplied by Dr. McKenzie and Mr. Wm. Arm- strong. A great deal of credit is due these two gentlement for pro- viding a very interesting evening. Mr. John Armstrang, president of Orono club, acted as chairman and cailed an Mn. Chas. Stephen- son, M.P., ta lead in a sing-sang with Mr. Neil Porter at the piano. After calling on his brother Bill for a few remarks on their event- ful tnp fao James Bav, he asked Dr. McKenzle ta intraduce the Rid:ngin Algonquin Parkc guest speaker, Mn. Parks Allen, of Ithaca, Mich., wba was ane of (>1faur m~en tbey met and camped1 9 'with. He proved ta he a very en-1 tertaining speaker and had with him severai films af calaured mov- IN THE SADDLE ing pictures taken on the trip and whichweresbown by Mr. Cecil Im.&n riding is fun in Aigonquin Carveth. Dr. McKenzie's pictunes1 Pak. 2,170 square miles of un- were also shown and as seeing isi r.believing, every one agneed thati louched lake and woodland 15 set aside h n aJmsBywscran for holiday-making 4 to 6 hours dirive iy a ver ' worth-while venture. 1 frotn Ottawa, H-amilton or Toronto. The hockey dance and dna, For infarmation write ta Superinten- held in the town hall Friday night, dont, Algonquin Provincial Park, bad a record crowd and $250 was Algonquin Park Station, Ont. added ta, the treasury. Tim Dalv Tbousands of friendly visitors enjoy of the Maple Leaf Hockey Club Ontario Halidays every year. Let'e presented J. West with the mostf give them a warm welcoine! valuable player's award. Thenea were twc, orchestras, the Kirbv; yi U7LE5 MAKE THEM Hill Billies and Roy Farrester'S t WANT TO COME BACKI, dance band. Thirty prizes were r drawn for and four dance prizes given, ail of wbich were donated by generous citizens of this dis-c trict. r The Silver Medal cantest in'l - f f ~.4 Park St. Church was well attend- t ed on Friday night. Thene werca 13 contestants, 6 girls and 7 boys. Miss Arlene Rainey won the sil- ver medal for the girls and Jack Wilson for the boys. Ail contest- ants received a book. WAR SURPLUS STORE - The Place to Buy and Save - 24 Division St. Bowmanvi]le Army Pullover Sweaters ----------$3.25 Army Khaki Trousers ------------$4.50 Air Force Trousers -----------------$4.50 Army Wool Blankets ------------$4.00 Red Indian Blankets (H.B.) ------- $6.95 White Sun Ray Blankets (H.B.)---- $6.95 Real Value and Savings in Sport Shirts, reg. $6.50 ------ - for $3.50 See our War Assets Truck Tarpaulins Khaki Battledress, Trousers and Tunies; New~ and Used Parkas, wool pile iincd; Heavy Wool Plaid Shirts; Mackinaw Coats; Combination Undervvear; Reconditioned Army Boots; Rubber Boots; Overshoes at Money Saving Prices. SPECIAL OFFER Family Group Special th DEC. to il th DEC. (inclusive) Sizes 8 x 10 or 6 x 8 inches REDUCTION of 25 percent. on ail orders of 6 or more. Telephone 2800 for Appointment ALPHAPHOTO ,à L H ASTUDIO 40 KING ST. EAST BOIVMANVILLE, ONT. FARM FORUMS NEWCASTLE FORUM Our forum met at John Rick- ard's with 13 present. "I Sec By the Paper" was discussed. It was decided the daily paper fulfilîs its purpose as fan as the news of the daily happenings in the city, but often misrepnesents fanm facts because of Jack of knowledge on the part of the reporter. A farm reporter should bave a fanm back- ground and be able to give a true picture of fanm conditions as they nealîx- exist, that the urban people will nat be niisied. Our local paper, "The States- man," fulfilîs its purpose and has ahways been a champion of the, fanm cause. We meet next Manday at How- ard Allin's. PROVIDENCE FARM FORUM Our Forum met at the home of Mn. and Mns. C. Turner with 2P present. The discussion topic w&î, "I Sec By the Papen." We cansiden that most of the publications specified belaw fuI- fil their special purpase with n few exceptions. The, daily papers couic! servc better by being less pnejudiced aven political matters. It could pnint more facts and less supposi- tions. More modesty and refine- ment sbould be shown in report- ing feminine happenings, as same- times veny crude remanks are made. Mare space could be de- voted ta fanm news, wbich sbouhd be reported by one wbo under- stands farming. The local weekiv is cansidered goad, but we would like ta sec al fanm news tagethen, and a wom- an's coiumn would add ta Its in- terest. Wc tbink politics should be on a neutrai basis, as a local paper is subscribed ta by mcm- bers of itl parties. The publications of farm and ao-operative anganizations and privateiy owned farm papers met .vith a general approval and seemn to carry a fair repart of farm acti vitics. Next meeting nt flhc home of Mrn. and Mrs. Earie Osborne. S.S. NO. 4 FORUM S.S. No. 4~ Forum mect at the h lome of Mn. and lVls. Lloyd Down. Discussion was an "I sec By the Paper." Question anc. How well do you think cach of the following papers fulfihîs its special purposes: (a) the daily, (b) the local weekly. (c) the publications of fanm and co-operative arganizations, (d) the privately owned farm papcrs. We agree that the lange daily 1 papens do a veny good job of in- formning us on mast general news, but sometimes are inclined ta ex- aggerate the basic facts, and in- variablv lean one way or the othen poiticall.v. Regarding fthc local weekly, wc feel that it is doing a splendid lob and is a good friend et the Fed- eration of Agriculture, cf Fanm Organizations. excellWnt on repart- ing fanm activities. and a great ibooster for aur home county. The last two mentioned publi- Ications are doing veny well and anc made welcome in any fanm home. * Suggestionis on improvements xvene: The dailies should carry a pge cf sunnounding centre nexvs of intcnest ta rural areas. Many Iwould ike ta sec a practical dis- cussion page started in the local Ipapen. There was alsa sorne citi- farmn papers are doing O.K., if was Ihought that mare information and details on best methods of scientific farming, such as cx- peimenfal results cf fertilization. conservation. etc., coîîld be gievn. Nuniber present, 20. OBJTUARY IIRS JAM1ES BELLAMY For many years past a resident of Maple Grave, Oshawa and Whitb'., Lucinda Heard, the wifc of the late James Bellamny, passed away on Saturday, Novemben 27, in Whitby. She ivas in ber 88th year. MIrs. Bellamyý, vho lived most of ber life in Mfaphe Grave, had bec.n active in chureh work there. and after she went ta Oshawa she became a miember of Simcoe St. United Church,' remaining a member of that cburch until ber dca th. The fureral service was lield Nov:. 30, frein the Lukc-Mclntoshi Funenal Home. The service Wa- conducto-d b '% Rex'. J. S. 1. Wilson. an.d internent was in Bowman- vi.:e Ccmceteny. le Fn~rcor.]h el's cf the E.ztabihslied Church rnay peal. -- - - - - - - j,,.- CVUY AT WALKER'S Embroidereci Terry Towels Hene's a practical, as weil as iovely gift. Sol id colon bath towels with daintly embraidened flowers ln contnasting colons. Large sizc too, 22"x42". Colons are rase, green, gold and blue - ------------ $1.79 eae FancyCae Smartly boxeci fan Christmas giving. Tbey are nmade fromi fine -quality cotton, bleaclied snow white, and attnactiveiy embnoidercd. A gift that is bound to plea__ $2.98 pr. HAND SIZE TOWEL TO MATCH------- - 89c ca. FACE CLOTH - ------------- ----------------- 35C Garbardint Ski Jackets Just wbat the outdaor girl wanits fan Christmas. Fine caftan gabardine ski jacket in fawn colon. Detachable parkas. Well lined with kasha cloth for extra wanmtb. Sizes 14 ta 20. - $12.50 ea. A1l-Wool Ski Slacks Any active girl wili jump fan joy when she gets a pair of ýhese siackE. They are made fromn alh-woai frieze with button side apening. Elastic anklets, Navy oniy in szs14 ta 20. $4.95 pro Chenille Bath Mat S ets Soft, ciosely tufted chenille bath sets. m-i set that will enhance the appearance cf any bathroom. Set consists of lange bath mat and toilet seat caver. Colons are in soft pastel shades with contnasting 4!A0ec va flowen design- sp1.ii sel R ev ersible Scatter Rugs A gift she'Il be praud ta own. Th'ese lovely scatter rugs are neversible. Calons are rose, bnown, green and blue, wvith enibroidered flower design in corners. Size 25"x48".-- ----------- 85 a SIZE 30"x60'----- - - ------ $11.95 ea. Sîraighf Cul s1 ps What girl daesn't love ta get a nice slip far Christmas, We have a lovely selection in Plain tailorcd style or lace trimmed. White only in sizes 32 ta 40 - --------------- - $2.98 ea. Dainfy Blouses Hcere's a personal gift that xill \vin for you high pralse. YouI will find a blouse fQr evcry occasion, somne tailored, Some fussy. There is one here ta suit ber faste. White or colons. - $05ea. k/dLe4 SO~ee, .ende Phone 451 THE MODE RN STORE Bowmanville q GIFTS FOR "HI!'!" Dad on big brother always needs a new shirt. Waikers hiave a wide selection of plain white and fancy striped shirts, aIl in fine quaiity Size W2ta 17........----- -- $ .0 a Jîîst received in time for Christmas giving, an outstanding collection cf tics. Many designs and celons 'ta choose from. Made fnum imported materials ur an eprty tled ---- ----$ .0ea. Socks Hicre's an item that he cant have fao many of. Fine al-wool socks in fancy designs. You will want ta gîve bimn several pairs of Sie lO to 11 -2 $----5-pro "ON *Clarke Twp. Election 'For Reeve And Councillors A well attended meetlhg of the ratepayers of Clarke Township was heid in the Council Chamber on Nov. 27. Mr. J. C. Gamey pre- sided at the meeting in place of ijthe Deputy Clenk. Splendid re- 'ports of the work of 1948 for bath Township and County Councils wene given bSr last year's Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Council- lors, who v:cre all nominated again for 1949. Several new name were submittcd with aIl qualify- ing ta run for office. The folaw- ing will be candidates on election day, Dcc. 6: Reeve -Charles Melville Joncs and Edward Ross Woadyard. Deputy Reeve - J. Hartwehl Lowery (acclamation). Councillors-Jas. T. Brown, J. Henry Davey, G. Wihfned Hawke, Sidney J. Lancaster and Arthur McKay (tbree ta be elected). Twa nominations were submit- tcd for vacancies in Clarke Town- ship School Area Board. The fol- lowing Were elected by acclama- tion: Gea. R. Morton and Stanley Rowe. f PONTYPOOL recent ilIneSS. t av o idrpoorly attended, probably as a'and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mal- PONT POO Wedont sem t hae nticd reultof revouspostponcments. colm, Yelverton, visitcd Mn. and where Lizzie and Phil have nam- Not that we are bhaming Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. First, we have the Federal ed their baby boy yet. Our first Calahan. Mn. and Mrs. Milburn Middle- Cabinet legalizing the illegal three initiais are E. F. P. We will Bill Thiesburger's black maria ton, Lindsay, visited Mn. and Mns. entry into Canada of a group of donate f ive bucks ta the new arena was in the neighbounhood recent- Herman Wilson. French collaborators. Next, we if the praud parents don't bang hy. Wbich means someone bas Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm bear that ane of the Frencbmen one of our names on the new hast same stack. visited Mrs. Mînerva Trewin and bas been appointed Chief Sur- prince. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin, Ennis- geon of a Sorel, Quebec, hospital. The first thing an Army recruit killen. The amaz'ng. part of the wbole learns about a rifle is ta turn the TITII business is that a Canadian war muzzle toward the ground when NEST LLIUONMn. and Mrs. Jackson and fam- Veteran appiied for the same job loading on unloading it. If this _____ily, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. and was tunned down. Wby? pninciple had been followed on Mn. and Mrs. Wîlmen Fîtze, Mn. Fred Crawford. Wonder how the Fedenal author- Saturday at Russ Kenr's shooting and Mrs. Leonard Jobhin, visited Mr. Oscar Edwards, Cecil and itnes think they are going ta coax match, a nasty accident would Mn. and Mrs. George Johns and Lloyd, Toronto, called on friends. recruits into Canadas armed have been avaidcd. A sbotgun was celebrated with themn thein 23nd Mn. and Mrs. John Bond and services ta. fight this country's being loaded when, the tbing wedding anniversary on Nov. 23. Archer visited fniends in Taronto. %vars if they are goîng ta gîve thq went off, \vounding Clarence Mn. Billy Johns was in Toron- good jobs ta traitons after the war Page, Russ Kcrr and Hanny Jones. t n teddteWne ar IV iene.Russ Kerr was shot in the shoul- Mn. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm SIV R WEDDING We note that the Toronto Even- der, rather too near the face for had Vaierie Denise baptized in ____ inc Telegram bas been sold. comfont. But, it was Harry Joncs United Cbunch, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitze Although it' disphays the Union that got the most of the charge Miss Ruby Veal, Toronto, with Jack on the top of same of it's in bis right ieg. At present lie is ber father Mn. A. H. Veal wbo js On Fniday evening Nov. 26 pages wc nememben that, in 1913, in Lindsay Hospital. The Bethany sick. about seventy fniends and neigh- some of if's advertising used ta doctor bad just arrîved at the Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, bars gathened at the home of Mn. carry tbe admonition "No Eng- match about the time of the acci- Melville and Anna, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilmen Fitze, Ncstleton, lisbmcn need apply". In spite of dent, so was able ta render first and Mrs. George Samelîs, Scugog ta celebrate with themr the haïp that, it is stili refercd to as a class attention ta the waunded. Island. occasion of twcnty-five years of pro British paper. The fellow- It is claimed that Mn. Jones had Mn. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot wedded life. that started the Teiy borrowed bis own gun ieaning against the and Bryce, Lindsay, visited Miss Mn. Leonard Joblin called thc ten thousand bucks ta get it go- ýwounded leg and that this fact Ethel and Mr. Henry Thompson. fniends ta orden and a program ing. That was sevcnty-three years saved himn somewhat, as the gun Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, was nendcred consisting of music, ago. The cbap that just Ïbought it received the -brunt of the blast. Jamie and Nola, Port Penny, vis- neadings, sangs, and step-dancing bad ta sheli out three million six Mrs. Donat Cnoteau bas been ited Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin. and' at the apprapniate time an hundncd and ten thousand. It not having a nice long visit with Mrs. Ralph Emerson, Toronto, addness was rcad by Mrs. Lloyd only pays the advertisen ta adver- friends in ber aid home tawn vic- visited Mn. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Hunten, Pont Penny. The bride and tise. it alsa pays the newspapen inity, Granby, Quebec. Her bus- Miss Elva Bradley and Miss groom wcne presented w'ith Iwo owner. wc hope. band gassed up the family jalopy Norma Bradley visited friends at occasional chairs, an end table, We are pleased ta report Mr. last week and beadcd in the same Nestleton. silven bread tray and their great and Mns. Chas. Winn and baby direction. A number from here attended niece, little Marlin Stinson, pnc- dischanged from haspital, and, Sorry to report the death of the play at Biackstock and enjoy- sented the bride with a bouquet of back home with their family. little Caroline Mucha. We extend cd the evening. fliwens. Wilmen and Leta respon- Mrs. Ken Spankes, Douglas sympathies ta ber parents Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Reg Middleton, ded ta the sincere good w\ishes and Rikky, bave retunned ta their Mrs. Paul Mucha. Islington. Mns. H. Vine and Ralpb, with words of appreciatian and home in Ricbvale, aften making Alvin Olan reports baving visited Mn.' and Mrs. L. Joblin. gratitude for the kindly thoughts sure that Mrs. Sparkes' mother. thneshied bis iast job for the cur- Mr. and Mns. Elmer Gibson, which prompted such an expres- Mrs. Ed Youngman, was able ta cent season. Marilyn and Keith, Saintfield, sion of lave and fricndship. At paddle ber own canae after lier The dance iast Friday wvas Mnr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm this tirne "For Tbey are Jolly 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, tOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Good Fellows" was sung. fA bountiful lunch was serve4 and the remainder of the evexiln* was spent with cards and dancin> Music was supplied by Mrs. Lloy,4 Hunter and Mrs. Chas. McNeit pianists. Mr. Herman Wilson4 violinist, Mr. Clarke WiIliamq, guitar, and Mr. Lewis Stinson6 caller. All present declared tha4 a unique occasion of extrema congeniality ancd a iong rememq bered delightful evening whicit extended to the wee small hours Several cards and long distanceI calls of congratulations were .re4 ceived. Guests were present fren4 Bowmanville, Port Perry, Caest area, Cadmus and Janetville. Lucky Winners At St. John's Draw The Willing Workers of SN John's Church held their most en* joyable cuchre and draw in Unoit Hall. Wednesday evening, Nový 24. Keen competition marked the gamnes prior ta the announcemgentk of the winners and the distribua tion of the valuable prizes. Thoi wool blanket that camne too late for the draw was auctloned ta realize its full value. The following prizes were wonj iby lucky ticket holders, in thiS order: 1, radio, Mrs. J. Brown; 2 silver creamn and sugar set, Pats3F Marr; 3, card table Il-s L. Lons* berry: 4, silver plate and glasse,% Mrs. Spence: 5. teapot, Mary Kirlu ]and; 6, coffee percolator Mr Hocklev. The lucky door' priz4 feli Io Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. E. Heni ning won the grocory draw. VEU MAT, DLPC. 2nd, 1948 rAilir TRIM 1

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