Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1948, p. 3

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IURSDAY, NOV. l8th. 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTo PAGE THREE WEDDINGS WRIGHT-TIGHE Rev. S. J. Coffey officiated in .Joseph's R.C. Church, Bow- anville, on October 30 when ida Mary Basil Tighe was unit- in marriage with Harvey right. The bride is a daughter Mrs. Tighe and late Dr. F. T. ghe, Bowmanvjlle, and the oom is the son of>Nrs. Wright d the late Mr. Addison Wright Aurora. The bride v;ore ber travelling it of brown gabardine with atching accessories and corsage Talisman roses. Miss Helen liewas her sisters only at- ,Jpnt. She chose a taupe brown ieinble with navy accessories d corsage of yellow baby umns. Mr. Charles Wright acted best man. For the reception at the brides orn heget waige, 82 Church St., Mrs. Tighe joeen printed silk frock with a rsage of rose carnations. She as asisted by the grooms moth- who chose a brown crepo dress ith corsage of yellow carnas- ons. Following a wedding trip to ttawa, the couple will reside in Urora. BURLEY-VESNA Newtonville United Church arsonage was thc scene of a uiet afternoon wedding on No- ember 6th, when Eilccn Bernico, oungen daughter of MINr. anid Mrs. *Vesna, Bowmanville. became e bride of Gordon James Bur- ey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bur- ey, Newtonville. Rev. H. A. unt was the officiating clengy- an. The bride wore a street length krock fashioned with fitted bodice ~f black lace over pink, short ,ýseeves and full black skirt. She iwone matching pink elbow length ýgloves, black accessories and a icorsage of Talisman roses. At- Itending the bride was ber sister ýMrs. Fred Luxton, woaring a fu- ichsia silk frock styled with fitted In Hot Pursuit.. FIRE IS GLOSER to des- troying your home than you think! A fauity electricai fixture .. . a careiessly st.orcd inflammable could start hlm hot-footing through your home on a wild race of destruc- tion. Check the fire hazards In your home and Insure ade- quatfely today-through Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681, Res. 493 ing Street- Bowmanville bodice and full skint, blue elbow length gloves, blue accessonies and a corsage of roses. Mr. Rus- sell Vesna, brother of the bride, was best man. The neception was held at the home of the bride's parents Duke St., Bowmanville, with the bride's mother receivîng in a gown of gney crepe with black ac- cessories and corsage of mauve baby mums. The groom's mother assîsted choosing a rust crepe frock with black accesories and corsrage of bronze baby mums. Following a wedding trip by 'motor to Western Ontario the happy couple will resîde in Bow- manville. Relatives and friends wore pre- sent at the neception fomn Tor- onto, Oshawa, Slave Lake, Alta., Newcastle and Newtonville. HALL-RAHM Jessie Irene Rahm, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm, Bunketon, and Stanley Horace Franklin Hall ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall, Tyrone, were united in marniage at St. John's Anglican Church Rectomy, Black- stock, Saturday, Oct. 30th, with Rev. J. McKibbon officiating. The bride wome a steet lcngth dness of rose crepe with matching accessories and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations. She was attended by ber sister, Miss Dorothy Rahm, who wore a street length dress of pale Plue crepe with silver sequin trim and cor- sage of mauve baby mums. Mr. Stanley Arthur Rahm, bro- ther of the bride, was best man for the groom. The recoptian was held at the home of the 'bride's parents. The bride's mother reccived, wearing a gawn c f grey crepe with cor- sage of pink carnations, and was assisted by the grooms mother who chose a dress of black crepe with corsage of white carnations. The bride's table xvas decorated with pink and white streamers pink candies and tiny nasogays of pink roses and centned xith a three-tierod wedding cake. The toast ta the bride was proposed by Rev. J. McKibbon and res- ponded to by the bidegroom. Later the newly married couple loft for a wodding tnip to points west. For travelling, the bride chose a wine suit with grey coat and black accessonies. On their retumn they will reside on thein farm at Tynone. Guests were present from St. Cathenines, Blackstock, Tyrone, Bunketon, Haydon and Bowman- ville. United Church Asked To Increase Givings For Retirement Fund Congregations of The United Church of Canada from New- foundland to British Columbia are being asked this month ta in- crease their contributions so that netired ministons and missionar- ies, ministens' widows, and arph- ans of mninistens may be givon a cost-of-living 'bonus to meet the rising costs of living. Eveny church in The United Church of Canada is 'bing askod to increase its offenings for the Missionary & Maintenance Fund by 20 percent during 1948. %There are 875 rctimed ministens and missionanios roceiving bene- f its fram the Pension Fund of The United Chumch of Canada. In ad- dition thene are 799 widows and 83 orphaned children of minis- ters, a total of 1,757. Docision to provido a cost-of- living 'bonus to the Church's .iveterans of the Cross" was made at the General Council of The United Church of Canada held ecently in Vancouver. Many churches are planning to ask for spocial missionary and aintenance offenings to provide th is cost-of-living bonus. CONTINUQUS QUALITY IS QUAUITY YOU TRUST a o HAMqBLYS CARDGNATED DEVERAGES OSHAWA PHONE 755 Mrs. Bert Johnston Recent Bride Honored At Social Functions Mrs. Bort Johnston (the former Ada Clark) was guest or honour at several social functions prior to hon mariage on November 6. On October 7, membors of Club 15 entetainod at the homne of Mrs. Russel Oke with a kitchen gadget shower. After the gifts had been opened the remaindor of the evening was spent playing Court Whist. A dainty lunch was senved by the girls. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deane, Toronto, entetained the young couple on October 16 when four couples from Toronto and four tram Bowmanville were present. Sovoral comical gifts were ne- ceived and thon Ada and Bort xvere presentedi with a silver entre dish. A doicious buffet luncheon was served. On October 23 at the home of Mrs. S. R. James with Mrs. Louis Dewell, Mrs. Russell Oke and Mrs. Jack Dunn as hostesses, a kitchen shower was held in hon- our of Ada. Twenty-five friends wene in attendance and many usoful kitchen utensils were ro- ceived by the bride-to-be. Mrs. Richard Clark entertained on October 30 at a delightful trousseau tea for her daughter Ada. About 75 relatives and friends attended during the after- noon. Pouning tea weno Mrs. El- mo Watt and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and seveÎal of Ada's girl friends asisted at the tea table and ini the various roams displaying the bride's trousseau and wedding gif ts. Juniors Organize Homemaking Club A dozen girls met at the Agri- cultural office on Nov. 5 to organ- ize the Junior Home-makers for the project "Being Well-Dressed and Well-Groomed." The follow- ing officers were elected: Pros. Colleen Hutchinson; Sec. Mu-t11 Reynolds; Treas. Marg. Reynolds; Press Correspondent Doris But- tory. A name for the club was not decidod upon therefore on Nov. 19, the next meeting's roll cal will be "A name for the Club." The meetings will be held at the homne of Mrs. James Grant, our leader, on evory second Friday evening at 7 p.n. Our leader ex- plained to the mombers the ob- jective of the club and tho ne- quirements of the members. A lunch of cookies and pop was served. BROWN'S Mn. and Mns. C. Avery, LaAw- nence and Lloyd visited Mn. and Mns. Robt. Wilson, Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. Marlow Hancock, Sharon and Wayne, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancock, Elmcnoft Farm, North Oshawa. A High School party was held in the Auditorium of the commu- nity hall, Fniday night, when the students and staff were host to a party of the Orono High School students and staff. Appmoximato- ly ninoty were present. Dancing and games took the first part cf the evening. Then cake, ico cneam- and chocolate milk was semved befone everyone dep 'nted. A good time was reponted. Newcastle Cadet Corps, para- ded to the Newcastle Community Hall on Thunsday in full uniform, the occasion being Remembrance Day The corps had the front seats in tho hall. The girls in their navy skints, white blouses, black ties and jaunty caps looked smart while the boys in khaki uniforms looked quite natty. The corps thanks Mr. Goheen and Miss Bell for training them s0 keenly. Mr. and Mms. Cynil Avery were gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. I. Wilson and Wylene, Newtonville. Brown's Home & Sehool Assoc- iation wene guests of No. 9',s H & S Association on Wedsneday ove- ning. Brown's supplied the pro- gram which consisted cf a nead- ing by Mrs. H. Riechrath; song by Bemyl Riechrath; reading by Misý Joyce Avery; sang by littHo W v- lene Wilson and a duet by Misscs Benly and Canal Riechrath. No. 1 supplied the intemesting speakcr fmom Oshawa, who spoke on thc Home & School Association. Af- ton this, lunch was served by No. Miss Joan Belsey spent Sunday with Miss Peggy Stephenson. ZION (Hope Twp.) Mn. Jim Caswell, Carol Cas- well, Jim and Eileen Brown, Mrs. Harold Caswell, Jean and Iris at- tended the pictunes shown at Bunker Hill School, shown iby Mr. Cecil Carveth, Newcastle, Monday evening. Miss Josephine Ingoldsby. Bun- ker Hill school and Mrs. Charlie Raby, Zion school, attended the Teacher's Banquet held at New- 4onville Sunday School room Tuesday evening. % Mrs. Harold Caswell and Jean weme overnight guests of Mms. Willis Jones, Newtonville, whilc attending the Teachers' Banquet.!r Amongst those who are enjoy- ing deer huniting are: Ruluf Be- hec and Edwin Ruthven, Bunker Hill: Mac Naîl Irwin, Zion. Mms. Perey Porter, Bow man- ville. visited Mrs E. Coldwell. Congratulations to Mr. and~ 1 Mms. Stephen J. Beckley (nee Marie Dickinson) on the bith of a son. Nov. 9, at Brockville Gen- oral Hospital. This is the first gandchild of Mr. and Mrs. W.B. MmicEdgaonWalker. Dikis. EgZion. r .A. . Guelph, was home for the week- end. Bert Waddell, Toronto, Eddie Bown. Canton. Fred Brown, and1 Max Moore have retumned fnom deen hunting. The latter shot a four year old deer. Sunda 'v visitons at Mr. and Mms. Fred Bown's %wore: Mm. and Mrs.î Grah2ni. Canton: Mr. an-1 Mr r Ted Porter and family. Toronto. v/A j- Walker's 1 Solid Color Bath Towels Soft, thinsty towcls that do such a grand drying job. Large size too. Colons are peach, blue and green. $1.49 eae " and C.4 gift. --------------- - I$8.9 PrI. Chenille Bath Sets Soft, closely tufted chenille bath sets. A set you'd ho proud to have in your own bathroom. Sot consists of large bath mat and toilet seat covor. Pastel shados. - - $4.95 sel Quilted Rayon GldenhmHOUSECOATSo Gladenherheart on Christmas Morn with one o these housecoats. Luxurious, quilted rayon expertIý cut and dosigned. Colons are pink, powder and turquoise. Sizes 14 to 20. $14.95 ea. Rayon Crepe GOWNS Everyone loves to get a gown for Christmas and here àý is a lovely one. Fine rayon crepe in blue or pink, plair tailored design. Sizes S, M and L. $3.79 ea. C offlon Prini Table Cloths Outstanding valuc in a printed cotton tablecloth. Made of fine quality w hite sheeting with a vaicty of smartly $ .8 a printed designs. Size 52" x 52". Rcg. $2.98,.- $- .8Lea Linen Tea Towelling A fine quality linen tea towelling that is 17" widc. borders of mcd or blue. Makes up intt lavely and useful gifts -------------- Ladies' Wool Gloves An inoxponsive gift for somocone you know. Lovoly ail wool gloves with jacquard design. Many colon combinations ta choose from. Plastic Bridge Covers Here's an extremely useful gift. A quilted plastic bridge caver. They are so easy to kcep dlean. Colons are wixhe, green, and blue. s1.85 ea. Fits any standard bridge table. - Baby Blankets Soft, downy "Esmond"' Blankets. A real gift for the newest member cf the family. Penguin design. Colors are pink or blue. Spocially priced. Plaid and Check MUFFLERS A1I-wool mufflers for the man cf the bouse. Thcy arc made in Scotland and came in a variety of design and colons. Choose yours today. $1.98 ea. Smart TIES Walkcr's have an autstanding collection of tics for Christmas giving. Many designs and colons ta choose from. Made fnom imported materials and expently styied. $1.50 ea. Men's Fancy HALF HOSE Here's an item lhat he can't have toon n'any of. Fine al-wool sacks in fancy designs. Reinforced heel and tocs. Sizes 10 to Il -4. $1.25 pro 89C eae SzsS, M and L.- ---------- $1.29 pro Wl Head Squares Thcsc wool squares are hand-madc by handicapped pcoplo. A gif t any ane would lave ta get. Lovely soft pastel shades in plain colars $2 0. or checked designis. $2-2 ea AlI Wool Dressing Gowns A dressing gown titat ho will be mighty proud ta wcar. It's ail wool and in a heringbone weave. The ideal gown fan lounging anound the house on cool evenings. Navy or wine. Sizes M and L. --------------------------- $11.95-ea. Plaid Dressîng Gowns A real "Ho Man" dressing gawn in authentie scotch tartans. Expertly cut and designod. Sizes 38 ta 44. All wool matonial. Tartan designs are Royal Stewart, Wallace, Margaret Roe$1.5eae Phono 451 THE MODE RN STORE Bowmanville Colorcd 79c yd. bVaL6e4 8/O4et, ./? é#ndi ADVANCE GIFT EVENT Bring your gif t problems to us and let us help you solve them. Walker's is brimming full of choice desir- able gif t merchandise f or everyone in the whole f amily.. Remember to "Shop in November - Relax in December." "CANNON" PLAIN HEMMED SHEETS Double bed size in these famous "Cannon" Sheets. They're bleached snow white rý and will give long, hard service. Size 81" x 99 finishod with plain hems. A most acceptable 1 4 I J THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVULLIC. ONTARIO ýURSDAY, NOV. 1 8th, 1949 PAGE THPýEM f Imm

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