Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1948, p. 14

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---- - -----E- - TRRENTADNfE? 'AF~ ~T~~~r ~¶1 VP?1I - -.----- - ..~.v..,~#*~J.l1b>Y U! U,~ 4 BRING YOUR - -.R...PA.CSH.N MESSAGE BE FORE MME~ A '$ t7~ SVEIIU 12,000 READERS ICT5PED _ BUft _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BIRTH-S BICKELL-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biekeil (nee Audrey Martin) are happy to announce the birth of twin sons, David Keith and Don- ald Kenneth, at Bowmanville Hospital, on November 5, 1948. 47-1* JEFFERY-Marie Ann wishes to announce the arrivai of ber baby sister (Penny) on November 10, 1948, in Bowmanville Hospital. 47-1V' JENNINGS-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jennings (nee Norma Blanchard) are happy to announce the birth of their son. Michael David, on Saturday, November 6, 1948, in the Hospital de La Providence, Ste Agathe des Monts, Quebec. 47-1 ORMVISTON-Mr. and Mrs. K. Ormiston wish to announce the arrivai of a daughter. born Nov- ember 12, 1948, at Bowmnanville Hospital. 47-1 TAMBLYN-Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Tamblyn (nee Doreen Joyce) are happy te announce the birtb of their daughter. Laurie Jane, at Bowmanville Hospital, on Nov- ember 5, 1948. 47-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Eve. lyn, to Murray Earl Tabb, the son of Mr. Thomas Tabb and thie late Mrs. Tabb, Tyrono. The marriage will take place at Maple Grove United Church, on Nov. 27th. 47-1* Pets For Sale IDEAL Xmas present, pedignced wine bain terrier puppies, excellent blood lino. Derbyshire Kennels, F. Npedham, Bunketon. 46-2- Wanted 0 SCRAP batteries, $1.50 eacb. G. F. Jamieson Tire Shop, Pick-up Phono 467. 46-tf ELDERLY woman would like to get a beated room and board, S- centrally located, by Dec. lst. Write Box 159, Statesman Office. 47-1 * SD OY STERS I D irect from SourceI bDEATH.S BRANTON-At Newcastle, Nov- ember lltb, 1948, Thomas Frank Branton, beloved husband of Adelize Spencer, in bis 8tb year. Interment Bond Head Cemetery. EAGLESON - In Bowmanville Hospital, on Wed., Nov. 17, 1948, Eliagne Eagleson, beloved wifo of JaesEgleson, in ber 69tb yeer. Resting et the Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmenviile, until Thtîrsday noon, thence et ber late residence, Centre St., Orono, for service on Friday, et 2.30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetery 47-11 McNEIL-At Cobourg, November 12th, 1948, Thomas MeNeil. belov- cd busband of the late Ida Os- borne, in bis 82nd year. Interment Bowmanville Cometery. RUNDLE-At Bowmanville, on Nov. l4tb, 1948, Albert E. Rundle, husband of the late Freda Cour- tice and father of Albert Elmer Rundie of Toronto, in bis 86th x car. Interment Ebonezor Cern. etery. IN MEMORIAM MARTIN-In loving memory of a dear \vife and mothen, Jean Mc- Naught Martin, wbo passed away November 17th, 1945: Tume takes away the edge of grief, But memnory turns back every leaf. -Ever remembered by ber bus. band, John, and daughter and son-in-law, Vivian and Howard. 47-1* RICKARD-In loving memory of my dear mothen, Emma Jane Frayne. beloved wife of Mn. Sam- uel Riekard, who died Nov. l3tb, 1923: I nover can forget the day I heard my mother say, You're leaving, child, my tender care; Remember, child, your Mother's Pr ay r, Though years have gone, I can't forget your words, 0f love, I bear tbemn yet. I 500 ber seated in ber chair, My mother dean, in sîlent prayer. Oh praiso the Lord for saving grace, We'l1 meet up yonder face to face, The borne above togethor share In answer te my mothen's prayen. -Lovingly remembered by hon daughter, Eva Jamieson. 47-1 WILSON-In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Hilda Victoria Wilson, who passed away November 23, 1940: -Always remembened by Bella and Arthur Falls and family. 47-1* o I. * 'T I 'T COMING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Saturday, Nov. 20. Ruth Wilson's Varioty Band. Admission 50e. 47-1* Royal Winter Fair - tickets and transportation, Nov. 2th and 24th. Phono Balmoral Hotel, 322. 47-1 Don't forget the date of St. An- drew's Church bazaar, Nov. l9th. Home-made baking and aftornoon tea. 47-1* Jack Evans and his 12-piece Dance Band, Toronto, will be at the Avalon, Oshawa, Friday, Nov. l9th. 47-1 Hampton W.M.S. are holding an afternoon tea at the parsonage on Thursday, Nov. 25th, from t 6 p.m. Tea 35c. 4- The Juniors of St. John's Cbunch are holding their bazear and tea in the Penish Hall on Tuesdey, Nov. 30, from 3 ta 6 p.m. 47-2* Bleckstock Continuation Sebool Commencement Exorcises, Thurs. and Fni., Nov. 25-26, featuring the comody: "A False Alarm." 46-2 The Bowmenville Higb Sebool "At Home" on Fnidey, February llth. Orchestra, The Sevenaires Dance Band of Peterborough. 47-tf Reserve Tuesday, Wednesday, Thunsday, Friday, Nov. 23, 24, 25, 26, Higb School Commencement, musical comody "Triai By Jury." 43-5 Dance et Enniskillen Hall, Fni- day. Novemben 19. Ruth Wilson's Veniety Band. Auspices of Enni- skilien Atbletic Club. Admissien 50c. 47-1 Fnidey, Dec. 3. Salem Women's Association wiii boid e bezeer and efternoon tee in the Lions Com- munity Centre fromn 2.30 te 5.30 p.m. 47-1* Fniday, Nov. l9tb, Goodyear Recreetion Club wili bold e bingo in the Recreetion Hall, et 8 p.m. Admission 50c per persan. Won- derful pnizes. 46-2 r Hockey match - Maple Leef Gardons, Nov. 24tb. Limited num- ber of seats and tranzportation fnfom Bowmanviile. Ph>zie Bal- moral Hotel, 322. - 47-1 Enniskillon Chunch bazear on Tuosday, Nov. 23rd, et 2.30 p.m. consists of homo-baking, aprons, fency wonk, candy, etc. Aftennoon tee will be served. 47-1 Willing Workers af St. John's Cburcb will hold Eucbre and Drew in Union Hall, Nov. 24th, 1948. Good pnizes, lucky door pnize. Admission 25c. 47-1e The Salvetion Army Home Lea- gue sale, fency work, bome-made beking, knitted goods, home-macle cendy, efternoon tee, Saturdey, Dec. 4tb, et 3 o'clock. 47-1 Resenve Fridey, Nov. 26, for St. Paul's Church bazear. Sale con- Articles For Sale Articles For Sale ALAD)DIN Lamp, good as 11eW. ORDERS taken fan men's custom Mns. Dunn, 14 Third St. j71 macde suits and overcoats. Are yau 1 interested in securing e suit or LARGE canniage, good spnings, ovoccoat, made te yeun individuel pnice $7,00. Phono 2310. 47.1* measurements, of ell-wool British -mntenials. Garments are guar- CARROTS, $1.00 bus. delivered. anteed te fit or money refunded. Phono Bowmanville 2468. 17-3 Then Plaone Clarence S. Mason, 39 Elgin St. Phono 432 for appoint- 1935 DODGE sedan, good running Ment. 47-1* onder. Phono 2557, Bowmanvi lie. SIX-cooîn insul-bnick bouse, bath, 41*etc., reasonable; 2 rails snow fonce; nicw Otaco manure spneaden; new PRINCESS Pet cook steve. yoan Case tracter plow; new electnie old. in perfect condition, Phono i rangett; rcw eloctrie rangette, 2069. 47-1 thi-ce wi-e: Beatty and DeLaval w-atoc pressure systemns; fine ex- PAIR lady's white tube skates, tinguishers; barbed xire; 6' sot sizo 6, only used two months. tî-actoc dises: iîsed cook steve, witb Phono 2425. 47ï-1* io uruer: aluminum roofing. W. .- H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phono 497. FRIGIDAIRE, DeLuxe 5 mode], 47-1 neanly ne\v. Phono Orono 55 , -___________________ Orono Electrie. 47-1 HI::nI, CHEV. sedan, '34, in good condi- tien. Phono 2369, Lloyd Breoe Hampton R.R. 1. 4- TWO used tires and tubes, 67t0x16, and set of chains te fit same. Phone Port Perry 191r,11. 47- 1 FORD truck, 1938, 2-ton; farrm wagon, rubber tires: set Rcnfrewv scales. Phono 418 Bowmanvilc. LADY'S coat, royal bIne -with light fur collar, size 13: als ise rn.vni tweed coat, size 13, Phono 2,1o',-. -7*1 46 FORD DeLuxe coach, mlar about 11,000, clock PlId heater. Excellent condition. Phono 761I. 47-1 GOOD, clean wheat straw, balcd. approximate wcight 60 Ibs.; also buckwheat for fced. Phono 2271. 47-1* LADY'S coat. wine with grcY Per. sian Lamb trim. size 13. Phono 2173 or apply 72 Duke St., Bow- manville. 47-1 McCLARY range with xvatcr fieont, warming oven and sheif, ceai grate in good condition. 51 Division St., Phone 977. 47-l" FIVE used typcwrithrs. 11", c.ar- niage. $50 each. Apply Mr. L. W. Dippell, Principal, Bov.manville High Scbool. 47-1 ONE Sulent Glow oil bu-nec \vjth single 8" burner installcd in Que- bec heater. Mrs. R. E. Dinniwecl. 30 Silver St., Phone 784. 47-1:: ONE small ceai rook steve; two! 32 ft. extension ladcrs: one 3-1 burner ceai oil steve with m7cn. T. H. Tabb, Tyrone, Phono 2346. 47-1* PIANO - mahogany, Colonial; boautiful tone, perfect kcys. locks much like now. Ternis ma v ho :ýr- ranged. F. J. Mitchell, Eownî;in- ville. 47-1 CHRYSANTHEMUMS, rît flov.- ers, floral designing for evcr- o.- casion. Say it whflowerci. .1. K.1 Graham, florist, Enniskillen, Phono 2468. 47-3 VENETIAN Blinds-F. F. Morris STENOGRAPHER, epply Good- year Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. Eoxvmanville. 46-Ï HIGH Schopl girl te do ligbt houisekeeping, in i-eturn for room and board. Phono 606. 47.1* STENOGRAPHER and bookkeep- or for Bewmanville Hosite. Write. stating qualifications and rcfenences te Box 162, Statesman Office. 47-1 CHRISTMAS help wanted - 8 hrs. a day, 65c an hour, from Dec. 15 te Dcc. 26, inclusive. Apply this Saturday afternoon, betwoen 4 iand 5 p.m., at Bowmanville Post Offlice. 47-1 WANTED-Man for steady travel arnong consumers in Whitney. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable bust- 1cr corsidcrcd. Write Rawleigh's Dept. ML-K-140-131, Montreal. 45-4 BE your own boss! Distribute aur '150) products: toilet articles, mcd- icines. cxt racts, spices, floor wax, inýccticides, farm products, splen- dici assor'.ment of gift boxes. Our dealers make substantial profits! A customner in each home! For catalogue and detaîls, write to FAMWILEX, 1600 Delormier St., Montreal, P.Q. 44-6 Real Estate For Sale NEW five-roomed bungalow, good district, North Oshawa, immed- ictec possession. Phone 2525, W. Osh'm'a. -47-1 FARMI-Lot 23, Con. 1, Darling- ton, 94 acres, good land, good I buýidîng:. Immedliate possession. IApply 238 Olive Ave., Oshawa. 47-2* BUNGALOW - 5-roomed, brick, with attaehecd kitchen, insulated,, :iot v.'a.tcr lhcating. 2-car garage, Ilaedini Newcastle. Appiy P. \VlimNewcastle. 471 THE Agnes Gardon Estate, Cent- v:.rit4ht Towvnship, 200 acres of good ï-i nd pESturo land, weli water- ccd and wooded. Apply Mrs. R. W. Jackson, R.R. 1, Nestieton. 46-21- For Rent -Isists of home- baking, aprons, 1ousruuosinuuaeSl-SI-cea i-n lieuse ith hydre, t'.o s babies' ciothes and miscellaneous est venctian blinds. Wo nicasure miles w-est ced one mile north articles. Afternoon tee from 3 te and instaîl. Cali 41.0 for fneceFcti- 1ic E rFonanviIlie Phono 2149. 47-1 5, and bot cafeteria supper from mates. 36-tf --______ 5 ta 7 p.m. 46-3 13 HV i-ho ceî TWO unfumrnished rooms suiteble 193________ el ednMans- for business girl. Wiite- Box 159, Dane wll o bld e Nxv-ter, heaten, trumpet iornos, iii A-1 St'itcsman Office, Bowmanville. 3 ac ilb edi e-condition, aIse aîîe Geîîerîil F!cc- 47-1 - castle Community Hall on Fniday, trie car radio. Phoneo Port Pci r ___ _______________ Nov. 19, under the auspices of the 78r2, cvenings. 4 Newcastle Ladies' Softbali Club. ______________ Don Hmm adhsexapoono anda ORSale or w-ltrace forle- 1I4 -- orfor-rfi--ooe 7-pioce orchestra. Admission 50c stock, 1943 arn-y ti-uc1k. ini po, iHeE rfuro ieroe per persan. 46.2* condition, xitiî Sel 1 iILt staej apartmeît xith living rooms on body. Apply P. Schwvarz, dule';roI-I!d floci', in Boxvmanville, by t Mns. Thomas Gould - Sale of Gi-ove, Phone Bowmnîaîxille i19.niiddlo aged couple, abstainers. work in Sons of Engicnd Hall, 47-1-: -Wite Box 160, e/a Canadien Fniday, Dec. 3, 1948, et 2.30 p.m., ktsîa. 47-1* sharp. Comne eanly. Piilow cases, NEW Westinîghouse table top clcc- aprons, children's wer, infants' trie ranges; Bendix AItenI1ati c UINGENT-We gave aur dog eaway. gawns, homo-cooking, candy and wcshcrs; ianigettes; Coqs 1w1c i Mut v-e gix-c aur four chiidron efternoon tee. Everybody wel- chairs; Chî-oîîîo breakýfast -t v~vte et c home? Willing te came. 47-3* studio couches. Mumphîx's, Phiono dc'corate. Can yen heip us te find 811, 57 King St., W. i74 aliîdlorsl fond cf children? Write At the Selvation Army. on MEuGt naatmit iv x 16:31 SLatosman Office.« 47.1* Sunday, Nov. 2lst, Major F. Wil- OIGoanprteliv liams and Lieut B. Bossant v'iil ne funther uc foir ceam (iin-ielc Wanted To u ho fanowelling from Bowmanville eook stevo, equipeid vi'thi o'.1 __ for Toronto. On Tbunsday, Nov. humns; ail spae heatcri-inc-- a-: TWELVE-geuge double berrel 25th, Lieuts. Fermer and MeeKen- year (lionne -enlccl). 35 Teni ici-- h iot,,Ill Phono 2408. 47-1* zie xill ho welcomed et the Citadiel ance St., Phonîe 903. 4-I11_ et 8 p.m. 47-1 STROLLERS - Pnams - F. F.Tr ML îc rcce elYl - îe: yrone, Phono 2500. Fudris Ce. have the largcst stock 0af 47-1* _______________________ strollers, go-cents, tcddlo cants,I cribs, etc., for the baby this sido Kr-,ITCHEN cabinet, with pull-onut STRAYED onto my property. one f Taranto. You yl rave by gct- v o-k bonci. M. E. Tabb, Tynone, Durham cow, Ownen may bae- ting aur prices finst. 36- tf Plîoîc 2346. 47-1t seme by paying expeeses. Apply1'_ --i Bert Johnson,ý R.R. 2, Bunketon, OSH-AWA'S largest assortmcît f f BEFORE selliîig your live poultny Phono 2290. 46.1* floor coverng. Coigoleuîm , l- ry ms Our pîices are higher. M. olounis qnd inlaids, ala1 .tl ad Fatt, PR.1,B-thcey, phono 7r Room and Board colours. Oven 100 pzittcim. Ru;- 1,3. reverse charges. 17-tft aed carpeis ca r'Vo,, -. Y Ir --_-__---__---- ROOM end board evailable for compîcte lile (tîrni iî-,rs, RîItiv- 1- lOSES: 01<1 cnd cipplcd. High- two High School girls. Mrs. Cecili foîd Furnitune Ca., 1356-Susîlcce Stc. t price, plus bonus if dolivoned Brow'n, 45 Temperence St. 471* South. 47*-1 at Tyceîîe. Aise able to kili et -- - -oiur farni. Dcad farm stock ne- Work W'anted-_ NEW biankets froni o'd- v-colleÎ, niocdwithin an bouc. Ccli us Turnn iiaIl venu- 5)1(1 wý,od e . ad c] i-((t. MrxxilFur Farm, SCISSORS sharpened, pnices îea- get brens! orw, ail-weo o id utc î o Boweinville. Phone 2679. 38-tf sanabie. Mai-k Biackhun, -Miii St.. wool blaiikts. ini ftsItdiI ____ Hamptonî, Phione 2729. 47.1*1at suibstaîitiai axiiV --- - - inmacle, direct fîtinqiiii!! hIo ciiod For Sale V HOUSEWORK for the wintei-, Askf'or cataloguie odav. lh.pt. ' !' - F___ months by two Dutch girls. Cen Miian' Mi«s M-l 'd, --'1 1Tli-RFEe e-quarter acre x'.ood d speak same English. Write Box i Ontai-.f; cchas ale tnig 161, Statesman office. 47-1* L. - 47 hoe 30.1* REPAIRSRUTHERFORD FuinitureoC . L C4To7psnPhno232 iEAR av-e a complete lineo tf BcdniVodSl Marshall, Simniens and i WooaSae ÎREPAIRS toa eh makes of refrig- ]ess spring-filled mattît.e. ue -_________ ________ eretcrs, domestie and commercial. side couch pads, spriiîc: aInd dv WOOD SALE-I have been euth- r Higgon Electnic 42 King St. E., encports. Yuc oîî, lî.e :/-icl te sdIl by publie auction foro phono 438. 26-tf fFiînishens. Rutherford Fiiriioitire 1,i!Lii-ie Gens!, Lot 12, Con. 4, Dan-p Ca., 156 Simncoe St., Souîth, -i liîîgtcuî, one mile cast of Hampton,C NEAT-Way Shoe Repain: Good, IaWa. 47--i - County Road, on Seturday, i substantiel workmanship, neliabil- Nov~. 27th, fit-c acres, moneoro less,p ity, dyeing, solieg, sewing, etc. TRADE-INS--Fieilav -ceaI l SaV(e. r-i tai e dec, te be sold in 2 Try thue Neat-Way, opposite Bow- white enarnel: Qucher ceai itove--; (:1Ii acre lots, more or less, y manville Cleanens. 7-tf Beatty ehecîî-ic v,%ashIir, cepocperItrehiasen tao gix-en until April tf __ tub; Rangette with oven coîîîroi. I. t. 1950, te nemnove timben. Custom Work o ne nmonîii old: electrie cccii: ce aroties wishinig good pcsts on con- t cil stox'os: gasolîîîe so : ouo ~i wanîing scaffold poies PLOINGedcuiivain. Asobcd, anîtiquec; soli'i walmiut ihîr - dattcrd ibis sale. Good John Deere copain work and 5;t:îîable for' ioelcfpucîi,: "- î-ifr mt1c.Ternis cash. Sale C parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. Mýurphy's, Phono '811, 57 KncS!. ot 1I clock. Elmer Wilbur, Anc. I 19-.ti W. 47.1* i tioneer. 47-2 N Auclion Sales The undersigned has received instructions ta seli by public auction for James Anderson, Lot 8, Con. 2, Cartwright, (one mile west of Smith's Woods) on Sattir- day, Nov. 2th, al bis farmn im- plements and some furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. T. S. Mountjoy, clerk; Clifford Pethick, auctioneor. 47-1 1 bave received instructions from Mrs. Fred McRoberts, Lot 3, Con. 7, Darlington Twp., 11/ miles east of Tyrone, to soîl by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 20th, at 1:30 p.m., ber entire herd of Durham cattie; two horses; a large quantity of dry oak lumbor. For furthor particulars, see bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-2 Mr. D. S. Moffatt, Lot 27, Con. 4, Clarke Twp., one concession south and a baîf mile east of Orono, is giving pp farming and wili soîl by public auction on Saturday, Nov. 27th, five yeung borses, bis ontire herd of regis- .tered and grade beef cattle. pigs, poultry, hay, grain and a fulli une of noarly new farmn machinery. For further particulars see bills. Torms cash. No reserve. Note timo of sale, 12 o'clock, sharp. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 47-1 Livestock For Sale 25 PLYMOUTH Rock pullets. Phono Orono 73r4. 47-1 20 NEW Hampshire puliets, six months old. Phono 2750. 47-1 YOUNG pigs, some nine, some six weeks old. Phono 2377. 47-1 EIGHT Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. R. Stenger, Phono 2824. 47-1* EIGH T young pigs, 7 weeks old. Herb Stainton, Phono 2734. 47-Cw CHOICE Holstein beifers. ready to breed. Phono Oshawa 1827j1. 47-1 * GENERAL purpose mare, good single and double, five years aId. Phono 2330. 47-1 ONE brindle cow, 4 years old, just i'ènewed with heifer caîf at foot. Phono 2496 Bowmanville. 47-1 ELEVEN pigs, six weeks old. One Yorkshire sow and ton pigs, two weeks old. A. Boyd, Enniskillen, Phone 2487. 47-1 65 TWEEDLE soecial mating Barred Rocks Pullpts, ready to lay. Fred Yeo, mile east of Orono. 47-1* 25 HYBRID Rhode-Island bons, one-year-old; also Quebec beaten, converted over te ail. Phono 2260. 47-1* FOURTEEN choice Durham beif- ors, average 5 ta 6 hundned lbs., pricod te sel]. Stanley Malcolm, Nestieton. Phono Port Perry 194r2l. 47-1 CÂRDS 0F THANKS Mr. and Mns. Bort Colweil and family sincerely thank the Good- year Tire managemont and em- ployees, aise thoin many friends and noigbbours for ail kindnesses received during his recont iilness. 47-1* The Ladies' Auxiiiary to the Canadian Logion wishes to thank Miss Joan Stacey, Miss Beverley Allison and Misses Gwen and Muriel Wiliatts f9r their belp in making the social evoning a suc- cess. 47-1 Tbe femily of the late Mrs. Gea. Moore desire to express thoin sin- coco thanks te the neigbbours, fri- ends and relatives for the many expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended te them in their recent sed hoe- reavement. 47.1* Mn. and Mrs. Refond Cameron wish to thank thoir many friends and neigbbours for their many kindncsses, for cands, fruit. flow- ors and candy, during bis stay in the hospital. Aise thenks ta bis nurses and doctors; also ta thank aIl the neighbours for the ir kind belp since bis return home. 47-1* Mn. Pbillip Williems and fm ily of Newcastle, wisb to express to thein many friends, neigbbors their heertfelt thanks and apprec- iat ion for acts of kindness, mess- ages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes oxtended ta them in their recent sed beneevement in the loss of a dean wife and mothen. 47-1* Court of Revision TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE NOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Re- vision foc the Town cf Bowmen- ville viiIlho beld in the Councilý Room in the said Town on Mon- day, November 22nd, 1948, a t 7:30 p.m. ta hear and determîne the severel complaints of errons and omissions in the Assessment Roll of the seid Municipelity for the year, 1949. And funthen teke notice tbat al ratcpayers who deem themselves overchergcd on otherwise impro- perly assessed may notify the Clerk of the Municipality in writ- ing of such overcharge on impro- per assessment on on before the 22nd day of November, 1948, and ,our complaint shahl be tnied by tho seid Court of Revision. AIl pensons baving business et tho Court are requestod ta attend -s --o-es-id- A. J. LYLE, Clcrk cf flic Tovn cf Bowmanviiie )ated this g8th day of November, 1948. Strayed TWO bay mares, one with blind left eye, lost Monday night. Last seen travelling west towards En- niskillon, at 1.30 a.m., Tuesday. Reward. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Phone 2679. 47-1 Personal HYGIENIC supplies - (rubber goods) mailod postpaid li plain sealed envelope with price flst. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-9 MAPLE GROVE Miss Aura Osborne, Ebenezer, spent Sunday with Miss Susie Laird. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoar, Toron- to, were Sunday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Col- lacutt, and ber sister, Pearl. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Staples and sons, Bethany, spent Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf, Oshawa. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mrs. Wallace Gibson and sons, Gerald and Russell spent a f days with Mrs. Wm. Hennin~ Oshawa. Y Mrs. Bill Barchard has returneà home after two weeks visit with ber sister, Mrs. Henry Bowen, Newcastle. e A YOU AFO R URONFIREMAI%, OIT 3O%1 J A cK DROUGH PLUMBING AND HEATING Bowmanville 3 Kint St. W. Phone 2384 EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH CELEBRATES ITS I1OTH ANNIVERSARY AND THANK-OFFERING ON E Sunday, November Zisi E SERVICE AT 10.30 a.m. WHEN REV. DONEVAN JONES Minister of Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, will be the guest speaker. t Special Music By The Choir A spaclous shed offers protection for 30 cars, as well as splendid parking space for many more. Cordial Invitation Is Extended To ail to attend this memorable and inspiring annlversary service. n NOTICE -mm FARMERS 24-HOUR SERVICE We pay as bigh as $10,00 for Dead or Crippled Horses and Cows According to sîze and conditlon-Small animais removed free. No trouble to the farmer. We do the Ioading HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES PHONE 4026 PETERBOROUGH - REVERSE CHARGES NICIC PECONI, Owner See ihe New Color "Orchids fbo You"f from Revion Lastron Nail Enamel ------- -- 75c Lipstick -------------------65c - $1.25 Nail Enam el --------- --------- 50C Fashion Plate Face Make-up -$ 1.75 Guciranteed Rubber Goods Attachment Sets - .- -69c Syringe Lengths ea. 40c Fountain Syringe -------- $1.98 Molded Throat Ice Bag -.- $1.75 Symbol Invalid Cushion, AIl Rubber ------ ----- $3.75 Symbol 2-Quart Water Bottle $. 1.35 Defender Watem Bottie .... $1.59 Kantleek Water Bottle, made ln one plece---------3.25 Sciberling Molded Fountain Syinge $1.19 Defender Red Moulded ce Cap -----....$1.69 Symbol Face Bottie, Red, 1 Pint............-------81.25 Rexali Kuddle Kltty Tiny Tot Water Bottie, Pink or Blue $1.00 Gif t Sets Evening In Paris Talcum and Tollet Wat.er $1 Tollet Water and Bubbiing Bath Essence -,- - $1 1.45 Perfume and Face Powdem $2,25 Toilet Watem Perfume and Face Powdcr ----- $83.,0 Llpstick, Rouge Talcum and Toilet Water $1.75 Bubbiing Bath Essence -- $1.75 $3.50i *Toilet Water and Perfume---- ----.--75c-$1,35 $1.601 Tollet IVater, Talcum and Bath Essence --. Talcum, Perfume, Tollet Water and Face Powdcr $5.00 JURY C& LOVELL TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When We Test Tour Eyes It là Done Properly Phone 778 C.N.R . Tickets Notices Owing te the hydre shontage we will close otîr stores et 7 p.n. every evening except Saturday, at 10 p.m. E. A. Vintue, F. L. Bm, Tyrone, Ont. 47-1* Applications wili be recoived by thoeiîndensigned up to and includ- ing November 3th, 1948, for the position of Clerk, Treasuner anc Tax Collecter for the Municipality of the Township of Clarke. Place of Office: Township Hall, Orono. Salary $1800.00 per yoar. Appli- cants kindly state qualifications and cgc. E. R. Woodyerd, Reeve of Clarke Twp. Orono, Ontario. 45-3 Notice NOTICE 0F DISSOLUTION 0F PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is boreby given that the Pantnership hertofore subsist- ing betwveen us the undersigned as JUNGLELAND BIRD AND ANIMAL EXCHANGE in the Township of Derlington in the Countv of Durham bas this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debt.- owing to the said Par- tnership are te bo peîd te Donald K. McDonald, at Bow;Amanviile, in the said Countv, and al daims against the said Partnership are te ho presented te the said Donald K. McDonald the continuing part- ner under the same name and title, by wvhomn the samo shahl be settlcd. The said Donald K. McDonald t xiii carry on business as dealer ini pet stock tînder the said nae cf Jungieland Bird and Animal Exchange. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tarie this l6th day of Novemben, 1948. SIGNED in the prosence of A. fM. Hodgins. as te signature cf as! - ,d .Mcoal;W F. Ward chian. D. K. McDonald Daniol MacLachlan, j 47-1 Priday, Novemeber 1Oth . p.. This is Parents' Nigbt, sponsoned hy the Sundey Schooi and ail parents of the penisb are especiaily asked ta attend witb their children. GENERAL PUBLIC INNVITED SILIVER COLLECTION -7- à f Price $9100 per one-haîf bar- rel, box f.o.b. freight or express as desired. Inquiries solicted from dealers and commercial tisers. D. B. McLeod Tabusintac, N.B. ~ $600DOWN That Is your down-payment on a modern newv home equlpped to give you many years of happy living. Here are a feiv of the out- standing features:- 1. An excellent residential area. 2. Low monthly payments. 3. Good floor plan. 4. Carefully supervised during construction. 5. Fully insulated walls and ceiling. 6. Hardw,.ood floors. 7. Full 7' baseinent ivith new furnace. 8. 4-piece bath. 9. Lots average 45'xl20'. Nov' Is the time for you ta purchase a friendly home ivhere housework is easy and vou are able to enjny life. People %vill admire your modern roomy home de- signed for efficiency and happy living. We have picturcs. bookiets, blueprints, etc., ail available for your inspection. Veterans of World War 2 have prior- ity of purchase while home is under construction. Please ask for Mmi. Nash et 4400. chofie1d SCIN SURANCE Realtors 6 S.îrcoe St. N. "SHINING MOUNTAINS"I An întcresting andi educational max îîg picture of the Canadien Reekies, in colon. Othen films will alsa ho sbown with musical intermission In the Parish Hall, Si. John's Church on the ei'ening of TRE CANAD" sTATEsnAN. nc)wmArimm.T.r mmyAur^ ý oeet"vlmv% A Np IL?^-VP 0 nàdL ...- $2.50 PAGE rOIMTEM

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