Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1948, p. 9

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T!rURSIDAY, NOV. l8th. 1941t The Newcastle Iudependen.t Mr». Trudy SaJIown A Remembrance Day Service church it is today A large atten- was held in the Community Hall, dance was at the morning service Thursday, Nov. 11. The High and heard the inspiring sermon School cadets looked very smart "Forward Under Divine Com- as they marched in, There was mand," given by Rev. Georg'e young Canada today. Remem- Brown, M.A., B.D., of Kingston. brance Day! Yes. Lest we Forget The special and lovely music for -We paid tribute to the glorious the day was under the direction dead and with the world in its of choir leader, Mr. Jas. S. Dyer, present state may they flot have with Mrs. Laura Fisher at the died in vain. organ, doing ber usual splendid Mrs. Reta Embley of the staff job. Mrs Jas. Brown and Mr. of Dý'er's Drug Store is on holl- Glenn Alun took the duet in the days visiting in Toronto and Belle- anthemi and the fine male quar- ville. Mrs. M. Sallows was in tet included Messrs. Ross, Glenn Dyer'sg Saturday and Randy was and Bill Allin and Wilbur Bas- guest of Mrs. L., Bellamy for the kerville. "Called Christians" was day. the theme of Dr. Brown's message Mr. and Mrs.'Ted Hoar. Toron-_ at the evening service. to, spent the week-end with bis The Newcastlea Golf Hunt and ITother, Mrs. E. Hoar. Country Club left on Saturday Miss Pauline Branch, Peter- night by train from Oshawa on borough. was at home for the their annual deer hunt to Bays- week-end, also Mr. A. E. Mellow, water. The eager nimrods consis- Kingston, with his famnily. ted of Ben Nickerson, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Shupak were visi- Madison Hall, Orono, Ross Dick- tors with M r, and Mrs. Wàllace pnson, Howard Toms, Austin Holmes, Lakeshore. Turner, Bob Stephenson, Geo.j Mr. Sam Brereton was with his Stephenson. Lewis Clarke, Bill Parents Mr. and Mrs. H. Brereton Lake, Jack Holmes, al] of New- over Sundav. castle. The trip is highlighted by Mrs.. J. G. Jackson spent a very 87 year oid Ben Dickenson wboj pleasant week in Toronto with Is making his 67th consecutive ber daughter, Mrs. W. F. Kelsev. trip to the bush, while Bob Ste- The sympathv of the commun- phenson. the baby of the gang, is ity is extended to Mrs. Frank making his îýth trip. Branton on the passing of Mr. The Kingsway Lunch Room Branton at the'ir home on Friday. formnerly owned and operated by Sorry to hear that Mn. Bob Mr. G. Agnew. is now reopened1 Duck had to undergo an opena- under the proprietonship of Mn.1 tion on Satundav. He is in Osha- Chas Green. We welcome Mn. ands wa hospital. Ris many friends Mrs. Green to Newcastle and wishi wish hlm a speedx' recovery. themn every success. They have re- Sunday, Nov. l4th, the United decorated and added to the place Cburch held its 8th Annîversary and it presents a veny attractive services. This church was dedi- dlean appearance. cated in 1868. Thnough the yvears A sad accident occured on Sat. it has undergone changes and al- when one of the horses on the tenations making it the beautiful farm cof Mr. H. Schmidt reared ~t MAG~ >PP 2e5~'r ~, ~dflol~,,~ cu' 9 ~ gsms. sbSnSc and threw 12 year old Keith erson te the ground. keith some of bis friends bad beer ing bareback and Jimimy1 wbo was iding with Keith bed bim. to save biniself falling. The horse reareci young Rogerson was throw: condition is critical at tiir writing. He bas not yet reg, cone iousness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Couc and littîs son, Harmony, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1 Coucb Sr. Miss Joan Bennett, Cob spent the weekend with ber ents Major and Mrs. D. L.E ett. NEWCASTLE W.M.S. At the WMS meeting Tbursday, hst Vice Pres. Mrs. Patterson pre- sided. She gave as the opening tbought a quetation prominent in Missîonary iterature this year: "When there is nigbteousness in the heant, there is beauty in the character. When there is ibeauty in the character there is barmony in the home. When there is bar- mony in the home there is order in the nation. Wben thene is order in the nation there will be peace in the worhd." Mns. Patterson said she had re- ceived a letter from Mrs. Tucker expressing thanks te our Auxil- iary for the shower of small.gifts tendened ber on the eve of her de- panture fnom Canada. Dr. and Mrs. Tucken on now on the water between Portugal and Angola, Africa. The Bible quiz on the book of Exodus, continued by Mns. Honey, proved both intenesting and in. structive. Mrs. Philp led the meet- ing in the singing of the translat- ion of the wartime Chinese hymr. "Unafnaid". In the worship period scripture passages were nead by Mrs. Hoar and Mrs. Patterson offered prayer. Mns. Charles Cowan contributed a vocal solo, "Just a whispered prayer," Mrs. Hoar accompany- ing. The study fnom West of the Gorges was deait witb iby Mrs. Beman who gave a bnief talk on the land of China, its vanieusi religions, and customs connected with each. She showed bow the leaven of Christian teacbing was graualhy working te bring woman out frorn ber position of infenior- ity te, that of equality with man. T'he remankable carreer of Helen Pen wbo became the second Chinese weman te be ordained in the Christian ministry was un- f'ohded. Mrs. Beman was assisted in ner presentation of the stui >Y Mrs.1 Baskerville and M' Blackburn. MISS HAMrTE MASON HONOURED BY TEACHERS gç 2 Iiues . iClarke Township Teachens hb< s . e 0 thein annual Banquet in Newtoi ville United Churcb en Tuesda evening, Nov. 9. It was a turkE dinnen senved by the ladies of th W.A. As their guests the Clark MOIS teachers invited Hope Townshi teachers and tbe dinner was success. Speakers were Mn. MilIE ef Cobourg Collegiate wbo spok on bis hobby "Photograpby" ur NOTI CE TO USERS 0F HYDRO in the Bowmanville Rural Power District which comprises the rural sections north of Bowmanville ini Darlinglon Township, WestIof Courfice, ail of Clarke Township and pari of Manvers Township including the Village of Pontypool. NEW POWER CUTS Effective Tuesday, November 91h, 1948 the following daily power cutoffs wili be made daily Monday Ihrough Friday, inclusive ist cul a m m from 1.30 p.m. Io 3.30 p.m. And When Necessary a Cul will be made ai 2nd Cul m m m from 7:00 p.m. Io 8:00 p.me These culs will be conhiRued ai these hours u-nfil further notice. Kindly pay particular attention Io Ihese limes and in your own inleresîs please co-operaf e whenever and wherever possible in only using hydro-elecîric power when absoluiely necessary. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWUR COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO M 1'flU dAMZADAN I .'A'P!O,.AWV Mru.Awim.2V m ànUS Te V% h Rog- h and n rid- Miller grah- from i and n. His me cf gained zh Jr. spent Harry bourg. rpar- Benn-1 Miss Mason bas the address framed and it, 1log with tbe painting wili be trefsured by ber as long as she lives. The pupils of ber class hast year presented ber with a very pretty 'bnilliant pin of wbicb sbe is aIso very proud. May we toe, at this time, add aur own sincere wisbes that she, in ber retirement, enjoys healtb, bappiness and good luck. COURTICE idy lis Mn. and Mrs. Elton Werry with Kenneth and Mrs. Werry, New- castle. Congratulations to, Sim and Mrs. Penfound on the arrival. of thein son (William Mark) at Osh- awa Hospital, Nov. 13. eid Mn. and Mrs. R. K., Bragg, n- Shaw's, and Mn. Jessce and Mn. [ay Jack Arnott, Maxwells, at the ýy Blake Oke borne. 'he Our huntens bave returned and -ke nealîy bad the best of luck, bring- ip ing deer and bear and wbat net a witb theni. Geod going, fellows. ler Glad te, report Mn. W. H. Nicbý- ke oIs irnproving, be being a patient [n in OsbawaHospital. -Sympathy is eitended ta the i7 famiîy of the hate A. E. Rundie, wbo passed away on Monday, a!- ter a very -short illness. Mn. Frank Short, Brampton, Mr. Don Courtice, Hamilton, Mn. and Mrs. Matt Gouldburn, Osha- wa, at the John Short home. 1Mn. mnd Mrs. A. B. Werry visi- ted their daughter, Mrs. Terry and Melbourne at their new home on Westmcreland Ave., Oshawa, The first meeting cf Courtice- Maple Grave Brotberbood was heîd In Courtice cburch an, Nov. 4. Musical numbers were cantni- buted by Mr. Tremeer and Mr. Wagstaff. The guest speaker, Mr. Winten, Principal cf No. 8 scbool, used tbe topic Education and was veny Instructive and interesting. Refresbments were served. New officers for the ceming season are: Pres.-Elton. Werry; Sec.- Wilfrid Brown; Treasurer-Wal- lace Munday with others filhing in the different cemmittees. Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs.Eîmer Pollard witb President Mrs. A. Muir Jr. 1 n charge. Meeting opened Iby Pres., asisted by five otber ladies wbo effered short prayers. Devotionai was in charge of Miss Ann Hoît b n er topic was the "23rd Pam." A reading, "The New Churcb Organ" was given by Mrs. Lloyd Ceurtice. Third Chapter of Study Book "West e! the Gorges" was capably given by Mrs. Sandy Muir. Refresbments were served and a social time enjayed. W. M. Society met in the Ebe- nezer S. Scbool witb President, Mrs. A. J. Oke, in charge. Report was given on boxes packed and sent ta Miss Ronke in Japan. A life rnembership was te, be ne- ceived by Mrs. W. H. Nichois.. Some bigbligbts on the conven- tion beîd in Newcastle were given by Mrs. Hopkins who stressed reading of more mis-sionary books ty the ladies. Nominating com- mittee appointed were Mrs. Cecil Found, Mns. Alan Down and Mrs. Sam Vinson. Worship period was in change of Miss Ann Hoît and the topic "Thy Kingdom Corne through the eaing Ministrv of nus 1 PaIr t ime beat .6" 'Ob 'a MINARDS, l»d note te. uik relief you set. e.mele.., fm.-dryes a =&gO W~Ielaat odoe. ta"£S etabU.today; hn.p *Coa.omIc*i. 4 5-6 blb Gsxeec -N, DUW AN~V LLEé, O.JNTARjX~IO. 1 40 WALNUT VENEER SECRETARY DESKS Truiy a handsome gif t for mother. Handsomely styled ln oriental mnatched veneers. from $49.50 BRADLEY'S - 40 KING ST. W. AttractlIvcly uphols'tered in the finest of velours, guaranteed spring filIed construction. Truly a Brad- ley Special at $14.95 Just arrived. Lustrous walnut veneens, spaclous dust-proof draw- ers. Centre dnaiven slides. To sec this desk is te -want mie. BRADLEY VALUE $47.50 OSHAWA PHONE 271 ~SUOGESTION *Aeroplane Smokers, Light in Base--- *Shoe Fly Rockers ------ *Metal Smokers -------- *Children's Wheelbarrows *Satin Comf orters (Reversible)..........------ *Hassocks, Assortment *3-pce. Vanity Lamp Sets *Fibre Board W ardrobes ----------- *Dinner Wagons--------- I*Coagswell Type Lounge Chairs -------- Studio Couches -------- *Scatter M ats ---------- *Boudoir Chairs (Chintz Upholstered) --- *Smoking Cabinets ----- *Chesterfield Tables ---- * Doil Pram s------------- *Kindergarten Sets ----- *Mirrors by Hobbs - ----- - * antEdTbe Walnut CfEd Tables *Drop Side Couches (Complete) ------------- *6x9 Axminster Carpet *5-pce. Chrome 'Kitchen Suites----- *Tricycles ------- ------- * W agons ------------- -- *Toddle Carts -------- *Walnut Lamp Tables -_ *Tri-Light Lamps------- .folding many interesting details 1regarding lamne and Dr. Gateaklll, Supervisor of Art for Province 7of Ontario. It was, at the close of the meet- ing that Miss H. A. M4son cf Newcastle was called to the front and was overwhelmed when Mrs. Jones, acting President, present- ed ber witb a beautiful oil paint- ing by the well known artist A. A. Drummond. The painting was o! a lovely country scene east of Kendai. Miss Foster read the il- luminated address whicb was beautifully hand painted by Mr. Neil Stewart wbo also bad aut- umn leaves painted on each corner. Miss Mason bas taught school for..36 years and 8 months, many of these years being spent at Newcastle Public School. It was only on account of ber bealh that she was forced to retire hast year. The fohlowing is the address wbich expresses in full the senti- ments of ber teacher friends and aiso, ber many past pupils and other frfends wbo know and ad- mire ber: Before this enjoyable evening comes to a close, we, tbe members of Clarke Teachers' Association wish to take this opportunity cf honouring one to wbom we feel the greatest bonour is due. A careful scrutiny of your life's work would indicate you, bave given generously of your time and talent, flot only in the class- room, but in musical and sports activities as well, you did much tewards the planning of the Dur- ham Musical Festival. and one migbt say, pioneered the way with harmonica and rhythm bands. Wonds at best are ligbtiy Sfioken and easiiy fongotten, therefore we wish te present you with this mat- erial evidence of our good will and esteem. Our earnest hope is that your health will improve and that you may long be spaned to enjoy the feilowsbip of your wide circle of fniends. (Signed) Clarke Townsbip Teachers e WALNUT NEST 0F TABLES FOR MOTHEII This Is something slîe'Il appreclate beyond belief. Every woman dreams of owning such a decora- tive group of tables. BRADLEY SPECIAL $28.50 A SPECIALTY AT BRADLEY'S om.95 FELTOI, -REXOLEUIM 1VAIDROBES (raftsincn constructed lni the fln- est of bardwoods. Satin smooth ,tilnut finish. Several dl!ferent mnodels to choose !rom, ranging from $29.50 to $59.00 OSHAWA PHONE 271 $3.95 11.95 3.29 7.75 C.09 69.50 34.50 21.95 54.50 - 5.75 - 14.95 -'10.95 - 9.95 CASH or CREDIT 40 KINO &a À .~.- ~. - ~L0J r ~ ~* - -LJi the Churches." Scripture reading Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Cryder- Keitb Billett (nee Jean Balson) was given by Mrs. Chas. Found. man, Joan and Grant, Oshawa, at who were married at ber home The third chapter of the Study L. Cryderman's. on Saturday afternoon. Book was in charge of Mrs. H. F. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richards About 28 ladies cbartered a Osborne assisted by Mrs. Alan and two sons, Bowmanville, visi- Garton Bus for conveyance ta the Down, Mrs. Chas. Found and Miss ted Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeo. Central Area, Women's Institute Ann Hoit. This chapter deaht Mn, and Mrs. Roy Tamblyn and Convention at the Royal York witb dectors, oId and new and Teddy, Leaskdale, witb Mn. and Hotel, Toronto, on Thursday. many points of interest were Mrs. R. Luke. Mn. and Mns. James Knox, Fen- brought out, as they told of the Miss Eva Souch, Enniskillen, nella. Mr. and Mns. Gondyn. wonderfui work carnied onl in Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanvilhe, Brent, Gloria and David were China by many of the fine ne w visited C. W. Soucb. guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. docters and nurses, both Cana d- M.adMs o atn s-Sks ian and Chinese. M.adMs o atn s-Sks awa, visited bis sister, Mrs. K. Mrs. W. Hutchison., Oshawa, Some of those who attended the Winterbunn. visited Mr. and Mrs. Keitli Smith. enrainea ty Mon rM. and Mns. Russell Gilbert Clarence Smahe, Toronto, spent da enhgt. sponsoned by the and Velma, Solina, Mn. and Mns. the wveek-end with bis mother, Stockle Co. were Wm. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston, Cadmus. Mn. and Mns. Ida Smahe. Bickle, Mrs. A. J. Oke and Wesley Mrs. Geo. Gilbert at M. Mount- Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Brown, Oke, Messrs Norman, Carl and joys. Miss Ruby Deweîh, Oshawa, Mrs. Alan Down and their wives, Mn. and Mrs. A.' Northcutt, H. E. Tînk, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Lloyd and Mrs. Crago, Harry and Bowrnanvile, with Mr. and Mns. Tink, Lorne and Diane, Solina, at Mrs. Worden and mnany others. A. L. Blanchard. Pency Dewell's. AIl prondunced it a fine evening. Miss Ethel Gilbert, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. AI Harvey was M.C. \vith rnany spent the week-end at home. June and Junior Wilhun, Mr. and tahented artists contributing te Miss Dora and Margaret Pur- Mrs. Ted Kersey, Toronto, Mn. the program. don, Aliston and Cherrywood, and Mrs. Raymond Burns and with their parents. Barbara, Oshawa, at S. Kersey's. Mns. Fred Tamblyn, Onono, Mn. and Mns. Jack Yellowlees HAMPTON with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fengu- and Gladys and Donothy Wood- z;on. ruff. Sohina. at Sarn Dewelh's. Hampton Women's în'stîtute Morley Hastings, Toronto. at Mn. and Mns. A. Clcmns and heh a ucessulhazar n GeilCbent Adcock's. Mrs. Fred Battle. Bowmanville, Sund ay Sueoo l bocm on vthe M. and Mns. E. J. Luke. Osha- at Laverne Clemens'. Theda weaheolRoovs xcln Nvt an wa, at Mn-. XW. G. Doidge's and Mn. and Mrs. Mervin Hcbbs and Thie wfigurs exnelyetcnm Russoil-1 Luke's. Joan, Enniskilhcn,M. and Mrs. phlefiaprosxire tely 160coina-Mn. and Mrs. Norman Broomoe A. Hadv'. Bowrnnviilc. wc plee, pprxiratey $60.0 w.1and Ralpbh Sinipson with Mrs. C. guests of Mr. and Mns. J. R. Bey- reaizd.Colwihl and Rubv. nolds. Mn. and Mns. Will Cann, Bow- Glenn Williamis. Sudburv. was Ecv. R. C. Copolanél, Pickcring. manville, were gucsts cfM fa 'rn o' h ck-n.was gucst of 11ev. and Mns. E. S. -etie-owhla Mrn. and rLiFed Mears. J. Wil anMr. C. E. Jeffney lias returnedLitad Mrs. . Wilis, te Toneoi a nd xviiist2i t Tucsday Mi-. and Mns. Paul Kcly and Mn. and Mrs. Merxvîn M\ount- lfor Phonida where she wiil spend Nancv. Oshawa. Mn. Murray Ban- joy visited Mn. Albent Heaslip. the winten. rett. Pickering, with Mn. and Mrs.i Janetvilhe. Mr. ancl Mns. A. E. Billett, F. Honev. Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Petcns, Springfordi, attcndccd the mac- Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox at- Keith and Raleh, Toronto. Miss niage ef their son Keith te Jean tended the Bil!ett-Balsen wed-1 Mary Peters, Kurv Inn, at T. and B1al on on Saturday. ding cn Satundav.1 H. Sahter's. Cong«ratuilations te Mr. and Mrs. Syrnpathy is extended te is L. Reynolds, J. R. and J. W. Rey- nolds in the death of their unche, Dr. J. B. Reynolds. Mn. and Mrs. J. Rogers and daughter Barbara are itow accu- pyîng their new bouse at, the south end of village. Rey. E. S. Linstead preached on the Pickering charge on Suinday and was able te be present at the evening service bere. Anniver- sary services were welI atVended. Inspiring messages in sermon and song wene given. Lake Shore, Clarke Lake Shore H. & S. Club; met Nov. 10 at-which the present siate cf officers xvas re-elected There becngcne further business, Mr. Ken Dean annotinced a game of cirds and cveryone enjoyed euch- re. A deliciaus lunch was served. Hope te have a good turn-out at the ncxt meeting, Jan. 12. Mrs. Dcv. Jaynes was in To- rente for wcek-end. Mn. and Mr,. Robin Alîdrec and Lois xvilh Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Onono. Misses Blanche and¶ Dora Tay- lor. Oshawa, wýith Mr. and Mns. ArthurBdin Mr. andi Mrs. W. Adams and farnilv wvitli Mn. and Mrs. Bruce WVhitney, Ntwýcastle. Mn. and Mrs. Alcc Dawson and fn Ey amnilton, w.ith Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dea.. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, To- renite, Miss Hlazcl Barrie. Osha- wva, -Mr. Mac Couch, Timmins. Mr. Alec Bowýcn, Waslibunn, Inehand, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Holmes. Mr. Jack Hoîrnes is hunting 1 this xvil, 1 KNEEHOLE DESKS KING STO WEST ORE LOCATION au qau ULR

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