Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1948, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN'~TTLLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOV. !1Th. 1948 The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan Mrs. J. J. Mellor spent a few this district who had paid the days with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Col- supreme sacrifice during the war. lins, Forest Hill village. Invitations are out for the Fish Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson, and Hunt Club dinner on Nov. 29, Toronto, spent the week-end with when wild geese shot by Dr. Mc-, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford. Kenzie and Mr. Wm. Armstrong Mr. R. H. Brown is a patient 'n ill be serx ed and pictures of the Bowrnanville Hospital. His many hunit shown. friends wish him a speedy recov- Mrs. Albert Morton has re- ery. turned from a visit in Toronto. Rev. A. E. Eustace gave a Mrs. C. Wood was in Kitchener splendid Armistice message on visiting Mr. Wood. Sunday morning in Park St. A party of 12 men from Orono Church. The choir sang an an- lcft on a deer hunting ex-pedition themn and Miss Margaret Allin of on Nov. 6: Dr. A. F. McKenzie, T. Bowmanville, a very apprapriate Lewis, Everett Brown, Wm. Wat- solo, "In Flander's Fields." In the son. Gardon Watson, Glen Han- afternoon and evening, Rev. Eus- cack, Bruce Hancock, Henry Cor- tace preached anniversary ser- niFh. Charles Knox and Hlarold vices at Newtonviile and Rev. H. Allcn were among the 1oarty. Bunt occupied the pulpit here. Mrs. J. H. Basnett and Miss The veterans from this district Elsie Basnett, i'oronto, are visit- went to Bowmanville on Sunday Ina Miss Alice Basnctt at Mrs. J. morning to take part in the Ar- Dickson's. mistice service at St. Johîn's MViss Carol Staples has return- Anglican church. cd to Toronto and taken up her Mrs. W. C. Crossley placed a duties at the General Hospital wreath on the altar of Park St. after threc weeks at home. churcb Sunday morning in mcm- Miss Anna and Mr. Donald ory of her son and a]l others from Staples were home for the week- MORE TRAN EXPECTED! That is %%-hat we try te give you in eachi and every electricai wiring Job we handie for you. Our years of practical wiring experience have given us the ability to handie any job no mat'er how- big or how smnall efficiently and at the greatest possible saving te you. We pride ourselves ln using oniy the very best of materials so that you can count on years of trouble free service. Corne in and see us or give us a caîl to-day and me wiii ho glad to taik over your particular problem. - FREE ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON REQUFST - HIGGON ELECTIRIC Your General Electrie Appliance Dealer Phone 438 EowmanvilJe 42 King St. E. ~ins U23c CATELLI-W ith Cheese SPAGHETTI LIBBY-Deep Broivned In Tomnato Sauice BEANS 2Tins35ic Ri('HMELLO ORANGE PEKOE TEÀA 8 Oz. Pkg. Soc RICHMELLO FRESHLY GROU'ND C@FFEE IL. 5c CHAPES - FLORIDA Size 216 ORANGES -- CALIFOJIJA SUNKIST ORANGES - G REE N CELERY - P. E. 1. POTATOES - SEEDLESS 96,S GRAPEFRUIT - CALIFOIINIA, FRESH, rIR-M TOMAMES - end. Other guests were Miss Patricia Tux!ard, Sask., Mr. Jim Robertson, Toronto, Mr. Glen Wiggins, Brampton, Mr. Bill Christie, Miss Ruth Manning and Miss Barbara Cofford, ail of To- ron ta. Will the people of Orono and district wbo have news items for The Statesman, kindly phone Mrs. R. E. Logan. The news is sent in Tuesday afternoon o! each week. Clarke Conservatives Elect Of ficers The annual meeting of Clarke 'iwnsbip Progressive-Conserva-! tive Association was held in Oro-1 no, Saturday eveni ng, Nov. 6.ý The gathering %vas one o! the largest in the history o! the assoc- T. A. Reid iation and the main business aside from election of officers, was consideration of plans for improving the organization prior to the next Dominion election. Both local memnbers, C. E. Ste- phenson, MP and John W. Foote, MPP, were present and address-cd the delegates on the party pro- gramme for bothprovince and Dominion and the changes in leadership that have brougbt George Drew to the national capital and Tom Kennedy ta thel Ontario premiership. Theoth er speakers included Ex-Warden M. J. Elliott. Reeve Ted Woodyard and Dr. W. Sherwin. Officers elcctcd for the caming year were: President, T. A. Reid, Orono; lst Vice Pres, Hartwell Lowery, Kirby; 2nd Vice Pres., Miss Jennie Thompson, Newton- vi]e; Secretary, R. R. Waddell, KC, Orono; Asst. Secc'v., Miss Alma Cutteil, Orono; Treasurer, Gardon Martin, Newvcastle; Audi- tors, Lyle Lowcry and Anson IGilro. ,Orono. - . *2Zlhs. 25c 6 ' s -* d z Size 344's dz 29 - - -doz. 21c - * 2 heads 25c - *1 lls. 27c - -66for 25c - pky. 19c PRUNE PLUMS CRlveBan.2C. i6 HEINZ . TOMATO SOUP Tin 11 MIXED PICKLES Sweet ]Rs1l"'.2 9 SOCKEYE SALMON Týi:"39c COHOE SALMON 22c RICHMELLO M mlwM4 m v Wa i ffl PINK SALMON 0.0.Tin23c @Id Cheos. KETA ISALMON 0.a.Tin39( lb.49CAPPLE JUICE MitchelIs Tin 9c AYLMER-Cream 9tyle PEC A IusoWith 24 Fl. FANCYGOLDN PECH JM GlmsscPectîn oz. Jait3 CORN LAINGS %,CC.." SAUCE B1. e2 1 c ~T,20C HABITANT PEA S@UP 2 Tlns27c Wep"Idhet k. pk PEANUT BUTTER Dominion IO fe egf. sbipplus tas$ avali- awe nt sur Itoff.. U Mab 1'AI.LES EFFFCTIVE ag for P@arulnr. Ref. grae y niURS4D.Ii RîDAV, SATURDAY Ma ilation 0.0 >j-NOVEME il, 12. 13 DOIMN MM STItS LIMITED ILr' M 'II.J!1 I~i [.RW Ai m.d. id ieaD I.. District Deputy Charles B. Tyrreil As District Deputy Grand Mas- ter of Ontario District, A.F. & A.M., is kept busy these days and nights, toa, carrying out bis officiaI duties by visiting the Masanic Lodges in this district. Clarke Township Nominations Nov. 27 Council met on Nov'. 2 with al members present and Reeve. E. R. Wloodyard in the chair. Reso- lutions were passed re the clasing of the Clarke Township Recep- lion Comm itlee's accaunt: draw- ing up a dced for praperty sold bx' Cotîncil to Allan Hall and the oad diversion plan at Railway Crossings at Broken Front. Coun- cil authorized the Road SUp.t order culx'erts to the number o! last year's stock. At 2 p.m. Couincil farmed itself ino a Court of Revision ta bear Isix appeals against their assess- ments. Two assessments were lowcred and four sustained. As-, sessment for 1949 ,vas reported to be S2.0.31,376. Auditors Gamey and Staples submitted their repart on thelJ auditing o! the late Tax Colleet- or's boks. By-law was passed appointing Nov. 27 at 1 PM in Cauncil Cham- ber, for Nominatian of Candid- ates for the several offices o! Council and for twa trustees for Clarke Township School Area Board. Council accepted the resiý!nat- ion af Mrs. J. J. Mellor as Acting Clcrk and Treasurer. Reeve wasj autharized ta advertise far bbc combined office of Clerk, Treas- umer and Tax Callector at a sal- ary of $1800 per year. T'neFe bhus vere ordered paid: Road Voucher No. 10 - $4115.29 W Watson, care of hnll 68,70 E.R. Woodyard, selccting jurars -- --4.00 R. G. Moffat, Assessor's salarv, etc. ----- 35.55 1 flelief _ --- --15.00 Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, R vs F - --- - - ----- ------ _ _ 32. & 0 Mrs. John Blue tax buis, etc. - - - ..------ 164 C. F. Awde Est. Tax Collectrs sal.------ 450 Aftcr Caro - - --- 1 D. E. Mellor, salary, ent. ctc ------ 1l4ý Orono Timeq, ptg, etc. 6. Bow. Stat'csman, advtg. 6 Twp. Clarke '48 taxes 16.f J. Rutherford 1 sheep killed -- i-18 Gardon Martin, 1 sbeep Aillut -- - ' 10Ano1 J .. Allun, 2 trips valuer 6.00 C. B. Tyrrell. !lowers -1 27.'30' Council adjourned ta meet on Dec. 4, at 10 a.m. KIRBY W.M.S. meeting a! Kirby Uni- ted Church was held Nov. 3rd with the pDresident, Mrs. E. You- inans presiding. Following the business, Mrs. Wm. Wannan took charge. Mrs. J. H. Low.ýery ren- dered a vcry lovely solo entitled "A Beautiful Bible Story." The theme o! the meeting was "Tby Kingdom Came -thmough bbc Healing MinistrN- o! the churcb." Mrs. Wm. Rutherford read three passages o! scripture on the Great Physician and Healer. Mrs. *Wannam, assisted by Mrs. Wm. Cochrane and Mrs. Jean Ruther- ford gave part of the studv book in form of a skit. This chapter i cntitled "Doctors Old and New- deals with the story of Dr. Bert Yang who worked bis way from an ti ridem- pri v leged boy, the son VOUR EYES and' from previaus copyrights a! ;4.00 1.00 6.00 6.00 i.44 8.00 C. H. TUCK Optometrist, Disney Bidg.! (Opp. P-0.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 28 We have a responsibility very large indeed ,when we consider the care o! the eves properly. Vision being one a! the strongest bol- warks in the world's foundcation and with this in mind ]et us en- deavorîr ta build consistently and constantly as a sure means o! off- selting wvhat lime and habitwol build in an imperfeet setting. The trend of aur modemn popu-1 lation bas been to create a marc transient and a more moving con- dition. bearing out very closely the !ollowing figures. Manv a!* this 1 transient population will caver from 125 ta 1,50 miles after their days work is dane and be on hand for %vork the next mamning. Overj Sunday and the %veekends it is qulite a common matter from 225 !a 250 miles to be covered. (Copyrighted) of an illiterate servant up to the great Christian Chinese doctor that he is as well as Professor of Clinical Surgery in Chengtu bas- pital. Mrs. Wm. Rutherford read two stories showing the great christian work being done by our Jmissions. Mrs. Wannam told a story illustrating the spiritual re- sults from our medical missions. Mrs. Youmans led in the closing worship and Mrs. R. A. Cain led in prayer. The W.A. followed the lW.M .S. with the President, Mrs. N. AI lin, in the chair 1Mr. and Mrs.- Marwood McKee, Cadmus, with Mr. and Mrs. Wan- nan. Mrs. James Tbompson re- turned home with them after visiting with ber neice Mrs. Wan- nan. Mrs. Maggie Marks, Cameron, with ber daughter and son-mn- law, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. James Wannan and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford and family at their home here. Mr. Wilfred Bigelow visited bis narents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bige- low. NE WTON VILLE United Church Anniversary Services werc very successful bath in numbers and in financial returns. Rev. A. E. Eustace, Oro- no, was guest speaker at bath services. The local chair was in charge af the afternaon service of sang and did exceptianali, well. In the evc'ning the music was in charge of organist and chair of Runnymede United Church, Ta- ronto. They gave us a musical treat bath in the service and re- citai at the close of the churcb service. Members o! the Women's Assaciation and the chair mem- bers provided a bot supper in the basement for the visiting chair and aIl had an enjoyable social hour. Mrs. Chas. Reid and Miss Hazel Reid visited Mrs. Wilfrid Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randal and, son, Oshawa, visited bis mother, 1 Mrs. Jennie Randal. Mr. and Mrs. Truman H1ender- son, Port Perry, visited ber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Todd visi- ted their daughter, Mrs. Don Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Norris, Rose- neath, is visiting Mrs. N. W. Ste- yen s. Mrs. Munday and daughter Mary, Mrs. Sam Butter.y and family, Bawmanville and Mrs. Chas. Welch and family, Har- mony. visited their mather, Mrs. John Lancaster. Mr. Robin Craigie and Miss Lillie Walker, Toronto, are the zuests of Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith and Mrs. Gertrude Henry. Newcastle, visited Mrs. Sam Smith. Lake Shore,_Clarke On Oct. 28 the Lake Shore H. and S. Club held a very success- fui Hallowe'en Party. A large per- centage o! those present were in costume which addcd greatly ta the fun. We were greatly bonared by the prcsence o! "Miss 1950." Whispers o! who can that be and can you guess wha that is and so on, and the ohs! and ahs! and the horsts of laughter as the unmask- ing proceeded were quite the thing. Eeerybody bad fun witb games and things after which a lunch of sandwiches, pumpkin tarts and coffee xvas served. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin pravided music for dancing. Miss Powell and the scbool children are ta be complirnented on the tasteful way in which the schoal was decorated for Hallowe'en. Mr. T. McNeil, Cobourg, witb Mm and Mrs. Gardon Martin. Mr. Bey Jaynes was home from Smithsville. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade, Port Granby, with Mr. and Mrs. Bey Jayn es. Mm. and Mrs. Gardon McNigbt and family and Mrs. M. Huggins, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Miss Catherine AHn. Millet, Table Centres Waxed Roses and Milies ln large blooms and clusters Corsages Ice Box Flowers for Dances and Speclal Occasions J. W. JEWELL "BIG 20" 7KigPHONE 556 e 2KigSt. W.. Bowmanvlill Alberta, and Washington D.C., who has been working in China with U. N. R. R. A. visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Mrs. A. E. Hotson. Mrs. Sam Powell, Floyd and Elaine, with Mr. ar)d Mrs. Carl Selby, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Wal.ker, Cambellcroft, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell. Miss B. Hamilton was a week- end visitor a week ago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bedwin and fami]y with Mr. and Mrs. Franký Parker, Brown's. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Taylor and familv, Courtice, with Mr.-and Mrs. A. Bedwin. Mastcr Geo. Hendry had bis tonsils removed last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hendry with Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Murray, Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. K. Adams and fami]y with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch, Shiloh. Ross Adams is deer hunting this wcek. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Pollard and family with Mr. and Mrs. H. Holm es. Mr. and Mrs. W. Graham, Pan- tiar, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes. Mr. Alfred DeGroot, Mr. and Mrs. Bob DeGroot, Rochester, N. Y. and Mr. Percy Brown and drandaughter Shiela, with Mr. and Mrs. Alf, Brown. Mr. AIf Brown visited bis mother Mrs. H. Brown in Toronto. Stafford Bros. MONUMENTAL WORKS Open Every Day and Evenings Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Canaries Budgerigares Any Colour CAGES SEED: By the bulk, always fresh. GRAVEL: 5c per lb. - Ail Supplies - Phone 916 ROBINSON'S PET SHOF 142 King St. E. The custom of Chinese soldiers taking their wives along on active service has been stopped. age o! lead. The fire-fly is a beetie. There is a growing world shcrt- YOUNG SET SNOW - TIME TGS Give your youngsters plenty of protective warmth this mî nter. ln one of our attractive weather-defying outfits. Comnfortably iow prlced 1 SNOW BAGS- Made of sturdy windproof and waterproof materi complete with mitts, feet and matching hat, two handy zippers, one at, the top and one in the bottom for quick changes. Cornes ln red, rose, broivn, blue and .rist. Sizes 2 and 3 ------------ ------------------ ------ ---- 8 5 ONE-PIECE S-NOW SUIT - With matching hat, embroidered front %vith eiastic waist and zipper front, tiindproof and wvaterproof material in blue, Szs2, 3.and 3x. -------------------- --------$05 COAT AND HOOD SETS - Smart niafching sets in windproof and waterproof niateriai in smart colours of blue, navy,, wine, brown and rose. Sizes 3, 4,5, 6 and 6x. --------------$9 5 3-PCE. LITTLE GJiiLS'SNOWSUITS- In windproof and waterproof material, red, gold, bliîe and sandiewood. $%9 Sizes1, 2, 3and3Sx ------------ 89 TIRE TOT TOGGERY MRS. BERNICE COLLIS, Proprietor 57 King Street East- - Bowmanviiie (Oposiema.mramHo11 A New Travel Ration Per-iod November l6th AS ANNOUNCED BY THE MINISTER 0F FINANCE THE REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE USE 0F U.S. DOLLARS FOR TRAVEL CONTINUE IN FORCE. As in the past, it wiII be necessary for Conodions to obtain a permit f rom their bank if they wish to take out of Canada more thon $10 U.S. or more thon $25 in U.S. and Cancdion currency combined. Reports show that the soving of U.S. dollars mode pos- sible by travel rationing con be expected to amount to between $40 and $50 million during the period Novem- ber i 6th, '1947 ta November i 5th, 1948. This substantialI sum was thus mode availoble for the purchose of many essential supplies and commodities during this time. The regulatioris goveming the amnount cf U.S. dollars available for different fravel purposes are outlined below:- Pleasure Travel The maximum amount of U.S. dollars which any Lanadian resident may obtain for pleasure travel purposes during the twelve mnonths beginning November 1 6th, 1948, is $1 50. In the case of children of eleven years and under, the amount is $100. Thpre is no restriction on the number of trips as long as the annuai allotment is fot exceeded. Any U.S. dollars obtained for one trip and flot used ou that trip must be brought back ta Canada and exchanged for Canadian dollars ut the traveller's bank immediately on his return. No credif for fwtds thus furned bock can be allowed against the annual ration for subsequent trips. Business Travel Applications for U.S. dollars for business travel must lnckde a certification by the employer that the fravel is in his business interests. Reasonable amounts of U.S. dollars may be obtained for this purpos. fl*rder Travel A Canadian resident may fake out of Canada without a permit up 11o $25 in currency, of which not more thon $ 10 is in U.S. currency. For this purpose~, he ma y purchase up to $ 10 U.S. in any calendur month. This is in addition ta the annual travel ration. Furh.r information avoilable at any bank or from FORE IGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD MAONTRE AL * OTTAWA - TORONTO - WINDSOR - VANCOUVER lum.d undur authority of th. Gov.rnmM of Conode 10W 16 1. t PAGE EIGET èý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THITRSDAY, NOV. Ifth. 1949 À tege"

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