Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1948, p. 7

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Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamilton, has been visiting her sister, Miss Olga Tod. Mrs. F. S. Philiips, Providence, spent the weekend with friends in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Papineau spent the weekend with Mr. Pap- lneau's mother at Castleton. Mrs. Robert Gray -nd Frank, %. Newcastle, spent Sunday with Mr. ; <a-nd Mrs. Norman Pingle. Miss Helen Nelles spent -the Weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, Richmond Hill. Miss Yvonne Martin, Toronto, guest of Mrs. Muriel Dunn over the weekend, belped seil a big sheaf cf rink car tickets Satunday. Mrs. Geo. W. James spent the weekend with ber mother, Mrs. George Woods in Dundas and visiled other relatives at Kitchener. Dun's bulletin reports 72 busi- ness failures the week cf Nov. 3, against 43, same period a year ago. The District Implement Dealers' Association held Ihein quarterly meeting in the Balmoral Hotel, Thursday cvening last. No report is available for farm readers. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goddard and Barbara and Mrs. Gus Boue- saîl spent the weekend with the latter's sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Ccx, Emporium, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson attended the receptien held by Halo Chapter, .E.S., at Brant- ford, ie honour cf the Grand Matron, Mrs. Florence Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard atlended the funeral'of Iheir cou- sin, Mr. Fred Warren, aI Bob- caygeon, last Wednesday. Bowmanviile Legion atlended 43 King St. W. the Dedication jand Memorial Ser- vice in Port Hope, Sunday after- noce, foliowing their church par- ade in Bowmanville Sunday mcmn- lng. Scout Mothers' Auxiliary will mccl Wednesday, Nov. l7th, at the Lions Communily Centre at 8 p.m. Special music and literary prognam by Hampton ladies. Al mothers are requested to attend. This morning, Thursday, Nov. llth, citizees will attend the usual services at the Cenctaph. The Legion Armistice Dinner will be held in Legion Hall at 7 p.m. Major the Rev. C. H. Boulden, M.B.E., will speak. Banquets booked for the Bal- moral Holel are: Friday, Teachers' Association; « Saturday, weddîeg receplion; the following Friday, Brookdale - Kingsway banquet; Satunday, Goodyear Supervisons; Dec. 20, Oshawa Wood Products. Be on hand Saturday afternoon for the Lions Commueity Auction when bundreds cf bargains will be found amceg the balance of goods carried over from the prev- jous sale. At 1 p.m., Palmer Lot, if weather permits.0 Mrs. Reta Dudley is altending the Graduation Exercises for the Royal Conservatcry cf Toronto studeels, heid at Convocation Hall, loday, wben her son, Ray Dudley, will be presentcd with bis diploma and other special awards. 1 The Balmoral Holel chartered bus loek many local people to the Ice Capades in Toronto Wed- nesday. Many arc asking the same convenience for the Royal Winler Fair. If 20 or se can be booked a bus will be chartcred. Phone the Balmoral or Garton's. ]Bowmanville Phone 463 TEE CANAD!A!~ STATESMAN. EOWMAMV1T~T~ nWrAWn TIIURSDAY, NOV. lith, 1949 Phon'eRSGNA cepted a eall to the Presbyterian Church at Union City, Pennsyl- vania, U.S.A. Mr. Rlding, who with his wife, and children Bar- bara and Paul, are at present vis- itlng with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Riding, has been mi- nister of Rockfield United Cburch snice 1940: He plans to leave for hîs new position as soon as the ne- cessary arangements are made' HiZ family will follow hlm there later. Rev. Riding is a nephew of Mr. J. F. Cole, Bowmanville. '. 1 Children Bring Gifis For Eskimo Friends Education Week ameng the Sunday School childrcn cf St. John's Anglican Church takes the fcrm of gifts for Eskimo cbildren cared for under Anglican missions le the fan north. Followicg the Sunday School classes Sunday mcrning, the pupils wvill go ini a body te the morning service in the church te present their gifîs te the recter. Arrangements for the offening have been made by Jack Good- man, Sunday School Supeninten- dent, and the Junior Girls' Aux- iliary will lead the procession. In charge cf the Junior Class, Mrs. Nora Mitchell, will be assisted by Mrs. E. L. Naylor. The gifîs ill be distribulcd thrcugh the Bis- hcps cf the Archie Diocese. Girl Guide News The 2nd Company Guides held their meeting lasI Tuesday under the leadership cf Caplain Mns. Bennett, Lieutenant Ulva Green and Acting Lieutenant Audrey Richards. We opened wilh the pal- rols in borseshoe. Wben the borse- shoe was dismisscd patrels wenl le patrol corners. Barbara Sellers passed the fol- lowing in Class cf bed making: Grac-' Quackenbusb, Pat Hooper, Jacice Lake, Shirley Batbgate, Hazel Webber, Beverley Fisher, Marlene Peel and Kathleen Kane. Mrs. Bultery passed a class in 2nd Class First Aid. They played a -'ýw games and had campfire. Clused with circle and laps. ist Company Guides held their annual Hallowe'cn party Monday evening and welcomed back their Captain, Mrs. Carl DevilI. WESLEY VILLE Sunday Sebool was held aI 10:30 with an attendance cf 38. Cbureh followed with Dr. Oke preaching on "What We Sec in Christ." The Women's Institule spon- sored a prcgrarn Wednesday ev- ening aI Welcome, at wbich Mrs. Carroll Nicbçlls sang. Mr. aed Mrs. S. Morton, Mn. and Mrs. Bob Menton, Orono, and Mn. Art McKay, Newlonville, wilb Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- rowclough. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Snell wilh Mr. acd Mrs. Fred Tufford, Bun- ker Hill. Misses Lois Parnell, Muriel Masce, Anita Nicholîs, Dora An- derson,. Mr.. and Mrs. George Tufford and Messrs Clarence Nichelîs, Murray and Howard Payne attepdcd the Y.P.U. Rally aI Wankwd rtb Wednesday even- ing where the Wesleyville Y.P.U. pnovided the Devoticeal Period. First Farmn Forum of the sec- son was held et the home cf Mn. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs on Moeday eveeing. Miss Helene Barrowclough of Lakepont spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Seell ced Lois with Mr. aed Mrs. Percy1 Snell. Mrs. Simon Barrowelotieh withi ber sisten, Mrs. S. O. Mîlîs, Port1 Hope.1 Mn. Fred Hawkins, Canton.i spent Sueday wilh Mn. ced Mrs. C. Payne. At the last census, 1941, haif cf Canadc's population was cf Brit-7 ish Isles enigin and 301À French. ý About twenty friends and re- latives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Darch, Port Britain, formerly of Darlington, when Mrs. Darch's birthday was celebrated on October 26th. Many useful gifts and a cake, donated by Mrs. Jack Cann, of Cobourg, were received by Mrs. Darch. Oniy five cases of communicible, diseases in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham were reported by the Health Unit for the week endîng Oct. 23. This is the lowest number since the Health Unit was set up and is a real tribute to the effective work being carried on to improve the health in these counties. The Lions Club are pleased to announce that the well known Toronto baritone, Colin Bray, wil sing in to-night's concert, in the B.H.S. auditorium, in place of Pierre Boutet. Mr. Bray is a bro- ther of Bernard Bray, the popular concert harmonica player who was so well received here last year. Old-timers will recaîl the Drill Shed where they played and viewed hockey games. Younger people wiUl recali Tayior's Arene which burned in 1936 and the good times everyone had there. If we get behind the new Arena with our donations it can be com- pleted this year. More money is ail that is needed. Build for the future. Give now. Mrs. John Yeo, accompanied by her grandchildren, Bernice and Jack Colville have returned from a 3 weeks' motor trip to Love, in Northern Sask., where they visit- ed Mrs. Yeo's son, Herbert and bis family. Mr. Arthur McMann and bis nephew, Jerry McMann, ac- companied them to Saskatoon, Sask., and returned with them. They travelled through the States1 and covered over 5,000 miles on this delightful trip. Rev. W. F. Riding who was minister of Pontypool United Church some years ago, bas ac-r S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Meneeley, Katha- rine and Robent were Sunday visitons aI David McReele's. Harold Gibson lefI Sùnday evening on a bunting holiday. We extend our sympalhy tci Mn. Williams, Newcastle and bis daughler, Mrs. L. Martin of No. 9, in the sudden passing cf Mns. Williams on Saturday aflennon. Mary and Leslie Gibson spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Howard Bowen and Bill spent Sunday wilj friends le Oshawa, Mn. Russell Osborne, Madeleine and Lenore. Betty Gibson, Mrs. Clarence Allen and Mrs. Fred J3owen wenl*to Port Hope le Ihe Public Speaking Conlest Friday night. Farm Forum met at Bill Allin's on the 3rd Lice East, on Moeday. Horne & School Club Entertain Mothers A most successful tea was held by the Executive members of the Home & School Association in the Lions Community Centre on Monday afternoon, Nov. 1, te en- terlain the Primany Class Mo- thers cf the Central and South Ward Scbools. A large numben cf guesîs dropped in and were re- ceived by Mrs. A. J. Frank, Mrs. R. Hulebinson, Mrs. I. Mueday, Mrs. W. N Brown. Pouring tea duning the afler- noon were Mrs. W. Clanke, Past President and Mrs. R. H. Cale, Citizensbip Convenen. Assisling in the tea rom nwbich was gay with vari-celoured chrysanthe- mnums wene Mrs. F. Wood, Mrs. R. Halîman, Mrs. B. Milne, Mrs. A. Covenly, Mns. R. Webber, Mrs. S. Murdoch and Mrs. Chas. Johns. Social Convener and ber Commit- - 1 1 1 ýXmas Cards "BROWNIE" ret. 9c - -25c -49c -98c etc. per doz. Rubber Gloves, seconds Hot Water Botties - Good Quality - 19c pair - - 79c ST. PAUL'S C.G.I.T. St. Paul's C.G.I.T. met Nov. 3rd. Worship service was taken by Mrs. Quigley, theme being, "Cboosing Friends." The Call 1 Worsbip was read by Peggy Piper; Bessie Yeo led in prayer; scripture was read by Rose Diiling. A very interesting story called "The Kid frcm Wood- cbuck Corners" was gîven by Isobel Cruicksbank. Offering was taken and worship service closed with a prayer by Mrs. Quigley. We bad several new members, who we ieiliated in different ways. The new girls were Joyce Purçly, Marilyn Leask, Jeanne Bond, Betty Camruthers and Ruth Anne Rcmbough. This was followed by a short recreational peniod. Rest cf evening was spent in making slip- pers fnom felt hats. TRINITY C.G.I.T. Trinity C.G.I.T. met Nov. 3rd. Business was conducted by Super- intendent in the absence cf Pres- ident and Vice Presideet. Marilyn Miller, Secretary, read the min- utes. Worship service was conduet- ed by Mrs. Gea. Miller and girls cf the senior group. Group meetings were beld when the sludy bock "Tales from China" was continued. Junior Group bas, decidcd on the name "Tru-Ki-Lo." Their project in connection wilh the study book is te be a Chinese newspaper. The Intermediales will be known as "The Diligent Dozen" and they are prcparing a radio broadcast based on "Tales from China.""Senior Gnoup bas net de- cided upon a name. They are stant- ing a "Chinalog."' These projects will be completcd duning the week- ]y meetings and be on display at the lime cf the Chinese Festival early in the New Year. On Nov. 10, a series cf slides in connection with China and the missionary wonk there, was shown. These piclunes were veny inter- esling and educational. If necessary, owing te the power eut, C.G.I.T. will mccl aI 7:30 in- slead cf 7 p.m. The Newcastl Mrs. Tru About ten fniends of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Gibbs (Queens Hotel),' recent newcomers to Newcastle, gathered at "The Gateway" as guests of Miss Verne Milligan and Mr. Ericlî Johnston Wednesday evening, Nov. 3. It was Mr. Gibbs' birthday and the gathering was a surprise party for him. Friday afternoon the Woman's Association of the United Church held their annual 'bazaar in the Sunday School hall. The women of Clarke Cburch had their home cooking booth again and C.G.1.T. had their candy booth. The alter- noon was a success rounded off with a deiicious hot meal served *by the W.A. ladies.i On Saturday night a large number of friends of Mrs. Stan Powell (the former lCay Toms), gathered in the Sunday Sho hall ta wish ber hzppîness i e married life and to shower her with many beautiful and useful gifts. Kay was very surnrispd. She was seated in a prettily de- corated' chair and Miss Evelyn Allin pinned a corsage of white and yello\w mums on ber. Kay thanked the gathening in a neat little speech. A, social time was. ,spent and a lunch of sandwiches and cake was served by the com- mittee, who were: Misses Evelyn and Betty Allin, Margaret Asb and Mrs. Brenton Rickard, Mrs. Archie Glenney and Mrs. Ross Dickinson. The Y oung Married Couples of United Church held a Hallowe'en party last Wednesday night at the church. Everybody joined in the fun and came in costume. Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Patterson as "Spark Plug" caused much mer- riment, also Tex Rickard in his "Little Lord Fauntleroy" costume and Dave Gray and Howard Wil- son as old ladies. There were gcod Japanese, Indian and Gyesy costumes, tee. Mr. and Mrs. Pal- terson received a prize and aiseo IMrs. John Scott as an Indian. TheI committee in charge were Mr. innd Mrs. Br-noton Pý-kard. ".r. Mrs. Wilbur Baskerville and Mr. and Mrs. Garcdon Gray. Mr. and and Mrs. Frank Hoar. All yeung marnied couples are invited te at- tend the meeting next month. Pnizes for the Liens Club party lnst week were:, Boy under 6- Wr!tcr G(ýibsor:. Girl under 6-- Jill William-: Roy 7 te 10-Don- nie Couch; Girl 7 te lO-Caroline Vreîdle.nder: Bov Il te l4-Reer. Creamer; Girl 11 te 1-4-Muri'el cliss-Katbleen Wilson; 'Best pair -Canrol and Nelcda- Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Broad, Mr. James Froad and Mrs. Merkley Clark, Beleville, visited Mr. and Mrb'. Lloyd Stephenson, Nancy an-l Ji*mmie. Mr. Clarence Gaines ard son Jackie visited bis parents Mr. and Mrs. George Gaines. Sorry te leare that Mrs. Chas. Finlev had te return te Oszhawa Hospital for observation. Hope te see her back soon. Sy,,moathv, of the village is . x- tended te Mr. P. Williams on the very sudden cieath of Mrs. Wil- liams on Saturday. Rumors are circuiatingc that the new memorial rink wili soon be, started ta be in use this year. Weli-we hope, but wonden it it's possible at this late date. The re-assessment of the vil- lage is still causing much chatter but there, is bore for the kinks ta bc ironed eut at tl'e Court of Re- vision on Nov. l5th. Misses Olive Wilton and Chris- tina Conneil, Omemee, were Sunday guests in the Blackburn home. Mrs. Geo. Jamieson spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wer- ry and famiiy. Mrs. Ken Werry visited le Toronto a't Mrs. J. Dunham's. CGIT met on Tuesday night. Miss A. McNab cenducted the ,vorship service. The seripture reading was given by V. Aldread. M1rs. M. Sallows led the girls in a splendid sing--song. Members brought le their contributions for the overseas box. Meeting closed / f Thcc nvCdate Old ,, rn- .,-.d vevd'j Io, your 0Cý,!ai 'P010,. * .LÀ 72, U CTE E xT A c E cE 1 N E Tp; cc -V-11 !'. 'S~.AAcL BLAc~. L. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGO%ý Your Local I.D.A. DRUGS Druggist R G Phone 792 W. Deliver J, e Independent ady Saliowa The Screech Owl (Duncari Phillps> Student Councl This year, Bowmanville High Schoo. has inaugurated a Student Council. This new body takes charge of most dances, the annual "At xiome" and other school act- ivities, thus relieving the Literary Society of a considerable burden which it has borne in previous years. In this way, the Literary Society will be free to devote more time to debates, verse speaking contests and other functions which are more literary. Literary Society Officers Earlier in the month, elections took place in which these officers were elected for the Literary Soc- iety: Staff Advisor; Miss J. Cun- ningham; Pres.,-Peggy Dippeil; Vice-Pres., Gerald Morris; Sec.,- Earl Brown; Treas.,-Gwyneth Griffith; Pianists,-Janet Dale and Catherine Teeple; Form Repres- entatives-V-Joan Rice, Bill Rob- inson, IV-Isabel Carter,* Francis Mohun; IlI-Muriel Stevens, Jerry Piper; Commercial, Pat Cole, Barry Mason; 2A-Mary Bowman, Ken Hockin; 2B-Jeanette Labb, Keith Shackleton; IA- Bretty Brock; 1B- Gloria Robson, Bill Lyle. On the Student Council, as wehl as the elected members are the President and Vice-President of the other school societies. This includes, Staff Adviser Mr. A. Anderson; Pres. Tomi DeGeer; Vice-Pres. June Bickle; Treas. Roy Falls; Pres. of Boys' Athletic Society John Cattran; Vice-Pres. Bob Gallagher; Pres. of Girls' Athletic Society Jean Reynolds; Vice-Pres. Pat Bowles; Vice-Pres. of Literary Society Gerald Mor- ris. Form Representatives, V-Bob Knox; IV-Bill Harnden; III-Don Taylor; Comm.-Brooks Pearce; 2A-B. Johnson; 2B-J. Wonnacot; lA-B. Holly; 1B-D. Johns; 1C-C. Stewart. Hallowe'en Dance On Saturday, October 30, the Student Council had its first op- MARR'S JEWELLERY ness session prier te the degree work. PDDGM, Bro. Wm. Conden then I coeducted into the lodge rcom the visiting bretbren from Corinthian Lodge, Oshawa. They included: Noble Grand Bro. Me- Laughlin; Vice Grand, Bro. Ime- son and Degree Master, Bro. Mep- slead. Other visitons ietroduced by PDDGM Bro. J. E. Anderson, in- cluded, Bro. W. M. Letcher cf Warriner Lodge, Port Penny; the Grand Herald, Grand Lodge cf Octaneo; Bro. Alex Johns, Wannic- cm Lodge; Depuly District Grand Master, Octanio District, No. 41; Bro.* Snelgrove, Noble Grand, Warriner Lodge and Bro. Orville Boe, Seagrave, who was revisiting NEIV 3AIL MIURS Postrnzster C. B. Kent ,In- ta the ro.ýver cept-ofî at f:20 P.mn. and until farther notice the 0:30 mail lviii nc closent 6:15 p.m. Ti-is c'li:nve l:-,e cumies cffectivc 2icmtziaey. Al intercsted pa-trt' lel>iFt mnake special note of tbis im.. portant change. A ccxv U. S. A. meirorial three- ccnt stamp to Vijjll ogcls 11,1 pniiited bcneath thie lilc'nczs of the late burmorist andrd pilos-opher the words, «'I neven met a man I didn't ike."1 *I.D.A. Brand Week-End Specials CORN REMOVER, reg. 25e ---------------------------__ _ l~ PENETRATING LINIMENT, 4-oz., reg. 45e -------- 32c WILD STRAWBERRY COMPOUND, reg. 25c--------------- 17c SODA BICARBONATE, reg. 10c, 15c, 25c 8- e - 12c- 18e BLANDOI, reg. 25e-------------------------------- Ise CASTOR QIL, 4-oz., reg. 25c - ------------------------------17e MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS, reg. 39c, 89ce 24c - 49e VITAMIN PRODUCTS Vita Diet --------------------$1.15 - $2.70 Mead's Dextri Maltose -- 70c - $3.00 Waterbury's Compound -------- $1.00 Vimaltol-------------- $1.19 - $1.98 Squibb's 10-D C.L.O. ---- 75c - $ 1.75 Wampole's Cod Liver Ext.------$1.00 Allenbury's Haliborange -------85c - $ 1.50 - $2.75 Cod Liver Oil Caps., L.D.A., 100"s------------------- $1.09 Idamait I.D.A. Brand Tonic ---- ---59c - 98c - $1.69 Cold Remedies BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE ------------ 40c - 75c PINEX COUGH COMPOUND ------------------------- 49e THERMOGENE MEDICATED WOOL--------------- -49e - 98c MUSTARD RUB, I.DA. Brand, reg. 25e --------------- ---17e M ENTHOLATUM ------- ---------------------- -- 29e -55c IODIZED THROAT TABLETS, .D.A., reg. 35e -- ------- - 27e BRONCHIDA, I.DA. COUGH SYRUP ---- ---------- - 50e M ASON'S «-9 ----------------- - 40e - 75e PERTUSSIN COUGH REMEDY 59e - 99e Cocoanut OiSlh 9 19c - 29c Teanette Talcum Powder - 13c - 2 for 25c Writing Pads - - - - - 7c portunity to sponsor a dance. Ap- his home lodge. propriate for the time, evervone After the hionors were accordec! was required to wear a Hallow- the hîghi-ranking officers. the e'en costume. Prizes were a fea- chairs wcre vacatcd ta the Corin- ture throughout the night, #and thian Lodge Initiatory Degree with comedian Bob Knox as the Staff and the initiation cercrnony mnaster of ceremonies, the party was conferreci on Bro. L. Brown,4 was a complete success. Florence Nightingaie Lodge. Past Noble Grands Stan Mc- Murter and Walter Hackncy mov- Oshawa Oddfellows ed a hearty vote of thanks 10 the degree staff which xverc fittingly Visit Florence acknowledged by Bro. Mepstead. Nighing le LdgeThe address of the \visin delivered by the Grand lirald, Bro. Letcher, xvho rcportcd on the Distinguished District Oddfel- activities of Sovcreigni Grand Iows paid a fraternal visit to Lodge in the reconstruiction of Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. Oddfellowship in Europe. Other 66, BowmanxLille, the evening of brief acldresds werc el - ivoird bv Nov. 3rd, for the purpose of conl- Bro. Alex John-, l3ro. snclgrox-e, ferring the Initiatory Degree. The Bro, Orx-ille Iloe and the No1le visitors included the Grand Herald Grand --d Vice Grand of Commn- of the Grand Lodge of Ontario thian Lcde. and the District Deputy Grand At the close cf a vcry notable Master of Ontario District No. 41. occasion the cndc and guests Bro. Gordon McMurter, Noble cnjoycd a splendid luiicheon. Grand, presided for a short busi- -__________ GIN PILLS THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO IpAr-lir crrvim. q

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