Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Nov 1948, p. 5

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~URSDAY, NOV. 4th, 1948 THE CAIqADIAN STATI!~MAM. ~OWMAT~TVYT .T .W (~W!' A ~?d~ a $20J000 's -m .aumau When the Aresa Canvassers cali on Friday evenlng open your pocketbookwd and give as generoiisly as y@u eauso5 that the Arena anay be coinpleted i er We're dependlng on you. $10,00 or Mfore Front ach Wage1Earner lames of Suhscrihers and Amonts Conlribnied will ho Published in The Siatesman *NE WTON VILLE A W.1. group card party w held Nov. lst at the home of M and Mrs. Gea. Henderson. 38 wei present and ail had an enjoyal time. Eight dollars was turned to the W.L. Treasury. A Hallowe'en party was he' b'y the Young Peopie on Satu day evening with ail children ai aduits alike enjoying the fun. T] aduit prize winners xvere as fo lows: Mrs. Bert Stapieton, ibe dressed; Mrs. Jas. Stark andl Mr Geo. Kimbail, best couple; Miý Fae Jones, comie; character, Ja Gilmer. Juvenile winners: Ronal and Reta May Harcourt, be! couple; Barbara Ovens, be! dressed; Joan Walkey, characte: Gwen Stark, comic. Miss Margai et Ovens favored w-ith pian solos and Miss Edna Denault sar two fine solos. Jim Gilmer ha charge of the games. Lunch wa served. Mrs. Mabel Langstaff is visit ing her son Wiibert Langstafý Toronto. Mr. Neil Anderson is stili ru well enough to return to hi school duties and Mrs. Haro], Caswe]l is teaching, in the iocî *Johnston entertainers had *larý,,, i... .. ...ce u asc trriaay ever ing 29th. Theïr reaction to th program was that they had ha( Used SKATES and BOOTS Bought and Sold CONTACT EITHER Bowmanville Shoe Repair 12 Division Street - OR - Neai - Way Shoe Repair Opposite the Cleaners an evening of good wholesome S LN fun climaxed withth sublime. S LN Mrs. Harold Burley and Den- as nis spent a few days in Peter- Visitors: Ir. boro with Mr. and Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Metcalf ýre McEwen. Mr. Harold Burley and Bowmanville, at Wes. Werry's. le Harvey, Mrs. Clarence Gilmer Mr. Gordon Pascoe, University in an Yvonne and Mrs. C. Burley of Toronto, at home. went back on Sunday. M.adMs rheKih Id The two communities of Mor- Mr.hanwa, rs Ar chiooe Ket r- rish and Newtonville honoured Mshraatd ArtMoicor Ws. on nd Mr. and Mrs. Truman Henderson M.adMs itrWlo he on Saturday vng in the com- Peterboro, at Isaac Hardy's. 1- munity hall. er.ven Lannga Mrs. J. W. Yellowlees with her ýt genial master of cWrmnies Mis sister, Mrs. Harry Westley, Bow- F.Mildred Peters and Miss Edna manville. Iss Denault were the soioists. After Misses Velma Gilbert, Toronto, as the sotpormM.adMs and Evelyn Taylor, Peterboro, at 'eHenderson were presented with Mer. anmrs. AlnBlo ýt an address by Miss Mary Burley. MrJudds AlnBasn stAchina cabinet, a tri-light iamp Mr y, Peter and David, Cataraqui, rand amgzn a bl b M. M. and Mrs. Russell Balson, rJack Cornish and Mrs. Jas. Stark. virlle;Mr and Mars.ar old al 0 The Girls'- Softball Teami pre-vil;M.ad rsHrodB- '19 sented them with two cups and son and Gene, Hampton, at A. J. id saucers..*Mr. and Mrs. Hender- Balson's. ason thanked their many friends Mrs. W. H. Bray, Picke'ring, at for their gifts and good wishes. A. L. Pascoe's. tLunch and an hour'sdacn Home and School club met for ifboe th noal dning o the first time this season, Friday brcoste. ejybeeeigt evening. with Bruce Tink pre- a loe siding. These officers wcre eleet- )tMr. Sid Brown and Mr. and ed for the current season; Presi- 1 ' Mrs. Tom Wilson took over the dent, Mrs. Harold Pascoe; ist Id store recently purchased from the vice'peiet r.LreKl a aefamiiy on Mon., Nov. 1st. It lett; 2nd vice president, Mr. Jack~ is always with a shade of sadness Baker; secretary, Miss Pearl %ve see long established businesses Leach; treasurer, Mr. Jack Kivel e change hands but the buyers are programme committees: Novem- d known to ail of us and we br-Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter, ýgive them our best wishes for a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker; Decem- -successful future. ber-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, The W.A. monthly meeting was Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry; Jan- held Wednesday evening, Oct. 27, uarY-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Par- in the home of Mrs. C. M. Jones. rinder, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 25 were present. Mrs. J. T. Pearce Hockaday; February-Mr. and presîded and had a busy evenîng. Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Plans were laid for catering to the Gordon Scott; March-Mr. and Clarke Teachers and their guests Mrs. Albert Balson, Mr. and Mrs. on Nov. 9th and the W.A. bazaar Isaac Hardy; April-Mr. and Mrs. on the evening of Nov. 24th. En- Roscoe Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Har- tcrtaining of Runnymede Choir, old_ Pascoe; October-Mr. and Toronto, on Sunday, Nov. 7th. ai- Mrs. S. E. Thompson. Mr. and s0 was discussed. A committee Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. The main w~as appointed to make arrange- feature of the evening was the ments to entertain the Durham showing of instructive and enter- Temperance Federation Conven- taining movie films by Mr. Cecil tion the first of December. When R. Carveth, Newcastle. The school the business session ended a social children contributed musical se- half hour and lunch was enjoyed. lections. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Bunt have Man% citizens from this district returned from their visit in are grateful to the Bowmanvjlle Kingston. Mrs. Bunt xvent on to Chamnber of Commerce for the vîsit hec daughter in Ottawa, re- advantage of free bus transporta- tucning on Sat. tion and shopping privileges iast Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pearce have week on Dollar Davs. returned from their visit with The young peo ple presented their daughter and husband, Mr. their drama 'Looks Like Ramn" and Mrs. Walter Grayson, Mont- at Greenwood Mondav night. real. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and Mr. Herb Alexander, Markham, family attended special services visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones, at Brougham, Sunday. Thîîrsday. The choir sang, at Haydon Mr. and M-\rs. Garwood Day- Church Sundav evening and af- nard and daughter, Miss Mary tecwards the members wvere en- Daynacd, Kitchener, visited his tertained atethe home of Mr. and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Day- Mrs. Henrv Ashton. nard. Mr. and Mrs. Daynacd also The Women's Inztittîte bazaar cnjoyed a visit of their grandson last Wednesdav wýýas« a successful and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. affair, the procceds bcing $121. Daynard, Toronto; also of Mr. __________ Daynard's sister, Mrs. A. Arm- strong, Toronto. Sou ecosion in North America Miss Annie Nesbitt is home represents ai crop ioss of 73,000 from Toronto for the winter. 140-acre farms. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alan ENFIELDGlover of Oshawa. Miss Clara Darke and Mr. Cyril Mr. and Mrs. G. Icwin and fam- Darke spent Sunday with Mr. and f, ily, Enniskillen, Miss Veca Stinson Mrs. Edgar Barrowclough. and Miss Elizabeth Reynolds, To- Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichoils "ronto, with Mrs. H. Stinson and and Gloria spent Thursday in To- Norman. ronto. Mr. Cecil Collacutt and Miss A Hallowe'en party for the Y. Marie, Hampton, at M. Samis'. P.U. was held Friday evening in Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott the sehool bouse. Games were with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, enjoyed and then a xveiner roast rSolina. concluded the evening's fun. Mr. A. Hooper soid his entire Ruth Payne spent the weekend stock and impiements at an auc- with Miss Betty McHoim, Wel- tion sale, Saturday. The farm bas come. tt been purchased by Mr. Harcy Stephenson, Whitby, who will imove here in the spcing. TY ONE i, Many of our thrifty residents en.joyed a free trip to Bowman- ville last Friday on a Garton bus, Mr. and Mrs. Clîntoni Bigelow, -especially provided for otîr con- Mrs. T. H. Richards, Mr. and venience. This was the first time Mrs. A. Hawkey with Mr. and a bus has ever been seen at this Mrs. William Cochrane, Kirby. tcorner, and cveryone who took Congratulations to Mr. William advantage of the occasion report Virtue, Orono, formeriy of Ty- r, an enjoyabie afternoon shopping rono, who is celebrating his 85th yon "Dollar Days." We hope the birthday on Fni., Nov. 5tb. -merchants were satisfied enough Congratulations to Mr. and - wxth the venture to repeat the Mrs. Stanley Hall (Irene Rahm), - performance. Burketon, who wece marrîed at t Blackstock on Oct. 30th with Rev. McKibbon officiating. wPvTV~YT Tt' Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and WESLEYVIJJL family, Enniskillen, with Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett. Stunday School was held at il Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, To- arn. with a good attendance. 0w- conto, with Mr. and Mrs. Horace ing to the absence of Miss Berniece Hall. Best, Miss Margaret Binsted taught Pollock, Courtice, visited Mr. and *the Prîmacy Class. No church Mrs. A. Gay, Miss Margaret *service was held as anniversacy Mrs. Percy Hayward. tservices were heid at Welcome. Miss Rosie Mountjoy, Nestie- 1Several fromn here attended the ton, visited Mrs. G. Phair and services. Lance. On Wednesdav evening the Mr. and Mrs. S. Jewell and Bill Young People's Uilion was held with Miss Ida and Mr. C. Jewell, xith last year's officers in charge. Oshawa. The election of officers will be Miss Jennie Becket attended a 1held Nov. lOth. We were glad to course in Bowmanville last w'eekl 1see three new members. Misses sponsored by the W.I.i iMary Tallo and Marion Holman Mrs. R. J. Keown, Toronto, Mcs. and Mr. Allan Holdawav wece Owen VanEvery and Hermanl present. Meeting concluded with Kecwn, Powassan, with Mr. and' games. Jas. Delaney. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snell motor. Miss Helen Hall, St. Catharines, cd to Rochester stopping at To- visited hec parents, Mr. and Mcs. ronto to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ken H-. Hall and attended the Hall- Langman. Rabm wedding. Miss Clara Darke spent a few Mrs. Frar'k Werry with her sis- days with Mrs. Arnold Thorn - ter, Mrs. C. F. Awde, Orono. dyke. Mr. and Mcs. Ralph GlaspelI Mcs. Bruce Dinner held a Hal- Grant and Gwýendolyn, with Mc:r. lowe'en Party for the sehool and Mrs. John Gerry, Toronto.* childcen Saturday evening at hec Mc. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, home. Sandra and Donald, Peterboro, Mc. and Mrs. Richard Best and with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright. Berniece spent Monday in To- Mýr. and Mrs. George Alldcead, ronto. Mcs. Jas. Alldread, with Mc. and Mr. and Mcs. W. Tufford. Mr. Mrs. Herb Murray and Mrs. Fow- and Mcs. George Tufford, and Mr. 1er, Orono. and Mrs. Harold Austin attended Hon. W. A. and Mcs. Goodfel- the funeral of Mrs. Cliff Boughen. low, -Misses Phyllis and Ada and Mis Anderson held a Hal- Master Phil Goodfellow, Codrin- lowe'cn partv at the school, Friday ton, with 'Mr. and M.%rs. Howard afternoon. The childcen all had Pbclp and Miss Jean Phelp. Mc.! a good time in their vccy ga « -, nd and Mrs. Gecald Solomon, Brigh-, colorful costumes. Some of the ton, were Sunday visitors at the' mothers attended the party . Phelp home. Mc. and Mrs. Barker, Macarthur -Mr. and Mrs. Russel Virtue, Mr. Milîs, visited Mcs. George Dmn- and Mrs. Leon Mooce, John, Paul ner.i and baby, Grace, visited Mc. and Mrs. L. Holdaway spent theiMrs. Th'a owLaiied Several from here tage of the $1.00 Da3 Bowmanvjlie last we the free Bus rides. Mrs. Leslie Webb,( ted with Mr. and Moore. Mrs. William Wrig, ville, is vîsiting with1 Russel Wright. Mrs. H. Hardya Bowmanville, visited Mrs. George Alldread. Quite a number in took advan- iy specials in eek and also u n e t ie e- - Mr.Lo ception of Mr. and Mrs. StanleyN T Hall at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Bros. ght, Newton- Artur Rahmi, Burkton, on Sat. MONUMENTAL WORKS Mr n Ms yrone United Church,. have Open Every Day decided to have a pot iuck suppçr and Evenings and Doreen, instead of the fowl supper on Phone WVhitby 552 ýd Mr. and Nov. 2th, followed by an inter- . esting program. See particulars [318 D das .E., htby this vicinity later. are suffering from bad colds. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy May- The late Mahomed Jinnah, was also chief of the Boy Scouts there. NOTICIE TO USERS 0F HYDRO in the Dowmanville Rural. Power District which comprises the rural sections north of Bowmanville in Darlingbon Township, WesÎtfo Courtice, ail of Clarke Township and part of Manvers Township including the Village of Pontypool. THERE WJLL BE A DAJLY POWER CUT OFF NONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, INCLUSIVE FRONI 2:30 P.N. TO 4:30 P.M. which wil be confinued until luriher notice. Kindly note these hours and in your own interesfs please co-operate whenever and wherever possible in only using hydro electric power when absolutely necessary. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO PAcI~ w I SPEED THEK ON THEIR WAY!1 The Arena Committee has split the town into 10 sectiô'ns with almost 150 canvassers taking part in this gigantic ef fort ta canvass ail of Bowmanville in one night. Because there is so much work ta be done f rom 6:30 until 10:30, ail citizens are urged ta give their donations as quickly as possible so the canvassers cari be on their way ta the next house., Names of non-givers will be recorded and re-canvassed later. Please have your donation ready now. WHY YOU SHOULD GIVE GENEIROUSLY' The Arena will be one of the finest in Ontario, providing f acilities for a multitude of all-year-round activities which have hitherto not been available for our young and aid. It wiii be a permanent asset ta the town, making everyone praud of being a citizen of this fine community. It wili be of benef it ta everyane, directly or indirectiy. Most of ail it wiii give aur young people something ta do ta keep them in Bowmanville and off the streets. Donations may be leclucted for Incarne Tax purposes. r-' I v -k 1. MUMDAY, NOV. 4th, 1948 k TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOMýý7!- OMTAiRM TV"Z S-203000 i-S

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