Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1948, p. 14

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PAGE TOURTEENf TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ~UWA?. UWT. ,m. ~IU BRTNG YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS rRADEPAY CASH AND />\SPf ~WSdU~JvSAVE-MINIMUJM jwS ICOST 35c PER ÂD BIRTIIS EMMERSON-Mr. and Mns. John S. Emmerson announce the birth of their daughten, Phyllis Ann, at Bowmanville 1-aspitai on Septem- ber 4, 1948. A sisten for Manty. 37-1* TAMBLYN-Mr. and Mrs. Frank- lin Tamblyn, nec Helen Jean Ma- son, are happy toa nnounce the anival of their son, Robent Charles, Women's College Hospi- tal, Toronto, Monday, September 6th, 1948. Perfect annivensary present, bath daîng well. 37-1 _ _ _DEATHS PEÊARDON_ - At Quecn Eliza- beth Hospital, September 3, 1948, Samuel Peandon, late of C.N.R. Funeral at Bawmanvilie. McKELVEY - At Bowmanville Hospital, on Monday, September 6th, 1948, Susaiîna McKelvey, daughtcr of the lata John McKel- vey, aged 76 years. Funcrel from the Morris Funeral Clapai, Bow- manville. Intarmant Orono cem- etery. 37-1 STAPLES-Suddanly et lis lame in Calgary, Alberta, on Saturday, Septembar 4, 1948, H. L. Ste- pIcs (Harry), son of thc late Mn. and Mrs. Alexander Steples. farmerl, of Tyrone, Derlington Townshp. and brother of W. S. Staples, Bowmanville. 37-1* WRIGHT - At the residence of ber son. A. G. Wright, 41 Ingia- wood Dr.. Hamilton, on Septcm- ber 1, 10,48. Emmna Elizabeth Cale- man, wife ai the late George Wright, fommerly of Bowman- ville. Interment in Ferringdon Chunch Cemetery, Brantford. YEO-On Sunday, Sept. 5t1, 1948, George Lancaster Yco. son of thc late Mn. and Mrs. Richard Yco, aged 77 yaears. Funaral tram the Morris Funcral Clapai, Bowman- ville. Intermen t Orona cametery. 37-1 Personai H Y G I E N I C supplies (rubber goods) maiîed postpaid in plain sealed anvalope with price Iist. Six-samples 25e; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dopt. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9 INDIGESTION, leadadhas, rer- vou s? Tr.y pravan Fruit-A-Tivcs, imis~herbai medicire used suc- cessfully for 45 years. Brings ne- lief quiekly - tares up livar -' keeps bowals active - rastares good ealth - Reliable. HAMPTON Bef oag ~ Cash IN MEMORIAM BOWEN-In loving memary of a dean wif c and mothan, Emma Tharesa Bowen, who passed away, Septemben llth, 1943. "The evcning stars shine o'er the grave 0f the anc we loved, but could not save; The caîl was sudden, the shock severe, To part with anc we loved so dean." -Even nemembened by husband and family. 37-1 EDGER-Ir loving mamory of aur mather, Elizabeth M. Edgan, who passed away, Sept. 6th, 1934. "Thc flowens wc place upon your grave May withcn and decay, But thc memony of the anc wc lave Will neyer fada away." -Ever remambcred by the femily. Zý. 37-1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Werden wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter, Bernice, ta Rus- sell Blake Short, younger son of Mr. and Mns. Blake Short. The marniage will take place on Satur- day, September 25th, at 2:30 p.m., at Hope United Chunch, Alvinston. 37-1 COMINO EVENTS Dance at Ty none Hall Saturday, September Il. Ruth Wilsoni's Va- riety Band. Admission 50c. 37 -1P Maber's Double or Nathing Ra- dio Bnoedcast. wili be hld in thc Bowmanville High Selool audi- torium, Monday, Sept. 20, sponsor- cd by the Boy Scout Mothers' As. sociation. More par ticulars lvtcr. 37-1 On Tuesday, Sept. 14t1 et 8:30 p.m. thc Salvation Anmy Bard of Oshawa will present a varicd pro- gram et Enniskillcn, under the auspices oî Woman's Association. Admission: Aduits 35c, childrn 20c. 37-1 Thececmetary committec of Eb- crezer bave arranged ton a spe- ciel Memonial Service on Surdey, Septemben 12, et 2:30 p.m., with Rav.' J. S. I. Wilson, the guet speaker. Music by thechclir and the Junior MaIe Quartette. Lea J. Courtice, Rev. F. Yardley, Treasurer Ministar. 37-1* PHONE 2148 re buying a used car be sure ta see s. No better values anywhere. e are alsa in the market ta buy good used cars. . Trade-Ins . Easy Terms Articles For Sale DODGE coach, 1937, radio a heater. Phone 812. 31 MAýN'S bicycle, $20. Phone 73, 31 CHEVROLET coach, 1942, good condition. Phone 2381. 37- OVAL Findlay caokstove; kitch cabinet; in good condition. Pho: 2214. 37 KITCHEN Corner Cupboar combination desk and bookca Phone 710. 37. WALNUT dining raom suile,i cluding large table. Phone 61, 37; nd 7-1 l2. 7-1 in 1* en ne 7-2 se. i-i CHEVROLET Master coupe, 1935, rumbie seat, $425 or best affer. Plane 2865. 37-1* OR will exelange on car'-1938 Willys hlf-ton pick-up truck. Plana 2035. 37.1*2 MOTORCYCLE '42 Harley 45, in excellent condition. Plana 2804 atter 6 p.m. 37-1 SLENDOR tablets ara effective. Two wceks' supply $1; 12 weeks, $5, et Jury & Lovaîl, and McGreg- or's Drug Stores. 37-1 NEW Case tractar on rubbar, with maunted plow. Swift Canadien fertilizer. W. H. Brown, Casa' Dealer. Plane 497 37-1 TWO gcad faît mettresses, ¾ 'bad Fize. Cheap. Chld's safety cx- tcnsian gate. A. C. Anderson, 94 Qucca St. Phono 2897. 37-1l PONTIAC sedan. 1934, goad con. dition. radia and heater. May b( scen at any timne. 104 Duke St. FOUR-burar cectnie range wit] high aven, \warming aven an shelh. Apply 95 Qucen Strcee Phono 818. 36-2 TAKING ondens for roesting ca pans. Will ha delivared in Bow manville and Hampton. Plani Bowmanviile 2557. 37-11 HALE-INCH alcctric drill anc brake re-lining machine an. mary ather garage supplias. Apý ply Maple Grave Garage. 36-2' KITCHEN range, dinirg noanr clairs, sideboard, doubla bed, scw, ing machina, washing machine Plane Bowmanville 2904. 36-21 VENETIAN Blinds-E. F. Momni Ca., distributors for Canada's finý ast venctier blirdsý. Wa measunE and instaîl. Cehl 480 for frac esti. mates. 36-tl CHEVROLET coupe, 1932, ir good condition; Bniggs & Stratton4 cycle gas weshirg machine matai pmacticallv nc\v. Frank Wright Plana 2819 bafore 4 p.m. 37-11 "MASTER" Chavrolat Co a e chb 1933; four good tires, spae ri faim condition; ncw steering; new front springs; mnotor ir gaod con- dition. Plane Clarke 2424. 37-1' STROLLERS - Pmams - F. F. Mon. r'is Ca. have the lergest stock of strollers, go-cents, taddle cents, crîibs, etc., for- the baby this side of Toronto. You xvill cave by gat- ting aur prices first. 36-tf CANARIES, budgerigames, cages, supplies, a full lina ai saad, song restomar, tarie, cuttie banc by the package an bulk, gravel 5e par pound, Robinson's Pet Shop, plane 916, 142 King St. East. tf TWO upholstemed living roomn clairs, are Qucen Anne hall chair, anc walnut chestanfiald ta- ble, anc 30-gel. capacity jacket heater and fittirgs; al ir good condition. Plane 618 37-1 MAPLE Leaf truck, 1940, 2 1,', ton, long pîatform with lydraulic hoist, rougI eppearence lut good mechanicai condition. Wili sîll cheap. Sid Barrebaîl, plane 2592. 37-.1* SPECIAL trade-ins sale - Uscd Singer Dropheeds, treadie on el- ectnic, $25.09 and up. Guararteed anc year. Budget terms. Singer Sewing Machine Ca., 47 Walton St., Port Hope, Ont., Plana 1015 W. 37-1* OLDSMOBILE sedan, '40, Ameni- cen Eiglt modal, over-dnive, con- ccaled running board, two leat- ers, built-in radia, dock, fine ex- tinguishan, seat cavens, tender ligîts. fan, etc. $1,400. Phare Mvr. Clarke 880. 37-1* LJSED ruliber tircd wagon; ncw Case tractas plow;: B.T . watar bowls, pressure systems, steel stalls; uised Findlay cook stava; 1 roll snaw fence; I molls Fibreen paper. W. H. Brown, Casa Deal- er. Plane 497. 37.-1 rOLT cari get a glistening polish Job on your car thc ecanamicel aY, by siig 'Tarnaif" - no rioig, npalishing. Just rub on, and %wipc off. là6 oz. tir 60e; 6 oz. titi $1.00. At MeGregor & :onipany; andi Osborne Service Stii*ioii. 37-1 NEW spring filicd mattressas 24-9.5: ne\%, ibaon spring $1 1.95; -piece vclouzi chcstcr-field suites 139.501; ,x-iie velour daeno $69.- 0: new low aven 4-burner electrie range. aUtomnatie aven contrai 135.00. Murphy's. plane 811, 57 King St. W. 37-1 FURNITURE buyers-If we have ior car supp]vl it. F. F. Morris o. xvill cave yau 10 par cent or iny furniture item àdvertised ir raronto Papers. Beiorc vou bu%' rigthe' ad\ventisEmelit or mail rdrCatalog-ue end cava whilc )uing et home. 36-tf The CANADIAN STATESMAN Classified Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE J)LNUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANKS- $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus Dec a line for verses per Insertion M NOTICES, COMING EVENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT. WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35c). MuEt ba paid before insertion. If Charged: Ec a wvord (min. 50c). Add 25e extra for box numbers or replies directed ta ibis office. (Additlonal Insertions ai Sam', Rates) ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MIUST BE IN NOT LATEP. THAN NOON WEDNESDAY. Cash, stamps or money order wlth order ta get low rate. CLIP TRIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE Articles For Sale For Rent ýe 1_____________________ OSHAWA'S new furniture store- STORE, 24 Division Street. Eull 1 Everything in modern chester- cernent basement. Immediate pos- field, bedroom and dining room session. Phone 618. 37-1 hi Zuites, and studios. Bedding and d floor coverings a specialty. Quai- FURNISHED room, gentleman tity merchandise at competiti'Ve preferred, board optional, Church ~prices. Befajre buying visit Brad- St. Phone 2041. 37-l'* Kin St.e , s hNewaFurniture t!"Oe 84 TWO unfurnished rooms. Apply - Kin St. W.,Oshaa. 2-tf9 Beech Ave., between 6 and 8 *TRADE-IN -5-burner coal ail p.m. 37-1 * stove with shelf and aven, white -enamel, $29.50; 3-burner c oal ail Flelp Wanted stove, like new, $5.00; Coleman1 cl gasoline stove, guaranteed, S24.50; SALESMAN-Door ta door can- Findlay coal stove, wvhite enamal, vassing, $50 week and 'bonus. Ap- with shaîf, used 6 months, $49.50; pîy J. H. McKeever, 334 Athol St. -OveTiettes, $12.50; Rangette,'auto- E. Oshawa. 37-i4* matic aven control, haîf new price; walnut veneer vanity $35.00; gas TWO girls for dining room. Good engine washer 3 months old 10 per weges and working conditions. cent discount. Murphy's, phone Olympia Cafe, Boxvmanville. -811, King St. W. 37-1 phone 888. 37-1 ,THREE-piece bcd autfits, $26.95; MAN wanted, for Rawleigh bus- steel panel beds $13.75; spring-fill- mness. Real apportunity. Wc ed mattresses $24.75; 3 piece ches- help you ta get started. Write terfield $99; double door glass Rawleigh's Dept. ML- 1-140-0, wardrobes, special, $47.95; walnut Montreal, Que. 36-5 coffae tables $9.99; card tables, special 99e; walnut corner cab- Found mnets $12.95; better quality ches- tcrfield suites, $159: feit base faonr RED side rack. 36x33, for truck, coverings, special 69c sq. yd.; Frost, found at Elizabethville. W. King ice boxes, $47.50; studio Slaght, Wcllington St. 37-1* couches, extra special. $49. Brad- ley Furntiture Company, 38-40N King St. W., Oshawa, 35-tf Nolices Livestock For Sale The office of Apha I. Hodgins will bc closcd until September, PUREBRED Yorkshire hog, eight lSth. 35-3* 1manths aid. Phone 2831. 37-l* CALE, for vealing. Austin Wood. WnasBat hp 0Kn phoe 288 371'St. West. Permanents that make phone 388. 3-1l permanent customers. For ap- NINE young pigs, six weeks old pointments, phone 2851. 33-tf and 14 pigs, nine weeks aId. Phone ______________ 423. 3-'TENDERS WANTED HEREFORD caw, seven Ycars aid _______________ caîf at side; Hereford cow, Slx TENDERS will be receeîved by the years aid, caîf at side: Durham nesgduptadinlig niskiduenSpone24. A. '374,En September lSth. 1948, for the con- niskllen phoe 24,7. 7-1struIction of a natural ice arena in Bowmanvilla. Alternate tenders Pets For Sale suiouid be submnitted for a b1uild-1 -ing ta alloxv an ice surface 75x175'1 COCKER Spaniel puppics. Phone and an ice surface 80x180'. Seat-i 2194. 37-1 ing accommodation required for 1200 persans with standing roomj Real Estate For Sale for an additional 1000. Plans and -_ specifications should be included BUILDING lot, 50 feet frontage. with tender and should show de- Apply 18 Brown St. 36-2 tale of offices, dressing rooms,1 DESIABL buldig lt, _ lunch room, lighting, piumbing, garden, centrai location. S at hcating, etc. Lowest on any ten- R. James, Real Estate Broker, dan not necessariiy accepted. 1 Bowmanviiie. 37-1 JOHN M. JAMES - Chairman Arena Bldg. Camniittee DOUBLE bouse, Possession of Bowmanville, Ontario. 36-2 west haîf (detober lst. Nartheast corner Elgin and Concession Sts. Small down paymcnt. Would ex-t change for property in Toronta. Applv E. and E. Suttan, 429 King- WA stan 'Road, Toronta 8. 37-2 A C Wanted To Buy VADLf SMALL adding machine. Phone ARLKIIARIIP 2736. 37-1a USED De Lavai silo. Les Ander-r son. Phne 2215. 3'-'t for satisfaction BEFORE selling your live paultry and d try us. Our pnices are higlier. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bcthany, phon2 7 r reasonable prices 13. reverse charges. 17-tf OLD or cripplcd hanses. If you BigYu ac oU want us ta remove your dead fanm f stock within an hour, cail us cal-k leet. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrane, ALL IVATCH REPAIRS d fg phn owalle269.36tf GUARANTEED f CHLES dark green hand knit For One YearS 2558. P 37sc -hon MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED WILL the party who picked up theO new 24' extension iadder from the s( Newcastle dump, Friday, Sept. 3nd, between 2 and 4 p.m., kindly return ta Bonathan Hardware,V Newcastle.371 MA R S r StryedJEWELLERY n EROM Lot 5. Con. 3, Danlington, BOMAN VILLEn Holstein heifer, twa \.ers Id. An .- information would beaap 43 King st. IV. Phone 463 ti preciated. R. A. Sudds. Phone ei 2835. 37-1 Oj CARDS 0F T-ANKS I wish ta express my thanks ta the doctors and nurses of Western Hospital, Toronto, also friends, neighbors and relations for flow- ers, cards and letters sent me dur- ing.my stay in hospital. 37-1* -Mrs. Edward Clarke 1 wish ta extcnd my hcartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy neceived from the many friands, relatives and neighbors during my sad beneavemant. 37-lf' -Alice M. Hoar We wish ta take this opportun- ity of expressing aur sincere thanks ta aur many friends and nieighbons fo r the beautiful gifts prescnted ta us on aur silver wed- ding anniversanv. Mvr. and Mrs. H4oward Farrow. 37-1 Mn. afid Mrs. H. H. Casbaun and famîly wish ta cxtend sincere Lhanks and appreciation ta thein many fniends and neighbors for aii the acts of kindness and sym- pathy in the loss of theli- dean daughter-in-law, Anne Casbourn. 37-1 The famiiv of the late Mn. An- lncwv Dilling wish ta thank thair friends and relatives for their kindîncs and sympathy shoxvn duning his illness and death, also for the manv beautiful floral of- fenings. Many thanks also ta the nriends ,xho gave use af their cars and ta Dr. Austin. Dr. Rundle, Dr. ;îemon. and Dr. Storcy. ti le et 2e ýa. 'v- nE 14 id id p- m v- e. -is re J- tf ýd 4 In )f S, ýe b- 9 e n Il Ncwioundland, almost undevel- opad as a tourist area, las 104 un- schcduled salmonrnivens. Eanming is rot a big industry in Newfoundland. Most farms are worked ta supplement a family's inome. OnIy 1,400 farms open- ate on e commercial scale. Nonse adventurers reached Lab- rador 500 years bafore Columbus made lis discavany of Amenica. Lief, son ai Erie the Red. landed there in tIc 'year 1.000 and report- d tIc' place to ba a wonthlass lard ýf rocks. NOW IS THE TINE TO TARE VITAMINS Keep in Slep wllh Hea1ih!- Puretest IHa1ibut Liver Capsules -----$.15 Puretest Vitamin and Minerai Caps. $3.49 Puretest Plenamins with liver & iran $1.85 Puretest A, B, D & G Capsules .--------85c Sundries - Make List Household Rubber Gloves, prevents chapped and stalned hands, pair ----. 39c Fruit Jar Rings, red rubber p k g. -------- ------ -- 7c Wax Paper, 100 fit. roils 30e Gillette Blades, 20's with dispenser-- -.- i Roxbury Hot Water Baille red $1.19 Attachment Sets. converts hot water boitie to a Fountaîn Syringe - ,-69c Thermos Botties, pint size Metal Cap ------.-- 51.50 Bakelite Cap . 5- 1.6i! Thermos Botile Stoppers 29e Nail Brushes, Nylon bristie 85e Playlng Cards, double deck ...$1.50 JURY (& LOVELL Hay Fever Remedies Lantigen "E" - .--------. 56.00 ERazmah Capsules ---. 60c, $1.25 Cal Rinex -- 51.00, $15.00 Asthma Nefrin Ouifit . -- 15.00 Asthma Nefrin Refilîs -- $2.75 Allergi-Tabs -,,51.00, 52.50 Ephazone Tablets 51.50, $2.50 Rexail Asthma Powder .-85e Deodorants Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Deodonant ---5ý 1.50 Helena Rubinstein Apple Blossom Deodorant-..0 Bachelor ('ream Deodorani 400 Adrienne Cream Deodorant 40c Arrid Deodorant -- ----39c, 59e Fresh Deodorant - 39c, 59e When We Test Your Eyes It is Doue Propenly PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE ~- A Attention Farmers I YOUR ARE INVITED TO ATTEND AN ORCHARD SPRAYING DEMONSTRATION FEATURING THE NEW MYERS SILVERAIRE SPRAYER wiih osiliating nozzle head-one man operation-fast applica- tion-Iow openating eost-compleie coverage. Mycrs representative wlll be thene to help wvth youn prohlems Demonsîraîjon wîll be held ai Gerald TaIcoll's Orchard, on MoRday, September 131h, ai 2 o'clock Sponsored by your local IYERS and MASSEY-HARRIS DEALER JHoward Hancock ini A-1 Condition ART'S GARAGE Il- - - - - - : : : . - m- 2 2 -. 5 - - - - - - - - - - liiýý Custom Work TYRONE PLOWING and cultivating. Also John Deere nepair. work and Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Clif- parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. fard and Grenville, with Mn. and 19-tf Mns. Gardon Camnpbell, Norland. Mn. Donald Yellowlees, Toron- Trucking ta, with Mn. and Mrs. Frank LARGE 3-ton stake truck. av iu- Boi e nJ m ie C om e able to haul tomataes and farm witbGryda and imEldo Ces- produce. Phone 3690 W, 307 Eu-whGadnndEo Ces lalie Avenue, Oshawa. 36-2 well. Mn. Tam Powell bas returncd REPAIRSta Toronto after spending the REP IR summer at Mn. L. Hooper's. REPAIRS toa ah makes of refnmg- Mn. W. J. Tape, Mr. and Mrs. eratens, domestic and rommercial. Bert Hauns, Fart Erie, Mrs. Betts, Higgon Eiectnic 42 King St., Toronto, Mn. J. Hatherley and phone438.26-tf sons, Newtonvillc, with Mn. and phone438.Mrs. R. Hathcrley. NEAT-Way Shoe Repain: Good, Mn. and Mrs. Henry Miller, substantial workmanship, nehiabil- Dvugias and Manslal, Halibunton. ity, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. with Mrs. Wallace Miller. Dawn Try thc Ncat-Way, opposite Bow- ratund with lier parents. manville Cleaners. 7-tf Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens, of Hamptan, xvith Mn. and Mrs. W. Auction Sales H. Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. Archie Virtue and Earmn Stock and Implements, John with Mn. and Mns. Howard prapcnty of Fred G. Smith, Lot 3, Wonnacott, Dixie. Con. 8, Darlington Twp.. on * Mn. and Mrs. Errol Hugîson, Thursday, Sept. 30.- Ted Jackson, Mn. Bill Hughson, Toronto, with auctiancen. 37-1 Mrs. Mina Huglison and Mrs. Bill Huýh son. Funniture-Mn. James Steven- Mrs. A. W. Macdonald, Miss son, Victoria St., Orono, will sali Minnie Macdonald, Cobourg, Mrs. liV public nuetion on Saturdsy, Harry Hollard and chuldrcn, of Sept. 18, et 1 p.m., bis antire Windsor, Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Mac- houschold affects. Tenis cash. donald and chiidran, Toronto, Sec bils. Jack Raid, auctionear. Miss K. Macdonald, Oshawa, Mn. 37-2 Jim Graham, Haydon, with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Macdonald. The undarsigncd will sali by Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, public auction for Mrs. M. Funhar, Havdon, with Mn. and Mrs. A. 24 Qucan St. E., Bowmanvilie, on Huils. Saturday, Sept. 18, at 1 p.m.. al Mr-. and Mrs. Hanry Collacutt, han hausahold affects. Complete Bawmenville, witli Mn. and Mme. list naxt waak. Tarms cash. Clarence Woodley. Tharon Mauntjoy, clark. Cliffard Miss Annabelle Adcock. Hemp- Pathick, auctioneer. 37-,1 ton. xvith Miss Valma Collacutt. Mr. -md Mrs. Aluin Annis and Giving up fai-ming. 1 have ne- Catherine, Mn. and Mrs. S. J. ceived instructions fram Kennath Courtice, Oshawa. cailed an Mr. Bell, Lot 33, Concession 7. Clarke an-I Mrs. Lamne Annis. Townchip, 2 miles w-est of Kirby, Mn. md Mrs. Will Cann, Bow- ta selI by public auction on Wcd- manville, with Mn. and Mrs. Lu- nasday, Saptamber 15. at 1 p.m., ther Heoper. aIl bis fanm stock, implaments, Mn. and Mns. Gardon Leach, hay, etc. Tarms cash. No ne- Taronto, xvitl Mn. and Mns. Art serve. Jack Reid, auctionea'-. Yotungman. 37-1 Mn. mnd Mrs. Edgar Scott, Ne- kina, Mn. and Mrs. Skinner, Ton- Mn. C. V. Cooper, Lot' 15, Con. 6. onto, ettendcd the supnen Mon- Clarke Twp., anc mile nanth and day evcning and visitcd' relatives two miles aast of Orono, bas saId and fricnds. lis fenm and will sali by public Mn. ?nd Mrs. George Alldread auction on Wcdnesdey, Sept. 22, wîth Mn. and Mrs. Kcnnetl Lamb, et i p.n., eh lhis fanm stock, im- Clankson, andi accompanicd Mn. plamants, liay, grain, poultry and and Mrs. Lamb ta Eainview. Penn. soma furnitune. For funther par- and visitcd Mn. and Mns. Clifford ticulars sec bills. Terms cash. No Het-. raserve. Jack Raid, auctioneer. Miss Margaret Murdoch. Meple 37-1 Grave, visitcd with Miss Yvonne By n. Having had his barn destroycd 'Miss Helen Miller, nurse-in- by fine, Mn. W. P. Hanna, Lot 8, trainine. Toron~to Garerai Haspi- Con. 6, Hope Twp., ane mile east taI visited her parents, Mn. and of Penrytown Chunch, xvill sali hy Mm. W. J, Miller. public auction on Tuesday, Sept. Eligît Lieut. Wilfred Lewis,1 14, at 1:30 p.rni., bis entira herd 'Mrs. Lewis and Billie, Ottawa,1 cnnsisting of 40 lhead of duel-pur- 7m. XV. E. Lewis, Welcome. with pose Shorthorns and Ùva yeung IV- ard Mns. R-lph Qlesp-l'. hanses. For tunthar perticuiers Mn1i. -nd Mrsz. P. K. Bragg, Mrs. sec bills. Terms cash. No resenve. M\. Siiveîý Bowmanvillo. Mis Willard Lord, clark; Jack 1 Bessie Blackburn, Miss Ida Stan- auctioncar. 37-1 biens, Mm. Leufaence Squair. Sal- 17 .m> with Mn. and Mns. Frank 1 Househoid furnitune and affects. Werry.f The undansigrcd will sell by pu,)- Mn. Jî-ck May. Windsor, visitcd lie auctian tan J. Shalyn at Snack hiý covsin, Mr. Perey Werny. Bar on Highway 2, two miles wvest Mr. Fred Moore and Miss Leta9 af Bowxnanville, on Saturday, p~c:zE:01 with Mn. and Mrs. H. P Sept. 1l, at 1:30 p.m., the toliow- Skinner. ý ing: Chestarield clairs, studio Mr. F. L. Byam is attending the t coucb, Bendix washing machine. Postmesters' convention et Northr dining raom suite. tables, chest of ey. dnewers, odd tablas, dishes, rugs, --______________ silverware. gardan furnitura, chra- mium bird cage, tools, windows and frames, lamps, antiques. etc. Ail in perfect condition. Tanms cash. Clifford Pethick, auction- enr. 07-1 Messrs. Elmer Down, Bi Run- die, Murray and George Osborne and Misses Eleanor Hinds, Jean Wight, Donna. Robinson and Joyce Robinson and Mrs. Glenn Pickell, Ebenezer, were guests of Mr. and- Mrs. Gordon Brent. Mr. and Mrs. *Jack McDonald, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dee- Iey. Mr. and Mrs. S. Cornish, of Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. Miss Florence Gardiner, Bow- manville, with Mrs. Anne Phil- lips. Mr. and Mrs. Ciarence Pediar and children, Mt. Dennis, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. D. Deeley took a plane trip ta Wigwasin Lodgc for the week- end. Mrs. R. Hatherly at Ken Neal's, Bawmanv] Je* Mrs. .1. H. Mutton, Bawman- ville, v.ith Mrs. P. Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. R. Shred. Buffala, Mr .and Mrs. L. Haines, Bowman- ville, Mr. and l1Irs. R. Shred and children, Taronto, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Shred Sr. Mr. ind Mrs. Leslie Callacutt, Maffie Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goadman. Mrs. S. Walker, Miss Phyllis Maynard, Bawmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Maynard. Mrs. B. Yeo is with relatives in Oshawa. Miss Dorothy Skinner with Misses Millie and Gwen His. Mr. Bcb Dale, Alliston, with Mrs. W. Jones. Mr. Cranston Scott had a very successful r-i'le Friday, wvith ev- erything selling at a good turice. Mr. Pnd Mrs. Henry Stainlon, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton, Mr. Luthcr Stainton attendc the Tuck-Jaekson wedding in Toron- ta Monday. Sorry lea hpar Mrs. D. K. Fras- er is vcry ill in ]3owmenrvilie Hos- pital. John Hoar met with a serlous accident requiring severai stiteh- es in bi~s lead. Mr. Everton White had the mis. fortune to injure bis knee having ta wear a cast for some tim. Mr. Lloyd Allen. Bowmanviile, and Mrs. Dolores Murray, Ennis- killen, vvcrc married at the manse on Septc.mber 4 by Rev. A. E. Cresswe il. Mr. en-I Mrs. Robt. MeConneli. Oshawps. vxere Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ýHodgson. A lovcly arrangement of flow- ers adorned the church Sunday for thec Harvest Horne services. At the aftcrnoon service Rev. D,,,,- E. Jones, Oshawa, delivered. Isplendid sermon and at the eý & ning service Rev. A. E. Eustac,Yý* Orono, preach cd a fine sermon~. Ebenezen .Junior maie' quartettd assisted with the music. accam-. panied bv Mrs. G. Pickell a tthe piano. The chair also rendered suitabie music. On Moriday afternoo-i a base- h-h1 gamne w7's layed bctwcen H.-vdon and Salem-iand Tyrone Pnd Saicem. In the even ingý a foot- -;Il gemne was nl1avcd between Fr.niski]lcn and Tyrone, score ini *avar of Tyrone at bath garmes. At 53 p.m. a hountiful supper *vas s",rved with abundance of good things ta eat. At 8:30 a play wes prcsented by Salem folk. 'Where's Grandma?." eccl one raking their parts weii. Mr. Ross MYefcclf P-ccompanied by Mn. W. E.C. Workman, Bowmanville - 1 1 Thank you aIl. 37-1 TEM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO ,Iuamwxy, wwr. M,'£M 1 - 1 BOWNIANVILLE

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