Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 9

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...............................................- -- ~ TffU-RgT)AY, AUCUST 5t'n. 1948 In the Dim an From The St; FIFTY YEARS AGO July 20, 1898 Are bachelor's reflectionz; the iame as thev were fîfty y cars ago? These -Reflectirins of a Ba- chelor" were printed in this i- sue: A man can always tel! when a girl is trNing to look consciaus aind embarrassed. No girl, who is eating candY ail the time ever has the proper ap- preciation ofkîs-g t Th e irst year a womnan is roar- l ed. she- is sure that, ii her hiîu Pl and were unfathful to her shc she %vould die. The third vear yffl she wonders if she xwouici get a e, divorce. Atter that she neyer thinks about it at a:l. No man respects hîs wife near 50 tnuch. if ;he doesnt bclieve haif the lies he tells her. The mnen who arc talking about war, are the oncs v.hose ivives have begun ta hint that the lawn mower ought to be sharpencd. i After a man has been married about six months he takes to car- rying a littie wad of strinÉg in his pocket and wears pins under the bottomn edge of bis xest. Congratulations tb Idai Barber. daughter of Mr. A. Barber. of Bramnpton, who after icavi-r.-g .Bowmanvil]e High School gi-ad- uated firn the Unix-ersit v of Tor - onto with first ciaÈs honors.ý She afterwards attended the Normal Coliege, -being the oniv one in the I ATTENTION kkins. soi-iof the late Mi1 icar Ditn ai-dian rifle shots this erainti id DitantPast*theBisley Meet. *At the Orange Celebration in Latesman Files Cobourg an Thursday. the Patri- -ai-ch, oh the 121h of Juiy cele-bra- i tion was Robert Fo\'wler of Orono. province- to succ-ecd in getting an iMi-. Fowler is ninety years of age honai- star.ding for tbat * ear. She and Thursdax- took part in bis sev- has just compioed a ve-ry suc- 'ent-szixib Orange waik. (-~ilyear at Women's Medicai Congratulations to Agnes Van- Co!lege. Toronto, taking firstistone on passing ber Junior Pi- place iii ber ,-car. ,ana examination. -. R. Beith. M.P.. %as con- Congratulations ta Dora th y gi-a:ulated on bis high standard oh James' and Chai-lie Cawkei on iorses hv -Mr. E. P. Bell. Cobourg, pass'ing the-ir Eieme-ntary Grade vvbo callfidcon bm at bis stock piano examinations. far-m lazt we-'k. rTyrone-Mi-. W. Stewart had a Mr-. W. S. Bragg had a Close xery succcsshul bai-n raising. on ca1 xvhile hauling hay* . In pass- Tuesday of last week. Col. Wm. ing tiîro'eh the y ard the laad by1 Fanrell. vas the contractor. Some meauîs upset against the, The annual gathcring oh the fe"nco. rbrowîvng Mi-. Bragg again-- Cryderman and Ruse familles was st the feiice and burying hir n- b-da otlabFres h dci- the hax-. He was uncanscious BowAmanx,-îlle. the home oh Mi-. for three bours and bas been,quite and Mrs. Frank Crxderman on îîsed xîp ex-c isnce. Wednesday aternoon. C'La'd the Rex. R tP. oles 0on Mi-. A. Wadbams, .vho recenlly r cLilcdth Meiioia pupitanpurcbase-d the Goodyear Haie-i. Sunday eveiiing ta the delîgbt ohý and will conduet it under its for- the hearers. mer name. the Balorial is cele- brating the- opening of tbc new TIVENT V-FIVE VEARS AGO ýdining-roorn by giving a "Speciai .Iuiv 19, 1923 Su-dyDner*" on July 22. The anutal Werry famiiy re- tU.S. WHEAT EXPORTS union %vas held at 'Rosclandvale___ Farm. So'î.a. Mr. and Mrs. Peter 1 During the- irst eleven months Werr ' settled on the Roselandx-ale - <July-May-) of the 1947-48 mai-- Farm 5sce-nty-eigbt. years aga,,ket;ng y car the United States cx- uîext ()ît aer TheY xere 'iic-i ported approxîrnate-ly 442 million ceeded qîxt ', yvears ago by their 'bushels of wheat and flour. Witb son, the late William Wei-ry-. who s hi-nt*h4 ilo uhl n tuiron paserlthe estate on Io bis--,-f-1---- ,,r- -..*. son. S. Edgar Weri-y, the present o wn ci- A foi-mer Bowmanlville andi Or- ona box, Sergt. Major W. A. Haw- FARMERS WE ARE PAYING ±'HE HIGHEST PREVAILING PRIC'ES FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMAILS HORSES . CATTLE - HOGS L Telephone Collect for Immediate Service GORDON YOUNG LIMITED TORONTO: ADelaide 3636 COBOURG: 48J TRIM - DOORS- SASH FLOORING ROOFING-ISLATION AQUELLA -W Roll Brick and Insul Brick Siding Ten-Test - Beaver Board Sheetrock . Masonite Asphait Shingles - Roll Roofing Tule Board - Aluminum Mouldings Sewer Pipe - Weeplng Tile ? Lime - Hardwall Plaster - Cernent Cedar Grain Asbestos Siding The Sheppard & 0Q11 1Lumber Co. Limited, Bowmanville PRONE 719 96 KING ST. E. POTATO PROTECTION Pi-et your pommtes against insecti and plant diseases right up to time for top kili. Just because thingi look right now, don't negleet the Iast spraying or dusting. Bugs and blights can Cat up your profits in no time. Guard your drap with one of the Gi-een Cross DDT and Basi-Cop mixtures . ï; their effeciveness has been provedi in field tests. 14% DDT BASI-COP* SPRAY POWDER 3% DDT BASI-COP DUST GREN COSSFIED LADRgd RODe-mar THE CANADIAý; STATESMAN, BOWMNANVTLLE. ONTARIO LOCAL PUBLISHER ON THOUSAND-MILE ----.- fol; . As a gue-st of the Government of the Fia- vince ah Ontario, Editar Gea. W. James oh The Canadian Siatesman, was a fnembei- oh a goad- xxill press pai-ty, cornprising twenty editors and publishers fi-rn ten U.S. states, which las-t month made a 10-day, 1,000 mile trip by char- tered coach ta vacation spots in Ontario. The guests and their Canadian hasts ai-e picturcd as they paused beside the -Queen Elizabeth Wayý," Canada's gi-e-at supei--îighway xvhich links the Niagara frantier with Toronto. Front row (lcft ta iight)-John O. Boy d, Lowville, NNY.; T'om Lee, Marissa, Ill.: Roht. G. Rawe, Milford, Mîch.: L. C. Percy. Pittsford, N.Y.; Le-o C. Craig, Delphi. mnd.: R. R. Bar-low, Illinois Press Association, Urbana, Ill.: Arthur Smnith, Colonial Coach Lines; Max Ninniaii, Rcedsburg, Wis. Back i-ow- LUnes. George La adian publishiers: Mass.: Gea. MW seiîting Canadian Claquet. Mmmn.;1 Ray M. White. Cuix-er. Ind.: Ca H. E. McMui-rax-, Gecorge H. McI Gox-errment: To nient: CPI. R.E Police cscort. Third ri-ax- Mass.: E. H. Johi ÔnItario Goxcrîîi expctedîC ini Julie, %%ncai. exports FRESUGDT LN RSI tGS for the entire year wiIl exceed 480 FAMR UGE TOLNTRIIXAGS million bushels. an aIl-time world SAVE CLOVER SEED record. The- next large-st sbip- August is the best mouxîb in .ments wci-e 407.6 million bushels;, At a meeting oh the See-d Mai-- wlivicb ta break Lip clumps oh Iris exported by' Canada in 1928-29i keting and Fublivîty Commîtîe - whicb bave beconie overý-grýo xx-n and 394.1 million ibushels by the ýoh the- Ontario Crop Improvement and reset thin. or traunsplant saine U lnite-d States in 1946-47. Association, held this week, a i-e- oah the- rhizomes (the uniderground commendatian was made that roti estms) in allier parts of BRITSH EIE AGEEMNT armers be given cvery encour- the garden. OuîIv good souind i-hi- BRIIS - IR AREFIFT age-ment ta save ields*oh clave-r izames should be 5avecd auîd a - -for see-d, provided there- are- suf- Itbat show siguis of rot should bel The Goveî-nme-nts oh the United fîcient indications that the drap discardcd. C] uuips wbich arc Kingd or and Eire have sîgned a \-ill vicld rcasonabiy wcli. badîv ov-erýgraxx ix or are iin sbadv fotir-year trade agi-ernent chIe-c- 1 Dui-ing recent years, supplies oh damp parts of tie garden ai-e par- tive- July 1, 1948. Eu-e bas unde- -ver see-d have be-en somewbat ticuiarlyý sus~cptible ta i-at be- taken to limit ber cattle export 'ted. There is an excellent cx- cause oh lack of surishine. ta the- Ruropean Continent ta 5. -iai-ket, but agricultural oh- tbousand in 1948 and in subsequ-. ,,, te-e-i that :,ome supplie-s I nve-ars ta 10 per cent ofhbe-r Isoli buiit u p, in order ta UGE AR AKTN total exports. It us estîmated as a proxvide i-equirene-nts for impraxi - - noneeto pca resuit, that exports oh store cattie- ing regular drap rotatidons and îIli t'eaiiuu mn o pca ta the Unite-d Kingdomn will be r hus pi-oducing maximum crops1 compensation ta western coarSe incre-ased hirn 300 ta 400 thous- foi- the- efficient output of miik1 grain gs-owors. xve have hurther and, and fat catile- fi-rn 50 ta 100anmetprdcsj glaring proof oh Ottava's bi.ng- tbousand by 1950. Carcass me-ats adma -rdcs ling in regard ta its farmn mai-- are ta he- raied ta four thousand R. E. Goodin, fie-id man of the keting polic:es, states The Fiuian- long tans and canne-d me-at ex- Ontaria Dcpartmeni of Agiicul- 'cial Post. If the decontral patternî ports ta te-n tbousand. Fat sheep, ture, advises that clave-r fields hn- hollow,.ed wiî.b oass and bar-ley is poultry, she-il eggs. butte-r and ba- tcnded for sced sbould be care- ta bc a prececicuit for ail aotheir con exports ta the- Unite-d King- hul!y rogued oh wee-ds. More than harm commodMties theuî il is goirig doom wiil also be- increased whiie 200 se-ed cle-aning plants are 110w ta be an cxpensix'e proccss indeed Brîtain has agi-ccd tai-e-vie-w suitably lacated in variaus sections ta get back ta normal. Damage quantative restrictions an impor-ts Of Ontario. These ai-e equipped dlaims for beof cattle- and xvheat of manuifacturcd goads. particu- ta do a thorougb job of cleaning ],on, could i-un ia billions. larly agricultural machine-ny. clox-er se-ed. Afte-r the- se-ed is There \v-s little quarrel wiib ____________ cîeaned, a grade certificate- sbould tegvrmn-sdcso olf be obtaine-d before afering the- the gocr ennutsndciasongtais. C'ANADSA rEXPF-r.Ç; T.AR'V crofor sale-. Duringi-ecent tepiecelugo oas ris APPLE CROP Canada's apple- drap this ye-ar bas be-en estimatcd at 17,000,000 busheis, or two million more- than last year. British Columbia may re-ach the- 9,000.0-0 bushel figure about 25l per cent above the 1947 level. Disposai of this drap will be a major prcsble-m, as maximum domcstic cansuimption is estimat-1 cd at about 8,600,000 bushe-is and tbe export market is unceriain. The United Kingdom did flot buy any Canadian apples last ye-ar, and ba.% shown no intcrest in pur- chases fi-rn the- 1948 drap, duei iarge-ly to the- curre-nc\- situationI and incnease-d apple production in Britain.1 There is close relàtionship h(- tween hard work, a light heart and a clear mnd. ]Business Directory Legal W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notar Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to ban - Phone 791- Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASONX, B.. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmnanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 *W. P. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary -9V2 King Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowrnanville Phone 351 Dental DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental Coilege, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowrnanville Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daiîy. 9 arn. ta 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Suinday. Office Phone 790 Residerce: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudell 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis hiome 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daiiy 9 arn. ta 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 23-S' Monuments The Rutter Granite Company Pbone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port, Hope, Ont. Optometry JOHN T. 'MlCREFRY Optometrist 22 Div ision St., Bow~man ville Ofce Hou rs: Monda - Tuesdav, 7-8 p.i-n Bowmnvile 224,Port Hope 248 years, teebsb-namred . tendeney for growers ta dlean their seed instead of offèring it ta buyers in the rough. POULTRY INDUSTRY 18 BIG BUSINESS In 1947 the value of ail poultry meats and eggs sold off Canaclian tarms or farm consurned was val- ued at $235859,000. This figure includes poultrx'- meat of ail kinds and eggs pi-aduced iby urban and rural dweilers flot strictly classed as fai-mers for Census purposes, and also the eggs for hatching. The comparable figure for 1946 was $203,693,000. 0f the 1947 figure, $147884,00,0 represented the value of eggs, the figure for 1946 being $124,298,000. O f the pou ltry meats, chicken and fowl were valued at $64,9i93,000 in 11947 and at $61,934,000 in 1946. Turkey meat in 1947 was valued at $14.565,000; in 1946 at $10,140,- 000. Geese ta the value of $1,521, 000 were used in 1947 and in 1946 the value was $1,169,000. There was an increase in 1947 of duc-k meat, the value being $588.000, compared witb $508,000 in 1946. Domestic consumption of eggs and poultry meats increased in 1947 over the preceding year. The per capita consumption of eggs in 1947 was 24.04 dozen compared with 23.27 dozen in 1946. Ox-er two pou nds more- chieken per per- son w-as eaten an the average in 1947 when the figure- was 21.17 pounds. Fer capita consumption of turkey, goose and duck was slightly higber. Let the motive be In the deed aod not in the ex-ent. Be flot one- whose motive for action is hope- of reward.-Kreesha. ONTARIO HOLIDAY A LITTLE bit of England -that's the- Thames Valle-y in the be-art of south- western Ontario. The River Thames winds graciousiy through rolling, fertile country. There's the fine- mode-rn city of London.. and any number of beauty spots in the vicinity that speli holiday fun and relaxation. For route and accommodation details, write to Ontario Holi- day, Room 1004, Victory Building, Toronto. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK Let'a; see they get the- best we have te- offer. Everyone- be-ne- fits from the- incîne- tournist business brings te- Ontario. Se- it's in your interest ta en- courage- your friends fi-r other parts ta, share oui- Ontario Holidays. TOURIST BUSINESS IS GOOD BUSINESS ~ G ODINIL OUR rhave no sav as ta w,%here or how M*INIMUM FRICES E GO D-W LL T UR the great p .roportion oh their pro- RECOfflIENDED FOR duction will be marketed. GRAIN FOR SEED LARER ITEFORIn respanse ta many requestS Imm iIlmLRERST O for sorte guidance in the estab- j IINTERNAT IONAL PLOWING lishrnent of uniform and satisfac-. WP MATCH tory prices for variaus grades of Owîig a he reendusintr-seeds. the Secd Marketing and, est n tthe rin iis intres ictyCommittce of the On- fort a cdthe rnailowing isofete taria Crop Movement Association SMtchta e hld n Vcto i on mtthswekin co-opet'atiofl 'Machtyo be 12 i Vitoa 1Co tinas with the Crops. Seeds and Weeds ty ron Otobr 2 t 15 i ha iBranch. Ontario De-partrnent eOf be-en necessarv ta change the site Agriculture and î-ecommended the for thie match. say s Mr-. Carrai]. llwn mnmm rcs o a w as on the KaN mur Farmfone oxving i nimum prices atfr faUi mile hî-om Lindsay . A review of wat aind re, ai tfam ib the situation. ho\w\e\er. revealed bg nldd tht heemîhtnt besîhic -rFali Wbeat per bu. tht hrerigt.nt estfic-t No. 1 Seed $2.50 ent acreage for all the piowing ..I See-d. Coi-oell classes on this site -o the local 55vtit 30 committee, after a survey of thte ~vretyo 1Se $3.00 - available lands, selecfed a new I R.egitperNo bu.d 30 ite fouir miles xxest of Lindsay No. 1 e- er$2. and a mile off HighiwayNo i No. ee $5 where the farmers in the îocalîtx Registeredi No. 1. Horton ChrlsSpatCooîil och ix \e placed close ta 600 acres a .t Variety $3.00 -Caes Timmîns, Cpolonial Car- thcdisposal of the conimittee for These recommendations were ae imis ersnng l- ploxving. made on the present day basis Of q:How-ard N. Fowler. Mansfîc1d, feed grain and outiets for pastry -James, Bov.manville, îepre- Headqciarters for the 1948 In- fi oui-. together with the fact that pubixhrs:NorianE. elsn, ternational Plowiing Match xiii seed ai- recognized high standing il tiliser: ormn . Nlsn, therefore. he on the fari-mof Jack i k good vic There have been Alan McIntosh, Lux-ei-îe, Minn.: C. Chambers. whei-e there is a «ood dernands for fail wheat and Millei-sbui-g. Ohiio: R. Robinson, large field available for the headi- , îe. not anîx as. a commercial ai-tou U. BallinPcrkasie_ IPa.: qtiqrters arrangements aind also ic's rp bifl-sea edo , Ontario Hgw-sDeparîment: orIleextensix c exhibits o arifrnis. bufo easeedn -Lean, tour maniager, Ontario iiaclinery and equipmneit wliicb The committee, includes farm- oni C. McCall, Ontario Govern- i 0eo h ao feattires Of i- r rpres.entativesq and Depai-t- E. Ryme, Onai-o Prvinial this ex'ent. The plowing will be mental officiais repî-esentiflg var- E. Rynir, Otaro Prvinial done on the adfioining fai-ms, so bus sections of Ontario. illiat a compact seitup bas een ai-- _Herbei-t S. Auistin. Wellesey, ranged for the match. Thc local j nston. Assistant Tour Manager, comimittee's plans are well ad- rient. xancedi, and everythiiig poinîts ta TIC'KETS TO ______ - a higbly 1sticcessftil ex-cnt. EVERYWHERE Mi-. Car-roll also aiiioounced that Air. Rail or Steamnship Tiiere was nover aiiY intenîtion or- 'le 1948 match x.vill be ofciillv'cnsl hope, exccpt arnoig buireaucrats cout and poi lpaniiers. thiat wai-- apened at 2 p.m. on Wednesdav, JUTRy & LOVELL ie pric,ý' vautraI liouoLid co.... October 13, by Sur Andi-ew Jones. Bovmanville indf iitlx cntiuewho us head oh the British Food 15 King St. %V. Phone 779 .Mission 10 Canada. __________________ But to renio\e the ceiling xih- -- out \x arnuing, in the middle of Itle niarketîinîgseaýouî anid xhen xvor1ld prîces ,,e,îe fuistantiallx, Iighei-, n \\-as the xvorst possible tinie that i B wmanville Business School cilhae been -liosen. " e1 peruinced farmiers and gi-ain t-ad- F i et n vrs poiiîted out agauin and again F l term beginsSe t7an Oct. 5 tlle tinie to niake tie shift x-as after the currejît season's grain ENROLL NOW0 lad beeîîn arkoted. Thon all ititAec produicers wouid haxe had an ex itrc Aec en start. for But. appareiitly under the de- e igo lîusion that the .îudgiit of a fewRe ngo - cloistercd butrcaucrats wvas xxorthi MODEL 5 DELUXE Jar more tlîan tuai of bundreds of thousands oh skilie-d farmers and Portable cxuîerienced grain handlers, de- control was deiay ed for nth~ Typewriter In effcct Ottaxwa lîad a buill by the-aù' taîl anîd Ici himn go just when he Costs little ta own thisbeu ,xas sure ta break the mosi china. tiful streamiined model. Aild it is begining ta laok as if the same ridle xill applY ta the score of aiher fai-n products \vbich BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL the Dom-inion Governme-nt stub- bornly insisis in keeping contrai- MRS. C. A. BARTLETT wa bsbeîdoe 154 King Street East Phone 434 vears and Canadian farmer tl __________________________________ Value Ales 0 in Ginger CHARLES WILSON LIMITED - -- -- -TORONTO Distributor for Bowmanville and Oshawa District: D. MYERS Listen to Ontario Holiday CFRB 10.45 P.M. Moq.1 Wed. Thur4 the Greatest 30-OZ. SIZE Contains 7LARGE GLASSES 18e cach -or 2 for 35e Plus Deposit iz-OZ. SIZE Con tains 2 LARGE GLASSES Plus WOC Deposit 1 -9-

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