Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1948, p. 8

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r~U -~ --s ~ .çs ~O f V~ i I -. - - - - - 2'~ --------.-.- .------- -------..-----~- - .- ,-..'.- --------.---.- ~--$~..----.--. -------~--..' TUE CANýPADTAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVtrLLE, ONTARIO The Newcastle Indenendent Phone: Clarke 3314 Mrs. Robert Gibson is a patient Miss Tilley Harris is sta ini Port Hope Hospital for a few with Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Alld.i days. 0P for holidays. Her many friends ivill be sor- Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinsor ry to learn oft Mrs. Walter Rick- hse.aeget fMs a's accident. She fell in th e gar- Phesearce get fMs age a few days ago and spiintered Miss Margaret Grice spent her arm and now has to go around weekend with her sister in1 in a cast. Hope and ber parents, Mr. Miss «Dorothy Trenwith, Toron- Mrs. Grice, Baltimore. to, and her father, Mr. George Mrs. Cutier, Toronto, is visi Trenwith, Windsor, have been with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Barchaý spending their vacations at home. Mrs. Wright, Toronto, is visil Rev. R. E. Morton, now super- ber mother, Mrs. Wetherell. Pr'nunted. is taking the services Mrs. P. F. LeGresley's siste for the month of August in the visiting with her. L.w. Lnuren w hile Rev.W W. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willî Patersn hs hs olidas He spent part of their holidaysr is stax ing with Mr. and Mrs. Her- North Bay. ton was here for the weekend. panied by Mr. and Mrs. L. I Misses Norma Aluin, Doreen cock, Bowmanville, are an a Selby, Helen Turner, Beverley to the United States. Hay, Barbara Osborne and Leona Mr. Arnold Tompkinson, wh Stoneburg are attending the C.G. working on the lake boats, l.T. Camp at Oak Lake for one visiting his mother, Mrs. Cl- week. Barchard. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Harris and 1Mvrs. Cecil Ferguson accomp famiiy-, Chesley, with relatives for - er brother ta Montreal fc the long weekend. visit. - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clemence, were not living together, but that ---- rooatnigtefnrio Shaw's, called on Mrs. Geo. Rick- he sent ber money, and that the bA L R V er uncie. Mr. Fred Bullied. ard. manev order was from bim. She 1Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff and asked Gardon if he knew ber hus- N e wse r1io Institute meeting on Monday Mr. Victor Farrow at Mr. La- family. Oshaw-a, Mr. and Mrs. band. Gord answered no. But, evening, August 9th, at 8 p.m. vreFro',Wloe Morlev Flintoff and family, Bow- as we told you earlier, he recently Ms .C nwe pn h - manvlIlle, with Mr. and Mrs. Clif- wrote us, telling about bis en- Mrveek.nd . n be daugh then yigford Flintoff. counter and asktd if we knew the Congratulations to Gerald M. we.F ounmet so-nd lw M hr. duhe and. ts yng Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Ferguson marn in question. It was the Duvali and Jean F. Fee, Leskard, * Prura en Fnichad, Mr.anotdb.Miss Edn rea ad fmiy hveretrn frm trage xvo ad ee bordngwbo were married on Saturday lAt Orono, Aug. 14 Snowden accampanied ber and is their trip to Nova Scotia. bere for two weeks ,then moved afternoon at Lesqkard by Rev. A. ____ il o f Mrs. Pepper, Whitby. with Mr. an. we dont know were. .E.utaeIrminn foawie I. R. and M s.sAtO. arke.eMraand Norm Cor was marred i and rs.A. . Prker Mr an Noma ain as arred n 1Exccutive of Canadian Fores- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stevenson, Mrs E. Powell and Mrs. W. J. Peterbora on Saturday , ulv 31 Mr. and, Mrs. Robt. Keane and ters Girls' League met to arrange, and twa boys, Oshawa, spent the the Hockin. ~Ad JeryDvldcie twoulci Glenys and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn for a bail tournament in Orono wveekend with ber parents, Mr. Port Mr. and Mrs. Belsey and familv belagoo0d time fior bîmn to quit Keae and David -spent a week Park on Saturday, August 14. i and Mrs. J. R. Meteal1f. and took a miotor trip ta Niagara Falls being a bachelor too. camping at Stoney Lake. The tournament will be opened1 Miss Ethel Axford is noi iigduring their holidays. M.C .MLre n oadby Mayor McCallum of Oshawa 'a ieek witb Mr..and Mrs., Noble ting Mr. Lawrence Morton, Lansing, left on Sunday ta enjoy a week's and at ieast two diamonds xii biel Metcalf at Lake Scugag.i r. is isiting Francis and Donald kT V T' O Thld y wt n n r. H ry used. Mr. and Mrs. Eddison M atews tin Jase.~JI)JJJUL Clarke and family at their cot- Bath the H. B. MeCabe Tropbv'(lie Vella Munday), Mn. and Mrs.l e 1Mr. and Mrs. C. Sewell, Hard- Ms a erl n ila tage near Prescott. and the Walter Axteli Tropby wili Charlie Stevens, London, spent i sby, Alberta, are guests of Mr. r.JsDeilan Blyo Mr. Everett Brown xvas operat- again be up for competition. These Suinday evcning wvitb the form- i etand Mrs. Harry Jase. Bowmanvilie, Mrs. M. Stone and ed on for appendicitis this week cups were won by the Peterboro cr's aunit and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. ams ____ Miss Joan Gutbrie, Peterboro, Mr and is doing nicely in Bawman- Maids and Art Revýnolds Dodgers E. R. Stevens.W etand Mirs. Frank Tripio, Arnold and ville Hospital. mn a tournament held there ia Ju-l Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden ýom- WEDDINGTLT Ronald, Oshawa, xisited Mrs. Fia- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun and 1Y. setteweedwt h VY LU.UL~Urence Tnripp and Orville. Ja pn hi oiasa a League piayoffs xiii start on ece and nephe, M. nvMs TRLan--CEME Mr n r.ArbrJcsnBay and Gore's Landing. August l6tb: Tigers vs. Mapie Waiter Symes, Port Perry.THN AB U THS trip TEEVNSHM and fmlToronto, visited ýr. Grave; Quakerettes vs. Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jans.o The chapel of Deer Park U nited and M rs. Fred Cra xfo d. . M rs. A tw ell arrived Sa urdav W . efsis sceiofwil laxICh tb mA BaOedTn M . nd rs 10 Is C buirc , Toronto, a b i b x ib M rF. R. C. Jackson, O shaw a , b bv plane fom W innipeg ta s end o ff t his tb n t e i np ay als R. R. Stevens n F r d V H M E m y e h White gladioli for the xedding of visiting er s n r if r a a m ontb w itb bier daughte, M rs. h of a fxith PetesR .St v n-o-ri av hris. Anne, datig ter of M r. and M rs. son. A. E. E tîstace.'viii be payed I n xofon thathviPebeede Marion Schemper, and Williaml r. Johin Veille, Toronto a Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Waddell STARKo VILLE sh' v netroe b fire.e de .an- George Treicaven, son af Mr. andl been holidaying xitb ih itr are on two xveeks' vacation. srydb ie oraMrs. Froderick G. Trlev. RvMns. Jobn Grie%-cs and bis grand- Mn. and Mrs. Frank Hall and HAYVffll 'W. T. F. G. Andrews offieiated fathrr, Mr. Aý. H. Veale., Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummand M.anncld Ms.Gat Mro. Horh goowfards replacrIn the s and W. H. Wildman played the Mr. and Mrs. George Johins vis- and Alex returned on Friday from il____a cle a r Hwr Swedding music. îed Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. co-ages at Chandos Lake. Mlrs. Chas. Ganard attended theI Farrows,. gto v'ourdhomepan uthe ose- Gixo inmarrageby br fth- Mr,;. L. Joblin called on Mrs. Rexv. A. E. Eustace is attending, Mountjov famnilv pienie at Hamp- Mrs. M. Sbutka xisited in Osb- hodgos erth bidewoe peio gwn gns heprd Cesaea ashort Course at a coîîcge near Itno cnsa.aWa, calling on Mn. and Mns. AI- odgos aof embroidered ivarxý satin witb 1Mns. Jas. Williamison, Mn. Frank MoAlntreal for ý'three days. Mr. and Mns. BntAsto ad hart Rogers and their new daugh- Ja1ckmanlainstoM. n Ms famniv attended the Bradiev fam- ter. maing ead Rd res hold in beri nci Mns. WAnWillJamk- CnItlatost r.adMsAsk this agency ta go over incr ut.pv isRds es veremin ionv tdMs.W.Wliam-Lawrence Stanley Malcolm, Nes- ily pienie. Miss Helen Hallowell. Toronito, 'our Policies and make cer- berboqut.Mis Nlle ebm-so. Ietnwh x'ee mrnedinTrn- Came and enjoN a Pot iuck slip- spent the weekend at home. pei was r sse s ol attie in p wendr n nd M s r nk Pa f o ity ntd C uei o m n il per on W ednsday. Take in fliec Service was held at Shilob Sun- tain You have sufficient in- ant. Sewsatrdi ovc and Bryce. Lindsay-, visited 'Miss yUntdCuhBwavle1 hlue net vitb a eaddess of Ethl and M. Henry Tompson. M[r. Malcolm, xho was Miss lagule football game and rturn day morning. Mrs. Lamne Paeden surance. powdr bie velx't ibbon. Servi7ice in the United Cb'ich i noln Brooks, taugt the In- eosoe ain excellent concert. Fan and Ms. Lew Halloxeil faxvored T ddy Oliver was gom man1 wa s quite vel attended, al en- termediate roam in Orno Public partictlars sec Coming Events. xitb a dut.To nt, it -d the Lishers w ee Edw ard Tre- J.Ioycd baring Re x. M criii1 Fer- IS eool for the pa st tw o y ars. M .ani de M rs. Me .r e B oar \and Mis NormaH all,, o rontoSu ri l J n i e cax-n ad To Trleavn. uson speak. Blackstock Young Archie McLaren and ,Jimi Pat- Riek , Kinkland Lake, at Mn. Don StMnuanrtMr.RWm Fo, viite A neceptian folloxvcd at the St. PeoPle xiii hc in charge af the tenson hav-e been on a mator trip fCimenotn's. in Toronto. Regis Hotel, and the couple leIt servicce next Sunday, August 8. t PittsburgPa.Ms r3 anrTmot ta igvon nNw ok AIs rnkCosmn r.;.or isSbirleyGarad Trno Mrs. Su'teliffe en.Ioyed a visit INSURANCE - REAL ESTATII for bonymoo la ew Ynk Ms. Fank nossnanMrs.Non- A xerv suceessful furnitune sale at home.fope uti saa Ther ftue hme vii b inNeV- al Cnossinian and Mns. Conlin, was held onSaudva te Ronald and Rav Ashton accom- Misq Delores Fails, Tononto, vis_ Poe fie 8,Rs 9 castie. Oshawva, Miss Beatrice Mount.jo, biousebold effeets of Mr. J. F. Lor- panied Mn. ai-d Mrs. Russell on- ited Miss Mary Hailoweîî. King Street- Bowmanville Coubus, Mr. and Mrs . Alvin riman. miston ta Algonquin Pr n ~N Shirley Tubb, Oshawa, vis- Fnd ýr.'Kictl SBm nxied Mr. Miss Ama Cuttrel is spe nding Hutsville. ited Miss Lorraine Farrow. P ONTYPOOLan Mr.eneb aml. lier vacation wvitb Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton with Alr:. Lamne Paeden was in Pet- Fovd Cutteli, Lake Chatauqua, N.Mn. and Mirs. Jim 'Aikenlheid. of_________________________________ We oten onde if eopl inY., and xilb friends in Preston. Craw Lake, at Mns. R. M. Han-, Wte eonsxondhec if peop e*n KIRBY Visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Clan- son's, Petenhono. othe secionsaI te cantnvbaveence F. Duncan for the holiday Mr. and Mns. A. BeecbaMn lîttie oddities af speech lîke usf wcre Mn. and Mns. Arthur Park-y Fnank Moone's, Maivern. ha r back bore on thme Ridge.' Dont fonget Sundav Scimool ha- er and Ho\ward, Southampton, Mn . Miss Jean Black bas netttrned When anc of aur neiglibors fi gin s at i10:30 a.m. du ring August. d r.Jh ucnadtnet aonoatrvctoigxihOmni l meant that a thing xvas opposite, There xiii ho no (-lunch service ad MîrnJottaDancan d tam Mc berornts.fe aatoigwt she uiscd ta say it xvas fernent. during tlic ministar's absence. Donlde, Ottawvan a e hrprns Another cbap used to say appas: i1 Visitons: Mn. and MWîns R. R. Pat- ns alpd, OttoutwPocu-Miss ERubynVitue, Es-s iliips, wa ni l tiglit. An aid acquaintance, w-bon j tenson. Fonest Hill, witb bis sisten, M spine Eli, SoMntand rs. H hen M n i-R b idrtuJeBldwin. Tai-onto, meaning instead af, aiwy said Ms. Wm. Wannan. pncbwt r n r.Hee r n r..1 adi.Trno fo bv. Severai otles say, you 1 Rex. Luxon Burgess and f m l i m e E s n i ha d C e k f viii lass your coat, instcad af Jose. with bis sistem-s. Mns. Win. Rutbe' lr Joncs. Newtonviiic, \witb isVr adrsna r rn 1 -. Marl JM otor Dn» ie s iOne daY a firm's sacnetanv asked fard and Mrs. Rolit. Ansi. 1. ciJus a neighhor is she xished the -sales- Miss Pearl Monnýo%&-, Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rickalv r.Dn aKniendfm iman ta eaul, fa w&hicb the lady wvitb Mns. Orley Cbapman and ;-i O. , î with Mr. and Mns. Har- ily. Mn. andi Mns. iDoug£las Fon- qtr ae relegcsi olnthAMns. John Thonn-on ry Bailex-. t166 KITorST.oE. Mr.PHONE.58e iireled gcsMirwln'abrtd Mrs. Wm. DeMilie and Rex'. ai-d Mns. Buchanan, of Nouls.16KIGS.EPHN 58 n anc." Mr fiedoforssn an r onBonCosilwt M.adMs a. Miss Winnifned Tiein spent a hA Lnpa-oafiedo ussnand.,ouoxxn On:.', 4oSevevih n.ad ns a.few days with lber sisten, Mî-s. Jim a ny been in Canada tbnee will Mir. andI Mns. Fred Graham. M n n.E eeupeo Martyn, Boxvmanx-iiie. months xvhen he startled us by 1 Mrs. W. Patterson, Mn. an ir-i .ns iMnr xt¶M. and M ns. E.Mn aneMn. ClvinM, of nd0. F. Robson, Proprietor sayijng lhohad completelv master- Rossna c r adMs.ClvnMle n cd the Canadian language. Ho Mn. and Mrs. floht. Patenson. l ion.Brc.OooMnaidMs.D- said ail yau have ta do is unden- Mns. Reid bas had lien sister and irM. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at aId Mx-lcs, Bawmanx'ille, at Mn. D D Ea dD O O D A E stand the following: 1 guess, yep, familY witb lier for a couple af haine fon the holiday. Jack Potts'. D D E a d D O O D A E ub-bub. weeks. Barbara ai-d Elizabeth Mns. Gooder, Mimico, and Mrs. Mn. and Mnsq. W. Oke, Enniskil- i Achap we used ta know, when Reid nturned xitb thcm ta Ham- i . ar, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. len, at Mn. A. Beecb's. 1 GET ACQUAINTED WITH OUR SERVICE PERSONNEL r efenning ta a seuffien always said ilton fan a holidav. Russell Poliard. Mn. and Mrs. Harv Bnooking, 1 euffiator.Part Britain, M r. and Mns. Enle cfiao.Wben a friend Used Mns. S. B. Rutherford and chil- MssMaio' Brl, orn o od a T t omisn oe - ta ho exeited lie bad t.wo sayigd Mrrbldyn a h ae . and Mrs. Preston, Timmi ns king. Richard and Ronald, Sjaypity-oh and ,,,oidn't that hunt this w-eek. and Miss Aleda Gardiner,- King Weslevviile, at Cccil Slcmon', M.T lno'smcaia biiyi nupasd n el ya? nothr ma sav, i ý,ý,on' Mrs Patersn, M. an i ton, .with Mn. and Mns. Cari Bill- Cia. yton Raad is spcnding afe\v ya? At nthermn asiMwnt ms. atnsnM.adMs.in's. dicys xith Mr. aad Mns. Fred Ash- i ably asslsted by tralned Master Meehanles. cos aytin, it is froc gratis ai-d Wmn. Wannan and Ross with Mnr. ' ton -and famiiy who anc holidaying1 for nothing. ai-d Mm-s. Jack Stapleton. Miss Margaret Wathen, Toron- We remember an aid farmer. Congratulations to.an. r.t,%vt randndMns. èi:ancat Mn. M il ita n.Lua P C IAbIZED L Wvho wben asking y01-1ta wom-k Arthur Lindsay on lime birth of Mrne. anMr.. hoilGantan Virtue l yon. Ms. taB a-kt tIc lad i ne wca l pum ibm bay agbenhiîdren, Toronto, xitb Mn. and and Joan, Mn. and Mms. JiniMan- woul sa, gve t a nas. gve \n. W. .1. Leamea. tyn, Boxvmanviile, at Mn. Wm. it a brasl. 'Winter Lnndenwvanis -n n.Abn likadTevn.OrSriei scoea ortlehn reerdta as ganzees. Wlen a Only îlhe female mo<;otito bites. i VrandMs letSrcln u evc sa ls sYu eehn wooden barnel becames dried out lThe sidexvaik eafe originatcd in and ftw.o boys. London, witl Mn. so that watcr escapes betweea tChina.latnd Mns. John Gibson and other A odmnde odmrl our Local IMPERIAL OIL and GOODYEAR TIRE Dealer stax'es. w-o say it bas gayzened op- relftiMn. !bAMrs. RavnCaneton, aI i -. on.* If a persan bas the astîma.M.adMr.RyCreon fiylvn.-uwr we sv azee. e reer' o aWoodstock, with Mn. and Mns. Mac short, beavy-set man as a thick Carleton. hut of a lad. If xve'x-e heen in- Wf0_ _ _ xited out fan tea we say wc have heca ast' aout. ~1l7~îrT On of ourformer neiglibons, 7I DLAUJ&S1ULJ whenmeaingthat le doubted anothen pensan's word or motixes, 1 ~Mn. Wm T. Bradbunn and san atah sidlexa msno î ,~Alvin .l3adburnn Port Lambtan, teother fellow. If the samo -1 on the St. Clair Rivern and Mr. man thougît le lad been cbarged t.- and Mns. Rav Bnadburn and Mary toonmcl for an article he xvauld .ihM. n n.Wm adri~:r. say tat tc oten cîp wa faoMn.ELimer Thompson, Meaford, - extorbiten. If a clap back bore ih Mn and Mns. Osmond fdecides ta take a chance le wîî Wllt often say, O.K., l'Il nesk if, bit, Mr. " H o Ijdoer, etI ,r Mn.sRnaldgHoaen. Peterboro miss ongoJ . villh Glenn Van Camp. Last w-eek a Toronto mari stop-Mn nmln noe I pc u a Icstetladus le Civic Holiday celebrations at Port h ad bouigît land la aur villago, Penny. Is the Florst Chapter of the - Bible Truel WILL BE THIE SUBJECT 0F Bob Dever's Address ai Sunday Night's Gospel Service 7:30 p.m. IN THE TOWN HALL Special Music Ail Are Welcome Under auspices of the FELLOIVSIIHP 0F INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCHIES 0F CANADA Special Clearance 0F SIIORTIE COATS 2 PRICE Vbeu'e are only a few off Ilese pop- ular shortie coats icît. Camne la today and pick yours out at these budget saving pnices. Reg. $31.00 CLEARANCE $15,50 MILLINERY REDUCED Our compiete stock of Millinery bas been substantiaily reduced. Corne n and choose a personality atyied hat. SPECIAL BARGAINS ALL OVER THE STORE THIS WEEK CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS Ia onden that aur entine staff may enjoy tuvo vecks' balidays W7E WILL BE CLOSED FROM, Monday, Augusi 91h, 1948 AND WE WILL OPEN AGAIN ON Monday, Augusi 23rd, 1948 We take tis opportunity af thanking you in adx-ance for -voum ca-apenation. Couch, Johoston & Cryderman rfHON%*E 8.3t; 49 King St. W. - BOWMWANVILLE n-n ctont aur new-1 acquiîned slsting giiest speaker at a joint meeting --~ o d y u u ilI Frenchi language on a aice French nI the W.A. and W.M.S. af tIe r - I girl. WIe lad meant ta ask 1ber laAu us 1 glo for a s*tmoli. But la aur ignor- For Sport Uited Cbunhome.ertld aMs. Ras' once, siibslifuted lte word cati Swea henetingdealing mare with tIce/ elhage for promenade. then \vo-n Swe ters peronalsid aIopeinhifoar derrd wxv h I baxvled îs ouît and 1I xva nl Afnica. Mrs. Sadien fax'- s 1e ibIon o xalked axvav. Wbat a fauix pas, "Speeditw-ay" and "Fluffy- 1rdlswihaslSebr . uieso ITIc folioxv-ing shouîld be in Bob Down Cae.' s. N. M sooaîay pre-buines again o if . Afwvvesao N otal- sides and Mns. Roy Ferguson toak A.~.L 31 lima." A exv xvees aga. atotal lhe siexotions, lien subject was L'uluy .euy S rtanger askcd ta board xitli us'i STAMPED GOODS TIO Candies in Dankest Africa. The-. -< for a fewx days. as he lad some traurrreotd 2.0 ecie worknear So fortwo eek EMBOIDE FO fram sale of home-made baking lie sýta'ed liene.He uold us vonx SUMMERTIME at the Lake. W.A. will pay anc-B W AN I litte aouthinselfandwê adeNEEDLEWORK iaîf off tac hbill for deconating the no onqtilies. A coupole off dax s parsoagu- It was decided ti at ago %ve neceix-ed a letton fnom ftIe W.A. ladies take cooking to CL A E S -R atm con. Gardon la Alberta, tell E L thie 1Xke on August 6. July Gro C E NE S & Y R ing Ilat lie lad poîd a lady fan do- I J. W.* JEW E is nesponsîhle for fiowuers' for thoe "ng ' "BIG 20"I main cauncî for services in August. Atj change sbe dnopped a mrana or- tle ciese aI the meeting, thc W.A. i__________________ don on .%hich xvas stampeàd Pan-i PHONE 556 prcsented Rev. and Mrs. M. Fer- -- typool. Gardon îoid bn h outi 7KigSt .,Bwmnlle son witb a quilît and a pair aof ,f bpinc bhiclhomne. TIe ladythn ii.cets. Ice cneamn and cake w-as ,- - , dl-zc1osed that sIc and bier husband ____________ - scnved. i i r............................~ _______________________ - 4 PAGE ETGTT ,- (I F, -- lr=sr)A'V. ATTCITTrqr Itfi. inq

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