Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1948, p. 1

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M "Durham County's Great Family Journal" VOLUME 94 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 6th, 1948 6c PER COPYNMBR1 Major John Foote, V.C. Will -Run ini Provincial Election Mini Big Convention Vote Major John W. Foote, V.C., off Port Hope, is the candidate for the Progressive Conservative Par- « ty for the forthcoming provincial e1tction on June 7. He won the 'vote Off the delegates at an over- flow convention off the Durh amn County Progressive Conservative Association held in Orono Town Hall, Friday night, April 30, over a rival nominee, Dr. Stuart -: Wright, Western Hospital, Toron- to, who also conducts a farm at Garden Hill, HopeTownship. Fol- lowing the vote Dr. Wright moved that the choice be made unani- mous and Major Foote received Rn ovation as he pledged his best efforts in the campaign. Five Nominated Three other candidates were flominated, Dr. John W. Wright, Millbrook, Irwin Colwill, New- t castle, president off the county association and Milton J. Elliôtt, Bowmanville, former party stan- dard bearer. They asked their sponsors to aecept a withdrawai off their candidates which left the Major John Foute, V.C. field open to the remaining two candidates. Percy Stinson. Mill- credited from each municipal sub- brook, spoke for Dr. J. W. Wright division save Millbrook and Or- who was unavoidably absent. The ono with 25 each. More than hall two candidates were allotted the the entire audience was made up customary 10 minutes to address off ladies. It was trul3' ae repre- the audience. sentative assembly. Rivais Speak Platform Guests Dr. Stuart Wright spoke at Outside speakers for the occa- length on Public Heaith and Soil sion were Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Rehabilitation with the suggestion Minister off Agriculture in the that these would be his chief con- Drew Government and Miss Hil- cern if nominated and elected. It da Hesson, Winnipeg and Ottawa, was a *technical, rather than a National chairman, Women's Pro- political effort and was well re- gressive Conservative Association, ceived. Their remarks are reported in an- Major Foote, sun-tanned and other column. Others on the plat- vigorous, t oid that he had resigned form were Gordon Fraser, M.P., his militai-y commission and had Peterborough, president off the retired fromn the pulpit to make East Central Progressive Conser- bis home in Durham with a bit off vative Association, and Mrs. Fra- farming. He spoke strongly off his ser, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Ida, who in- Interest in labor and pledged his troduced Col. Kennedy, and later unremitting efforts in behaif off the two nominees and Mrs.Foote. &Il the people off Durham County RIySece If nominated and elected. When PeietClil r rsr acclaimed Mrs. Foote joined hlm Mrs. Lowe and Mr. Stephenson, on tha platfform to share in the ec aebifadessgnr tria]yaete d the he tnas heador ally in connection with the im- rnaly ccetedthetas ahad. portance off organîzing for the Students Present coming election and the duty of Prsdent Irwîn, Colwill con- getting out the vote to ensure the j ducted the meeting whieh vas election off the party candidate on largest in numbers for many June 7. Mr. Fraser waved a copy jiers. The galierie& -WçXe jck, el the.48y's-Globe-and-Mafl which ed 'with boys from Trinity College carried an account off the part Sohool and Orono High School Charlie Stephenson had played in whose teachers had arranged their getting the Government to post- attendance to get a practical in- pone the order that farmers file sight into how candidates were income tax returns by April 30. d.rnriirnl uTe 1- - -- -.1 .re c1r ' ~R. R. Waddell, K.C.. conducted the bailoting withi 50 delegates ac- Sincerity and Fi] Marks Drew Gov States Hon. T. Le Keynote speaker at the Dur- ham County Progressive Conser- vative Convention held in Orono, Friday night, April 30, to'electa candidate for the Ontarioo dec- tions June 7, Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister off Agriculture and Dep- ury Premier off the province, re- viewe!d the course off the Drew Government since attaining pow- er in a way to persuade any scep- tic that it has been a course of sincerity and integrity wholly ir the best interests off the people now and for the far future. Speak. ing particularly off the leadership ~of Premier Gjeorge Drew, Col. Kennedy affirmed that his every thought and action was directed to make Ontario strorlg ,secure and prosperous for decades tc corne. Basic legisiation had this in view as a ffirm foundation for any government the public mighl choose. Miss Blesson Speaks Col. Kennedy spoke after the audience had heard a stirring message from Miss Hilda Hesson, chairman, Women's National Pro- gressive Conservative Associa- tion. In a very forceful message she commented upon die fact that Bon. T. L. Kennedy tvomen voters %vere considerabiy in the majority in Canada today and if they came te realize fully ticir moral political strengh and exerciscd il, tic last vestige off political corruption would van- ish. Sic recalled lie revival off tic party at tic Port Hope Con- vention and %x as particularly RIIIIREORT 1 (By Rink Committee) Here we are in the first week of the rink canvass and to say it mildly, we are having a lot o! fun and getting considerable sat- isfaction from a difficuit job. We have had people who think we are too ambitious in trying to raise $50,000 by donations to put up a good building; we have had others who don't agree on the location and think it should be down in the valley below Van- stone's bridge or down near Me- morial Park or on a dozen and one other sites, except Rotary Park. Others are already looking far ahead and wondering who will be the manager or the caretaker; if there is to be skating on Thurs- days or Tuesdays and If a rink can be operated profitably or if the town is going to be saddled with an annuai defficit. Ail off these things we interpret as being good signs to show that town and country people are de- finitely interested in the project and are willing to back it finan- cially. On Monday afternoon, we start- ed the canvass off the merchants of the town and met with excel- lent success. Already six busi- ness men have promised $200 apiece and others are expected to fo]low as soon as called on. These public spirited men were most en- thusiastie about the projeet, real- izlng that an arena in Bowmnan- ville would be a wonderful asset to the town and a definite tonic to business generally. Because the front street canvass is incom- plete we are not publishing the list this week, but hope to have iin readiness for next week's edit4on when it will be clear that business men are behind this pro- jeet almost without exception. Our feeling is that if every es- tahlished place off business can contribute at least $200,, spreading the payments from now until August or September or even un- tîl the end off the year, but not later, that almost one-third off our objective will have been reached. For those smaller businesses who have not been here too long. we are suggesting that they do their utmost to help with $100 on ci- ther a cash or a payment basis. Employees in the stores and of- fices have also been eonsidered and we feel that every maie em- ployee should be interested to the extent off at least $10 with female employees donating $5.00. This, again, doesn't need to be in a lump sum if it is easier to spread it out. Please remember, we're (Continued on Page Eight) FOUNDRY WQRKERS HONOR 40-YEAR EMPLOYEE Last Thursday afternoon an unusual event happened at Bowmanville Foundry when long- time employees gathered in the main office to honor Lucius "#Ham" Hooper who on April'28th had been 40 years with the company. C. Ernie Rehder, head of the organization, presented him with a fine smoking stand and -an envelope con- taining money. Mr. Hooper's record of service in Bowmanville extends well beyond the Foundry because he has also been a member of the local Fire Brigade since june 19, 1912, and has been Modern Public Ri Demonslrated ai By Former B.HS. Bowmanville Rotarians got a real insight into modemn public relation whcn at Fridays lunch- eon, Jack Scott, editor off the top- ranking -. house-organ, 'Spear- head' gave an account off its service to both cmployees and customers in winning goodwill and ceeperation in the sphere off free enterprise and thcn \vent on to present the remarKable sounti film. "Crossroads For America" which portrayed subversive ef- forts off Communism to win a foothoid within the ranký off la- bar and destroy the very system under which they enjoy freedomn in a stronghold off Democracy. It was a great exposition which commanded close attention and inspired great applause. elations Selup ioiary I~IUDInter-CityBanquet Teacher TeGoý'i uevsr the firm which turns out cepper ner and a fine programn at t] and brass products used in many quarterly meeting in the Bair articles in common use. The ai Hotel, Saturday evening. April copy off the magazine shows guest speakers were Hlarley the manufacture off the famous man, Plant Superintendent, D Ronson ligchtcr and on the hack Toronto and Donald Steph, cover is a picture off the stateîy Squadron Leader, New Toro Supreme Court building, Ottawa, Their remarks were off educati topped with Anaconda copper al value along the uines off prod roofingc. tien and a high standard off Butwit liitd seakngtime ployce relationiships. A genq Bu.Sctwth ltted mpany rd-sing-song made the occasion ucts speak for thcmselves and o elejyet explained how bis splendidly il These get-togethers are now 4,lustrted and edited house-organ ranged on an inter-plant b waà departnientalized. Issïîed cadi wherein the meetings, four a y, month, save a double edition take place alternately at New when the editorial staff took a ronto and Bowmanville. menth off for fishing, the maga- The Bowmanville committee zinc is arranged to accomodate 1948 consists off Arnold Le two important purposes: (a) to chairman, Bert Colwill,1 feature the interests off the 1300 chairman and Reg. Harding, empleyees; (b) to serve the eus- retary - treasurer. Cliff Sar tomer angle. For the circulation president, Bowmanville Legi off about 2.500 per month covers occupied the chair at the Sat very effectively the readership off day night banquet. AI Molý the community involved. tendered the vote off thanks to Publie Relations speakers. The whole idea in this dual- phase attempt in public relations is, first, to carry the pictures and St. Paul's C.G.I.T. stories off employees at xvork andD n tsW rrb at home in respect of the higih->f ts¶Trrb ligits that crop up from week te To Junior Choir weck. The physchology is the l familiar %vish to see names in St. Pau1's C.G.I.T. met April print and the ultimate benefit atthhoef r.JNed is employce goodwill and the co- with Miss Donalda Creasser operative spirit. Second, the ex- hostess. The meeting opened w tension off this sanie principle toa igsn.ReDligws the wider ffield off consumners andca sig-songtheRoe Dilsrincea dealers tends to permeate the chu 1f1tcwosipsrvc xvhich Colleen Hute T inson r saine spirit throughout the coin- tie seripture, Marie Martin ri munity and in ffact evcry where the prayer and Pat Mason ri Anaconda produets are distribut- the benediction. cd. In the busines period Isc A further factor in this ap- Cruicksliank moved that the C proach to public relations on tiec lT. group donate a wardrobe cornunitv level is that tie maga- the ncxv gowns off the junior chi zine gives prominence to the con- This motion was seconded by A stant support off the company and rie Martin. the employec's to every communi- Pinning tie tail on the donl ty drive, such as Red Cross, Comn- was a merry starter in the e, rnunity Chcst. Public Clinies or nirig's fun, foliowed by two ci what have you. This is just about test.s. A delicinus lunch Off sai the gencral picture. in few %vordqr* viches, ice cream, hot chocol as presented in the short and land cookies was enjoyed by snappy address off tic speaker. The girls ail joined in thanký In introducing the film to be Miss Creasser for their well-spi shown Mr. Scott suggested that evening. Meeting closcd w wiat the company and the maga- taps. (Continued on Page Eight) J s 'Y t hs nw eenextn-dd te MayThSpae d.~ 3~ 1.Other fetr off the meeting Scouts Hbld -Successful iheSeae >are reported elsewher. Tie occasion was ail more in- P aper Drive, Net $181 teresting since Mr. et'vit tien with many old friends. Lotu rmn Jniegrity In an organized war on at Dippeil brotîght his career- up te paper anj rags last Friday eve- date in his dramatie introduction. ning the Bowmanville Scouts and A teacher on the staff off Bow- ir nment Course ofbsme nandtho rictd eanupmanville Higi Sehool in teery1 townand istict. The30's Mr. Scott was a leading fi- campaign was reportcd as being gure in sports, Cadet workand *Kennedy h-igiy successful with over four dramatics prier te leaving for lare tuckloas o paerbeing more exciting ffields. Whcn war, colectd raliinga total off $181 îoomed he went overseas as a civ- -pleased te sec so many young stu- to the good. ilian te try for a place in the -dents in the audience and the Helping the Scouts w'cre sever- British Navy. While waiting be great representation off ladies ai publie spirited merchants and sind pwth heR Cad a among the delegates. Their cem- citizens wio donated the use of0 a ndh hwatDnik -bined force in tic years ahead their truîcks and time for tic Next assiganed te tic Nav *v he could be counted on te preserve door-to-door pick-up. Tie Scouts pse soei h lir -freedom in a great moral democ- and Cubs are te be congratulated pusdie sor teiNothe Agiers -racy. for their ingenuity in obtaining laniag n dsservti dNothoAfrica vî Miss Hesson urged ail women funds te carry on their work and cairnanan seredthoug tic- veters net onîy to vote but te heîp at tie samne time giving citizens loweigtewnarhe camenhome o- get eut tic vote. Sic aise urged tie initiative for tic annual spring take a place in industry. He f that ticy take strong exception clean-up. ' joined tie staff off Anaconda Ain- ri when any maie politicians sougit Sorne off tic trucks hclping thc erican Brass Co., New Toronto,r ete becloud issues by resorting te drive %vere Sheppard and Gi, juSt as a long strike ensued. Wircn political abuse. Sic considered it Bert Parker, Glen Rae Dairy. LY- *iat xvas settled he aise hecamne2 istrange tiat xvomcn wie loved ens Dairy, Frank Jamieson. A. H. settled wviîthichir fine menthIys peace iad ne adequate represen- Sturrock. Len Elliott, Bowman- publication. 'Tic Speariead" a1 t tation in tie United Nations, ville Cleaners and Dyers and Ger- nexv departure in public relationst Ihence ail tic more reason tiey aid Balson off Hampton. and ie has centinued as its edi- i siould take a leading part in toi- ever since.% forming round goxernment in frocMgzneEio sdemocracies. Witi a candidate off'Tennis Club ?4eets iaainidio rtic caliber o Major John Foote, 1~ Witi copies off The Spearhead tV.C., rie suggcsted as a duty that jionight to Organize dsrbtdaogteadecI tic womren veters off Durham M dsribucot e aong ltsticaudiee Countv siould do evei-vtiing in!At Lions Centre Mr. wscotepncd irntshetuop Ti their 'power toecleet him. Sic1 trade mark whih is in tic foi-m won great applause. Plans te start immediate work off a spearicad and has long been DemcraieAppal on lie nexv tennis courts wcre familiar in tic advertisements off j Col. craKenney sronl upr-mad e at tie meeting off tie Bow- ed tic previeus speaker in noting nille TemennClub husdat- the intcrest shown by thc youth gt ie Cmetn wasCentraI ROTARY PRESIDENT I Épresent at tic meeting. He stress- v-te a le n Cmmuityfentres cd tic democratie aspects in caîl- it a are nume ofen s ing a provincial clection at thsiassàrneents ogaeadlv time. He afffirmed tiat ne go-el -- e rundcs frte rade and 1e ernment off tie timc3 ihad more elrthe rond o tstee offnto concern for tic democratie way offiC life tian tic Drew Goveernent. c r eemd n ekwI stat immediatelv. Tic commit- Wili a huge Hydre program rea- tee te look after tuis work in- ciing 15 years into tic futture il cludes Arthur Bell, Jack Elston, was tic very essence off democra- Bi cy that people.,sieuld be gix'en an Bl Tait, Bert Joinston, Tom early opportunify te pass judg- Gatcheil, Bill MeFetters and Re- met po t.Hefrteraffrr-creatienal Director Bart Smith- n~ cd tiat elections held more fre- sn qunl ha every fiv ears Th~is group off players hope te qunlytn v have tic courts ready in a ey served te offset complaccncv y se~ slimulating voters te take a nore weeks for playing. At pres- actie iteret i thir on gv-cnt lhey are short a ffew poles for9 aer nterr ntcr w o-itheicseen back-stop. If you havec ermet.Mlii Sdany poles, citier me'.al or wood -n More lianstitaevcnmnten suitable for lie twclve foot a Moretha tha, agoverimntscreen contact any off tic groundsa holding power te tic lasI gasp off comrnitte.h a five year lerm tended te be- Anoîher meeting has been cal]- e came dictatorial or indifferent te i cd for tonigit (Thursday) and it l public opinion. Hence cailing an is heped tiat everyonc wio will hk election at this time witi these ýbe onn hecucil epe considerations in viewv was dis- e nNw oticeclu will be ese tinctly in tic public int erest. and cemmitîces formed te look d Much of what tic speaker said is after tic social events and tourn- Harold M. GuIly C omitled for lack off space. But ho arnenîs for tic season. Tic meet- I stresscd tiat dollars put up as ing will ho ield at tic Lions Well known Durhamn County tý taxes to run tic business off tic iComrnunity Centre at 7:45 p.m. Boy and vice president off Silver- c province siould be tic servants Tic Liens Club have generous- wood's Dairy, Toronto, has been off~~~~ thepe. A d d larIa c v donated tic use off le ground elected president of Toronto Ro- p ielped spread and support ser- and it is ioped tiat ail interested tary Club, tic largest Rotary Club tz vices. He explained iow over m-ill show their appreciation by in tic British Empire. Harold it $13 million dollars iad been sav-- ffrming a real strong tennis club has been ionorary treasurer off ti cd by Ontario in net signing ever 1lin Bown'.anvillc. Don't forget- th'e club tic past 'car and as-lei (Continued on Page Eigit) iuhe meeting is tonigit. kurnes his new office on July 1. 20 its Chief since Jdfnuary 1, 199. Only other 40- year man at the Foundry is William Yeo, better known as "Billy," who this year celebrates 41 years of service. Unfortunately, our photogra- pher missed Mr. Yeo in the picture. but he was actuaily standing to the ef t of Jack Living. Others in the background from lef t to right are: Roland Bates, Jr., George Lewins, Harry Smith, H. M. Bell, Len Spicer and Alvin Stacey. Squat- ting between Mr. Behder and Mr. Hooper are Charlie Burns and Harold Sumersford. J-Goodyear Supervisors Club din- their nor- Aill hes High ]R atng For Efficiency >due Given Local Hgigh School Cadets one iAt nual Inspection Wednesday Handicapped Boy Makes Good In Woodcraf t Net sînce lie war have tic peo- ple in ths district had an oppor- .unity te sec tic work off tic boys in tic Training Sciool. On Wcd- nerday, May 19, tic sehool is hold- ng a Hobby Show and Open House from 2 te 5 p.m. Tic staff arnd youngslers are working iard to make tuis an outstanding cern munity venture and tic presence of citizens will be welcorned. Among tic exhibitors will bea r'oung lad wio has respondcd splendidiy te tic training pro- gram. He is unusually handi- capped in that he neilier hears nor speaks. He plays ahl sports and bas wQn lie admiration and acceptance off tie boys in hi' house and work. I-lis rpeclal tal- ent is Woodworking and undei Mlr. Duncan's patient guidance he has constructed table larnps, chairs, chests, corner cupboards. coffce tables and toys tiat woulc de credit le a professional. The old adage about busy iands lcav- ing no room for mischief has cer- ainly worked wonders in Har- old's case. ut is te be iopcd tiat interested peple in this cernmunity will take advantagc of tlus opportun- itv te sec for tiemselves iow tese boys. away frem borne, are r'eoiiraged le lake ticir places in oCIC ty. Council and Public Utilities To Meet Together to Discuss Transfer of Sewage Systemt The regular May session off the for horse and buggy shoppers, fil- Town Couincil held Mond ay nighit ed. with only Councillor Patterson Council was invited to attend absent. proved to ho uneventful Oshawa Air Show on Saturdiay, save for unanimous decision for May 29 as guests off Chamber off the whole council to meet with Commerce. Two local firemen the Public Utilities Commission were authorized to attend training to discuss prospects for the Com- school, Kingston, with. expenses mission to take over control and paid. Mayor and Reeve will at- ma'nagement off the entire muni- tend convention in Windsor, ex- cipai sewage system. The initial penses paîd. meeting to be held within a week Bill, $51.69 from V. L. Kenne- will probably be explorator an d dy, Toronto, for damnages to car details will be announced later. on, bumpy King St. referred to Routine business took up the insurance agent. Mrs. J. Tait ad- remainder off the session Nvith a dressed council re noise occasion- standing vote at the close reaf- ed by trucks and cars hitting bad ffirming plans already under way spot off road on Elgin St. Com- for the new rink. The play by mittee will act as soon as possible. play action directed by Mayor Monthlv bis, $2,393.51 plus $1,- Sidney Little, ffollows: 814,66 balance to Engineers on Property committee m-ill aet on local improvements, appr o v -e d, request off R. Evans and George paid. White re removal off trees. Roads! Henry Pawson to be advised and streets wilI set on request of that town is not prepared to take F. Griffin re road on Hunt St. over road bàck off cottages, west Tag Days side beach. Watchmen for C.N.R. Tag days approved, Salvation crossing on road to lake hired at Army. May 29 and Navy League. aert o eida 2 June 12. September 30. Millr PaingCo. uotd abut ew Parking Miler avig C. qote abut Temperance St. south off King the same as last year for 1948 S t. xill be marked and only road program. Committee will straight curb parking permitted bring in recommendation. in future. Toronto Construction Co. quot- Floor coverings to be laid in ed a price off $2,637 sans creek two police offices and office off diversion, for ne\w bridge at old tow,.n engineer. Casual labor at dump. It is anticipated tenders cemetery wvill be paid 70c per wiil be called later. lhour for season. Drain work in Town Solicitor Ross Strike, K. cemnetery to be let by tender and C., submitted reports re com- advertisements authorized for plaints off residents near disposai Oshawa and Toronto papers. plant which disciose no nuisance Cemetery caretaker granted $25 and complainant's solicitor will beI for flower beds. Storm sewer, notified accordingly.! foot off Church St. to be reported Maintenance for affter-care offi on by roads committec. T.B. patients will be re-opened Solicitor wiil write one occu- with Health Unit, since Act hias pant off house on Vetrean's Ave. been changed. Recommend from to vacate by May 15, since pur- Chamber off Commerce to fix up chase agreement flot fulfilled. Al wash rooms and accommodation save one house now settlecl for. var-1 basîs year, To- efor ,bb, vice sec- rnis, gion, Itur- ffatt, the il 28 arn .-as ,-iti tsin ein read read read obel C.G. for mir. ma- ikey' ve- on - and- [sate al]. king cent wdth -Recrealion Calendar Thursday, May 6 6:30) p.m.-Inlermediate Baseball Practice, Higi School. 1:45 p.m.-Tennis Club Meeting, -Lions Community Centre. 8 p.m.-Drama Club Meeting, Li- ens Comrnunity Centre. - Friday. May 7 -6:30 p.m.-Junior Basebaîl Prac- n lice, Higi Sehool. ýf Saturday, May 8 d3 p.m.-Intcrmediate Basebal - Practice, Higi Scheol. e IIonday, May 10 6:30 p.rn. - Juvenîle Basebal a Practice, Higi Sehool. ci 7 p.m.-Lacrosse Practice, Rotary - Park. -7 p.m.-Traek and Field Practice, s Higi Seheel. 3Tuesday. May 11 16:30 p.m.-Intermediate Basebal 3 Practice. Higi Sehool. - 7 p.ni.--Leatiercrafft Class, Lions r Community Centre. e Vednesday, May 12 6:30 p.m.-Junior Basebail Prac- - t'ce, Higi School. Thursday, May 13 6:30 p.m.-Intermediate Basebali - Practice, Higi Sehool. -Frlday. May 14 -4 p.r.-Junior Stamp Club, Pub- lic Sehool. Mrs. Jim Devitt, Halifax, N.S., -and Mrs. Jane Brazier, Toronto, returned. for a visit witi Dr. J *C'1' iDevitl, Qucen -St., over tie week: j end, Hamppn ishemcm Tic highest efficiency rating for I Ha ptcn rsneman some years was given. the 1948.- Trou Cha pionBowmanvilie High Sciool Cadet ________Corps by the inspecting officer, Capt. Graves, at the conclusion off No sooner had we written up demonstrations off the syllabus off tic poor re$ults obtained by Bow- training on the High Sciool cam- manville anglers on the opening pus. by three platoons off boys and off the trout season than news three platoons off girls at the an- came off tie huge trout caugit nual Cadet Inspection, Wednesday Saturday by a Hampton mani, afternoon. It was a great dis- Lewis T'rul. The story has been play xviich won frequent bursts completely verified and the cir- off applause from some 500 citi- cumstances will surprise ail but a zens and children who iined the few old-time dcx otees off Isaac hiliside in a drizzle off ramn to re- Walton stili living hereabouts. main as the sun came through Mr. Truli took a chance on tie i later to brighten the occasion. stream a bo ve the Hampton edurrsOfcs Creamery. Going north towards HequresOics Enniskillen he was suddcnly hait- Capt. Graves, Cadet Inspection cd and wheeied about by a tre- Officer, M.D. 3, Kingston, spokc mendous strike. It took some directly to tie Cadet Corps as manouvering for an cighti off a they stood in a hollow square, mile before he landed a battling and to people assembled in tie trout that measured 20" long. It background. He said: '"Last year will be weighed and later mount- I mnay have hedged a bit wien I ed. It is tic largest speckled addressed you ibut I can say noxv trout taken in local streams for itiat you were fair only. This years. v ear I do net hesitate to say you Back in sciool days the sports1 are very good, and that's say- editor off The Statesman recails iiig a mouthful for any army of- ffishing with is uncle v.io caught ficer. He concluded with a ffew a trout in tie same stream,' South remarks on the importance off a off Enniskillen, whici me as'ured Cadet Coirps. befoî-e mak i ni g 1812 incies. They ai-c still tiiere, known the efficiency ratings and but not many. according te local precenting prizes. aîîglers. Mr. Truil is gr-cat1ly en- Prizes Awarded vied but applauded in winning tic locl toutchmpinshp.i Assisting Capt. Graves on tic inspection, Lieut. Forrest, King- ston, totalled up tic points which werie se close tiat only a balance PRESID~ENT ELECT i ;eghthdeciercthe winner. the best dretsed Cadets. Instead A I tic honors were accorded by pla- teens. No. 1 Platoon came ffîrst in general smartness closely fol- lowed b « No. 6 Piatoon. Rifle prizesfo marksmansiip during the trials wcre wvon by (1) Sgt. Knox, (2) Corp. Sturrock. Capt. Graves siook hands with tic win- ners as he handed over tie mcd- Group of Officers Th~~-e group off officeers andofi il on tic reviewing stand in- e- ludied tic, Kingston officers, Col. IL.nT. MeLaugilin, C.M.G., DSO atwo bars, Major L. W. Dip- 'W pell. MM.. and bar, Principal off 1tie Higi Sehool, Lieut. Staccy and Lieut. Witierspoon in charge off cadet training, chairman off tic Beard off Ed ucation. Dr. J. C. DevilIt. and senior Cadet oficer, Tom DeGeer. Col. McLaughlin took thec sal-ate iin ticmari-ehpast Lorne Plummer prier te tic excellent displays of drill and P.T. Major Dippell said Prominent druggist off port over tie loud-speaker iow pleas- Hope has been elcctcd president cd ho xxas te sec tie grcalest of Port Hope Rotary Club. efffec- 1'turnout off any previeus inspec- tive July 1, succecded Duncan. tien in his experience. He ex- Siay. Lorne is son off Mr. andi pressed tbanks for tie interest Mrs. Norman S. Plurnrer, Bew- isiown b> tie citizens. manville. Grand Mareh Follo.wing tic inspection tie entire Cadet Corps paraded up- Robert Dunn, tic Bowmanvillc lown streets witi tic bugle band youth wio was remanded f'or sen- exceptionally efficient under tic tence on a hit and run char~ge, was training off Lieut. Harle, director senlenced by Magistrale R. B. off music for tic Bowrnanville Baxter, Port Hope, te tirce Schoois. Tic street parade drew rnonths definite and one menti a great crowd as lie nattily un- indefinite in tic referrnalery. Tiheifformed girls and beys swung charge was tic oulceme off an ac- along in column off route. Tic cident whici occurre-d on Febru- reviewing officers came on te ary 8 wien Danny Parrons. Ce- Bowrnanville for the ,afternoon bourg yeuti. was struck by a car following the inspection off New- that ciidn't stop, suslaining a ire- castie High'School Cadets In tic ken Ieg -forenoon. 1 eana .tan man

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