PAGE EIGET THE CANADTAN STATESMAN. EOWMAIrVTLLE. ONTABIO THURSDAY, MAT Sth, 1948 tai issue they ceased to b .e inter- ohp ýsLbral Candidate Rotary Club td ni adwul asesm bY maabluetedobtncitn told asesmt tm.THE WEEK ON PARLIAMENT HILL In arethils(CniuhirinPg Oe as teyobserve the perverseF _____1_e_ Mother osrucetion tsttieent SHaw ASeic Ottawa--One of the strangest commaîttee might as well pack up Of Nillhrook zine were doing was a very Lt nard Shaw, one of which is: "The Saw Srvicesights of the present Parliamen- its papers and close up its hear- rntv en fcobtigcm an who lsest reason slt.B tary session is a House of Com- ings. For it had been appointed munism; ta is, to make ok mons committee working fever- specifically to consider the ade- As we go to press late Wed- ing and living conditions so good Leave Tour Sawu ai ishly upon a vital national prob- quacy of the Government's pro- nesday nlght, we are advised foothold. Wiiieicjfioth A.E1cGEO &C. lm ept the knowledge that posed increase of $12 monthly in by the Editor Of the Orono Wome s Insif eSb A. . eGIGO & . espteWar on Communlsm i islabors are intended to serve the basic 100 per cent disability TimIes htGreohed fpcue rsrasFrh 7 Ki"g St. E. Bowmanvifle simply as so much governiment pension of $75 pcr month. (New ta antSilao The piEunjCosras o ProtTramf or ai window dressing and that no ex- rate $87). But if the government Mlllbrook waas slected as the Amnerica, is a production of the ____c& D.R ALREDS ecutive action is dcstined to re- doesn't propose to do anything Liberal candidate to contest the Research Institute of America. D.R LDEDS sult from them. about the new rates even if they Provincial election on June. 7. Bart Smithson, Recreation Direct- At the April meeting of Bow- ' General fllacksmith The committce is the one on are found to be inadequate then Thie selectlon was made ai r owavlec U nitymninllWomn'Tsdnsitua in he Ring t. E Bowanvlle Vteras' Afairs Andit i la-whatis te us of he comitte Concil opeatedthe rojecor. nionHallton hursay, goo Kin S. E Bwmavilebtrn undera iing o!dut ilitywast ig tse tim e laorisi-largely attended convention at Essentially the film and sound attendance o! members enjoycd a- uoin nexmpe in teiistory o! aniy vstigitioilbrou n Orono Wednesday nlght of the script traccd the "boring-from- fine programn which was sponsor- similar Parliamcntary body as Nevertheless, the commîttee is Durham County Liberal Au«o- within" tatGrea omns ~ yteena cutpaie. yMis.v S A F E the resuit of a statement made to continuing doggedly with its task. lation, agent who had secured a job in Genacmaid byMrs it y Mniser iltn F ~ s esovedtha depit an ~an American factory and with Workman sang two solos and Mrs. i yPensions MConventiontn Fngenuityeoland patienceite wonnothe lby Grant had charge of a Satisfying Service Gregg. In an excess of frankness tice of intended frustration which iedships of kaeneponees fWhat's Your Bec!" program. rahrthan of tact, Hon. Mr. any Cabinet Minister may serve Covetin paker fidhp fkyepoeso Mrs. Mina Colwell said her beef Gregg told the committee quite uo t h nur hc tî - the company. His arguments wsîc fpagonsfrcu If9S early in its proceedings that 'rc- authorizcd te make is going to be wcre thedold familiar, plausibl -S T E V E N S garding disability pensions the carrieci out faithfully. If the facts (Continued from -Page One) propaganda that profit-seeking the on and ugestinerearoatehin- Gvrmn antsec its way show that the pension increases taxation right to Ottawa as seven mon laborer. cant land owned by the town. be- 1'- A - -~ clear at this session of Parliament are adequate, well and good. If other provinces had donc to their in ovre it paguds T A - dI - 1 to go further than their present they show otherwise, even ai- regret. Despite the tact that all about ng R.cnler nto agnds.h proposai which is before you." though nothing may be donc Col. Kennedy touched on the re- were evidences of the highest McrRC ando ctierng eft ined th Phn ~That statement. meant that the about it, the public wiîî know the rainpoamsapieast standard of living o! any working er 40. of clo.thi to tszs0 Phone______________ ra822porm sa rmclass in the Mrs. J. Thckson spok BOWMANILLE ONT.Te sftactsioutino.tig omns.H o~d ahn aon Daylight Saving and outincd trucmbasituations. H chines, electrie refrig er a to rs, numerous reasons why she wasi BOWMANVELLE - ONT. Th~sio seadtheou the basic pen- explained the fine Ontario systcm playgrounds, autos, and se forth, opsdt t r.Wle ai i 0,ý -- - -- - - - -*beng grlantae inçreases now o! reformatories, the best in the the poison took effeet and a dcv- pposcied te it.sate Da visan o bin rnte arT e oasic ratelo! world, which salvaged human as- ast ating strik e resulted, bringing or rd ntc iauece n ineet Tebscraeo 7 sets and lessened crime. He rang- poverty, riots and attendant mis- po re oie nadec pr month was fixed in 1925. It cd over the modern trend in ed- cis omns sset when programs are being present- was uppo eo be related to the ucation under the Drew adminis oldoftepessfnîgtecd. Mrs. C. Gatcheil made a B ODY SHOP - ~rate of pay for common labor and tration, the conservation and re-faesocashtrd strong plea for the sale of mar- B D R IW ; to the cost o! living prevailing forestation measures, the Health garine. Mrs. Thos. Buttery stress- at that time. It has remained un- Units and so on, ail o! which were But the happy ending wvas the cd the need for members to try changed through the years, until explained in clear-cut termis o! the slow dawning among the duped out new projects and not be dis- the recent monthly increase o! legislation passed for their exten- workcrs that the paid communist couraged in their undertakings. SO L IN A ladso ndapiaio naln- agent himself didn't suffer and Mrs. Sam Buttery advocated SIn an effort to justify the $12 termi basis. was inreality 'working solely for more extensive education for increase, the Government has lad Iproved Agriculture a place of power and preferment drivers o! motor vehicles teo v- Webyor draed air ltsk among the ruling hcîrarchy. The ercome the accidents on our high- Webu o epfral ypsbulky figures before the Veter- Of more particular interest to final scene depictcd him as comn- ways which are caused 'by care- ans' Committee comparing living the audience was the outlinc o! pletely discrcditcd and the men lsns. Ms rn aka Ail Work Guaranteed >~~.-' costs today with living costs at measures, supported generally by back at work producing. And the mnindtesact flbr Thy hw ha ivngcst a mpovd agiulur. Amngfvoabemoem cndtinwa elp inthe arde ig. flaor TO IGSRIE-the close o! the last war, in 1919. the opposition, in the interests of lesson of production under every especiaîîy men to mow lawns and TOIGSEVC that time were three per cent these were 47 new undertakings the answer to Frcedom. Abun- Mr.GC.Achn ovdaot hihe tanthy retoay Telaunchecd by the administration. dant Living, and Democratie o! thanks to the soloist and to the -Government contends that that Farm increment had been imn- qaiy Six miles cast of Oshawa, fact makes the $12 increase now mensely helped by the seheme o!f qaiy members for the interesting pro- 1 threc miles west of Bow- ' being given look like a particu- permanent pastures which have Business gram.1 manville on north side of larly generous gesture. been encouraged by 445 demon- Morley Vanstone movcd the Mrs. L. S. Dumas, Mrs. R. Can- 1 Kingston Highway. 1%9. - The Opposition members of the stration plots showing their val- vote o! thanks and suggested dler, Mrs. J. Thickson, Mrs. C. 9 ~~~~IMIL omitte, oweer delar tht e. alfoodvacintio, o athat the audience had received a Johns and Mrs. H. Sutton with UU~~~~ag &a~~~r. ~~J.~a J fus e. Thowr e Opsiin .',es- ntou. ctifono! vactfcinaine- VstosicuddSuoadnha itic ovntoaob fl DJ D FR these voluminous 1919 figures scale undertaken by no other gov'- most impressive lesson on a grave Mrs. J. H. Abernethy as alternate nm nlhave been introduced only ta con- ernment in any country and the issue o! the times. wcre appointed to the West Dur- Phone: Bowmanvllle 2810 pecially the Progressive Conser- ination were steps adding millions booked as a substitute speaker on held in Orono on June 4. vatives, are amongst the most ac- of potential wealth to the farming trout fishing at a future date and Mrs. Tbickson reported on the New Shlpments û£ tive of the committee's workers cammunity. These with herd test- Capt. Ken McGrcgor, an old army District executive meeting which --------ICE BOX FLOWERS and they have pointed out that ing had made Ontario the mecca cronie o! Johnnie James. she and Mrs. L. S. Dumas attend- Cosgsthe $75 allowance was fixed on for the whole world in the pur- Charles Carter Sr. distibuted ed on April 21, at the home o! Corsgesthe basis o! living costs in 1925, chase o! pure bred dairy cattle. membershîp fomms for the Canad- the president, Mrs. S. E. Werry, and not in 1919. On a comparison Last year, said Col. Kennedy, ian Cancer Society which were Solina. a wwith 1925. living costs today arc Ontario farmers had shipped pure q4iickly snapped up. As spokes- Election o! officers conducted Boutonnieres up more than 30 per cent. That bred animais to 19 outsidc coun- man for the Rink Comnmittee by Mrs. Thickson resulted as fol- W A TC]3comparison doesn't make the $12 tries including Britain and Pales- John James also warned mcm- lows: increase look ncarly so good. tine. What all these far-seeing bers ta be ready for the drive for Past president, Mrs. Chas. Mut- CHN-US ACR What the Progressive Conser- measures amounts te for the fu- rink funds in the near future. ton; president, Mrs. L. S. Dumas; KLYAIK IIIG CIN A TEU S aUCd vative members o! the committee turc is millions in cash rcturns to Attendance at the ncxt meeting Ist vice president, Mrs. Walter CAE LTE ad are seeking on behaîf o! the vet- Ontario farmers. These are but may be somewhat curtailed as Davis; 2nd vice president, Mrs. ____NOVELTIES cran is a basic pension of $100 a few of the 47 new departures many expect to attend the Bar- J. H. Abernethy; sccretary-trea- _____per month. Pensions Minister institutcd by the present govern- 'bara Ann Scott Show in Maple *urr, Mrs. R. Candler; directors, f or saiifaciion RYSTAL ROE BOWLS, Gregg has told the committee ment.n The speaker observed that Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Thursday, Murs.Me owlMr.C utn for safifactionbluntly, however, ta the G0v- fomeign buyers coming ta Ontamio Friday and Saturday. Mrs. F. C Cler and s. . rattnk and STEMWARE, CAKE errnment isn't prepared ta budge werc fully aware o! the superior Jackman; district director, Mrs. PLATES and'SALAD from its $12 figure. The reason livestock available while this fact FOR WAYS THAT ARE DARK J. Thîckson; auditors. Mrs. Thick- BOWLSbe rie he gives is that the country "can- is probaîy fnot so well appreciated ____ son and Mrs. F. Baker; pianist, BWSnot afford it." by Ontario farmers as a whale. (yLwsMlia)Mms. Edwin Wood; assistant pian- Brlng Your Watch To Us The Progressive Conservative Use the Franchise (yLwsMlia)r n sMs a utr;sn ed proposai would cost the treasury Co Kenyprmsdir- "For ways that are darkadit r.Sm utr;sn ed Book abut 13,00,00 aovethecost Col Kened proise Ifre-tricks that arc vain, the heathen cm, Mrs. F. Lyle, Mrs. E. Wood of he$1 icrasewhchth Gv-turned cmpoerta introduce Chirice is peculiar." When Bret and Mrs. C. Curtis; rest room ALL WACH EPIE Ne FctInthdernme n rpose ta grat.eSince measumes next year o! even mare Harte wrote that he had neyer committee, Mrs. T. Allun; group AL mnmWATCH EPA SNwpiction andterederaprosesumyeisatin tfam-me aching consequence for a met or tried ta negotiate with a leaders, Mrs. C. Robinson, Mrs. F. C UfllLA KiK ____ a surplus for the present ycar in prosperous agriculture. In clos- Communist. A joumnalistie friend Baker, Mrs. C. Johns, Mrs. C. the neighborhood o! $800,000,000, ing hie was quite content te let o! mine, who has persistently en- Gatcheil and Mrs. H. H. Richards. F or Oe YearGreetig Ctrd Progressive Conservative M. the record as a whole speak for deavored ta be kind te the Com--_ ______ For One Year Greeting Cards P.'s cannot sec the logic o! the itsel! but he warned: "Too often miunists, recently refermed ta Tim Ti erteUSA otofc MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED for Mothers, Frlends and Pension Minister's statement that when people concede that the gov- Buck as "the mildest-mannemed hiisueca teUApastfice il ShtIso hsthe nation cannat afford -an extra ernmt wl ertre epw man tat ever preache mcaol- Roger's likeness. Speclal Dnayh s 13,000,000 for veterans who were *erte take it for ganted their tion." This rcminded me o! W. rymndectshaebn SeilDy100 per cent disabled in its de- vates will not be needed; that S. Gilbert's sang, "A policeman's Amy indeetrhaebn fene thr xpediurs rewas t he way ta invite a regime as lot is net a happy one," which used successfully in Ontario in1 being made daily that are far socialism which would undo the might be paaphrased thus: locating hidden boot. costli cmand that can dlaimn much permanent basis of a sound long- When a Commîe's not engaged in 1Y A R R '"S J. W. J EW E L L îs s_ ain derocracy could netbe sustained Or rnaturing his subversive lit- rngeehiy."oe aned ht ahis teployment JEW ELLERY "IBIG 20" resolve ta exercise the franchise. His capacity fam libcrty's enjay- POE58D on't Refinish Rads He commended the convention tom ment BOIVMANVILLE 27 KingStW. o anil chaosîng such a splendid candi- Is just as great as any loyal 43 King St. W. Phone 463 With Meiallic Paini date as Major Foote, and umged man's. every voter ta womk and vote ta You'd think that he was sucha assure his election. harmless brother, __________________________________ _______ When redecorating the home. And that hie was digi o __________________________________________ adiators should net be efinished fun. dîgi o with mctallic paint, advises the Rink Campaign Ah, take anc mild-mannered Com-e Canadian Institute of Plumbing mie with another, Y our Subscrptionand.H:ata i an hudb o ringt ac A Mountie's job is not a plcas- Y o rS b crp i nIf it is desired ta repaint the (Continued from Page One) ant anc. radatos, n ol pintshuldbe et ryig t focethese figures I have neyer met Molotov, but We av ocasonalyfoud t ecesay t dscotiue used as it will not reduce the down your throats. Were only judging tramn most o! the pictures Sta aesm su spions oin t te fctharytsusonines radiation ta heat ta the same cx- suggesting. of him in the newspapers, lhe ap- Sttsansbcipin wigt tefc ta uscies tent. Metallic paints act as insula- We also teed that evemy organi- pears ta be a polished and ur- 'i%. ovcrlooked renewing their subsciptions within thirty days tion and reduce the efficiency o! zatian, chumch or other w i s e, banc individual. But hie appears after due date, the heating system. should be Interested in the pro- the same in his pme-wam photo- 1Finishing o! madriators in thp e et ecus i-i a-aen -i-2- aps h "- e s* hon al- Premier George Drew Fires Opening Gun 3y Radio Saturday Premier George Dmew will fire Ie apcning gun in the Progres- ive Conservative Government's )id for re-election ta office whcn ie delivers bis first radio broad- ast o! the campaign aver a net- vork o! provincial stations on ;aturday evcning. May 8. This wili be anc o! several ma- dia addresscs by the Premier be- twcen now and June 7, wNhich la the voting day in the provincial general clection. Other air me- views of the Government's record and future plans will be given by members o! the Cabinet in the next fcw weeks. Lave for mankînd Is the elevg- tam o! the human race, it demon- strates Truth and refleets divine Love.-Mary Baker Eddy. Scented printing inks have bceit develop cd. Men with pme-war minds dodge post-war tacts. ARM SIGNALS FOR. STOPS AND -TURNS SLOWOR STOP jLEET TURN 1 RGHTTN Signais are life savers and should be used whcnever a driver la turning )r stopping. Wavîng arm' around in a vague or hesitant manner wifl nly confuse the driver behlnd. Be f air and signal correctly - and keep Fur license tb drive THERMOS BOTTLE S $150 - $1.65 LUNCH KITS $1.00 Home Permanent Toni De Luxe Kit---- Toni K it -- ---------- Toni Refill .---i ----- Hudnut's Permanent Hudnut's Refili ------ CharmiKumi ------------ Charm Kumi Refil---- S 2.50 $1.50 $1.25 $3.25 $1.75 $1.79 $1.25 Low Prices 25c Noxzema 19c' 93e Noxzema -- - ----65e Blondex Shampoo - -----03c 100 A.S.A. Tablets ----19e Lactogen ----------69c, $1.59 S NAPTITE Thermos Cork 29o Parchment PAPERS loc 8~ 'â'AD25449i MACLEANSPrevent Moth MACLEANSDamage LARGST EUIN LavexSpray 83c, 1.29-1.98 FAST IN REATLarvex and Sprayer $1.29 Dec Tee Moth Crystals --49e Gannent Bags -- --- 39c, 59e Moth Blocks ---- - 15e, 30e Aerosol Bomb --51.35, $3.95 Fit ------ 23c, 39c, 69e LARGES12% Cream Shampoos Preli ------- 27c, 63c, 89e uasz2 4TShasta ------ - 59e Lustre Cream 55c, $1.00 Rayve -------- ---- - 75e Beiiy Lou Plastic Cosmetie Bags - 98c, il Phone 695 we Fit Trusse. sh___ aed oremslvs cerya,-timen-y hpoe fo all s rinhis hand, i 4Homes Chlldire woet there cithery t ay hcey biscluding thejokr-ti sh Veto. (Isitll Cilre oaw atch som, anehels play ore s neume gtheyjuser-the joer nOFii ome(IMissini o w th e we s ating or poer). Theyquseste onkr i a Plsd F olks e H omo Fee waentchg r paticipating i o poe.The quitis on rtbwises spisnadtome or F*u fatnc dress arial. We areao theteorai ai onta gieor onMn' facnfdet th a e e e o o-the game ndeionsuch agdis- manville don't want a khack built advantage. What woulcl happen just a block away from their if they eliminated Russia fmom main street and we are also cer- the United Nations? One answer tain that Bowmanville's 4,000 citi- to that question lies in the tact *zens arc tam more capable of fin- that Russia does not want ta be o u r E W t le p h n e nm b e r ancing sucb a proiject than is the eliminated, for if Stalin thought 900 population village o! Beeton it would serve bis purposes he which is now campleting a $75,. would withdraw tram that body. 000 natural ice amena. We also Communist leaders here at know that Rotary Park is large home resart ta the same dark eêiough ta contain an amena o! the ways and vain tricki; in labor dis- E A T O N çSsize proposed with considemable putes. During a recent discus- In cnclsion weagan stessborrelations man stated that he thtthe arena is a community had fotkid most of the union lead- 0 project which will bring benefît ers easanable enough in negotia- teveryane. young or aId. Whcn 1 tion,' but he could neyer make 2- yuthink of yatir donation consid- any headway with the Commun- KING STREET EAST SQ WMAN VILLE cm nat bow little you cari give,1 ists. He saîd that whenever he but, how much. - 1Ùaly agreed with thom ona vi. COWLING'S DRUG STORE 1 ---------- 1 THE CANADIAN STATTMvIAN. BOWMANVffJ.& ONTARIO THUIRSDAY, MAY M, 1948 PAGUIUGRT