Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1948, p. 3

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COURTICE HAMPTON POPtJLAR Cc hif the home of Mrs. H. Sweetman 'and daughter, Eleanor, Oshawa, with an attendance of twenity. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phair, Cour- President Mrs. Archie Muir Jr. tice, were visitors on Sunday with; -opened the meeting with a poem Mr. and Mrs. Russell Luke. 1 lUon "'Easter" followed b3' prayer Mr. and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox.: by Mrs. E. Courtice. Devotional with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilcox!l xas in charge of Mrs. Sandy Muir, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth. the topic "God's Willingness to Mrs. R. C. Metcalf visited her Forgive." Mrs. Russell Gay gave sister, Mrs. Symons in Oshawa. a much appreciated taik on 'Eas- Mr. and Mrs. AlberbCole, Bow- <r- .~IIIN ter." Reading was given by' Mrs. manville, were Saturday evenIng McKay on Easter andapinso guests with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Io by Jean Gay. Refreshments Barron. were served. Morley Hastings, Toronto, at G. Home and school Association Adcock's. * ,met April 12 with president, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Salter vis- cLloyd Courtice, in the chair. Nom- ited Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, vination forms were handed in and Toronto, on Sunday. report will be given at a later Mran s.C rleSih date. Mrs. J. McKenzie favored Mr.k and Mrs., CharlieSthr ,with a piano-accordion selection Jc n na Ohwa r Mrs. Lloyd Courtice who was del- and Mrs. Lewis Trull's. egate to convention in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fawcett, Tor- gave a very interesting report. onto, Mrs. Stan Dearing and t.wo Lunch was served by Mrs. Glad- daughters, Joyanne and Marlene, man an.d Mrs. Goyne. St. Catharines, were guests of Mr. Courtice - Maple Grove*Broth- ind Mrs. Austin Barron. erhood held their final meeting Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truil and for the scason April 15 at Maple Franklin, Mr. and Mes. Lewis Grov-e with president, Clarence Truil and Miss Ruby Clatworthy Pcnfounid. presiding. Opened with visited Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Young, We k~.. beng eam a llvelv sing-song led by Rev. F. Peterborough. Yardîley and a vocal solo by Glenn Mrs. George Gilbert visited in c-aptain bas its responsi- Ailin, Newcastle. The guest Toronto. biites.Butwhe yo're speaker, Lt.-Col. Murray John- Miss Madelene Truli, Toronto, s ton, Oshawa. gave a most instrue- spent the weekend with her bro- rounding up your tcamn, tive and inteeesting address on ther, Haeland. the trend of world events. Ap- Mrs. J. R. Reynolds and Miss will you try not to make pointment of nominating com- L. Reynolds were in Toronto on too many catis at once? mittee was then deait with. Re- Thursday. MR. and MRS. JOHN RAE ABERb ]Remember-some grwn freshmcnts were served. Mrs. Chas. Daw was present. at recently. The bride, who is the Woman's Mîssionary Society the Sunday Sehool session on steduhrofM.ad r. up mnay need that party imet at the home of Mrs. Ross Sunday afternoon and gave a very îshedghrofM.nd r. Pearce on Apeil 13. President, fine address on temperance and groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs Une in ahurry ... Thanks Mes. A. J. Oke, opened with a Christian citizenship which con- ville. -Cu a lott reading on Easter. A letter was tained many valuable thoughts read feomn Miss Rorke, a mission- worthy of consideration and they ia3y in Japan, thanking the So- sheuld be profitable to aIl. Her BR OWN'S AR Y LUNE ciety for the second parcel of acldress amuhpreitd PA TY N eo eeie.Mrs. Yardley an- --____ nounced that Me. Chuny from srmns t. n ae 3.Gbad te have Miss Beetha Cain NB Korea. woubd be the Sunday mor- Kathleen Pidduck, Dorothy Win-ockascolferaeeeat COURTESY I ning speaker. A salvage drive ters, Ken Hutton and Bobby tack of flu. Was lsoarranged. eotoa Johnston. Alan Fubton was in Brown's Home and School Club was in charge of Mrs. Pearce andchreo ae.Asca iehlterrgurmnhyme- C T HING.opened with quiet music with ws njyeso te cl. i hendTergaronithlvmoe LuOshot oe are a noy Mes .G.IT. opened their meeting Creek Home and School Club Putingit ntopratic hPerc emn payergien by Mrs. with games fobowed by prayer were present with uis and present- Puttng t ino pactie YaebaynSdpre w given by s.b3 Dorothy Hockin. Secretaey- ed the following program: Piano on ver cal yu mke e. er ho, as comen ed treasurer's report and roll cal solo, Shirley Quantrilb; reicitation on every cal you were given. Thewhogirls whoenhaverby Helen Habbowell; musical 15 ourbes gonanesain.Mes. Haeold Muir con- a tra veng ap rson hohade numbeî- by Norman Andrews; that otrhes wiII dote rbers eravena bys es. T Ha rry reports from same. Work period eeading by Miss Helen Deckert. thatothrs illdo he ers eregivn b Mr. Hrrywas p roceeded with. These girls Dr. MacKenzie showcd some sae oryo. mîth, Oshawa, aftee which she are having a very inteeesting and very înteeesting and educational same fr you.introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. instructive session under the cap- pictures on his trip to Florida and Love, a returned'missionary from able supervision of their leaders, to the North Country. 1. Kepcatis brief. Africa, who gave an interestîng Mrs. Joe Gearing and Mrs. Tom- Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Mer- Ke paccount of her woek in Africa and mv a b r e n aml r m o r ni h 2. Space your colis, gave vivid pictîîres of the work Crnha lBeso aarbr.cerhand.famib3hafeom or ncih CorinhianPlaors e Oshwahbehoo. Thy hae moed t cariedou b3 th wmenof f-w-ho presented their plaY, "Sugar- Port Hope. Glad te wclcome theî .3 ie right-af-way rica. A cup of tea and refresh- foot Minstrels of 1948" at the Pickcring family fromn Markham1 A commtere inchage fpck CourticeeChurch on April 13 un- who have purchascd the MeecerJ ÏO emrgenc cailng Acoetget ncrsentfomatheder auspices of Woman's Associa- farm. They have two chibdren WM.S.oh, etc. ethehom o hAn tion, had a full house. The show attending Public Sehool. W.M.., mt atthe ome wasn well received by a most ap- Our annual H-ome and Schoob Hoît on Feidav night, when a preciative audience. Peoceeds Club Dance was hebd on Feiday reaiby busy time was webl spent. were ost satisfactory abso. night with about 200 in attend- Boxes were made ready for ship- The se0l ad ies took part in the ance. Couinting the deaw, the ment for the needy in Europe. .7Mr Courice .P.U me wit Kat - .. Presbyte convention held Club reabized aeound $75.00.Mr Coutic Y..U me wih at KigSt. United Church, in the A. Wabker, Bowmanville, was the leen Pidduck, president, presid- devotional'peeiod: Mes. Beadley, holder of the lucky ticket deawn THE BELL TELEPH ONE ing. Seripture was given by Hor- Mrs. J. McKenzie and Mes. C. oni the teilight lamp and Miss 01- ace Vetzel. Devotional was 'in Adams. Others in attendance ga Senko won the sibverware COMPANY OF CANADP charge of Ken Hutton. Topie were Mrs arbl r.J er CFz came under these different head - ing. rs. Barrabal, Mes. . Ger rge ss abr h.eos n .... »-m ngs phtorapy, usial n-Barbar, Mrs. Scorgie, Mrs. Bob triend. Toronto, with Mr. and ---------- Barber. Mrs. H. Reichrath. 1I Mes Edra Price has returned OSHAWA and DISTRICT FIRST ANNUAL 'rvîsîtîing relatives at Belle-NEWOVIL ~ - -Me. and Mrs. Gus Oke and la- w I AYS A L mily, Toronto, were with Mrs. A. J1. Oke and the Wm. Bickle fam- Congratulations te Me. RaN LOCAL 149 A.F.M. fily Dudley on bis successful concert TURIG TE ORHESRAS1F 'Congratulations to Bob and recital. -rURNG HE RCHETRA OFMrz Young (nee Jean Antil) who Rev. C.D. McLebband, Napanee, B ERNARD TIERNEY have returned from their honey- spent Saturdavright wîth Rev. VA A K Rup residence in Oshawa. tk Currelley, Canton, wereals VAN WAL ERMaster Leon Choate wi]l be guests a h parsonage. confined te his home for a time, Mr. and Mes. ROV Buirbcv visit- B OYD VALLEAU . ue te semnaI trouble, which ne- ed Mr. and Mes. Danny Chutka, with vecals by ýý""itated hîs being in a cast. AIl Oshawa. 'coe he may soon be around Ra * mond Gilmer of the R>C.A. *LOUISE THOMISON SHIRLEY HARMER -in, F., with his wife and little son *WALTER SCOTT * STEVE SALMERS Donald and Mes. Thompson and spent a few days ]eave with his *-bv wee with Gerry and Mes, parents, Mr. and Mes. Frank GilI- JUBILEE PALlO o Bobmr. Raymnond, who has be Bareabal back ameng uis. Thex' ers, Manitoba, is being transfer- Firiay, May 1h have moved te their home here red Ite Clinton. Friay M y 1hfrom Orono. Me. and Mes. Russell McNeil, Mr. and Mes. Oliver Gay and Oshawa, and Me. and Mes. Clar- Robet, O.-hirwa, weee Sundav 'once Turner with Me. and Mes. Continuous Dancing 9-1 $1 per person guests at Cccil Adams'. . h 1Wilbis Farrow. Mes. Anson Phair with hee The joint Thankoffering er W. TICKETS ON SALE: daughtee, .Mrs. Gordon Mantle, jM.S. and Mission Bind \vas hcldi la.É,C.A Dr'" O MNIL:SA ANOOO omnvb pi 3wt e.Gog tpe dA1, JOVVWMAiN ViLL, ONTAIO PGEU >1 UPLE MARRIED Pre rm Cnd iiei n iie rnum production in an efficient Parcl Fom anad À frie I endStrkes hethful week week. Why shouldn't executives who Beff r Thn Hudied (John Atkins in The Scene) bear the burdens of management strke ganstne-executive wor. ~~~Te fstiess and indue sr.ansrte ansthernon s Te #~t5.'The srikeStatentto sc is akers who increase executivr strike te end strikes by the execu- troubles, lengthen their hou ý Thefobowng ettr as ecev-Hounded by labour, badgered by surdity ef an executive strike ed in reply ta a parcel sent by the shareholders, cowed by customerswobveyuikyrsl Seg . East Group of Hampton Women's and harassed by governments, ex- isltin ey stabl s adequategl. Institute to a lady in Engband: ecutives exert themselves beyond býa out salshindenc lead 15 Maidenhead Road: endurance and many.of them die comipetent as the other judicia] Strtfod-o-Avn: arl dethsin he aus ofpro- bdie ofthe country. A strike February 2, 1948 uction and distribution. called before such a court had Dear Friends: Ships' officers, who are the ex- iven a decision, weubd be illegal. 1 do not know how te, thank ecutives of navigation, tie up Executives ef the world arisel you for the wonderful Christmas their ships and parabyze water You have nothing te lose but your parcel I recelved on January 28. transportation. Organized indus- burdens and ulcers. I was up for the first time after trial werkers strike and depeive a month in bed with flu and COflt.he helpless public ef the vital Wr sasiuu owr n gestion and I was feeling particu- needs of ife. Often thcy reseet ok i a stmuus t aie s.wor . larly depressed when at lunch- ta violence te prevent other p oaigasmustelzns.W Stime your parcel arrived and the pIe frem deingthe work they re- M. Hunt excitement of unpacking it and fuse to do and demand publie ac- Nothing is denied ta welb di- the grand surprise did me more tien against anyene replacing rected labour, nothîng is te bu good than 100 tenies. I was 50 them e btained wîthout it.-Sir Joshua touehed by the kind thought and The most vabuable and least Reynobds care that lay behind the persenal poetdo l okr r h -.à grls. W e fo r e a l fd î g and y t o ex ecu tiv es. T h ey h ld th eir jobs - - dorlthank you ad alitoedkind enby as long as they can de their d o t a n k y o u a n al t h s e i n d w e rk b e tte r th ai n a n y e n e e lse is peqpbe who centributcd very lîkely te da it. The more respons- much indeed. ible thei duties are te more et- S0 L 1] mAnne,2:rî17:?îr:oZrwaT:: ortm teft ing yeu hersebt and Salby, My 8- for tey must put inte discharg- yea -ol , ays th nk eu very ing them . Their study of their much ef their social ite must be ETHY ~ ~ ~ ~ ýkr whsaednnto lce w eevd althe luxuies of fruit menot i theirontcts work, andl 2rmr Mrie Brnîe MDonld ca (st. etse frfn heir *eine.Their onby pro-orrpar ltye Bey ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W Mcodo n hebie ee) butte adlre tcf. tecton i ti en efcec n WN EVC J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ne H.t AtrehbofBwa- Iwnerllt you sîshrterinaw Recorpettiennfor thir services Mes. barkegave ou myname od st eexecutiv e ientil Sxmls-to saa coutcy shaa ims-Gzee orit uzzed sta s wte whw jyu erers maysre o teeganeta tre lesWor s of Bow- ETY hoe edin lkkpleew hee e theguiso rls. maetinthe publi pay the wagendvl nfrt ieo Gret yMueieaet inteue oe, Ihcak Canada m ste ao wie-they dincmnd. teico lpeor- dear u tend Ilavdethcard ectwoners ta wrok tic s eng asidgtoWN ghSERVIC 3.htvRoy it ay ndeberiderk mch aout. ifthat i ngte seita they temsefors wein epr- 1itHoutertis ad.-RaBoma- for-slrelf gTankinyou aainMdutnone ods a ndusrital i ie astif, shwa ~coeyOhw e-azett e ry îpuh or edur asindness and epelthereow-orkiees te B. Budle WesDofBo Delbeatewih auton bt at IratinCdal s mpathy. a bn teong ematheir union, t epe withou detisie;ad ed xih ey et ihs, epbyrst edc de fo Poemuwanlee2 yracieusness. or oppose with Sincerely VYoues, every pay cheque, and te prevent irmnness.-..Colton Phyllis Disney Alexander employers from securing maxi- Definitely New! Dsotne ie V BRASSIERES ~ ','~-and I ("~ ' tGIRDLES T RU CKS5 wili give yo. ECONOMY PLUS ""MILEA GE- LIFE"I You'Ib like the way these new FARGOS cut vour hauling costs. Thiat's because each FARGO is 0"o ered with an engine that suits uts particular auiing capacitv. FARGO wiIb do ),our lob better and at lower cost. FARGO trucks ore STURDY-built te give yo long, trouble-free service. Strong axles and husky frames provide large carrving capacitv. Semi- floating rear axies combine strength wîitb easy s ervicing. Transmissions are designed for out- standing service and durability. Corne mn and see tbese new FARGOS. We'll show vou why they are the biggest truck value on the mearket to-day.1 Palmer* Motor Sa1er PLYMOUTH - CJIRYSLER CARS Phone 487 Bowm anville FARGO TRUCKS 20 King St. E. INI fo S. :ut fi $14m95 Sizes il fo 17 Bright and- beautiful dresses te make yeu the centre et conversation. Col- orful peints and solids te accent yeur fernininity in the mest charming man- ner. Curve conscieus lines te round yeu graciously . .. te give you the fash- ion figure et the times. Clearance! GLOVES i-te. jon MCaChln caled n 1 ii unnA IU1K)& th e village on Tucsdav. Mrs. Lorne Paoden visited her GROUP 1 'mdc Me om Lngstff ' Fabrie gleves in sovoral prices. Broken ines son soiled. Cebors, black, bro LON S UL cherry. white and navy.i _______ ow price. SCHOOL NEWS regular te $1.39 On Apeil 9 we had a Red Cross meeting which opened with 0 Canada. Minutes oe.t last meeting79 pr wereo ead bY' Betty Burgess, fol- lewed bx roll cal].. Lqrne Buress teck up' the collection-35 cents. 1 GROUP 2 We thon had the business ef theI Loveby soft, pliable glovos meeting. Bob Burgess look the celer and size range. Mostl * prograrm over which iccluded af browc. Reg. up te $3.98.T ,tory bv Mes. Prescott: peems bv BiHl Plersancoe and Mary Van Evk; riddbes by Bob Burgess: po- "ms by Bertha Ploasanco and Bob$25 pr Burges.s and Keith Gobles. A contest b *v Bob Blurgess and thon wr had seme games. On April 16 we hanî mission Substandard band, which ceened wvith the eau i te wership which was rcsponded te by aIl. We then had the mis-. LADIES' L sion- bancd aim, watchm-oed and ý purpese. We said the beoks etf Thev are classed as substan< the Bible. We had roll cal and becueet fsbîght flaws in th minutes et Iast meeting bv Mary which -WîIb net affect the Van Eyk. Lorno Buîrgess teck up Straight eut slips in white er the birthdav,ý collections cfoieht broiderod tops. cents. Tom Pleasannce look up the regular ccllection of 44 cents. Sizes 32 to 38. Substandards of We had a Peace reading by BillI Villnc. e aethe sterv eo$f9 a theFi Tre ilageb vMes. Pros-$25 a colt. We had the mission band prayer and some games. Phone 451 Earnfsîness is enthusiasmn tem- pcred by reason-pascal. £111J. styles and ce ceunter ew,ýn, lime, All at one in broken yblack and ro clear at 'PS lards only the weave, ie Wear. offIy. Em- d$3.79 lino A group ef beassieres in small sizes only by a well known manufacturer. Greatby reduced te clear. Tea rose only. $.69c ea, An odd lineocf «'Lastex"' pantie girdbes with detachable crotch. Outstandlng value at this b ow price. ies 1ma9 medium and large. Tea rose ocly. Reg. $2.98 Easy fo Sew! FABRIOCS Special! Coftan Prints It's been a long time since we have had tbem at this price. Fine cotton peints in smabb Ilewer designs. Ideal for aprons, children's dress- es, etc. 49c. yd. $1.98 ea, Dainty, Attractive Buhbbles Lawn A reabîy attractive material for blouses or chibdren's frocks. Fine lawn in shades of pale blue or pink with white flower de- sign. 95c yd, 71/d.e44e' to ~, 1?fÀem«d THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville E lUUfflýDAY, APRTL 22nd, 1948 ME CANADIAN STATESMAN RnUffl là lýnrTT T V rWTI" A "Tý Sizes 32 and 34 m THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville

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