Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1948, p. 7

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- I THURSDAY, MARCIH 25th, 1948 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN scorers in the international hoc- -Ikey league. As a dfnee tnr iiErnie led the league most of!h SO IA A U EE'RJalIi season with goals scored. He ap- pears to have put on some weight Phone 663 which will be useful when he re- ___ sumes play in the local softball league this summer. Mrs. David Peebles and Vaughn,1 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Y. Haddy Trinity Evening Auxiliary met Toronto, are visiting Mrs. C. J.!1 and Betty, Miss Agnes Haddy, To- on March 16. The program was Smple. ý, onto, visited Mrs. Harry Poster.! in charge of Mrs. E. Pascoe and Miss Gwyneth Griffith spent Mr. and Mrs. Monice Tamblyni Mrs. S. i9cMurter. In the worship the vý eekendi with her sister. rs and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Luxton. service Mrs. Pascoe told a story Eo'-.r Eniercnr. Toronto. spent Sunday in Oakviile visitingi about the painting of Christ in Miss Helen Devitt, Royal Bank Mr. and Mrs. Alan Tamblyn. Gethesmane. This wvas followed staii. - croo..u. .îsliý ite~ r mottl- Mrs. Bert Hayes, Susan and by a duet by Mrs. Beech and Mrs. er, Mrs. A. E. Devitt. Barbara, Montreal, were Tuesday1 Richards and a piano solo by ___________________ guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Gwyneth Griffith. Mrs. McMur- Tamblyn. ter and Mrs. Mutton brought the Miss Helen Cox, town. has been study' book ta a close with the I nsere fo te oalstf stories o! Hennessey and Peck, trasfrrd ro te ocl taf who translated the Bible into the o! the Bank of Montreal ta a dialeets of Africa and Guatemala, T O M Ewntown branch in Toronto. respectively. The study bo a 28annual meeting of the On- lives and wonk of the vanious ~' ..tario Division, Red Cross Society, transiators of the Bible. held in Toronto on March 19. Th naeHgibha hs Mn. Frankie Swinburne, Mont- been a familiar namne in sport ac- - \k... real, son of Mrs. Jack McNulty tivities in this neck o! the wcods and Mr. John Maughan, West- for over haîf a century. The Lust nght'smount, Quebec, will spend the_ present generatian - the fourth Ieftover roast Easter holiday with Mr. and Mrs. -is keeping u the farnily tradi- makes tonights Mrs. Cecil Upper, Peterboro, we noticect last week, David Hig- "Magic" Meut ROlUS visited her sister, Mrs. Frank ginbotham, 19-year-old son o! Janiieson, and along with Mrs. Hubert C. Higginbotham, former- 2 tbs. soitbutter Charles Bickle, Miss June Bickie ly of Bowmanville, won the Can- 2 cup.chopped oifavnle and Mrs. Jamieson, attended the adian squash racquet j u n i o r 2tbcappcd flIflsCoon-Cooke wedding in Toronto championship at Ottawa, defeat- 4 tsip. Magic Bakingi Po-der on Saturdayý. ing Quebec's titieholden, M. Mea- 4. tbe. emalten Louis Laskarus has added a sures, thnee out o! four games. !,, cup idi, or haif miIk and water new green awning ta his New David is a student in finance and Mix meat, onion. butter. Sift to- Olympia Cale. It is the latest in commerce at University of Toron- gether dry ingredients, mir in design with tubulan, jointed toanafd is a member of the Toron- ehortenlng; add llquid tonlake@of t framework and it adds another ta Hart Hause Squash Racquet's dough. Turn on floured board; knead llghtly. RollV& Inch thick, me tropalitan touch alang King Club. 'spreadwith meat mixture. Rolike St. Mrs. Lillie Hughes, Brown St., .jetly roi, eut in suces. Bake onl A few local gardeners are ai- gave a lavely suoper for her lino- baking sheet in bot aven (475' F.) for about 14 minutes. Serve with ready prepaning liackyard plots ther, Art Richards wvho f Iew here tomato sauce. for spPing piantings. Within a fnom Saskatchewan on the eve week the snaw has disappeared of bis depanture home. This was and high land is gefierally dry. Mr. Richards' first visit here in Sanie plan to plant patataes lie- 25 years. Those present included fore April 1. his lirothers, tistent, nephews and John Metcalf won the euchne nieces. After presenting hini with M IE championship in the over 80 a gift bis sister Lillie Hughes CANA gro up in Wood's Senate las, week. t aid hlm how glad they ýjl were AN B e piayed five lane hands in the ta tee him and thanked ii for contest and won them al. And carning. The rest o! the evening he has yet ta wear glasses. Kib- vas spent in games. Ail present itzers don't bother hiir for he then wished him a sale jcurney relies upan intuition, home. Miss Neli B. Harper, 37 Attle- Winners o! the draw at St. Jas- baro Rd., Rochester 9 N. Y., in eph's Church euchre on March 17 renewing ber subscription ta the were Mr. John McKeivey, electrie Statesman writes: My sisters kettle; Dr. V. H. Storey, table and I enjoy neading your paper lamp; MVr. S. Stewart, pillavi cas- sa much. We have lived in Ro- et. Euchre prizes were awarded Vqhester ever since we left Ponty- ta Mrs. E. Large, Mr. W. Cach- poi 23 years ago. We are stili ranle, Mrs. Bob Stephens, Mrs. F. ierested in hearing about aur Knight and Mr. Paul Leprade and Canadian friends. Mr. Leprade alto xwon the lucky door prize. Rev. S. J.. Coffey and Ernie Dickens rejoined his fam- 1 the committee in charge express * ~ily this week after completing the apeita aalwocnrbt longwintr scedul wit th ed ta make this annual St. Pat- Chicago Black Hawks, leading -ick'spryauces THEY'RE HERE..m The new Johnson Outboard M1o- tors, now on display at Hannden's Garage. Corne in and place your order now ta make sure of a new Sea-horse for this sumnmer's boat- ing and fishlng. W. J. Challis, dealer HARNDEN'S GARAGE SALES AND SERVICE General nepains to ait makes o! cars Body and Fenden Bumplng Kendall Oils - Exide Batteries - Acetylene Welding PR E5soi 4. .t EWELLERY iJr. Baskeiballers Now Playing Provincial Round The Bowmanville "B" Junior ýBasketball Teani is weii an the Iway ta capture the provincial O. B.A. champîonship fan 1948. This week the team plays the terni- final r ound against Napanee. The' first game will lie played in the High Schoal Gym. Saturday eve- ning, Apnil 3. The second will be played in Napanee, April 7. 1 Total goals wiil determine the Fw'înner. Coach Walt DeGeer who bas carnied the team aiong in hehal! aIf their sponsors, the Bowman- ville Rotary Club, is confident that they wil vin against Nap- anee. In that case the tearn meets Walkerville, western On- tario champs. Ion the title. If this cames about there will Jie home-and-hamne games the fol- lowing week. ST. JOHNS ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. deP. Mright, Rector Mn. R. G. Harle, Organist i GOOD FRID 4Y 10 a ni -Litany and address EASTEa tDAY 8 a ni -Holy Communion Il a ni -Holy Communion and sermon Subject: "The Risen Christ" 2:30 p.m.-Children's ser- vice in Church 7 p ni -Evensong-Sermon "Afier Deah- What?" B.AHS. "Screech GREGORY FRIEND. Edftor BANTA31S STILL IN AS GIRLS BOW OUT IN C.O.S.S.A. FINALS Our girls went dowvn fighting, but luck wvas nat on the B.HS. side for once. In the first place they were pitted against the Ni- agara Falls anjd Burlington teams who went on ta cap the finals and ta make things even worse the girls simply weren't "on." We are just the same very praud o! aur teams for gett!ng as fan as they did. It is na shame ta be beaten by the powerful western teamns. The score in the senior game xvas Bunlingtun 27, B.H.S. 9. As usual Jackie Heyland played hen steady, efficient game, but the haop simply loomed tao small at tumes. The Juniors lost 37-11. None o! the bigh-sconing forwards wene on against the lanky, rangy Niagara Falls team. Pat Bowles rendered yeoman service on the rearguard. Fiatbush's "Wait un- tii next year" is now the B.H.S.i slogan. As for the Bantams, it .is not delinite just when they play again. but it will enobabiy be in Orillia next Saturday against teanis representing the Western, Central and Northern Ontario Champions. The Bantams are Eastern Ontario Champs. Having lost the linst game 49-13, the Kingston teani defaulted the-ne- turn game, ta that the B.H.S. lads now hold their present la!ty standing. The Tynone Bus Perhaps tome of you living on Liberty and Queen Streets have had occasion ta wonden what caused the strange orange streak outside yaun windows fan a 'split second every school monning. To dispei yaoun musings it can lie ne- ported that this is the famous Ty- none Bus, "The Comet." the gney- hound o! the northlands, a fixture on Manvers Road every marning. nain or shine, sieet or hail( if the noads are fair ta middlin' and the moton isn't an the blink). This ultra - modern, air conditioned,' cushion-spninged vehicle is per- haps the only cne o! its oblong kind. Wes Taylor. the amiable chauf- feur .started the bus system lastI year, taking ta B.H.S. aIl the En- niskillen and saune o! the Tyrone1 scholars, as well as the odd strag- glen wvho is picked up anywhene between Sauina and Leshard. The route o! the T.S.L.E.C.L. (Tjynonie sctream-iined, express coach lines) takes in a traverse froni Tyrone ta Enniskillen, back ta Tyrone. due east one mile, due south baîf a mile, due west and finaily on Manvers Road, due sauth again ta Bow-.manviile. To ride on this bus is a tna tion one neyer fongets. foe manages ta find room lietwee n euchre games, one can sit down! Churches T-eE SALVATION ARMY Majùr F. Williams Capt. E. Willett On Good Friday morning at Il o'clock a service will lie held in The Salvatian Army and will lie in charge o! Brigadier J. Raven and Envoy L. Turner. On Easter Sunday these specials xvill agaîn be in change o! the meetings at Il in the morning and 7 nt night Brigadier Raven has done mian y years' service as a Salvation Ar- niy officer bath in Canada and abjroad. she has worked in Ger- many alto. Plan ta hear these wXomen af God. 12-2 TRINYTY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. J. E. Griffith Organist: Mn. XW. E. C. W,rkman.' Sunday, M..rch 28th Easter Day il a.i-.-'The Living Hope" Music-Anthem: "Hallelujah- solo* '"I know that-" Anthen 7 p.m.-"The Easter Experienceý in stony and sang" Musie-Antheni: "Christ is Risen'* %cIa: "The Three Visions"' i. The Cross Antheni: "The Appeal af the Crucifixion"~ A on plush lined tide those that ing about, one eyes of twenty steadily'fixed o cane or lollipoj stories, the cra fluts, the hurrif books, the playi bun a point-& dreaming betwe terizes ,a typic- trip. One will students whoz the late corn on someone s1 sharks, the fifte spring's road b wili lie memori Cdmet's travell corne. 7,or a corking better way to good afternoan mend nothingt licking voyagec press, At least tain of reaching ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Minister: REV. G. CAMERON QUIGLEY Organlst: Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., F.C.C..M. Choir Dlreetor: D. Alex MeGregor FASTER SUNDAY 8:00 A.M.- Young People's Union Sunrise Service Communion and Breakfast 10:00 A.M.-Sunday School il A.M.-Nunsery School 11:00 AM.-WORSHIP - An Easter Message. Senior and Junior Chairs. î.00 P.Ml.-WIORSHIP- Sacred Cantala "THE DAUGHTER 0F JAIRUS" by Stainer Wheelers Lose Oui fwl" h To Trenton On Aiphamettes Dettol .. 1 Dodd's Kldney Pihis Enos Fruit Salt . Feenamint Kkovah Saits $1.00, $1.85 53c, $1.60 - .43c 59c, 98e 19c, 33C. 69C 29e, 79e did rot miss. The gaine endedi noor. when they took on the best with Trenton the winners, 29-2-4,1 from Oshawa and Whitby. It and winners of the round 73-56.'wstefrttiete]omn Trenton now enter the semi-finals wstefrttm h omn The Round 73-56 The Wheelers are ta be congrat- nov travel ta Peterboro on April ulated for their fine showingts 3 ta try their luck at winning the On Mach 1, Treton inan and we wish them luck nx Central Ontario Championship benches(o be- c"ers elirninated Bowmanvi 11I ewhrthymttebctro stad u(W ook Wheelers in a bard fought basket-1 Peterboro and district. The local stndup. oo-bail game. Down 15 points, lost1 men hit the pins for close ta 3,- feels the piercing in the f irst gamne at Trenton, the! Legion Bowlers Wini 200- but wvill have ta do lietten ta '-odd other pupils Wheelens started off ta check the ZoeCim:osi take the title at Peterboro. Rus on ane's ice cream Tetnoti f hi et hn oeCa posi Oke hit the maples for a nice 318 p. The telling o!f rng in eoutfit o rffeir ete. Sha- -1game, while Ed Rundle, Rass Mc- edn oflances ttex free thnows on fouIs commit- (By Herbie) Knight and Dick Little alto did ýedglacesat extted liy the> visitons, the locaîs The local Legion won the Zone Kell. Oshawa finished second, ing of euchre-one crept back into a cantending po- charnpionship an Saturday after- while Whitby was a close third.1 nd just plain day sition. At the end of the finst hall:--- - - _______________ ~enbmps carac the Wheelers wene only six points aieschal-ornngdown and felt confident o! tak- 1neyer forget 'the ing the Trenton team into camp.. always talk shop, In this bal! the Wheelers had 12 ,s who always sit free throws and made none. knee. the euchre en foot drifts, the In the second bal! the locals ed canyons: tbey snared a quick basket and every- ies ta the Tyrone i tnîng secnmed rosy, but luck step- lers for years ta I ped in and smiled on the visitons. The Wheelers' shoating became' gcodrid an noverv erratic-the mare they tried gco rie nd lOthe harder it liecame ta score.! spend a penfectlY Trenton broke away for twa quick' iwe can reconi- baskets at this point, which pnov- better than a rol- cd ta lie the turning point in the on the Tyrone Ex- game. The Wheelers had ta pres tyou will be cer- harder which gave Trenton sev- gyour destination, oral more apportunities and they Easler Cards Easier Baskets - - - 5c, 10c, 25c - - - 15c, 29c, 50c Neilson's Chocolaies, 1 lb. Page & Shaw Chocolaies KLEENEX PACEASI or MOri=su 3À 1,jxV V 2IsUss6¾1x' 00tissues 'Y" x W,17 MANIS SiZE 12",x12" 29c Alex We Deliver SUGGESTED GIFT LIST I; for EPASTER yARDLEV eçun ~1.5. 1.9 ad up Lajvencler Bath .ais ";1-23 Cologne-, s1.50, Z5 B,,nd Street Toilet$ WVatcr 17 EVENINC: IN PARIS 1er£Ume $1.00 , 15 Colsgilo '1 --$1 -50 -------i.- Dus~'"SPcOwde . - GO 'A per,,urnes ------------ - uad .EMjvzY perçuines --- --------- - ;.'15 Hlu,13NT Cale gnes - ----- ---- i2 BUBBLE BýATH - - - ---------6c 15, 1.00 BATHET ES - ---------- 60c, SI -00 'WODS Bat, Oit ----,inadPgYsg wanic re St- by Cutex. eindPgsSg IWeekend S-pecial A'-ctone, 1 oz., reg. 10e se Cherry Cough Syrur. 4 oz. reg. 25c - - 18e Camp. Licorice Powvder, 4 oz. reg. 20ec - -...16e Glycerin, 2 oz., reg. 20e 16e Idasal 30W.-, reg. 89e. 59c Kleen-Or Sod. Perborate, 2 oz.., reg. 25e 19e Laxative Vegetable Tabs. reg. 25û 17c Rochelle SaIts, 2 and 4 oz. . 12c, 19e Spirit Camphor reg. 15e 25e 12e, 19e Spirit Sweet Nitrc, reg. 15c 25e - 12e, 19C Syrup Tan and C.L.O. rcg. 39e - 29e Wliite Embrocation reg-. 29c 49c 22e, 37c AROINATIC CASCÏAPA 3 & 6 oz. reg. 35c, 65e 17c, 53o IDA MALT I.D.A. Brand reg. 59c, 98e $1.69 47c-7d9c-$1.39 Astringent MOUTH IVASH reg. 23c, 69c 17c, 53c SPIRIT AINMONIA CA SCARA reg. 15c, 25C 12e, 190 SpintineDrugs ana Tonics69 Eeef, Ianand ine ---69 IdaPliOs - 98C$. ..u1 t7 rohjsphites ------9---- -- Norvall's Irofl and Yelst LjXAT %E Tablets 554e 1n il~ iNilburns H.IL& N.PlIS 55 je»*- Sal Hepatica 3c 3,S.' C. Sea qtt" rnulsilll5e i Flov SyruP 8e 13 HarllO' alC lk k.9 -I ronlized ycatt Tablettlc ITI-RAÀY REGULAR SPECJAL OFFEIt FOR $1 .50 A way ta re-create beouty in yaur own skin A remarkable alI-purpose face cream which supplies bath Vitamiri A and 0 ta your skmn. Stimulates skin celis ta new octivity and makes yaur skin heaithier, yaunger and lovelier looking Drugs Phone 792 J~. r' give the famous CANDIES - - - 90C - - $1.00, $i.50 Toni HOME PERMANENTS -$2.50 REFILLS 1;1.25 Bayer Aspirin -. 18e, 29e, 79e Children's 0,%%n Tablets- 25c Grove's Cold Tablets- 29c, 49e Lantigen "B" or "C" -$6.00 Mead's Pablum .----- 45e Vick's Vapo-Rub --- 43e GIN PILLS PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGoregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store r iendly Personal Service - owest Prices 17, TT 1 1 ---------------- ---- ----- ------- -- --- oq 1 IL 1 1

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