Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1948, p. 7

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IIHURDAY, FEB. 26th, 1948 f I i - - - r ur UISL SHL ETSIIIUCOMB - - ----- 4c - ..a .YI.L tk g' a JJH II U _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ o k t or CrCe_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ I j ~T R _ a ua-apKg. Plc9 4C Toîlel paper 6 rails 55c H EINZ 1MAXWELL HOUSE Tornalo'Soup - 3 lins 25c CofIee I --Lb.59C TMP TOP 24 oz. jar Jely Powders 3 for 25c Apple-Slrawberry Jam - 38c For Tasty Lenten Meals Try our Fresh Frozen Fish and Frozen Fruits and Vegetables I1AIIy ALLÉS, 'The Corner Grocer" Phone 367 Bowmhanville 55 King St. E. BRYLCREEM Iffair iRNM Dressing - ----25c,49e FITCH Shampoo4 ------------------------ --5c,69c, 98e WILDROOT Cream PCDAA COLORINSE 5trin N est e's ------ 5c, 35e300's, rer. 89e COCOANUT WL 63c à. OC RAYVE Crenie 200 ?iss»s 911 X 17 Brick Siding Eavestroughlng FURNACES AND OILDURNERS Cali on us for Guaranteed Work DAVIS & GRANTI PHONES: 2842 -2674 Shampo 43e,75e, --- - 1I MAS SIZ l2"x2" 29 PRESCRIPIONS A SPECIALTY Alex .McGregor 1à We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 1 THE CANADIAN S-TATESM-AN. BOWMLANVTLLE. ONTARIO P G E Mrs. David Park was in Toron- ii.Ii P gramn was provided by the Fourth H. G. Nicholson, who is on leave toattnin the funri of her DeligiiiiuiiConcert Troop of Scouts froin the Ontario from his Arctic mission after 15 ft eJn Plublea w Training School for Boys when years service with the Church of SOCIAL AND PERSONAL father, Joh n Pul Dbljss whor. ut on by Scouts hyiecd a novel and for a the Arctic. He a an niae Poe68Archie Thompson, Salemwas mmntapuzin de nt h findoUCnn une ho a SOI hone663also present at the services. uelelJrafing S~cout veek proceedings. They started off rescued by airpiane after being - 1 Mrs. William Slaght visited rel- with a barn dance with excellent wounded, but died later. Friday Col. and Mrs. W. W. Murray, Toronto, is guest of. her grand- atives in Trenton over the week- Som2thing different by way of music appar6ntly coming from a night, Fe'oruary 27, Rev. Nichol- Ottawa, were weekend guests of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo W. end while Mr. Slaght molored to entertainment pleased a large and string orchestra on the stage with son will show colored pictures of! Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLlaughlin. James. Port Coiborne for winter fishing appreciative audience at the High several sets doing reels and ot.her the Arctic in the Parish Hall. which netted a string of 15 lake School Friday night when Boy barn dance steps in the center of Mrs. A. Helps has returned Miss Kaye Roberts, Montreal, *fish which were shared with Scouts of the town and from the the Stage. It Was not until they home to Toronto after visiting motored with a group of friends 'friends. Boys' Training School presented were about haîf way through that L Mrs. O. L. Meredith. to Lake Placid, New York, for a the audience realized that the mu- aem n weekend of skiing. The Goodyear Supervisors Club an. excellent program. The oc- scwscmn rmarcr e lT eSaem nSl Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Hardy and enjoyed a turkey dinner in the casion marked the officiai Boy ~cwscmn rmarcr e daghe SsnnNaaee istdaughters, Dorothy, Marian, Joan BamoralgHotel, Saturday night, Scout-Girl Guide Week from Feb- in lae d bc stgan the ms ifcl'At Following Stores one d s o h r M s W . T et o d and B etty, T oronto, visited M r. a d a i gsong and sm oker in the rjoy15bo 2.fad w re teding the y m ost d ic - onSna.and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. on Sunday. banquet room until mîdnight with Cliff Samis, president of Bow- obfetding they were dofrane a- De' rgSoe ecsl Mrs. G. L. Wagar lef t Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Niddery cel- Reg.Hardng acting as M.C. Fire- manville Boy Scout Associationigteetr efrac.Lt-De' rgSoe ecsl \Vday for an extended visit with ebrated their sixth wedding an- side stores were a feature. opened the evening with words of r hyfloe ihtomr .G atns ecsl her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Weir niversary on Fcbruary 21st with Miss Judy Brough,dagtrf welcome to the audience which of the sam2ý type of numbers in a W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville at Centralia. a dinner party and dance for their Mr n Ms a Boughtehad was made up of mothers and fa- Most realistic manner. IC. B.« Tyrrell, Orono Little Miss Andrea Hoffrnan, friends and relatives. ber tonsils remvdiTono thers of the boys, as well as other Thyas prendsvraT.MSemnEniiln movlseweka d igengTornce friends o! scouting. group songs such as Clementine F .BaTrn ]y. Judy bas been in hospital for Master of Ceremonies for the wt o otrdigtevreF .BaTrn many months, but is gradually re- early proceedings, District Scout- Patsy-atsy-oryay, John Brown's G. A. Barron, Hampton gaining ber hcalth. master Denis Pickard, introduced Ford, Alouette with verses by Da- Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool the Scout and Cubledr ota vid Gamnmon, Blow the Man H. T. Saywell, Blackstock We oinwit he may rieds he aretswould know the Down with Carl Merritt singing W .Bgel uy&Lvl in extending best wisbes to Mrs. young men who were giving their the verses and the North House w .Bgel uy&Lvi John Sanders, Wcstmount, who youngsters such excellent instruc- Song. Individual numbers includ- J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and celebrates her 90th birthday on tion. Leaders încluded Lloyd ed a piano solo by Bob Brown The Siatesman Office. Mac .Ms Snesi h Winnacott, Eric Colwell, fooge ho also did the accompanyjng eldest o! the Snowden family, for- Brown, Don Tripp, Gordon Ric- fr the other B.T.S. acts, vocal merly of Maple Fred WahaydDil- solo by Fred Jobnston, and a duet _______________ Wt pin g and the tourist sea- Tig os onbuh i D ling Ros R¶nboghJim De- y F. Nortbover and B. McGreg- *de son i teoff ing teA P tr eeAturMg eand Jc H ~athis week added to the attractive- Monday with Mr. Bent and Mrs. The evcning concluded with a ness o! the shopping district by Cuterbertson from tbcB.T.S. campfirc presentation of "Taps" E, recting a ncw sign. Taîl red let- Second Pack of Cubs opened with the entire company on stage. TOT TOUIIERY ters on a black background is the the program giving several group Mrs. Albert Cole was thc ac- familiar motif and the new dis- songs as well as feature numbers cmaitfrteeeig MRS. BERNIECE COLLIS play is a real metropolitan spread. by Donald Cramp, James Hull, Poreo Mrs. Minnie Garrod of England Dean Allun, Michael Varcoe, John 157 King~ St. E.- Bowvmanville is visiting her niece, Mrs. Wm. Stacey and Morley Richards. . Johin'sM n Cu(OpstBamrlHe) cbtod b h antse Third Pack followed wi th a re- SsM nsCu Opst amrlHtl since she was eight ycans old. On citation of the Scout Law by Bar- Visit Mt. Dennis Club Bb' ht ol Tue s d a Y'hey left for Niagara ry Cowling, the entire Pack in Fls wbere thcy will spend a few the Grand Howl, the Dance of Ba- Trevelling by chartered GartonDrse days visiting Mrs. Tbetford's loo and a brie! demonstration of BUS, 40 members o! the St, John's eaeh $1.25 daughten, Mns. Jack Gniffin. semaphore signalling by leader, Church Men's Club, paid a return Mr.an Mr. lmr Ob ndGeorge Brown and Bruce Colwell. visit to their contemponary club in Seconds In Mr. nd rs. lme Ottand The Second Troop o! Sçouts the Church o! the Good Shepherd, M11. and Mrs. Jack McNulty gave put on a skit and an excellent Mount Dennis, Monday evening. Bays et - party Sunday evening, Febru X Tasr t on o i s id h w e J d l ii r rg t a c m ïary 22, for Mrs. McNulty, Sr., on idemonsatradn ! it aid, ow- Rle v. J.dePenreceWigtt cco trieoccsio o! er irtday.A ig hw a ad itha brkenlegpanied the party wbich was wel- 1 e etwo coicidnceis ha be so Jak, oùl benioed ithutiury on comed by Rev. J. C. Clougb on lmr latee ustandan oher son can împroviscej stretchen. arrivai at Mount Dennis. Ryo 6ad5c o hilce n b late ar, woter aso District Scoutmaster Pickard An interesting program o! mu- RynadWo Iborn on Feb. 22, wbicb is some-exaidthtistPco!Cb sic ararn;ed by the bosts includ- 1 a tbing o! a record for one family. ~ 1~c cuswr ed an invitation to Pad.dy Weîsb, vni tcig v rIo yR aI 1~~ id no bbciptngi tepnogram Bowmanviîîe, to take part with 85e Up %;j Mr. Tom Rebder, son o! E. . from the stage butbddoea the orchestra of bbc Cburcb of the Rehder, Presdent. Bowmaflvili excellent piece of wonk distrib- Good Shepherd. Rcv. Wright de- Sanltary MECHANICS consult andchkteclsfedaitetm. b e e n d a p p i n t d M e l l r i t W t h a g e tp r i no b p o h c t esh bft l i i , l suting programs and ushering. livcred the address o! the evcning bnesTbey market their skillsbrugtem by cr 1I.e newly reorganjzed Sihs _____________________ bcefrsment o good-lndjq 2ssu: n Falls M alleable C astings Co. In St. Paul's C .G .I.T. m et Febru- fc o sh p R fr s en s w e u sî nd q a5 s m . no i .I d t{ o n U0 U S bis ncw position be becomes as- ary 18. Mrs. Quigley had charge enjoyed by the gatbcring o! 150 20e and 45e lb in the classifids-alwaystyurevie figures in finance and industry in theme being "Discovcring the Thlveednp, going-d ongs Coruro this country. Kingdom.' ' Caîl to worship was elvndwt igsnsmc Overails First Bowmanville Guide Co. rend by Rose Dilling and scrip- apprcciabed by passing motorists. '-et Monday evening under Capt. turc by Colîcen Hutchinson, Car- Aohrtpi lnc nbcail colors, sîze 2 to 6 Devitt and Lt. Swccte. Fromn 7-8 ol Tucrk, Ruth Bragg, Joyce near future bo a Toronto cburch $2.29 T e C N D ar..bbc girls enjoyed an excit- Bragg and Katbleen Yeo. Mrs. club. CL 6 mng game o! basketball betwcen Quigley led in prayer. Isobel StJhnday monning service at T3'owmanvjlle Girls and O.S.D. Cruicksbank gave a reading. In S.Jb',Fbur 9 ilb AL63FRA AE Girls. After roll caîl members o! the business, camp was discussed featurcd ith an address by Rev. the Holly patrol carned their En- and a ne-affiliation service rebear - -. tertainers Badge, namnely, Tanya sal was held. Goddard, Barbara Goddard, Lois Walkerad Jane Maguire. Cuce The Mothenjs o! Scouts and Cubs ~ AUUL I~j, mnet Februany 18 in the Lions meetings. e re going to enter ANGLYCAN CJIURCH ST. JOHN'S WSevie L wet rie obbFther and Son banquet e.J P WihRco - ~~soon and syou will bear from us c.J dP nghRco "ICONSORT GRAND" AUTOMATIC RADIO -PHONiOGRAPHT then. Also would cach o! you, Mn. R. G. Harle, Organist FOR fi ffPy ISAUlES IIU. . This beautiful radio bas a cabinet o! Contemponary Interpre- iliany or not, sec that the names 10 a.m. Sunday Scbool and tation Eîghteentb Century English Design in selccted hand o! any sick Scouts or Cubs get Bible Class. <,#£V M~ -ub d w l u . T e r d o h s hgh fd lt o e r p o u - i t heh n so u l w rc n l a m.M ri g P a e . . .4ei i tion, automatie volume control and bbc electronie tone arm. vener, Mrs. Eric Colwcll. Guest Prenchen: Rev. G. H. You will want to sce this model before you buy. Come in At 'the special youth week ser- Nicholson o! bbc Anctie u tod y nd lîte t is ea ti ul to e.vice in Brighton United Church Subjct: M u sfard R u, , l00SCA reg. 39 E T 29 tod y ndlite t it b auifl oie.Sundny evcning, A thur Martin, "The Church illS I -g 5 CREAM 0F TARTAR U RHàToronto Univrsity student, was RPYrg.2c 5e- 1c 9 thc speaker and bis brother, ME CU OCROgM2e,3 E 1 9 Campbell, o! Brighton High ithe MERCUOCHROE18C School, xvho is bbc member for Il a.m.-Nursery, 2 and over reg.20 - - ---------14 JNorthumberland East in bbc On- 7 p.m.-Evcnsong Subjcct: PrOIeg. ,e 8, jta rio O ld er B o y s' P a rliam en t, co n - O I N - 6 0a d 1 z . -. 2 9 9 bbcedth service. The boys are "The Book of the POTON D60Ra d Pos.1, 9,E EESAR RZR APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE STORE sons o! Mn. A. A. Marifn, Inspcc- O011-.. & 1.1 2 ozs.------------------- S c M Ptiubi gbtho.Bandg MrETN DRSSPWER-2s. ?GIR$100.00 IN CASH lI. GhnIVEN i g t . to fR ve a i n TINCTURE IODINE-c Ensign. AA1EKLe.0c 4 LETNADRS rg o --------- 4 Friday, Feb. 27bh at 8 p.m. - Plus a Monthly Jackpot Prlze WL STRAWBERRY F, "Moving Pictunes o h REM 50o! ..A' bbc WILD g. 5o - Arctic" S A ~ r ig~o . . . o p. rg 5 . 8 "Midge Qu0z LAXATIVE Cold Tabs~~Aes lhmte 10 35 Full detaîls on entny !orm at your CHILDREN'S Cough Lnie B o od 6O A DISC O V ERy! ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH GIN LsiD A Dug Store Syrup, reg. 25e -----oe's 18c0- A D ISC VE R Y !Mînîster: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organîst: Mrs. Reta Dudley Yes, I was a littie surprised myself to sec Harry. Alljns new A.T.C.M., -F.C.C.M. Iow prices. Yes, 1 compared them and I must admit hie -CorDîctr .AlxMGeo TOSZS Suda. ebuay 9t reee- ENOÀfS 'FRUIT SALT' 981.5 / -'I

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