Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1948, p. 13

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17MYXrSDAY, TEB. 28tIi, 1048 R AAIA TTSAN OM1ILE NAI PAGE THTRTE1~N BIRTHS 1COMINO EVENTS BALSON-Mr. and Mns. Allan W.1 Rummage Sale sponsored by Balson, Cataraqui, Ontario, an-! the Guildettes of St. John's An- nounice the birth of their son and glican Church an Saturday, Mar. .Judy and Peter's brother, David 6, 2:30 to 5:30 in the Parish Hall. Allan, at Kingston General Hos- 9-2* p ital on February 17, 1948. 9-1 Bowmanville Canadian Legion JO&7ERS-Mr. and Mrs. John L. will hold a monthly bingo in the ýrs (nee Shirley Challis) are Legion Hall, Queen St., the last verhappy to announce the an- SaturdaN. of each month, at 8 p.m. rival of their baby daughter Sus- anne Doreen, on Februarv 15,1 Dance at Enniskillen Commun- 1948. Mother and baby doing ity Hall, Friday, Febnuany 27, un- well. 9-1* der auspices of Ennlskillen Ath- letic Club. Music by Ruth Wil- WEIII-Rev. and Mrs. Gardon son's variety band. 9-1* Weir. Centralia (nec Pauline Wagar. Bowman%,ille) are happ-v Hear the Golden Crest Maie to announce trie birth of their soi Choir of Toronto, at High Schol at Exeter Hospital, an Thursday, Auditorium, Thursday. April 22, February lth. 1948, a brother for at 8:15 p.m. Admission, Adults Joan and Douglas. 9.1j* 50c: students 35c. Under auspices -- -of St. John's Choir. 9-1 MARRIAGEDo flot forget the dance on Fr1- HOWE-BURTON-00 Fridav. dav. Feb. 27th, in Newcastle Co- February 20. 1948. in Danforth munity Hall under auspices of ý United Church. bv Rev. J. E. Bell, Board of Management. Russ B.A., Eva Ezora Burton, Toronto, Creighton and Variety Barrd in formerly of Waubashene, to Wil- '.attendance. Admission 50c per liam Frank Hoar, second son of persOn. 9-1 the late E. C. Hopr tnd Mis. Hopr: New-.sl~.g9- Dance under auspices of New- castle Veterans' Association at SKINER-SOTT-t CamanNewcastle Community Hall, Fr!- SKINER-SOTT-t Camanday,' March 5. at 9 p.mn. Don Memroial United Church, Toron- l Hamm's orchestra. Proceeds for to, on Saturday. Fcbruary 21st. Ncwcastle Mcmorial Rink. Ad- 1948, Olive Jessie. only daughter .- Cî rav Ams of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Scott, sion Oc.mis-2 Nakina. to Mr. John Edwin Skin- so 5c - IN MEMORIAM RICHARDS-In loving mernory of Ray Richards who paid the supreme sacrifice 3 N'ears ag.o, February 27, and nowý% sleeps in Nijrnegen.. .Dean loved ones I arn keepîng a tnyst twixt thee and me, In Comnpany with angels I guard' and watch with thce; You do not hear my footsteps and I think I'm far away, 1 stili arn close beside 'you to help you thro' each day. Let not your clouds of sorrow bedim your sight of me, I would you'd catch the splendor of the Home that is ta be: The God of grace will fold youf secure xithin His care, My star will ever glimrner ta Jet you know I'm near. My xvark on earth \vas finished, I heard the caîl 'Came homne.' You wauld not grudge promotion. ta your beloved. your own, Then listen ta the mesae( on on the wings af dawn God in His awn good season ne- unites Bis own. Life's span is just a moment, des- pite our caunt af years, He has pramised LAe Eternal and ta wipe awaY ail tears; In the garden af tomorrow wc shahl walk and happy be Dear loved ones I arn waiting antI shahl keep 1the tryst with i thee." -Neyer fargotten by his family. 9-j: The CAM ( Advf EF] SIRTHS, DEÀ CARDS ( 'N ýEiMORIAMýS NOTICES, CO? LIVESTOCK 1 Jash Rate: 2c a w If Charized: 3c a v number (Additi ALL (3LASSI THAN NOOIN evJ UI UVr viti ner.- son of Mn. andlmrs Fred The annuai .. goithe Bow- Skinner, Toronto. 9->1 manville Honspital xiil be held in i HTE -nlvn ,oyo the Counicil Chamnben on Tuesday aur dean daugbter and sisten DEATHS nee h deiFbuay2r.ICL.IP TRI ____________evening, l6tb M,,recb at 8:00 p.m., I1939 Mothe ebuar2r. -tBý%mnilonfor tbe pul-poses aofî'eceiving ne- Fnd'rm breib____ Saturday. Fobruarx- 2lst, 1948. B ard eto fteiiw -Fnlý eeme-db oh Joh.Tý B. Chailis. beloved husbanti 'Board.____ andFloCARDS,'9-1 af the late Etta Challis in bis 87th R.JDiinScTea.B s esO potnts ya.Puneral from bis late nos- Vmn stutKopra-Tefmiy ite idnc, 2 ibr\-St Itemetnival anti cafeteria tea at ion ATD a o tavtae Feiguson wish ta Bowmnativilie cemeterv. 9-1 egbosad ne CommuiLnitv Centre, Tburstiay. among conSurncî's in Durbam egbr adfin 1 Manch il t rom 2:30 p.m. Dnaxv countv. Permanent connnctinn manyv acts ai kindnie, KNAPP-At Bowmanville Hlospi- at 8 p.m. ion 60 valuable pnizes in- xith large manufacturer. 0111Y atby sbown themc cldig wofae\ uits '-crc rlable hustîci- oonsidered. Writenentbnamnt tai on Sunday, Febnuamy 22nid. c 1ngtwrfacyqult, lecni Dpt MvB-4013, __ 1948; Myrtle Irene Ruiter. beloveci dock, nylons. Sec display andI Rawi aigri et M--4011 wife* of Herbent Wesley Knapp. in purebase tickets at Hydro Off ice,, Mantreal. 6-4 Thfaiyite1 her à32nd v'ear. The funie-al w-as March 4th to Mai-ch lth. 8-,1::: TChe aii vioftatharl held fnom the Morris Funeral Appicationfl or i relivs an ie nf Chapel on Tucstiay, Fcbruary 24., Durham County's 27th Annual: Assessor ofa kindness and since Inter ,ment Hampton cemeterv. 9-11 Sale ai Purebreti Shortbornis will _____________ _____i. hirrcn a be heid at the fa-i ni A. J. Nes- TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON Special tbanks to Dr PARNA-L - At ber residence, bijtt near Bnooklin an Thurstiay, Applications wil ho receiveti by ïMiss Reta Kerslake Newcastle, Febnuary i9tb, 1948, March llth. Fai-mers would do the undersigned up ta flhc third Morris Ca. Martha Allum PannaI, beloveti well ta mark the date on their day of Mancb for the office ai wife of the late William Pannai, calentian. Write or- phone S. assesror for the Towvnsbip ai Dan- We wAish ta express ageti 86 yeans. Service from the Chas. Allun, Bowmanx'ille fon 1 iington for the Ycar 1949. tbanks and appreciat Morris Funerai Chapel. Inter- catalogue. 9-1 j J. D. HOGARTH, fini i omni men BndHetic-eetny Nw-Clenk li expressions ai sympai castle. _______ Reception Hampton. Ont. 7 kindness. during aur .4.U C T I ON S A L E Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Baw- Applications Wanted -Mavmnd. Mrs. R. G. MV ______________________manville, will be at home ta thain andM-r and onre WL gbtsan Wight. Lot 7, con. 1. rlatives and friends on the occa- Applications wili be neceivetih at M'n. otici Dr onb n sl is farm ofn aitheiî' 50th xetding anni- ,the untierisgned up <o Februar'Y - il7 by public auctiôn ail of versar, on Mai-ci 3rti. from 2 ta 28th, for the position ai Assistant xc i:cishati bro I 4 in the alterrnoon anti 7 ta i Road Superintendent for the Pannai l s a<a 1 stcimplements, etc., on the evening. 9-V Town ai Bowmanvillc. friends who sent flowe: for -detailed list in tbis ae Apply by latter oi stating W .Pte~oi r Elmr isbrautioee 9 Mr. and l\Irs. J. Poolton will be age, expanience anti saiary requin- M«s. Foster \vho ha' - lat home ta their fientis at the ced. kind during ivlirs. Pai home ai Mi-. anti Mrs. B. King, A. J. LYLE, anti especiall'viy Ms.1 W AN TE D . p.m., an the occasion ai thein atdt en bn a (at five per cent) Golen Wdtiig anivoranyi8-2Boxvman- 1 Mrs. Joseph Foidi, $5,000 FIRST MORTGAGE Lost ville for yaoung marnied COUPle ivlai-y Tinncyv wish on ne~ $2,00 usies BLCK ueie lov lst n Cr-husband epoydaf the Ontario 'heanticit thanks anti a onpet anw$200bsns BLsCKo Lienty Sv t. oniayai- Training Sebool for Boys. Write 10 theirninany friei& proprtylise o Liert St Modayaf-Box 21, Statesman Office. 7-ti- and neighbors for thea I ennoon. Finder please phone - iess, messages ai synr 2343 or leave at 79 Libenty St. N. HAS anyone anc or more unfun- beaufiful floral afferir Wrt Bx3 9-1 nisheti noams ta ent. Wîite Box cd cluring the ilîne.s - -. 31 Statesman Office. Bowm\lanl- ofn a loving busbanti TIE STATESMAN OFFICE 1 TOY cruiser, painted grey, some- ville. 9-1* fathen. i Bowanvilc xx-ere on Scugog Street on Weti- Bwavlenesday. Finder 'please retumn 10 For Rent Master Aînot Wottei Johnny James, Jr., at 83 Scugog thank bis many fnici ______St. Phone 603. HOUSE on Canlisle Avenue, pas- their kintiness and Io Attention Dairy Cattie Dreeders PLAN TO ATTEND DAIRY CATTLE BREEDERS' MEETING Orono Town Hall MONDAY, MARCH 1sf, ai 2:00 p.m. The Ptirpose is ta investigate ad possibly form a Durham County t'nit of the proposed, Artificial Tnsenination Centre for the Lake Shor-e Counties. Ail Purebi-eti ad Grade Bneedeî-s shoulci attend this important miee ting. COME AND HEAR THE PROJECT FULLY EXPLAINED E. A. Summers AGRICULTI'RAL REPRESENTATIVE seion anrl-cb . -Wr itMrs.L. B . Nichais, C.P.R., Calabogie. Ont, 7-3 I Help Wanted_ SINGLE mon for tiiy farm. near town. Appiy Fred R. Stevens,, phone 2234.91 Notices ýn desiîcs ta itis for ail ovely cartis anti Valentines sent ta biim during bis recont iilness; also a special tbank you ta iVrs. Sam Dcweîl, Misses Hockaday, Mr-. anti Mns. Frank Gilbert, Mn. anti Mns. A. J. Balsan anti Ileen, Mm. Charles Shontritige anti Eltiat Sunday Sabool for thein lovely gits, anti alsa thase wbo Sa kindiy remcm- beneti us with their prayens. 9-1* Work Wanted Kcith W. Slemon, M.D., 38 Cen- ý SHAVINGS tieliveneti at neason- tre t.,Phyicin ati ungan. able rates. R. D. Prestan & Sans. Office houns: Aiternoon 2-4, exccpt, Phone 2493. 9-1 Wetinestiay. Nigbts, Triestay -__________________ Tburstiay anti Saturtiay 7-8. 41-tf' ELECTRICAL contracting service 1 xcork anti estimates. R. Manch- WANDA'S BEAUTY SHOF 'ant. Phane 2468. 9-4à Fan vour convenience, phbance DRESSMAKING andti -ion 2851 for your next appaintmcnt.atraos May we express aur thanks t, ail donc by Mrs. Audirey Wray, 29 customners wba bo ave, ini tho past, Carlisle Ave. 8-3 been obligeti ta came ta our Becaui- T ty Sbop ta mnake appo'ntments. Tnders f or Insurance 9-1 -Wnd C'larkeMgr.- Personal H Y G I E N I C supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plaini sealed envelope with price list Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont._ ATTENTION FRUIT GROWERS Surplus l'ruit lrees-"True to Name -Govern ment lnspected - excellent roats - gond grade gîi en for '.17e lndirated. Order noý%- 'arîetîv ýcINTOSH RED INTOSH RED INTOSH RED ,~!c-INTOSII RED M.ONTINORENCY MONTMORENCY MONTMORENCY CLAPPS FAVOURITE FLEMISH BEAUTY SHELDON Size -1yr. 3-4' 2yr. 4-5' 2 yr. 5-6' 2 Yr. 5-6* (large) 1 yr. xcips 21 1 yn. 2-3' brancheti 3' anti up brancheti I 3 y APPLES Cal ipeî- Price per 10 per 100) 516 - 7,'16 / 16 - 9j 16 9,/16 -il 16 Il 16 anti up ta 1"' CHERRIES 3,,'16 - 5 16 5 6-716 71-916 PEARS 5'l6 - 7,,16 7 '16 - 9 ý16 5 i-"16 per 300 ea. .20 .70 1.00 ?INy iu *v tiîel varîcties not listeci bt-rein -senti tus your reqiirements. W*rite fon Free 73-page c:Olwirti Gardien Guitie. Trocs gî-awn right bei-e in Bowmanv'îlle. BROOKDALE - KINGSWAY NURSERIES OIMA NVILLE. PlON E 3145 ONTARIO1 UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTHUMBERLAND AND DU RH AM SEALED Tenders plainiv mark- cd as ta contents will be receiveti b.- the untiensigned up until 12 o'- r-iock noon, March 11, 1948, fan ,be fal]owing Insurance. 1. Public Liability, Propenty Da- mage, Fine anti Theit Insur- ance on Counties owned fleet ai truîcks anti roati equipmcnt. 2Public Liability ant i Ptperty Damage on Non-awneti trucks, anti tractons. Funther information may he obtaineti at the office ai the un- dersignejJ. Lowest on any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. J. M. JORDAN, Counties' Engîneer anti Roati Supt. Cobourg, Ontario. . 9-1 Pets For Sale PUP, part Collie anti Chow. tbree months aid. Appis- Norman Scott, anc anti a haîf miles north- east af Nexvtanville village. 9-1* l.Sharp Saws I re,e flling. Saws rd t tier. .,Jfl liko Our work- C HA PM A N'S Leave Your Saws at A. E. MNcCREGOR & CO. éKng St. E. Bowmanvilie Livestock For Sale YOUNG bronze gobbler. Phone 2662.9-:' TWENTY choice Yorkshire pigs, eighit weeks oid. Phone 2341. 9-1 biaulcci anti guararV't, Scl l7..P') and! up. 'Will instail. E. Cain 56 r 1,9 Orona. 91 SEE y-our Durhamn (Farmens> Cotiný' Co-On. for (amni supplies. feeti". sentis, iertili.eî-s, spray ma- L' c'rniLS. our rnLuitnip c,' rm-n. ;TWO bronze tunkey toms. Apply1 suit the manager, R. C-lanville r.Mrs. Newton Taylao-, Bunketon. j Orona, Ont. Phone' 37-1. 9-4 sPhone Port Perry 193 r 5. 9-1i iTWO tractor double dises. Fleury TWELVE pure Angora rabbits Bissell. anc 12x]4 dises; the otb- with hutebes. Appiy B. Chalifoun, ior 14x16: also 2 ncxc I ractar 70 Colborne St. W., Oshawa, Ont. nlows, 2-fuî-nnw. inmctiatn de- Phone 873J. 9-1 liver.y. Apply T. S. Mauntjoy. GANDER, Toulouse, Gooti mix-!Ipoo20,Hmtn cd grain for seeti, Beaver oats anti1 TWO Renfrew Cookrite ranges. Barboif hanley. Burney Hooes-, coaornw'ooti, one witb higb closet Bunketon R.R. 3. 9-1 tbe otie- with bi,,h aboli cmnam TWO ows 4 nd 5yeas. lsoenamel. cash or' tci'mq Immeti- TWOCow, 4ant 5 ear. Aso:iate dehivery. Apply T. S. Maunt- 2 calves due ta freshen ini Aprii I yý Hamptan. Phono 2503. 9-11e anti May. Mike Panas. 11.1. 2_I Bowmanville. 9-1 1 ELECTRIC brootier anti coat broocler, bath ip gandi candition; ONE gantier, two trakes, cigbt i1,lsaYorkshire boa-. bacon type, manths aId; number ai turkcy arounti 300 pountis; dapole grcy bens anti toms; for sale or tratie. mare d years aid. Anpiy E. S. Phone Clarke 2534. 9-1. Cobblcdick. Newcastle, 'phiono PURE breti Tamworth hoar, 9 Clarke 1224. 9-1 manths aid. C. Payne, Newcastle TEN acres ai bard anti soit woaod, R.R. 3. Phone Clarke 2811. 91lf suitible fan a tiwelling. h yimo EIGHTEEN pigs from six ta eight availpbie; situatcu on count.v roati 1 1weeks aid. Austin Wood, R.*R.' 4 near Bowinanville. Avplv James Bowmanville. Phane 2388. 9-lj Nixon. 160 Lib2rty St. N.. Bowv ________________________-manville. 9-1' REGISTERED Holstein bulîs from-- _ _ 5 manths up ta two years af age.. CHEVROLET coacb, 1935 Master Several anc in acactiteti anti list- Deluxe, new tires. new battery. eti betis. Walter Frank. R.R. 5. new "eal-beam bheatiit-. in goond Bowmanx'ille. Phone 2403. 9-i* î-unninq condition, new rlîcimoster- - -- at nad ntI boater. Noil Rain-v. JERSEY bull, yean aid in May T. phone 17 r 8. Omano. 9-1 B. anti blooti testeti, exceptionally WOueibn 'sc.R-- wcll breti. Carl Bradiley, R.R. 1 rcwWa sedhi-tancn!he.rsGi.on il- Hampton. Phone 2904. 9-1 rwWsrt;on evGlo l ____________________________ectnie wasbcr: also takiriLe orders Real Estate For Sale of ,pser.anvt sumletior ga'< FARM,72 aces, nar Netl inixd'lýCî . IfintereSteti, obono or FAR, 7 acesnea Netieon.write O. .1. Hylanti, Bunketon. suitable for tobacco or mixed Phone Part Penny 111 r 5. 9-2* fanming; buildings in neeti ai ne-____________ pair. Write Box 999, Statesman HUDSON sedan. 1940. in AI (-on- Off ice, Bowmanville. itf* jdition Ibroughaut. this car xviii not be aoprcciated uti] l scen: FRAME bouse, 6 rooms. garage 1942 Chev'roiet coach also ini AI 14'x20', anti hen bouse 8'x15' with. condition: 1931 Durant coupe: bahf acre lot. Waten inside antid 1932 Fordt V8 coach. CL-h. easy natunai gas installeti. Six doans terms or tratie-ins. Art's Garage. west of Sheli Gas. Mapie Grave, Hampton. Phone 2148. 9-1e on No. 2 Higbway. Possession within about six weeks or sooner. -- $1,700 anti carry an mantgagc. REPAIRS- 9-i* I______________ REPAIRS la all makes ai neinig-, FARM-100 acres, Cartwright, ;enatars, rlomestic anti comnmercial. bytiro, two gooti wells, summer Higgoni Electnia 42 King St. E., waod. Gooti barn, stone founda- phon, 438. 26- t tion. stables cementeti, steel roof,1 gooti brick bouse, 6 raams, sum- NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good. mer kitchen. garage, cisteî-n, substantial workmnansbip. reliabil1- chunch, sehool, store, anc mile. itv, dx-eing. soling, Sex.'in. t-te. Write ýBox 29, Statesman Office. Tr-.- bn tho -Wy.oppositeFi- 9-1C manville Cleaners. At the half-way mai-k aifltc Ladies' M\ajor Bowling League schcdule the Kools are stili out in front w'itb the Exponts, Lucky Strikes anti Plal crs nunning veny closelv followed by the Tucketts In closcly contesteti gamnes Tuiestiay niglit Lucky Strikes took the otit game from. Tucketts ta chaik Up ftve points with a total difference of only 65 pins. The Kools were away out in front to take ail seven points frorn the Wings. Exports piayed the play- ers and Exports notched up a 2.1 victory., High single honors went to Jo Connors with a nice 295, followed by Vi Martyn 285, Doris Joli 250 and Bern Carter 246. High for three games went ta Jo Connors 676, VI Martyn 648, Ada Tomilinson 644, Bern Carter 643 and Vi Coole 608. Hlgh Averages Bern Carter - --- - 21 207 Ada Tomlinson --- 20 198 Vi Coole 19 196 Vi Marty;n.---- - 21 195 Pat Tait 15 192 Doris Jol1----------- -19 189 Kay Beauprie 21 187 Helen Piper . ---- 21 182 Lillian Phillips --- 18 180 Dot Morris-------- 7 180 -Articles For Sale Articles For Sale SSTANDING cedar posts. Mns. L. SEED for Sale-Ajax and Cartier Sharpe, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. 9-1* Oats grown fnom Registered seed; Registered Barboif Banley; a lim- .qADIAN STATESM AN DRESSER in goad condition. Ap- ited quantity o ooaoSrn __________________9____ (Ajax Oats and Barboif Banley) suitable for seed, fromn 1946 crop. iQUANTITY of good faîl wheat Onder early while suppiy. lasts. straw, bâled. Clare E. Allun, James T. Brown, Newcastle. 9-2*1 :Iassified 1phone 2847. for is i n g EL Rn or(colectr w 300 Mo S Mrris. s eCe hirw Chunch St. 9-1 living noam, dining noom, bcd- trti in g R a te ý1roorn suites at factory prices. 'FECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 chîck capacity, used 2 years, $10. large stock of fine furniture for Phone 2234. 9_11: store alterations. 20 per cent cash -discount on all ather faonr sample INTERNATIONAL, 1939. onc-tan 1suites punchased for immediate1 stake body truck. Walter Frank, delivery. 9-21 :ATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES,pon24,Bom vjl 9 li )F THANKS - $1.00 per insertion- - OSHAWA'S new furnitune store-1 FINDLAY range, round firebax, Everything in modemn. Chester-1 $ 1.00 plus 10c a line for verses per insertion with w~aterfront. Phone 2773. Field, bcdnaom and dining . room 1 9-1* suites, and studios. Bcdding and --floor coverings a specialty. Quai- MI1NG -~VENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, SILENT-Glo 8" ail burner cam- ity merchandise at competitive plete with stove. Apply 20 George pnices. Befone buying visit Brad- FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. S, mnil. 9-1 ley's Newv Furnitune Store, 156, ord (min. 35e). Must be paid before insertion St.B mavlc_---- Simcae St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf ,vo-d <minimum 50c). Add 25e extra for box RUGS-.Kandahar, new, oriental rs or replies directed to this off ice. designs, different sizes. "The ENDURING beauty in the newi Hollinws."' Newcastle. Phone 12121 flexilurn aluminurn Venetian Clarke. 9-1 Blinds Met-Wo Industires Ltd., ional Insertions at Same R.-,tes) Toronto, invite you ta caîl your HUDSON sedan, 1938, in gond agent for free estimates witbout IFID ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER condition, gond tires and becater. î ny obligation. Sec and know IVErNSDAY.Cash stams or on-illi3îin Gardon. phone 23 r 2. about aur niew blinde before you WEINEDA. Csh samp o mn-Orono. 9-11 select your new wîndow treat- li order to get low rate, ment. Phone or write Ken Cain 110W crop tobacco and potato 56 r 19, Orono. 8-2* sprayer. Apply Brookdaýe-Kings- SDM-.mnrsped; S OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE v.ay Nurseries, near C.N.R. Sta- UE -.mnn pedn tion, Bowmanville. 9-1 'set of used M.-H. spning -taoth harrows, 26 teeth: set used Case FOR sale or trade for car-.--1938 3- spring-toath harrows; set of new tan White truck, conplctely aven- 4-section drag harrows; used M.-1 'HANKS Wanted To Buy 1 hauled recently, good tires. Phone H. 13-disc seed drill; new Case 10' 423 Len Downey. 8-2 hay rakie; used DeLaval Jr. 4 sep- late David TWO longstraw 22" collai-sin, arator: used Case tractor an steel; thank their good repair. Phone Brooklin 3 r INDIAN handinadc apple baskets. used electric rangette; steel fence ids for the 14. Oliver McCullocb. Oshawa Buy nowr for next faîl. F .. po-'ts and wire fence; barb wire; ss and sym- R.R. 2. 9 - l Brock and Son, Port Perry, Ont. 600,x16 tire chains; pressure waten during their- Phone 43. 9-2%; systems; Swift's Gro-Mar fertiliz- 9-1 BEFORE selling your live poultry - er; used Quebec heater with ail try us. Our prices are higher. FORD coach, 1930, in goad me- humner; new oil bnaoden. W. H. late John B. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany,pon chanical condition. Apply 12 Brown, Case Dealer. Phane 497. ,k ail their 7 r 13, reverse chargces. 4-tf:ý Prospect St., town, after3a' 9-1 or their acts dlock.9.* re sympathY LIVE liorses for mil,] ard fox Chieks For Sale )ereavement. food. Caîl us for higlie. t prices. OIL brooder stove, used twoý Fenusa, W aso ickup ea fam soc montbs, per-fect condition, chcap) BRAY Cbîcks. Started and day- aisa F. F. free of change. Margcwill Fur for cr7sh. Phone Ken Cain, Orono old for inimediafe shipment . Get 9-l Farn R.. , Trae. hae Bw-56 r 19. 9-IP;;off ta a gond stant witb Februany- manvilie 2679.41t March chicks. They pay the best pur incee _____________________ UANTITY f ai straxw in the onI fa]]andl winter m*arkets. bDon't [le fo hi TENDERS WANTED len 11.1.1. ~Phone 2263 Bowmain- other gond year for wvise pai 1fry thy, acts oflc 8-2* kccpcrsý. Agent F. L. Byam, recent ber- Tyrone. 9-i FOR SALE BY TENDER TOYS for th, kiddics? There is lacGillivray Sealed tenders will be received '1 assorment no vi' 101 f0 chonse PURE Banred Rock (saine pop- 9-i~by he ndesignd u tanoo onfi-rn at Elliott's Varietv 1-buse, ular strain), and New vHampshiro the 6th dav ni March, ',943, for oppI)(te- Gatonýs. 9-i x 13.r mcd Rock Cnossbred chicks.- Ail blood-festcd. Tny this papu- hers of Mrs. the propertx- on the south side of k ail kind Concession Street. Orono, at pres- COOx stavo. cquipped with ni] liar ecss for hybrid vigar, napid rs: also Rev. cnt oecupied b" Mn. XV. A.« Reid. bulrners. dnumn. bot wtrfotgnt n utic rdcin Butier and1 This property cansists of a lat ai and al attacbmcnts: hot plntc:- SPECIAL COCKEREL OFFER ve been so about four-tentbs ai an acre hav- babys wig pla -pen anti wh v Taike delivcry of cockercl chîcks -al's illnes; mg a frontage ai about 100 feet pairs Appl167- Chirrch St. 9-i (whe available), and for eveny Mary Mac. by a depth of about M('5 fect on--- - 100ta you pay us witb five Istant com- xvhich is a frame bouse co,,,ered MIXED boay andi gond cIen xheaf mnature birds next fal1-fbat's ail. nths: again. with insul brick cantaining six strawx, also a limitoti quantit af;I lLÂchies eveny Fridax---Aslc for rooms and bath. also gLjrage fan j feeti oats. dlean andi frec trn Ifroc calendar. Dan Gibson, phone truck, also barn. Ins-jection at weed scetis. Phone 2813. Garnef I Clarke 3811. Bowmanville, Ont. rand Miss any reasanabola time. Possession i B. Rickard. 9-1 94.1 ta express f0 be given Apnil 1, 1948, if dc-i apprcia in sircd. Ternis, cash; igholist or DO cou know that your chester s. relatives P.ny tender not neccssarily accept- field'ti site can bc rcbuIlt Ii1.,c ne.s ol tl odLa is of kind- cd. -npathy anti Dateti Februaî'v 19, 194.. iiforilitiofi, caIll Mrs. Ceitrttc Mar -rgs extend- R. R. WADDELL, Oronlo, Ont. Humpage. Phone 602. 8-2:A; H l anti dcath9- SoitofrW.ARei SEVERAL u:cti clcctric ring9e iii In Ladies'Bwln gn erand- --goati condition. Comnlcli'- vover-Bo ln W. J. CHALLIS, DEALER Rarnde n's Garage BOWMANVILLE DODYSHOP We buy or repair ail types of damaged cars Ail Work Guaranteed TOWING SERVICE Six miles cast of Oshawa, three miles wcst of Bow'- manville on north %ide of Kingston IHighway. B. Budai, Prop. Phone: Bowmanviile 2810 jRRI!IoNS Your welf are is his first consideration Filling your prescription accurately and promptly, as dircctcd by your doctor. is the pharmacists profession.' Supplying your "drug store needs" is bis business. To this second duty ho hrings the sarne regard for your welfare as he does in his strictly profes- sional work. Your Rexall Pharmacist is ever ready to apply bis skill and knowledge in your best interests as professional man or merchant. Baby Needzs PABLUM Pre-cooked Baby Food 18 oz. --- 45c ROBINSON'S Barley .- - 43c S.'M.A. FOOD $ 1.00 DEXTRI Maltose- 65C .IOIINSON'S NURSERY SETS Soap, Baby 011, Baby Powder, Baby Creani, Lotion Sl.95 - $2.95 BABY'S OWN SET Containlng Soap, Baby 011 and Powder - 69c (0MB and BRUSH SETS SI.00, 51.50 and S2.25 REXALL STORK Nurstng Bottie. complete feedint unit - . -39C ea. VASELINE, the handy home rem ediy WhitLe 20c, 30c. Ycllow 15c, 20c Camera NeedLs BABY BROWNIE Specl __ 1 --- 3.75 BROWNIE TARGET Six-16 $7.00 BROWNIE TARGET Six-20 .$6.25 SPARTUS FULL-VUE Camnera . 5 12.95 Carrylng Case for Spartus Full-Vue Camera. . $4.75 DeVilbiss Atomizers The world's best appliances for nasal, antrum and oral treat- ment. DeVilbisé Atomnizer No. 15 for oil or water solution $2.00 DeVilbiss Atomizer No. 14 for any solution - ..--51.75 DeVilbins Atomnizer No. 114 for any solution .. 5 1.50 DeVllblss Hard Rubher Ato- mizer for nose and throat une........ --- - - ----$2.00 JURY (& LOVELL YOI'R REXALL DRUG STORE Mien We Test Your Eyes Il is Done Properly Phone 778 C.N.R. Tickets ME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO a Utake 5o' fu he, .10U13ohns'on tWjohn' o del$&-a% 5bc . . n CC qà1"Io Ca epe trIpN à PAGE THERMN 1 ;Ott ý 9 vi e eele4 f -9 4ffstlzrs #59

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