Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1948, p. 10

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PAGE TEN TEE CA1~ADIAN STATESMAIq, EOWMkNVTLLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY. TEE. mstli. tus A lius load of women from Or- Review was presented by the Cor- ono ànd Kirby United Church inthian Players, 35 in number, of Missionary Auxiliaries attended Oshawa. the sessions of Oshawa Presbyter- ial in St. Paul's Church, Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truli and ville on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stonehouse, with Mr. Orme Beatty, Welcome. Mrs. I. Muir has returned home Orono Girl Guides commemor- after visitin.g her daughter, Mrs. ated Thinking Day, honoring the Frank Thompson, Toronto. birthdays of the late Sir Baden A very fine entertainment un- Powell and Lady Baden Powell, der the auspices of Orono Odd- Chie! Girl Guide of the world. fellow and Rebekah Community Thoughts were directed to the Welfare Association was enjoyed childrcn of other lands, and es- in Orono Town Hall on Friday pecially to thase for whom the evening. The Sugarfoot Minstrel appeal for help is being made during February. A splendid do- natio& was made to the fund. The Brownies entertaincd their mo- thers when the following receiv- ed Service Stars: Marie Lewis, W ATCHAnn Best, Dianne Phasey, Doreen Ann Armstrong. Capt. W. E. Armstrang prcsented Golden Bars is, Doreen White, Dianne Phasey, f or satisfaction IoenAlrd n n et and rolled: Cynthia Bruton, Mary Jack Blue and Jili Chapman. Jean reasonable prices 1 Williams passed her plant test by 'bringing ta the meeting a beauti- Brlng Vour Watch To Us fui pottc-d daffodil. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Robinson entertained a number of relatives ALL WATCH REPAIRS and friends from Toronto: Mr. Wmn. Irwin and son, Robert,Mr GUIRLANTUILL and Mrs. Wmn. Massie, Miss Molly Robinson, Mrs. Couiter and Mr. For One Year Jim Fitzpatrick. At the Women's Christian Tem- MAINSPRINGS INCLUDED perance Union meeting Mrs. H. Walsh prcsided and Mrs. R. A. Delve conducted the worship per- iod during which she mentioned Miss Frances Willard and her wonderfui work in the cause o M ARR'S anch :prMiss teloal M A R R IS tgaveanmc. Meiss telloalBs ~ "E Y solo. Mrs. Walsh conducted a E W ai iard's inquiries which showedth BOWMANVILLE pragrcss made by the W.C.T.U. in 43 King St. W. Phone 463 Canada since the turn of the cen- tury. Antioch Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mmi. Wes Wood Monday evening. Clarke Twp. School Area Board met at the home o! the secretary on February 18, with Mr. Russell Osborne in the chair. Teachers' monthly reports were read and found to be a great help for check- ing on supplies, repairs and cases o! absentees. Committee ap- pointed ta inspect Newtonville Schrnsl, reported that they were rcjt in favor of a second teacher at the present time; however, sevemal matters o! improvement were decided on, and the commit- tee toid ta proceed. This commit- tee was aiso gîven the task o! completing the insurance busi- ness. Buis ta the amount o! $1,- 600 were ordemed paid. Mm. and Mrs. Carl Biiiings with Mr. and Mrs. Hogg, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearce, Bowmanvilie, with Mr. and Mrs. George Ball. Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn and fam- ily with Mrs. J. W. Haskin, Osh- awa. Mm. and Mrs. Jos. Walker and Douglas with Miss Fern Webber, Oshawa. Mrs. Hoskin and Mrs. H. Run- die with their mother, Mrs. R. H. Waod, who has been il1. Mr. B. Eliiott, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vanhomne, Whitby, with Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Mrs. Chas. Waod with her aunt, Mrs. Hoidge, Toronto. Mr. and Mms. L. Burnett, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Wiibur Burnett. Mm. and Mrs. Heber Souch with Mm. and Mms. Herb Jeweil, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Tyrreli and family with Miss Davidson, Mark- ham. Mm. and Mrs. Milton Staintan and family, Enniskiiien, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Staintan. Miss Flara Sherwin, Toronto University, with Miss Edith Sher- win and Mr. Rabert Sherwin. Mrs. M. H. Stapies cntertained the Evening Auxiliary on the oc- casion o! the first anniversary o! the organizatian with aver thirty present. Mms. Drummond led the music study in three part bar- mony with Mrs. Blue at the pi- ano. It was dccided ta pack a baie a month in response ta the Canadian appeal for needy chul- dren. The program was con- ducted by secmetary of Christian stewardship, Mrs. Henry Bailey and ber group. Mrs. Cari Bill- ings took the topic. Mrs. Harold Aluin and Mrs. J. Reid assisted in the worship service followed by a vocal duet by Mrs. C. Dun- can and Mrs. C. Janes. Mms. B. Keane introduced the new study book and a musical cantest played by Mms. McKenzie brought that part ta a close. Members then gathemed in the dining room wheme the tea table was centercd by a twa-starey birthday cake, made by Mrs. Cari Billings. Mrs. Staples who helped organize the auxiliary lit the candie and Mrs. Jim Tamblyn cut the cake. Oth- cm refreshments were served with Mrs. Drurnnond pauming tea. Omono Women's Institute met in Council Chamber Febmuary 20. It was decided ta give $10.00 to the Institute ward in Bowmanville Hospital and ta donate $50.00 ta the "Appeal for Chiidren" fund. Rail cali was answered in each case by respanding with the name o! insccts which are enemies of agriculture. Mr. Joncs, Newton- ville, gave a dernanstration on cleaning equipment. Mrs. Frank Hall introduced Mrs. Garland of Part Hope, wha spoke an "The United Nations." Refreshments were semvcd. Uranium reicases 3, 0 0 0, 0 0 0 timics as much heat per pound as ceai. Self-ignorance, self-wilI, self- ighteausness, lust, cavetausness, envy, revenge, are focs ta grace, peace, and pogress; they must be met manfully and overcome, or they wili uproot ail happiness.- Mary Baker Eddy The Mayor of Little Places Andy Clarke, often eferred to seiected as the miilionth Blue as the "Mayor of the Little Places" Cross participant in Ontario. The "Ce"scene took place while Andy was is shown congratulating "lm broadcasting. Reid Forcee, pop- Vipond, of Brantford,; on being ular CBC announcer looks on. HAYDON About ý,ixty neighbors and !riends gathemed at the home of Mm. and Mms. Wm. Tmewin on Fmi- day evcning, when their youngest daughter, Clame, a bride-ta-be, was pesented with a miscellan- cous shawcr. Mr. Cccil Sleman acted as chaimman. Clame was seated at a table, aver which ung pink streamers and a white bell. The Beech family rendemed music an the mouth argan, guitar and pi- ano; mading was given by Mrs. C. Garrard; Miss Vivian Cowling sang a sala accompanying herseif on the guitar. Mms. T. Mountjoy gave a reading; Alian Wemmy play- ed an instrumental, Mms. C. Sic- mon gave a rcading, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton sang '"I Lave Yau Truiy," Dan Cameron told a bumorous stary; Mms. H. McGill gave an in- stmumental, Mrs. W. Blackburn and Miss Vivian Cowiing playcd a duet on the guitars and Mrs. Olesen gave a eading adressed ta the bride-to-be. Clame then op- ened hem many and useful gifts and very ably tendered thanks. The emainder o! the cvening was spent in cammunity singing and 'cantests and lunch was served. Miss Vivian Cowling entertain- cd sevemal' yaung people for tea and the evening on Saturday in honor o! hem bithday. Sarry ta repart that Bcrt Ash- tan is canfined ta bcd at Sunny- brook Hospital. Chas. Rankine was cailed 'ta Bramptan last wcek when bis gandfathem was quite ill. He is now somewhat improved. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black and family ta aur commun- ity having bought and moved on ta the farm, formerly owned by Theron Mountjoy. Mm. and Mrs. Dan MacKenzie and family, Miss Mabel Brown, Toronto, at Mm. E. A. McNeil's, with Beth staying with hem grand- parents. Mrs. Russell Cossman, May Tabb at Mr. John Gaham's, En- niskillen. Mm. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Mrs. McLean, Toronto, at Mm. and Mms. Henry Ashton's, on Sunday, on their 43rd wcdding an niversa ry. Mr. andi Mrs. E. A. Werry, Bert and Betty Jane, Enniskillcn, at Mm. Jack Patts'. Mrs. W. Martin at Mrs. Leslie G rah am's. Miss Bessie Blackburn, Salem, at Mr. W. Blackburn's. <Intcnded for Last Week) Sympathy is extended ta Mr. Richard Rowan and famiiy and Mm. and Mms. Jack Carter in their bereavement. Sacrament of the Lamd's Supper was obsemvcd at church service on Sunday. The teacher and pupils heid a Business Direclory Legal 'W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notamy Solicitor for Bank o! Mantreal Money to Ican - Phone 791- Bowmnanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Bamister, Solicitor, Natary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Bamister - Solicitor - Natamy 9% Kinig Street E. Bowmanvîlle -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409-1 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Barmister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Dental DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury. Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dm. W. M. Rudell 2827 DR E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office ia his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 - - 23-5* Monuments The Rutter GranIte Company Phone 501 - P-0. Box 622 --Port Hope, Ont. Valentine party at school on Fni- day. Many mothers and pre- scbool chiidren attended and me- ported an excellent time. Lunch was served. W.A. met at Mrs. Chas. Gar- ramd's on Thursday. Bible read- ing was ead by Mrs. Jack Patts and devational by Mms. R. Oie- sen. Readings were given by Mrs. C. Garmard and Mrs. T. Cawiing; Miss Meta Degeer endered a sa- la. A cantest was enjayed. Do- nation o! $10.00 was voted ta- wards the parsanage. Lunch was semved. Mm. and Mms. -Russell Ommiston, Enniskillen, at Mr. Lloyd Ash- ton's. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Whilc heling at the sawing ma- chine at Wilfrid Samis', Elmo Dummer, Mms. Fenton's son-in- law, had the four fingers o! the ight hand eut off by the saw. Dr. Rundie was cailed and be rushed hlm ta Bowmanviile Hospital. It was a vemy unfortunate and pain- fuI acident and we extend ta Mm. Dummer and ta bis wife, aur sin- cere sympathy and wish him a speedy ecovcry. Holme and Schaal Card Party held in the Orange Hall, Orano, on Satumday night was quite a succcss, bath financially and sa- cially, despite several counter at- tractions. We hope we can do that again. The prizes went as follows: High lady, Mrs. Cccii MalIey; high gent, Ernest Hamm; consolation, lady, Mms. George Bowcn, gent, Bill Aluin. Mm. and Mms. Harmy Pickard, Chatham, returncd home on Sat- urday aiter attendlng Mrs. Pic-! kard's father, Mr. H. C. Bowen's funeral on Wednesday. Dennis Gibson Jr. spenit Sunday with his sisters in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne attended the Lions Club Ladies' Night at Bowmanville on Mon- day night. PONTYPOOL We know where the flies go in the wintem time. We know that elephants are supposed to trek to a great ,secret swamp when they feel death drawing near. Prea- chers tell us where bad little boys go that don't wash behind their ears, play hookey from school, and smoke dried mullen leaves. Evemyone knows what happens to girls who develop halitosis. But no one ever told us what became of retired policemen. Now we know, since reading the Newcastle news recently. When a policeman reaches the retimement age in the big cities, he hires on as iaw en- forcement officer in the smalier centres. And why not ? Plenty of farmers like to potter about with a small piece of land, keep a cow and a few hens when they retire. It therefore seems reason- able that a constable wouid ra- ther taper off his life's work gmad- uaily, than quit cold and rust away. Easter is early this year, so we may expect an eamly spring break- up, in spite of which we may have a rather backward seeding. We enjoyed the winter's first miid weather last week. Don't forget you oniy have tili April 1 to make out and send youm incarne tax return in to the lads who check up on you. You may now obtain the necessary forms from any Post Office. We know sameane that runs a farm back here who was suddenly ordered to submit returns for the years, 1942-43-44-45. Anyone nat mak- ing out and subrnitting annual re- turns and not keeping records, must have a heck of a time when the tax boys say 'gimme' for four or five years back. Some of ýhe people on the poor farms back here should be paid by the Fed- eral Treasury for staying on the farms. We were ail intercsted ta rcad of the Masters-McMahon wedding. Velma Masters is stili considered anc af aur home town girls. Con- gratulations! The chap that owns our local hatel, Max Miller, was in town reccntly and reparted having sold his Toronto store. He might con- sider starting a small factory here, if.- given encouragement. The ice harvcst was, an the whole, pretty good here this year. One of the ice cutters was agaîn that hardy perenniai, Mr. Herb Gouid. He toid this reporter that he first began cutting ice 63 years ago. It was very cold that winter, 50 the men had to bumn pine roats on the windward aide to keep from freezing. He clains that plenty of bard work ha, kept himn healthy and aiso helped him ta build his large personal fortune. When asked the secret of bis long lif e, Mm. Gould asserts that, flot using tabacco, never tasting 11- quor and being happily married, has done mare for him than any- thing eLse. He gazed wistfully out o! the window and bis eyes be- came misty as he said in a cboked voice, "the kids don't came home ta see me as often as I'd like." When asked bis age, the old gen- tleman evaded the question, but said be could remiember when Indians used to travel between Lake Ontario and Lake Scugog. He neyer charges for cutting ice, not needing the money, be does it for a hobby and ta help bis neigh- bars. The Koran permits a man ta have four wives. Milk sold at 30 cents a quart in Florida, in January. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibs« and Muriel with Mr. and Mri. W.' Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sklnne« and Dorothy, Tyrone, with Mr.. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Mrs. Wm, Lake Sr. is with Mr. and MM, Lake at peet Congratulations ta Mr. and Mme. Wallace Holmes on their 34th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Hale, Miss Marjorie Hale, Mr. A. McNeil, Ottawa, Misses Noel and Enid Mc- Neil. Hatfield Hall, Cobourg, and Mm. T. McNeil, Cobourg, with Mr. and Mrs. GordorL Martin. Mise Lynn McNeil returned to Hat- field Hall after her illness. Mr. Garnett Alldmed ha, turned to bis home at RiedVqC.i Sask., aftem spending a month' holiday with bis eastern brothers and sisters. Mm. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, Torý- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hol- mes. Large iron-ore deposits wait1 Men flot governed by love will development in Northern Quebec.be ruied by law. ATTENTION HOME SEEKERS Now Available in Souihway Gardens 4 and 5-rQom bungalows and 1 1/2 siorey BUILT TO N.H.A. SPECIFICATIONS by J. 3. FLETT, Contractor DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $780 Monthly Paymenis siaan ai $25.20 (Principal and interest) Ail of these modern attractive homes are fuily insulated -wails and ceiiing. Ail have good 7' basements, well adapted for a recreational room. Kitchens have ample built-in cupboards with work couniter. VETERANS 0F WORLD WAR 2 HAVE PRIORITY 0F PURCHASE For fullIinformation, bookiet, photographs, etc., contact the Administrators: s cho fCid IN SURANCE Realtort. PHONE 44000 6 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa i >~k. FREJI QM ÜWvFR[[E! Freedoin, like anything worth having, carrnes a pice tag. We can't enjoy it without accepting its responsibilities. Therc's freedom of speech-and we have to accept the responsibility for what we say. There's freedorn to worship as we please-and the respon. sibility is ours to sec that others aren't perse~cutcd, either. There are lots of freedoms, and they ail have theîr responsibilities. The freedom to use whiskey for instance. That carrnes a three-fold responsibilitv: to ourselves, to our families and to our cominunities. As the House of Seagram has s0 often said, it is to drink moderately or flot at ail! THE BOUSE 0F SEAGRAI q * Min BE READY for thal last minute INVITATION wilh a crisp SPOTLESS SUIT! L et Osh awa Laundry keep you poised on ihe sprIngboard of lhe faîl social season wilh an expertly cleaned and pressed sui, coal or dress. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning COMPANY LIMITED 1 1 PAGE Trff THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLÉ, ONTARTO Phone Zenith 13000 ,,Yé,m a & a 0 " ( 4 q/ em».~ ,Auca-S WwfflzaM- gedarl 1 e THMUDAY, nm. 28th, un Oshawa

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