Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1948, p. 9

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?RURSDAY, FEU. 2oth, ¶948 TWI~ <!AWAT~TAM ~'A'mMMAM Uf WÎ1A miw ~.W~AUY~ -- ---.----- ---------., --*'--~~~ ________________________________ PAGE Nm Misa Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, with Eer parents. .Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton and Neil spent Sundey with Mr. and Mns. D. Griffith, Hamilton. Misses Betty Gray, Margaret Ash, Evelyn Allun and Kathleen roms visited Margarets aunt, Mrs. McGuire and her grandmother, Mr.Ash, Cobourg. C.G.I.T. Group met February 17 S 'wth president Hazel May Fisher ni charge. After the business per- ît, Miss Kathleen Toms conduct- wqhe worship period. Mns. Pau- ti Storks took the study book. Meeting closed with a period of recreation. Sunday evening, February 15, the service at United Church was n charge o! the executive o! the Dshawa Pnesbyteny Y.P.U.. Glenn Allin, president of the local Y.P. U., conducted the service, Miss Madeline Wilcox, Oshawa, read the scripture and led in prayer. Mviss Glenna Wilson, Oshawa, ab- ly delivered a sermon on "I can't". Miss Muriel Down, Ebenezer, and 'Glenn Allun bath rendered vocal -9oias. Miss Jane Bennett accom- panied the soloists and played the hymns. The Young People gath- ered et the pansanage after the service. ,Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. W. R. Laking, who will be cele- bnating their 54th weding anni- ~III I I E E E I = E E E i E E = E = - ~J i - versary Manch 1. Bout wishes. Dr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, Bowmanville, spent Sunday, the guests a! Mrs. Norman Allun and Miss Marion Allin, who also had as guests lest week, Mrs. Herbent Tink, Sauina, and Mrs. Percy Dew- ehl and son, Douglas, Hampton. Mrs. J. Pinnegan hed the mnis- fortune to fall and suffen a frac- tured anm and dislocated elbow. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mns. Per- cy Brown, Mrs. Harry Dennis and Mrs. Robent Gibson attended the Women's Institute meeting at the United Church pansonage, New- tonville, last Wednesday after- noon. Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Dyer and Miss Frances Dyer returned this week from a veny enjoyable holi- day visiting their daughter and son-in-law in Miami, Flonida. Mrs. Cherles Banathan under- went an emergency major opera- tion in Bowmanville Hospital lest week. We are glad ta repart she is making satisfactany progres tawards recovery.1 Mns. Gea. Jamieson was guests of Mn. and Mns. Herbent Babcock,E Bawmanville.1 In the death of Matha AllUME PannaI, widow of the lete Williamt Parnal, the village lost one of its oldest and mast beloved and ne-1 spected citizens. The funeral wasI held froni the Morris Funenalt DON'T FAIL TO HEeR THE LESLIE BELL SINGERS Trinify Unilsi Church Friday, Narch 51h, 8:15 p.m. ADMISSION no seats reserved Tickets available front any member of the Lions Club or at The Bank of Montreal, The Carter Farnlly Restaur- ant or McGregor's Drug Store. This is the Final Concert )epartment of Education Concert Series SEASON'S TICKETS ARE GOOD FOR THIS CONCERT Business arrangements by The Bownianville Lions Club HEAR "1Queefl's Park Rteport N& 6" PREMIER GEORGE DREW 'HIGHWAYS FOR TOMORROW" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 271h CFB 860 8:00 p.m. . $1.00 The Newcastle Independenl Phone: Clarke 3314 -Newcastle Mena Fund Now Passes $7,000.00 Mark A few good second donations fnom sanie o! the early donors who were a littie dubiaus as to the ultimate outeome o! the vet- erans' endeevar and the Newcas- ctie objective of $10,000 will be et- tained. This reelly meens a lot towards the final completion o! the arena. We must get $ 10,000 inNewcastle. Previous acknow- ldged $6,114.50. The following dnations are gratefully acknow- ledged: Newcastle Reg LeGresley 1&.00 Albert Pearce 15.00 Mns. Harry Pearce 5.00 Mary D. McEvoy 10,00 Mrs. Sami Powell 50.00 Mrs. John Hendry 5.00 Mrs. Dora Brooks--------- 25.00 Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Smiith - 5.00 Mrs. Ethel Lockhart --- -----10.00 Miss Hattie Mason ------- -25.00 Mn. P. Martin and Laverne 50.00 Mn. and Mrs. Harry Jase -- 100.00 W. Frank Rickard----- 200.00 John Rickard- 50.00 Ross Dickinson ____ 25.00 "Buster" Harris ____ 20.00 Mrs. E. C. Hoar 10.00 Pete Holwbenko 10.00 Roy Nichols, Courtice 200.00 James Publishing Ca-. 10.00 M. Breslin, Bowmanville -. 25.00 Tomlinson's Imperial p Station _.------- ----- 5.00 George Stephenson 50.00 Tom Wilson___ 10.00 Jean Perrin ______ 5.00 Bill Morley -2.00 Cynil Avery 2.00 Fred Cox ----- 10.00 Marlow Hancock 2.00 Total to date --- - $7,060.50 FREE SERVICE DErAD HiORSES & CATTLE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT CHARGE Telephone Colleet: TORONTO - Adelaide 3636 COBOURG - 48J GORDON YOUNG, LIMITED Chapel on Saturday wlth Inter- ment in Bond Head Cemetery. Mrs. George Jamieson spent Monday with her niece, Mra. IKen- neth Werry and children at Shaw'a. One of the lhrgest attended card parties was held in the Commun- ity Hall on Tuesday evenlng, Feb- ruary 17 under auspices of New- castle Horticultural Society. There were 18 tables. o! cards in play and two tables of crokinole. Prize winners were: Bridge, lst, Ray Brown; consolation, Mrs. Howard Gibson; five hundred, lat, Byron Brunt; consolation, Mrs. Melville Jones; euchre, lst, Percy Tam- blyn; consolation, Ross Danuk. Adjournment was made to the kitcheft where delicious refresh- ments were served. Committee In charge were Mrs. Percy Brown and Mr. Jack Wade. Congratulations to Mr. Harold Hoar for successfully pasuing his first year examination In Chart- ered Accounting. His many friends in Newcastle and Bowmanville where he at- tended High School wi]l be inter- ested to know that Carl Fisher, son of Mrs. Laura Fisher and the late Earl Fisher, was married in Cornwall on January 31, to one of that town's Most popular young ladies. The happy couple are xe- siding In Cornwall where Carl is a prominent and well-known radio broadcaster. The best wish- es of the community are extended to them. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar (the former Miss Eva Ezora Burton) whose niarriage took place In Danforth United Church, Toronto, on February 30. Mrs. J. G. Jackson, Orono, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Smith spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. George Stapleton at Newton- ville. WESLEY VILLE Sundey School was held et 10: 30 with an attendance of 35 , Mn. Clerence Nichoîls, Tempenence convener, spoke an Temperance. The Catachumen Class under Dr. Oke begen with twa pupils, Misses Muriel Austin and Ruth Payne. Church followed with Dr. Oke preaching on "The Son of Man came ta save sinners"' with Mrs. Carrall Nicholls providing the mu sic. Farm. Forum was held at Clan- ence Nicholîs with 12 present and a very good discussion !ollowed. Young People's Union met at the school house with Miss Dora Anderson, Missionery convener, and her assistant, Miss Muriel Austin providlng the pragram. Mrs. Lloyd Burley and Diane, Newtonville, with her father, Mn. Roy Nicholîs. Women's Institute held a eu- chre party at the home o! Mn. and Mns. Charles Beighton on Wed- nesday afternoon. Miss Benniece Best won the high prize. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Hilîs and Laurel, Pont Hope, with Mn. and VIns. Edgar Barrowclough. Victor and Arnold Thorndyke attended the former uncle's sale at Millbnook. Mrs. Roy Nicholîs, visited rela- tives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fard have punchased the house In which ;hey are living froni Mn. Victor rhorndyke. Mrs. Hicks, Corbyville, with M'r, and Mrs. Richard Best. Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne visited in Port Hope on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Inch, Mrs. A. J, Christie and Mns. Arthur Bishop, Niagara Falls, who were visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mea4dows. i r c NE WTON VILLE Have you given youn cýonation ta "Save the Children" fund yet? If any citizens in the sections o! Port Granby, Cnooked Cneek and Newtonvîlle cannot get ta the banik theniselves, if they send their donations ta Mns. C. Bur- ley she will see that name and donation reaches its destination. Mns. Wm. Milligan's gnoup and their friends met in the home of Mn. and Mrs. Milligan fan nine tables of cards. Ail report an enjoyable tume. Mrs. Pearl Hawkins, Stnatford, and Mrs. Merle Ovens, New West- minster, with Mns. G. W. Jones on Thunsday. Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port Mc- Nichai, is with her mother, Mns. Wni. Stapleton who is suffering tram quinsy. Mn. Lawrence Gilmer, Niagara Fails, visited his parents, Mn. and VIns. Frank Gilmen. His aunt, VIns. J. T. Peance retunned home A'ith him. Mn. and Mrs. Harny Lane, Plattsville, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Lane, who ne- tunned home with them. Mn. end Mrs. Willis Farrow vis- I YOUR EYES Eyesight Specialist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P-0.) flshawa, Phone 1516 (No. 63) Perhaps we are veny much ov- erdone with aur wonk and ane looking forward to aur holidays as a measune a! relief that we may build up preparatory ta another round o! work and wanry. The schoal child is just as hu- mon and being a growing child is often mare in need a! relaxation and rest fan the good o! hi& up- building. He is, no doubt, then looking fonward ta his holidays. If his eyes need conrecting, they should be looked a!ten when a symptoin o! defect is first noted. Don't shove it ahead when he has a holiday. If we treated ourselves this way we would soon not know the meening o! the terni relaxa- tion or rest. These errons and defects that can be attended ta as we go along should receive imniediate atten-: tion and the others o! lessa im- portance or best suited ta summer weather on in the need o! constant cane may be gîven deeper consid- eration. BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Tor- onto, Mr. andM M. Cecil E. Rahir and Kenneth, Union, at Mns.H Rahm 's. Mr. and Mn.. Walter Rahm, Cleni, Doreen, Tyrone, and ltt1e Remis Grahami, Haydon, at Mrs. H. Rahm's. Best wishes to Mr. and Mr$, Howard Harris an the blrth o! a daughter and to Mr. and Mns. Wm. Stephenson on the birth af a son. The community extends sympa- thy to the famlly of the late Jos- eph Farder. W.A. held at the home o! Mrs. T. l8ailey. Next meeting at Mrs. R. Davey's. Mrs. E. Caughill wlth friends ln Port Penny. Misa Jean Harris with Jean Mc- Laughlin. Mns. B. Hubbard visiting Mrs. W. Bryan, Oshawa. Mrs. H. Strutt and Phyllis, Miss Doris Parks, Mr. Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, Mn. Merle Hubbard, Bowmanville, wlth Mr. and Mns. B. Hubbard. Mrs. T. Bailey visitlng in Bow- manville. Congratulations ta Mrs. Jas. McLaughlin on her 83rd birthday. Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams with re- latives in Oshawa. Thirty-three girls and boys and eight adults attended the Mission Band on Saturday ln the base- ment of the church. Opened with prayer by Supt. Worship period was led by Joe McGill. Bible story by Mrs. L. Ashton; song books of the Old Testament were aung; temperance by Ray Ashton; peace by Clark Werry. Offeiing of $1.14 was dedicated. Story from study book "School in the Hollow" was given by Mrs. L. Wearn. Prayer by Joe McGill; recreation led by Mrs. Seymourý and Mrs. Werry at piano.. Joe McGill moved a vote of thanks, seconded by Shirley. Milîs. Meet- ing closed with the Mission Band prayer. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving, Toronto, with her parent$, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. John Borrowdale and Brian, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry. Mr. George Reid with Mr. and Mrs. V. MeMullen, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and baby George, with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Williams, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with relatives at Port Per- ry. Mrs. Ken Caverly, Hampton, with Miss E. Souch. The Service Club ladies met February 17 at the home o! Mrs. Earl Trewin with ten members present. Lunch was served by Mn. Trewin and her group. Next meeting at Mrs. John Slemon's, March 2. Mrs. Alice Thompson, Newcas- tle, at Mr. and Mus. Roland Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon and Kathryn at Mr. and Mrs. Don Lewis, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, at Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman's, Port Perry. Misses Ruth and Phyllis Camp- bell, Jean Robbins and Lillian Morrison, Mrs. Verna Wood, Mr. Floyd Pethick, Toronto, with- Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Mr. and Mrs. John Oke were Sunday ,guests at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke's, Oshawa. Mr. Harold Spry, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wright. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp, Mr. Ralph Virtue, Miss Evelyn Virtue and Mrs. H. Gnegg attended the funeral of Mrs. G. Sanderson, Or- angeville. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Purpie Hill, Mn. and Mrs. Rus- sell Griffin and family, Enniskil- .en, with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Griffin, Yelventon. Mns. James Tamblyn, John, Ross and Jean, wene Sunday cali- 21 (Mi of sil ln lg Ba mi 'q mi MA 1, h 'I B s' j ors at Mr. R. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt at Mr. and Mrs. W. Marks', Part Per- Labrador, rlch in Iran-cre de- Economie troubles grow i.n posits. is a dependency on New- soi where there is lack o! moral foundland. I fiber. HeIp The+ Red Cross - 24391. ,DE Jaroz.33e * * Ib.u73e Ir UY COGKED SPAGHETTI 2Tn29 A&P QUICK or REGULAR BORAXRIBUAKER GATS PMes CO NFI E I. ,51 MACARONI &CHEESE * w . Lrg25 KRAFT DINNER 1 k 94 CUSTOM GROUNO KELLOGG'S TOILET SOAP - GIANT CAKE lia, COINFLAKES -2~259 PALNBLVE -Cake 8 AL EF EXCEPT NIPPY Y * FOR A WHITER WASH CH EESE Pkg. 230 SUPER SUDS Pg- 31< CMINESE TYPE lICE ' VAN CAMP'S DEANS KIDNEY 2 FANCY CANADIAN LOBSTER FANCY 8OCKEYE SALIGI - MARVEN'S OULK VIKITE EANS BULK IOLLED GATS SAME LOW Pl ANN PAGE MILK 24z BREAD loaf WIIITE or BRON Selected 'White No. 1 MIUSHROOMRS b5,5j RIP1or BiLUE BRAND EE -STEAKSorRAS FORTEROSE, INI lb A SiRloiN or Boille " 49UND DOUEZ5POT ROAST l 5 O I LOINS Well TrimxTied Either En& 0 lb 45er ~ TEDERLINS --lb 69e pout'c S]IKOUEIDERS Freslh Shankloss lb 35er SIDE aCONTTSSmoced lb 59r SCTACOLS eainealed Ca lb 51c COTTIGr, mus wlb 19C COOELED gAM liced ** b 718C SAUSAGE Maple Leaf oBOktield *l 6 SOL FI EZS - 42C SOL£I.Fi STEAKS Sj1verbright e b 37c SALMuO rFILLETS cboe îi 45e ENNISKILLEN 1O c You are Urged to Support Canadian App e al f or C hildren If TIIEY ARE NOT SAVED 1 . 0 ,OUR WORLD IS LOST! Canadian Appeal for Children must raise a minimum of $10,000,000.00 if we in Canada are ta contribute aur share ta meet the desperate and urgent needs of the world's children. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED-NOW. Soan it may be too late. Your donation will be received at any bank in Bowmcrnville. Since you may not be canvassed, don't Jet failure ta act be on your conscience. Turn your sympathy and good wishes into a tangible contribu- tion. Go ta your bank NOW and GIVE. You are urged ta do your part by THE TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Sidney Little, Mayor ited Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Mit- chell. Friends of Clarence will be dsorry to know he is -under the doctor's care. .Hugh Stapleton is busy cleanlng up n preparation for rebuilding his mili. Mns. George Stapletari was the able Bible Class teacher on Sun- day marning. Day of Prayer was observed by a Joint meeting a! Preabytenian and United Church ladies. A social evening o! cards and dancing was sponsored by the sehool last week and proved a success. The money wlll be used for varlous sports equipment. The St. Valentine': party at the Pub~lic School was held asat Mon- day a!ternoon. All had a good tme and a surnptuous lunch. 1Miss Mary Burley has returned from her visit with her sister, Mrs. E. McEwen, Peterboro. Mrs. Clinton Brown, Miss Olive Brown and Mr. Truman Hender- son vislted the former's brother, Mr. Wes Heard ln Bowmanvllle. Mr. and Mr.. Milton Stainton and fa~Mily with Mr. and Mrs. William Stainton, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, Bert and Betty Jane, wlth Mr. and Mns. Jack Patts, Haydon. Misa Mona Brunt with Miss Ruth Preston, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mn,. Arthur Tamblyn,! Cambray, with Mr. and Mns. R. J. Ormiston. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Milis and family with Mn, and Mrs. C. Mills, Port Penny. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bradley were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mn,. Clarence Bradley, Ashburn, Mrs. A. Leadbeater and baby, George, with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Hampton. Mrs. Narman Wright, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Wright. 1 TUA 1 1 ?-g 9ÇÉDANANAS - GOLDEN RIPE --Lb.14 l.8<NEXICAN ORANGES . *7-Lb. 1-TEXAS MARSH SEEDLES-96's Bag i'z'25# GRAPEFRUIT "- Fr234 Tin 69e I.ENONSFRESH, FULL 0F JUICE-300's Doz.29 NORTHERN SPIES APLEf Excellent for cooking,* 6-Qt. 1/4 19< Mcl domestic grade Bask. APLS-Best for eating, 8* t r Large HOUSE- domnestie grade Bask. UZ1P 2Ibs.9 MRU RS.......Lb. 154 2eFRESH GREEN TEXAS 3 bs. CUBAGEHSHEDE- - 2 Lbs. 9e 3 19eFRES SHRDDEDVEGETABLES IICE NEW BRUNSWICK-NO. 1 Box15 I POATOS -PRE-PACKAGED 15-Lb. 59g h THUMDAY, FEB. 20th, 1948 THE CANADUN STATESMAN. BOWMANVmir-p- emm,&vTe% a w 4 VEL- * ' «

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