-------------------------------------------------------------------------------~.-~-~.---.-.-.... 1THE CANADIAN STATESP4AN, BOWMANVILE, ONTARIO PÂGZi NmU NOE UOU I JUST HEAT I LUS LAIt Hello Homemakerst It's weath- or liko this that makes mending er tic ofwoo onthe fire and Sewing thimble, needie and thread. 'Yes, .iugerbc-gEaS that you are can be do n" durinÉ the snowy weather because a lot of patching «- cauntb d without your fussy autwatching to set how well you are doing it! Actually If you h ave a sewing machine you can do the job in haîf the time since1 firrt stitching can be zipped ov-1 er-then fold the old part neatly under by hand. It's a better look- ing job done this Way. We cannot tell you much about - P"d arning or sewing tricks in ourc column-nc>t as well as Granny Repir fo ay mkesowng could by showing you. So ask anyE macies.forey e e tos Grandmother if you are doing the machies. ree stimtes. job rlgbt.r Electrie Machines available for Busy Day Oven Meal 8 rent or sale (11,4 houri)t write or phone Meat loaf, scalioped potatoes oven-steamed turnip strips b SINGER SEWING MACHINE baked apples and scones COMPANY Qulck Suppor Meal r '47 Walton St., Port Hope (20 Mins.) n Phone Port Hope 1015W Liver and onions Stewed tomatoes m Cabbage saiad Tapioca pudding e: (Our represontativo calis In Beef Loafb Bowmanville every Thursday) 1 onion, 2 tbsps. dripping, 11/2 ________________lbs. ground beef chuck, 1 tsp. sait,c COST LESS TODAY n ai iac than i1939 al IGENERALO IEfoI LAMPS mi Here is a househoid necessity that hasn't gone up in ta price. Duririg the war and post-war yoars of rising ci' pricos the cost of popular types of G-E Lamps lias been pi in reduced by 20 to 25 per cent. pil Not only have prices been greatly wi redaced but quality lias been improved. t The liglit output per watt is now groator. tE You can be confident that hoi when you buy G-E Lamps to- thi day, you bay more light, for less money, than in 1939. 15.25.40.&60 WATT INSIDE FQDO6PtpLAMPS 204 irn1939- anc it d, wor lý3941 42 43 45 46 47 481 A Co Keepsi ~the cupboard vigil in tl inf Anne Allan invites You to write hem c/o Thie Canadian States- lan. Send in your suggestions on mremaking probiemns and watch is coiumn, for replies. CONSIDER THE HAMMER It keeps its liead It does not, fly off thie bandit. It keeps. poundîng nway. It finds its points, then dnlvi home. t looks at the other sidos, tc d often clinches the matter. t makes its mistakes, but whE does, it starts ail over. It is thie only knocker ln ti, )rld that does any good. res eo, ft behooves you to be keenly liant; and better had you watch lhe market place than siumber the temple.-Maeterlinck. It Is as easy to deceive one's self witiout perceiving it, as it is difficult to deceive others without ticir finding it out.-Rochefou- cauld. Wonderful news! New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast is here-ready to give you perfect risings, delicious breads in super-speedy trne. No need to keep it in the icebox-New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast stays fresb ia your cuphoard for weeks. Always .here-teady for work when you need h. Just dissolve according to directions. Thon use as fresh yeast. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-order a month's uupply of New Fîeischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast from your groer. Once you try it-you'II always use it. I 1 Canadian Contribution ln Archif ecture 1 tsp. sage, 2 tsps. Worcestersb. sauce, 1 cup bread crumba, % 4ci milk. Mince onion and saute in dri ping. Combine with beef, sa sage, sauce, crumbs and milk; mr well. Pack into greased loaf pa Bake in moderato oven (325 dege for 1%, hours. Serves 5. Tutti-Frutti Tapioca 2 tbsps. quick-cooking tapio< 1/3 cup brown sugar, iew graii sait, 2 cups milk, 1 egg, % ts vanilia, currant jelly. Mix tapioca, sugar and sait. Ad milk. Beat egg and add to mii ture. Cook over boiling water f( 10 minutes, stimring constant]- Add raisins and vanilla. Cbi] Serve, topped with curmant jelly. Take A Tip Sewlng Machine Problems 1. If iowem thread breaks, may be caused by: Bobbin ca: not threaded correctly; iower tor sion too tigit; or bobbin wour tod; full. 2, If upper thread breaks, may bo caused, by: Needie iri properly set; machine not thread cd correctly; upper tension tc tight; or needie oye too smaii fc tie tiread. 3. If machine makes loop stit cies, it is probabiy caused by tai loose tension, boti upper and loxw 4r . If stitches are not even, i rnay be caused by: Too shorti stitch; pulling the sewing; usiný too fine a needie with coarsE timead. 5. If machine runs liard, it ma3 be caused by running the machinE while threaded witiout havinE nateriai under presser foot. Re- nove bobbin case and tumn dis! vheel in wrong direction for sev. erai revolutions and take out any bits of thread below bobbin. The Question Box Mrs. M. C. asks: Recipe for Old Fashioned Dougbnuts: Recipe: Gelmat Grandmother's Doughnuts 3 t-bsps. shortening, 1% cups su- ar, 2 eggs, 41/2 cups flour, 4 tsps. aking powder, 1 tsp. sait, 1 tsp. utmeg, 1 cup anilk, 2 tbsps. cmn- amon. Cream together the shortening ind 1 cup sugar. Beat eggs and 1d. Suft together flour, baking )wder, sait and nutmeg. Add ltemnately with miik to creamed nixture. Roll out 1/2 inch thick on ightly floured board. Cut with douginut cutter. Fmy ndeep fat heated to 375 degrees or 3 minutes or until bro vn. Tumn ice. Drain on absorbent paper. dix remaining sugar and cinna- non. Shake warm douginuts itli mixture In bag. Makes 24. Mr. T. C. asks: Exactly bow ucli milk do you put with eggs cmake French Toast ? Answer: Use, 2/3 cup miik for ach egg. Beat egg, adid milk and nch of sait. Dip bread slices (4) 'mixture. Brown in bacon drip- ing, tumning once. They are good ith boney. Ladies' Auxiliary 0f the Canadian Legion Holds Annual Meeting The Bowmanviiie Brandi of the Ladies' Auxiiiary of the Canadian Legion elected tie followirg off- icers for 1948 at its annual meet- ing. President. Mrs. J. Candier; past president, Mrs. E. Coyie; lst vice, 1Miss R. Bate; 2nd vice, Mrs. H. 1Humprey; secretamy, Mrs. M. 1Bates; treasumer, Mrs. M. Kilpat- trick; standard 'bearer, Mrs. E. King; pianist, Mrs. B. Evans; ex- ecutive, Mrs. A. Faulkner, Mrs. A. Wright; committee, Mrs. G. Thetford, Mrs. A. Clapp, Mrs. J. Harnden, Mrs. Preston; sick com- mittee, Mrs. O. Rogers, Mms. B. Evans, Mrs. E. Shackleton; social convener, Mrs. E. King; auditors, Mrs. B. Childs and Mrs. E. Gat- cheil. The Auxiliamy wish to thank al who patronized tibir cuchre par- ties and bazaar and in any other way co-opemated to make their womk so effective. The following financial statement gives a brief summary of the activities a n d splendid work donc by this en- thusiastic organization. Financial Report Receipts Dues and Initiation - -- $214.20 Special projects - . 331.58 Refunds --- - - ---- 124.53 Sale of articles 41.93 Donations ---4.34 Bank Interest 6.19 "AUSTERITY- GARDENS THIS SPRING With recent restrictions on the importation of fresh vegetabies fromn the United States, thousands of Canadians who gave up victory gardening following war's end, xviii againi be turning the sod of their backyards this spring-this time to grow "austcrity" gardens. In a few words of advice to prospective "ýausterity" gardeners, G. R. Snyder of C.I.L.'s agricul- tural chemicals division, said that a concerted back-to-the-land pro- gram by urban dwellers wiill ot oniy benefit the country by help- ing save U.S. dollars, but wili prove a definite money saver to the individual at a time when the cost of living bas reached new heights. With a view towards assisting the neophite gardener, Canadian Industries Limited' bas prepared an illustrated bookiet "Handy Garden Guide" which contains a mass of information on the hows of gardening. It gives, for in- stance, approximate dates for planting various kinds of vegeta- bles, the rate of planting, kinde and amounts of fertilizers and plant proteýction chemicais. The bookiet is free and may be ob- taiised by writing any of the com- .pauy's agricultural sales offices acrom the country or directly to the kiead office, Montreal. Love bolds people., Anything else either drives or disregards them. ire CUp Lp- Lit, Lix en. )Ca ns Sp. dd for .y. it ise n d 't d- :o it a 1g se ie 1 Balance Dec. 31, 1946 990.91 Expenditures Office expenses ----------$573.52 Prov. Command, tax and supplies --------------- 60.15 Concention expenses 83.30 Donations----------------- 303.25 at Dî/ uS e I Advt. and R. Stampa - 6.57 By Balance Dec. 31, 194 66.25 B o ttie c $1713.68 Be faitiful at the temple gate af conscience, wakefuliy guard it; tien tbou wiit know wien the thief cometh.-Mary Baker Eddy. The assets of Canadian life n- surance companies approximated $3,900,000,000, representing an in- crease of six per cent during the year. joyed almost perfect teeti. Ho advis lots of calcium and corne eanly If trouble develops. Appreciation on behaif of the members was oxpressed by Mrs. Ray Bowen to Misa Stevens, Drs. Devltt and Rudeli. Refreshments wore served by Mrs. Campbell's group. Attend- Maple Grove Ladies Hear Interesting Talk On "ChildDeniistry"' At tht February meetig of Maple Grove Women's Institute, reports wome given from Good Neiglibors committee, Aid to Eu- rope end Durham County Hospi- talization Co-operative services. It was decided to send for gift from England books. .Mrs. Charles Greenham pre- sented the Institute with several copies of the Engllsh Women's In- stitute publication "Home and Country," publisbed monthly by the National Federated Women's Institutes. President Mrs. S. Morton re- minded members of the District Co-operative program "Household Accounting" to be heid in Hamp- ton on March. 9. Thimty bassinette linings bave been made by the members for iBowmanvilie Hospital. In the unavoidabie absence of Home Economics convener, Mrs. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. Howard Cryderman very ably pmesided for the pmogmam. After commun- ity singing of numbers of Valen- tine sentiment Miss Muriel Stev- ens deiighted the members with. two rcadings "Calling Willie" and "The Deaf Chicken." Dr. J. C. Devitt and Dm. W. M. Rudeli were intmoduced by Mrs. Cryderman and Dr. Rudeil spoke on 'Chiid Dentistry" g i vi n g young mothers a wealth of in- formation and advice. Since foundation, teeth are in place at birth, Dr. Rudeli stressed the im- portance of pre-natai came. Pros- pective mothers under the came of a physician should have adequate and balanced diet witb conditions of living condxqctive to emotional stabilîty. Though foundat 1 e n teeth are in place at birth there may be a diffemence of several months in time of tceth appeaming in diffement childmen. Bmeast feeding was advised since the occurrence of d.lsease is less and the development of nose, roof of mouth and jaws is better when a child 4 fed in, nature's way. In eating habits bard foods are needed. Proper posture and good physical and' emotional ha-bits are important since good genemal iealth aids in the building of teeth just as good teeth are essen- tial to general heaitli. The proper use of a straight bmush flot only doena the teeth but increases healthful circulation of the biood &round the teeth. Gentie brushing toward the tip of the tooth was advised and no food aftcr teeth are cieaned for thie night. Wlicn dental came is necessamy it siouid be given early and checks made every 1Aur ta six months with x-rays in case of possible abnommaltles. Chiîdmren should leamn eamiy to do for them- selves, Le., dressing, etc. Dr. Devitt adding a few words from many years of experionce and observation in the profession believes that good teeth may be inherited since in bis Immediate J. W. Jewell, W. J. Bermy and * Color Party was picked for Sun- Tht Statesman Office. day Church Parade. Business Directory Legal W. R. STRIKE, K. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montrea] Money to Ican - Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publi( King Street W., Bowmanviile Phono: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barmister - Solicitor - Notary 9 Va King Street E.' Bowfrianville -Ontario Phone; Office 825- House 409 ISS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notamy Public Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Dental DRS. DEVIITr & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental Collego, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bidg. ýKing Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.ni. daiiy. 9 a.m. to 12 moon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phonoe 790 Residerice: ,i. . U. LJevit 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanviloeî Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wodnesday Closed Sunday Phono 604 23-5e Moniuments lit Rutter Granite company Phiono 501 - P.O. Box 6-U Port Hope, Ont. aik Deo youste a healthy, rogulsh baby, dlmpled and ador. abie? or husky youngsters, romplng tIreI.ualy? Or do you slmply Bee beauty . . . clear, radiance for your own skin, eyes, hair? Or do you ses the usefulnenssand wonderful versatiity i aiboutiecf' milk . . . perfect basia for temptlnq soupe and exciting desserts for your hungry cr.w? Or do you perhaps look further back.. ta the wide green meadows and dlean white buildings of the dairy farm . .. to the spotles laboratorss where mon of science test the mllk to insure Its purity' for your family? Yen, of course, you seetail ci these things . .. protection, vitality, flayor, and heaith each time you look b.hlnd the scenes of your milk bottle! Glen Rae Dairy PHONE 444 FOR DELIVERY L --- King St. W. Bowmanville, TEURDAY, PfEE. lOth, 194f3 HIGHLIGHTS FROM 59th ANNUAL S TA TEM EN T D)URlNG TH4E YEA&R 1947 THE AsSETS SHOWED a$59641701() ,4CRE-ASE AMD SOW TOTAL $78,386,O0 BUSINESS IN FORCE SOE a , OWr LS OVER $332,29750 PAMIENTrS TO POLICY OWN- SAMD. BP4NEFICIARSES WIERIE OVg»R $4,553OO 0)F WHlcHf 58.9% WAS PAID TO LVN pOLJCY OWNERS REVIVED, AMOUNTED T 1 80172 CPy Ofcl otdmmmi &ujW., ud rq MM. L. LYCE11T Phone 2382, Bowmanville, Ont. *Our 59th Year of Service* 1 0-4 Here is a perfect example of Canada's only contribution to New World architecture-the French-Colonial home. Character- ized by the steep sioping roof with a bellcast at the eaves, liberal use of dormers, and the snub-nosed chimney terminating abruptly at the gable ridge, thîs style is becoming very popular ail over North America with homeowners who seek I'something different" in architectural design. This home, set in a modemn Canadjan residential section, is a combination of Old and New World fMatures. The traditional black roof of the early home is retained with modern, slate-black asphait shingles. The French settiers decorated their homes in gay colors; here the shutters and doors are Chinese Red. The remainder of the house is white, following the pattern of early settlers who white-washed their homes to keep them looking dlean. girl Guide News,-., (Intended fr Lest W.ek) First Bowmanville Comaiý Girl Guides met February, 9, uà. der the leadership of Capt. J« Devitt and Lt. Florence "Te Lt. Sweete gave the girls a 0d marcbirig drill whlle Mr& Butte&y passed Mary Pickard, Patà;y Smith, Barbara Goddard, Beveir- ley Frank, Shirley Kitson, Marie, Leddy, Jamie Maguire,, IMeen Spicer and Connie Klng for thér Child Nurse Badge. Marie Leday and Patsy Smith passed. their Laundress Badge; Mary Pickard carved ber Needlewomax's Badge;, Merle Lingard, Margaret Leddyr and Marilyn Spicer passed knots. Patsy Smith passed ber niap àket- ching. Arrangements were made for a skating party February 18 at Ro- tary Rink. a 1 1 6 The Statesman Sold At Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville C. B. Tyrreil, Orono T. M. Slemon, Ennisilen F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Wm. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Lovol 1