Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Feb 1948, p. 13

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TP!URSMAT, PfleERARY 4, 1048 _______________________ - v£4PAGETHITEE BIRTHS IN MEMORIAM DOTREN - Mr. and Mrs. J. L. DAVIE-In loving memory of a Doreen are very pleased to an- dear busband and father, who flOunce the arrivai of Janet Lynn passed away February 6th, 1944. at Bowmanviîîe Hospital on Fni- His spirit stole out of its sheil one day, January 30, 1948. Mother, day, dbughter and father ail doing Weary'and tired of its'earthly well. 6-1* fight; And took its place in that heaven- VARCOE-.Mr. and Mrs. Jack ly home, Varcoe are very happy to an- There at the side of his Master's n n j, the birth of their so throne. L~E~Fadear littie brother for And, drifting along on his fleecy Vick. iat Bowmanvjîîe Hospital on c]oud-bed, Sunday, Feb. 1, 1948. 6-1* He watches and gauges aur weary I tread. DEATHS Counting our steps-as they iead us home COWLING-In Haydon on Wed- There to bis side-by Our nedsay, F'ebruary 4, 1948, George Father's throne. Francis Cowling. youngest son of .-Lovingly renernbered by bis the late Mr. and Mrs. Williami wife, daughters Lorraine and Cowling, aged 69 years. Resting Margaret and son John. 6-1* at the Funeral Chapel of North- cutt and Smith for service on Sat- MALCOLM-In loving memory urday, February 7, at 2 p.m. In- of our dear mother, Sarah E. Malcolmwopse wyFb terment in Hampton Cemetery. muy1, wo1a94î.wy eb "In aur bearts your memnory lin- HOGG-Suddenly ait Bowrnan- gers, ville, on January 29th, 1948, Thos. Always tender, fond and true: Hogg, aged 73 yeans. Funeral from There is not a day, dear mother, the Morris Funeral Chape]. In- That we do not think of y-ou." terfnient Bowmanville cemetery. E'e mmbrdbJsi, Leonard, brothers and sisters. CHAPPLE-At San Bernardino, alf., Januany 21, 1948, Thomas PAEDEN-èn Ioving memory of a Chapple, native of Clarke Town- dear father. John Thomas Paeden, *ship. Survived by his brothers, who passed axvay February lst, Lou of Billings, Montana, and Will 1942. of Shoal Lake, Man. His memory is as dear todav t As in the hour he passed away. SHANTZ-At the residence, Con. -Lovingly remembered by 5, Manvers Road, Darlington, on Lorne and Gertie. 6-1 Januany 30th, 1948. Ezra Ervin ___ Shantz. beloved husband of Clara VICE-In loving mcrnlory of aur Ruddell, agcd 62 years. Service dear father, Walter Vice. who1 fnom Morris Funeral Chape]. In- passed away Februarv 9. 1937. 1 terment Woodlawn cemetery, Kit- "Sweet memories will linger for-r chener. eve r: l ____ - -Time cannot change themn, ils Business Opportunities1 true; Years that mas' corne cannot sever WANTED: Mani for steady travel Our loving remembrance of you.*"c among consumens in Durham -Ever rernerber by the family.r county. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only COMING EVENTS Sreliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh Dept. ML-B-140-131, Darce at Enniskil]en Commun- Montreal. 6-4 ity Hall, Friday, February 6 un- _________________________der auspices of Enniskillen Athle- tic Club. Music by Ruth Wilson's MOFTVariety Band. 5-2 x MOFFAc ElecricMembers of No. 9 Home and Ch ElecricRanges Schooi Association are holdingp Immediate Deliverv their annual Valentine dance in s Newcastle Community Hall on r $289.00 February i3th. *Russ Creighton's b _____________________ orchestra. 6-2 it Trilite Lamps Don't forget the Stag Euchre in s the Oddfellow's Hall, Friday, Feb- rr complete with shade ruary 6th, at 8 p.m. sharp, under auspices of C.O.F. Pnizes. Ad- - $14.95 mission 25c. 6-1 Corne and enjoy an evening of - 3-plece Velour entertainment at St. Paul's Lec- esterf ield.s ture Roorn, Friday, February 13, e $] of Oshawa, will present a varied $195.00____________ program of band selections and solos. Under auspices of Senior tr 3-plece Velour Y.P. Admission 35c. 6-1 C0 Stu io oucesCard Party-Eucbre and Lost TI ~ $19.00February 13. Prizes. Baskets of ~?groceries will be auctioned. Ad- m mission 35c. Sponsored by the Ri TRAE-IS ACEPED Young People's Union in aid of th TRD-N CETD the organ furid. 6-1 H Easy Budget Ternis F( Orono Amateur Athietie Associ- ai ation is holding its big St. Valen- ai tine's Eve Leap Year dance Fri- te day. February i3th, nine ta one, di .M UR PH Y'S in Orono Town Hall, special dec- APPLIANCE AND orations, Roy Forrester and bis- FURNITURE STORE popular 7-piece dance band, fea- tured guest soloist, Sadie Hawkins Phone 811 57 King St. W. dances, luckv number prize, spot_ iigbt prize. Admission fifty cents;1I gallery spectators silver collection. 1, THIS IS NATIONAL HEALTH WEEK! NOW is trie tume ta take stock of the condition of the health of your nation, youn communuity, your famlIy and yourself. It is tume ta begin foIlowlng the nules for good health set out by your health authonities. Neiv Color Concentrate For Lips Lipcolor-- by Lady Estiher Now Lady Esther bas discov- ered how ,ta concentrate color so that is neyer deserts your lips in patelles--neyer piles up in a ring. Seven Shades $1.25 Special! $1.00 Eversharp Schick Injector Razor; 12 Eversharp Schick Biades; 1 Colgate Shave Creani ail for only 98c Nox.zema SKIN C'REAINI A .*aseless, medicated ceam Pl ô otes rapid healing and corrects skin fautls. Special 19o For Relief of Cough and Cold Misery Rexail Bronchial Synup, checks stubborn coughs .-- -50e Rexali Baby Cougb Syrup, effective, safe and pleasant to take ..35e Rexail Compound Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, especial- Iy for children's coughs --40c Rexali W'hite Cough Mixture contains no sugar . -60e Rexali nose and throat reliefj with ephednine, aids ini relief of disconifonts of nasal ca- tarrh and spasms of asthma and hay fever. !j flufd ounce.----- 25c 2 flid ounces - ------- SOc Friars Baisani, 1 az. 20c ('amphorated Oul 25e, 35c JURY & LOVELL TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE When. We Test Your Eyes lt is Done Properly Phone »j78 C.N.R. Tickets. CARDS 0F THANKS We wisb ta extend aur Most graceful and sincene tbanks to aur many friends for the scores of beautiful floral tnibutes sent in memony of Our late beloved bus- band and father, and for the hua- dneds of messages of condoience. We wisb also ta tbank ail those wbo so kind]y sent flowers and cuiinary gifts ta the bouse. Among the fniends wbo so genenously came to help, %wc extend special thanks to Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mrs. Ralpb Stutt and Miss Lenore Harding wbo gave s0 loyally of their time in the housebold witb thougbtfulness and competence ta relieve the bunden. With great sincerity we express appreciation to Ted Morris, Fred Hoan, Mn. Workman and other members of Masonic Onde r toge- ther with Rev. J. E. Griffith, Dr. W. P. Fletcher and Rev. W. P. Rogers, whose belpful consîdera- tions so greatly relieved s0 many cares. The ioyalty of oun staff. Mur- ray Tighe, Manvin Allia and Lloyd Forsey who continu cd the bus- iness burdens in aur sudden ber- cavement and the great help re- ceived framn Robert Stocker and Alvin Dowson were such that mere thanks cannot repay. Ta many, many others who sbould bave special mention wve can only offer aur most hcartfelt thanks. Gladys A. Bartlett -111a (".PntLiUt The tamily of the late Marv Hooey wish ta convey heartfelt appreciation ta the many friends, neighbors and relatives for their kind acts and wxords of sympatb\,, also for the beautiful floral trib- utes duning the illnesýs and recent death of their mother: also thc mnes responsible for opcning the roads. 6-1 Business For Sale GARAGE BUSINESS NEW CAR AGENCY n B3owmanville. new building .55 x65 with showroom and garage, cernent block construction, ail heating; seven room house on pro- perty; well equipped garage, good tock. A going concera with a new car agency and large gas business. Owner leaving for Un- ited States, rnust dispose ,in prop- rty by March lst. ApplY in per- son to Edwards Motor Sales, Bow- rianville. 6-i Nolfices The CANADIAN STATESMAN CIassified Advertising Rates EFFECTIVE JANUARY 23, 1948 BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, CARDS 0F THANKS - $1.00 per Insertion IN MEMORIAMS - $1,00 plus 10c a line for verses per Insertion NOTICES, COMING -VENTS, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, WANTED, ETC. '.ash Rate: 2c a word (min. 35e). Must be paid before insertion If Charzed: 3c a word (minimum 50c). Add 25e extra for box numbers ýor replies dlrected to this office. (Additional Insertions at Sanie Rates) ALL CLASSIFEInD ADS MUST BE IN NOT LATER THAN NOON WEPNESDAY. Cash, stanips or mon- ey order with order to get low rate. CLIP THIS OUT FOR HANDY REFERENCE jArticlesFor Sale QUANTITY of bay. R. K. Bragg, phone 2105. 61 CHEVROLET coupe, 1929, good tires. Phone 2977. 6-1 IRON bed and spring in good con- dition. $20. Phone 2223. 6-1* PAIR child's tube skates with black boots size 9. $4.00. Phone 619. 61 LARGE gas stove, smooth top, white enamel. with broiler. Apply 56 Churcb St., Bowmanvi]le. 6-1* KITCHEN cupboards-Streamnlin- ed cupboards for your kitchen or bathroom built and installed at an exceptionally low cost. Phone 772 for free estimate. 6-1* ROYTHERM ail heater, used anc year, suitabie for two or thre ical for garage. A. R. Baker, Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will be phone 2902. 6-1 closed for winter bolidays from February 8 ta about Marcb 15. 5-3 ROYTHERM ail heater, medium size, practically aew. also 170 Keith W. Slemon, M.D., 38 Cen- galions stove ail; stock trailer. re St., Physician and Surgeon. Phone Clarke 1631. 6-i Iff ice boums: Af ternoon 2-4, cxcept ,ednesday. Nighits, TuesdaY. FORD 'V8 haîf-ton panel truck, rbursday and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf 1936, good mechanical condition. Apply Bowmanville Cleaners and The annual meeting of the Bow- Dyers. King St. W. 6-1 nanville Branch of the Canadian ced Cross Society xviii be held in LARGE assortment of storm win- le Council Room of the Town doxvs. various sizes. Apply Bow- ïall at Bowmanville on Friday, manvilie Cleaners and Dyers. cebruary 6th, 1948, commcnciag King St. W. 6-i it 8 p.m. Members are urgcd to ttend, and any others, xvha at- BOYS' overcoat and borsebide end because of interest, wiil be jacket, 10 or 12 year size; ski lubly welcome. 5-2 boots,' hockey boots and skates __________________________ nd i-cuts. size 5; ail in good con- dition. Phone 2834. 6-1 glice Io Creditors LADIES' ski suit, brown blanket loh ie18; ladies' skates, size 6: NTHE ESTATE of Julia Bragg, 1 boys' skates, size 1; inas skates, te of the Township of Darling' size 7. 121l King St. E., evenings. a, in the county of Durhamin î- 6-1* ow, deceased, who died on oir bout the 3rd day of January 1948. FARMERS-Don't let sprng find lie Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Ch. you wafltiiýg that Preston Fertil- 165, Sec. 51j izer Attachment that will fit aay Creditors and others having make of drill; also rubber timed laims against the above Estate wagons. Oî'der now and don't be e nequired ta send full particu- disappointcd. Fred Partnier, phone rs and proof thereof ta the Ex- 2328. 6-21 utar or hîs solicitor on or be- CHROME chairs, kitchen sets, etc. ne the l6th day of February, Special sale of heavy chrome 48, after which date the assets chairs iet alswt lsi Ethe Estate will bc distributcd dintetalsw tps ving regard only ta the claims and extension porcelaintos at avebee reeivd.matched table and chair sets. Feb- 4JE atBoh anville, in the Jruary Specials at F. F. Marris Ca. id county of Durham this l2thj6- y of January, 1948. SPRING-flled mattresses - Old HOMAS H-. CLEMENCE, lower prices stîli available on owmanville. R.R. No. 4, Ont., ma\ofte ies mttses by bs slicior:Make your sciection now from the L. C. MASON, 30 KinjZ St. W., large stock of Simmons- Marshall 3 Bowmanville, Ont. Arrow Slecp equipmcnt at F. F i Morris Co. 6Ji rotcetaCrdiors TRADEIN Daveno bcd; studio -range in good condition $47.50; THE ESTATE 0F Elizabeth mantel radios recoaditioned $12.- nn Allia. late of the Town of! 50; Moffat coal annex $7.50; coal wmanville, in the Couintv OU !heatdr, medium size, $9.50: steel urbam, Spinster, deceased, whol bcds. $5.00. Murphy's, 57 King ed at Bowmanville, on or about St.W. Phone 811. 61 e28th day of August, 1947. EE TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O., 1937,I OSHAWA'S new furnitune store- 1165, Sec. 51. lEverytbing in mode.-n. Chester- Creditors and others having field, bedroomn and dining room ims against the abave Estate suites, and studios. Bedding and erequired to send foul particu- floor cox-erings a specialty. Quai-1 rs and proof thereof ta the Ex- ýity menchandise at competitive utom or his solicitor on or- before prices. Befome buying visît Brad- e 29th day of February, 1948. ley's New Funniture Store, 156 te which date the assets of the Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf tate wilI be distributed having _________________ gard oly ta the dlaims that 'e been 'received.I LostE TED at Bawman ville afore- 1, this 28th day of Janîmary 1948 BROWN leaither iined glove lost s CLARE'E. ALLIN, 'betweea Post Office and Mason & 9 Bowmnvile RR. o 4Dale Hardware. Finder please ne- t Ont., by his solcitor t' tot Mrs. Wm. Roberts, 99 King i wrence C. Mason. St. E., Bowmanvillc. 6-i r Box 29, Bowmanville, Ont. 5-3I MAN'S wrist watch, engraved on ýs back, lost Tuesday mornlng be-: c Personai 1-iwceen Neats Lunch Counter, Div- Ismon St. and Garton's Garage.- [ITNELAV' Don't bc backward Valued as keepsake. Reward if send a Valentine from Elliott's returned ta Len Downey, phone- riety House, 65 King St. East. 423 Bowmanvilie. 61 6-1 *e G IE NI suplis ruberGENTLEMAN'S gold ring, ruby YGIENI suppies (ubberstane, lcft in ladies' wash room atp. )ds) mailed postpaid in plain Stanlev's Lunch. Finder please - ded envelope wmtlî price list. lt'a%.e at Staîile'.'s Lunch or phone N samples 25c. 24 samples S1.00. Mis. Clarence Brooks. 9789 Peter- si ii Oz-der Dept. T-38 Nov--Rub- bora. Liberai reward, ring val- j b -Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont.1 ued as keepsake. 6-11, T lt do, ab( Th c arc la: ecu far 194 of hatha sai da.- TH Bol INI Ari Bo; Dui diec the TE] Ch. ciat are lars ecut the af te Este reg, havý DAI said, Lam? ENI good seulE Six Mail ber Chicks For Sale THE ight chicks at the right time for the good markets assuned poultrykeepers. As agents for Bray Chicks we suggest you size up your needs and order now, for immediate or later deliveny, dayolds or started. F. L. Byam, Tynone. 6-1 Livestock For Sale EIGHTEEN pigs, fromn six ta eight weeks old. Clarence English. Phone Clarke 1234. 6-1* NINE Yorkshire pigs 7 weeks aid. Herb Stainton, Hampton, phone 2734. 6-1* NINE pigs, 7 weeks old; pair of ladies' tube skates size 6%~ good as new; also eiectric brooder, us- ed anc season. Manvin Nesbitt, R.R. 1, NestJeton, phone Port Per- ry 225 n Il. 61 HOLSTEIN bull ready for ser- vice, fromn a son of Monognani. R.O.P. dams. Also Coilie maie pup. ready to train. Appiy Fred R. Stevens, phone 2234. 6-1* Real Estate-For Sale AT Maple Grove. 5 roomed bouse, garage, good well, 2 acres of land. Possession arranged. Phone 2748. 6-i FARM, 72 acres, near Nestleton, suitable for tobacco or mixed farming; buildings in need of ne- pair. Write Box 999, Statesman Off ice, Bowmanviile. 1-tf* FARM-89 acres. one mile fron, Newtonville, bardwood bush, run- ning water. Best reasonable of- fer takes it. G. Jones, 110 King St. E., Bowmanville. 6-1* TWO building lots, fronting on High St.. 66 ft. frontage, 145 .1 ft. deep. Quick sale for cash. Ap- ply Don Carneron, phone 2645, ev- enings. 6-i IN BOWMANVILLE $6800 - 8-roomed brick bouse, hardwood floors, 3-piece bath, car- penter's workshop, garage, excel- $4,700 - 6-roomed insui-brick bouse, 3-piece #bath, bot water from kitchen range, ben bouse, 3 lots, two of these face on Elgin St. EVELYN E. COOKE Real Estate, Newcastle 6-1 * TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received up until February 7, 1948, for 20 single cords of bardwood ta be piled on school grounds S.S. No. 21, Haydon. Lowest or any ten- dler not necessarily accepted. ALYMER BEECH, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, Sec.-Treas. 5-21 FUEL OIL AND GASOLINE, BUSINESS FOR SALE Tenders will be received at the office of W. R. Strike, K.C., King Street, Bowmanville, until 12 o'- ilock noon, February 7th, 1948. for the wliolesale jobbcr fuel oul business of the late C. A. Bartlett n the Town of Bowmanville witb tank car stonage facilities togetb- er with all necessary equipmnent ncluding 2 tank delivemy trucks aLSO lease of*retail gas and service station together with punchase of equipnient and supplies in ser- Tice station. Annuai gallonage old-fuel and stove oil, 301,759;- gasoline, 31,1 40-highest or any tender not necessarily accepted- inspection of equipment on the premises. Tenders mailed or .elivercd ta be plainly marked as uch and ta cantain cemtified heque for 5 per cent of tender price. 5-2 REPAI RS REPAIRS to ail makes of nefnig- crators, domestie and commercial. liggon Electric 42 King St. E., hone 438. 26-tf ýEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial womkmanship, relia- )ilitv-. dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. rry the Neat-Way, King St., W. MEN or women, splendid opan- tunity, average $45.00 weekly for man or woman to supply more than 250 Familex necessities ta the people in your neighborhood. Write today for complete details of our tîme-tested plan for fast, easy, direct-to-customer sales. Catalogue free. Famiiex, 1 6O00 Delorimier, Montreal. 2-6 Wanted To Buy GOOD hay and straw ta bale. Wm. A. Heron, phone Brooklin 12. 6-2* GOOD milk caw, 4 years old, Guernsey or cross, must be quiet. Phone 2648. 6-1 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 4.tf * APPLES-All varieties, any quan- tities. Apply D. Feldman, 205 Ariington Ave., Toronto. Ken- wood 5687. 5-4* ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf LIVE horses for mink and fox food. Caîl us for higheQ-t prices. We also pick up dead farrn stock free of charge. Margwill Fur iFan, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- manville 2679. 41-tf Work Wanted YOUNG couple desires farm job, experienced. Write Box 19, The Statesman Off ice. 6-1 STORM windows, combination doors, made to measurements. T.i H. Tabb, Tyrone. 50-tf Help Wanted 1 AN expenienced man ta work on dairy farm witb ail modern equip- ment. If married could provide separate living quarters. Steady job and good wages. Write Box 17, Statesman Office.6-*r Wanted to Rent s THREE or four unfurnisbed rooms, or smail cottage, middle aged couple, no children. Write Box 20, Statesman Office. 6-l* t THREE-roomfed apartment or a smal bouse, in or around town, f for two aduits and six year aId a boy. Write W. Wallis, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 15-2*e BY returned clergyman, Newcas- tle or east tc, Welcome, 3 or 4 rooms to rent or bouse with or without acreage ta ent with pri- t vilege of purchase. Write Box 18,c Statesman Office. 6-if SMALL apartment in Bowman- ville, for young married couple, a husband employed at the Ontario I Training School for Boys. Write Box 21, Statesman Office. 6-1 M Room and Board b AVAILABLE in wamm home, suit Iv elderly lady or couple; light nurs- R ing care, if desimed. Write Blox il, iv The Statesman. 5-3f E Mn. and Mns. Howard Hubbard, Nottingbam, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Walt Bryant, Mm. Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, Mm. and Mms. B. Slnger- land and Lynda and Mr. Merle Hubbard, Bawmanviile were en- tertained by Mm. and Mrs. Ben Hubband. Mr. Eldon Hubbamd is visiting friends at Norwich. ý ---- zz:2:-- --- - - - - - -- -- 2 - : : : : - z -- - - - - - - - - -ne5effl ffl 1 Help Wanted TYRONE The congregational meet 1 n g was heid January 27 with a very good attendance. The congrega- tion was very pieased with the good wonk of our treasurer of stewards, Mn. Percy Wenry. The variaus onganizations re- ported that they had met their allocations with \a favorable bal- ance on hand. The Board complimented Mn. Everton White on the splendid womk of supervising the building of the new manse. The debt of $1,300 on manse was allocated as foilows: Tyrone $650, Haydon $325, Salem $325. Officers for coming year: chair- man, Mr. W. J. Miller; treasurer, Mr. Percy Weriy; stewards, Mes- srs. Douglas Cale, Ray mo nd Clapp, Clarence Woodiey, Alden Hoar, Gardon Brent, Wesley Hilis and Howard Philp. It was de- cided ta present the new mem- bers joining the church at Eas- ter time with new Bibles. Junior Young People met Sun- day, Febnuary 1, with a good at- tendance. Arvilla Bec k e t t's group was in charge of worship service. Seripture by Roland Coombes;, readiag, "Heroic Liv- ing," Arvilla Beckett; prayer by Bessie Hill; paem, "Others" iby Dorothy Skinner; solo, Dorothy Wright. Topic "The Romance of Paper" by Mrs. Gardon Brent. Lunch was served and meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Maynard with Mm. and Mns. S. WalVer, Bow- ma nvi île. Rev. A. E. Cresswell and Mrs. O. Friend visited Mm. Friend, who is in Ge eral Hospital, Toronto. Mr. an d Mrs. Roy Cornish and Linda, Mrs. George Dnew, Miss Nellie Scorgie, Oshawa, were Sunday gucsts with Mrs. W. T. Worden. Mrs. Arthur Richards and Mns. Clinton Bigeiow visited Mrs. H. Findley in the East Generai Hos- pital, Toronto, on Tuesday. Hem rnanv fniends here wish ber a speedy recovery. World's Day of Prayer is being ricld February 13, at the home of VIns. George Aildread. Mm. and Mrs. H. Pbilp enter- tained a number of friends at ;heir home last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverley and family, Bowmanvilie, witb Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam visit- ed at Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Haynes, Bowmanville, with Mm. and Mrs. .lobt. Shred. Mm. and Mrs. H. Rundie, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton and children with- Mm. and Mns. D. Stainton. Mm. and Mrs. F. Wright, Grant and Beverley witb Mm. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Petemboro. Miss Jessie Haoey is spendiag a week with ber sisten, Mrs, A. Ab- bott, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mutton, Miss Rena Mutton, Mm. and Mrs. Floyd Multton, Manjorie, June, Joan and Roy, Bowmanville, with Mr. and /Irs. H. Philp. Mrs. R. Hathenley is with Mrs. H. Crossman, Haydon. Mm. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Carùol and Donna, with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hockaday, Sauina. Mm. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett and -hiidren, Mn. Don Lamb, Ennis- i1Jen, Miss Jennie Beckett, Ma- Newtonvllle, Phone Clarl We Deliver ke 8 5-4* February Features piece Chrome Studio Suites, ai spring- .ed construction! New Velour Cover- js. Largest Selection - Lowest Prices! THE BRIDGE BUILDER I 1111 An old man, gaing a lone highway i( Came at the evcning, cald and gray,an To a chasm, vast and deepan wide, The old man crossed in the twi- ligbt dîm- That sullen stream had no fears for him; eut hie turned, when hie reached the other side, And buiit a bridge to span the, tide. "Old man," said a fellow pilgmim near, 'You are wasting utreagth ia building hcre. Your jouraey will end with the .- ending day; You neyer again mnust pass this way. You bave cmossed the chasm, deep and wide, Why build you the bridge at the eventide?" The builder lifted bis old gray bead. i BOII 'Goad fricnd, in thie path I have corne." hie said, "Thene followeth after me today A youth whose feet must pass this_____ way. This chasm that has been naught ta me To that fair-baimed youthi may a pitfali be. He,too, must cross in the twilight Good friead, I amn building a~ bridge fan hinm."-Will Allen Dnamgoole. FREE SERVICE DEAD HORSES & CATTLE REMO'ED IMMEDIATELY and WITHOUT C'1ARGE Telephone Coileet: TORONTO - Adelaide 3636 COBOURG - 48J GzORDON YOUNC. LIMITED ORONO 'ree Service Dead or Crippled Horses or Caille removed ai once wiihoui chargr We Pay your Phone call. Phone Bau manville 2679 MARGWJLL FUR FAIM R.R. 1, TYRONE PHONE BOWMANVILLE 2679 F. F. MORRIS CO. ,'MANI ILLE pe Grve, wth Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Ennis- 1killen, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees. Congratulations ta Mr. and Misi. Lloyd Skinner <nee Shirley Park) who wene married last Saturday at the Tyrone manse. This community extends dmp sympathy to Mrs. E. E. Shantz and family in the sudden passing of Mr. Sbantz last Fiday. Fun- eal service was held in the Mr- ris Funeral Chapel iast Sunday aftennoan with a large number of relatives and fnienda ini attend. ance. NE WTON VILLE Mr. Del Whitney and son, Ren, Mr. Geo. Stapleton and son, Keith1 attended the Hereford Breedersi Pnovincial annual convention and banquet at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on Monday. Ai Following Stores The Staiesman Sold Dyen's Dnug Store, Newcastle D. G. Walton's, Newcastle W. C. Lane & Son, Newtonville C. B. Tyrell, Omono T. M. Slernon, Enniskilleir F. L. Byam, Tynone G. A. Barron, Hampton Wmn. Hackwood, Pontypool H. T. Saywell, Blackstock The Siatesman Office W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Lovl J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and Wy does a chiken cross the noad? For the same reason peoplie do-to get on the other side. Whyr does a chicken get killed before it gets ta the othc'r side? Because it doesnt knoxv how ta bc caretul. People d.o know boxv ta be careful -but traffie records show that scores each year fail ta get ta the other side of the noad or stneet. Dori't be a dumb cluck. Be aiert -act like an intelligent buman being-.-and neach the other side safely. ORDER NOW FERTILIZERS for sprng grains, hoe crop& and tomatoes THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMtlr. ONTAiRirn 3-r. Ml R.R. 1, TYRONE PHONE BOWMANVrLLE 2679 We wIll be glad to dis- euss your fertilizer needs with you H. W. StapIetoR agent for CANADA PACKER,%

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