Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1948, p. 3

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'1NYSA..TWTW ~le, TE A!ADANSTTS .1 - OWAIV-L, -TPX P-ETEE Donations SURli eing Received -for New Memorial Hospital Clarke Falla, Orme_______ Donson, A. _______ Savery, W. ______ Paeden, L._______ Farrow, H._______- HalowilN._ HalowelBeuiah, Toronto Anonymous ---------- Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Savery, R.-- ---- ----- Parrow, H-------- Z1F%"ch, Mr. and Mrs. Harold a ,Arthur ------- ---- A~ews, N. R., Orono -- -- À jd, W., Orono------ Cpman, Percy, Orono - Newtonville Reid, J ----------------------- Clark, George ------- ---- Wood, Mrs. Winnifred -- Hale Pros --------------------- Stapleton, M.___ Stapleton, Cecil Farrow, H ----------- Stringer, Mrs. W.- Reid, W. E--------- - - Fox, W.--------_- Hallowell, S---- ------ -- Reid, A. and E. - -- Clysdale, S. R. ----------- 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 3.00, 5.00 1.00 50.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 .75 2.00 2.00 5.00 R.R. 3 Newcastle Alldrcd, C. T.____ 5.00 Hendry, Alex - - 10.00 Powell, Mr. and Mrs. S. - 5.00 Greenham, Lucy-------- -- --- 1.00 White, Austin and Mrs. T. J. 2.00 Jaynes, Mr. and Mrs. Bey. 1.00 kelding, Mr. and Mrs. S.-10.'00 Alldread, Mr. and Mrs. R. 5.00 Hendry, Mr. and Mrs. John 5.00 Baskerville, Mr. and Mrs.R. 5.00 DunMm iad Mrs. Ken -- 5.00 Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. J. -- 5.00 Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. W. -- 10.00 Kendal Morton, George --- -- 5.00 Hector, George- 2.00 Lowan, John--- 3.00 Armour, Jas.---- ------3.00 Morton, Albert ------ 1.00 Morgan, Robt. 1.00 Stewart, N. S.-------- 5.00 Hay, J.- ------- 1.00 Gordon, John 2.00 Gay, C-------- 2.00 Cooper, C------- 2.00 Grcenwood, L---- 1.00 Cathcart, G- -------- - 2.00 Stewart, Miss K. 5.00 Gordon, S.-------------------- 1,00 Darlington, Ken ----. 1.00 Geary, Mr --------------------1.00 Canning Crop Growers' FORTH ANNUAL CONVENTION Collegiale Auditorium, Belleville, Ontario thursday, 'January 151h, 1948 All growers are cordially invited to attend this important meeting to hear the latest views in production and marketing of Tomatoes, Peas, Sweet Corn and Green Beans for process- ing, discussed by such prominent speakers as: PROFESSOR C. B. RAYMOND, Corneli University, Ithaca, New York, on "The Production and Marketing of High Quality Peas for Processing" M., B. DAVIS, Dominion Horticulturist, Ottawa, Ont., who wi. deal with Soul Conservation. DR. . D. MacLACHLAN, Plant Pathologist, Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph, who brings the latest information on "Our Problem with Tomato Blight and Rot in 1948." GEORGE WILSON, Director, Fruit Branch, Department of Agriculture, Toronto, Ont., deais with the "Results of To- inato Grading in Eastern Ontario in 1947." K- THE FORUM Lead by A.N.L. Butler with many well known authorities on the platform to present the latest information on production problerns. GUEST SPEAKER COLONEL, THE HONORABLE T. L. KENNEDY, Minister of Agriculture GET-TOGETHER LUNCHEON AT NOON Meeting Starts Promptly at 10:00 ar. Ontario Vegetable Growers' Marketing Bd. Luxton, Mrs. Gardon, J. Warren, Mr. Sleep, Roy Reynolds, H. ______ Thorne, Mrs. Martinell, Mrs. G. Thertell, Mrs. S. Stoker, Mrs. F. -____ Martinell, Mrs. L. Robinson, M. Wilson, Mrs. W.-____ Soper, K- ---- Cooper, C. A. Winn, R -------- Hilditclz, T. Jackson, W. Falls. T. Newtonville Holmes, Mrs. M. J. Warrall, Mrs. F. Rant; Mrs. A. Neccleff, A.- Wade, A. W- Gibbs, R -------------- Orono 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 2.00 1.00 .50 5.00 .50 2.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 Robinson, V ---------------- 2.00 Yco, Fred ---Kndl10.00 Mrs. G. Glass --------- - Newtonville Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. S. - Newcastle Tubman, Mr. and Mrs. K. - Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1 Hillier, Mr. and Mrs. J.- Stephenson, Mr. and M rs. J. G.- ------ -- Turner, Mr. and Mrs. C. Burkell, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Reichrath, Mm. and Mrs. H. - Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.__1 Wisan, Mr. and Mrs. Thas.- Brown, Sidney ------- Allin, Mr. and Mrs. S.- Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. F. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. F. Graham, Sr. M.-- ------ Bronstein, T ----------------- Porteous, Mr. and Mrs. S.- M orrow, J.-------------- Booth, Mr. and Mrs. E. Bennett, W------------- - Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Truman------------------ Hancock,Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham, Jr. M --------------- Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. -1 Perrin, Miss Jean-- Lunn, Archie, Orono Shackleton, Gerald Shackleton, Roland Thornton, Roy - Burk, Stella Rutherford, Wm. Ghapman, J.- --------- - Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J.- OovQn, C--------------- Wood, Wes., Orono Wood, Mrs. L.---- Coatham, H. ____- Cowan, H. Paterson, L. Moffatt, W. S. ______ 10.00 10.00 5.00 50.00 5.00 1.0.0 5.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 2.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 10.00 4.00 5.00 5.00 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 5.00, OBITUARY ELVA V. TRULL LAWSON Elva Valetta Truli Lawson, a lii elang resident ai Clarke and Hope Townships passed away on Jan. 4, at Millbrook, aiter an ill- ness ai five years. Bora in Clarke Township near Leskard in 1885, she was married in 1912 ta H. B. Lawson ai Hope Township, who predeceased her fifteen years ago. A member ai the United Church and active in, the Womnan's As- sociation of Welcome, and Garden Hill, Mrs. Lawson won many friends by hem cheerful, unselfish and patient lufe. She is survived by three sis- ters, Mrs. Dr. Beatty and Mms. Richard Gardiner ai Garden Hill and Mrs. Ethel Allan ai Rochester, N.Y.; and one brother, F. W. Truli ai Orono. Another sister, Mrs. H-. Russell ai Millbroak, predeceased hem two years aga. Funerai services were held at Garden Hill on Jan. 6. In- terment was at Welcoxrie Ceme- tery. More people are maimed by broken homes than by all aur ac- cidents and wars. Married in Victoria To-day NEWELL-WINSBY 0f much local interest is the H.A. and served as forward obser- announcement of the wedding of vation officer with the Carlton, Major P. G. Newell, M.C. and Bar, and York Regt. of N.B. and for a Newcastle, to Miss Beatrice Wins- time with the Hastings-Prince Ed- by, R.N., Victoria, B.C., which ward Regt. takes place at the home of the Winning the Military Cross at bride, today, Thursday, Jan. 15, the Hitler Line, north of Casino, 1948. Italy, a bar was added later in Miss Winsby is a daughter of the war. Major Newell has con- the late Col. and Mrs. Winsby of tinued his interest in military af- Victoria, who were long promin- fairs since coming to Durham ent in the social life of the city. County and is presently second in Commissioned in the nursing ser- command, 4th Field Regiment, S. vices she went overseas in 1941 P. Lindsay, Ont. and served throughout the war Born in Oxford, England, he with the l6th General Hospital in came to Canada in 1927 and since England and North West Europe. Nov., 1945, he has been manager Since returning to Canada she has of the Canadian Tobacco Planta- been engaged with Public Health tions and the Adams Lumber Co., Dept. in Northern British Colum- at Newcastle. bia. She met Major Newell while Following a wedding trip ta both were on active service, points in the U.S.A., Mr. and Mrs. A graduate of the O.A.C. and in Newell will become residents of the 4th year at Toronto Univer- Bowmanville with apartments in sity taking his Ph.D. course, Ma- the Nelson Block. He will con- jor Newell went oveiseas in 1940 tinue to manage his business in- with the lst Field Regiment, R.C. terests from the Newcastle office. WEDDING CRAGO-QUINNEY A picturesque wcdding was sol- cmnized at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Albert Quinney ai Provi- dence on Saturday, Dec. 27, when their second daughter, Dorothy Mildred, was united in marriage ta Calvin Melbourne Crago, youn- gest son ai Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crago. Rev. E. Gardon Bruton, Port Perry, uncle of the bride, officiat- cd, assisted by Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Bowmanville. The bride given in marriage by her father looked bovely in a iloar length gown oi white brocaded cord'ed silk with fitted bodice, low swetheart neck line anid long fitted slecves which came to a point aver the hand, full skirt with train and full panniers aver the hips ending in a bustle low at the back. Hem long veil was caught by a band af tiny white flowers and satin bows. She wore peari earrings and peari necklace, the git ai the groom and carried a cascade oi ted roses and white >mums. Mrs. Ernest Blake af Bowman- ville was her sister's only atten- dant in a floor iength gown of blush pink satin and sheer gearg- ette crepe, white net gloves and a head dress ai pink and white net. She carried a bouquet ai vani- coloured pink carnations. Her git from the groom was a com- pact. Mr. Jack Crago, brother of the groom, was best man. The groom's gif t ta his brother was a leather billfold. The wedding music was played by Miss Lillian Osborne ai Ham- ilton. In the living room which was tree and pink and white stream- ers, the bride's table was attrac- tively spread with white embroid- Business Directory Legal W. R. STRIKE, K. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Ican - Phone 791- Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MAS ON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 - Residence 553 W. F. WARD, BA. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 9 'à King Street E. Bowmanville -Ontario Phone: Office 825- House 409 MISS APHA L HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Suçcessor to M. G. V. Gould Temýperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 Dental DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday. Closed Sunday. Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeli 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 naon, Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604- 23-5* Monuments The Rutter Granite CJompany Phone 501 - P.* Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. ered cloth centred by a three tiered wedding cake on each side of which burned taîl white can- dies. .Aiter the ceremony, a dainty luncheon was served by Misses Lillian and Helen Os'borne, ably assisted by Mrs. Eva Bragg and Mrs. Earl Osborne. The bride's mother wore a fuch- sia crepe gown embroidered in black sequins with small black sequin hat to match. She wore a corsage of white 'mums. The groom's mother ware a green two- piece crepe gown with black ac- cessories and a corsage of yellow enmums. . The happy couple left by motor on a trip to, Toronto, Hamilton and points west. For travelling, the bride chose a dove grey embroid- ered> flannel dress, dove gmey coat and black accessories. She wore a corsage ai American Bcauty Y, ,n. New Books Ai Public Library List of new books now to be found on the Public Library shelves, books restful, instructive, and romantic and for those whose literary taste seek quiet thoughts, is as follows: Fiction Title Author Ride East, Ride West A. Powers The Hopeful Heart P. Gibbs Friends and Loyers H. McInnis Captain from Castile S. Shellabarger Miracle on 34th Street V. Davies Heritage Perilaus J. Farnol Dust on the King's Highway H. White Final Curtain N. Marsh Presidential Mission U. Sinclair Unless two be Agreed M. Peddler Bus Station Murders L. Revel Early Morning Poison B. Cobb Case of the Fan-Dancer's Horse Gardener Rise of Henry Morcar P. Bentley Dusskerleys H. Sprihg The Hollow A. Christie Murder of Jacob Carionsey P. Capou There was a Time T. Caldwell Jud'gement Glen W. R. Bird Sealed Verdict L. Shapero One Fine Day M. P. Dowes AUl This to Keep French Haunted Highways T. Burk The Angry Planet J. K. Cross Drums of Destiny P. Boumne Kings in Exile C. Roberts Non-Fiction Title Author Study of History A. J. Toynbee Signposts to Adventure Gordon Sinclair The Scot in History W. Notestein Bulfinch's Mythology T. Buifinch Colony to Nation A. R. M. Lower Under the Red Sea Sure Com. E. Ellsbery In the Hands of the Senecas W. W. Edmonds Three Came Home A. N. Keith Fanfare for Elizabeth E. Sitwell History of Japan K. S. Latourette Wanless of India L. Wanless Pageant of the Gears P. Gibbs Fresh Wind Blowing G. Campbell Juvenile Books Title Author One Hundred Stories for Boys Wallace Toys every Child can Make Wright Your Manners are Showing Betez Calai the Wild London Ramn Forest Sperry Treasury ai Dag Stories Wcim Wonder Book and Tan-glewood Tales Hawthorne Pit Pony Banning Three Toymakers Williams Hans Brinker Dodge Friends'hip Valley Wolo Last Violin Judson Scottish Nursery Rhymes Montgomery From Earth ta the Moon Verne Earth Beneath aur Feet Wilson How to Make Paper Flowers - Morgan Competent Secretary Russel Victor Book ai Musical Fun Cott Sa You're Going ta, Get a Puppy Meek BURKETON Mm. ad Mrs.A. BIrrel, Toron- ta r~. and MS. Walter Rahm, Tyrone, at Mrs. W. C. Rahrns, wha is still 111 with the éald. The W.A. met at the home af Mrs. E. Caughill, Jan. 8. It was decided ta have a social evening in the church an Jan. 23.- Visitors: 0 Mr. Wm. Hosklns was vlsiting friendqs in Niagara Falls. Mr. Chester Hoskins wlth friends in Toronta. Mr. and Mms Grant Wilson and Beryl, Oshawa, with Mrs. Pearl Avery. Mrs. jim Hatherly, Peterboro, is staying with hem sister, Mrs. Hoesman. *Miss Marian Hopley, R.N, Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hop- iey for a few weeks. Mrs. Rilda Stephenson, Toron- to, with her family. BLACKSTOCK The new Council met in the Community Hall on Monday after- noon for the first meeting. Rev. R. B. Harrison was present and assisted in the inauguratýion. A large gathering at Devitt's Hall last Friday evening were very grateful ta Mr. George Black and Mr. Wesley Sweet for pro- viding a social evening in appre- ciation of the support given them STOCKER'S GARAGI Marfak Lubrication - Firestone 153 King St. E. Brake Drum Lathing, Ho: Grinding our Special Ail Wool PL AI D Authentic ail waal Plaid Tartans that arc 54" wide. Ideal for skirts, shorts or slacks. Yard -.- _---$2,6 in the recent election. Miss Norma Hooey liIn Tomio«g to ta complete her Home Econs. omics Course begun In sumxnl school courses. We are very aorry ta Frank Stinson has pneurona!a is in Bowmanville Hosp>ita.W wish for her a speedy reeovery. Miss Jean Harris has taken d position in Jewell's Store in Bowý4 manville and started on Mond*y4 Mr. Howard Farder, Mrs. Josi Farder, Marilyn, Donna an Don4 aid, visited friends in Bancrofi over the weekend.1 Mr. Clarence Parr, Bowmar'm ville was with his mather, MrIý Robert Parr on Sunday. Purpie Hill and the Blackstoc~ Hockey Team played an eitn game on Monday night. iw very closely fought with Pui'pld Hill taking the lead until the aril af the game. The Blackstack tean won by one goal, the score being 9-8. A good crowd was in th Arena ta give their support. W~ are ail glad that the Council ari purchasing the records and amr plifying equipment. The United Sunday Schoal helIL their annual meeting at the churcli on lay evening and Mr. Earl Dr was appointed superinten- der-, for another year. Demanding women make cow'. ards of men. Appeasing womeii make dictators of men. Either make democracy impractical. E Tires fI. Phone 804 ning& lty b- d fil Il~ Wool Crepes Sait, lavely, woal crepes in a bevy ai spring shades. Grand for that new spmings dress. Colors are powdem, brown, wine, black, gray and mcd. 36" wide. Yard - $2,4 Cotton GINGHAM Fine quality cattan Gingham la plaid dèsigns oi browns or blues. Makes up Inta lovely littie frocks for li mnother or daughter. 36" wide$14 Flowered S eersucker Save yoursclf a lot ai iran- ing with this lovely flowered or stripcd scersucker. 36" wide. It is the cloth of 101 uses. Yard - 9C Spring Suifing Nothing nicer for little girl's dresses, Here's the material for that new spring or a blouse for yourself. Tiny rost suit. Ail wooi in a herringbone weave. flowered design on white 541c wid" n graymcd or$25 background. 36" wide. Yard - 1 powder. Yard - 2 5 Sofi, Rich, VELVETEEN A fine quality veiveteen in rich shades ai red, bmown, green, black, navy and wlne. 36" wlde Yard $3039 PHONE 451 T he Modern Store - BOWMANVILLH /A y Sew Your Spring Fashions Here's your opportunity to make yourself a complete new spring outfit at hardly any expense at ali You can choose the style and material you want. We have a choice selection of rayons, cotton, wools and wonder- fui new prints and plaids. New Spring PRINTS Just arrived!- Dainty flowered de- signs in fine cotton print. Can be used for dresses, aprons, sun suits, housecoats, etc. 36" wide. 59c yard Dainty Dotted Swiss 1 1 Tm CANADUN STATESMAX, BowmANvnm, oNTAiuo :ANUARY 13. 1948 PACM TEM

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