Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1948, p. 13

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'PHRSDY.JANUARY 15, 1948 TECNDA TTSAEWAVLE NAOPG ~TE ~~k4sEPvEO~4 BIRTHS DEATH DEATII ýANNS-Born to Mr. and Mrs. CALLAN - Suddenly at Brace- SHANTZ-In Chicago, Ill., at the Lorne W. Annis, Tyrone, in Bow- bridge Memorial Hospital, Janu- home of her daughter, on January manville Hospital, on December . amy 11, 1948, Mabel Leoma Rob- 3, 1948, Mrs. Allie Welsh Sbantz, 30th, 1947, a daughter, Elaine bîns, beioved wife of George W. daugbter of the late Edward Iaret. 3-1* Cailan, aged 59 years. Interment (Ned) Welsh, Bowrnanvilie. Fu- Bowmanville cemetery. neral in Rochester, N.Y., Janual-y B A ARD-Mr. and Mms. M. S. 7, with interment White Haven Bar d (nee Betty Rice) are JAMIESON-At his residenee, in cemetery, Dr. Watson, officiating. ple ed ta announce the bith of 1 Newcastle, on Monday, January their son in Kirkland Lake Hos- 5. h1948, George Jamieson, beloved RUNDLE-At Windsor on Janu- pital on, Tuesday, January 13, busband of Eva Maude Riekard in amy 12, 1948, Vera May Currie, 1948. 3-1' bis 74th year. Service fromn the beioved wife of Roy William Run- Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- die, 511 Oak Ave., Windsor. Fu- DEVITT-Mm. and Mrs. Carl E. ville. Interment Orono eemetery. neral service was held Wednesday Devitt announce the bîrth of their at 2 p.m. Interment in Windsor son and Wayne's brother, Termy <MARTIN-At Toronto on Janu- cemetery. 3-1 -Andrew, at Bowmanville Hospi- Iamy 7th, 1948, Janet Martin, be- tal on Januamy 6, 1948. 3-1 îoved wife of Peter Martin (for- COMING EVENTS merly of Bowmanvilie) aged 72 KILPATRICK-Mr. and Mrs. H. years. Funerai from Morris Fu- Dance in Enniskilen Commun- Kiipatrick wisb to announce the neral Chapel on Jan. 10. Inter- ity Hall Fmday, January 23 un- arrivai of their daughtem, a sister ment Bowmanvil'e cemetery. dem auspices of Ennîskillen Ath- for Sharon and Jill, on Januamy 5 letie Club. *Music wil be provid- 1948. 3.1* TRENOUTH-In the Bowmanville ed by Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. Hospital on Wednesday, January Lueky draw. 3-1 ENGAGEMENT 14, 1948, Nellie Pascoe. beioved wife of the late Ambrose Tren- Come to the Box Social ta be Mm. and Mrs. Fred Rogers of outh, dear mother of Mrs. Roy heid in Tyrone Hall, Friday even- Nestleton wish to announce the Metealfe, (Lyra>, of Maple Grove, ing, January 16. Progressive engagement of their eldest daugb- Frank of Oshawa and Ross of Tor- 1 cards and crokinole commencing ter, Mary Madeline Rogers, to Ed- onto, in her 83rd year. Resting at at 8:15. Admission 35e and 20c. ward Russell Bennett, eidest son Northcutt & Smith Funerai Cha- Ladies with boxes free. Proceeds of Mm. and Mrs. Frank R. Bennett pel, Bowmanvilie for service Sat- in aid of the cburch. 2-2 of Port Perry. The marriage will urday. January 17 at 2 p.m. In- take Place February 14.i 3-1* terment Hampton cemetery. iAdac wilehednte - 'Newcastle Community Hall under the auspices of the Board of Man- agement on Friday, January 23rd. ton and bis 5-piece band of Tom- onto in attendance. Admission VA l 50e per person. 3-2 i~lJIm, RESUT USE THE STATESMAN CLASSIFIED J)4D SECTION CC13 you can bring your advertising, message to the attention of .12,000 PROSPECTIVE BUYERS ai a minimum cosi of 35c mp FREE! The newly opened Courtice United Church will hoid a chieken pie supper January 16, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Admission 75e and 50c. Entertainment following: Mrs. Ciayton Lee, Mr. Howard Foley, elocution; Muriel Downs, Rev. Sam Henderson, soloists; Harry Rogers, piano accordion; Mr. Wilt- sbire, euphonium. 3-1 A meeting will be held in New- castle Community Hall on Janu- ary 20th at 8 p.m. to discuss the matter of building a Co-Operative Canning Factory in this district. At a meeting on December 16, a committee was appointed to en- quire into the details of such a proposai and wiil report at this meeting. AIl interested parties are asked to attend. Ladies are cordiaily invited. H.C. Pedwell. 2-l; Notice Io Creditors IN THE 1ESTATE of Julia Bragg, late of the Township of Darling- ton, in the county of Durham, wi- dow, deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of January 1948. The Trustee Act R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51 Creditors and' others having dlaims against the above Estate are required to send full particu- lars and proof thereof to the Ex- eeutor or bis solicitor on or be- fore the l6th day of February, 1948, after which date the assets of the Estate wiii be distributed having regard only to the dlaims ththave been received. DTDat Bowmanville, in the said county of Durbam this h2th day of January, 1948. THOMAS H. CLEMENCE, Bowmanviie, R.R. No. 4. Ont., by his solicitor: * L. C. MASON, 30 King St. W., 3-3 Bowmanviiie, Ont. FRIEIE! ABSOLUTELY FREE!e Saturday Morning 8:30 a.m. 72 Hats (OUR ENTIRE STOCK) SELLING REGULARLY UP TO $7.95 LIMIT ONE TO A LADY'S HEAD at Classified Ad rates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word <minimum 15c> Must be pald before insertion IIF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25e extra for box numbers or replies directed ta this office ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail Classified Adiets Must Se In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Tou must lnclude cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy to jet 10w rate. Notices Keith W. Siemor, MD., 38 Cen- tre St., Physician and Surgeon. Office hours: Afternoon 2-4, except Wednesday. Nights, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 7-8. 41-tf Change of office hours: Dr. Birks' office will be open every afternoon (exeept Wednesday and Sunday) from 1:30 to 4:30. Pa- tients will be seen at other hours by appointment. Also office wili be closed week of January 26 to January 31. 3-3 The annual meeting of Bow- manville Public Library will be beld in the Library reading room on Tuesday, January 2th at 7 p.m. The Library Board for the year 1948 will be elected at this meeting and ail subscribers to the Libramy are requested to attend. Fergus E. Morrill, 3-1 Secretary Alarm box at corner off Elgin and Second street; door bas on several occasions been opened and stones and snow put inside. Ratepayers kept at me for a long time to have this alarm put in that section so we bad it installed, but it could have been put in just as badly needed parts of the town as that; but scarcity of alarms would flot permit. If the parents of these youths that are doing this do lot warn and have stopped this practice, I will order this alarm taken out and put in some place just as badly needed in a part of the town where it wil not be abused and will be appre- cîated. C. L. Hooper, 3-1 Fire Chief ,CARDS 0F THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Henry Jacks wisb to express their beartfelt thanks for many acts of kindness, letters of sympathy and floral tributes during their recent bereavement. 3 - 1 The family of the lite James H. Brown wisb to express their sin- cere thanks to neighbors and friends for the many acts of kind- ness, expressions of sympathy and floral tributes during their recent bereavemnent. 3-1- IN MEMORIÂMI BROOME-In loving memory of a dearly be]oved wife and mother Susan Broome who passed away January 17, 1944. "She bade no one the last farewell She said good-bye to none, The Heavenly gates were opened wide, A heavenly voice said 'corne.' -Always remembered by Husband, Daughter and Sons. 3-1* CANN-In loving memnory of a dear son and brother, Percy Hoop- er Cann, who passed away Janu- ary 15, 1947. "One year has passed since that sad day, The one we loved was called away. God took him home, it was His will, But in our hearts he liveth still." -Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by Mother, Dad and Sister. 3-1* CANN-In loving memory of bus- band and father Percival Hooper Cann who passed away January 15. 1947. "Remembrance is a golden chain Death tries to break but ail in vain; To have, to love and then to part Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart. The years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out neyer, The memory of the happy days When we were al together." -Ever remembered by wife Mary, and daughters Retta and Joan. 3-4* DEWELL-In loving memomy of Helen Marilyn Deweli, darling daughter of Percy and Evelyn Deweli who passed away sudden- ly January 15, 1946. -Sadiy missed and levingly re- membered by Mummy and Daddy. 3-1* FLINT-In loving memory of our dear mother, Annie Rebecea Flint who passed away January 19, 1946. Peaceful be thy rest, dear mother, It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved you dearly, In death we do the same. -Sadly missed by daughter Elsie and son Whelsby. 3-1" Mrs. Joseph McRoberts and fa-___ mily wisb to express tbeir thanks MKIH -nlvn enr to relatives, friends, neighbors and oMcKNa iHT-and loig emo Cry Long Sault L.O.L. for messages of tina McKnigbt, who passed away sympathy and floral tributes re- Januar.' 20, 1943. ccived at the time of the deatb of J ive yer have passed and gone a dear husband and father. 3-1* Since one we loved 50 well ____Was taken fromn our home on Mm. R. H. Warder and Marion eartb wish to express their sincere With Jesus Christ to dweil. thanks to neigbbors and fiends The flowers we place upon hem for the many acts of kindness. ex- grave. pressions of symypathy, and floral 'May wither and decay, trîbutes during the illness and But the love of ber who sheeps be- death of the wife and cm1otber of neatb, their home.34i Shaîl neyer fade away. -Sadly missed by Husband and The family of the late George daughters. 3-1*~ Bedford. wisb to extend their most grateful thanks and appreciation Wanted To Buy to tbeir many friends and neigh -_________________ hors for their acts of sympathy ALL types live poultry and fea- and beautiful floral tributes ex- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, tended them during their recent R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany sad hereavement. 31 7 r 13. 1-tf The family of the laIe Mrs. LIVE horses for mink and fox Peter Martin wish 10 express food. Caîl us for highe.Lt prices. beamtfeht tbanks to neighboms and We also pick up dead farmn stock fiends for tbe many acts of kind- free of charge. Margwill Fur ness, messages of sympatby and Famm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bow- floral trihutes reeeived at the manville 2679. 41-tf time of the death of a loving wif e and mother, 3-1* Applications Wanted The Paeden family wîsb to ex- Applications for Road Superin- press to their relatives, friends tendent for the Townsbip of and neigbboms, Dr. McKenzie and Clarke, will he received up to ahl those wbo sent boxes, tbeir February 7th, 1948. State exper- beamtfelt thanks for cards and ience, wages expected. All appli- letters, floral tributes, help and cations must be sealed and sent 10 sympathy during their bereave- Joseph J. Melor, Oono, Ont. 3-2 ment in the sudden passing of their death mother. 3-1 Work Wanted Mrs. Eva Jamieson wishes toa STORM windows, combination extend ber grateful tbanks and ap- doors, made ta measurements. T. preciation to ber many relatives, H. Tabb. Tyrone. 50-tf frîends and neighbors for expres- sion of sympathy, acts of kindness l-elp Wanted and beautiful floral tributes ex- tended ta hem in the loss of a dear MECHANIC, year around job, hI- husband, especially thanking Rev. censed preferred. Apply Robson W. W. Patterson for bis comfort- Motors, 134 King St. E., Bowman- ing words. 3-1* ville. 2-2* Mr. and Mrs. Max Tuerk wish YOUNG man wlth Senior Matric- 10 thank their fiends, relatives, ulation and preferably some uni- IRev. G. C. Quigley, St. Paul's Ev- versity training for office wark. ening Auxiiiary, Bowmanvihle Write Box 4, Statesman Office.2 Band and Canadian Legion for 2-2 the many acts of kindness, sbownGILo magnrlhue bo Max while home on ChristmasGILowoagnaloue leave fromn the bospital; also for work, sleep in, Toronto home, two fricards and flowers sent ta aduits one child, $60.00 per month frm uri te at er. 310 start. Write Box 1, Statesman bimdurng hepas yem. -1Office, giving references. 2-2 Relatives of the late Mary J. WANTED: Reliable man as Deal- Katerson wisb 10 tbank fiends er in Durham county. Expeience and neighbors for their sympathy not necessary. A fine opportunity and kindness at the lime of ber ta step mbt old profitable business deatb, and particulý.rly their wbere Rawleigh Products have n eigbborly help durîng many been sold for years. Big profits. montbs and yeams of ber disahil- Products furnisbed on credit. ity. Aiso, we wish bto tank ber Write Rawleigh Dept. ML-A-140- pastor the flev. E. S. Linstead, 163, Montreal, Quebec. 2-4 Dr. Ferguson and tbe beamers for Ibeir kind service. 3-1 MEN or women, splendid oppor- tunity, average $45.00 weekly for Personal lman or woman ta supply more - 1than 250 Famiiex necessities to *H Y G I E N 1 C supplies (rubber the peaple in your neigbborhood. goods) mailed postpaid in plain Write today for complete details sealed envelope with price list. of our time-tested plan for fast, Six samples 25c; 24 sampls$ .0 easy, direct-to-customer sales. Mail Order Dept. T-38No 1 b Catalogue free. Familex, 1600 Articles For S'ale MAN'S overcoat, like new, size 36. Apply 200 Church St. 3-1* BOY'S black skates, size 4. Phone 631. 3-if GLASS showcase 28"x48"x36"ý high, $15.00. Phone 573. 3-1 QUEBEC heater in good condi- tion. Boys' skates, size 3. Phone 711. 3-1* BANNER cook stove with reser- voir and warming oven. Phone 2710. 3-1 HEATER and 3-humner oïl stove. Apply N. MacEachern in care of Harris Electric, Newcastle. 3-1* TABLE lamp and ceiling fixture. Apply 66 Queen St. Herbert Moyse. 3-1* LADIES' muskrat coat, medium size, in good condition, $20. Mrs. Gus Bounsali, 133 Church Street, phone 762. 3-1* ORDERS for home-made cooking buns, cakes, pies, party desserts, etc. Apply Alice Beech, Elgin St. Phone 2458. 3-1 ALADDIN lamps, 1 hanging, new; 1 table lamp. E. Oke, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, phone 3423J3 Osh- awa. 31 NEW automatic irons $5.95; rcc- ord players $19.50; kitchen tables $6.50; heating pads $4.95; 3 piece velour chesterfleld, tub style, $229. Murphy's phone 811. 3-1* TRADE-in coal stoves, rangettes, electrie washers, bedroom suites, chesterfields, radios and vacuum cleaners. Murphy's phone 811. 3-1* LADY'S skates, size 7, black C. C.M., excellent condition. Apply 36 Wellington St., phone 856. 3-1* MODEL "A" Ford Coach, 1930. in flrst class condition; Special Win- chester pump, new, 5 boxes of 3" shelîs; Bluetîck fox hound and trained ferret. Apply J. Maguire 28 Brown St. after 5 p.m. 3.1* FLEURY-Bissell Tractor dise and plow; manure spreaders, on steel and rubber; farm fence available for immediate delivery. R. W. Bail & Son, Taunton, phone Osh- awa 163 W3 (reverse charges). 2-3* OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Everything in mode.n. Chester- ffield, bedrooma and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. QitaI- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- iey's New Furniture Sto7re, 156 SJ.mcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf CHENILLE Bedspreads, $5.29. Manufacturer's clearance. Firs t quality spreads, size 80x96 in ahl beautiful pastel colors, $5.29. Closely tuffted full 90x100 basket design chenille spreads, $7.98. AI- so hand hooked rugs 18"~x36", 3 for $4.00. These goods are true value, worth double the price. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Money immediately refunded if not sat- isfied. Handicraft Dîstributors, 254 Sherbrooke St., West, Mon-j treal, Que. 1-5 Livestock For Sale ONE cow and two heifers. Phone Oshawa 723JI2. 3-1 YORKSHIRE sows; also number of shoats. Phone 2581. Les Coombes.3- YOUNG cow due about Marchi 1, 8 lumps of pigs. R. Bottrell, New- castle, Ont. 3-1* YORKSHIRE sow, to farrow in two weeks. M. Heard, Enniskil- len. Phone 2887. 3-1 REGISTERED Holstein bull of serviceable age from R.O.P. dam; also younger bulls fromn high rec- ord dams. J. W. Bowman, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. 3-1 Pets For Sale YEAR old Collie good with live- stock, sleek yellow coat. Phone 2297 Bowmanville. 3-1 EIGHTY fat pigeons, $10 for the lot. One ic-crutting plow for ice onIIàn Wednsdayï, Januùary, 21- at p.m. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 3-1 g Real Estate For- Sale FIVE-roomed frame bouse, parîlyv insulated; baîf acre good garden soil; in Bowmanville, $1200.00. Apply 10 Bradsbaw St. 3-1* FARM, 72 acres, near Nestieton, suitable for tobacco or mixed famming: buildings in rird of re- pair. Write Box 999, State5nman Office. Bowmanville. l.tf* FOR sale in Orono: New seven- room bouse, bujît-in cuphoards, tule hatbroomn, sun-room. marbol- eumn floors. bot watem, bot air' heating, fully insuiated, buiit-on garage, large lawn and garden. Possession April Ist, price $6,500. Apply to Gardon W. Lockwood, Orono. 14* For Rent THREE heated rooms, hydro and water. Write Box 7, Statesman Off ice, Bowmanville. 3-1* TWO unfurnisbed rooms. Apply 110 Wellington St. 3-1* Custom Work SIDEWALKS and driveways, snow eleared. Reasonable rate. H. T. Moore, phone î368 Bowman- ville. 2-2 REPAIRS REPAIRS available for New Idea manure spreaders. R. W. Bail & Son, Taunton. Phone Oshawa 163 W3 (reverse charges). 2-3*1 REPAIRS to ahl makes of refmig- erators, domestie and commercial. Higgon Electrie 42 King St. E., phone 438.. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility. dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-ti The Voiers' Lisis Act (Ileferred to in Section 59) Notice of Siftings of Revising Officers TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the Revising Officers for the pur- pose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the voters' lists to be used at the vote to be taken under the provisions of The Liquor Licenoe Act, 1946, in the Municipaiity of the Village of Newcastle wili be held at the limes and places set forth i h schedule hereinafter set outi s ch e du le. Name of Municlpality Village of Newcastle Date and Heur of Sittlngs FEBRUARY 6th, 1948 at 2 p.m. Place of Sittings Council Chamber, Community Hall, Newcastle Clerk of Revising Officer H. C. Bonatban, King Street, Newcastle, Ontario Judge M. A. MILLER will be the Revising Officer for tbe above mentioned municlpality or mun- icipalities. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the lisItat be so re- vised is Parts I and III of the voters' list prepared for tbe mun- icipality of the Village of New- castle (1947). AND FURTHER TAXE NOTICE that any voter wbo desires to complain that bis name or the name of any person entitled ta be entered on the said list and lias been omitted fromn the same, or that the names of any per- sons wbo are not entitled to be voters bave been entered thereon, may on or before tbe 3rd day of Fehruary, 1948, apply, complain or appeal to bave bis name or the name of any otber person en- tered on, or removed fromn the list. AND FURTIIER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by no- tice in writing in the prescribed fomm, signed by tbe complainant in duplicate and given to tbe Cierk of the Revising Officer or left for bim at bis address as stat- ed above. (Signed) M. A. MILLER, Chairman of the Eleetion Board for the County of Durham. Dated this 8th day of January, A.D. 1948.' 3-3 Real Estate For Sale Evelyn E. Cooke Real Esiate - Newcastle $10,500 - Newcastle, heautiful brick home, 10 rooms, clothes rooms, linen closets, other store rooms, sun pomch, carpenter's workshop, 2 hathroms, new dou- ble garage, bot air heating, 2 acres ]awn, garden, shade and shrub- bery. Very adaptable ta a tbree- family apartment. $2,800-In Orono, attractive 3,e roomed cottage, sun porch, insu! brick, roekwooi insulation, built- incupboards in kiteben, moll sink. Water in house under pressure system, 1 acre heautiful garden sou,. NEWCASTLE $14,000-160 acres good land. ai! workable, 2 barns, driving shed, water basins in stable, tic-up 25- 30 head of cattle, pens for 150 pigs, good frame bouse, hydro. On Oronobhigbway. Possession April lst. $13,000-Campbellcroft, 230 acres good land, wiIh seli ]ess. Close to county road, spring water, large hip-roof barn, steel roof, stanchions in stable, large brick bouse, fumnace, hardwood floors, double garage, new driving shed. Everytbing in AI condition. Sick- ness reason for selling. Possession April lst. $10,000-160 acres on No. 2 high- way, 1 mile east of Newcastle, 85 acres womkable, 75 acres bush, spring stream, fulli une of out- buildings, beautiful large brick home, orebard, small fruits, by- dro, excellent grazing. Would make a good Tourist Home. Pos- session April Ist. $8,000-Newtonvilhe, 100 acres of good land on No. 2 highway, 2 barns, ail steel roofs, runninig wa- ter in stable, 40 acres aIl kinds of timber, large stone bouse. Pos- session April lst. $6,000-50 acres wonderful land, 3 barns, stone bouse, spring stream,,hydmo, 21'/2 miles north of No. 2 bigbway on county road. Possession April lst. $5,500-87 acres light loam, , mile from county road, sehool and bus line, 3 miles north of No. 2 higbway, 10 acres bush, trout stream, ben bouse will bouse 300 birds, frame bouse, barn, stable, other buildings. AIl steel roofs. Possession April lst. E. E. Cooke, Real Esiate Newcastle WANTED Baby Grand Piano State Make, Age and Price WILL PAY CASIR Write Box 6, In care of The CANADIAN STATESMAN Bowmanville, Ontario 6!4/01 *VITAMIN D - The Sunshine Vitamin Many sunless days and indoor life during our Canadian winters reduce the sun's conversion of Vitamin D. A valuable substitute is found in eod liver and other flsh iver oils containing Vitamin *D. These help to increase resistance to colds, Vitamins for Health Ayerst 10D Ced Liver 011. ich ln Vitamins A and D - ---- -- - 67c, $1.69 Puretest Cod Liver 011, plain and mint fiavor- ed ----- - -- 75c, $1.25 Puretest Cod Liver 011 Fertified, 10 times Vit. A and D potency -------$1,00 Mead's Standardized Cod Liver Ou SO 5C. $1,00 Neo-Chemical Food Tonie, a vitamin and minerai feod suppiement $1.35, $2.95 $4.95 Pumetest Extract cf Malt wlvtb Cod Liver 011 65c, 51.00 *Kepler's F.xtmact of Malt ,with Cod Liver 011 90c, $1.50 Hair Needs Lustre Creme Shampon -- ------ .. .33c, 55c, $1.00 Palmolive Shampoo --.----29e Wildreot Hair Set, contains processed Lanolin - ,-39e Suave, a greaseless dress- * ng for the hair -------49e Creams and Lotions for LOVELY HANDS, SKIN Trushay ----------- - --- Riker's French BaIm â33, Almond Bloom Cream 49e 49e wlth honey -------- 60e Jergen's Lotion -- 29c, 49c, 98c Paquin's Hand Cream with trial Jar ----------- - 57e Itallan Balm ------ ----33e, 97e Pond's Cold Cream ..39c, 69e Special Offeý Noxzema, for ehapped skin and loveller complexion 25c jar for only Studio Folder. Special 19e your snapshots enlarged ta size 4x6 in. and mount- ed In attractive studio folders, compiete ---2 for 29e JURY & LOVELL When We Test Your Eyes It Io Donc Properly Your Rexali rrug Stare Phone 778 C.N.R. Ticket t' Eux i roeuc N. Ladlote s' PAGE TEMTEEN ig&lddmm& ALAW1969 m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, IBOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO i 1

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