T H U R S D Â YTD EE. 25tA D1A N S IA T E S MV A I', B OP A G 'WMANVILLE, ONTARIO TWENTYFIVE YALR5 AGO December 2 1922 Col. Chas. R. MeC a1ough, Ha- mniltonc a Bowmanvie boy and Ïather of Canadian Clubs, deliver- id a stitring address before the Mden's Canadian Club here on "The Z3uilders." BrigadierEdroy White, an old Bowmanville boy, has been pro- moted to rank of Lieut.-Colonel'in The Salvation Army with head- quarters in Milwaukee, Wiscon- son. Mr. W. B. Couch, veteran of High School Board, gave an im- pressive address on "Education was an insurance for the future" at the Commencement Exorcises. Principal W. J. Morrison reviowed the work of the students and Ross O uB CHRISTMAS CAROL Here's te you. May Christmas eheer. . . Warm your lite througthout the year . .e And the blss of this Yuletide... Ever ln Your house ý-%bide. $to4e41 , .&mdd 1'ýe Modern Store - BOWMANVILLE1 st Wishes for Happiness, Sing a . ong- at Christmas 0f happiness and cheer, -~r: May Christmas be à prelude To a prosperous New Year. 5. TE EE TOWN SHOP BE READY for that lasi minute INVITATION with a crisp SPOTLESS SUIT! T.s~f fl~1în',xci T !~1tWtI1I'iV 1wp..u.~ ..,..l~..3 -- iL.. I In the Diii and Distant Pasi From The Statcgmaii»M«e 1 FIFTY YEARS AGO December 22, lb97 'v Hampton Cheese Factory annua meeting with J. L. Brown, presi -dent and F. L. Ellis, secretary, re ported 148,788 pounds of cheesq manufactured from 1,600,735 Ibs of milk. Instead of the formai headini 'Wedding" as is used today, her( is the heading appearing on th( front page report of the Bruci Ferguson-Annie. Cryderman mar. niage - "A Wealthy Cartwrighi Farmer Weds a Popular Darling. ton Young Lady." A Bachelor Social was held in Trinity Congregational Church with the following taking part: Harry and Win. McKeown, George and 'Herb. Freeland, F. Hughes, Clarence- Neath, W. ,Hoskin, Ar- thur Cornish, Harry Alexander, Tom Brown, Percy Hook, Jini Goard, Henry Knight, Jack Hemn and Preston Tail. Gread Farmers' Combine is planning to increase the value of every farm in Durham County from $1,000 to $2,000 by the est- ablishment of a pork packing plant in Bowmanville. It is to be known as the Canadian Farmers' Co-op- erative Exporting Syndicate. Young Men's Conservative Club was organized with club rooms oven Cawker and Tait's Store. 0f- ficens are: W. H. Reid, M.P.P., W. C. King, E. C. Southey, Archie Tait, E. W. Loscombe, Jas. Me- Cannachie, Robt. Adair. It is suggested that R. R. Los- combe who has been Mayor for many years might gracefully re- tire in favor of J. K. Galbraith. For 45 years Darlington Town- ship has employed a clerk Who re- sided in Bowmanville. With the nesignation of Rd. Windatt as clerk, it is suggested to retain the office in town. Master Fulfbrd Oke, Holdswor- thy, Devon, England, writes "a -newsy, well-written letton to his cousin, the editor of The States- man. (A coincidence: This sum- mer, 1947, fifty years later, Mrs. *Mary Oke (Fulford's wife) spent a week here as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James.) Lieut. W. C. King has been ap- pointed paymnasten of the 46th Bat- talion and promoted ta rank of captain. Many cellars in Bowmanville had water in them last week. Three local farmers were fined $15-00 each for sending skimmed milk to the cheese factory. Rev. A. J. G. Canscadden, Vic- toria College, Frank Trebilcock, Trinity Medical College and Weil- ington Logan, Hiram College, were home for Christmas holi- days. Weddings: E. A. Veale and Ir- ene Porteous; Samuel T. Turneri springboard of the fail social season with an MIle experuly cleaned and pressed suit, coal or É.=61.dJM dress. ~NVNPSIO NPama lui FREE SERVICE DEAD HORSES & CATTLE Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cloaning RMVDUEITL REMOY nd MEITL COMPANY LIMITED WITHOUT YAG Phone Zenith 13000 Osawa TelePhone Collect: TORONTO - Adelalde 3636 COBOURG - 48J GiORDON VOUNC. LIMITE» Local Gitrls Gjraduate in Pharmacy Tilley gave the valedictory dress. Miss Gwendolyn wflil was accompanist at the piano the evening. Deaths: Mrs. Mary Jane Proi Brooklin; Richard Ashton, H don; Mrs. Sarah A. Henry, C awa; Mrs. J. M. Brimaconr Bowmanville; Mrs.- Thos. C Holdsworthy, England; Dr. W. Graham, Calgary, formerly sociated with Dr. J. C. Mitch Enniskillen. Mr. J. D. Storie, native of rone, was elected president Oshawa General Hospital for l2th year. Misses Mildred Lawriez Maud Ramsey, Toronto Nonr Sehool, are home for holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Stacey, berty St., celebrated their pe wedding and were presented w~ a beautiful dinner and tea set English China. Newcastle-W. H. Cooke has: ceived a gold medal in recogniti of 25 years faithful service as rhember of the Order of Railw Telegraphers.--Miss Ethel Colv was tendered a bridai shower members of Methodist Ladies' A on the eve of her marriage. Tyrone-Our hockey team vw organized with Col. W. FarrE secy.-treas., and Kenneth Fras as càptain.---Miss Hazel Hodgs Peterboro Normal Sch o o 1, home. Bowmanville School childr, have $2,215.34 in the Penny Bat while Oshawa pupils only ha $67.45. Here's an item of 25 years aj that is stili applicable today: The .s need of a greater public interE in the affairs of the municipalit The magnificient Christmas p geant "The Light of the Worl( A'as presented in the Methodi Church under direction of Mr. WV. Stanley, choir director. Mr. C. S. Halîman will sing Miss Lephia Dorecaster's recital St. Paul's Lecture Room. In the Middle School exams B.H.S., these students passed in1 %ubjects: Dorothy Belîman, Ralp Carruthers, Lawrence Mason, A ex McGregor, Helen McGregc Edsall Oliver, Chas. Pethick, Roý Pooley, Eugene Beech. Nestieton-A. H. Veale and fi riily have moved into their ne, house. Reeve E. C. Rehder, Bowmari ille, at the closing session of Conr mittees Council, presented Wai en Harry Phillips, Brighto. with a gold watch and chaîn c :ehaîf of the members of tk 2uncil. ad-' Sfor ýuse, [ay.i :)sh- )ke, E. as- .ell, Ty- of the and m~al earl 'ith of ion .Loys, jewellery, electrical ap- ch pliances, etc. - George H. Free- le man. ce W. T. Wilson, comptroller of Oi the W.P.T.B. has been given gen- Oe oral responsibility for "miscel- laneous" and categories outside id the field of foods, textiles and g9 footwear. 19 The coal bin should be as close iras possible to the boiler or fur- S nace and be well lit, advises the - Canadian Institute of Plumbing )and Heating. It should have a a- door of adequate size which is tg easy ta open, and it- should be ldust-tight. Moreover the bin eshould be easy to fill from the is outside. te- te HERO Ctfore Sel PET0C k uLTPGRCRE CEER 10E May' appinss an i od fgodcerb with prosperity, good health and lasiing peaue al 'p 'v w i fl'erpry C>4pîsmaj cr-ver5/one,.& TED 1 Aqpp DO WMAN VILLE WOODYAIDIS pliauce Stores -- ORIÇ - RONO aLE Ia DOWAIT NOT I CE No nIik dellvery on Chrlstna or New Year's h. e(il drspertheandeaw Ytea of lus a hlghscre fseei MARTYR'S BOWLING ACADENT 51 KING STREET 'i ~ SEASONS GREETINGS byl ed at the front of the church which val MAPLE GROVE will be packed and sent to the Aid needy in England. Also a nice Several Christmas gatherings sum of money was placed on the vas will be held this week. plates to help pay postage on the ell, Your correspondent wishes aIl parcels. ser the readers a very Merry Christ- The annual Christmas tree and on, mas and a Happy New Year. concert w&f held Friday evening i S Mrs. Albert Brown and two chil- with a packed house. The follow- dren, Hamilton, are spending a ing program was given: Opening ren few days with her parenjs, Mr. chorus, Christmas Greetings, Sr.; nk and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. welcome song by 7 Jr.; List our Merry Carol. Jr. Part of progran iv The Evening Auxiliary met at as follows: Group exercise 'Fu- the home of' Mrs. Russell Gimblett ture citizens of Maple Grove" by igo with Mrs. Winnie Brown in charge 8 boys; rose drill, 8 girls; recita- re of the candie lighting service. The tion, "Xmas dollies;" 8 girls; song est following ladies helped: Mrs. Dor- "A Baby Jesus," 6 girls; recita- ty. lis Ormiston, Mrs. Marjory Jeffery, tion "Xmas Story," Nellie Kube; a- Mrs. Iva Coverly, Mrs. Iva Twist, dialogue "Trouble in Santa Claus [d" Mrs. Florence Cryderman, Mrs. Land;" Xmas time animais in the ist Lyra Flintoff, Mrs. Jean MundaY. Zoo; chorus, Sr., dialogue, "The T. Mrs. Jean Munday took the chap- Week Family" by 8 girls; dialogue ter of the study book, hymn 'Hark Eddie's Xmas Basket;" poem, "The at the Herald Angels Sing." The Exceptional Eskimo," dialogue in president then took charge Of 'Truth Telling Machine;" and two business. Nominating committee Xmas choruses. Jack Litovchik presented this siate of officers: very efficiently acted as chairman. 12 president, M rs. Jean M unday; vice M . B b S e e s J . . . . 12 president, Mrs. Marion Gimblett; Mr.lBob S pngtevens Jr., O.AC ph secy., Mrs. Winnie Brown; assis- Guelph, ishsmend. h mshl 0_tant socy. and cor. secy., Mýrs. Ly-idyathoe :)ra Flintoff; supply Êecy., Mrs. Iva )s Coverly;ý missionary monthly and community friendship, Mrs. Iva FA RM FORUMS a- Twist; Christian stewardship, Mrs.____ 'w Louisa Sands; temperance, Mrs. S.S. NO. 4 FARM FORUM Ruby Stevenson; literature, Mrs. n- Norman Bothwell; treas Mrs. S.S. No. 4 Forum met Dec. 15 n- Rahme; pianist, Mrs. Mari( Bow- at the home of Ted and Betty Hut- r- on; assistant pianist, Miss Edna ton wilh an attendance of 25. The ni, Swallow. Mrs. Marjory Jeffery discussion was on the topic "Or- n conducted some contests. The hos- ganizing for Community Action." ie tess served a dainty lunch. Next What is needed in your commun- meeting at Mrs. Iva Twist's. ity that could be provided by or- The following are the officers of ganized groups? the W.M.S.: President, Mrs. H. G. Many things were suggested Freeman; lst vice, Mrs. C. Snow- such as organizing a Home and den; 2nd vice, Mrs. C. Greenham; School group, cleaning up road il vice president for younger groups, sides, a campaign against weeds, i-Mrs. Cecil Jeffery; rec. secy., Mirs. etc., but the pressing need seems *M. Burgess; cor. secy., Mrs. 4. to ho a recreation building and ;e Morton; treas., Mrs. 1. Munday: field with a local rink nearby. s. Christian stewardship, Mrs. A. We think our young people Laird; finance committee, Mrs. I. should bce ble to find any recrea- ýg Munday, Mrs. H. Foley, Mrs. A. tion they need in our own comn- ýe Laird; supply committee, Mrs. munity without having to go to ýe Harry Wright, Mrs. F. Swallow, other centres. .e Mrs. Cookston, Mrs. M. M., Mun- hspoetclsfrtm n - da ; a so i t em 1ers an d com _ m ul5 thouect c so r tw s ie d t ntpernendChristiaecitzenfr- to keep in touch with the prob- t e m e ra c e a n d C h i st a n it ze n l m a n d d e v o te a fe w m in u te s ship, Mrs. E. Ormiston; missionary each review night to report on nmonthly, Mrs. L. Collacutt; litera- ture secy. and assistant, Mrs. L. C. progress. SnowdenOur next meeting will be held nwe bo, Mrs. N. E. Wright; at the home of Lloyd and Eileen e whte -oxMrs. R. R. Stevens; Down on Jan, 5, 1948. press secy., Mrs. C. H. Snowden; __________ *pianist, Mrs. C. H. Snowden; assis- tant pianist, Mrs. J. D. Stevens; Js nCs talent money, Mrs. W. J. Snowden; *flower committee, Mrs. R. L. Wor- Herels Where to Ask den, Mrs. R. R. Stevens; auditors, SMrs. Talcott, Mrs. F. Swallow; The Christmas present handed f mission band supt. and assistants, the Canadian people by the Otta- Mrs. Greenham, Mrs. E. Twist, xva government is the re-appoint. Mrs. Spears, Mrs. Stevenson; ba- ment of Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe a, tby band, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. W. the virtual dictator of Canadiar. Munday; base line leader mission business as a result of the tracie band, Mrs, K. Hopkins; plogram and dollar crisis. It would ho committee, Mrs. H. Brooks, Mrs. well tà become informed about the S. Morton. There was a large congregation on Sunday to hear the special _______________ Christmas music by the choir. Mr. Ross Metcalf took the solo part in the anthem, Miss Lenore Colla-m u i cutt sang a solo, also Mr. Ross T a h r Metealf, a special Christmas mes- T a h r sage was given by our pastor. It was also white gif t service, when i *- . anice lot of parcels were present- and Pupia. l sJL and Jennie Clemence; Byron T. ROYAL CONSERVATORY Moore and Sarah J. Emerson. OF~ MUSIC 0F TORONTO Successful Modelites included Lillian McClean and Ethel Trebil- MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS cock, Bowmanville, Mary Rogers, THEORY-.FebruaIr, l3th and l4th Enniskillen, Annie Waddell, Or- PRACTICAL -As arranged ono, and Wm. Law, Newcastle. Applications and fees must rcach Courtice-..S. J. Courtice, Victor- the Conservatory not lacer than ia College, is home. - W. W. Han- JANUARY 1Och, 1948 cock's pupils presented him with a volume of Longfellow's poems, 135 College Street, Toronto 2B Norman Heatlie, Enfield succeeds 53 hlm as teacher at S.S. No. 4. ------ -----I HOLIDAY GREETINGS extending aur very besi J WE TAKE PLEASURE IN OFFERINO YOU THE COMPLIMENTS 0F THE SEASON AND TRULY HOPE YOU HAVE A VERY HAPPY HOLIDAY. ALLIN'S NEAT MARKET BOWMANVILLE new regulations in order to keep out of trouble which may include fines or jail. Not only are niany lines of im- ports from the U.S.A. prohibited but Canadians are restricted to on- ly $150.00 for a whole year if they wish to visit in the U.S.A. Al- ready at customs points, Cana- dians are being seized and. strip- ped to discover any cash flot de- clared. So when in doubt, which mnost people are, here's what to do: Write to the following depart- ments headed by the sub-Czars under direction of chief-Czar Mr. Howe. And you better clip this and paste in your hat for 1948. Here is the list, Ottawa is the ad- dress: Foods and agricultural products -F. S. Grisdale. Textiles and footwear-A. G. S. Grif fin and G. Garland. Pulp and paper items-. C. Legge. Lumnber, wood and furniture- Christmas Holiday In order that our employees may have a well deserved rest after the Christmas rush, our store will be closed from 9 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 24, until 8:30 a.mn., Monday, December 29. wishes, for a year filled Ihroughouîithe coming year. Above photo shows fall gradu- Johnston, daughter of Mr. and ates of Ontario College of Phar- Mrs. J. H. Johnston, Bowmanville, mnacy receiving their diplomlas at unice Jackman, daughter of Mr. the recent graduation exorcises. land Mrs. A. Roy Jackman, Bow- Left to right, Ray Cairncross, Lon- manville. (Courtesy Canadian don, Dean R. O. Hurst, Eleanor Pharmaceutica Journal.) PAGE %mon F«4«4«4" BISES We're knocking ail the PinS ,down on the firu* bail 'and strlkinir out te, wish yon every happiness 1- MR rÀRVZnTANT C!MMAP"VC21ffA'&T "^- GO0O .D 1- fi Vo TgU MAT, DEC. 25th, 1947 CLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444