Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1947, p. 3

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~USDA , »W. 2th, 1947 TR~ ~!ANAflTAN A'rW~VA?~T ~fWMAM!m.?v f%~J'PADP~ - THE CANDIAN SA-------.. MAvm~L Al.-m&RAA. American Beauty roses anxd ber i ccessories black. The bride- groom's mother asssted weaing a dress of dusky rose crepe. Her corsage was pink roses and ber e-. cessories ?,lack. Mr. and Mrs. Henning left by car for a wedding trpi and for travellin they chose twin suits of grey English worsted. The bride wore navy accessories and a coat of Chinese kidskin. Her corsage was American Beauty roses. On their return they will reside ini son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rick- Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumu- ard. The topic Rev. W. W. Pat- bago lquickly relieved iby using N m Iterson took for his sermon was RUMACAPs. Recommended iy uewca u I Ip uIu the spirit of givmng and receiving. thousands who have gained bet- At the evening service Mr. J. Dyer ter health. Dyer's Drug Store, 1'bome: Clarke 3814 led in carol singing which was In-. Newcastle. 5- _________________________________________________terspersed with numbers by thje choir, a quartette selection by Mr. Mrs. Mary McEvo as lkIt ta was guest of her grandmother, and Mrs. Wilbert Baskerville and W.A. MEETING ped the holiday seýanwith her Mis. A. Wetherell. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin, and dauhtr ndso-i-lwMrad MersHaodndrakoa a solo by Mrs. J. E. W. Philip. W.A. of the United Church was )ms. Selby Spencer, Hamiilton. and friend, Toronto, Miss Lenore Glenn Allun took the solo part in held in the board room, Dec. i lth Mrs. Percy Hare spent a few Côflacut, Maple Grave, with Mrs. the anthem. In place of the ser- with a good attendance. Devo- days ini Ogdensburg, N.Y. E. C. Hoar. mon some of the young people of tional was in charge of Mrs. P. Miss Lefla Carr, Bowinanville Newcastle United Church held the congregation enacted the "Na- Brown assipted by Mrs. H. Allun ~ge, Shool staff, was Sunday their Christmas tree and concert tivity" in pantomim~e form. The who offered prayer. Mrs. Cecil guest of Mrs. W. H. Coake. on Friday evening, Dec. 18. An narrator was Miss Evelyn Allin Ferguson read the "Christmnas 'Hugh Aiken, R.C.N., of H.M.S. account of which will appear in and Miss Margaret Ash sang the Story" from the second chapter Stadacona, Halifax, N.S., is spend- next week's paper. Magnificat. of St. Luke. Mrs. C. A. Cowan Üilg Christmas holldays at his Mrs. Edith McArthur, Port The Newcastle Cammunity Hall sang a beautiful solo "The Song home here. Hope, is holidaying with Miss was a busy place on Sunday af- the Angels Sang." S Miss l4ary Dewdney, Bishop Vern Milligan. ternoon when the members of the After a short business period Strachan School, Toronto, is home Special Christmas services were Newcastle Lions were getting ev- Mis. Harold Toms, Miss Ruth :for the Christmas vacation. held in the United Church on Sun- erything in readiness for the mon- Hancock and Mrs. Ross Dickinson We regret very much that ow- day. In the morning special music ster Christmas treat and visit from gave intcresting reports af the W. Ing tu an error the name af Joan was rendered by the choir with Santa Claus, which they sponsor- A. Presbyterial held in Whitby. Duck, nurse-in-training, at Tor- Mrs. J. E. W. Philp and Mr. Paul ed Monday evening, Dec. 22nd, a The following officers were el- opta East General Hospital, was Bennett taking the solo parts in full account of which will appear ected: Past President, Mrs. Harold. omitted last week from the list af the anthem. The sacrament bl in next week's Statesman. Toms; President, Mrs. C. A. Cow- obsevedwhenRev On o! ewcstl's mst es-an- Ist v~ice' Mrs. Ross Dickinson; grduatms of Newcastle High Baptism was bevdwnRv. OeoNwasl'mstr- 2nd vice, Mirs. Garnet Rickard; &hol who are now training as W. W. Patterson christened Ever- pected citizens, Mr. Thos. Couch, rcrigsceay isRt nuùrses. ett Lyn, son af Mr. and Mrs. J. T. celebrated his 86th birthday orn Harnc ertr, isRt Miss Margaret Wright, Toronto, Brown and Walter John Stuart, Dec. 16. His daughter, Mis. j. Mrs ock; corresponding secretary, Awde, entertained some af bis Mr. A. Stoneburg; assistant cor- ,~ fiens a te in is ono. Aongresponding secretary, Mis. L. Fer- thase present ta extend their fel- guson and Miss D. Warren; trea- icitatians and good wishes were surer, Mrs. Howard Toms; flower Councillor H. T. Manes, Messrs. committee, Mrs. Harold Toms, IHerbert Hancock, Fred Hancock, Mrs. Percy Brown, Mis. C. Fergu-1 I ~Fred Blackburn, Fred Graham, s is .WrenadMs Walter Crowtheî, and Edmund Rdt Hancock; pianist, Mis. How- Thackeaay Allun; assistant pianist, Mis. Percy Brown; press secretary, Mrs. Scott Pollard is again this Mis. H. R. Pearce; group leaders, year on the staff of the post office Mrs. H. Jose, Mis. P. Brown, Mrs. ~ ~helping with the heavy Christmas A. Glenney, the fourth one to be mail Mis Magare Ashandpicked by the executive. Kitchen iMis. Geo. Jamieson have also and parsonage committees to be j 1been helpîng since school closing. decided at the January meeting. I His mnany friends were very sorry Mrs. P. Brown's group served Ita learn oi* Pastmaster George refreshments. I ~~Jamieson's serious illness and al- ____ ithough far frorn well we are glad HOCKEY IN NEWCASTLE -duty. . As there is no oedriknt Officers for Newcastle Evening Newcastle we are working inc Auxiliary af the Women's Mission- conjunction with the Orono Athie-c ary Society for 1948 are: Prs. tic Association. They are veîyc Candlellght, wine, blessed dent, Mis. Floyd Butler; ist vice, generous in letting us use their Mis. Archie Gleçiney; 2nd vice, ho e ae s uen leyhock-r Igte ..sybsolMrs. Gardon Martin; 3 vd cey tegae.Or ueie ok lagtr... ybL fholiday Mrs. Clarence Allun; secy., Mis y eam is being sponsored by Mario Alli; trs Newcastle Lions Club and will bef Maio Aun tea., Mrs. Ross known as the Newcastle Lions Ju- cheer and a Jayous, Jiiiy New Year Dickinson; correspond:ng secy., venule hockey team. A double1 Miss Ruth Hancock; corntunity schedule wiIl be played with PortV In 148. ~~~~~~~~fiendship, Mrs. Gea. Walton;' oeadTCS h is ael ChrstanstwadsiHope. ob. s and T.Cn.S.rHe. rfirst m Chritin stewa eerdsi , MRob. hiseJan. i Port.Hope. Oi îs WLton; supepynsn eeanMs.hmegmei-Jn 8i Ooo Lloy Stpheson tepernceFrank McMullen is managing the and Christian citizenship secy., Newcastle teaxu.e Mrs. Gordon Gray; missianary About six Newcastle boys un- j monthly secy., Mis. Stoneburg; der 16 are trying out for the Or- I: EDNqONDSTONE'S NARKET press secy., Mrs. Stanley Brown; one Midgets. Epianist, Mis. Frank MeMullen, ba- Every Monday evening boys un- HARVEY JOINT, Proprietor by band leaders, Mis. Jack Hol- der 14 are playing Bantam hockey mes, Mis. Albert Pearce, Mrs. Wil- in Orono rink under the manager- - liamý Baskerville and Mis. Tom ship of Brenton Rickard. v .Wilson. Many cars are needed for the t( ry Ch r'istm as A Happy and New .transportation of these babys. Of- T. ' ' . length embroidered vel af tulle gfers wauld be glady received by Luake 1Shore, Clarke with a centre panel o! Brussels rFrank McMullen for these boys. lace. She carried a cascade of Mn. Robin Aildred attended a Americani Beauty roses and white Milk Producers Banquet at King 'muxus and wore a three- strand NESTLETON .Edward Hotel, Toronto. and by her sister Sympathy is extended to the family with Mr. and Mis. Les Ail.. Miss Beatrice McLean, who, wore Prout family in the passing of dred, Orono. a gown af American Beauty crepe Mrs. Weldon Neai at Victoria On Dec. 15 Miss Hamilton held fashioned on lines similar ta ,the Road. a successful Christmas Concert of bride's gown and canried a cas- Mr. and Mis. George Jahns vis- about 21 numbers with appraxi- cade Wf white 'muxus. ited Mr. and Mrs. Wilnier Fitze. mately 60 applauding the various The best man was Mr. William Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mrs. plays, dialogues, sangs and reci- Henning, brother o! the bride- Florece Tipp.tations. Santa Claus put in a grootx, and the ushens were Mn. Flaenc Tnpp.timeîy appearance ta the tune O! Leonard Henning and Mr. James Mn. and Mrs. H. Vine and Ralph "4Jingle Belîs" and distributed McLean. visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. candies and presents ta the child- Floigtecrmn e Mi. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited ren, and then was on bis way Fceptiongtecrmna - Mr. and Mis. R. M. Hoskin. again ta make more calîs and cthidn was held at the home of Christmas- tree enteitainfments scatter more happiness. Lunch tebie's parents. For îeceiving in the vicinity have been very was then served by Mr. Alec Hen- ber guests the bride's mother ware successful and much enjoyed. dry's gîoup of the H. and S. Club. a dress of bottle green satin-back Mr. and Mis. Stanley Malcolm Home we went looking forward crepe with fishtail peplum and with their son Neil Malcolm, of in anticipation af next yeai's sequin trîmmed. Her corsage was Blackstock. Christmas concert. Mi. and Mrs. W. Adams and Keith with Mi. and Mrs. Arthur BURKETON Gibson, No. 9.StnAnad family with Mr. and Mis. . Bas- o Mr. - 3. R. Hanthoîn. Geleit, Is kerville. 3~~ visiting Mi. and Mrs. Bruce Han- Mr. ond Mrs. Ken Dean and thoîn. .f amily with Mrs. E. Dean, Orono Mis. T. Haîsman is visiting her Mis. Hammond Brown with d- daughter in Peterbono. Mr. and Mis. Percy Brown, New- ... Mis. E. Strutt, Enniskillen, vis- castle. ited friends here. Mi. Tommy Gatcheil, Bowman- ville, with Mn. and Mis. Howard Abbott. WEDDING Mr. and Mis. A. J. Tompkins visited friends in Toronto. MNIG MLA Miss Lois McMu]4en, Janetville, ENNGMLA with Mr. and Mis. E. Adams. 1#hite 'mums decorated the Un- k Mis. R. Davey and Lois in Bow- ited Church at Gneenwood foi the manville.- wedding Friday evening, Dec. 19, The Sunday School and Public of Elva Manian McLean and Ger- l School concert was held in the alà Kitchener Henning. The bride church, Satuîday evening. Rev. is daughtei of Mn. and Mis. Inven R. M. Seymour was chairman. L. McLean of Greenwood, and. the Mis. R. M. Seymour, Mis. E. bnidegroom is son af Mn. and Mis. Caughill end Mis. K. Roblin William A. Hennîng af Oshawa. trained the childien for the con- The cenemony was perfonmed by cent which consisted of Christmas Rev A. C. Luffman and the wed- drills, dialogues, recitations and ding mscwspaydb i.A canal Jeingn. oltr fre C. Lulîman. The soloist, Mis. J. Mis3Jeane oultr, fomerL. Pegg of Oshawa, sang "O Per- teacher, who resigned because of fect Lave" and "Thnough the I i her mother's illness, was ta have Years." been presented with a vanity set Thebrid wa givn i maniag Inom ber pupils and fniends. Thbrd agveinmrae Proceeds of concert aven $20. by her father. She wore a gown The school teachen, Mn. McCarron, of traditional white satin, trim- was unable, ta attend, having ta m.ed with seed peanîs, fashioned COMPLIMEN leave for his home in Guelph. with a bouffant-skiît and a grace- Mn. and Mis. J. St. Clair with fui tunice efect, a bateau neck and HOLIDAY relatives in Toronto. long sleeves ending in points. Her Sympathy oftecmuiyi headdress was a braided halo ofC W IN ' etended ta the fml fJmsN white satin fnom which leli a full- C W IG M!cLaughlin. who passed away Phone 695 Dec. 22 in bis 88th year. Fourteen Canadian locomotives N wY a' v recently were shipped ta Nigeria N wY a' v to quicken peanut expots. 7 DANCE Yea r ln the NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Wed., Bec. 31, 1947 Dancing from 10 p.m. until- ]Russ Creighion and his five-plece .band of Taranto ln attendance BATS, BORNS, SPOT and NOVELTY DANCES Miss New Year's Eve Contest The orchid family is ane at the most numerous grdups o! ilower- ing plants, o! which the wild la- dy's slippeî is a member. New Bnunswick's sardine fleet is the laigest of its kind ln the wanld; Nonway's second. mas fo Everyone! TTS 0F THE )BUG STORE - - Bomî,anville * 0 & loads o! good cheer and happlness. Admission $1 each HIGGON ELECTRIC TOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER I ABright and Cheery Holiday Io you AU! Prom desent ta sea, from eaîth ta heaven, the spirit o! Christmas encircles the world. Ta each and every one o! you-we wish ail the joys and happiness Christmastide brings. To al aur patrons, we thank you slncerely . . . we look iorward ta serving you even better in '48. NcGREGOR'S HARDWARE A YULETIDE WIsH t- I --- ---- ... for a season filled with m

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