~. -w- ..1W UýDAY- rCI, ,,w - W - l . PAGEl M TIÇE cAmADL*AN TA1'iZmAr;,BowmANM=LL. ONTAMO SOCIAL Au ESNL_ Phuste M6 Mnu. A. E. Dudley is vissting Mr. Gueats wîth MIr. and Mrs. H. B. and Mru. William Buckley and Poster in hanar af the former's Paul, Peterboro. birthday anniversary were Mr. Mrs. P. Cator spent the weekend and Mrs. F. J. Poster, Port Hope, with her aiter, Mrs. Parnai, New- and Mr .and Mrs. I. M. Poster, castle. Campbeflcroit. Mrs. Ai-bert4TAe, Mr. and Mrs. Mr .and Mrs. Charles Skipper, Alvin Dale an nad, Rochester, Chathamn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Skip- viulted Mrs. W . Dale. per, O.A.C., Guelph, spentl Sun- Miss Eleanare Wight, Toronto, day with their cousins, Mr, and spent the weekend with ber mo- Mrs, Stephen Jeffery,, Maple ther, Mfs. C. A. Wight. Grove. Mr. Robt. Noble visited bis sis Mrs. Marie 'Dunlop and Judy, tenu in Toronto and Markham ad Toronto, spent the weekend with attended the Royal Winter Pair her inother, Mrs. Olive Gilhooly, and Ice Capades. and attended the wedding af ber Kr-sister, Mary Elizabeth (Betty) ta Mr. and Mrs. V. Caswell, r-Mr. Lyold Forsey. land Lake, were guests of Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson and Miss Laura Eric McIlveen, playing with the D. Beath. Cobourg Galloping Ghosts, figun- ed in the scoring Saturday when Drs. J. C. Devitt and W. M. Ru- tlie team beat Orillia 15-11 in the deil, are attending the Annual first of two games to decide the Winter Clinic for dentists at the Intermediate O.R.F.U. tie. Next Royal Yorkc Hotel, Toronto. game will be played in Orillia. Mn. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman Mr. Gordon Chant, was the ne- and Andrea, Toronto, spent the cipient of a handsome wall mirror *eekend with ber parents, Mr. when seventy of his fellow work- and Mrs. Geo. W. James. ers gathered in his office at the Miss Loryne White, m a pi1 e Goodyea'r Tire and Rubber Co., Grave, bas accepted a psto the day before his marriage ta with Drs. Devitt and Rudeil suc- Miss Ivy Emorey, Whitby. çgeding Mrs. R. Topping( nee Dor-1 Marilyn Leask, daughter of Mrs. is"Stevens.) W. J. Leask, Taunton, won first ________________________prize in a speaking contest beld Nov. 12 at Port Hope at the W.C. ______________________T.U. convention. She was pre- ______________________ ~-sented with a silver cup. Rev. W. W. Patterson, Newcastle, made the presentation. Last year Marilyn b y popular demand won first place in the Durham County Speaking Contest. Bowmanville Lions Club -f"Strong man'-si"PWo rk presents CHRISTMAS CONCERT .... ... Trinaity Church Wednesday, Dec. 17 Mary Ann Paul, Viola - Simeon Joyce, Piano Edgar Goodafre, Ongan P 1; Lillan Smith, Soprano Hanry Read, Baritone tickets - -50c ~- NO SEAT RESERVED The sfgn held b> Dan Dyer, head of the Toronto division of the Tickets available from any Department ot Hlghways ulgn member of the Lions Club shope. lu one of man>' bent out of or at McGregor's Store shape b>' muscular show-offs. Van- ____________________________dais are responsible for the destrue- ____________________ on of hundreds of highway sga The Concert of the Year! DON'T MISS IT! heai LEONA FLGOD AMERICAN VIOLINIST ln a Popular Concert Mies Leona Flood - S Trinîf y Church Auditorium 8:15 P.M. Friday. January 16, 1948 admission - - - - $1.00 sponsored b>' The Bowmanville Rotary Club k-roeeeds for Cippled Chlldren's Work. Tickets ma>' be ipurchased from an>' member of the Bowmanville Rotary' Club no reserved seats BRANV NEW! Mode in Comoda " SEAM POWER OUJTPUT " AC-OC OPERATION " AUTOMATIC VOLUME CONYNOI. " MAHOOANY PLASTIC CABINE BIG in Performance! BIG in Size ! SmaiI OnIy in Pric. 04 Nrs. A. N. Darch ,33 KING STREET EAST PHONE nu0 Bowmanville Rotary Club Sponsors Popular Violinisi Miss Leona Flood, talented American violinist, will present a popular concert at Trinity Church Auditorium on Fniday, January l6th. Miss Flood wbo recently made a wonld-wide concert tour is playing before capacity houses at Massey Hall, Toronto, next week. Miss Flood is portrayed above witb her Stradivariaus The Lank" which she will play at ber concert here. Bowmanville Rotary Clûb is sponsoring this concert in an effort ta naise money for Cippled Childnen's work. Second Annual Football Fete Staged by Roy W. Nichols Selects Miss Darlington 1947, The second annual dance and beauty contcst staged by Roy' W. Nichais, General Matons Dealer, Danlington Councillor and gener- al sparts enthusiast took place in Newcastle Commun i t y H a 11, .Thursday night, Nov. 20 and prav- cd ta be the most cnjoyed social event ai the season. This populan affair xvas conccived ta mark the close oi the Danlington Football League and acclaim the cham- pions. This ycar, Mr. Nichais bad the pîcasune of bonoring his own home town team, the Courtice Generals who won the champion- ship aiter a iong-drawn tustie with Enniskillcn. Great Throng Marc than a thousand people were weicomcd by Mn. and Mrs. Nichois ta cnjay the gala dance and program, the central feature ai which wgs the contest among a bevy ai young' ladies for the titie, 'Bcauty Queen ai Darling- ton Township." This bonon was captured this ycar b>' Miss Maril- yn Rundie, 19, daugbtcr ai Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rundle, Cour- tice and apprentice with McGreg- or's Drug Store, Bowrnanville. Hence anothen titie çamc ta Cour- tice for 1947. Mns. Nichais Receives Mrs. Nichais received the guests with graceful bospitalit>'. She was gowned in an ankle-le-ngth, black crepe ensemble with a drape blouse and a gllttening oventone of beads and sequins and wore a corsage of small, bronze, g olid 'mums. Mn. Nichais welcomcd the gathcnîng with a short ad- drcss exprcssing bis pleasure ta greet sa many fniends. He was hanored ta have the pivilege ai sponsoring the dance and pragram for the Darlington Football Lea- gue.% Thanks From Mr. Nichais He continued: "I wisb also ta thank the many here tanight for the pnivilege ai supplying the number ai new cars ailottcd ta me during the year, ail of which I bave tried to distnibute ta the best ai my ability. I hope ta con- tinue this event as an annual ai- fair. One omission last year I bave been fartunate in carrccting, fan instcad ai just water I arn happy ta have securcd a quantit>' ai soit drinks for yqur refnesbment." Other Guests Mn. Nichols then introduced Robt. McIntyre, Adventising Man- ager, General Motons Corporation, Oshawa, as the master ai cere- manies for the evening. From that point on Mn. Melntyre really kcpt things maving with an M.C. per- formance that ranlced with the best in radio today. Other guests from Ohawa in- cluded William Carnwîth, Percy Tbompson and Lloyd Wilson, Gen- efal Motons Sales Staff, Oshawa. Fnom Toronto came C. E. H-ebent, General Matons Acceptance Cor- poration and Maurice Pitman, Genenal Exchange Insurance Cor- poration. Mayor Sidney Little, Bowman- ville, Reeve George Walton, New- castle and ather municipal ofi c- ials ai the township and caunt>' with their presence made the oc- easiah one ai real communit>' sig- nîficance. The guest judges ion the Beaut>' Contest were Dr. and Mns. H. E. W. Brownlee, Oshawa, Mns. Frank Taylor, Courtice and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Hampton. Beaut>' Queen When Bob Mentyre called the young lady contestants ta the plat- farm, some 30 chanming, single, Dalington girls placed a reai task befone the judges. Aiter Miss Rundle had been chosen "~Miss Darlingtan, 1947," Mn. Mclntyre, introduced Miss Eunice Leask, Tauintan, who won the honor last year. In behaîf f Mr. and Mns. Nichols, she pneuinted their gifti af a handsome 52-piece cbest ai Community Silver ta Miss Run- die. Then came the dance witb George Wadc and bis Cornhus- kers playing rousing tunes for the square and round dancing that al sa greatly cnjoyed. During the intermissioi, other presentatians cnlivcn.ed the occasion. Presentations Mn. Dick Nemis, Captain af the Courtice Football Team, the Champions, receivcd the sbicld and silven cup prcsentcd by Mau- nice Breslin, Bowmanviile mer- chant, on behali ai the tcam. Pres- ident Lloyd Ashton, Enniskillcn, presented a football ta the Solina teani which won top place in the League prior ta the playafis. A balloan bunsting contest among the girls from the vaniaus communities provided much fun. The winner, Miss Inez Cameron, Zion, received a handbag, while second and third places fcîl ta Mrs. Robent Cain, Orono, who ne- ccived a set ai casmetics, and Mrs. Gardon Wilbur, Hampton, who won a pain ai hlose. Hasts Thanked Befare the dancing resumed, Gea. W. James, editor, The Can- adian Statesman, speaking on re- quest ai the Presîdent ai the Dan- lington League, expressed the thanks ai the gathering ta Mn. and Mrs. Nichols. He iauded the span- sorship ai the dance and program b>' Mn. NichaIs as a splendid ges- turc whîch cantnibuted much ta genuine cammunit>' spirit throughout the Township ai Dan- lington and the promotion ai dlean and wholcsome spart. Football games still draw the Iargest crowds ai any sports in town and district. Mn. James was speciaîlly reques- ted bj# the League president ta thank their graciaus bostess, Mrs. Nichais, and ta mention ber thoughtfulness and unseliishncss in suggesting that the league of- ficiais bow ta ber wish not ta be prcsented with a bouquet ai ilow - crs, but rather ta donate the amount involved ta the building' fund ai Bawmanvilie Memonial Hospital. More music and danc- ing brought the trul>' splendid and enjoyable occasion ta a close. PREVENT DISEASE TO FARM ANIMALS Diseases wbicb attack Canadian farm animais arise from three main causes* Man>' diseases, such as tubenculosis and contagiaus abortion,' are caused b>' invisible microbes on germs which may be transmitted from ncn animal ta another. Some diseases are due ta animal parasites, such as round warms, tapeworms, lice, fleas and coccidia. The third are deficiene>' diseases, which develop when some ai the essential substances such as minerals, or vitamins, are absent in the nation. Even though no actual deflciency disease ma>' arise, an animal lackin«g these sub- stances ma>' become so pon in health that it will be susceptible ta othen types ai disease. Prevention is better than cure. Among the preventive measures, suitable buildings, good ventila- tion, and sanitany sunroundings are important in maintaining hcalth. In districts where miner- aI or vitamýn deficiencies ane known ta exist, special rations should be provided ta avoid an overcome nutnitional disease. If an infectiaus disease accurs, the suggested rnethods ai contrai should be followcd ta the limit and guard against the spnead ai infection through the herd or flock. Penhaps the most import- ant preventive measune is ta avaid the introduction on healthy preni- ises ai animais from infected sources, or from herds or flocks whose bealth is unknown or un- certain. 1~ULEfNSFROM BIIRDLAND BIRD'S EYESIGHT Haw manvellous is a bird's plu- mage; its power ai flight, sense af directioni Just as wonderful are its eyes. A bind's vision has reached a higher degree af devel- apment than tbat ai any other an- imal, including man.. Oun eycs, plaeed in the front of aur beads, have ane anea of acute vision in each, and these focus ta- 'gether on one object, straight ahead. Bind's eyes, genenally placed on the sides ai their heads, nearljr always bave at least two of these yellaw, "seeing" spots in cach. One pair, like ours, focug- es in front, the others look ta the leit or the right. But some birds, among tbem oùr most accomplish- ed fliers, the Swifts, Swallows and Terns, have an extra spot in cach eye for seeing obliquely fonwand. Others actually have a band of vision. Ail this makes for unusL-. ually keen eyesight, a necessity for fast fliers or those buntin-g from a great beight. Truc, aur eyes are mobile, whereas a bird's are stationary. However, its flexible neck makes up for that deficiency, and Nature has arranged that the position af the eye suits the owner. A Barn Owl's are placed like ours, for it flics low, hunting for prey on the ground. The Woodcock's are far back, and towards the top af the head, -because it feeds on the Churches Si. John's Church (ANGLICAN) Rector: Rev. J. deP. Wright Organist: Mr. R. G. Harle St. Andrew's Day SUNDAY, NOV. Sth, 1947 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class Il a.m.-Holy Communion GUEST PREACHER (Corporate for W.A. mem- bers). Dr. Harding Priest TORONTO il a.m.-Nursery, 2 years and aven 7 p.m.-Evensong: Subject "Christ's Coming" 8:15 p.m.-Fireside Hour Guest Speaker: Mr. Jas. Marr. Topic "A Box of Wonders." ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunda>', Nov. 30 Minister: R. D. Duncanson Organist: Miss L. Osborne 10 a.m.-Sunday School. il a.m. and 7 p.m.-Divine Ser- vice. EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Sunday, Nov. 30 il a.m.-"Life Story." 7:30 p.m.-"Life Stony." Pastor O'Brien will take bath ser- vices ta give lufe story and con- version irom Detroit underworld ta Pentecostal pulpit. Wednesday, Nov. 3, 8 p.m. Mrs. Hutchinson of Bethel Rest Home, Toronto, will show pic- turcs. ST. FAULS UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. C. Quigley Organist: Mns. Reta Dudley A.T.C.M., F.C.C.M. Choir Director: D. Alex McGregon Sunday, Nov. 30 10 a.m.-Sunday Schoal. il a.m.-Worship, Rev. A. E. Eus- tace, B.A., Orono. "First-hand expeniences in Canadian Mis- sions." il a.m.-Nunsery ScoooL 7 p.m.-Tbe Minister. "Sleep That is Dangerous.4 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. J. E. Griffith Organist: Mn. W. E. C. Workman Sünday, Nov. 30 il a.m.-Layman's Service. Rev. W. W. Pattenson, B.A., and lay- men ai Newcastle. 7 p.m.-"Austerity in Our Time." il a.m.-The Nursery. 11 a.m.-Junior Chunch. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday Sehool. Make Hi# House a place of prayen THRIFT A star>' is told 6f a youngrnian who called one evening an a rich old farmen ta leann the farmen's story of how he became nicll. "It's a long story,'" said the aId man; "and while I'm telling it, we might as well save the candle."I And he blew it out. "*You need not go an," said the youth, "I understand." ground and has many enemies ta watch out fan. High flying birds ai prey have their eyes aituated so that they can look down eaaily. A bird is also endowved with sevenal special eye gadgets. When f]ying at great spced ta a pench the facus must change quicki'. And sa the cannea ai the eye is able automaticaîlly and instanti>' to protrude, like the bellows ai a camera beinÈ pulled out for a close-up. When we go inom bright sun- shiee inta a dulI house, anrvisa versa, aur cyca take a littie whlle ta adjust themselves. The pupils of a bird open or shut immediate- 1>', as required. We have the tin>' remnains ai a third eyelid at the inner 'corner ai Our eye, but a bird has a com- plete one in the form of a thin membrane. It is used ta keep the eye moistened anldfree from dust, and also as a curtain which shuts aut too stnang a light but can be ýseen tbrough ta some extent. On accotint oi it, Eagles can fly direct- ly into the sun. Have birds many enemies? What we make oi aur home Is mare important than what we xwake it ai. Average Iii e insurance carnied by Canadians is aImait $1,000. Il W. CureEmosh (Contributed) The tragedy in the world toda>' is flot that sa man>' bad men are so active in it but that- 50 many goo men are inactive and inadequate. There are too man>' wha get burnas ed up about everything wrong buti do not burn ta put anything night.j Thene are doctors, ta be sure,1 who burn ta find the answer ta dlsease-who even submlt them-1 selves ta kill-ar-cure medicai ex-1 SVIILLA i CIMtbY f periments. Heathly men Subiii to, infectibn ta test the value eof% remedy. But where are the men wha, care sa much about the sickness ai the world that they offer themselves ta cure it? Many aifer their plana, thein mone>', their services. But who affens ta change the way they live ta sec if therels a way ai lite immune ta thc world's disease and able ta nestore humanity ta health and sanit>'? Even those fan gonit in the disease would rather stay the way they are than try tb< known nemedy. I M iRU TORESoi Friendly Personal Service scs~w"OF 3' Sizes of Maec 25c, 49c Mentholatum 29c, 55e Vick's Vapo-Rub - ___43e #rm ae 8p.i.Pt t,.epomwl&Ot 33c a Lowest Prices CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS Revion "Black Beauly" Manicure Set $2.95 Dresser Sets, 5-piece sels - $5.98 up Hair Brushes "Jewelite" Roll Wave $3.95 Rubbersel Shaving Brushes - 50c up Billfolds "Perkins" - $2.25, $2.75 up Yardley Perfume--- $1.25, $1.95 up Hudnut Cologne & Dusi. Powder Set $3.0 Cut ex "Bugle Corps" Manicure Set - $4.00 Packard Twin Dual electric shaver $24.50. ÇxREETING CARDS Choice Sets 25c, 49e 98c, $1.00 Here's a wa te trea t Sore Throat Coughs, Colds Brolnchitiq. Tonsil- itis, Laryngitis, Spasmodic Croupi, Itronclil As -&thm;t, %VXIOOpîn g rCoughi, ches,.t <'nds. Nalsal Troubles, Tajisil and Sinus Pains use Spahr's Remedy 'Quick results, ecanamy, safet>'. gaod for oid and young 50e - $1.50 ROLLS RAZORS $12.50 FINAUD Men's Sets $1.35 up flAIR BRUSHES $1.00 up COMPACTS $1.50, $3 up I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS BABY COUGH SYRUP, 3 oz. reg. 25ce ----.---. 9c BORACIC ACID. i1lb. neg. 25ce-------19c CALAMINE LOTION, 4 oz. reg. 25ce -.----- -19c CASCARA AROMATIC, 3 and 6 ozs.------ 23c, 43e CHERRY COUGH SYRUF, 4 oz. reg. 25c 19e ECZEMA OINTMENT, 114 oz. reg. 39c ---- - --- - 29e HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, 4, 8 and 16 oz. 12e, 19c, 29c IDAMALT, 1, 2 and 4 lbs. -------------- ---47e, 79c, $1.39 MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABS. 1001s, 30s 29c, 67c MINERAL OIL, 16 and 40 ozs. --.-- - -38c, 77c MUSTARD RUB, 1 oz. reg. 25e----------- ----------- l9c SYRUF TAR & COD LIVER OIL, neg. 39e - -____29e WITCH HAZEL. 4 oz. reg. 25e 1 ------------- 9e Colgate's Dental Cream------- -25c, 40c Maclean's Tooth Paste ------ -.29c, 47c Ipana ToothPIL Faste---------- -29c, 49o IL Forhan's Tooth Paste ---------- 29c, 49c Listerine Tooth39 -6c Paste - ------ 25c, 40o ÎCarter's Little Liver Pilla 33-67 Chase'& Kid. & Liver Pilis 35c i1;j Today! ECONOMY ' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY A&LEX McGREGOR' Phone 792 We Deliver E' I r, PERSONAL GREETING CARDS made fnom your negative $1.00 dozen 'iIkW±MAL J-L A The concenfrated vita- min foodvYiti a deliclous orange flavour. Helps build resistançe. 1 lb. $1.T9-2 lbs. $1.98 A Product of the Ovaltine R.,eoreh Loboratorles Your Local I.D. D U Druggist R G FLOUR FOR LIGHTER - MOUE TENDER PIES, CAKES AND PASTRIES 1 ý 47,