Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1947, p. 5

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TRUESMAT, OCTOBER 22,'1947 ,ýSPORT NEWS, Badminton Champs 0f Wide Renown Play Here Oct. 25 Badminton Âss'n. Elecis Ifs Officers ArrangesTourney Representatives from Peterborc Llay Bowinanville and t h toOawa clubs attended tih a*nal meeting of the Central Or areBadminton Association meet ing held here this week. The election of officers for tii 1947-48 season was held with thi iollowing resuits: President, CI! Pahner, Oshawa Piying Club v.epres. Dr. C. J. Austin, Bow mnanvile Club; sec.-treas., MiW KaY Hopkins, Oshawa Flyin, Club. - Tie retiring president, Gord Graham, Lindsay, expressed hiý thanks for the co-operation dur. ing his year in office and hoped that the clubs would show thE ASPHALT - FELT - SHINGLE Brick Siding" e e ie ss ýg 1. is ramne spirit with the new officers. The financial report revealed that Uic organization was in a healthy state a! ter its first post-war year. Items o! business includecL the annual tournament which will be held in Peterboro in the latter part o! March, the exact dates te be announced later. Inter-club tournaments were thoroughly dis- Cussed. with the majerity ruling that the set-up remain the same this year but with visits starting before Christmas. The executive o! Uic Bowman- ville Badminton club plans te get their tournaments under way as soon as possible. Saturday night, Oct. 25, there will be a special exhibition gaine bctween world, Dominion and Provincial cham- pions. 1- BH.S. Gridders ,Edge Whitby Team In Tight Struggle (By Gregory Friend) Whitby didn't do it in Track and Field, but they ncarly upset aur B. H. S. stalwarts in rugby. Played on a lawn-like gridiron in Ajax, Tbursday's skirmisb be- tween Whitby and Bowmanville resulted in a 7 te 5 win for the locals, but the B.H.S. squad had 36 KING ST.1 E. Ladies' Bowling Teamns Morley Etcher HItS Change Positions Season': High Single Doris Polley's Heilcats blastedT VI Coole's Raxnblers for 7 pointsi BwigLau as dld Doris Joll's Atornics Bo lig eau Kileen Hearl's Head Pins and On- Eleven bowlers bit over thc 700) le Mutton's TiP Tops fromn Marg1 mark an Wednesday night. Char- E. King and ber Lucky Strikes. le Rundie led the way with 777 With the rcsult that the standing followed by Tom Carter 769, A] is as follows: Osborne 742, Morley Etcher 734, Tip Tops 21 Erniie Ro;ch 731, Frank Williams Hdil Cats,( 729, BilMuton 727, Ken Luxton Head Fins 13 715, Russ Oke 706 and Lou Wise- Atomics 12 man and Harry Depew tiéd with Lucky Strîkes il 701. Ramblers 7 Eacb wcck two passes are giv- High single benors went te JO en by the manager o! the Royal Cornors with 319, Ada Tonkin 261, Theatre te tbe bowler having the and Ina King 253. Higb triples higb single gaine. The tickets for the evcning, Je Connors 648, wère won tbis weck by Morley Ada Tonkin 647, and Joyce Ma- Etcher witb the seasen's higb sin- jor 619. gle game o! 344. Other bigh sin- High Averages: gle gaines werc Tom Carter 336, Carol Martyn ]1496 12 Ken Luxton and Wait Polley ticci Viv. Pickard 190 2 with 330, Bibi Polley 307, Charlie Kay Beauprie 188 12 Rundie 295, Harry Depew 292. Ina King 188 9 Alan Osborne took ever the lead Ada Tonkin 187 il from Jack Coole fer higb average Joyce Major 186 12 witb 241 altbough the difference Vi Coole 184 12 is onby anc pin. Marg E. King 184 12 Bill Mutton's team made the Lillian Philiips 182 5 biggest gain coming from fifth Bern Carter 181 12 place last week te second position this Iweek. Tbey bad a nice teain score o! 3461. Ken Luxton's teain Ladies' Bowling had 3331. Frank William's teain had the bigb single game 1208. _______otete Somebody at the alicys must bave thrown a double whammy at In league competition the Tip 'Hap' Palmer because be had ne Tops are eut in front who cbalk- competition for the low score with cd up 5 points for the Ramblers. a lowsy 96. Bill Oke still holds The Atomicsalase took 5 points the season's low o! 96. Hap says frein the Lucky Strikes. Eileen he bopes Evil Eyc leaves him Hearle and ber head pins took abone from bere in. .6 points frein the H-ellcats withStnig coer1 Badminton fans are in for a real treat this Saturday night when Stan Cutts, present world's Bad- minton champion wili be playxng exhibition gaines against other Dominion and Provincial Cham- pions. The gaines will be played at Uic Bowmanvillc Badminton club at 8:30. Gaines will censist o! a single match between Stan Cutts and Dick Bircb, the latter being Uic Ontario Amateur Singles Unam- pion, The Ontario Mixed and the leriner Dominion Singles Cham- pion. Then these two will play against AI Osborne and Jacx Brough o! the Bowmanville Club in an exhibition men's doubles. Othtr games will consist cf mixed doubles betwcen the two champions and their partners and a women's doubles match bctween local champions and two Toron- te girls. Anyonc interestcd in the game would be wcll advised te be there early as large representations frein Oshawa, Peterboro, and Lindsay bave signified Uieir in- teption o! attenaing. These eutstanding players are being brought te Bowmanville tbrough the courtesy a! tic lacai club and Mason ana Dale in ord- er that the local fans can sec how the big-timcrs play the game. their 'work cuÎt ôeut" *inèctin'g a bic but lest it on downs. Aftcr Eavestroughi-ng 'teai wbich xvas much improved Rely Coombes bad advanicedth over last year's aggregatian. bah te the Whitby 15, with a Coach Witberspoon suffered b cautiful end run, 'Bull Tamblyn w~f aMu saine anxiaus moments as bis shook off several tacklcrs tei FURNACESfaitbfuls, net up ta their usual plunge through the entire enemy efficîcncy, suffcred a momentary teain fer fifteen yards, scaring the AND lapse at the five minute mark, onlY Bawmanville tauchdown. De- wbich permitted a sensational Geer canverted. OIL URN RS Whitby touchdown. Johnny Fa- A few minutes later DeGeer 01ILBURKERd ais hrtbylater a receiv- co.inilted the a!terneon's scoring ed sortlaera pssfrein quar- with a tremendueus hoist over Cali on us for terback Hare, and catching the the Whitby line, wbich went for a Guaranteed Worl: entire Bewmanville teain napping, single, making tbe score 7-5 in ran unmolestcd for an 85-yard faver o! the lecals. touchdown. The second bal! consisted o! However, the Bawmanvilbc lads continued attempts by both teains settbed down after this surprise. ta break into the scoring column. DAVIS & G RANI an te functien. Since Whitby elected te r o PHONS: 842 674 the-spot, ran a Whitby kick-off points the gaine was in dount PHOES:284 - 674 back ta the 45-yard stripe, wbere- right ta the finai whistle. On tbree _______________________ upan DeGeer sprintcd for another occasions the Whitby teain was in twenty-fivc. At this point Wbit- scoring Position, anc4 anly a grim- by recovetcd a Bowrnanville fuin- ]y determined Bowmanville line ___________________________________________________kept the opposition off the score sheet. Once the Bewmanvilîe squad was serely pressed on Uic 10-yard line. DeUeer punted, a good thirty-five yards, only te have Falaise run tfle kick back te the Bowmanvilîe 12. The latter, tegether with Red Hare really carried the load for Whitby. 1 On another play, this time near1 OÀCÉÀJJ5 1W om authe Whitby goal line, Hare gots d'«040bis teain eut o! a jans by spiraîl- 1 'Ping tbrougb the Bewntanviîîe teain for iftcen yards, but wasa later burt. Threugheut the gaine1 Bring your car In now for rough play was in evidence, witb bath teains disbing it eut. For- eur complete winterizlug tunateby nane e! the injuries werea and tunc-up services. We'ii serious. change oil and grease, check'- In the bast quarter it was se dark battery and Ignition, flush. that the B.H.S. teani wiscly chose cooiing systein, add anti- te stall for tinie and keep their slim margin. Kicking on first freeze. Drive In today and dewns they kept the persistent t be prepared. Wbitby teain back till the end. The prewess and ability o! Tamn-E Garfon's Garage even the Whitby fans talking. Theh PHOE 66 BO MAVILEBewmanvillc uine, except fer oc-a PHONE2666 OWMANELLEcasional lapses, held well and ev-G cf the B.H.S. cheerleaders prevedp their nicttle. Rcpeated atteniptsM by Whitby fans t p eutscream them t roused their anger, but aidcd by t the fcw Bowmanviîîe fans thcy I scoed a moral victory by cheer- n ing their teani on te win. rl The Lineups Bowmanvilîe: Fbying wing, a Reynolds; halv-es, DeGeer, Moore- ai craf t; quarterback, Cattran; full- le back, Buckspan; snap, Stutt; in- sides, Moffatt, Gallagbcr; niiddlcs, B Hills, Tamblyn; ends, Knox, Rice; subs., Bickell, Breslin, Frank,: Tucrk, Wilson, Munday. i Whitby: F'bying wing, Purdy; P( halves, Wootcn, McLeod; quarter-M back, Hare; !ullback, Falaise; snap, j Gledbill; insides, Love, Levine; middles, Sinions, Mess; ends, BE ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ K een, M cK ay; subs., Junior H are, j ~ iRussell, Hayes. W jB. GOODi i NÏEWS! BOWM ANVILL2 PHONE ~ea Standing Tip Tops ----- ---__ 14 H elicats -------------- - - - 13 Head Pins -----13 Lucky Strikes Il Ramblers ---------7 Atomics ------------------5 Marg Perris outdistanced every- one with ber 270, second, Marg E. King 268 and third, Ada Tom- kmn 239. Marg King netched 620 and Ina King 613 High Averages Carol Martyn ------------- 198 Vi Pickard ----190 Kay Brauprie 189 Vi M artyn -------------- 188 Dorothy Brooks -------------187 Ina King -------------------- 185 Vi Coeie------------ -- 183 Duaine Palmer ---182 Lillian Philips. 1821 Marg E. King -------------181 Bush Leagué Bowling Teams Now Going At Full Strength Ail six teams e! the new Bush League wvere out Friday night at Martyn's Bowling Academy te spe-ed up the pace in the seco:.d weck of the pre-Christmas series. The Woolner and Pollcy teams are tied in team standings aný. Bob Gallagher ia eut front in singleaverages. The BTS team, making its first appearance, took on the practiced Woolncr squad but-the tussie end- ed 5-2 in faver o! Woolner, Who was high man for bis tcam, close- y followed by Jim Newman, Matt Harrison and Jim Thompson were tbc sparkplugs for the BTS.j Walt Polley's team trimmedt Bob Noblc's tcam 7-0, duc mostly ta the fact that Noble was short handed. Jim Levitt crashcd eut a ncat 300 for higb single but Bob Gallagber carricd the big end for Pollcy's team. Werry and Cress- wecll rolled steady for the Noble ;cam. Bob Mitchell led his trundiers oa a 7-0 win ever Courtice. R.on M4aynard was tops for the win- ners and Sborty Vctzcl was the pick of the Courtice team. Jim Lcvitt, witb bis 300 bas seti a mark te shoot at in the singles and Wait Pelle-y witb 697 stili ceads the league in the triples. Bob GalAera2e4 Wo al agholer -224 Ro aPoy _______ 205 R.n anard----- 205 Pork Basne-------21 >orkyHarsone---------- _ 199 att Hewarrsn -------- - 193 m em oi 193 Bil Tolea ----Points-- 1 aI! Woler12 B.atchl 7oby1 B.T.S -__------ ourtice . 2 [oble 0___ .0 FREE SERVICE DEAD HORSES & CATTLE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY and WTMOUT CvIARGE Telephone Colleet: TORONTO - Adelaide 3636 COBOURG - 48J GORDON YOUNG. LIMITE» Reserved Seais ROYAL Winter Fair NOV. 18-26 This year the Royal Winter Pair s bigger and brightcr than ever. Reserve seats must be ob- tained immediatcly by eut- of-town visitors, as there is only a limited number of seats available and the de- mand is great. Alternoons and Evenlugs $1.50 - $1.75 - $2.00 Including general admission Enclose a self-addressed en- velope witb yeur cheque or money order, to MR. C. K. NASH r/o ROYAL WINTER FAIR COLISEUM, TORONTO do if now beforp, ifs too laie Teain Westlake Muttan Cole Piper Cancilla Osborne Ceaie Luxtan Bagnel Rundle Willians A. Osborne J. Ccolc Ai. Piper B. Westlake L.. Wiseman 3. PolIcy K. Luxten 3. Mutton 3. Milnc E. Roach C. Rundle D. Carter D. Parks J. Callan R. Habîman Dr. Rundie P. Cancilla B. Bates S. Woods A. Spicer W. Pebley K. Vanstone R. Hearle H. Depew N. Dale r.Carter P.Cale I I I I :1 c I i .1 E f I E c; v 1F A 'I F n h BUSH LEAGUE BOWLING 3rd Week Courtice clipped Wool ncr 's teain for a flu in Bush League Bowling last week, but Walt Pol- lcy's trundiers just keep rolling along like Oie Man River. Bob Noble's team cdged eut Mitcbell's te put bath even in league standings. But the Boys' Training Seheal bas net yet bit its stride and still trails the field after losing ta PeIlcy by 7 points. Jack Mantbe upbeld the Poilcy gang witb a high single o! 260) but Uic black sbeep Ken Davies taok the bigh triple witb 679. League Standing Teains Pts. Polley 12 Woolner 12 Caurtice 9 Mitchell 7 Nable . 7 won lost 8 3 8 4 7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5 6 6 5 7 2 9 3 9 2 10 Averages Gainesj 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12. 12 12 10 12 6 12 12 121 12 12 :2 ï2 12 Ave. 241 241 239 236 230 226 225 225 224 222 220 2161 211 211 208 2098 208 205 205 1104 204 203 203 202 201 201 Whitby Reverses Loss by Beating B.H.S. Whitby High School Rugby Team reversed the bass cbalked up by Bewmanville High Scool at Whitby by taking the locals in a listless game piayed bere Sat- urday by the farrow margin o! 2-1. It was a game fcaturcd.by glaring miscues by both sides frein start te finish. Whitby won the verdict by superior booting in the backfield and the fcw points represents kicks te the deadline. Starting a bucking contest in the first period, Whitby booted for a point from thc 30 yard line at the 10 minute mark. Scoreles in the 2nd quarter, Bownianville cvencd the count in the 3rd, wben DeGeer gained yards with an end run and two following bucks ac- bieved a yardage front which he booted te thc deadline. Wbitby came. back la the 4th quarter to Win another point after two minutes o! Play and that wound it up for the afternoon. Time and again botb teams funib- led in sorimmage and flot a single forward pass cf the dozen tried wcrecocmplctcd. School rooters were away picking apples and aduits were cofspicueusly absent., The enly celer in Uic gaine was afforded by the nifty cheer lead- ers,Pgg Dippell, Pearl Breslin, Rbona Evans and Doris Chartran, but their helmeted seho6olmates let theni down badly on the field. The intermission was- enlivened witb a brie! tucsse between part- isan rooters. hau3en, cf Lake Forest, Ill. Cai Abt N ro Capt. Norton is o'ne of our north 1 ~ ~shore Nortons, havîng tre Hfii the.oulseye sailing out of Port D-arlin.gton in, Now in His E-hfthe Tienna of Bowmanville in N O T ICE igies quirer's second schooner, wîth Capt. John Ewart, at a later date, ---- "Each Saturday The Toronto and the Nor-ton we knew was fisi' Telegram publishes a feature erman iTommy, who hlped rescue Tis Is to lnform the pubit. headed "Schoner Days" writtn teOier Mowat's crewr fort -! we are dicatinuing retai. by the nautical editor, C. H. J. five years ago. Capt. Norton, now1 Snier inwhchhe ries ntr-in bis eighties, stili handies tugs îiig flowers lu thé Town é< esting stories of the early saiing for the U.S. Engine2rs, and in; O ýmnvie and takel b> days on the Great Lakes. Wc re- 1943 took three of them from Buf- opportunity te state we a,14 produce is story o! a week ago as falo to Chicago on their way to NOT SOLD THIS BRANC1ft. At refers to a weî-lno,,&n native New Orleans via the drainage can- 0 u U I E S T son of Bowmanvllle, Capt. Albert al." O U ISNS Norton, whose sailin~g days date Editor's Nôot. - Reading this ANXONE, merety b è 1 bakto the 80's. Hcre's the story stery About my old friend and fel- eopfét sc!noue- as reportcd in The Tclcgram. low townsman recailed an unex- frsl hsrset As, a Lost-and-Found medium pectcd but pleasant meeting the fotin.h1repc the Oswcgo Palladium-Times cer- cditor bad, witb Capt. Ab. back tainly covers a lot of territory fast. a bout 1909. 1i ws attending a We i nienfl Io oper-, Being in Oswego with Kin' r-heavyweigh-t boxing match in the' vie the compiler of these Schoner old Madison Square Gardens nona whl ae Day records made inquiry aîong New York City one evening. Corn- aie.onaw le I. the waterfront about the St. Peter ing eut of the arena I spotted Ab's.fo -and drew a blank, naturally, for red bead. Naturally we were sur- basis fo te preseni she went down bai! a century ago. prised to meet under such cir- But Friend Watcrbury, president cumstanccs. He suggestcd we go grown l ei oth Oswcgo Historical Society across the street to the Hotel Sev- and proprietor o! the Palladium., ille and sec another Bowmanviflc n vnial Times, had bis ace reporter, Ray boy, Wes. Sbàw, whô was desk an e lbm- Carpenter put a picce in the paper clerk of the botel at that time. about this Canadian query. We did, and the tbree of us gab- For the confidence placed lu Sam da ofpubicaiontheOs-bcd away tiil the wee small hours us by the _people cf Bow- Segplieda o publ cti on e os-e!the morning. The next day 1 weg poic raio carca e aon- recal, W s. took me on a sight- mnanville and surfiundng side witb a long-distance message[ seeing tour of the city includîng districts over the 40 years from P. D. Vercrouse, 48, Furniss, My first visit te the Statue of cf aur career lu business, N.Y., that he kncw a man who Liberty. Swcet memorles oi, the ýive sincerely say thanks. saw the St. Peter go down and days of ur yuth could point out wbere she lay stili. F. G. Blythe, 171 West OneidawANTED St, Oswego, and Wm. Turner, a- WI 5* Seje Jackmain se ,of that city supplied details A Business in Bowmanville or and close shots at the ycar. Dquarit e alyrang fo len C~pain Albrt ortn. 28 isrit refea rrag o aabn ih].vn dSon Captin Aber Noron, 28 f 6 r-iom detacbed bouse in To- Crawley Ave., Buffalo 7, N.Y. hit ronto if necessary. Apply Box the bullseye with the date, ct 951 c/o Statesman Office j 27, 1898, as did Henry N. Bark -_______________ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, OCTOBIER 23-24 BETTY GRABLE IN THE DIc]K HAYri'ES Music bv ryL GEORGE GERSHWIN inl j. chicolor . SATURAY, Lyries b2 SATURDY OCTE 2 IN TECHNICOLOR Laurel and Hardy Comedy STr inG EDDIE DEA 5 fl MONDAY To FRIDAY DA Ui !October 27-28-29-30-'31 CONTINUGUS NIGHTLY FRON 6:00PN> AFTER SCHOGL NATINEE, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 291h al 4:1 5 ...dc anCrar wAJREMI LOIE MAIrh ECYkL RJ IL O S I HA LQ4 Carloon in Technicolor >4 WORLD'S CHAMPION eADNINTON PLAYER wtbl play ai 8:30 p..- RAVE A MVII I P ulnu mugofwr -~ V *BE*U VAIII&ll U8YII N LUB on SATURDAY, OCTOus Z '2 1 ' games will fuature STAN CUTTS - world professional champion. DICK BIRCH, am- ateur Ontario single champion, Ontario mixed doubles and former Dominion champion; plus other famous badminton players. (public are cordially invited Io attend) for champion qualify sporting goodi ses MASON and DALE Campbell and Spalding Badminton Equipmenf Fox Laie News 1 Lyries L-y tRA GE, RSI-lWlrj STARRING EDDIE DEAN "'Goodýick and Crowbc:r"" %iý BOWIXANV Lit PHONE 408 THE CANADIAN STerMMAN, BOWMANVELLE OlqTAPJD OYA PROUE 589 EATR Two Cartoons in Technicolor / Il/ 1. .

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