Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1947, p. 6

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read the scripture and Mina O. I Warren offered prayer. Mrs. Wil- 'U'L li a i ~ J J 8bur Baskerville sang a pleaîg The ewcastle aIhiepefluefl sole. President Mrs. C. A. Coan Phon: Clrke 314then took charge of the meeting. Phn:Care31 A committele was appeinted te I I make plans for a chieken dinner te be served the teachers' Insti- Hearty congratulations are due Miss Marion Love, Madoc, is tute. Mrs. W. H. Cooke, wbo bas suc- guest with Rev. and Mrs. Patter- The speaker was Mrs. Clarence cessfully passed the Provincial son at the Parsonage. Penfaunid, Courtice, visiting cem- Real Estate and Brokers Act Ex- Mrs. Donald Gibson, Mrs. How- mittec o! the Presbyterial W.A., amination and is now a fuliy quai- ard' Gibson, Mrs. Bernard Mit- who based ber remarks an "Seek ified Real Estate Broker. chell entcrtained at a charmingly Ye First the Kingdom of God."1 Annual Conference of Women's arranged tea on Friday a!tcrnoonSegaeusoegdiesfr Auxiliary ta Church o! England in at the home a! Mrs. Donald Gib.shgae oe igwok o Uidsorty Canada-Deanery o! Northumber-. son in hanor o! their sister, Mrs. Ms.iJoses grotservedrees land and Durham is being held at Gilbert ftayner, (the former Mis ms. Js' ru evdrfeh St. George's Churcb, Sept. 25, Helen Gibson) and ber daughter, commencing with Corporate Com- Miss Bunty Rayner, Chicago, Ill' The Evenlnt Frolle munion at 10:30 a.m. Fragrant gardien flowers were us- The "Evening Frolic" held on cd in the dining room with its Wednesday evening, Sept. 10-on Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Symons, doors opening into the spaciaus the grounds o! the Communlty Rochester, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. eadh The tea table center- Hall and which was under the WMr. Chestnut, Welcome, visitcd a bowl o! vari-coloured auspices a! the Newcastle Base- Mrs.Geoge ickrd.zinnias was presided over by miss baIl Club was a decided success. Miss Doris Allun, Toronto, spent Fiora Galbraith, and Mrs. Samuel The 5 games o! chance booths and the weekeýnd with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, another eister a! the the regreshment booth were well Irwin Allin. guest o! bonor, assisted in the tes patronized. $248.45 was realized Mrs. Harold Carr, Port Credit, room, alsa belping look a!ter the from. sale a! tickets by Douglas visited ber mother, Mrs. W. H. comfort o! the many guests in Walton and bis belpers for the 15 Coake and attendcd the Shupak bis usual genial happy manner prizes. The draw at 11 o'ciock -Holmes wcdding on Saturday. was Mrs. Rayner's father, Mr. was in charge o! ex-Warden Cec- Miss Wylma Downe, Oshawa, David Gibson. il Carveth with the !ollowing be- visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard AI- The home o! Mrs. W. H. Cooke, ing the luicky winners.d lirn. prettily decorated with flowers, Silverware cabinet, Roy Stone- ,.rs. Howard Ormiston and Di- was the setting for tbe interesting burg, Newcastle; record player ane, Bowmanville, called on Mrs. levent on Tbursday evening, sept 9hapiir R onrBw George Rickard. il, when a kitchen anct linen manville; electrie fan, Lloyd Pas- v Y.P.U. heid a social evening shower was tendered Mrs. Robert sant, Bowmanville; electric iran, y Sept. 12, be!ore commecing the Shupak (the former Miss Jean Miss B. Flaxman, Bowmanville; f( regular meetings under the lead- Hoimes). Upon the arrivai o! the silex co!!ee pot, Mrs. Audrey Go- ri ership o! president Glenn Aluin. guest o! bonor and ber mother, gerty, Newcastle; electric toaster,'r It was encouraging ta sec severai Mrs. Wallace Holmes, she was es- Mr. Blancham, Oshawa; I gallon a( new members out. First o! the corted ta the chair o! bonor which paint, E. Waddington, Toronto; 2 B regular meetings was held Sept. was prettily and effectively decor- dressed chîckens, Mrs. H. Tebble ai 15, with Miss J±velyn Aluin, l'el- ated with ite wedding belis and Newcastle; doz. bricks ice cream,c lowsbip Convenor, in charge, ow- pale pink streamers. Miss Pa- P. Lunn, Orano; chieken Ah!.hl ing ta the sickness o! president tricia Pearce, then pinned a cor- Gray, Newcastle; bushel apples, cl Glenn Aluin. Evelyn Aluin aisa sage on the bride-ta-be and Miss Elmer Green, Orono; bushel ap- canducted the worsnip period as- Pauline DeLine per!ormed the pIcs, Marjorie Toms, Newcastle; sisted by Hazel May Il isher and samne happy duty ta Mrs. Wallace bushel apples, L. Brown, Bow- Mary Hagerman. Claire Aluin Holmes. The many Iovely gifts manville; bushel apples, C . Stap- c. had charge a! the program, which were braught in and preSented ta leton, Newtonvilie; fishing reel, y( indluded a musical selection by the bride-ta-be in a clothes bas- Albert Gray, Newcastle. in Vern Gobeen and a reading by ket very appropriately decorated The booths were in charge o! P' Joyce Martin, who also conductcd in Pink andi white. Altbaugh cam- the follawing members a! the cr recreation. pletely taken unawarcs, Jean very club and a band o! wilîing assis- cc Miss Lydia Lake, Miss Muriel charmingiy exprcssed bier thanks tants, Irwin McCulhougb, Victor t Lake and friend, Toronto, wcre and appreciatian for the many Garrod, Gardon Gray, Reeve Pa guests o! their mother, Mrs. Frank loveîy gifts showered upan ber. George Waiton, Alfred Gray, Ray Gibson. Refreshments were served by the Brown, Tam Brown. n tev. W. W. Patterson was guest committce in charge wba were, After ail expenses were met ni speaker at bis former charge, Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Miss Patrîcia the club realized $275.00. The r Queensboro United Churcb An- Pearce. R.N..Oqhq ,,:M..._ PAGE six hidrn.rae tf nerhaed Staffmrou hneeinhe bnursnumerafuhs heands nthensifngrstaff thi n crol aasartaff tnurseork )ic hol asprto! mtheena ublsi saffth programe in-r case in staffvienb ie mor )mpchlctes ei asbe ivten in- >atetsosa lasi te e Tments.wn mmer f h Thein staffwine members o! th hirsiUgitaf r caiigwt Mis Unit Selsuevsr usnawa, iss Paul Ill Miss dLouisendSt-eAeemsupervisor;- irbaiyunxcîlinn heNtt aBuildings, Toronto. --«-.-. - _ ý weý r, Sctt, s ni le rnoietoTFhMIheandth .denartmentcksocopiessseo,!tthe the Hall Less M lor, Mis uladasAyls- Mrs.ctida aAfhton arMro in is bsece . Gore Wb- istdauiMssr.ancte wihwshldI h alMise Rosella Cunningham, Miss wherever they are cantactetheornoM.and Mrs. E. Tomp- Jcsn ensea h rv akTani uidna in isabeneRe. eogeWe- sstd y esrs PulBenetpoorîy attended. worth, and Miss Burma Morlock. wauld desire. And OntariMr.isnalive getttePauline afd DannyJones- ber, R'epresentative Lordts Day Glenn Allun, and Orval Stinsan. saiegtPui Alliance, Toronto, had charge of After two months' vacation BaealCu te The members o! the Newcastle Resignr.tions: Miss Muriel Cur- today to the possibilities af this, manville, Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond the-morning service and Rev. H. W.A. of the. U.C. met Sept, il with BaealCu ish ta thank aIl rie,1 Miss Marguerite Langdon, one o! ber major resources, as a and Connie, Newcastle, Mr. and G. Crozier, Whitby, took the ev- Mrs. Ross Dickinson in charge o! who by their generous donations Miss Beryl Williams. Miss Cur- real source of revenue ta her peo- Mrs. Roland Thompson and Kar- ening service. devotions. Mrs. W. W. Patterson and attendance helped ta make rie, whose home is in Toronto, ple. The Honorable George A. en, Enniskillen, Mrs. Roy Chater, the evening such a success. has jained the staff of the Toron- Drew, the Prime Minister of On- Toronto, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. to *Lepartment of Health. Miss taria, heads this effort ta expand Langdon expects ta do V. O. N. this great resource." i ______ brknea ler home in Western By Edward D. Willis, in t#e Steu- Harvêsting Comlpleted dress pyu X.Iý Otro New Members ben Republican, Angola, Indiana. lui Durham C ut Starkvi]le School had a holi- Nwstfmmbs:MsLen adanH piltIth klr fPt' T Sov dyfoecriciasthe school was wir-DNcewndoaff Mims is Ly oeaan HDoug- iy In te eey crop report ofA, u T iov Your (1Mdfr and rst. ADRgesOs e rf, Miss elm eWlther, Mis "I forgot ta mention that when Sept. 15, issued by the Ontario I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~eMissaehelartz altssernarM i anssosofcrcmetruhpldfo rprssbitdb * Fertilizer a naistd Mr. . osutka. - OieSitMs iolet l'raser we reached the border, the Cana- Departmnent o! Agriculture, coin- M r.Norman Read!ord, daugh- er. Miss Dockendorff and Miss the coach and checked the bag- district Agricultural Représenta- =ter, Edmonton, Alta., is spending Heartz are natives o! P.E.I. Bath gage we were carrying. He May tives, the following account 'of =rbe a !ew weeks bih er parents, have had some years of Canadiag r may not b a man of good conditions in Durham county are MMr. and Mrs. V. -arw ArmySevc overseas as nurs- judgment, but whnw odhim set forth: Always IokY u oeis Mrs. Howard Orriston and irg sisters, Miss Dckendorff in we were American country edi- "pigganhretn a _ N u W ' ngla~d a d th coninen. Mis lo k in aur agga e. . ,, he e cepion ! bu kwhet. C rn ' our ompl xion may egrawies, yo r clthes faulles NOW ! àdaughter, Bowmanville, at Mr. A. South Africa and Miss Heartz in tors, he passed by and didn't even been practically completed with =nll andtMeconinet.s.s à Mr. Dobson bas returned ta Walther is fromn Mitchell, Ontario "I can't Say too much for the bas mad eremarkabdl grow te btderu W e c n s ili supp y y u.r fer ilis r n eds Goe de ive y àE Parry Sound a ter visiting is and is a graduate o ! St. Joseph s hospitality of these C anadians. a st twoa ea eks and w ll nwhe b e . btre arnk mpeh ir or a oifu e haad e WecnsilSpl orfriie ed.Go eieyEson, Mr. A. Dobson. Hospital, London. Miss Fraser'S They are doing every conceivable ha goaverage rop Jathiywuha the b byof you beauty, il1pi M on Swift's Qanadian Gro-M or. home is in Ilderton, Ontario, and thing for ur com ort. . . .11l e ce ae bi b s q iep caly f r y u o a w y o k y u o ei s,~ _________________________________ M___ MrRandfMrs, V. Farrowind hler school af nursing, Ontario "To give you an indication o! prevalent in the late potato crop ta your hair first. iSly Fair. Hospital, Loandon. She and Miss the importance they are attachîng even where sprayîng and dustîng ~ Seethe ew Quker u Buners n diplay * Mis HelnaDthert spet th as nursing sisters ta us country editors, we have bas been don ivSr i Mis eenDchr set h i iltryhsptlsi teLo-been escarted over every mile we About 595 bushels o! Cornel 1' U~ ~'T II ~ T L weekend in Toronto. don district. Miss Dougher, from have travelled by two provincial wheat is being sown by the Dur- L 1ee JJ.iU..t i>1JLL B.T. WATER BOWLS IN STOCK . M.adMs aen arw Vineland, Ontario, is a graduate police in white police cars." am. county 50bselCu. = _______________________________________ M Welcome, at Mr. V. Farrow's. a! the school af nursing at Mack By Richard Fingela, in trie Henry George st. Bwnniî hn 5 Ëf Let us puùt a DeLaval Milker or Separator in yaur barn- o salt.Carines . Aple ie(lthie Nws epubic & Axtell Cups ____________________________ I aise DeLaval Water Pressure Systems.pbienrig oreEtTrn 1 EE S O L I N A to ~~~~Uli vn rsit n c urse , 9atLo s Toron-en e t B l C u TRY Us FOR YOUR TIRIC Ms Sitwhs home si àO IN tU-vrs"Ontae, PUl r o bas much taof! ntedCertified Extraet of Malt E Mrs. H. E. Tink accompanîed Toronto, completed her pbi tourists and vacationists. Hlun- Court Oshawa No. 501, Cana- and Cod Liver 011 600x16 "Trans Canada" - $ 14.50 3 Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Reynolds and health nursing course at Torontodothlascp dian Order of Foresters played 1 lb. 59e - 2 lb. 98e - 4 lb. 1.69 E ~~Miss Lulu Reynolds on a trip te University in 1935, and as hacid thesad lakes are filed with hst ta ballusadm beso i Otta w and A gonqui P ark. tw o y ear's ex p erience on th e staff o!l n s. F s n S atu rd ay n ig t w h en over 100 A y erst 10 D C od L iv er 01 EE Mr. B. G. Stevens is working at o! tbe Lincoln-St. Catharines wild gamne abound in profusion. guests gathered at Geneva Park 4 oz. 67e - 16 oz. $1.69 W e H e R O W rN à Guelph this week. Health Unit. Miss Barker from Parts o! the province are, hardly for a corn and weiner roast and RemeberRaly Da onSun Bacrof alo 1touced y te fet o ma . -"dance. This gala affaîr was su- *DEALERR day, ept. 28,an the Harvest healthb health nursing cour se at On t ra eo u Vita min Cpue Case Farm Machlnery - FstneTres. Thankof!ering services on Sun- Toronto University. She was in OtroOne o! the wags in the League President Eddie Hender- Apaets$ 18 . E DeLaval llkers ani Separatoraday, Oct. 12. charge a! the V.O.N. branch at group said we were 'travelling son, Eari Lockwood, Joe FlaveleAl h m t s $1 -$ 85 -3 0 eatty Dlros al e upmet Members o! the Football Club Stratford for same years, and on aur stomacbs.' At any rate, we and C. Hallett, Oshawa, and Jack N.C.F. Caps. $1.25-2.25-5.0o m u1 K n g S t . W h o e 4 7 o s a t th e R .l C .a i h , . . . c i f y o n h s i al s i s tw ic e a d a y , o n e m o rn in g w e a te C ra ig , B o w m a n v ille . C l i m A C p . $ . 0 $ . Phono 4 1 ? ~ % hasts co~0a~d ~er~e~d hree ~ t o wea fata, an ques t le as e T Mc ab ih Hawkhaw and B b :l ut 01 Ca s 9e$.0 * I ND when a pleasant evening was en- Inpectr eavîng stps reMfatsan tareTse.cCb2.rohy-aspre.0 jayed. stopsL for buffet lunches in be- sented by Charles Ferguson, who MgaCp.$.5$.0T~ Mrs. Thomas Baker presided for Mr. Hugli McIntyre, Chie! Sani- tween . . . ." congratuîated Bowmanvilie girls 100 Cod Liver Oig Caps. 98e the Mîssionary prograrn at Sun- tary Inspector, is resigning !rom By Howe Morgan, in the Sparta on being the first team to take Oleo. Percomorphum 75-3.41 da.y Sehool and Mrs. John Baker, the Healtb Unit Staff and is ta re- (Illinois) News-Plaindealer. the mucb travelled cup to Bow-1 Sr., sang. tire from active work . Mr. Mc- avle Tamkthpiur 93e Nozm ----- - ~ ;up On Sunday, Sept. 7, the pupils Intyre came ta the Health Unit cmnile.T ae the tl rpictreNozea 9e'A oth rnaySna colfrom the Provincial Department Facîlities îdeal accompanied this Cup. 100 A.S.A. Tablets -----------LJUIL~ Class honored their teacher, Miss a! Health witb which he had serv- "I cannot say enough for the In replying Brian Barnett, Roblnson'sfarley Fleur -- ---- e Sleln otis$.0-$ Betty Smales, before îeaving ta eci for over 20 years in Northern wonderful hospitality accordecj by youthful manager o! the Ramb- Corega Powder - 23c-3c-9 Crtfebois$19- .4 ente Osh wa ospial s nuse- Ontario, Previaus ta thisle had ur Canadian hosts ..."Il"High- lers, gave an outline o! the sum- _________________ F m y btt -. 89 -in-training. Little Dianne Tink, experience in sanitation work in light o! the trip was aur visit ta mer season and also stated that Sony Wodu!fan Roni Ba.'Scotland and South Africa. Dur- the Legislative Assembly o! On- the bail league was operated in -, 1 er prsenyWof ntd tty ith ak-m ing the past year and a bal! with taria when the Premier o! Ontar- conjunction witb 'the CHICANyetote- 319 mota ad rus ad cmbsetonthe Heaith Unit, Mr. Mclntyre ici, George A. Drew, presented me Youtb Club as part o! tbe recre- betateo and witsh atdhebet one organized the work o! bis depart- and others in the party witb a ational plans o h lb o! ail the ciass members.ý ment freim the ground up, esta- plaque o! the coat-of-arms o! On- The Axteil Tropby was present-Fo Ha Fe r A srie o!mavng nd alkngblihedmetodso ! nspctintario as a memento o! aur visit ed by Walter AxtelI, P.C.R. o! Aictures obaw ing aed!etaan l ...itod f npcto, ""We visited many attrac- Court Oshawa. Mr. Axtell said ohol e on g he buman t braina- thlo h ua ri n ive lakes where sand beacbes, that be too congratulated Bow- REGULAR LARE VkaNsDrp- 43 ie seriaus and sad results o! driv- fisbing, swimming facilities, etc., manville on their double horonr aMl as 0 1-$ ig while intaxicated was shown are ideal for sumnmer vacation." He stated that if any C.O.F. teamEsînDrp$13 y Mr. Tice, o! Newmarket, at By A. S. Wathen, in thé Kentucky won the tropby three ycars in suc- :ie Sunday Sebool Tuesday ev- Standard, Bardstown, Ky. cession he would replace it. E ~nn.The maxium "If you drive Bill Hawksbaw replied for his Ctrhzn 5 O don't drink and if you drink don't Big Province tamales boys wil bte t okng' emaes aosid ttbe ow-n drive" was etrtd r . "We are surprised ta note that for the hockey tropby and degree 1 "0as inwork ed on Mfr. tefces h Ontario is six times as large as plaque this winter along with the THE .. RGS E LLuINîbr.i BayBIs-----3c- 0 hasffoke'log or heforesMichigan.witb one-balf the papu- bowling trophy. ' . BabyPanGR----------39 o! Te..perance, and expressed the lation. The province is 1,500 Bowling commences shortlyadBb appreciation a! aIl those assemb-miles across each way, sa we have hockey and broom al re on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ldfor the technical and practical some miles abeadi and nine days the agenda for the winter months. TALKJNG ABOUT HOM E? kn0w1ege gained. The pictures o! the greatest hospitaity vaca-Fim DeedadPr td- - 32 Hat Water ottles 1.1 lstre ymn "Peace Be Stili. d i impresscd with the fact that we in Acrdgtatefsteimeop Oonult us first about you.r wiring problems! OurVstos the States bav.e a lesson ta learn o! production of tobacco in Can- cometntelctrcas il gie ouupMr. Gardon Scott with bis wi!e-odte!avc n os tTrno romaur cousins adross the bar- ada this year, 146,369,000 pounds honoe Clt w I com et nt elo trca s ill gî e ou p-o- at ad 'i oMnis s M u ti Tornto. , Peer S urdy der that doesn't exist, except for will be arvested. This is an n- b on the bout way te Wire your now homo ne that it will isMre anmiPtr the river and customs officers. crease o! about 5,000,000 pounds COWLINU UUijuiS gieyasc fiin evcbora, at Roy Langmaid's. att1,S Hsiaiythti oto h 96reodhreto 4, 9 gieyaso fiin evc.Mr. W. R. Westlake, Oshawa, Ta i:"osiait ht smsto he14 rcrdhres !14,MOTS_________ Frank Westlake's.BO T sincere - friendsbip that grows 384,000 pounds in 1946. whc Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell,an rw rapidly-and a bl lecrd tbco hc Hampton witb Charles Short- High quality, army style ity ta show you what tey ave ta makes up the bulk o! the crop, is New homes are net tho only feature .. if your pros- ridge. and materlal. A sturdy work orthat o a taursts n suech fnn r etted19at 12,920,000 pnds ont home needs re-w rn us i us a cl .Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Yonson, Sim . bot that wiU gi e atsth-pate you hn a reu t ab for t.heIl027 1947 urdr as agai4 st J ohn,- us oca . anduvei ilbertDa Dtint, h ea o âmatter By J. C. Bedient, The Recorder, .Buly oacoaloshows an J h .M C e r gusso r.adMs DnYn ha ede.Albion, Michigan. increase on the 1946 production Optomtr. Freo estimates on ail jobs gladly furniuhed on ro- son. cop bei05ge0timatedsth19470 quost. Only the boit of niateriala and workmansiiip Mr. Jabnston, Toronto, is holi- REASONABLE PRICES WedrFioHmpu n s iae t1,7,0 usdtrugo:ociadeer o.daying witb bis granddaughterWrsFl mpon. ue hogotehan vrjo.Mrs. A. R. Baker and !amily. Your SisehI Stock "Wben words fail a newspaper- The dark tobacco crop is esti- Eyea Zxamined, Mis Las armrBlakstck Se teniatman, that's news. But that is mated at 2,496,000 pounds, or 30,- MisLos________________ ethns t jstwbat is happening in seven 000 greater than in 1946. GassFte at A. J. Balson's. stat wben 23 newspapermen try However, bath cigar and pipe T uaa X IGf019 ELIECT... ta describe a Good-Will Tour they tobacco production is expected ta Your Genoral Electric Appliance Dealer fair, and only cames by practice. k..I Eeyn we met being estimated at 4, 0 3 0 Phono438 Bwinanille-John Ruskin. S OE EE l went frou fhi ta in ey00pu n14,ad epp 42Kn t . He that speaks the truth exec- our tour a hppy n neer 00pud 1946aansthe,43ipe utes no private function o! an in-SIN TRE diviual illbut he wrld tter 12 IVIBy Harry Kimm'ýelman, in the Me-j compared with 2,395,000 paunds Sound by his Lps.-Emersen. dia News, Media, Pennsyivania. iin 1946. 1 1 Coumty IHeaIih Uit (Continued frorm Page Qne) public nurse and include:-height weight, vision tests, hearlng tests, examinatien o! eyes, ears, skin, throat and teeth, neck glands, heart, lungs, feet and posture, plus a conference, if possible, with the parent in- regard ta the child's health history and habits. Medical Examination During the past school year ap- proximatcly 2,500 elem e n t a r y school children were given a m ed- ical examination by Uic Health Unit staff. All eblîdren who have not had a medical examination during the year are given brie! individual inspections by the public health nurse. In addition, particular chiidren may be re!erred by the teachers ta thc public health nurse for special inspection because a! conditions that may bave arisen since the last visit by Uic nurse. It is the program or tne Health Unit that every cbild will be giv- en a vision test by the public health nurse at least three times during bis elementary life. It is planned ta continue the Health Unit immunization pro- gram as before with every schol n the Health Unit area being visited at ieast once every two years by medical officers o! healtb for this purpose. Preschool child- ren may be brought ta the im- nunization clinies held in the school with the exception that in Bawmanvilhe, Part Hope, Cobourg and Campbellford immunization linics for preschobl children are eld separateIy rom the scbool Mrs. Thomýpson bas returned !rom a pleasant visit with ber sis- BuffalJo. ey aAMr.n Mr. TIM CANADUN STATEM ..-,--,-~- 1WURSDAY, SEPT. loth, 1047 U.S. Editors Record Impressions of Trip Our readers will recaîl that car- ly in June, Uic editor o! The Statesman accompanied a grau o! United States newspaper eâd tors as guests o! the Ontario De- partment o! Travel and Publicity an a 10-,day, l,4001-mile tour o! thîs province's vacation areas. Later when these editors rcturned ta their respective papers they wrote interesting accaunts o! the tour. Just ta let aur readers know what these visiting editors think o! aur fair province we reprint excerpts from somne o! their star- ies, sclectcd at random: Tourlat Paradise t.'Almost bewildering in beauty and amazing in expanse, the Prov- ince o! Ontario in Canada offers .0 the tourist and fisherman a paradise o! enjoyment that is LN BOWMANVM=LE, ONTAMlO prepared sultable forins and files' BIBROp FTHE ARCM'I for recording the multitude of re- corda 'that are requlred and pre- pared by original drafts o! aUl the by-laws that have been submitted te the variaus local authorities including the County By-law deal- Ç ing with restaurants and simîlar sestablishments. Mr. Mentyre will leave behind him a department !îrmly estabhished on s o u n d foundations. Auguast Report The monthly repart o! the work for August showed that there were 42 cases o! communicable disease reported. There was only anc case o! poliamyclitis in the Hcalth Unit area during August, '~ but it was o! the buiber type and the patient, an adult, from the village o! Brighton, died in Hos- pital. .During August, 17 immuniza- tion dlinics and 16 child bealth canferences were held in the Heaith Unit offices. Reglot.r.d S..d Us a GoodBuy Farmers who bave .not yet se cured their supply o! sced fai faîl wheat would be well advlsec ta secure Registered or Commer. cial No. 1 grades while supplie. are still availabie. says R. E Goodin, ficîdman o! the Ontaric Craps, Seeds and Weeds Branch Ontario Department o! Agricul- turc. Registercd seed is a good investment in many ways, be points out. In the !irst place, it is a guarantee o! germination, purity o! variety and suitability Io 'the district. It aIso contains a minimum a! dîsease, weed seeds and seriaus pests. In order ta ob- tain these high standards, regist- ercd seed producers spend extra time and maney. If they are tc be encouraged in maintaining pro. duction o! high seed standards, tbcy must receive sufficient re- turns ta make specializeej seed production wartb while. But the buyer wbo pays the premîum for registered seed will obtain many-fold returns. For instance, 50 dents per bushel extra for good secd means an added expenditure o! $1.00 per acre for fali wbeat, but the rcsulting drap sbouhd yieid vahue many times the original cost. In the mean- time, the grower bas satisfaction in knowing be bas used the best. With labor scarce on !arms, it wiil pay individuai farmers ta' buy a few bags o! dlean seed !rom a desirable source. A farmer cap- not a!!ord ta use anytbing but higb grade seed, particuiarîy tbis ycar, whcn urgent demands pre- vail for fail wheat, cither from a cash crop or a feeding standpoint. Farmers who are unabie ta se- cure supplies o! fall wheat seed from, registered seed growers in their own'iocalities may secure lists o! secd avaiable from their agrîcultural represerftatives, or direct from the Crops, Sceds and Weeds Brancb, Ontario Depart- ment o! Agriculture, Parliament Farmers Urged To Save CIover S..d e- At a recent meeting of the Seed ir Marketing and Publicity Commit- ýd tee of the Ontio Crop Imrée r.ment AssociatM;.i members were es unanimous in their opinion that Efarmers should be encouraged to .save fields of red claver for seed, lo provided there are sufficient In- hdications that the crop will yield 1reasonably well. During recent ýdyears, says R. E. Goodin, secretary ie of the committee, supplies of red it clover, as well as other claver' seeds, have been limited. There ,is an excellent export outlet, but ahome supplies need ta be built Iup, to provide requirements for maintaining regular crap rota- tions, and thus praducing maxi- amum crops for the efficient out- 0put of milk and meat products. * Red claver fields intended for seed should be carefully rogued of weeds, says Mr. Goodin. More than 200 seed cleaning plants are now suitably located in variaus sections of Ontario. These are equipped ta do a'thorough job of rcleaning red claver seed. After the seed is cleaned, a grade cer- tificate should be obtaired before roffering the crap for sale. During . recent years, there bas been a marked tendency for growers ta o dlean their seed instead of offer- ing it ta buyers in the raugh. COLLEGE CONDITIONS As colleges and universities ail 1across Canada reopen this year, many students will face unfamîl-, iar conditions. Difficulties of studying will be intensified if they don't find congenial quart- ers. Particularly, they will learn the need of praper food, sleep and healthful recreatian. National Health author i t i e s have a suggestion for ca-eds who will be using a grill. They sug- gest that any young ladies obtain from any Provincial or municipal Dr. Archibald L. Fleming, Uic 63-ycar-old Bisbop o! the Arctic, who is recovering from bis recent iilness and bapes ta be back among the Eskimo inhabitants o! bis 1,000,OO0-square- mile diocese this month. The Bishop, now ln Taranto, once worked in the drawing office o! a Glasgow sbipyard. He bas been 35 years in Nortbern Can- ada, preaches in Icelandie, signsJ bîmsel! "Achibald the Arctic." He requires at lcast five new missionaries. Tbey sbould be gaod with dogs. They o!tcn bave ta "mnush" with thcm across the snows. Bishop Fleming is well known in Bowmanvilc having been a summer resident at Bowman- ville-on-tbe-Lake for a number a! ycars. He is an Honorary mcm- ber o! -Bowmanvilhe Rotary Club.

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