Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1947, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ~"H~TTT1qT~ÂV ~W?' lftSk 1O~ Many Local Winners From Durham County At Oshawa's Great Fair Exhibitors from Durham Coun- ty shared handsamely in the priz- es awarded in most of the divi- sions at Oshawa Fair last week. Fine weather favored the fair throughout and attendance was bclieved ta be a record. In the Wamen'a Division, Sa- lina and Tyrone Women's insti-' tutes vied with Braoklin for hon- ors in the variaus classes assemb- led. Mrs. Ira Lowe, Ida,. was again anc of the important win- ners at the fair. In fruit and vegetables, W. Lloyd Snowden, Maple Grave, captured many prizes. In iight horses and shecp, some of the classes wcre complcteiy dominat- cd by Durham Caunty exhibitors. Archie Muir and Sons, Cour- tice, were amang the top winners in the Holstein classes and took the Junior Championship in the buil ciass. The list below is only a partial repart shawing mainly the awards won by Durham and district en- tries. WOMEN'S INSTITUT& Personal Wear Girl's pyjamas -Solina Wo- men's Institute; Brooklin Women's Institute; Tyrone Women'a Insti- tute. Child's print playsuit-Brook- lin, Solina, Tyrone. Girl's Jumper Skirt -Tyrone; Solina. Bcd Jacket, wool knit-Brook- lin, Solina, Tyrone. Girl's sweater, wooi knit - Brooklin, Solina, Tyrone. Man's knit, coarse -Brooklin, Solina, Tyrone. Ladies' gloves, knit, wooi - Tyrone, Solina, Brooklin. Head Scarf-Brooklin, Solina, Tyrone. Apron, practical, with sampie -Solina, Tyrone, Brooklin. Apron, from 1 yd. of Material -Brooklin, Tyrone, Salins. Boy's sweater, wool, knit-Ty- rone, Solina, Brooklin. Boy's pants, macie irom oid ar- ticle-Brooklin, Solina, Tyrone. »PaPsiColliho ,eulitered rade mark la Canada of te.Popsi-coin COMPanY Of Canada Umted s..W.; s* * MU**7 *sw.vpr um. THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. You wil find yaurself ocm of the bost-informed pe on nyut community an warld affairs when you reo this w.rld-w,'ide "da.i [y rnwspaper r.gulorly. You wilI gain tsh , new vlewpoints, a fuiler, rcher understandlng of todoy's vital nhws-PLUS help tram its exclusive feaitures on homemnoking, educa-. tion, business, theater, music, radio, sWorts. Subscribe new te ------------- -- - -- -- -- -- -- this specet ou pt. The hristion Scence Publlshing Socety PO-5 ecqualnted" offer One, Norway Street, Boston 15, Mass,, U. S.A.' -1 month for $1I 1 Erclosed ls $1, for which piease send me The Christian (U. S. funds)I3IScience Monitor for ane month. Cty__________Zone.- tt-__ Roadster Roadster, mare or geldîng,. 15 % hands over-Ivan Cochrane, Nes- tieton; Ralph Sadler; Ivan Co- chrane. Roadster, mare or gelding, un- der 151½ hands-Ivan Cochrane, Ralph Sadler, Garnet Cochrane. Carriage' Carriage horse, 15½ hands or over-Ralph Sadier; Robert Kerr, Allan. Carriage hanse, under 151/z hands-Robert Kerr, Ralph Sad- 1er. Commercial Singlé, -hitched, 15%4 hands and over-Sam Endicott, Lindsay; El- mer Lee, Brookiin (2 and 3). Single, hitched,- under 151/2 hands-Robcrt Kerr; Ideal Dairy Ltd., Oshawa, Robert Kerr, Rus- seli L. Cochrane, Burkcton. THRE'S LOTS 0F DRIVE IlNMILE Steer clear o! fatigue!1 Keep your body fit, your spirits higli. Drink our nutritiaus, delicious tasting niilk for plenty of vim, vigor and vitality. A glass of milk at the start of the day, in the middle of the day and at the end o! the day keeps you going- strong! OýLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 FOR DELIVERY 1~ Saddle Hor"e Lady driver, open--Garnet Co- chrane. Bread wagon-Robert Kerr, Russell L. Cochrane, Bd. Harris, Burketon. Shopping bag, original -TY- rone, Brooklin, Solina. Houaehold Linen Quit, applique - Tyrone, Broaklin, Solina. Quiît, pieced and appliqued- Broaklin, Solina, Tyrone. Qujit, pieced-Brooklin, Sauina, Tyrone. Pllow cases, trimmed with tat- ting--Solina, Tyrone, Brooklin. Centre piece, crochet-Brook- lin, Tyrone, Salina. Cushion, fancy, wool, new .idea --Solina, Tyrane, Brooklin. Rug, hooked, wool rags-Ty- rone, Brooklin, Solina. Rug, any other make or design -Tyrone, Sauina, Brooklin. Rug, hooked, floral design, (yarn)-Brooklin, Solina. Handicrafts Ladies' gloves, leather-Brook- lin, Solina. Articles made fromn wood, con- es and sheils, 3 samples-Tyrone, Solina, Brooklin. Poster "For the 50th Anniver- sary of the Women's Institute"ý- Brooklin, Solina, Tyrone. Flowers Dining-room bouquet - Brook- lin, Solina, Tyrone. Cooklng Jellied vegetable salad-Brook- lin, Tyrone, Solina. Plate of six tarts, 3 kinds--So- lina, Brooklin, Tyrone. Cookies, six -Solina, Tyrone, Brooklin. Tea Biscuits, six-Tyrone, So- lina, Brooklin. White layer cake, iced-Ty- rone, Solina, Brooklin. Loaf cake, sugarless, uniced- Brooklin, Solina. Loaf white bread -Brooklln, Solina, Tyrone. Loaf brown bread-Tyrone, Sa- lina. Buns, six - Tyrane, Solina, Brooklin. Relishes, 3 varieties-Tyrone, Solina, Braaklin. Sweet cucumber pickles-So- lina, Brooklin, Tyrone., Collection of canned fruit, 6 pints, nained raspberry, rhubarb, cherries, peaches, pears, plums-1 Tyrone, Solina, Brooklin. Collection of vegetabies, 6 pints,1 named peas, corn, beans, aspara- gus, tomatoes, beets--Tyrone, Sa- linia, Brooklin. Best artistic Womnen's Institute Exhibit-Tyrone, Brooklin, So- lina. VEGETABLES AND APPLES W. Lloyd Snowden took 6 firsts, 3 seconds and 3 third prizes in the field roots and vegetable classes and also 4 firsts and 9 sec- onds in apple classes. He topped these winnings with almost a clean sweep in the Special Apple classes, capturing 3 firsts and a second. In the floriculture and plant sections, Mrs. Leslie Guy, Osh- awa, formerly Miss Osborne of Providence, was one of the lead- ing winners, taking eleven firsts and 5 seconds. HORSE CLASSES c J 2). Flock-Beath Farmns. CATTLE CLASSES Holsteins Top places wcre won by Archie Muir and Sons in the following classes: Bull, two years and aven; bulîs under anc ycar; Junior Champion bull; cow three years and aver, wet; cow, thrce yeans and over, dry, in cal!; heifer, twa years and under threc, and grad- cd herd. In the Jersey cattle classes, Al- fred Begg and Son, Edgley, with a large herd, took most o! the leading placements but Dr. W. W. Sherwin and Prof. M. W. Stapies, Orono, figured importantlyin the prize money with 14 ribbons in- cluding the Reserve Champion- ship in the Sr. bull class. In the Shortl-orn classes, Beath p ams, Kedron, werc well up in thiewinnings and swcpt the events in the Commercial classes. In the swine classes, F. C. Giaspeli was a leading winncr and took the winning ribbon for bcst 80w on the grounds, any age. 1In the Percheron, Belgian and Suffolk horse classes, Leslie Ca- chrane and Russell Cochrane, Bur- keton wcre well up In the place- ments. iFew Durhamn County entnies were listed in the Junior Farmer, boys' section. Stanley Snowden, Bowmanville, took several finats in the potato and fruit and vege- table exhlbits. When ypur BACK ACHES@@ %a&ache laon casi d y tVamsy aetin, Whea kidn7get m ou 8,excesa a"id sud pWunam mi pte ugen o bachach, hlm"ch, rhew mlcpais, dis suW e ert iai 'ir.d *' IlhgnMay -e felle. Te hde pe pauée wukig peped-us a Ls.pPube- hnuliimsmdanL oi n he bien, Cotswold Ram, two shears and over-F. G. Glaspeil, Hampton; F. C. Glas- peil, Oshawa; F. C. Glaspell. Ram Shearling-F. C. Glaspeli, F. G. Glaspeli, F. C. Glaspeil. Ram lamb-F. G. Glaspeil, P. C. Glaspell, F. G. Glaspeil. Ewe, two shears, and over-F. C. Glaspeli, F. G. Glaspeil, F. C. Gzlaspeil. .Ewe shearling-F. G. Glaspell, F. C. Glaspeil, F. C. Glaspeil. Ewe lamb-F. G. Glaspeil, F. G. Glaspeli, F. C. Glaspeil. Flock, anc ram, two cwes and anc cwe lamb-F. C. Glaspeli, F. G. Glaspeil. Leicesters Ram, two shears and over- Forder Bras., Blackstock. Ram shearling-Farder Bras. (1 and 2). Ewe, two, shears and over - Farder Bras. (1 and. 2). Ewe, shcarling-Forder Bras. (1 and 2). Ewe lamb-Forder Bras. (1 and 2). Flock-Forder Bras. Shropabires Ram, two shears and over-D. R. Kelsey, Waodville; Harold Skinner. Ram shearling-Harald Skin- ner, D. R. Kclsey. Ram iamb-Harold Skinner, D. R. Kclscy, Harold Skinner. Ewe, two shears and over- Harold Skinncr, D. R. Kclsey, Harold Skinner. Ewe, shearling-Harold Skin- ncr, D. R. Kclsey, Harold Skinner. Ewc lamb-Harold Skinner, Harold Skinner, D. R. Kelsey. Flock-Haroid Skinner, D. R. Kelsey. Southdowns Ramn, two shears and over-A. Ayre and Son, Hampton; D.ý R. Kelsey, D>. R. Kclsey. Ram shearling-Ayre and Son, D>. R. Kclscy, D. R. Kelsey. Ram iamb-Ay4e andi Son (l and 2), D>. R. Kcisey. Ewe shcarling-Ayre and Son (l and 2), D. R. Keisey. Ewe lamb-Ayre and Son (1 and 2), D. R. Kclscy. Flock-Ayre and Son, D. R. Kel- sey. Oxford Downs .01 Ram, two shears and over-J. M. Fisher, Nestieton; Fred Trewin, Nestleton. Ramn shearling-Fred Trewin, J. M. Fisher. Ram lamb-J. M. Fisher, Fred Trewin, Fred Trewin. Ewe , two, shears and over- B'red Trcwîn, J. M. Fisher. Ewe shearling-J. M. Fisher, F'rcd Trewin. Ewe lamb-Fred Trcwin, Fred rrewin, J. M. Fisher. Flock--Trewin, J. M. Fisher. Ilampshires Ram, two shears and over-R. B. Glaspeli, Bowmanvsilce; J. M. Fisher. Ram shearling-R. B. Glaspeli, J. M. Fisher, R. B. Glaspel. Ram larfb-J. M. Fisher, R. B. Glaspell. Ewe, two shears and over-R. B. Glaspeli, J. M. Fisher, R. B. Giaspell. Ewe shearling-R. B. Glaspeli, J. M. Fisher, R. B. Glaspeil. Ewe lamb-j. M. Fisher, R. B. Glaspell (2 and 3). Flock-R. B. Glaspeil, J. M. Fisher. Suffolks Ram shearling-Beath Farms, Oshawa. Ram lamb.-Beath Farms (1 and 2). Ewe, two shears and over- 3eath Farms. Ewc shearling-Beath Farms, (1 and 2). -Ewe lamb-Beath Farms (1 and with H. Bruce Tink, Hampton, the Reserve' Senior Champion bull, Smith Haven Hard Rock who stood next ta, the Grand Cham- pion in the Aged Bull class. H. Bruce Tink had four first prize winners. The senior yearling class and the Junior and Reserve Grand Champjonship were won by Sir Locust Grove Champion, owned by Clar. Tink, Hampton. Carlos Tamblyn, Orono, showed the Re- serve Junior Champion bull, Elm- croft Prosoect, who headed the Senior bull caîf ciass. In addi- tion he showed the winning milk- ing. three-year-old heifer. J. X. Jase and Sons, Newcastle, took first prize in the Junior bull cal! class. Muir and Sons won both Senior and Junior Get-of-Sire classes, taking the former on a get by Eaton Hall Chieftain Fayne and the latter o& group by Progress- or Kerievelyn Barry. Cruick- shank entries won both the Jun- ior and Senior Progency of Damn classes as well as the Graded Herd whlle H. Bruce Tink showed the first prize Junior Herd. Space does not permit a cam- plete report of local winnings, but in view af the autstanding suc- cees of Archie Muir and Sons in the Holstein classes. the list is giv- en in complete form as follews: Holstein Bull, 2 years and over-Archie Muir and Sons, Courtice. Bull, under 1 year-Archie Muir and Sons, Thos. Flett and Son, R. R. 2, Osha,*a; Archie Muir and Sons. Sr. Champion Bull and reserve (Ribbons) - Archie Muir and Sons.1 Jr. Champion bull and reserve (Ribbons) - Archie Muir and Sons. Thas. Flett and Son. Grand Champion Bull and re- serve (Ribbons)-Archie Muir and Sons. Cow, 3 years and over, *wet- Archie Muir and Sons, Archie Muir and Sons, Thos. Flett and Son. Cow, 3 years, over, dry, in cal! -Archie Muir and Sons, Archie Muir and Sons. Heifer, 2 years and under 3, wet -Archie Muir and Sons, Archie Muir and Sons, Thos. Flett and Son. Heifer, 2 years and under 3, dry and in calf-Muir and Sons. Heifer, 1 year and under 2, Jr. -Maurice Jebson, R.R. 1, Osh- awa, Muir and Sons. Heifer, under 1 year, Sr. Thomas Flett and Son, Muir and Sons, Muir and Sons, Muir andi Sons.. Heifer, under 1 ycar, Jr.- Thomas Flett and Son, Maurice Jebsom, Thomas Flett and Son, Muir and Sons. Sr. Champion Female and Re- serve-Muir and Sons, Muir and Sons. Jr. Champion Female and Re- serve-Maurice Jebson, Thomas Flett and Son. Grand Champion Femqle ansd Reserve-Muir and Sons, Maur- ice Jebson. Graded Herd-l bull any age, 1 cow 3 years and over, 1 heifer 2 years and under 3, 1 heifer 1 year and under 2, 1 heifer caf- Muir and Sons. Get of sire, 3 animais nat moret than 1 buli-Muir and Sons,i Thomas Flett and Son, Muir and1 Sons, Muir and Sons.1 Progcny of dam, 2 animals aof any age-Muir and Sons. Orono Fair (Continucd fram Page Three) Stapies, Mrs. Tamblyn; convales- cent tray, Mrs. Baird, Anna Sta- pies. Orono W.I. Special, Mrs. Rich- ardson, Mrs. Hooper, Orono W. Robin Hood Flour, home made bread, Mrs. Hooper; sponge cake, Mrs. Moffat; apple pie, Mrs. G. *Baird; oar cookies, Mrs. Hooper; tea biscuits, Mrs. Hooper. Purity Flour Milis, home made bread, Mrs. Hooper; apple pie, Mrs. Baird; plain cake, Anna Sta- pIes. Robert Simpson Ca. Special, Mrs. Lowe; Radia Shop Special, Mrs. C. Tamblyn. AMATEUR SHOW WINNERS ,Public Spcaking, open ta pup ils who did flot pass High School En- trance previous ta 1947, Denny Lynch, Orono. Public Speaking, open ta boys and girls 16 years and under, Dor- othy Stapleton. Clarke. Girls singing, 12 years and un- der, Marjorie White, Gwen Pha- sey, Mary Ann Armstrong, ail of Orono. Boys singing, 16 years and un- der, Denny Lynch, Harry Lynch, Orono; Laurie Stapieton, Clarke. Piano solo, open ta boys and girls 14 years and under, Shirley Quantrel, Clarke; Denny Lynch. Cornet number, boys and girls 14 years and under, Harry Lynch, Orono; Jack Allen, Newcastle; Bunny Lynch, Orono; best comic number, open, Jack Wilson, Or- ano. t Oid Time Fiddlers' Contest, Jake Hailowell, Orono; Laurie Stapleton, Clarke. Durham Co. Hoisteins Show at Orono Fair The Durham County Black and White Day was held Sept. 6 in canjunctian with Orono> Fair. A total of 78 hcad were shown by 9 exhibitors and the judge was M. C. McPhail, principal of the Kemptvilie Agricultural School. The entries of A. Muir and Sons, Courtice, won seven firsts, these including the Senior and Grand Maie Championship an the first prize Aged Bull, Strathmore Vale Sir Heilo Zozo, the Reserve Sen- ior and Grand Female Champion- ship on the winning dry Aged Cow Elderslîe Abbekerk Priscilla, and the Reserve Junior Female Championship on the first prize Senior Heifer Caîf, Elderslie Rag Apple Winsome. Animais shown by John Cruick- shank, Hampton, accounted for five firsts. His prize winners in- cluded the Senior and Grand Champion Female, Cr ai gs to n Matchiess Beauty, who headed the dry three-year-olds, Craigston Matchless Jewel the Junior Cham- pion Female and the winning Senior Yearling heifer. Mr. Cruickshank also showecl jointly Highest Prices Paid for Old Normes PHONE 4026 PETERBORO - REVERiBE CHARGES N. PECONI, Proprietor. LLV F ARoes DAILY SERVICES from BOWMANVILLE to Depart - Dayllght Savlng Time Brockville, Prescott, a.nx. P.m. p.m. Kemptville, Ottawa and 9:56 9:56 5'intermediate points Prescott, Cornwall, Montreal 9:56 95 and. intermediate points 95 For full information about schedules. fares, connections, etc., please consuit your Local Agent: GARTON COACH UNES Bowmanville Telenhone zôGO ONTARI10 S productive capacity is the measure of lier future prosperity. To assure the important tailoring industry a prominent place in the industrial life of the Province, trained banda are needed. SUI is important in the cutting, sewing, finishing and other branches of the industry. That is why veterans are being taught its various requirements ON THE JOB, by experts. The transition from appren. tice8hip to permanent employment means higher wages, job sccurity and better working conditions. Through plans sponsored by the Department of Veterans' Affaira and other' agencies, hundreda of veterans have been trained in schools and ON THE JOB. They wilI acquire greater skili 4rith further training and experience. Craftsmen of the future, they will have a share in Ontario'a progres-an important part to play ini er industrial develop. ment. THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) TAILORIINO Leo P. Halbran, 26, of St. Thomas, a * veteran of 4i'4 years' service witb the : : Royal CanadianNavy, if; shown here : : gaiïsing practical experience winbth : alterations departmcent of a !=rgo : Toronto tailoring hirm. Basic training ini varinue * departmnents of the indus. ~TNU try givea the veteran a : lus background knowledge. essential to sales promotion : *RIWI and executive work within ,go the industry. LET OLD MAN WINTER CATCH YOU WITH YOUR STORMS DOWN Cali Whitby Window Cleaning Service 862 Whitby (Place Your Orders Now) HANDS AT WORK 0.. LEARNING TAILORING WILL TAKE AWAY ALL Dead or Crippled Fai Stock DR.CHASE S Paradol wmmmý m 1 C TIME IS VALUABLE How do you answer the tele- phone? Do you give your name as soon as you answcr or caîl a party? Such a custom is not only common courtesy but wilI elim- miate' considerable time-wasting explanations later in the conver- sation. The aid custom of failing ta reveal ane's identity and keep- ing the other party guessing has whiskers an it and should, be el- Iminiated. It wastes valuable time. Espccialiy on business calis, let each party tell his name and get down ta business. Life is too short for "'guessing" and "gas- ing" over the telephone-and be- sides other people whosc time is valuabie, too, might want t s it. FREE 0F CHARGE PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO "RMDAT. SEPT. Igth. 194 à

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