Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1947, p. 13

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ý BOWY£A1TY'LLP, 1YTA1uv fý gwÀa BIRTIlS ~~~~ B~ùGA owmunvmle Nos- ~itai on August 31, 1947, to Mr. nd Mrs. Rance Dilling, a son, Catm Bartholomew. 37-1 ICVANS-Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. avns are happy to announce the 44=1t of their son, Charles Robert, f SOkttiwmanville Hospital, on Sep- emkyber 5, 1947. 37-1' DEATHS * 'acDONALD - At St. Joseph's >--ospital, Peterboro, Sept. 5, 1947, iliam J. MacDlonald, age 65 ,ears, be1oved husband of Lilly M,ay Walker, and dear father of Raymond, Leakard, Ont., Dorothy . nd Elsie (Mrs. Jack Pollock), both of Toronto. Interment Orono eemetery. ENGAGEMENTS ,,%,*nd Mrs. Robert Jarvie tannounce the engagement * ~their daughter Norma Jean E vrtshore, ta Robert Alexander * ½uhwell. son of Mr. and Mrs. 1.d Bothwell, ail of Maple G';;ve. The marriage will take ]place on October 4. 37-1* COMING EVENTS Reserve Sunday and Monday, Septemnber 28 and 29, for the 75th anniversary of Maple Grove Un- ited Church. Full particulars la- ter. 37-1 Brigadier H. Newman the Dix'- Isional Commander for Toronto East wilI be conducting the meet- ing at the Salvation Army on Sunday, September l4th at seven o'clock. Hear this man of God who has a stirring message for us. 37-1* P ic kl1e s! Pickles! Pc kl1es ! Use some cf the fine cucumbers that otherwlse migixt- go te waste. With our plekie mix- ture recipe It le casier than rolling off the proverbial log. J. & L. FAMOUS p)kgi Pickle Mixture 35c SWEEW*R DILL Add the contents of the pack- ag t.eind three tabiespoonfuls ofe.s'&nit taone galion eider vin- egar. $tir until' dissoived. Place in the cueumbene. Mix cold. No sugar requlred. FOR SALE ONLY AT JU RY &LOVELL Phone 778 Bowmanville IN MEMORIAM BARRABALL-In loving memory of niy hueband L.A.C. Godon J. Banraball, uccidentally killed on active service, Septernber il, 1044. "He hud à chcèry emnile, a pleas- ait way. A helplng hund te ail he knew, He waz so kind, se generous and truc. On earth he nobiy did hie best, Grant hlm, Jeaus, heavenly reet. -Ever remcmbercd by Frances. 37-1 EDGER-In loving memory of our mother, Elizabeth M. Edger, who passed away Sept. 6th, 1934. The world may change from year to year, And fricnds from day to day, But neyer wlll tic one we lovcd From memory paso away. -Ever rcmembered by the Family. 37-1 RICHARDS-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas H. Richards, who passed away September 14, 1945. "Thy wiil be done,"' seems hard ta Say, When ane we loved bas passed away, Some day, perhaps we'll under- stand, When we meet again In that better land. -Ever remembered by Wife and Family. 37-1* CARDS 0F Tl-ANKS Miss Ida S. Moore, Concession Street, wishes ta gratefully ac- knawledge the many kindnesses shawn ber by neighbbrs and friends in ber recent bereavement. 37-1' The family of the late Mrs. John J. Abernethy wish ta express their sincere thanks ta their friends, neigbbors and relatives for the many kindnesses, messages of sympathy and floral tributes re- ceived, and toalal wha helped hy using cars or in any other way, at the time of their bereavement, and during her illness. 37-1' Notice Dr. Storey's office will be clos- ed Sept. 3rd ta Sept. 17 inclusive. 35-3* Dr. Rundie's office will be clos- ed from September 14 ta Septem- ber 28, inclusive. 37-3 Dr. C. J. Austin, C.M., wîll have office baurs at Enniskillen from 4 ta 6 p.m. every afternoon except Wednesday and Sundays, and 7:30 until 9:30 Wednesday evenings until furtber notice. At Bowman- ville regular doctor's bours will be held. 37-1 Teachers Wanted The Bowmanville Board of Ed- ucatian requires supply teachers for the local Public and High Scbools. Any teachers interested in this supply work are requested ta re- gister with the Secretary. High School teachers please state sub- jects qualifled and willing to teach.i Bowmanvilllc Board of Education S. R. JAMES, 37-1 Secretary WANTED A Business i Bownianville or District preferably with living quarters. Can arrange for sale of 6 room detacbed bouse in To- ronto if necessary. Apply Box 951 e/o Statesman Office MUSICAL INSTRUCTION I amn prepared te teach PIANO and THEORY for al grades, up te and includint A.RC.T. if so dcsred. SPECIAL COURSE For students ln Piano Accordion OR GA N Tultion and practice on a new electnic ongan recently instailed at my Studio, 110 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvilie. For rates and further particulars on any cf the above, contact Miss-Phyllis R. Challis, A.T.C.M. PHONE 469 - BOWMAN VILLE VccaI Studic Mrs. Gordon Harle Mns. Harle. who is a senior vooal student of Miss Eileen Law, Royal Conservatory of Music (Toronto) wishes to announce openings for a liited number of pupils in- terested in the art of singing. Information regarding rates, etc., may ho obtained at the studio, 111 Ontario St., Bowmanville, Articles For Sale RASPBERRY bushes, Latham and Viking, 4 cents per cane. Ivan Farrow, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3921. 37-3* USED radios, reconditioned man- tel and console models, $9.75 up; coal annex, used two months, $40. Murphy's, Phone 811. 37-1* USED baby carrnages $7.50 up; used steel beds aqd springs, com- plete, $7.50 up; Used three-piece Kroehler chesterfield suite, ex- cellent condition, $50. Murphy's, phone 811. 37-1* DUCK boat an'd 12 gaugje Win- chester pump gun. Phone 578, Bawmanville. 37-1' TRUCK, 1942, wlth 12 foot plat- fonin and racks, ail oak. $800. Apply Edwards' Motor Sales. 37-1' DODGE car, 1937 sedan, five new tires, body in good shape. Phone 79 r 16, Orono. 37-1* QUARTER h.p. motor $10; also kitchen table and four chairs, $10. Murphy's, phone 811. 37-1* DE SOTO car, 1135, very good motor and tires; heater. lighters and anti-glare lights. $35(Y cash. Phone 2988 after 6 p.m. 37-1 COLONY bouse 6x10.. Apply ta Fred Cox RR. 2, Newcastle. 37-1 TWO auto tires, 16-600. Evan Quantrill, Newtonville. Phone Clarke 1623. 37-1 CIIEVROLET, 1936, Maple Leaf truck, 21/ tans, in good conditoin. Phone 2341. 37-1' DODGE sedan, 1933, four new tires: also 12 inch Beatty grain grinder. Phone 2341. 37-1* ABOUT 100 cold frame sash with glass-quantity of glass and sash bars suitable for rebuilding small- er greenhouse. Apply Brookdale- Kingsway. Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. -37-1 WHITE, 3-ton truck, 1938, will take car as part payment: Two 1/ acre bardwaod woodlots. Ap- ply Len Downey, phone 423. 37-1 * ELECTRIC mators, practically new 1, 3/, 1/ and 1/3 h.p. Phone 772. 37-1* HOUSE trailer, in gaod condition. Phone 714. 37-1* LARGE quantity of good used lumber for sale. Apply 264 Park Road N., Oshawa. Phone 2118W.] 37-1* GOOD used truck platform 16x8 with racks. Apply S. W. Gray, R.R. No. 1, Port Hope. 36-3' ONE 3A Massey-Harris corn bind- er, tractar and horse hitcb, in good condition. Apply J. T. Cooper, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2820. 36-2 DAWSON'S Golden Chaf seed wheat, Registered No. 1, Commer- cial Na. 1, guaranteed pure as ta variety. Apply Garnet B. Rick- ard. Phorne 2813. 35-tf USED sewing machines, 14ought and sold. Highest pnices paid. Write or pbone Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontaria St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf SINGER motors and lights are now available ta attach on your sewing machines, bnand new. Motors $28.50 and lights $5.25, al- sa buttonhole attachments $10.75. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontanio St., phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf OsHAWA's new furniture store- Everything in modezn. Chester- field, bednoom and dining roomn suites, and studios. Bedding and fonr coverings a specialty. Quai- ity menchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawa. 46-tf Livestock For Sale ONE bundrcd and twenty-five Barred Rock, yean-old hiens. S. W. Brooks, phone 2227. 37-1 ONE registered Yorkshire boar, 6 months old, select type. Apply Warren McQuade, cast cf Black- stock. Phone 195 r 4, Pont Penry. 37-1' TWENTY young plgs. G. Bow- man, Enfleld. Phone 2839. 37-if SIXTY purebred Rock puilets, 5 montbs aid. A. E. Billett, Hamp- ton. Phone 2557. 37-1 THREE Yorkshire pigs, seven Wceeks old. Phone 2254. 37-1 BARRED Rock and New Hamp- sbire pullets, tbree to six months aid. Richardson Farms, Ponty- pool. Phone 81 r 16 Orono. 37-1 TEN Yorkshire pigs, three mon- ths aid. Appiy Lamne Bradley, Hampton. 37-1' HOLSTEINS, anc springcr, tbnee years old, 15 bred and open heif- crs, herd accredited and vaccin- ated. -Willow Acres" phone 2456. 37-1 TEN yaung pige, 5 weeks aId alec Cocker, Springer and Setterpup- pies. R. W. White. R.R. 2, Bow- manville. 37-1' ONE hundred puilets, Barred Rocks, Peel Bros. strain, started ta lay. Phone 800. 37-1' BLUE roan western stock saddle horse, young, sound and well brok- en te harness. Apply 658 King St. East, Oshawa. 37-1' Pets For Sale SIX Beagle puppies, two menthe oid. Apply Lorne Bradley, Hamp- ton. 37-1' Classified Ad Lates CASHI RATE: 2 cents a word <mnimum 15cl Must b. paid before insertion IF CHARGE!): 3 cents a word (minimum 5Oc)0 25e extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail CassifI.d Adeets Must Be In, Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY 'Tou must Include cash, stamps, or money order, wllh copy te get low rate. llelp Wanted Real.Estate For Sale WANTED-Waitresses, at the On. taie Ladies' College, Whitby. Good wages; board and rôam fur- nished. Apply to the Matron. Telephone 551, Whitby. 36-3 APPLE pickers urgently needed for full or part time work. Fac- tory men welcome in spare hours. Phone Clarke 3804, W. Harold Gibson. 37-1* MEN or womnen, splendid oppor- tunity. Average $45 weekly for man or woman ta supply more than 250 Familex necessities ta the people in yaur neighbarhood. Seli part or full time. Write today for complete details of aur time-tested plan for fast, easy, dinect-to-cus- tomer sales. Catalogue f ree. Fa- milex, Dept. A. 1600 Delarimier, Montreal. 37-l GIRL for office work, Glen Rae Dairy. Appiy 37-1 rMIDDLE aged couple ta belp care for lady. Live in. Apply at 10 Anne St., Bowmanville. 37.1* JANITOR for Bowmanville Bad- minton Club. 37-1 STRONG girl. Apply Bawman- ville Cleaners & Dyers, King St. W. 37-1 GIRL or woman, sleep in or out, tbree aduits. Apply 66 Warren Ave., Oshawa. 37-1 Wanted To Buy PIANOS-Small or medium size preferred. Telephone 492 o write - Box 353, Bowmanville. Fred J. Mitchell. 37-1' ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf LIVE borses for mink and fox food. AIl hanses humanely slaugb- tered. Caîl us for highest prices. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Ty- ro'ne. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 33-tf Wanted To Buy or. Rent APARTMENT or'bouse ta rent or house ta buy, in or near Bow- manville, preferabiy on Oshawa or Hampton Road, by yaung cou- ple and 3-year-old daugbter. W. E. Riddolls, phone 452. 37-1' HOUSE in village of Hampton. Writè, stating price and particu- lars ta Box 950, Statesman Office. 37-1 For Rent SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- ér Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Trucking GENERAL trucking. J. Giles, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2121 34-4 REPAIRS -MACHINiE shop, ahl kinds larm machinery, tractors, etc., nepaired. Phone Oshawa 289JI3. 34-4 REPAIRS to ail makes of nef rig- erators, domestic and commercial. Higgon Electnic 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf FREE SERVICE DEAD MORSES & CATTLE REMOVED Ii'MEDI1ATELY and WITHOUT C-TARGE Telephone Collect: TORONTO - Adelaide 3136 COBOURG - 48j GORDON YOUNG, LLMITED ROOFINO ASPHIALT - FELT - SHINGLE Brick SIding Eavestroughlng FURNACES' AND) OILDURNERS Cal en us for Guaranteed Work FIVE room house with bath, hard- wood floors, bot, water heating, haîf acre of land, on Highway No. 2. Good bus service, $4,200. Ap- ply at bouse, two iniles west of Bowmanville, Ed. Alexander. Phone 2173. 37-1* FARM- 28 acres, 5 acres orchard, 7 noom brick house, good barn, pig pen and hen bouse, just outside Corporation of Dowmanville. Ap- ply C. W. Downey, R.R. 2, Bow- manville. Phone 2590. 37-1* COTTAGE, east side beach, Bow- manville. Winterized. Must be sold immediately, while owner is in town. Apply Miss Bertha Darch, King St. E. 37-1* SIX-roomed, two-storey franie bouse with basement, new fur- 1nace, electric stave, heavy wiring, easily 'winterized; located at Bow- manville Beach, east side. Price $2,000. Apply 56 Church St. 37-1* SEVEN-room frame bouse, elec- tricity, soft and fregh water, acre. of land, fruit trees, small barn, south of Maple Grave near lake. Apply Box 946 in care of States- man Office. 36-2 Seed Cleaning SEED cleaning plant open morn- îngs and Tuesday and Thursday evenings or by appointment. Sit- uated on bighway ane mile north of Burketon. Ernie Swain, R.R. 1, Burketon. 34-tf Personal HYGIENIC supplies (rubber gaods) maiicd postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six sampies 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9. .Radio Service THE Radia Shop, Bawmanville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment and trained person- nel. Our two radia technicians bath hold Government Certificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phone~ 573. 20-tf Custom Work CULTIVATING, plowing a n d seeding; also John Deere repair parts and repairing done. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf Lost WILL the persan who took the wrong coat fnam Gartan's bus fron- the -Exhibition grounds on Tbursday nigbt, September 4, kindly phone 2253 and arrange an exchange. Mrs. Wes. G. Wer- ry. 37-1 Auction Sales The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction for William Virtue, in the village of Tynone, on Saturday, Sept. 20, at 1 p.m. ail bis hausehold effects and gar- den tools. Sec list in ncxt week's Statesman. Ternis cash. Clifford Petbick, auctioneer. 37-1 I have been authorized ta seli by public auction for H. C. Mc- Clure, Lot 6, Con. 4, Danlington, on Friday, Sept. 26, 28 bead of dairy cattie, two horses, farmn im- plements, barness, pigs, etc. Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis cash. Everton White, clcrk; Elmer Wilbur, auc- tioneer. 37-1 T have bene authorized ta sel by public auction for Melville Lathangue, Lot 6, Con. 5, Man- vers, 11/2 miles west of Ballyduif, on Wednesday, September 24, ahl bis farm stock, implements, quan- tity of hay and grain. Sale at 12:30 o'clock. Termis cash, Sec buis (see itemizcd iist in next week's paper). Kcith Lathangue, clerk; Elmer Wilbur. auctioneer. 37-1 The undensigned bas received instructions from Mr. Alex Stew- art, ta seIl by public auction at Hilltop Farm, 2 miles east cf Newtonville, on Higbway No. 2, on Tuesday, Sept. 9, at 1:30 p.m., 73 head of Durham and Hereford 1 attle ranging in weight from 500 ta 1000 Ibs. As Mr. Stewart bas gone 'into dairy cattie, the above cattle must be sold witbout re- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 36-2 ITwo-day Auction Sale of Mr. Franklin Gilmour, Lot 11, Con. 9, 'Hope township, anc concession nartb cf Campbellcraft. He is giv- ing Up farming and wiii selU by public auctian on Wednesday, September 24, at 1 p:m. sharp, 3 IPercheron horse, 10 milcb cowe, 15 Durham stockers, 7 broed sow, j1000 bus. mixed grain, fullI.ine of good farmn macbincry including McCormick-Deering tractor, Goo- dison tbreshing machine, bath in excellent condition. Wedncsday, 'October 1 there wili be sold at thc same place Uic entire contents cf Fhig eight roomed bouse. Further r panticulars, cee bille. Terme cash. jNo reserve. Willard Lord, clerk; Jack Reid,, auctioneer... 37-2 1 1IMPLEMENTS Binder, M.-H. 6 It.; mawer, Mc- Cormick, 5 ft.; seed drill with fer- tilizer attachment, M.-H.; culti- vator, M.-H. <gaad); disc, M.-H.; orchard sprayer an trucks (My- ers); roller <3 drum); twa set of harrows; gang plow; two single plows, turnip drill; corn scuffler (team); hay tedder; wagon; fiat hay rack; steel wheel trucks (nearly new); wagon (goad); rake; litter carrier bucket (new); wagon box; ladder; stock and hay rack combined; cutter, buggy; twa single scufflers; scales; shavels; pea barvester; cutting box; fan- ning miii; hay fork equipment; f onks, bacs; chains; whiffletrees; neckyokes, etc. DAIRY EQUIPMENT De Lavai milking machine, 2 unit eiectnic (used only a f ew montbs); milk pails; De Lavai separator No. 12 (good). MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Silo 14'x25' <wood), witb rods; ben bouse 12'x16'; brooder bouse 6'xg'; 80 rods of wire fence; ium- ber from building 18'x34'; cedar poste. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Stove, kitchen tables, chairs, and many other articles. Sale 12:30 P.m. Terme Cash ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer EVERTON WHITE, Clerk 37-1 Applications Wanted FOR ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Applications will be received for tbe position of Road Superîn- tendent for the Township of Clarke. Applicants must state age, qualifications and salary ex- pecte. Ail applications muet be in the hands of Joseph J. Meilor, Township Clerk, Orono, Ontario, not later than tweive o'clock, noon, Monday, September the twenty-second, 1947. Ahl appli- cations ta be in writing and seaicd. 37-2 Township Clerk TUE FOUR 'l'es" Heaith authorities say that "Right Living" should -be added te, reading 'riting and 'rithmetic, ta make the traditional three R's- at least four. Food habits, for instance, are formed in child- hood,.so eating for healtb is an essential subject for study by youngsters. It is suggested that the science of nutrition, as well as the other sound principles of hs'giene, sbould be taught in cbildbood, if those growing up are to, be given the best chances for bealthful liv- ing. EYE HEALTU Since it ie normal te feel tired at the end cf the day, our ey'es necd rest as much as our other bodily functions. But, author- ities tell us that the eyes should not feel unduly uncomfortablc during waking bours. Normal eyes, used under good ligbting éonditions, need not develop strain. If they do, the doctor sbould be askcd to examine tbem te determine wbetber glasae are needed, or what other corrective mesaures should be taken. AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOL!) EFFECTS and REAL ESTATE, for George Clayion 119 ELGIN ST. NORTH, on Thursday, Sept. 18 Including the fol1owing: Dining noam, kitchen and bcd- room furniture, kitchen cabinet, electnic washer (Snowbird), 3 bot plates, wardrobc, dishes, etc. Chaire; steves, tools of ail kinds, Rubber tired one-borse wagon, lumber, lawn mower and many other articles, REAL ESTATE Seven-roomed bouse with insul brick, hydro, bath, with two good buildigg lots, barn and ben bouse, will bé offered for salc subjcct ta reserve bid. Terme Cash. Sale at 1:00 P.m. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 1 37-1 FARM SOLD I have been authorized ta sell by public auction for Herb H. Nichols LOT 6, CON. 2, DARLINGTON on Tuesday, Sepiember 16 The following: HORSES Black harse, 9 years; gray horde, 9 years; bay mare, 8 ycars; bey marc, 4 years. CATTLE Black cow (milking goad) bred July 23rd; black cow (milking good) bred Juiy 14; red cow (mil- king gaod) bred May 14; blue bei- fer (milking good) bred July 28; Ayrshire heifer (miiking) bred March 31, Ayrsbire cow, bred Dec. 4tb; Ayrshirecow, bred January 6; Holstein cow, bred Jan. 25; Hol- stein cow, bred Jan. 30; Jersey cow bred February 2; blue cow, bred March 4; Holstein heifer bred April 3; Holstein heifer bred Apnil lOth, Durham heifer, bred May 2; Durham heifer, not bred; Holstein bull 1 1/2 years. PIGS Nine pigs, 3 months aid MAY, GRAIN and FODDER Quantity of mixed bay; 600 bu- shels of grain; 10 acres of corn. HARNESS Two sets of double harness; 4 collars. pryheId ut Uic home of Mms WG.Allison in August to be $93.- 4and $10.00 was votcd for ser- vices of Uic Bowmanviile Band whose services wcre much eup joyed and appneciated. It wau decided ta tny and procure a lead." en for "Girls' Club" for next ye@rý Social service convenor, Mr. . Z. Camnpbell took charge of t"é proçram. Two piano solos were bnllliantly rendered by Mr. Rom Metcalfe and community singing was enjoyed under the leadership of Mrs. Ernie Twist, Mrs. S. E. Wenry, Solina, 4W tnictresident, spoke on "Citizenà sip.'Snce this subi ect by Mr&. Werry was fully reported recent ly a few thoughts niigbt beai- re. peatlng. Mrs. Wcrry, from con- versations with veterans of World War II can speak with authority of life under dlctatorshlp and warned that as worthy citizen& of a democratic country w. imuet be informed, we m~ust have broad vision and we must learn to thinlc and act. The thrcc lettere, 'T' in citizenship might well stand for Intelligence, integnity and Indus- try. It is not enough to b. , b teiligent. We muet use tb.at Intel- ligence wiseiy in good citlzenship. A bearty vote of thanku Was extended ta Mrs, Werry by Mr&. Roy Metcalfe and seconded by, Mns. Howard Crydermani on be,. half of the members. Sandwiches, cookies and tea were served by Mrs. Camipbell'» graup and a pleasant half-hour enjoyed. KENDAL Mr. Gilbert Greig vlsited at Thos. Hilditch's and eaw muny cf bis nid friends. Mr. Bert Boetock, Toronto, spent bis vacation with friends. Mrs. Tremaine hue been visltlng her sister, Mrs. Milton Robinson. Mrs. A. G. Darlngten wue At Ajax with ber daughter, Mns. Jack Glaver. Congratulations te Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little on Uic arrivai cf their baby daughter., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Colon and Rager, Hamilton, are holidaying with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martiri111 Dr. ang and Mr. A. Lang, thc Misses Lundberg and Mm. Erick- son, matored tram Chicago and visited Mrs. Neya Little. Mr. and Mns. Milton Robinson, Mrs. Tremaine and Miss Georgina Darlington spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glaver, Ajax. Georgina stayed there whiie Mrs. Darlington neturned home witb them. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Victar Wilson on the arrivai of their daugbter, Florence Deanna, on August 3lst, at Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. Mary Luxon enjoyed the wcekend at Redstone witb mem- bers of the Mercer Hunt Club and their wives. Miss Grace Mcrcer and Billie Jackson started ta Newcastle Higb Scbool on Monday via tbe bus run by Mr. R. Burlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Grace and Violet spent Sunday at Uxbridge. Violet, who bas been home the past two montbs lias returned ta go ta High Scbool. Schooi bas opened again. Mr. Chas. Kenny is starting his third year as teacher at Kendal School wbile Mrs. Kcnny is, now teaching at McLean's School. Two carloads of ladies cf thc Kendal W.A. motorcd te Bcwdley and with the ladies of Newton- ville W.A. were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Bunt at their sum- mer cottage thene. MAPLE GROVE Mr. Jim Colliss left for west- ern Canada this wveek. Mr. Frank Colliss, Dryden, bas returned home after a thnee wcek's holiday with his mother and brother, Tom. Maple Grove W.I. Maple Grave Women's masti- tute met on Sept, 8. The secret- ary-treasurer, Mrs. C. Swallow, neported net proceeds foarn Uic ba- zaar, aftennoon tea and garden. Inotalled in Âny Type O!fPUrnace jack Drough 'Phone 2384 .9 King St.W. POSITIONS OPEN Dominion Government Department of National Revenue INCOME TAX DIVISION STENOGRAPHERS TYPISTS - CLERKS Maie and Femals Experienced or Inexperienced skpply t. Room 502, Dominion Publie Building, 1 Front Street West Toronto In Writing or ln Person rg~ '.14 lu COLOGINE S helena rubinsteir APPLE ILOSSOM-AII J) the cool and quiet > freshness of an hard glimpsed at ~wn. Light-heanted, beguiling, universally beloved by men and women alike. 1.25 "EAVEN-SENT-To waft yau very near to heaven and very far frnm earth. A hauntingly lovely, ethereal and fragile fragrance. 1.00, 1.50 ENCHANTi- For that sophisticated mood, that air cf poiscd serenity, that gals; glittening evening, this subtle; discneetly perfect4 worldly.wise perfume. 1.25 A nIMA~L4E JOL etL. p Floe 178 C.N.R. Ticket&. WHEN Wic TEST £TES IT 18 KIONIE PROPEIL? sig t. W.Bomvfl *-- --* - - ......-..a~-t- j. -Plumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for 0iI-0-Maglc 011 Burnera 1

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