Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1947, p. 12

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PAGE T WE L V E T E E CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTABIO THURSDAY. SEPT. llth. im "Smoking Tenté' la the unusual nmre of a new Saskatchewan Beaverton,, Ontario, -reportsa ..,.belgerent basa tha' bites swirn- liasea As Convenor of next week's church social, she lias a lot of telephone calis to make. But @ho neyer forgets 'that hers is a party lin. - se spaces lier calîs so as to allow the other party to use the telephone. PARTY LIMNE COURTESY 1$ CATCHINS.... Putting it into practice on every cali you malte in your best guarantee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep colils briefi ,2. Space your colis. 3. Give rlght-of-woy to urgent calis. lui #ELI TILIPHORE COMPANY, 0F CANADA Many Local Winuers Ai Port Perry Fair With wcather perfect and an array of exhibits better tban ever before, Port Perry Fair attactcd a crowd cstinxatcd to be well over 5000 people. The main feature was the great showing of live- stock. Well known farmens of Durham County figured import- antly in the prizes. Due to lack of space our report of placements in the classses listed below,. is confined largely to district exhib-: itors: - Heavy Horses In the Clydeidale Class, Mr. Vince Baker of Stouffville, bad pretty much bis own way win- ning first place in Yeld Mare or Gelding, first in three-year-old, first in Brood Mare, first on Foal and first on Team. Wilson Lum- ber Co., Cannington, took first in two-year-old with Jas. Stark of Burketon, second. The competition was mucb strongen in the Percherons and Belgians. Brood Mare: lst, Coc- hrane; foal, 2nd, Les. Cochrane. One-year-old: 4th, L. Cochrane. Team in harness: 4th, Russell Coc- hrane. Light Draft Clas Exhibitors in the Agriculture or Light Draft Class were: Vince Baker, Russell Cochrane, Gannet Cochrane, Roy Brown of Whitby, Jas. Stark of Burketon, Bruce Pegg and- Barrett Bros. The awards were as follows: Yeld mare: lst and 2nd, Baker; 3rd and 4th, R. Cochrane. Brood mare: lst, R. Brown; 2nd, Pegg; "HBere's Tour lenti!" THE REliT ycu receive from your tenants stops when a fire forces them to vacate the premises. A Rent Insurance poicy from this agency will pay the ent while the proper- ty is being rebuit if you have enougli. Âsk us about Stuart R. James INSÙRANCE - BEAL. ESTATE Suceessor to J. J. Mason & Son Phones: Office 681 - House 493 King St. Bowmanvillie 3rd, Stark. Foal: lat, Brown; Znd, Stark; 3rd, Pegg. One-year-old: Ist, Baker; 2nd, Barrett Bras.; 3rd, G. Cochrane. Team in harnes: ist, Baker; 2nd, R. Cochrane. Te&ms The wagon horse clase brought eut the followxng: Vince Baker, H. Cochrane, Arthur Percy of Pickering, Eliner G. Lee of Loc- ust Hill, James Brown of New- castle, Ed. Harris, Burketon, A. Mark, V. Baker, and L. and R. Cochrane. Dairy single- lst, bread deliv- ery teanl: R. ëocbane, Ed. Har- ris. Bread deliveny single: lit, 2nd, R. Cochrane; 3nd, West; 4tb, Harris. -Four-horse team: lit, Vince Baker; 2nd, Leslie Co- chrahe. Light Horses Light honses: Brood mare: lit, G. Cochrane; Foal, G. Cochranie. One-year-old, Je!! Bailey of Brocklin; 2nd, G. Cochrane. Two- year-old: lit, G. Cochrane. Teamn of roadsters: ist, I. M. Cochrane. Single noadsten, oven 15% haxnds: lit and 3rd, 1. M. Cochrane. Un- der 151/2:.ist, Linidsay; 2nd, 0. W. Rolph; 3rd, I. Cochrane; 4tb, Ralph SadIen, Nestîcton. Team canniage: ist, Ralph Sadien; 2nid, Sadler. Single, over 15½2: ist, Art. Douglas, Peterboro; 2nd and 3rd, Sadien. Single, unjer 15%~: ist and 2nd, Sadler; 3rd, Donald Tinney, Cavan. Haîf mile race: lit, I. M. Co- chrane; 2nd, Mrs. Wbeeler; 3rd, I. Cochrane; 4th, Lindsay. Gentlemen's turnout: ist, A. G. Douglas; 2nd, b. Tinney; 3rd, 0. W. Rolph. Lady Driver: ist, Miss Rolph; 2nd, Miss Cochrane. Pony in harness, oven 12 hands: lit, G. Cochrane; 2nd, Roy Leask, R.R. 1, Seagrave. Carniage dlais: Brood mare: lit, R. Cochrane; 2nd, Geraid McGill; 3rd, Chas. Taylor, Orono. Foal: lit, Taylor; 2nd, R. Cochrane; 3rd, McGiIl. One-year-old: ist, Tay- lor; 2nd, McGill. Hackney pon y team: Ferguson Coach Line, Pet- erboro. Single Hackney pony: lit, 2nd and 3rd, Fenguson Coach Line. Shorthorns Aged bull: lit, Russell Richard- son, Ashburn. Aged cow: ist, Fred Stephens, Ashbunn; 2nd, N. Taylor & son, Burketon; 3rd, R. Richardson, Ashbunn; 4th, Leslie Taylor, Bun- keton. Yearling Bull: lit, R. Richard- son; 2nd, F. Stephens; 3rd, L. Taylor. Bull Cal!: ist, R. Richardson; 2nd, L. Taylor. Heifer cal!: lit and 2nd, R. Ric- hardscn; 3rd, F. Stephens; 4tb and 5tb, L. Taylor. Yearling heifer: lst and 3rd, L. Taylor; 2nd, N. Taylor & Son. Herd: L. Taylor. Get-of-one sire: lit, Richard- son; 2nd, L. Taylor; 3rd, N. Tay- lor. Pnogeny cf one cow: ist, F. Stephens; 2nd, L. Taylor; 3rd, N. Taylor. Baby bec!: lit and 3rd, G. Christie & Son, Port Penny; 2nd, R. Richardson; 4tb, F. Stephens. Sheep Leicesters: Competition between Fonder Bnci., cf Blackstock and Jack Green o! Nesticton, with Fonder Bnci. taking the most awards, 5 firîts, Green got two finîts. Southdowns: Bruton Farmi, Pont Penny, wene the only exhib- itons. Cotiwold: J. M. Murray & Son, wene only exhibitons.' Oxfords: Fred Trewin cf Black- stock, won ail the finit pnizes, witb the other pnizes divided be- tween J. M. Fisher o! Nesticton, and Foster Snowden cf Oshawa. Hampshire: J. M. Fisher won highcst awands, and R. Richard- son, sbaring in prize moey. L 1V5Illness of the Mind can be cured in the great majority of cases just mi ~ ~ as definitely as ilîs cf the body. 1 National Health experts in men- Vi tai health declare that early treat- ment is the essence of cure in these, as in physical ailments. Mental hospitals in Canada are now discbarging 60% of their pat- . ..... . .. . ients within one year of admission and some cases require treatment for only a few weeks. The Nost Economîcal, Most Dependable Fuel Now Available HIGHEST QUALITY ARE YOU interested in an automatic con trol on your heating system? We welcome your eiq uiries. It takes 158.8 imperial gallons of ordinary domestic fuel où to DO YOU KNOW produce heat units equivalent to that produced by one ton o ordinary first grade stoker coal. Rave your heating plant put in a cléan condition by the most modern vacuum method ADDRE8B ÂLL INQUIRIES Ce.W. (;rdlmm AGENT FOR "BLUE COAL" NEWCASTLE PONTYPOOL Sam Manetta has purchased Wilfred Rlchardson's farm.- Morris Nimigon rnissed the stick and did some artistic carv- lng with an axe, on one of bis tocs. Alvin Olan returned from Pet- erboro Hospital on Saturday. After bis enforced holiday, due to beant trouble, Dave Sexsmith bas his popular restaurant open which is well patronized. Neil Curtis is prcgressing nice- ly. 1Many cf the local yokels are taking advantage cf the oppor- tunity te sec Pontypool frorp the air @ $2.00 per trip, pilotcd by cither Garf ield Schmidt or Bob Moore, Kitchener, in one cf their "Piper Cub" 'planes. Both pilots are vetenans cf the R.C.A.F. On Friday aiternoon a number of adults, plus the entire school personnel teck part in the tree pIanting sequences cf the film be- ing made by Shelly Films, on one of Sam Manetta's fields. O. C. Burnitt, director, voiced bis ap- preciation cf the kindly co-epera- tien cf everyene assisting. The ichool cbildren have spent most cf this week purcbasing tcxt bocks and becoming acquainted with th 'e principal, Mr. McCaw and Miss P. Stewart cf the junior reom. Nick Woyney bas the rafters on bis splendid, ncw cement-bleck building. rA few wecks ago a bsbl tearg from Peterboro, teck oun local lads on and were beaten. This week the Peterbone lads won, the bisens in both instances were te buy sevenal cases of beer. We encourage and appreciate contests cf ikili between rival teami on individuals, but we de- plore the mental depravity of our local aduits who encourage teen age boys te play basebali in order that they, the adulti, can swil beer. Seventy-five per cent cf juv- enlie delinquency wouid disap- pear if there was ne aduit delin- quency. Manvens township was wcll re- presented at Orono Fair, and ahl report that it was the best even preduced in that village, because the dinectors provided îometbing cf intereit te evenyene, and kept away from the cold season. Many farmers from bere left thein han- vest unfinished te booît the at- tendance record and wene amply newanded wîth a fine day and a splendid fair. NESTLETON Nestieton W. I. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine Saturday evening and preselited Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Middleton with a lovely table lamp. A pleasant evening was spent with readings, speeches and a sing-.song. A dainty lunch with coffee and ice-cream was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton will live near Bowmanville. Decoration service in the Unit- ed Church and Cemetery was well attended on Sunday. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Bowles who celebrated their 59th wcdding anniversary Sept. 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and Ian Paul, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, Nancy and Neil, Brooklin, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. ardd Mrs. Stanley Malcolm have returned from a trip to North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd, New- tonville, and Miss Iva Williams, Toronto, visited their uncle, Mr. L. Joblin. Miss Margaret Steele, Lon.Ilon, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Miss Bernice McGee, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. e~ilbert McKinstry, Miss Marie Marlow, Oshawa, vis- ited Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns vis- ited Mn. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hepton, (nee Helen Edwârds) on the arrivai of a young daught- Mrýr. and Mrs. Frank Playfoot and Bryce, Lindsay, with Miss Ethel Thompson. Congratulations t o Me rlie Thompson and Miss Oliver who werc married Sept. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Kcnneth Lamb, Clarkson, with bis sisten, Mrs. Ce- cii Wilson. Mr. Bob Ranson, Toronto, Mn. Joe Wilson, Midland, Mr. and Mrs. Stan McNeilly, Toronto, Mr. Wm. Lang, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Lang and Barrie, Omemee, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samelîs. Miss Jean Malcolm, Islington, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. Raymond Massey bas bought a 2,000 acre farm in New England. Toronto authorities arc closing restaurants fouTld unsanitary. MOVINS WEST M. Rawllinon Llmited rejulauly ae op and slulp KB.IoIshd urmiture. Coun- @oldated Pool Cm t. Manitoba. Samkteb- =ea,AbeWrra, »ridah Columia and te ,,U 0,,Wie eorphomeforroduc.d frelih, rae..iEntabltab.d 1081. 610 Youe lit., Toronto. Lugadal. 5129 ce 0. mEIulllN m 1 Mr. -* sulcred yeauu of neptins, envaio footmi7 from cioss Tm PAYS UROUGHT RELIEF Tep dazg fter trcatmcnt with Par-Ex bc writes Te diacomfort bas been rclievcd and the callouse s reaaly ofted andtr.- duced". Yau soo Cao set "aafceogy relief faom corta, callousesanmd ore feu. Get ParEh "oda. 19 kis relief or moncy beck. *Naoto.arAles. As Orono Girl Guides ran the booth at Orono Faijr on Saturday. Mn. Wm. McDonald, fcnmerly cf Leskand, passed away in St. ter a le-ngtby illness. Service was held in Bowmanville on Mon- day and bunial in Orono Cemet- ery. Rev. A. Eustace had charge of services at Orno and Kirby on Sunday after a month's vacation. Mns. A. A. Drummond sang a levely solo at the morning ser- vice. Sunday gchoci will stant next Sunday, under the leader- ship cf Mns. Drummond, and it is te be hoped that the cbildren and yeung people wili ail be ready te stant on the fali and winten tenm. Dr. and Mns. J. H. Leslie are on a week's vacation with ber par- ents, Mn. and Mns. W. J. Riddell. Miss C. McKay returned lait weck after visiting fiendi at Gar- den Hill. Miss Viola Gilfillan is vacation- ing at Niagara Falls. Miss Wilda Hooey is attending Bowmanville High School. Miss Ruth Elferd was in Ham- ilton over the weekend attend- ing ber brother's wedding. Orono Fair was a great success this year even thcugb it was car- lier than usual. Splendid herse races, an unusual midway, de- iightfui weatbcr, and tbrongs cf people wbo scemed te be eut for a real holiday, and a wonderfui concert on Saturday evening made up a wonderful courity fair. Our local beauty parlor bas been closed for twe weeks while Miss Kathleen Green hs on vaca- tion. 1 Miss Elizabeth Waddeli bas ne- turned aften spending sevenal weeks in Toronto. Carl Flintoff, Glen Tennant and Junior West have gene te West- ern Canada on the harvest ex- cursion. Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Glenn Campbell, formeriy Miss Edna Bushel cf Bowmanvilie, wbe wene married in Toronto, Aug. 30, by Rev. J. C. Herbison. Visitons: Mns. John Henry, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. D. G. Hooper. Mns. P. Laing with ber sisten in Bowmanville. Mns. I. Winter with Mr. and Mns. Gordon Leamen, Toronto. Miss Ednia Best, Toronto, at home for Onono Fair. Mns. Norman Rickard, Newcas- tle, with Mns. J. Dickson. Mns. Werry, Enniskilcn, at Mn. and Mns. J. D. Brown's. Mn. and Mns. Gnady, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mns. J. E. Anmstrong and other relatives. Mn. and Mns. Ernest Leae and Mns. Cudmore, Toronto, with1 Mn. and Mns. W. J. Leamen. Miss Ida Stephens, Salem, witb Mn. 'and Mn., Wm. Moffat. Miss Agnes Burgess, Kinby, with Mn. Robent Burgess. Mn. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at home for the weekcnd. Mn. and Mns. Roy Connish, Port Penny, witb relatives and attend- ing Orono Fair. Miss Aima Cuttell with Dr. andl Mns. Floyd J, Cutteli, Westfield, N.Y. Mn. and Mns. A. Strickiand and children, London, with Mn. and Mns. J. H. Gîbson. Miss Thelmna Myles, Toronto, witb Mn. and Mns. D. Myles. Rcad Superintendent Resigns After Fourteen Years Service in Clarke At the September meeting of1 Clarke Township Council, there were several important discus- sions on the mattens cf Railway crcîsing between Lots 8 and 9, BFnew roads to be opened Up, method of collecting dog tax, building of bridges, etc. W. A Reid, who bas been Road Super- intendent for 14 years, tendered bis resignation. îhe Reeve and Clerk were authorized to purchase a site for a Municipal Dump, if possible. Grants were made of $200 to Durham County Agric- ultural Society and of $10 to Dur- ham County Plowmen's Associa- tion. County Federation Makes Plans For Fail and Winter Work Durham County Federation of Agriculture held its first meet- ing after the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell White, Elizabethville, and laid down plans for the Fali and Winter's wonk. The secretary reported that the~ County Hospitalization icheme had been approved and the chart- er granted. As soon as this is received, the plan will get under way. Membership applications are beîrig received each day. Prognesi is being made towards a camp site. The Camp Commit- tee is awaiting further develop- menti before definite action can be taken. 1It was decided te pu'blish an- other County paper this Faîl. The next meeting will be held on October 2nd at the home of Mn. and Mrs. K. Ashby, Port Brit- tain. KNOX'S HDNEY FURS NATURE'S SEE THEM FINEST BEFORE QUALITY YOU PRODUCT WEAR THEM CHAS. Ru KNiOX ORONO PH 64r2 P.S. - Orders nom taken for Amber Honey. Canada is building locomotives ed highway ln Newfoundklnd. for France. Ottawa is increaslng Its he a1Q There are only 94 riles of pav- service to Indiana and Eakime., «Pepsi-CoIa" fi the reglstered ra de mark In Cana do of the Papsi-Cola Company cf Ccno4. ,'need el cu ar mce R er t c. 4 Al you eould asic of lfy e« Ses How Pontiac Olves You mi te.Thine ?rnt Countl Exclusive Silver Sureak Styling - Big, boomy Body by Fisher* Triple-C-ushioned Ride - Shock-Proof Knee- Action FiPsher No-Draf t Ventilation -* I h poE 1u L-Head six or eight cylinder Engî'. F.uUPreusurc Metered Flow Lubrication e Permnanent, HIaWIy Effcient O0,1 eser*-AII.Wether Ensine Temperanare Conurol s Gaselector e Vacuumatic Spark Coourol * Scotch-Mist Quick Warm-L'p Manifold a Multi-Seid Hydraulic Brakes * Unluecil Body e Tru- Arc Safety Steerîng a Clear Vision with 11-Test 5Sf cty Plate GLMs. a When you sit at the wheel off a Pontiac there is literally nothing missing. From every standpoint, your satisfaction is complete. The smooth, quiet, powerful engine puts you right up with the leaders when the signal light turns green. You ride witb ail the cern- fort yop could ask cf îny car. Distinctive "Silver Streak" styling makes you the envy off rotorists everywhere. .And you enjoy a degree off dependability and eccnorny that is unsuqmased. COUIRTICE Yet you g et ail qhis at extremely Iew ceit. In factm you can afford anîy new car - you can afford a Pontiac. Se be wise-and make your choice the car that offers everytbing a beautiful Silver Streak Pontiac! Thu slack ni orders tiled u> for Ibo u.w Pontîac are yratihain s tsimnuaists1Iboquahisy and bmaiy t0f s j: fluas: 0f Ibo lanosSih'ur Sireaks. Unior- taately, 10 mauy oriers alis moat bSmjny u'he chos. Ponstiac imuse wait. Se ift our car.u',se huai a"t huart say 'Postialuc. . -.your preseut car swliJ ,ýv*Yombotersaier Servisce ushi= t is j'ou ROY W. NICHOLS ONTARIO Th e Orono Ne ws 9on Guaraonteed 242% Trust'Certificates ISSUED for any amount .... for a term > five years ....- guaranteed both as to principal and interest .... Interest cheques maiied to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be alIowed to accumulate at comipound interest. An ideal investaient for individuale, eom- panies; authorized by Iaw for cemnetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tow.r, Toronto 36 years lnamIgines$ ~POi ~T 12,n LFOUT -1 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN'ýrl=. ONTARIO -PAGE TWILVIC THURSDA'T, SEPT. Ilth, Io« 1

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