Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1947, p. 10

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PAGE TEN tAITzr -ireG AIr FINESOW ~PIBDBT HON.Re t. LELLET LARUGE CROWD ON SATURDAT * *Continued from Page One) Oskwood Breeder Promunent Ithec classes for shothorns, R. 10lett o! Oakwood made- a clean .,wieep while E. A. Rosevear of Tyone carried offthe pnizes In c1~ Hereford classes. M. Bailcy ,,ç Uxbridge and L. Suggitt o! sJftleton wene prominent in the 1 erdeen Angus classes. L-. Sug- -gitt won the award for the best fat steer and Mn. Flett won the -Bank o! Commence Tray for the best herd sire. Mr. Flett also won the pnize for the best herd of bec! cattle with Mr. Bailey second and Mr. Rosevean third. In the Hol- stein classes Fonder Brothers and Zarl Dornell o! Blackstock wene the principal winnens. The display o! women's wonk was particularly outstanding with Mrs. Ira Lowe o! Ida winning the speclal awand for the largest num- ber o! points in this department. Caesarea Public School won a beautiful silver trophy for secur- ing the largest number o! points lni school work. The trophy was presented to Mrs. Dorreli, teacher at the sehool, by Harny Thompson, secnetary o! the fair board. The combination of Bill, David and Bob Leggett of Oshawa proved too speedy for other entnies in the ypony races. Bill, mounted on 4'Topsy,'> took first place honons. David on "Goidie" was second ,while Bob on "Babe" was third. Four-Horse Team Feature The horse show was featuned with a class for four-honse tcams with three excellent entnies. El- mer Lee o! Kinsale and Leslie Co- chrane o! Bunketon teamed up to %vin first place. R. Cochrane and E. Harris of Bunketon won sec-j ond place and V. Baker of Stouff- ville and L. Slute o! Columbus took third place. Mn. Lee also won first place in the class for commercial teams 'with his weII-manncned, beauti- fully turned-out black team. Rus-1 sell Cochrane o! Bunketon took second place and Ed. Harris of1 Burketon was third.1 V. Baker o! Stouffville won' flrst place on his light draft team9 With L. Slute o! Columbus second. "'he awands in the class for driv- 1 ers went to W. Briscoe o! Caes-( area, B. Rolph of Orono and1 IR. Sadien of Cacsarea. In the class for heavy mare and foal. V. Baker took first place wîth1 Zanl Donnell of Blackstock second.1 IR. Cochrane of B unketon and Gar- net Cochrane o! Pont Penny woni lirst and second in the class fori road or carniage mares while G.1 Cochrane won first place in the class for road on carniage yearl- ings. Leslie Cochrane o! Burketon and R. Cochrane of Burketon took first and second place, respective- MORE MORE MRE MORE MOR iy, in the class for commercial Beigians or Percherons. Leslie Cochrane won !irst prize in the class for Percheron teams with Jim Brown o! Newcastle sec- ond and R. Cochrane third. Lloyd Cochrane o! Oshawa took first place on bis light team. Classes For Children Jessie MeArthur o! Blackstock won finst place ini the singing class for girls with Manian Taylor o! Epsom second and Trudy Findley- son of Blackstock third. Donald Taylor o! Epsom took first place in the singing class for boys, with Ronny Middleton o! Blackstock second. Jessie McArthur won the public speaking contest with Jean Tnem- blay second. Officials o! the fair were: Roy Ferguson, president; Bruce Heaslip, first vice president; Al- bert Wright, second vice president; Ed. Harris, Albert Wright, Jack Green, Ivan Cochrane, Neil Mal- colm, Dalton Dornell, Howard Fonder, Ernest Larmer, Bruce Heaslip, Roy Ferguson, Fred Tre- wmn and Stanley Taylor directons; Osmond Wright, Norman Mount- joy, Milton Fisher, Pency Van- Camp, Cecil Hill, Lcith Byens and Wallace Manlow, associate dir- ectons; Mns. Neil Malcolm, Mrs. P. VanCamp, Mns. N. Green, Mns. Roy Ferguson, Mrs. Dalton Don- reli, Mrs. Cari Wright, Mns. Gil- bert Manlow, Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mns. Fred Trcwin, Mns. Earl Don- neli and Mrs. Ernest Larmen, as- sociate lady directors. Henry Thompson o! Nestîcton is secret- ary-trcasurer of the board. Fnize List HORSES Light and Heavy Draught Brood mare, Vince Baker, Eanl Dorreli. One ycar old colt, Gar- net Cochrane, Earl Donrell. Foal, Vince Baker, Earl Donrell. Commercial Percheron, Belglan Bnood marc, Leslie Cochrane, Russell Cochrane. Two ycar old colt, Leslie Cochrane. Foal, Les- lie Cochrane, Russell Cochnane. Harness Classes Heavy dnaught tcam, Vince Ba- ker. Light dnaught team, Vince Baker, Leonard Shute. Percher- on and Belgian team, Leslie Coch- rane, J. ,T. Brown, Russell Coch- rane. Commercial team, Elmer Lee, Russell Cochrane, Edmund ISTUDIO COUCH SPECIAL Deep cushioned, richly coloured, velour covered studio couches with chrome legs and arm rests. Makes up into comfortable bed Special Beptember value ............................... $99300 NIEU R pDH 9 SAPPLIANCE & m.~..aaa~FURNITURE jPHOSE 811 57 RING ST. W. THE CANAD!AK STATESMMq, BOWMMIVUlE, ONTARIO Harris. Commercial single horse, Elmer Lee, Edmund Harris, Rus- seil Cochrane. Best single horse on rein, Vince Baker, J. T. Brown. Best agricultural team, Vince Baker. Eoad and Carrnage Brood mare, Russell Cochrane, Garnet Cochrane, Earl Dorreil. One year old colt, Garnet Coch- rane. Foal, Russell Cochrane, Garnet Cochrane, Earl Dorreil. Roadster team, Ivan Cochrane, Ralph Sadier. Carniage team, R. Sadler, lst and second. Road- ster single, over 15%2, Ivan Coch- ranle, O. W. Rolph, Ralph Sadler. Single under 15 %, Ivan Cochrane, lst and 2nd, Ralph Sadlen. Car- niage single unden '15%½,. Ralph Sadien lst and 2nd, Don Tinney. Roadster single over 15 %, Ralph Sadler 1 and 2. Gent's turnout, I. Cochrane, O. W. Rolph, Don Tin- ney. Lady driver Don Tinney, O. W. Rolph, Gahiet Cochrane. Three year old in harness, Ivan Cochrane. Single roadster in harness, Ivan Cochrane, 1 and 2, Ralph Sadler. Roadster team, twice anound track, Ivan Coch- ranle, Grant Henry. Single on rein, Ivan Cochrane, Grant Henry, Saddle, Granit Henry, Garnet Cochrane. Pony, single in han- ness, Ivan Cochrane, Garnet Cochrane. Single in saddle, Gar- net Cochrane, R. M. Leggette, R. Cochrane. Pony race, R. M. Leg- gette, lst, 2nd, 3rd. CATTLE Shorthonus Roslyn Flett won all pnizes. Herefords E. A. Rosevean won ail prizes. ShorthornuGrades Reifen, 2 yeans old, Percy Van Camp .1, 2, and 3. Heifer cal!, Percy Van Camp, Bruce Taylor, Gzlen Larmer. Aberdeen Angus Bull, 2 yeans, Malcolm Bailcy. Bull, 1 ycar, Laverne Suggitt. Cow, Malcolm Bailey, Laverne Suggitt. Heifer, 2 yeans, Malcolm Bailey i and 2. Heifer, 1 year, Malcolm Bailey 1 and 3, Lavenne Suggitt 2. Heifen cal!, Malcolm Bailey. Bull cal!, Lavenne Sug- gitt. Special, any beef brecd Best fat steer, Lavenne Suggitt. Best herd sire, Roslyn Flctt. Best herd, any bec! breed, Roshyn Flett Malcolm Bailey, E. A. Rosevear. Holsteins Bull, 2 years, Earl Donrehi. Cow, Fonder Bnos., Earl Dorreil. Heifer, 2 years, Fonder Bros., Earl Don- ell. Heifer, i ycar, Earl Dorcll. Heifen cal!, Malcolm Bailey, Fond- er Bnos. 2 and 3. Bull cal!, Fond- er Bros. Best herd, Earl Dorreil, Fonder Bros. SHEEP Leicesters Aged ram, Fonder Bros., Jack Green 2 and 3. Shearling ram, Jack Green i and 3, Fonder Bros. 2. Ram lamb, Fonder Bros. i and 3, Jack Green 2. Aged ewe, Fond- er Bros., Jack Green 2 and 3. Shearling ewe, Fonder Bros. i and 3. Jack Green 2. Ewc lamb, Fon- dem Bros. i and 2, Jack Green Shropshires Harold Skinner won ail prizes. Seuthdowns Aged ram, A. Ayre and Son. Shearling ram, A. Ayre. Ram lamb, Rarold Skinner i and 2. Aged ewc, Harold Skinner i and 2. Shcarling ewe, Harold Skin- ner i and 2. Ewe lamb, Harold Skinner i and 2. Oxfords Agcd ram, Fred Trcwin, Milton Fisher. Shcanling ram, Fred Tnewin, M. Fisher. Ram lamb, F. Trewin 1, 2, M. Fisher 3. Agcd cwc Fred Trewin, Milton Fisher. Shearling ewe, Fred Trewin, Mil- ton Fisher. Ewe Lamb, Fred Tncwin i and 2, Milton Fisher 3. Hampshires Agcd ram, Milton Fisher. Shcarling ram, Milton Fisher i and 3, R. B. GlaspeIl 2. Ram lamb, R. B. Glaspell, Milton Fish- er. 2 and 3. Aged ewe, R. B. Glaspell, Milton Fisher, 2 and 3. Sheanhing ewc, R. B. GlaspelI, Mil- ton Fisher 2 and 3. Ewe lamb, R. B. GlaspelI, Milton Fisher 2 and 3. Market Lamb Any brecd, Ayne & Son, Han- old Skinner, Milton Fisher. Any breed, Cartwright boy on girl, Dalton Fisher, Donald Fonder, Barry -Fisher. Taylor & Sons. Sow. Taylor and Sons, Fred Trewln. Boar, 3-7 months. Fred Trewin, Taylor &i Sons. Sow, 3-7 montha, Freci Trewin i and 2, Taylor & Sons 3. Three Bacon Rogi Ralph Larmer. POULTRY Barred Rocks Cock, Bill Ferguson, Mrs. Earl Brethour. Hen, Stanford Van Camp, Bill Ferguson. Cockerel, Stanford Van Camp, Mns. Breth- our. Pullet, Mrs. Brethour, S. Van Camp. New Hampshlres Cock, Mrs. Brethour. Hen, Mns. Brethour. Cockerel, Bruce Tay- lor, Mns. Brethour. Pullet, Mrs. Brethour,, Bruce Taylor. White Leghorn, Llght Sussex and Turkeys- Mrs. Brethour won ail prizes. Geese Gander, Taylor and Sons i and 2. Goose, Mrs. Brethour i and 2. Gander, 1947, Taylor & Sons, Mrs. Brethour. Goose, 1947, Mrs. Bre- thour, Taylor & Sons. Ducks Drake, Mrs. Brethour, Bill Fer- guson. Duck, Mrs. Brethour, Bill Fenguson. Drake, 1947, Mrs. Bre- thour i and 2. Duck, 1947, Bill Ferguson i and 2. DAIRY PRODUCE Butter and Eggs 5 lbs. butter in prints, Mrs. W. J. Webster, Mrs. Earl Brethour, Mrs. Gea. Bowers. Dozen white eggs, Mns. Norman Green. Dozen bnown eggs, Bill Ferguson, Percy Van Camp, Stanford Van Camp. Largest hen egg, Earl Dorreil. HOME ECONOMIOS Bakmng White bread, Mrs. W. J. Web- ster, Mns. Gco. Baird, Mrs. Earl Dorrell. Brown brcad, Mns. Bre- thour, Mns. Dorrdil. Buns, Mn. Webster, Mns. Reg. Boundy, Mns. Baird. Tea biscuits, Mn.. Norm- an Green, Mrs. Sandy Moore, Mrs. Brethoun. Gems, graham flour, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Brethour. Oatmeai cookies, Mes- dames Webster, Boundy. Bowcr. Butter tants. Mn.. Malcolm, Mn. Green, Mn.. Brethoun. Jelly roll, Mrs. Boundy, Mns. Brethour, Mrs. Webster. Nut and date loaf, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Boundy, Mn.. Bre- thour. Chocolate layer cake, Mns. Webster, Mn,. Boundy, Mns. Dal- ton Donrell. Light layer cake, Mns. Dornell, Mrs. Brethour, Mrs. Boundy. Pumpkin pic, Mrs. N. Green, Mrs. Brethour, Mrs. Boun- dy. Raisin pic, Mns. Green, Mrs. Brethour, Mns. Boundy. Apple pie, Mrs. Green, Mn.. Sandy Moore, Mrs. Brethour. Lemon pic, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Brethour, Mn,. Green. Four practical ways o! senving apples, Mrs. Brethour, Do- ris Hamilton, Mn.. Dalton Dorreli. Salad plate, Mrs. Reg. Boundy, Mns. Dorehi, Mns. Brethour. Hon- cy, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Green. Mapie syrup, Mrs. Gco. Baird, Mn,. Earl Brethour, Mn. Ira Lowe. Canning Wholc tomatoes, Mrs. Webster, Mns. Boundy, Doris Hamilton. Peas, Mrs. Brethour, Mn,. Web- ster, Mns. Boundy. Beets, Mrs. Boundy, Mns. Webster, Mn.. N. Green. Strawberries, Mrs. Don- rdil, Mn,. Brethour, Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Pineappie, Mrs. Don- relI, Mrs. Brethour, Mn.. Boundy. Raspberries, 'Mrs. Boundy, Mns. Stanford Van Camp, Mn,. Breth- our. Pickles Corn relish, Mns. Breth,an, Mrs. Boundy, Mrs. Webster. Chopped, picklc, Mn,. Webster, Mrs. George Baird, Mn,. Brethour. Cucumben pickle, Mn,. Boundy, Mns. Breth- our, Mns. Baird. Robin Hood Fleur Home made bncad, Mrs. Web- ster. Sponge cake, Mn.. Dalton Dorrell. Apple pie, Mns. Earl Brethour. Oat cookies, Mns. E. Brethour. Tea biscuits, Mrs. S. Moore. Purlty Fleur Bread, 2 boaves, Mrs. Dorreli. Apple pie, Mn,. Earh Brethour. Plain cake, Mns. Neil Malcolm. Blue Rlbbon Baking Powder Tea biscuits, Mn.. Sandy Moore, Mrs. Webster, Mns. Bowen. Magie Bakung Powder Layer cake, Mrs. Dorrdil, Mrs. Boundy. GRAIN AND SEEDS Fali wbat, white, Mn,. Geo. Baird, :vrs. NilI Malcolm, Glen SWINE Larmer. Peas, small, Mn,. Gco. Yorkshlres Baird. Oats, white early, Mn.. Boan, Ralph Larmer, Donald Geo. Baird, Mn,. Neil Malcolm, Sandy. Sow, Jack Gneen, Ralph Mns. Brethoun. Qats, white late, Larmen. Boan, 3-7 month,, Frank Mn,. Geo. Baird, Mn,. Eanl Bnctb- Crozien, Jack Green 2 and 3. Sow, oun. Barley, six nowed, Mn.. G. 3-7 months, Frank Crozier, Jack Baird, Mn,. Brethoun. White Green 2 and 3. beans, Mn.. Baird, Mn.. Ina Lowe. Tamworths Beaver oats, Mn,. Baird. Sheaf, Boar, Fred Tnewin, Newtonfall wheat, Bill Fenguson, Mns. E. 1 1 1 Apples Spy, P. Van Camp, B. Taylor, Mns. Brethour. Golden Russett, Mrs. Brethour. Snow, B. Taylor. Talman Swcets, B. Taylor. Weal- thy, B. Taylor, Mrs. Brethoun. St. Lawrence, P. Van Camp. Alex- andens, Bill Fenguson. Rhode Is- land Gneenings. B. Taylor. Mc- Intosh, B. Taylor. Fall pears, Mrs. Brethour. LADIES' DEFARTMENT Children's Wear Baby's wool set, knitted, Mrs. Ruttle, Mns. Neil Malcolm. Ba- by's wool dness, knit, Mns. Carl Wright, Mns. D. Dorneli. Baby's dress, short, fancy, Louetta But- son, Mrs. Lowe. Baby's fancy carniage cover, Viola Butson, L. Butson. Child's dress. hand smocked, Viola Butson, Mns. Rut- tic. Child's sun suit, cotton, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. Baird. Boy's knitted wool suit, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. Donrell. Scanf, cap and mitt set, Mrs. Lowe. Ladies' Wear Apron, fancy, Mns. Lowe, Mrs. Malcolm. Apron, kitchen, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. Baird, Jean Harris. Bcd jacket, Mns. Dorreil, Viola Butson. Cardigan, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Webster. House dress, cot- ton, Viola Butson, Mrs. Lowe. Housecoat, Mrs. Ruttie, Mrs. Gco. Baird. Pyjama suit, Viola But- son, Mrs. Baird'. Gloves, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. Ruttie. Punse, Mrs. R. Boundy, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Sockces, Mns. Webster, MNrs. Lowe. Sweater, pullover, Viola Butson, Mrs.' Neil Malcolm. Girls' dress, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. Baird. Boy's windbrcakcr, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. I. Lowe. Mcii's Wear Mitts, knit, Mrs. Lowe, Viola Butson. Pyjama suit, L. Butson, Mrs. S. Moore. Work socks, hea- vy, Mns. Lowe, Mns. Baird. Socks, fancy, Mrs. S. Moore, Bruce Tay- lor, Mn.. D. Dorrdil. Sweater, coat, Mrs. Lowe, V. Butson. Work shirt, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Lowe. Bcd Spreads Candlewick, Mns. Lowe, Mns. S. Moore. Embnoidercd, Mrs. Webster, V. Butson. Comforters and Quilts Wooi filled comforter, Mns. N. Malcolm, Mns. Lowe. Quilt, ap- plique, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. S. Moore. Quilt, pieccd, cotton, Mn. Bair, Mrs. Lowe. Rugs and Mats Braidcd mat, cotton, L. Butson, V. Butson. Bnaided mat, sîlk. Mrs. S. Moore, V. Butson. Rug, hook- cd, yarn, V. Butson, L. Butson. Living Room Accessonies Afghan, wool, Mn.. S. Moore, L. Butson. Chesterfield set, M. Webster, V. Butson. Cushion, wool crocheted, Mns. Ruttie, Mns. N. Malcolm. Cushion, wool, knit, Mrs. S. Moore, Mns. Webster. Cu- shion, silk, !ancy, Mn.. N. Mal- colm, Mns. Webster. Dnawn work, Mn.. Lowe. Ncedlepoint, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mn.. Ruttie. DinIng Room Accessories Buffet set, V. Butson, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Centrepiece, embroi- dercd, Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. R. Boundy. Chair set, Mns. Lowe, V. Butson. Lace tablecloth, Mns. N. Malcolm, Mn.. Lowe. Luncheon cloth and serviettes, Mn.. Lowe, Mns. Web- ster. Tea cosy, Mrs. Baird, Mrm. Ruttle. Bedroom Accessonles Dressing table set, Mn.. Web- ster, Mrs. N. Malcolnm. Pillow cases, cutwork, Mn,. Baird, Mrs. Lowe. Pillow cases, embroidered, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mns. R. Boundy. Pillow cases, lace trimmcd, Mn. Lowe, Mns. G. Baird. Bath towcl, trimmed, Mns. R. Boundy, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Towel, crochet trîm- mcd, Mn.. Webster, Mrs. Ruttle. Towcl, embnoidened, V. Butson, Mn.. G. Baird. Towel, cutwonk, Mrs. Lowe, Mns. N. Mplcolmn. Towcl, guest, Mrs. G. Baird, Mn,. N. Malcolm, L. Butson. Miscellaneous Article made from flour sack, Mrs. Lowe, Mn.. Malcolm, Mrs. D. Donrell. Bridge set, Mns. Lowe Mns. Webster. Button holes, Mns. Ruttie, Mrs. Lowe. Card table coven, Mn.. Lowe, Mns. Webster. Cross stitch, Mn.. Ruttle, Mns. R. Boundy. Cutwork embnoidered, Mns. Lowe, Mn.. R. Boundy. Hot watcr bottle cover, Mns. Lowe, V. Butson. Labor saving device, Mrs. R. Boundy, Mrs. Baird. Oul- cloth novelties, Mrs. Webster. Plain patching, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. R. Boundy. Tatting, Mrs. Ruttie, Art Grade 1, Rita Ramris, Archer's; Rolph Vine, Caesanea; Robt. Arm- strong, Devitt's. Grade 2, Jimmie Greaves, Caesarea; John Gould, Mahood's. Grade 3, May Werny, Caesanca: Ray Larmen, Devitt's; Calvin McKee, Mahood's. Grade 4, Ruth-Beth Proutt, Caesarea;ý Laurence McLaughlin, Cadmus; Verna Rarris, Archer's.. rade 5, Shirley Rarris, Archer's; Wayne Wilson, Caesarea; Billy Brown, Devitt's. Grade 6, Ralph Strong, Purplc Hill; Keith Van Camp, Blackstock; Shirley Hamilton, 1 CALIFORNI A qDo ORANGES VALENCIA 34s2a z CALIFORNIA MARSH BEEDLESS lO0s GRAPEFRU IT - " * 4 for 250 GRAPES CALIFORNIA - Ibo. 25e CAhOTSMARSH GROWN, 3 Ibo. 1 PASCAL CELEIT STALIS -2 BUNCHES 19C T!UJRSDAY. SNPT. 111W. - YBdW d 7 Ir AYLMER BUIT FUX '2 Tins15i FANCY BLENDEP COLOUREL M" ICE=S -~~3 ',-- Am uPI "I 'PI FLOOR WAX i ib titi 49c MASTER BRAND DOG BISC UITS or TERRIER MUBLE 2 1ibbwgi 29c PLY SPRAY FLY DED * m3 AYLMER COOKED SPAIGHETTI2 Jas2no CUTS GREASE ,AnO CLEANER 2 for 2M PAIS VA «-Pko. 12< JimJanJJ5Doz. 4no PICKLING TMAR t'.Gal. 3W< q "I.- ~.A ~2 NEW PACK FANCY0 AVLMER TOMATO; CAT.SUP NMWPACIC bdl 7c/ CUSTOM GROUND DOILR COVrEÀ. APib 43cf ANN PAGE-WHITE or BROWN JEUXDDEA 2 24 os 1lia 15. GOLDEN KIST DASP. JAN PURE 24 ôz jàr «C MU RRAY& SJTDW. JIM PÏrcë 24 os Jar 9C A 6' P Duper Righ 0 Qail.' e lEDorILVE MnRDEF -STEAKS «oRIOSTS POIEDOUSE, WM mSESELON Ib5 LEGS là 47c FOTS lbZS5C ~~~~ SE VNIIETSAUIISTEAM l.324 FIM 'Olb.2 DOGE FILL TS ~ .~ ~ k '. M. Wr A 1 Brethour. Sheaf, barley, Bruce Taylor. Sheaf, oats, Mrs. Baird, Bill Ferguson. VEGETABLES AND BOOTS Potatoes, early, Mrs. Ira Lowe, Bill Ferguson, Viola Butson Po- tatoes, late, Bil Ferguson. 'îr nipa, feed, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Bre- thour. Turnips, table, Mrs. Bre- thour, Mns. Baird. Canrots, table, Bill F erguson, Bervl Larmer, E. Dorreil. Cabbage, wlnter, Bruce Taylor. Hubbard squash, Mrs. Brethour, Bill Ferguson. Pump- kins, pie. Mrs. Ira Lowe. Èeets, Percy V n Camp, Bruce Taylor, Viola Butson. Onions, Dutch sets, Mns. Lowe, Bruce Taylor, Mrs. Baird. Onions, yellow, Mrs. Bre- thour. Onions, Spanish, Viola Butson, Beryl Larmen. Mangolds, red, Mrs. Brethour, Fred Trewin. Mangolds, white, Mrs. Baird, F. Trewin, Mrs. Brethour. Mangolds, any other variety, Fred Trewin, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Brethoun. To- matoes, Bruce Taylor, Mrs. N. Green, Beryl Larmer. Citron, Mrs. Baird, Mrs. Brethour. Table corn. Mrs. N. Green, E. Dorreli, P. Van Camp. Sheaf of ensilage corn, Beryl Larmer. Collection o! vegetables, Beryl Larmer, Dor- is Hamilton. Cabbage, faîl, Mrs. Baird. Parsnips, Bruce Taylor, Mrs. Brethour. FRUIT PLANTS ami PLOWERS Asters, Mrs. N. Malcolm, P. Van Camp. Dahlias, Mrs. D. Dor- reil, B. Taylor. Salpiglossis, Mu. D. Dorreli. Gladioli, Mrs. Neil Malcolmn, Doris Marlow. Collec- tion of eut fiowers, Mrs. S. Moore, Doris Hamilton. High basket, Doris Marlow, Bruce Taylor. Low basket, Doris Marlow. Phlox, G. Larmer. Snapdragons, Mrs. D. Dorrell, D. Hamilton. Zinnias, Mrs. D. Dorreil, Mrs. Malcolm. Petunias, Mrs. R. Boundy, Mrs. C. Wright. Nasturtiums, Mrs. Web- ster, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Marigolds, African, Mrs. C. Wright, Beryl Larmer. Marigolds, French, Mrs. C. Wright, Doris Marlow. Cosmos, Bill ]erguson, Mrs. C. Wright. Foliage, Beryl Laraner. Begonia, Mrs. E. Dorreil, Mrs. Brethour. SPUBLIC SOHOOL DEPT. Script PrlntIng ini Pencil Grade 1. Teddy Lark,, Cadmus; Barbara Hoocy, Archer'à; Clifford Dayes, Blackstock. Grade 2, Glen Wheeler, Caesarea. Grade 3. Do- nald Forder, Blackstock; Ray Lar- mer, Devîtt's; Neil Lee, Cadmus. Grade 4, Verna Larmer, Archer's; Beth Proutt, Caesarea; Donna Fonder, Blackstock. Wrlthng InIi nk Grade 5, Gordon Getling, Caes- anea; Wyoma Jackson, Blackstock; Harvey Johnson, Devitt's. Grade 6, Wilma Toms, Purpie Hill, Bet- ty McArthur, Blackstock; Doreen Cochrane, Egypt. Grade 7, Mari- lyn Fonder, Blackstock; Muriel Steele, Purpie Hill; Lorna Harris, Archer's. Grade 8, Jessie MeAr- thur, Blackstock; Gretta Cornish, Purpie Hill; Arthur Thornton, De- 1 1. 'TRUPMAT, SICPT. 11W.- i M', FX EgyKt Grad; 7, Laurence Larm- en. Dvltt's; Jean Tremley, Caes- area; Ruth Whltfield. Archer. Grade 8, Audrey Larmer, Devltts; Jessie McArthur. Crafi Grade 1, Gloria Sadier, Caca- arca; Elaner Harris, Archer's. Grade 2. Glen Whecler, Caesarea; Grade 3, Clifford Jackson, Caes- area; Ray Larmer, Devitt's; Helen Judge, S.S. 15, Reach. Grade 4, Verna Larmer, Archer's; Donnie Greaves, Frank Melton, Devitt's. Grade 5, Shirley Harris, Archer's; Wayne Wilson, Caesarea; Billy Brown, Devitt's. Grade 6, Vera Harris, Archer's; Ernest Sanders, Egypt. Grades 7 and 8, girls, Au- drey Larmer, Devitt's; Lorna Harris. Archer's; Jean Tremblay, Caesarea. Grades 7 and 8, boys, Laurence Lprmer, Devitti::'Ken Middleton, Blackstoclc; Paul Har- ris, Archer's. collections Cut flowers, girls, Ruth* Ham- ilton and Joan Venning, Black- stock: Ruth Whitfleld, Archer's; Audrey Larmer, Devitt's. Weeds, Laurence Larmer, Devitt's; Donna Proutt, Caesarea; Allen Larmer, Archen's. Speelal Attractions Bicycle race, boys under 20, Ross Shackleton, Ron Middleton, Don Cochrane. Old time flddlers, Bill Allas. Singing contest, girls, Jessie Me- Arthur, Marion Taylor. Singing contest, boys, Don Tay- lor. Ron Middleton. Public speaking contcst, Jessie McArthur, Jean Tnemblay. Best decorated farm float, trac- tor drawn, Beryl Larmer. SPECIAL PRIMES Robt. Simpson Silver Tray for championship in Ladies' Dept., Mrs. Ina Lowe o! Ida. Eaton's Fruit Bowl, for best ag- ricultunal team, Vince Baker, of Stouffville. Canadian Bank o! Commerce, Silver Tray, for best herd sire, Roslyn Flett, Oakwood. Allen Wilson, Ronson lighter, for best single light horse on rein, Ivan Cochrane. Halter, Grant Henry, MiU.bnook. Homne Bros., Lindsay, blanket, heavy horse on rein, Vince Baker. Halter, J. T. Brown, Newcastle. 1 1 Oshawa Wholesale, a Ibs. te%1 shearling eWe, Howard Porder. National Grocers, Oshawa, eu%. ton of canned goda, 3 bagon hoga, Ralph Larmer. Silver Cup valued et $75, foi the school winning moat pointa in Jr. Dept., won by Caesarea Sehool. ADDED FEATURE Four-hmb teamas, drlveiï tan, dem, VincMBaker and Len Slute, Elrner Lee and Les Cochrane, ]RUS Cochrane and Ed Harris. Montreal ha. 900 miles of aide. walks. Temping baked goode The whole family WiI1 enjoy Every day of the week we fea-. ture oven tresh baked goods. that the whole family wilI just rave about. Our array in- cludes somethlng that even the pickiest eater will enthuse over. Core ne toduy and uee~~ selection of home bak~h goodies on dlsplay. Ifave you tried IDEAL ICE CREAM? It's the real dessert treat POOLE' S BAKERY Phone 654 53 KIng St. E.,

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