Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1947, p. 9

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4~P~WV~ TMMRDAY. SEPT. Ilth, 1047 9 l 1 LI 1-111 ?EE CA!~?ADIA1~T STATESItMr.'EO'W~tANvffLI. ~IA11In. iFA~3 NU~ i olIti iï ~éoW FAR~~7 DAILY SERVICES from BOWMANVILLE te Depart - DaylUght Saving Time Brockville, Prescott, a.rn. p.n. p.m. lemptville, Ottawa and 9:56 9:56 intermediate points Prescott, Cornwall, Montreal 9:56 1:56 9:56 and intermediate points For ful4nformation about sehedules. fares, connections, etc., Please consult your Local Agent: GARTON COACH LUNES Bowmanviiie Telephons 2666 À eIs if's Fail Wheat lime Lot ps supply your fertiliser needs with Swift's Canadian Gro-Mor We can give you good delivery on tbis fertiliser inimediately. We have a shipment of wire fonce and posas due at once PLANT FOOD -DeLaval Pressure Systerna are now available - Let us put ln a DeLaval MHker or Separator ln your barn. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farrn Machinery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Mllkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equlpment Pl Ring St. W. Phone 497 FOR FALL AND WINTES w ý- SuRE-FIRE SUCCESSES.. Ours nesworthy Fal and Wlntei Suits and Coats. Core ne ansd ses the latest stylesmde for comtort. Ail designed for maximum flttery at minimum prices! MILLINERY NEWS Impossible to reutit ... oui' new harvest of fail bats. *Everythlnt flattrins la boe s. .. fromn excltiusg draped bonnets to dashini beretsansd swargers. You'Ill lke tbsfr wse prices tm tool Couch, iohnston & Crydorman SPHONE 836 BOWNANVILLE' ENFIELD Mr. and Mis. Hoskin. Smith wlth Mis. J. Gray and Miss Helen Gray, Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Roy Barrabail, Neil and Willhs. Orono, Mr. Luth- er Baîrabail, Courtice, Miss Mary Cole, Mis. J. C. Webster, Mi. Ray Webster, Toronto, Miss* Corsina Samis, Oshawa, at M. Samis'. Mi. and Mrs. Edwin Orrnlston, Maple Grove, At H: Smlth's. Mr. and Mis. Wilfred Bowmnan attendcd the Taxnblyn - Masoh wcdding in Mimico Pregbyter1an Church, Satuîday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Solomon, Brigh- ton, Mr. and Mrs. D. OrIViston, Oshawa, at J. Stark's. Mr. and Mis. G. Bowman and Gaîîy, Miss Lois Ormiston at T. R. Bowman's, Blackstock. NE WTON VILLE IMi. and Mis. Fulton Chidley, Little Bîltain, with Mis. G. W. Joncs on Fîiday. Mr. and Mis. Willis Joncs, Mrs. Melville Jones and Mis.- G. W. Jones, attcnded the. wedding of. MacGîegoî Joncs to Miss Mar- guerite Switzer, R.N., at Dcsmond United Church near Napance on Saturday. Mi. and Mis. Cephas Meader, Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Meader and son, David, Miss Katherine Bur- ton and Mis. Annie Howlett, ah.. of Toronto, visited Mi. and Mis. Chas. Morris, as did also Mis. Marjoîam of Bowmanville. Sehool reopened with an enrol- ment of forty pupils with Mr, Neil Anderson as teacher. Don't forget Uic W.I. meeting is in thc evening next' Wcdnes- day. Shrubs and plants is the subject to be studied. Congratulations to Mi. and Mis. Lawrence Gilmer on the biîth of a baby son, Peter John. Newtonville Pupils Taken by New Bus Port Hope Hlgh School A new regulation bus,, the fiîst of its kind to be used for the dis- trict high school run, has just been puîchased and put into op- eration for the faîl season. This makes the second bus now used to biing high school stud- ents from South Hope Township and a portion of Clarke, to the Port Hope High School. The seating capacity of the two buses is 73 pupils, 29 in.the 1937 bus and 44 in the handsome new yellow one on tour today. The system was staîted in 1942 by Mr. Cecil Buîlcy, Clarke, who used a five passenger car. In a fcw months, it was iepoited, he was using a ten passenger car, which was then supplemented by a panel truck. Then a 1934 Chcv bus and later a 1937, Chev bus, which will continue to be used along with the regulation bus, Uic first of its kind to be used for the aiea. It incoiporates aIl the safety devices to prevent children from edangering themselves unwlt- tnglysuh as a buzzeî that rings when the emergency exit door at tie rear 'f the bus is tampeîcd with. It was rcpoited that 36 pupils weîe brought to the Port Hope High School by the two busses on Monday from the district of Port Britain, an daround to Canton and Welcome. The two busses are driven by Mr. Buîley, and his sonl, Keith Burley. LONG STOCKINGS While medical authorities gen- erally approve baie 'knees for childien, they warn parents that the littie ones should be dressed in long stockings in damp wea- ther. Dampness favours chill and the doctoîs point out that it is bad for the childien ta sit around classîooms with chilled legs. Al- so, they say, childien should be encouraged to wear rubbeîs in wct weatheî, for hcalth's sake. Business Direcor LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solictor - Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowmaenville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public .King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. B3aîrister - SolicitGr - Notary 9%, King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario 'hone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. HODOINS barîster, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St. - Bowmanville Phone 351 D EN TA L DRS. DEVITT &~ RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubiles Bldg. King Street, Bowmanville Office H urs: 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily 9 amr. te 12 noon Wednqoday Cloued Sunday Office Phone 790 Residence: Dr. J. C. Devitt 325 Dr. W. M. Rudeil'1827. DL E. W. SiSSON, L.8.., D.D.B. Office in his home 100 Lberty St., N., BoixianviUe Office Hours: 9 amr. to 6 p.m. dally 9 amn. to 12 noon, Wedceaday Closed Sunday Phions 604 235' Monuments The Rutter Granit. Compaur Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Engravinq. Goidleating U Cuments. oravamarku&a HAMPTON Mr. and Mis. Percy Dewellamd son, Douglas, in Peterboro. Mis. Albert McM&hon'and Miss Mary Katerson with friends In Toronto. Mr. and Mis. W. Heard, Mr. and Mis. Bick and daughteî, Whitby, at T. Wray's. Mis. C. S. Hamley and Mi. Fred Baulch, Port Hope, at Miss M. Katsrson's Mi. and Mis. Al. Dewell and Larry, Mi. Lou Dcwell, Bowman- ville at. Sam Dewell's. Dr. W. R. Horn and Mis. Horn and little daughter, Pattie, have rcturned to their home at Mt. Kisco, New York, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mis. W. W. Horn. Mi. and Mis. R. Ormiston and childien, Maple Grove, visitcd Mi. and Mis. Gerald Balson, Sunday. Mis. C. E. Jeffery, Toronto, with Miss Minnie Horn. HAYDON Oui school opened Tuesday mnoining with 17 schoiaîs on the roll inchuding 7 in Grade 1. Ronald Ashton, Chayton Read, Helen Bcîtrim and Vivian Cowl- ing are attcnding High School and Shirley Garrard ià attending Bus- iness College in Bowmanvihle. Arthur Read has had the hydro installed. Mi. Wm. St. Germain took his grandson, Jacques Laporte to Montreal, Wednesday for.school. Mis. H. J. Werîy and Ray Ash- ton at Orono Fair and spent the weckend at Mi. Wm. Stainton's and Mi. John Bxýown's, Orono. Miss Marie Ashton has taken a position in the office of the Tot- onta Daily Star. Mr. and Mis. W. Blackburn en- joyed a motor trip to Niagara Falls. Mi. James Hanna a. Dr. M. Toui- zcl's cottage at Whitby. Mr. and Mis. Bert Ashton and family, Mi. and Mis. Louis Ashton and family, Mis. E. Westbuîy, Toronto at Mr. H. Ashton's. Mi. and Mis. Don MacKenzie and fa'miily, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. MeNeil's, with Mis. MacKenzie and the childien staying for a few days. Mis. Gardon Cawling and sons, Mi. Brown, Oshawa, with Mi. George Cowling. Mi. and Mis. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mi. A. Read's. Mr. and Mis. J. Potts and fam- ily, Mis. W. Martin at Mi. AIf. Richards, Salem' Ross Ashton, Haîry Tuîney, Tomi Andrcw, Leaside, R o 9s Sharp, Enniskilcn at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's. Miss June Anderson in Toronto. ENNISKILLEN On Wednesday, Sept. 3,'Mis. R. M. Seymour received word by telephone from Swift Current, Sask., that her father hacl sud- denhy become critically îll. 'he left immediately. Mis. E. Strutt with Mis. F. Caughill, Buiketon. ýWe- are very phcased to know Miss E. Sauch has retuîned home from. Toronto after having a suc- cessful operactian. Mis. W. J. Tic- nouth, Napance, Mis. J. E. AllUn, Bowmanville ieturned with her. Mi. and Mis. Gordon Yeo, and family spent Sunday at Sty~geon Lake. Mi. and Mis. Roland Thompson and Karen with Mr and Mis. Eaîl Thompsoný, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mis. Frank Osmond, New- castle, Mi. and Mis. R. McGîll visited with Mr. and Mis. F. Cowling and attended, Blackstock Fair. Mis. A. Leadbeateî and baby, George, with relatives in Toron- to. Mi. T. M. Slemon visited wlth Dr. and Mis. C. W. Shemon, Bow- manville. Miss Lillian Cale and Master Cale, Bethesda, with their cousins, Clark and Grant and Bert. Mr. and Mis. Frankc McGill and Don, Miss Jean Werry and Master Ted Werry with Mi. Harvey Mc- Gi. Mis. Milton Stainton, Doîothy and Clarence, visited Mi. and Mis. W. J. Stainton, Orono, and attend- cd Orono Fair. Mi. A. Leadbeater had an en- joyal le trip to Kenton, Ohio, U. S.A., wheîe he visited anc of the American coonhound field trials. Mis. J. H. Baîrowdalc and Bi- an, Oshawa, with her parents and' relatives. The Service Club met at the home of Mis. 0. C. Ashton on Sept. 2, work was donc on the autograph quiht. A gaad attend- ance o fladies was out and a very dainty lunch was seived. *TrnontQ PerdbHolisare fuemef ged c- maiIly Iocated - meut of the 750 rooma on .ach bel have prlvote bath and radio. Pereservations W71te orwlre Me. Monapr well ln Imd- voes f antidipaled arriveL 17 New Crop Louisana Yams 2lbs. 25e Ontario No. 1 Cooklng Onons 3 b. lc Califorula Sunkist BSue 28 Oranges - - - doz. 29C California Sunklsi Size 128 Grapefruit - 5 for 25e PJCK.LING ONIONI White M.- - l9c YeIlow -- lb. lic Ail merchandise soId at your Dominion Store hI unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. 2 1. Os 25Ç SPAGHETTI Jars Clarks PUNU BUTE Pive Roses FLOUE Valla-ChoILce Quality APICOTS ave Mr. and Mun. LeI1 G1,mag d Leona, Toronto, vers gibts et Mr. and Mms Grant Cafrnochan. M. and Mis. Fred XpIrcWd and family, Poritypool, wlth M. and Mrs. J. A. Tompktns. Mr. and Mrs. Tompkin were l Toronto with relatives and VUR.l ed the C.N.E. and Niagara Pall. COURTICE Mr. and Mis. Stan Coverly and sons, viaited Mr. and Mis. Ws Cameron. Mr. and Mis. Kelth Ormiston and family, wlth Charles. and Mrs. Alldread, Lake Shore, Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall and Mis& June vislted with Ross ar4d Mia. Bennett, Bowmanville Beach. Wilfred and Mrs. Brown, Nancy and Virginia, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Hampton. Congratulations to Master Roy Balson who won first prize ini the pony class at Port Perry Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Vinson and daughters, Toronto, wlth his par- ents, Samn and Mrs. Vinson. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Stevens have arrlved safely after flying to Eng- land and enjoying a visit with relatives. .Misa «Doris Robinson enjoyed flying to Windsor and will visit her aunt, Mrs. Sprlng. Mra. Robinson, Sr., who spent several weeks at the home of her son Cedric and Mrs. Robinson, has returned to Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McGreg- or, "Maxwells," with Gordon and Mrs. Trevail. Arthur Balson, Sarnia, and Mrs. Elsie Thomas, Toronto, with Mrs. Ella Balson and Fred and Mrs. Balson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hager- man, Misses Meda and Ina, Osh- awa, were guests with the Blake Oke family and helped celebrate Mrs. Blake Oke's birthday. Mrs. Blake Oke and Mrs. Doug- las Oke were among those at- tending the presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ogle at the Arnott home, "Maxwells," given by the Zion community. Schools re-opened with the fol- lowing teachers in charge: Miss1 Arnold at No. 4, and Mr. Winters,1 principal; Mrs. Gartshore, inter- mediate, and Mis. Sand, juniors, at No. 8. Master Jack Bickie is attend- ing Bowmanvîîle High School. Mrs. Hilton Tink has returned to her home from Bownianville Hospital, but will be confined to bed for some tinse yet. A quiet wedding took place at 1 the parsonage, Sept. 2, with Rev.r H. Yaîdley officiatîng, when Mai- tha Jean Shipman, only daughteî 1 of Mr. and Mis. Earl Shipmana was united in maîrrage to William Simon Clarence Penfound, eldest son of Clarence anid Mrs. Pen-a found. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, for thse immediate fansilies and M4rs. (Rev.) Boyce, grandmotherv of the groom, following the cere- mony. The young couple left fora a short honcymoon. They will *eside on Oshawa Boulevard, Osh- awa. Miss Lus Osborne has remsed ed. Mr. Seymnour was unable to her teaching duties on the Toi- be pissent due to lflness. Mis. onto staff and also Miss.Grace Seymour was called to Sask. A Truli. good program by local talent was lieîb. Nîchols has purchased the well given and appreclated. pîoperty known as thse Ira Trull Mr. and Mrs. Orval Green, Mr. home on thc Base Lins, fîomn Clar- and Mrs. Stan Moffat, were at ence Truil. We wslcorne Hsîb. Cryta1 Lake. and Maud back among us again. Mis. E. Strutt, Ernlsklllen, with Mr. and Mrs. Hlggins, who have Mis. Caughill. been residents here foi sometime will be moving slsewheîe la the near future. b.-V MUKETON Deepest sympathy la extended to Mr. Fred Carnochan, Port Per- îy, in Uic death of his wife, who died in Gîavcnhuîst after being 111 there for two years. She was a resident here before her ilineas. At next Swsnday's Chuîch ser- vice, Rcv. Seymnour will give the first of a series of addrcsses on "Alcoholics Anonymous." Congiatulations to Mi. and Mrs. Noble Stevenson <nee Velma Bal- son), who were married in Brook- lin United Chuîcn, Sept. 6. No- ble and Velma called on Mi. and Mis. J. Carter, on their way to Algonquin Park, where they will stay for two weeks before Noble resumes his studies at Toronto University. The Gaîton Bus Service enabi- cd many from, here to enjoy a full day of real enjoymcnt at the C. N.E. Mis. T. Hopley has returned home after visiting relatives in .New Glasgow, N.S. Miss Marion Hopley, R.N., has lef t for Valparaiso, Ch-ile, South America, where she will stay for six months. Mis. Fred Bailey,* Blackstock, Mr. and Mis. Hairy Wright and Joyce, Mi. and Ms. Herb Me- Laughlin, Oshawa, with Mi. and Mis. J. McLaughlin. Mis. E. Caughill with Mis. Ida Smales, Hampton. Mi. Bill Hoskin visited Mr. G. Rahm, Blackwater. Mr. and Mrs. George. Avery and Lloyd, with Mis. Harry Rahm. Mi. and Mis. Clarence Avery, Sr., Mi. and Mis. Sydney Pedîmi, Toronto, Mi. and Mis. Walter Rahm and family, with Mis. Har- ry Rahm. Mi. and Mis. Wally Brcck, Port Elope, with Mr. and Mis. E. Ad- ams. Mi. and Mis. E. Ad.ams with Mtr. and Mis. Ed. Cochrane. Osh- awa. Mi. E. Cochrane la in Osh- awa Hospital with a broken ankle. Mi. Nelson Hudson, Enniskillen, With Mr. and Mis. E. Adams. Mi. and Mis. Bill Slingerland and Lynda, Mi. Merle H-ubbaid,, 3owmanvillc, at Ben Hubbard's. The concert held in the chuîch ~Clty Zone 'Stot. j ~'Ionday evcnîng was well attend- Cold weathor is just &round the onhri Order your wlnter requirements of COA ÀL Il0 W! ANTHRACITE STOVE, NUT and BRIQUET PURNACE VOIE MIXTURE NUT AND RANGE SIZE COKE The Seppar &sOU Lube C.*imts THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. you wHi find yoiursef on of the best-informed persns in y ur community oni world f foirs w1un1 yuread this worid-wide doily newspaper r.gularly. You wilIgain reýh, new viewponts, a fuller, richer understonding of todays vtah new.-LUS help from is exclus ive fetures on homokng.:Jiuc.P tobusiness, theoter, musi, radio, spares. th11 specll "set. The Cristion Sience Pu lishing So~tety PI.B5w a q uelnfied" ffer One, -Norw y Street, Boston 15, M ss., U. S. A.' -1 mentit for $ Enclosed is $1, for which plon nd me Th storî, (U. S. f und$)E Science Mnitr_ for ne mon h.,u. City*- - [gP CEY pE California - New Crop - Red 3111 7 C lif r niaSiz 3 0 'u y n n V a lle y S ta n d a rd 9 Mephisto Smoked SARDIN n'0cm 4 3%T1'usil 235 Quality Monaich Baby CHEESE Picnic Sweet Mixcd Aylnser, All Varieties JUNIOR 100DB Try Its Tender Goodncss RICHMELLO READ 2 aeas Nabisco SHREDDED WEAT 2 v 3 2 23PQukeS 2 ~ 23 Quaker mu". roi!11 39e '~j~~' 27~ Apte Unswcctcned Marcal-Large Size DINh NAPEINS 4o29 Ul'. 29Ç Clarks - 117Coora HoeS keWne 77t$im-a25f ColmUaCeSwted 20 o 28ÇAIL VALUES EFETIVE UNTIL TW CLOSING SATURDAY I Ontario No. 1 Aylmer, All Varieties New Potatos 10 Ibo. 29c INANT FOOD$ Tender-Meaty PRUNE Size 70/8'. . O "M CANADIAX STATML«.'20"UNV=Z. ONTAIUO 26 Ills 27Ç :u k(g» 2 4 e le os obud jars &OT u ou loç TW N ' quita UA-M i --Lyuner r SPAÇR repuren 1 , » 0. 2se Tic

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