Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1947, p. 8

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~AGE EIGET TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAI<, EOWMM<VILLE. O2~TAEIO THURSDAY. SEPT. 111h. ¶04?' formn. Dadzon waa on the mound for Bcjwmanvllle and won a. 12-O shutout. Stouffvllle got on]y 4 hits against 14 for Bowmanville and the visitons were completeiy outclassed. On the toss of a coin the third game was piaycd in Sunderland with Dadson again the starting pitcher for Bowmanville. He went 6%1, innings and retired ini favour of Clemence with runners on base and the score 6-1. Stoufiville made better showing in the latter frames but went down 6-4. Ken Cox and McIlveen had two hits apiece of the 5 hammered out by Bowmanville. Mikes Imperals Win Playoff Berth Mike's Imperiaùis had littie trouble in winning the first play- off berth in thec Town Softball League for the game played at the High School, Tuesday even- ing proved a batting spnee again- st King-Annis outfit and a final score of 13-5. If was thc 3rd and deciding contest between Uic two teams. Mik's defaulted the finst game, Encourage Your Children to play lni the Sunshine Playing flic !irst garne o! a 3- garne series for flic local basebal charnpionship, Mike O s b o r n e 's Oldfimcrs met Bowrnanvillc In- termediafes on flic Higli Scliool diamond, Safurday affernoon, and went down fa defeat 8-4. But flic feature of flic redley in whicli rnany substitufes wene used, was flic carlier garne befween flic classy Bowmanville Midgcfs and a pickup feam. Midgcts werc spanked by Hamn- ilton wlio bit a liomer and a dou- ble. In fact tlic entire team. siani- mcd ouf a barrage o! base lits fo win by a score fliaf was obscur- cd in flic exciternent o!flice oc- casion. Midget lineup: Hamnilton, Stutt, Hannden, Gallagber, Falls, Masters, Moorccra!t, Levitt, Rice, Manfle, Fry, Mobun. Mike's Oldtimers alfen natfe d frcely against the fast-sfepping Infenmediates and at anc Urne cdged fhem in tlic score 4-3 wbcn Dutcb' Osborne gave way f0 Pip- er on flic mound, and young 'Fafs' Gallaglier, age 15, star catcher o! Midgcfs, came in to, catch. Gall- aglier was flic life o!flice oldsfcrs witliaa une o!fdliatter ah flic way. Michael and Sutton an flic nlound for Infermediates, slanted in their shoots in big league fas- hion and won ouf in flic hast stag- es wlien flicir fcam mates started fo bit. Games bctween flic fwo teanis arc planncd for flic ncxt two Saturday affernoons, unless a change is nofed on flic board outside flic Post Office. Oldtirncrs: Dutch Osborne, Ab. Piper, Nip Piper, Bob Bates, Col- wcll, Wiflienidgc, Bun Moore, Shinny Moise, Scofty Cameron, Fats Gallaglier (sub), Mike Os- borne, managcr. Intermediafes: Michael, Suffon, Cowan, A. Osborne, Ron Richarde, Yourtli, Gilliooley, Ted Bagnell, R. Ames. Umps: Don Fenguson, plate; Sld Little, Jirn Coyle and Murphy, bases. SOLINA SPORT NEWS J won flic second 14-4 and cantered home in flic third, adrnitting no defeafs. Baldy Hoan on the mound for King-Annis was fouclied free- ly. McFeetens fook over in Uic 6th and yielded no runs. Will- iams pitched allich way for Mike's- and was toucbed for only 7 scattered bits, fwo o! theni bom- ers by Raîpli McIntyre. Ai and Ponky Osborne also bit bomers for Mike's. In flic othen section o! the play- downs, Boys' Training Scbool and Pepsi-Colas arc tied 1-1 and the final game is being played as we go f0 press. Pepsi took flic first game 16-2, lost flic second 3-1 in flic bcst garne o!flice séason and are on edge for flic playof! bertb against Mike's Impenials. The finals for flic charnpionship will be bcst 3 o! a five-game ser- ies stanting this week. Fans will sec the place and tirn of garnes on flic bulletin board af flic Post Office !rom day fa day. Mrs. Wrn. Lake bas neturncd froni Bowmanvillc Hospital aften a six weeks' stay, and is witli ler dauglifen, Mns. AI!. Brown. Many froni icre bave report cd a wonder!ul finie at flic Ex. Lloyd Marfin's Hereford cal! was founfli in ifs class and Lloyd won third pnize for sliowmanship at Orono Fair. Congratulations fo Mn. and Mns, Ken Dean on flic binfli o! a daugli- fer. Arche Hcndry attended tic air show af Oshawa on Satunday. Ross Adamns, junior farmen, bad his pair o! Swine Club pigs clios- en as one o!flihree pairs for this county fa be sliown in fh cocmpe- fition af Lindsay Fair. Five coun- fies will be reprcsented. The syrnpafliy o!flice commun- ify is extcndcd fo flic Rickard family in flicir bencavernent. Visitons: Mn. T. McNeiI, Cobourg, and Mn. Alex McNcil and flirce child- ren, Ottawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Martin. Mrs. F. Findli and son, Long Brandli, Mn. and Mrs. B. Eber- hardt and Mn. Jerry Long, Port Credif, with Mn. and Mrs. H. Leachi. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Jaynes and Sandra, Ceylon, wlfh Mn. and Mrs. Bey Jaynes. Mn. and Mrs. Warren Carson and !arnily, Kendal, Mn. and Mrs. Seward Tyler, Maple Grove, wifli Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Skelding. Mrs. Don Coulfer, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Ai! Holdaway and Allan, Port Britain, witli Mn. and Mns., Sam Powell. Mn. and Mrs. H. Rowland, Or- ano, were rencwing acquainfances on Sunday. Mn. and MWd Bruce Whitney, Newcastle, Mn. and Mn.. Artliur Gibson and Muriel, No. 9, witli Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Adamis.4 Mn. and Mrs. W. Baskenville and lamily §ttended a picnic af Lynnbrook Park, Wiitby. This part o! Lake Ontario shore xvas wcll represenfed af Onono Fair. Visitors: Mn. and Mn.. Gardon Taylor, Toronto, at E. Millson's. Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees and Harold at Charles Allin's, Bowmanville. Mrs. L. Haseamnan, Bunketon; Mns. Sam Dewcll, Hamipton; Mn. Wesley Powell, Miss Mabel Pow- ell and Miss Bernice Morton, Osh- awa, at Nonval Wotten's. Miss Helen Baker and nicce, Gail Baker, with Mn. and Mis. Chiarles Jolinson, Peterboro. Congratulations hi Miss Evelyn Taylor bn winning one o! Uic Pro- vincial Aid Scholarships, in flic amount of $400, prescnted to Up- per School students fa be used an- ly- for funthen educafion'at Univ- ersity. Mn. Jerry Milîson has rcturned to tlie University o! Toronto for bis third year in medicine. Ewant Leask, Ross Crydenman and Allyn Hoskin have been on the sick list. A number o!f fiends assembl- cd at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. A. R. Baker, Saturday evening f0, honon Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and son, Norman, before flicy leave for Guelphi whene Gordon is enrolled as veterinary student at flic O.A.C. They wene pre- sented with an elecfnic dlock and the vcry bcst wishcs of all. Miss Helen Baker bas returned to ber position with fthc W.P.T.B., Toronto, after a pleasant vacation. BLACKSTOCK ORONO NEWS Orono Fair Visifon?: Miss Gray and Mn. Caldwell, Port Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Runnelîs and two gnanddaugbtcrs, Wclcome; Mn. and Mns. E. E. Paf- tenson and Jim, Bowmanville, and Mn. and Mn,. Ross Stonehouse and Wallace, Toront o, wifh Mn. and Mns. Fred Trull. Mn. and Mrs. Watson Winnfield and son John, Georgetown, Mrs. R., Vanhonne, Whifby, Mn. and Mrs. T. Mason, and Mn. John Dy- er, Oshawa, wifh Mn.. Fred Tam- blyn. Mn. Geo. Moore, Toronto,- with his sister, Mrs. Ken Gamsby. Mn,. M. H. Staples with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Pen!ound, Lindsay. Miss Eleanor Blake, London, witli Miss Anna Staples. Jersey cow, Lawnnidge Basilla Louisa -156577-, owncd and tcsfed by Dr. Wilfncd W. Slierwin o! Orono, bas completed a senior 2- ycan.,old record in 305 day, o! 7,912 lbs. milk, 471 lbs. fat witli an average test of 5.95 per cent. Louisa is a gnanddaugliter o!flice famous Canadian Jersey sire, Brampt on Basileus, Silver, Gold and Medal o! Menit and Superior Jersey aristocraf. WEDDING TAMBLYNI-MASOY An intcresfing cenernony In Mimico Presbyferian Cburcb, was flic marriage a! Helen Jean, daugiter o! Mn. and Mrs. C. Hl. Mason, fo Mn. Franklin George Tamblyn, Toronto, son o! Mn. A. J. Tamblyn and flic late Mns. Tamblyn, Orono. Rev. M. E. Burcli af!iciatcd. Mrs. W. T. Smnith was af flic organ, and Mn. Henry Buss sang. Mn. Mason gave bis daugifer in manniage. Her gown o! white brocaded satin and Chiantilly lace was made with long train, and. ber long embroidered veil was held wif h a coranafion licaddness. She cannied red roses and white liles. Her attendants were flirce sisters, Marion, in- pale blue crepe; Shir- ley, in pale pink, and Dawn, in turquoise. Al bad long gloves, matching lieaddresses with shoul- der veils, and carried roses and liues. Little Barbara Mason, cousin o!flice bride, was flower girl, frocked in yellow taffefa wifn bandeau o! yellow flowers, and carrying a nosegay of mauve ros- es and liles. Mn. Ronald Peck was groonisman, and flic ushers wcre Mn. Jack Adams and Mn. Fred Mason. Affen the reception aftich churci, flic couple le!t for Que- bec by motor, nefunning flirough flic United States. Tbey will live at 35 Raglan Avenue, Toronto. RIGHT LIGHT Hanniful glane may be avoided, wlien doing close work, or wlien studying, by turning flic desk or wankbench at approximafely 30 degnees away from tfli source af illumination, fie aufionifies tell US. To save flic cyes and avoid hannful glane, liglif should camne Oven fhe ahoulden and cane should lie faken flot fa caif flic sladIdw o! flic bady, or any part o! if, Ontothe.wonk in hazid.- Fisherman Lande Record Mlack Bas At Ston.y Lake L. Bromley, Bowmnanville, camne home from Stoney Lake oven the weekend wlth evidence that he had ianded a near record ta' the small mouth black bana cite8ori, The fiah which f ook meS5 aging before comlng ln on al~ lime, was 16 % inches ln luiMI and weighed Just oven 4 Pound& It is said that fthc specimen la 14é largest taken frorn Stoney 1 é Uuisseason, i I. STARK VILLE Fniends from Uxbridge visited at Mr. Bert Trlm's. Mr. and Mns. S. Brownlee and Mn. Bnownlee, Sr., Taranto visit- cd Mn. M. Shutka. Mn. McDonald visited wlth Mn. A. Dobson. *!iss Alice B. Hallowell, Tor- ontlo, at home. Misses Norma and Mary JIal- lowell, have returnnd fromn their visit iTorntuo. Mn. L. Pattenson, Orono, at Mn. Bent Tnim's. Mr. and Mns. W. Carson and family visitcd Mn. Geo. Skeldlng, Lakeshone. A number fnom hene attended Orono Fair. By ail reports, it was a successful and eventful day. .WESLEY VILLE Sunday School was held at Il a.ni. with an attendance o! 32. Churcli was licld at 7:30 with Dr. Oke preaching a veny-intcnesfing sermon. Mn.- and Mrs. Herb. Glover, Pet- erboro, spent Satuý'day with Mns. L. Haldaway. Mn. and Mns. Eggleton, Omne- mýec, spent Fniday with Mn. and Mrs. Canroll Nichoils. Mns. Frank Cowland, Ajax, vis- itcd Mn. and Mrs. Ken Milis. Among Sunday visitons wifh Mns. W. Payne werc Mn. and Mns. Stanley Jones, Zion and Messns. Del Joncs and Maurice O'Neill. Mrs. Mary Bightweli, Mn. and IMrs. W. Sullivan, Ricliford, Ver- mont, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mn.. S. Barrowclougb. Miss Leona Beighton, Hamil- ton, visifed a fcw days Wifh lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Beighton. Mns. George Jones, Pont Hope, visifed hcn dauglifer, Mrs. W. Payne. Mn. and Mrs. Chiarles Byam, New Liskeand, spent Safurday witli Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Barrow- clougli. Miss Gernie Rowden, Port Hope, spent a few days with Rutli Payne. Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Tborndykc and daugliters, Sharon Ann and Canol spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. J. Bniniacombe, Osaca. Miss Pauline Peters. Mornish, spent fthc weekend wifh Mn. and Mrs. C. Payne. Among those who are af.fending Higli Scbool in Port Hope are the Misses Margaret Binsted, Lois Parnell, Elsa Schiwartz, Noneen Elcy and Ruth Payne. Visitons with Hcrb Paedcn oven Uic weekend wcne Miss D. McIn- tyre, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Clan- ence Paedcn, Flint, Midi.; Mn. and Mrs. L. Paedcn, Stankville; Mns. J. Paedcn, Newfonvillc; Mn. Wes Falls, Mn. and Mrs. Bosfock and Rosie, Kendal, and Joyce, Onono. Mn. Henb Paeden was in Ton- onto visiting friends and took i tlic Exhibition. Courtice-Enniskillen Play in Finals Darlington Football Solina and Hampton, finallists in flic Darlington Football League last year, arc ouf of flic picture this scasan by virtue of, losing thein semi-final round. Enniskill- en won against Solina 4-2, taking thec !irst garne 3-1 and tying flic second 1-1. Hampton fied Courtice 1-1 in their !irst contest but lost flic second game 2-1 and flic round by flic close scone o! 3-2. Courtice and Enniskillen will now play a 3-game series, garnes to count, for thlic campionship and the prospective banquet to fol- low. Secretary Jack Reynolds lias pboncd in changes for the play- Offs as !ollows: Courfice at Enniskillen, Sept. 10. Enniskîllen af Courfice, (gaine f0 be played at Solina) Sept. 17. Third garne if necessary, fo be playcd at Enniskillcn, Sept. 20. Basebali Medley Siaris Weekly Series Ai H. S. Diamond OBITUARIES àMs. 1. J. MOORE Mary Etta Foley, wif e of the late E. J. Moore, of Winnipeg, passed away i Western Hospital, Toronto, on Sept. 5. Mrs. Moore h ad been vialting lier many relatives and friends in Bowmanville and vicinity since July 15, and had almost complet- cd her visit when she met with a minor accident about Uince wecks ago. Having a cheenful and happyý outlook on life, she made liffle of hen mlsfortune, until more sericus trouble developed and in spite of Uie best medical attention an loving care, she failed hi recover Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moore, bot natives o! Darlington, spent many years at Manitou, Man., moving into Winnipeg 27 years ago, where Mr. Moore died in 1939. Always active in churcli wonk, Mns. Moore had a widc circle of friends i the wcst and in this part of Ont ario. She leaves to mourn lien loss, a son, John J. Moore, two dauglit- ers, Evelyn (Mns. Ames), and Id- ah (Mrs. McAlpine>, and five grandchuldren, ail living in Win- nipeg. Did you know this? That In the hot summer months we fit more mainsprings to watches than at any other time of the year. Whai is fhe cause? The main cause is duc to the bigli humidity. As you know metals expand and confract when hcated so that whcn you wind your watch to the ful on these very hot days, you'Il find in many cases that your mainspring will break. How f oprevenf brealcing? Aithougli we cannot guarantee thaf your mainspring will not break, thene 15 a method which will hclp you in cases wbene you have had a new main- spring fitted. For a few days aftcr fitting do flot wind your watch to the fulI-jusf a few winds every so oftcn until the mainepring, 'vbich is at least 8%~ iclies long, has a chance fo form in Uie banrel. This will ot only belp you, but à, a greaf hclp to your iewcaer. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GIPr SHOF 28 Klnt St., W. Bowmanvlie THIRDER THOUGHT.. GIFT - selected by her many frlends, from aur fine selectIon of sllverware, crystal, china and many fine pletures, wall bracket, etc. Silverware, complete with chesi $37.19 AND UP HnOOPER'S JEWELLERY & CIFT SHOP PHONE 747 28 KINO ST. W. Il il k ROYAL PHlONE 589 INTEI TOPS iTHEAT4 RTAINMENT DO WMAN VILLE THURSDAYI FRIDAT, SEPT. IL, 12 Flushed with vlctoryý, over a thousand ' feminine hearts - his high-flying methods were ' znatched.. MrNelMMi Cu Voua FAVORinTgSTARs A A LIR. Lion JAMES MASOS MARaARET LGCKWD PATIUCIjA ROC CARTOON AND SHffORT IN TECHNICOLOR SATURDAT, SEPTENDER 13 Lea Gorcey and the Bowery EBoys 'BAR DILED NAHGNEVLY"9 PLUS TOP ACTION MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT "O VER TUE SANTA FE TRAIL wiih ihe Hoosier Hoishois KEN CURTIS - JENNIFER HÔLT GUY KIBBEE GUINN <BIG BOY" WILLIAMS - DE CASTRO SISTEES ART WEST AN» 1115 SUNSET EIDERS Cartoon in Technicolor mon. - Tues. . Wed. Sept. 15- 16 - 17 ALSO Fox Laie News Mrs. Robent Bruce is vislting ber daugliter, Mrs. Ross Curtis af Cobourg. Mn. Clarence Parr, Bowman- ville, with bis moflier Mrs. Robt. Parr. Mn. and Mrs. John Venning and Joan, visit cd Mn. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert and family, Kitchener. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Tliompson and Jean attended Mn. Merle Tlornpson's wedding at Brightf last Wednesday. Mrs. Lorne Tliompson was soloisf. Miss Mary Corley, R.N, Toron- to, is visifing Mrs. W. A. Van Camp. Mn. Gary Vcnning is in Toron- to, taking a business course. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, was borne. The Girls' Sewing Club pre- sentcd flicir skif and demonstra- tion af flic Exhibition. Miss Joyce Edgerton is faking a business course in Toronto and Miss Aileen Toms is in Bowman- ville taking a business course. Merlin Bailey, Gordon Banken, Orval McKee, Steward McQuade, Harvey Malcolm, Belford Panke, John Wrighit and Haviland Mar- low wcnt ouf west fo lielp witli flic barvest. Lake Shore, Clarke with Sunshine Producis ROLLER SKATES KIDDIE KARS TRICYCLES SIDEWALK BICYCLES Everythlng hi sportlng goods and sports wear New and Used C.C.M. BICYCLES Repafrs - Key Dupllcatint Brazing Ilc Nul 1y"'s Sports and Cycle 181 KING STREET. EAST SECOD! GROISGHi*! TO THE SECO D! BME -a loelywatch, that I. not only timely accurate but a tneasured plece of jewellery styled by fine artlsts of watch maklng. Select a Iovely Lonle wateh for lier. Roiary Juniors Beai Sfouffville in O.B.A. "B" Series Playdowns Bowmanvillc Rotary Juniors lost flic first game o!flice O.B.A. "B" senies playdowns at Stouff- ville but came back to win fwo straiglit and flic round whicli pufs flic fearn into flic serni-finals witli a tcam froin Eastern Ontario. If may be a wcek before their ncxt opponents are known for flic east- cmn tcams are playing off a 3- way contesf. With Clemence pifching flic game at Stouffvillc on flic local sand lot, flic Stouffville boys took flic lead in flic early frames of flic game and were neyer he-ci- cd. The final score, 7-2 repre- sented flic play for Bowmanvîlle got only 4 bits and bootcd fivc errons against 9 and 3 for flic winners. The second game af Bowman- ville was a complefe reverse of We Cive New Life Io Worn Appliances Here w. "'use tactory mcthods te rcbulld, restere and repafr worn appliances. Our service' is Prompt and eouýteous. To prolong thein life - to keep them aigdiknt efflclently - caîl us. JIIGGON ELECTRIC Yaur1 Phone 438 General Electric Appliance Dealer Bownianville 42 King St. B. BO WMAN VILLE PHONE 671 IRs T!ER DIAMOND AND WED- FIR T DING RINGS - whlch she will love and eherish through ail the years to corne. Choose a matchlng set from oun sparkling collection. Priced $50 and uD QUICK AS THE SNAPPIEST WINK ! Thai's whai the new 1947 Siudebaker is like. You'11 wani fo see this amazing car before you purchase, your new auto ON DISPLAY TODAY AT EDWARDS' NOTOR SALES THE CANADIAN STATESMAS, BOVI)LANVI=. ONTfflO eýAG£ ZIGHT SEPT. Ilth. 1947 * Priced $24.75 and up Fox Laie News

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