Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1947, p. 7

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THU.SATAUUS 20h,19? TE ~AADTN TÀL Md- N WflW. JM ATtn? ?Y dL. w Mrs. J. J. Mutton, Caiborne, vlaited Mrs. A. E. Devitt. Mr. John Sheridan, Gananoque, gave the editor of The Statesman a friendly cali on Saturday. Miss Gladys Jamiason, Wind- sor, visitad ber mother, Mns. R. M. Jamieson. Miss Mary Cax la spending hall- days at Wyliewood, Thurstoni Park, Sturgeon Lake.. Miss Bertha Doncastler, Toron- ta, is visitlng lirm. F. H. Marris, Beech.Ave. Miss Nancy Murdach Fort WiI- liini - hr'lidaying witf Mr. anc Mrs. Bill James. Mrs. Nancy O'Reilly, Montreal, is visiting har aunt, Mrs. Will iam Tate, Darllngton Park Road. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson, Alan and Bobby, Peterboro, are vlsiting his mother, Mrs. D. H. Jamiebon. Mr. and Mns. K. N. Morris, ai Montreal, have been visitlng his mother, Mrs. F. H. Morris, and[ othar relatives. Mr. and Mrg. Roy Jackson and baby, Branda Jean, Oshawa, are visiting Misses Irlorence and Leta Jackson. Rev. Leonard Wilson and bride, Weyburn, Sask., are visiting bis parants Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wil- son. Mn. Orme Larmer, Mihbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers and Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McGrath and Mrs. Robent Thompaon are boiidaying with Mn. and Mrà. John Morris, Lake Scugog. Mn. and Mrs. Ted Brutan and efamiiy, Brantfard, wene guests c Mr. and Mns. Robt. Hayes, Val elneans Ave. linMs. Drelbent Johnston, Dove: New Hampshire, who bas bee - visitlng relatives and fnienda ha &netunned by motor' te Bnaxpto and Moorefield. - Mr..and lins. J. Shackleton an la Kelth and gnanddaughter Joyc Prout,. have natunned fnomn -week's vacatoin ait Cale's Painý Campbellford. Mn. and lins. Len. Henry ani 1- Bobby bave naturned home ti dWindsor alter spendlng two week wlth ber parents, lin. and lins Ed. Witherld-ga. Mr. and lins. Donavan, Mn Charles Donavan and Miss Dona van, Brooklin, New York, calhec -on lins. Jane Gale Garrett a' Hopeland- on Quean Street. lin. and lins. Chas. L. *Brown dDetroit, Mich., are rnewing oIc [acqueintances in town whilh dguasts of ber brother, Mn. W. J Berry. Miss Norma Piper, daughten ai eMn. and lins. A. N. Piper, Browr a St., bas been accepted as a stu. dent in Occupationai Therapy ai the University ai Toronto. S The cook at the Coronetion caf( was a beavy laser in a radent baný rabbery In Toronto. Ahl bis Vic- tory Bonds, a few diamonds and b is papers were teken fnom hi.s rsaiety deposit box. Dr. J. C. Devitt is anjaying bhl- days at Algonquin Park and is staying at the Highland Inn. The editon naceived a card from 'Doc' and ha reports iishing gaod and 1sa are the meals. lins. Muriel Symans and Miss Vivian Bunnen ware in St. Cath- armnes on August 23 attending the manniaga ai the farnier's son, William Pauh Symons, ta Miss Ruth Sutherland. The front ai Jamiesan's Tire Sbop bas bean nicaly brightenad with a coat ai paint as wahi as a huge Goodyear balloon tira, painted silvan and nasting on a neat stand. It Is a display that is attnacting much attention. Articles hait eit Tha Stetesman office ta be claimed by ownens are 1 pain bhack-rlm, glesses, 1 leather coin purse cantaining 16 pennies, 1 silvan locket inscrlbad, "To Lorraine from Mom, 1944"1 Ail wera found locally. Rev. and lins. E. L. Beach and family, St. George; Mn. and lins. Hanny Larmer and famihy, South Monaghan wene guests aiflin. and lins. Austin Larmer. Tbay also vlsited thein sistar, lins. Ross Richards, eit Oshawa Genanal Hos- pital.- lins. C. Rohinson and Mns. C. Getchahl represented Maple Leai Circle, Campanions ai the Forest, eit the convention in the Royal York Rotel, Toronto, on August 19, when dalegates wene present fnom many iodgas throughout Canada. lin. and lins. Kenneth Switzar, Bruce, Andy and Douglas, Long- lac; Rav. and lins. Carman Arm- strong and Ronald, Smiths Falls; Mn. Ted liason, Delawane; Mn. and lins. S. J. Countice, Oshawa, wene weekend guesta aiflins. T. G. Meson. lins. J. Fuliord Oke, Haldswor- thy, Devonshire, England, who has bean visiting relatvles in Mil- waukee, Wis., is guest ai han cou- sins, Mn. and lins. Gea. W. James. lins. Oke plans ta, return ta Eng- land naxt month, sailing from New York on the Queen Elizabeth. In the iist oi hospital donations published lest week in acknow- ledging the git ai $15.03 from the Bridge Club it shauhd have men- tioned this was the third donation irom thia source. Mernbens ai the club are lirs. W. O. LaBalle, lins. J. A. Wylie, Miss M. Borland, Miss F. Jewall and lins. Alan Willams. Saverai residants ai Clarke Township hava been inq tring why the list ai donations ta }3ow- meniville Hospital hava not heen published. lin. R. L. Mitchell, President aiHospital board, ad- Petarboro 00.1 010 0 2 il 1 All-Stars 150 000 x 6 10 1 Peterboro: Dalton, Whatley, Murphy, Whitehill, Bidgood, Bur- ton, Stewart, Garvay, Edger, Fa- ley. AhI-Stars: Yuill and Raid ai Whitby; Edwardson and Zealand, Part Hope; Grahamn and Gray, Newcastle; Cornwall, Peterbaro and the following from Bowman- ville: Yourth, Gilhooley, Sutton, W. Bagneli, Ted Bagnell, Dutch Osborne, Furay, Dadsan, Michael, AI Osborne. .1k- 10 red, Farewell Presentation Canon & Mrs. Spencer Leaving for Hastings A few afi the members of St. John's Anglican Church Auxilary gathened at the home ai Mns. C. Robinson on Wednasday aitarnoon ta say fanewall. ta Canon and Mrs. C. R. Spencer who have accept- ed a parish at Hastings and are assuming their naw dutias on Septembar 1. Mrs. L. S. Dumnas, prasidant of the Auxiliary, briafly outlnad the reason for the gatharing and cali- ad on Mrs. Robinson wha raad a nicely wardad addnesa expnessing good wishes ta Canon and Mrs. Spencer. la their naw field ai andeavor. Mrs. Dumas made the presentation ai a purse ta Mrs. Spencer and a handsamely baund book ta Mr. Spencer. Bath Mr. and Mns. Spencer ex- prassed their thanks and apprecia- tion for the gifts and messages ai goadwill. Raf rashments served by the hostass conchuded a pheasant ai- trnoan ai goad fellowship. Enough bathtubs* are madi evary yaar in Canada to complate. ly equip a City the size ci Van'couver. YOUR EYES le Bf VISION A, B, C. B. TUCI opt. Eyesight Speciallst Dimney flldg. Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 31 The objectionable things about glare ana its efiecta and injuries ta the eye and disturbances ta the nervous system and by causing discom.iort and fatigue hases time ta the worker and may ha inj un- loua ta the health. It mnay be the cause ai injury through its bad effeet on vision. These bad ef- fects may ba so bad that perrnan. ent injurias result. I wauhd consider first that the light source ha considered as ta its power, brightness and posi- tion as rehating ta the ine af vis- ion. I wouhd consider also that the power may vary ln its affect as its disturbance is from the eye. For axample injuny can be causad1 by loaking at the sun and likewlseà it can aima ha caused by looking ati a llght bulb but if the llght bulb1 is very far away It may bacome1 invisible. Size also will vary witht the distance, soafafecting tha pow-î er. SOCIAL AD PERSONAL ?~m - vises us that the canvassers from, Clanke Township have flot sent ln their lits yet, but as soon as they are receivad the names wlU ha published ln The Statesman. Olden citizen. will be interested in the announcement in the Pet- erboro Examiner that Major Han- ry L. Hamnley bas been appointed assistant ta ity Clark Outram i the Liftlock City. Harry la a son of Irwin Hamlay, ionmerly of Bowmanvile, who in bis younger days played an the local basebal team and was nlcknamed "Squin'- mer." The write-up states "Harry entered the war as a private and came out as a Major, and sinca than bas been doîng a good job with the Dapartmant ai Vetarans Affaira." At the Sunday morning service on August 17 at St. Andrews Pnes- byterlan Church, Canal, infant dauglêter ai Mn. and Mrs. Robt. licIlveen, Toronto, was chnisten- ed by Rev. Leanard Wilson of Weyburn, Sask. Othar immediata relatives i attendance at this im- pressive ceremony wera Mn. and lirs. F. O. Mellveen, grandpar- ants, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McIl- veen, Mn. and lins. Gilbert Mc- Ilveen, Kingston; Dr. and Mrs. Charles licllveen, Oshawa; Mir. and Mrs. Donald eIlveen, La- chine, Que., and Mr. Eric McIl- veen, Town. Dr. and Mns. Ernest F. Soder- strom and sons, Phillip a n d Charles, Madasta, Caiionnia, and Mn. and Mrs. P. M. Franklin~ Toi- onto, ware in town Friday. Dr. Sodenstram and Mn. Frankin are flrst cousins, and mat for the first time hast week. They ana also grandsons ai the late J. C. Franklin who was a residant ail this tawn for many yaars and diad at tha remankable aeaoa 109. The panty vlsited the Franklin pnap- erty located on Scugog St. and ah- 50 visited the grava ai thain grand- fethar et Bowmanvila Cemateny and took pictunes ai the tomb- stone on which ana dates showing that lin. Franklin livad hn threa centuries. It wili ha recalled by aur neaders that in Novamben 1945 The Statasman published a photo and histonical sketch ai this n e- mankable aId genthemens In con -je versation with Mn. P. M. Franklne on Fridey ha pnamised ta send thea editor more intenesting particu- hans ai bis grandfather's career wbich wa hope ta publish. a sw w ra in Pl pu Points Enumerated Enumerating the points to b( observed in writlng a good biogra. phy, Prof. Sissons suggested thi foliowing: (1) Independence; a sense ol freedom with no strings attachei whatsoever; where a writer ie completely free to write the truth, (2) Experience; a background af personai observation, travel and deep study. (3) Perspective; no sound bi- ography should be attempted un- til hall a century had passed fol- lowing the death of the subject; ta see events at a distance and with a dispassionate view. (4) Leisure; probably one of the reasons we have had no out- standing biojçraphical works in Canada has bèen the lack af real leisure ta attempt the job. (5) Patience; the faculty of painstaking pursuit of every lit- tle chue and by-path in assembling material. (6) Judgment; the ability ta sift results and arrive at objec- tive truth. (7) The power of analysis;'ab- Iiity ta weigh evidence in a ju- dicial manner; ta believe nathing without proof. Research Prof. Sissans concluded with brief reference to the manner in which he had become persuaded to attempt a biography af Dr. Ry- ersan. Some 22 years aga he had corne across a cabinet in Victoria College containing the letters and writings of Dr. Ryerson. Ha be- gan to read them, and became s0 fascinated that he arranged them in cronology aver the period 1824- 1882. Then lie campihed a digest of some 140,000 words and follow- eon by reading secondary sourc- es ta get a raunded picture af the period and the subject. Contemporaries at the coihege urged that he begin ta write the story. H-is manuscript grew into volume 1, down ta the year 1841. Then the Social Science Research Cauncil urged him ta camplete tha task. It became almast an obsession as time went on, and now, said Dr. Sissons, his labor af wa decades was about completa, for the caming week he will read the final proafs. Peroration His short summary ai the self- less character of Dr. Ryerson in pursuing a great aimi was a per- oration ta be remembered, for it! ame right from the heart af the speaker who can probably dlaim more intimate knowledga af the fa and times af Dr. Ryerson than ny Canadian, past or present. The speaker was intraduced by 'ast President Forbes Heyland ind thanked by Charles Carter Sr. whose words occasioned great ap- lause for a splendid address. Business Prasident Mal Dala presented a nef summary af Rotary Fair vith spaciai thanks ta many who 'ndered exceptionai services to nake the affair a fine success. 'rank McIlveen reparted on the inanciai resuit which wvas con- iered very satisfactory. Flowers fell ta Forbes Heyland r his birthday. Len Eliiott in- pired hilarity in his impromptu reetings to John James on the casion af the birth ai another )n. Rotary gifts brought thanks 7m John in behaif af his wife .d the family circle, now graced th a real redhead. Visitors included Rotarian Dr. rnest F. Soderstrom, Modesto, alifornia, and his cousin, P. M. ranklin, Toronto, bath grand- >ns af a Bowmanville pioneer d patriarch, the eider J. C. anklin who died at the age ai 9. Dr. Harold Siemon, Toron- ýwas also an honarad guest who ,ompanied his father, Dr. Cy- ýe:on., g a .ein a [au- )Ose and op- lisl ýha )le: Mi thb e sh e at es a- ie ie is h; c f t] ti ft ti If o c: ai w ni Fr f ir sic fOý Sp: gri Oci ani wi Er Ca Fr sor anq Pri loi ta, ac, Weddings The Church at Hampton was the scene of a pretty summer wedding, August 18, when Rev. B. S. Linstead united in marriage Isobel Beatrice, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Daw, Hamp- ton, and William Henry Harper, Toronto, only son of W. R. Harp- er af Wiikie, Sask. The bride and her sister, Ruth Daw, who was her only attend- ant, wore street length dresses in pastel shades and white accessor- ies, the bride wearing a corsage af deep red roses and her sister's corsage being yellow roses. Mr. John Dickinson, Montreal, and formerly of Saskatchewan, supported the groom. The bride was given in marriage by her la- ther. Miss Nora Horn played the or- gan for the wedding music and accampanied Miss Mary Lou Daw as she sang "Ilh Walk Beside You," during the signing of the register. After the ceremony there was a reception at the Daw home, al the immediate familles of the young couple 'and a few close friends being guests. Mr. Linstead proposed the toast to the bride which was ably responded to by the groom. The happy couple Ieft by car for a few days at Lake Simcoe and on their return will live in Tor- onto. Bath are graduates of the Uni- versity of Saskatchewan ln Engi- neering, Class of 1946. Their many friands wish them a lifetime of happiness. School for Leaders 0f 'W.IMUS.HeId A schaol for leaders ai Woman's Missionary Society ai the United Church undar auspices ai Bay ai Quinte Canference Branch will meet at Ontaria Ladies' Collage, Whitby, Aug. 25-29. Worship and Bible Study will be under leadership af Mrs. W. L. Smyth, Pembroke, who is Dean af the School for Leaders. Dapartmnentaî Leaders will ba Miss Ida MacKenzie and Miss Frances Bonwick, for Auxiliaries; i i You'll Be WREN you refurnjsh your home after a fire, you'll be glad you took this agency'a advice to increase your in- surance to keep pao with today 'a greater insurable value of your furniahings. .Without obligation, you can have your insurance policiez reviewed too-just cali Stuart R. lames INSURANCE - REAL EBTATE Succumor te J. . N m &o hBoa Phones: Office 881 - Hou"e 493 Kiag st. fBowmanfflis qMi w 1 Newcastle Lions (Continued from Page One) son, Bill Duffy, Kelth Alkens. It is boped at future field days a cup- wilI be given ta each per- son breaklng any records. Officiais wene AMi. Shrubb, of Bowmanvila, starter, with Fred Lycett and Vance Coaper assist- ing. B. Smithson and Garnet Porter, Bowmanvilleaend New- castle, timers. Fric Jabnston, as judge with Ron Bunhay and Bill Darlington and F. Miler assisting. Andy Thampson and Frank Mc-« Mullan necorded the avents and filad time and distances for fu- ture neferancas. The officials deserve credit for the capable manner in which thay ran off the avents an time. The Lions Club af Newcastle wish ta thank the children who partic- ipated in the sparts as they are the anas who made this finit field day a succass. The Rotary Club (Continued from Page One) the same charactenistics. They were wittan at a time when av- enta were too fresh ta attain oh- jectivity. In the field ai stnaight biagra- phy, too meny Canadien volumes wena wittan by close friends andr relatives whose limtad vision ai- fected a fornmi personal praisa at the axpansa ai avolutionary trends. It was sean in the Lind- say saga, in Popa's ife oa ir John A. MacdaLiald, in Skelton's Lufe ai Sir Wilired Laurier, inf Dafoa's Lufe oair Clifford Sîfton andE inth iognaphy af the found-f an oi tha C.C.F., Rev. J. S. Woods-e worth. -These were but faw ai lhe Canadien warks which exhib- ited the main fauhts that imit- ad them ta variaus degrees ai 9 9 Gladioli and fen were arrang- ed effectlvely in Knox Chureh St. Catharines, on Satu1day aiter- Enoon, Aug. 23, for the wedding af 1Barbara Ruth, daugliter aiflins. George Sutherland, to Mn. Wil- liamn Paul Symons, son aiflins. C. Symons, Bôwmenvllle. Rav. H. M. Coulter penfarmed the cenemony during which Mn. Gordion Kay phayed soft organ music. Given in manniage by bar une- le, Mn. G. O. Annott af Windsor, the bride wara a gawn aif lustnous white satin, the bodice styhad with deep nylon yoke. A Mary Queen of Scots cap, ai shlnned satin with clusters ai orange blossama at aithar aide, behd han long graceful veil and she carrled à nasagay of nases. A strand of peerîs was han anly jewehry. Han attendants were Miss Audrey. Wagsteff, meid ai honon, Miss Janet and Miss Margaret Suthar- land, hnidasmaids. Thair gowns, fashioned ehika, wene ai teffata, the full skirts accented with pep- lums, the former af petal pink and the hatter two ai blua. They wore Dutch caps caught with mamning glanies, in shades ta match thein gowns and cenniad flosegays. Mn. Kelvin Symans wes the graomsman and the ushens we Mn. A. Eadia. and lin. K. Worm- ald. Mns. M. May was the sohoist and Miss Bernice Arnott ai Ton- onto piped the bride and groom fnam, the church. A racaption wes beld at Odd- fahhows Temple whera lins. Suth- erland, wearing turquoise mash, a smoke-whita bat ai faît and rust feathers and carasponding Corsage ai roses, and Mrs. Sym- ans, in Saxe blua sheen with pink flower hat and rasa corsage, ne- caived with the bridai party. For gaing away the bride ware e crushad raspbanny suit, a white blousa, navy hat and accassonias. Mr. and Mrs. Symons hait fan Dorset and on thair return wihi live in Toronto. ID.A. BRAND SPECIALS BORAX , 1 lb., reg. 15o .....................................14ei GLYCERIN, 2 oz., reg. 25o ...................................... 16C IDÂISAL TABLETS, 300's, reg. 89o . .................... 670 IODIZED THEROAT GARGLE, 3 oz., reg. 25co........19C MERCUROCHROME, 1/2 oz., reg, 15o ..........................14c PUMICE STONE POWDER, 2 oz., reg. 10c .............8o SALT PETRE, 4 oz., reg. 10c ................................ ......8c SPIRIT TURPENTINE, 4 os., reg. 15c...................120 i i Mr. and lins. Russell Copp, Mn. and lins. Chas. Mitchell, Alan and Russall, Toronto, at Russel Penkins'. Mn. and lins. Christian Star, Bruce and Jacquelina, Toronto, et Hans Gaisshenger's. lin. Ahi. Ayra had goad netunns irom a showing ai shaep et Ot- tawa Fain. *ffMR OuURS* DRIGINAL ROGERS SILVERPLATÉ r L1fE GOLDEN opportuaity fur purchau.. inu silverpIate - wh.re quality ed aconomy are the. byngt.sers là in. traetlve ev.ry.diy uliverpat. - orignd R<.ers ilverpia:.by Th. international Silver Company. Choie. of twe paiterna for es low as MARRIS JEWELLERY Benefit Bail Game (Continued from Page One) Il hits, 1 error, 4 ianned, 2 wal ed, 0 thefts. AIl-Stars, 6 runs, hits, 1 error, 3 fanned, 3 walkE 4 E 4 4 Whet Wl give your car a dlean bull of health, you may be ure it's roady to take the road on ail cylinders, and ta give you maziy miles of riding eaue, pleaaure and comfort. When Dur experts service your car you get the beut GARTON'S GARAGE 64 KINO ST. E. PHONE 268M EOWIRANVILLE w Fr1 IRolleves HEADACHI E~ Calms your 30 - . 2.0 J ize49 BAYER ASPIRIN. endly Personal Service $82.50-7.00 RAZ-MAHCPS 50c, 1.00, $5.00 HAYTONE 25c, 50c, $1.00 LANTIEN " " FO R&YlEVE $60 EPHEDRINE IHLAT49c BARGAINS 35o COREGA _--__24c $1.25 PINKHAM'S Comp 87e $2.25 LACTOGEN- $1.59 LISTERINE Tooth Powder special 25o and 40o sizes-. 49cale ot o 67cale ot o IBRYLCREb lu HANDY 25C .49< U ERJOFOR PREERVING 2 cA.B.A. Tablets, 100's .....190 A.B.S. & 0. Tablets, 100's 2'% PARU WAX SEALS PRESERVES 13C M CEN LUNCH KITS STRcNGLY MADE 63c 'ASo E SUN GLASSES PROTEX-SUN" 9 TEK TOOTH BRUSH 2949TWIN-PAK 49c HEALTN SALIS I . .59c s-z29ç 47 JACCARINIDAMALT #SPREAD Ouf TablHARN1. D. A. Brand Malt LVL~ IH / pfg nd Cod Liver Oil W I H1g g a ,5 00' 1. 2 and 4 lb. KLENEY grains, 500 ta 59c, 98e and $1.69 69c MoGregor's FIGHT PLIES WITH MIXTURE 1/2 gal. 15o i gal. 25o Fly-Tox Spray - 2e-43e Aerosol Bombsg 3.3-39 SaPho with D.D.T. 25c-43e Wilson's Fly Pads 10 PURE SPIONS Camia Budu, os. ~ O Celery Sed, oz..10 Whole Aflipice, or ---Se GIN PULLS PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECUAT ALEX McGREGO Your Local I.D.A.Pon 79 *IRED FuET Drugglst ~ W. M ENOS 'FRUIT SALT' 9- %- m DRENE shampo04 Special '15C and 15o sizes- madiocnity. Pr e.buss nk otin pssr Pa rf.dSisonted inSAssi ýite trdinteshSA wherop erotin writ"ers had wan popu oticey -biogapesnking" many atry bia ograhs.The purpl ulsrd ws ta show that hig. ear-great was fundFmentallyc osed ta *the true conception biographical literature. TI ;eaker affirmed that Engl' writers in many instances ha wrrtten British biographies ti ýnk highly as splendid examp' nthat field. Some fine exal )les were also ta 'be found int 1'U- STRE 'iendly Personal Service m Lowest Priée HARPER-DÀW Fri e ý4MWM Imm v affl 1 9 1 la ci n4 do sr ALLERGI-TABS 1 lin. end lins. Fred Camanon et a 1 - 1 a 1 l 1 m 1 for Crcles, Mn. S. R. MontgomerylUns, Sutherland's, Utica. and Miss Brown; for the C.G.I.T. Mrs. Perey Langmaid and Ber- Groupa, Miss Edna Green, Miss nie, Oshawa, Mir. mnd Mrs. Har- Viola Daly and lins. Lufiman; vey Landen, Winlpeg, Miss Ruby Mission Band Leaders, lins. Hans. Giftord, Toronto, at Tracy Glas- corn and Mrm. Gilmaur; Baby pal's. Bands, Mrs. Milii and Mrs. Bick. Mn. and Mrs. Ivor Ganry, Toron- Tuesday evenlng will b. Fun to, at lirs. F. B. Glaspel'.. Nigbt. (Please bring musical in- Mn. and lins. Leo Moffatt, Osh- struments, costumes, slacks or awa. at Percy Davldson's. shorts). Miss Peggy Xillen, Toronto, Is Mrs. W. W. Gibson will present halidaying at Robt. Kilien's. the "Neads of the Candidate De- lirs. Percy Davldsan and Peg- i pantmant" on Wednesday evanIng. gy visited at W. Hallidayl, Scar- Thera will alsa b. an address by bôro, also at T. Goriey's, Toronto. Miss Frances Stevenson oi India. Mrs. B. Smith and Susan Lee, Thursday wili ha Dramatization London, Mn.. Bassingen, Mis Car- Night. ai Hill, Oshawva, Mr. and Mns.1 Othr Leaders will be: Bible Worbes, Txas, at Nathan i- Study, Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Whit- cock's. by; Music, Miss Manam Richard- Miss Rae Vnner visited the C. son; Drama, Miss Constance E. Wagar; Organhzed Recreatian, Mrs. R. M. Seymour; Temperanca and Christian Citizanship, s.g* . W. R. Lang. IN.E. on Monday. IMr. and Mru. Perey Davidaon, jGeorge and Peggy at M. Coch. ranes, North Oshawa. Mr. Tracy Glaspel went to Col. umbus, Ohio, last week with sheep. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster and Joan at George Hlts', Wil- iLans Point. Mfr. and Mrs. A. V. Robb and faznily, Sarnia, at Percy David- son's. Ait and Boyd Ayre. Tracy Glas. pelareexhbitngsheep at the C. NI Toranto. .Ïlss Lais Hamlyn, Oshawa, It holidaying at Percy Davidson's. Workers' gnevances are often a suggestion that b as been ignore& * b si" mf rIUSV.w PBE LL 1 THO MAT, AUMMT 28th, 1047 THE CAMADUN STATESUM. Zion

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