Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1947, p. 13

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TRUP.MAY, AUGUST 281h, 1947 TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAIqVIT.Lx ONTAUIfl .~* 074e le A ~ -~~--- -~ RW6~M~~ W/4f~D(t1flCU Xlb Amu UEL BIRTHS DEATNlS GIBBS-Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gibbs, MOORE-Suddenly on Wadnu.- Tyrone, are pleased toanarriunce day, Auguat 27, 1947, et his rosi. the arrivai of a son, Michael John, dence, 62 Concession St., Albert H. in Bowrnanviile Hospital on Sat- Moore. Restlng et the Morris ]Pu- urday, August îth, 1947. 35-1* nerai Chapel. Notice of funeral later. .35-1 1{ONEYMAN-Mr. and Mrs. John A. Honeynan (nee Joan Morris, PASCO-At San Gabriel Hote- Liverpo, Eng.), are hippy ta an- pital, California on Sunday, Au- nounce the axrvgi of their son, gust 24, Marcus Wiii Pasco., M.D., Morris Bradley, at Bawmanville beloved husband of Mmmi Hender- Hospital on Wednesday, August shot and dear brother of Arthur 20, 1947. 35- L. Pascoe, Mns. R. J. McKessock, Mns. H., E. Tink and Mrs. Joe PICKARD-Mr. and Mns. H. A. Chapmnan, aged 76 years. Piekard (nee Vivien Martin), are SIE-udnya i oe happy ta annaunce the arrivai of 52-î2th Srenew aT ome.,.o their daughter, Elizabeth Irene, e 5a t ee ,AuegwuTor20, 1947 the Bowmanvilie Hospital, Satur- Frederc ierda , belove20, ba4d day, August 23rd, 1947. 35-1 FI a iclnnir Davead dan father of Frederick Robent and ROBERTSON-Mr. and Mrs. Orrn. Erie Leonard, son of Elizabeth and r ÀàRobertsan (nee Greta Wilkins», the late John James Spicer, and *ý vish ta annaunce the birth of their brother of Leonard Albet and ffaughter Carol Ann at Bowman. Arthur Harold. Funeral serviceq ville Hospital, Aug. 14 , 1947. waz held Saturday, August 23. 354*. Interment Bowmanvilie cemetery. RICKARD-Mr. and Mrs. Garnet 351* B. Rickard are happy ta announce the birth of their third son, Walter ENGAGEMENT John Stuart, at Bawmanvillc Hos-1à pital, on Wednesday, August 20, Mr. and Mns. Lawnence. Hart cf 1947. 35-1* Oshawa, wish ta annaunce thé en.. gagement of their daugliter Elca- SMITH-.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank nor Grace ta George Henn. Dad- Smith announce the birth of their son, son of Mn. and Mrs. Harry son, Bruce William, at Bowrnan- Dadson, Bowmanville. The wed- ville Hospital, on Sunday, August ding will take place September 6 24, 1947.- A brother for Bobby, at St. John's Anglican Churchi BeenymdBia.35-1* Bowmanvilie. 35-1*3 VANSTONE-Mr. and Mrs. N. Byron Vanstone are happy to an.- MARRIAGE9 nounce the birth of their son in J Bowmanville Hospital on Thuns- SYMONS-SUTHERLAND -, On daAugust 21, 1947. 35-1* August 23, 1947, at Knox Pnesby- terian Chuncli, St. Cathenines, Miss WHITEFIELD-On August 19, Barbara Ruth Sutherland, daugh- b 1947, at the Columbian Hospital, ter af Mn.. George Sutherland, St. C New Westminster, B.C., to Mr. Catherines, ta William Paul Sy- and Mns. Sam Whitefield (nee nions, son of Mrs. Muriel Syxnons, Mary Wght), the gift af a son, Bowmanville. 35-1c Peter Samuel. 35-1* This le The Best Place To Seli Your FARM PRODUCE At this season of the year we are ospeclally good buyene cf HENS - SPRING CHICRENS EGGS - SPRING LAMBS and VEAL CAL VES Yf wo are net Eetting your pro- duce now we would appreolate your glvlnt us a trial. Yen wil t4id Our prices o«uml te or botter th nZose you can get elzewhere. Pickering Farms Ltd. 'Whltby 336 - Nlght or Day Whltby - Ontario USED Furniture SoIid Walnut Table GATE LEGGED to cemr $49.50 Iron B.d with Springs DOUBLE OR SINGLE Cemplote $9.50 Coleman Wood Stove WITH SHELF $29.50 Cabinet Radios $9.75 Engllsh Baby Prame $12.50 Tent with Flooring and 2 Cote Complet. $35.00 Buffet, Table and Chaire Complote $14.50 Washlng Machin. Roconditlonod . Guaranteed $29.50 feamte &Il nakes of WA8HERS, TOASTERS. IMONS, RADIOS, etc. M UR P HY'S APPLIANCE AND FURNITURE STORE Phene ail 57 King Bt. W. COM!NG EVENTS Basebail playdawns-O.B.A. Iii- tenniediate "C" - Sunderland vs Newcastle at Newcastle bail park on Saturday, August 30, at 3 p.m. Came and sec a neal battie. Ad- mission 25c. 35-1 Dance wiil be hoid in the New- castle Commnunity Hall under the auspices of Board of Management on Friday, August 20, starting at 9 p.m. Russ Creigliton, and, li Variety Band in attendance. Ad- mission 50c per persan. 34-2 The students of Pat Eicksan's Art classes will hold an exhibi- tion oi their paintingsin Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Schon's house, 8 Beecli Ave., Saturday, August 30, froni 3 ta 6 p.ni. The public lu cordially invited. 35-1 Durhiam District 1.O.O.F. No. 42, wiil hold a picnic at Orono Park, Labor Day, Sept. 1, commencing at 1 p.ni. Program of Sports. Bning your basket; hot waten uup- plied on grounds." Ail Oddieiiows and Rebekalis, their, familles and friends are cordially invited. 35-1 Ah nroads lead ta Biackstock on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd when the 82nd annual Pair will be held. Excellent exhibit ai livestack, do- mrestie science and fancy wark and chiidren's section, Part Penny and Cartwright Girls. Bands, Roast Fowi Supper in ovening in base- ment United Chuneli. Concert in Anmounies at niglit by Tom Ham- ilton and his Troupe. Dance aiter' concert. Henry Thonipson, Sec- retany-Treasurer. 35-J* IN MEMORIAM BROWN-In hoving mcmory of my dean liusband, James Brown, who passed away, Auguef 26, 1942.1 "Gone froni us but leaving mcm- cries Death can nover take. away; Memonles that will alwayg linger, While upon this carth ,wke stay."1 -Ever nemnembened by Wife and Family. 35-1' BAKER-In laving memary ai a dear husband and fathen, William T. Baker, wha passed away, September 3nd, 1946. "Your hast pmnfing wish We would like ta have heard, And breaflied in youn emn Our at pamting word. Only those who have last Are able ta tel The pain in flic heant Af not smying fmnoweli."1 -Aiways ncmembered by Wife Miidned, and Famnily. 35-1 FORDER-In leving mcmory ai a deam husbmnd and father, Josephi H. Farder, who passed away, Aug- ust 28, 1943. "Beside your grive we otten stand With hearte bath cnushed and ono, But in the glooni the swecf words came, 'Not loet but gene befone.' God knows haw mucli we miss yau, 1 Ho dries the tears we shed And whispers, 'Hie only mieepm, Your loved one la not dead.' Sa we'i1 be vony brave And pray te Grod ecdi day And when Ho cls us Homo to you Your emile wil l ght the wmy." -£Ever rememibered by Wife and Faniuiy. 35-1 LOCKHART-In Icving memony cf xny wife who pmsaed away, Auguet 29, 1945. "Long nighte and days she bore lier pain, To wmit thé cure, but ai l n vain; Till God above saw whmt was béat And called lien home and gave hon rest. Hon cieeny ways and sniiling face Are a pleasure ta recall; Sie imd a kindly word for ecd j And died beloved by ail."9 -Even remenibered and terrlblyi mlssed by a veny lonely hum-i band, Sidney S. Lackhar+. 35-1. Articles For Sale TOMATOES by basket or bushel. Phonje 2986. 35-1 SUNSEINE Tricycle, good as new. Apply 14 Third St. 35-1* EBSSEX sedan, 1928, three new tires. Phone Clarke 2530. 35-1 CHEVROLET Master Sedan, 1935. Apply 21 Becch Avenue. 35-1 TWO 30' extension laddcrs, new. Appiy Eric Mcllveen, phone 746. 35-1 DODGE Sedan, 1930, fair condi- tion, good tires. Apply 186 Duke St. 35-1* JACKET heater, complete with ail burner, $18. Phone 2788. 35-1* PLYMOUTH speciai deluxe se- dan, 1947. Apply 18 Queen St., or phone 611. 35-1* THREE-quarter~ h.p1 and 1 h.p. niotors. Higgon Eiectric 42 King St. E. Phono 438. 35-1 GLADIOLI bloomi. MrsYTp sant, 122 Duke St. Phono 2774. (Deliver after 5 p.ni.) 35-1 CASE 3-furrow tractor piow, 12" bottoni, neanly new. Apply Clan- ence Turner, phono 2524. 35.1* ORDERS taken for dressed ca- pons. Order sanie for your iock- er. Mrs. F. Bowen, phone Clarke 3812. 35-If STUDEBAKER <Rockne) '33, in good condition, with heater. $250. Apply 17 Liberty St. after six p.ni. 35.1* KITCHEN table (black Masanite top); 3-burnen Perfection oil stave >vcn; Buffet mirnon. Phono 625. 35-1* CHEVROLET coach,. 1938, In good ",nninf! condition. Appiy Mns. W. Crossey, phone 2524, 33 Car- ie Ave. 35-1* n PERFECTION 3-bunner oil steve in good condition. Apply C. Bot. tics, 67 King St., side entrance, aften 6 p.m. 35-1* FRAME structure 28x20, dlvided Inside into two garage, and star- agc space. Charles MeFeeters, Chuncli St. Phone 425. 35-1 PLYMOUTH sedan, 1937, thon- oughly ncconditioned, good tires and heater. Apply' Ant's Gaage, Hampton. Phone 2148. 351* TWO-furnow Fleury tracter piaW, 1937. Priccd very reasanably. Stan Milison, Enniskillen. Phono 2263. 35-1* DODGE stake body truck, 1938, new niatar, new body, tires A-i. Wili accept gaod used car or cat- tic. Phone Bowmanville 2552. 35-4* STEEL rums ta put on your wa- gon; Farmcr's Friend riding plow; hay forli nope, sling and trip nope. W. H. Brawn, Case Dealer. Phane 497. 35-1 DAWSON'S Golden Chaif seed wheat, Registcned No. 1, Commer- cial No. 1, guarantced pure as to varety. Appiy.*Gannet B. Rick- mmd. Phone 2813. 35-tf USED sewing machines, bought and sold. Higliest pnices paid. Write or phone Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. Phono 696, Oshawa. 23-tf $25 buys twa white Saanen niuik- ing goats, extra good. Alsa quan- tity used lumber 2x4, 4x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 2x12 and army boxes in s ections, job lot. Phono 3870 M 13, Oshawa. 35-1 STEEL bedstead, spring and mat- tress, complote $8.00. Quebec heater, Beach Foundny, "used anc winter, like new. Miss R. Gravel, 9th Con. Fanm, mile nonfli ai Leskard. Phono Orono 62-r-20. 35-1 ELECTRIC waehers, Super doluxe 1948 niodels, 60 cycle only. Avail- able for Immediate dellveny. Transportation prepald. Budget ternis availabie. Christian'& El- ectric & Hardware, Oshawa, Ont. 33-3 SINGER matons and liglits are naw available ta attach on youn sewing machines, brand new. Matons $28,50 and liglits $5.25, mi- sa buttonhole attacîments $10.75. Singer eewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St., phono 698, Oshmwa. 23-tf OSHAWA'S new furniture store- Evorythlng ln mode=,. Chester- field, bedroom and dining roani suites, and studios. Boddlng and iloor coverings a specialty. Quai. ity morchandiso at competitive priceo. Bofore buying visit Bnmd- ley's New Furnituro Stare, 156 Simco St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf GOOD used cars at reasonable prices. Lot us know Whmt you want and wo wili 111i your onder. Ail cars complotai y checked by licensed mechanlo before ne-sale. W. take «your aid car au trade. We lave for sale thii weekend: 1941 Super Buick convertible, ra- dia, underseat heaton, ifeguard tubes; 1941 Chrysien Windsor se- dan, radio, luid drive synchro- matic transmission, 34,000 miles; 1939 LaSalle sedan, good tires, in excellent condition; 1939 Men- cury convertible Club coupe, ra- dia, heater, new motan, four new tires, now two-tane paint job; two 1936 Oldamabile coaches, both- with good tires and new paint jobs. Phono 447. Apply 49 Con- cession St., Bowmanviiie. 3S-tf Sffd Cleaning SEED cleaning plant open morn- ings and Tuesday and Thursdmy evenings on by ppointment. Sit- uîted on highwmy ane mlle nath of Bunketon. Ernie Swain, R.R. 1, Burketon. 34-tf LIvestock For Sale HORSE-8 years old, 1400 lbs. Phone 2502. 35-1* SIX weeks' old pigs, Longfellows. Phone 2884. 35-1* FIVE pigs, six wecks aid. Phono 423. 35-1* HOLSTEIN caif for vealîng. L. J. Brock, R.R. 4, phone 2579. .YgAR-old Rock liens, laying. Ap- ply Bruce Yea, Hampton, phone 2438. 35-1 TPWENTY thrifty pigs, six wks. oid. Lavern Ciemons, Hampton. Phono 2436. 35-1 SIXTEEN Yorkshire pigs, wel, started. A. John Baker, Solina. Phone 2472. 35-1 THIRTY-FIVE Barred Rock hens and geese. Mns. F. R. Cook, En- ficld. Phone 2724, 31 ELEVEN Yorkshire pigs, six wks. aid. Appiy ta Earl Trewin, En- KYOUNG Holstein cow, due to freshen. Apply Archie Thomp- son, R.R. 5. Phone 2714. 35-1 YORKSHIRE gilt, due ta farrow eariy in September. Apply E. R. Taylor, phone 2392. 35-1* THIRTY ono-year-old New Hamp- shire liens, in good laying condi- tion. Apply C. H. Snowden, Phono 2380. 35-1* TWELVE Shonthorn yearling cat- tle; 6 young caws, aIsa 100 acres bush. Jack G. Smith, plane Bob- caygeon 32 n 12. 33-4 PULLETS, liglit Sussex x New Hamipshire Hybnid, range naised, romdy for iaying. Wonderiul lay- lng stock. Plane 2884. 35-1* Help Wanted TOMATO pickens by first woek in September, 7c a lamper and board younself. -B. Jaynes, plane Clarke 1904. 35-.1* EXPERIENCED typist, no short- liand requined, stant wark mmmcd- iately. H. C. Downbam Nursery Ca., phono 690. 35-1* GIRL or waman for tourist camp in Part Hope, 50c per hour, living quartons and year around work. Appiy in person Glober Camp, Part Hope. 2- COMFORTABLE homo on a farni pnovided ta a middle agcd woman an couple capable of looking miter a year-old child and getting meals for ance aduit and at times extra fan beip.No beavy work ne- qid. Apply Mrs. H. G. Bel- lamy, R.R. 2, Iono. 34-2 CARETAIKER wanted. The Bow- manville Board af Education ne- qufres a caretaker for the South Ward School. List oi duties may lie seen at flic Secrctary's office. Applications, Including saiany ex- pecfed, should ho la the secretary's liands by Wednesday, September 3»d. Bowmanviiie Board ai Ed- ucation. S. R. James, Secretary- Treasunen. 35-1 CARDS 0F T-ANKS Newcastle Lions Clubwsht express fleir thanks and appreci- ation toalal who assisted in mny wmy, fa flic succoss of their cani- val, on Wednesday, August 20. 35-1 We wisli toa nk ail those wlo came fa aur aid thec night aur barin was dostroyed with ligltning, the klndness ai aur neigibors and fhe prompt efficiency aoflice Bowmmn- ville Fine Dept., which saved us inoni complote ('isaster was deep- ly pprecimfed and will ho ne- mcmbcred lways. We ane misa deepiy grateful for ielp givea flic follawing dmys. Thank you all. Mn. and Mme. Chas. Naylor Wanted To Buy SILO 14x30 on 35. Phono 2479. Blake Shol't,.Bowmnanville. 35-10 ICE box nefigeraton, ln good condition, Write Box 944, States- man Office. 35-1* CANQE, 14 or 16 f., in good con- dition. App]y F. Nickenson, 107 Liberty St. S. 35-1' OLD fashioned walnut bcd in good condition. Write Box 945 Statesman Office. 354' WANTED ta purchase a piano box for upniglit piano. G. L. Bana- tIen, Newcastle, Ont. 35-1 BABY Grand Piano. Wiil pay cash. State make, age and price t Box 936 , Statesman Office. 33-3 ALL types live poultry and fea- thons, tep pnices paid. M. Platt, RAR 1. Betiany, phone Bethmny 7 r13. 1-tf PIANOS-.-Smali or medium size pneferred. Teleplione 492 or write Box 353 Bowmanville. Fred1 LIVE hanses for mink and fax food. AIl hanses hummnely slatngl- tered. Cail us for hlghest prices. Mangwil Fur Fanm, R.R. 1, Ty- none.* Phone Bowmanville 2679. 33-tl i Real Estate For Sale PARM-25 acres, near new high- way, hydro, stone houe:e. Write Box 937, Statesman Office. 33-3* FARM, 25 acres, Lot 22 Noetl i % miles eat. Two-noomed house and barn. Apply Gardon Senko, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 35-2* HOUSE, ncw frame insul brick bouse, garage and lot on Boaver St., Newcastle. Imniediate pos- session. Apply John Aildread, phono 3714, Newcastle. 35-1' NEWCASTLE-$7,000.Oo5Square plan dctaclied marne house, cani- pleteiy insuiated. Lange living pmoapen fine place. Brighit din- ing mooni and kitchen. Five bed- noonis, thnee-piece batlroom. Good cellar, lot min heating. Can- ner lot 100 if. x 150 if., attractive- ly landscaped. Immediato pos- session. Write Box 941 States- man Office.. 35-1 S'AP"-~~.120 P.cres, CMi. 2, Lot 4, Dariington, 14 acres of flaIs, nover iailîng streani, 4 acres dnciard. Barn 150x30, hydro, waten bowls, equipped ion miiking machine, electnie gninder, litten carnier; liag pen, 2 shieds, 2 stave silos, chieken houso. Ten-noorn brick house, never-failng well, water in house and barn, pressure systeni, excel- lent dainy fanm, milk contnact. O. K. Osborne, Bawmmnvilie, Ont. RARE opportunity! Modern home for sale, le under construction but wilW be neady fan occupancy soon. Owner movlng .out af tawn and is forccd ta soul. This is a good chance for someone wantlng ta buy an up-to-date home wîth new homes in the immediate vi- cinity. The down payment ne- quired is oniy $1485. Hardwood floors, built-in cupboands in tlie kitchon, full 7' basement. Month- ly payments, which include prin- cipal and intenest are aniy $28.62. For Information about this iaveiy home cail Oshawa 4400. Scholfteld Insunance Agency, 6 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa, Real Estate Brokers. 34-2 Randio Service* THE Radia Shop, Bawmanvlle, off ors honest changes, latest type equipment and traincd person- fiel. Our two> radio tecbnicians bath hold Government Certîficates of Pnoficiency in Radio, Phono Notice Dr. Storey'È office wiii ho clos- cd Sept. 3nd ta Sept. 17 inclusive. 35-3* The Law Office ai Lawrence C. Mason wil ho closed until Mon- day, September 8th. 35-2' The office ai W. Ross Stnike, K.C., wi]i ho clased froni Augusi ilti to August 3th, inclusive. Any persan iaviag claties et the Âû . u-. _. _ _.. - .. - . Oke are moquested bo caîl for sanie; before Seplemben 15. 34-3* To Wbom il May Concera:, Please take notice that froni this date no pensons will ho al- lowod on flie Eliiot beach proper- ty or on the entrance tor sanie, ex- cept by permiission. (Sigaed) R. B. Turner, Aug. 15, 1947 R.R. 3, Newcastle 34-3 Mn. and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman have jusi returned frorntmking a course la piano clmss toachlng, un- don fie direction af "The Canadian Bureau for flic Advancement ai Music" mufborized by flic "Depf. of Educafion"l and are naw open- ing classes fer first and second yoar work. Thene wll beý froni six ta cigit in a cas and flie fui- fiait fee $5.00 per tèrm aif wenty bassons. Pnivate tuition In the higien grades la piano, organ, singing and tieory. Applications wiii lie received et their studio, 64 Centre Sf., or address P.O. box 299, Margaret E. Workman, R.M.T. A.L.C.M., W. E. C. Wonkman, R.M.T., L.L.C.M., organlaf and choir master, Trinity United Church, Bawmaville. 35-2 Personal HYGIENIC suèpples (rubber goods) mmled postpaid ln plain sealed envelope wlth prie. liai. Six simples 25c; 24 &amples $1.00. Mail Onder Dopt. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 27-9 Wanted to Rent HOUSE-Four t0o eght roams. Ap- ply Jack Ciaytan, Manager, Waik- en's Store. 35-1 YOUNG couple doines two un- furnlshed roonis by September 8. Write Box 939 Statesmian Office. 35-1* GOODYEAR omployes wishes ta rent lieuse ln Bowrnanville. No children. Write Box M4, States- WANTED. ta rent by adult fea- ily ai tiree, small bouse or 3 or 4 rooms in Bownanville. Write iBox 943, Statesman Office. 35-1l Classlfled Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must be P.sld before Insertion IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum'50e> 2bc extra for box numbers or replies directed te this office ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAM RATES AUl Classified Adiots Muet k. In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Yen must include cash, stampa, or money order. wlth eopy to get Iow rate. APPARTMENT, three roonis, on Manvers Raad. Phono 2356. 35-1 SINGER portable electrlc in your own home. .$5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On. tanio St.. Oshawa. vhone 696 ifl.tI HEATED apmntment, with, stove and refnigerator supplied; will consider anly as, prospective ton. ants houschold oi not mare than two people. Ploase do flot foie- phono.. Available Septeniber lst. Apply in persan only at Brook- dalc-Kingsway Nurseies. 35-1 Seed Grain For Sale DAWSON'S GoldqpCliaif Winter Whcat, registeredNe. 1 . James T. Brown, R.R. 2, Newcastle. Phone Clanke 12--30, 35-1* Chieks For Sale TWENTY-FIVE White Leghorn pullets, five and a haîf months aid. Phono 2721. 35-1 REPAIRS MACHINE shop, ail kinds fanm mnachineny, tractons. etc., nepaired. Phone Oshawa 28àJ13. 34-4 REPAIRS toalal makes ai refnig- enatars, domestic and commercial. Higgon ElectnIc 42 King St. E., phono 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soiing, sewing, etc. Tny the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Trucking GENERAL trucking. J. Gilos, Tyrone. Phono Bowmanville 2121 34-4 Cuistom Work CULTIVATINO, plowing seeding; also John Deeme1 parts and repairing donc. Allen, 44 Concession St.1 594. Mr&. Wllfred Hobderi, Carolyn and Donna, Boston, visited flic formcn's sisien, Mns. Fred Hyland. Miss Donotby Bawers visited Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Orono. Milirs. Vine, Eleanor and Ralpi viiîd Mm. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Chambers, Valentia, visited Mr. and Mns. Malcolm Emerson. Mn. and Mns. George Johns, Mn .and Mns. L. Joblin visited Mn. and Mr&. Lloyd Hunfen, Port Pen- Mn. and Mns. Harold Wlieeler and fammly have nioved to Blmck- stock and are living la Mns. V. M. Archor's lieuse., Mms Jas. Wiiiamson visitod Mn. John McGiil, Janetville. Miss Dora Black speaf a week in Toronto with hon sister, Miss Jean Black. Miss Bennice Kerr visied Mn.. Victor Malcolmi. Mms. Tios. Coie, Oshawa, witi Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Bowles. Miss Betty Lockyer, Brooklan visifed Mns. Alan Wilson. Thé le. Cream iSocial sponsor- cd by flic W.A. was quite a suc- coes. Tic "'Cattagem's Service" an Sunday wîs well attended. Mn. Clae rFallie' address on "Content- mnent"' was mucli enjoyed. Mn. and Mrs. Ehi Mains lave gene on a 3 mnnhe' trip ta flic coast. Miss Giadys Emnerson is visil- lng filnds in Tarante. Mn. and Mns. Hanny Mayes, Mineslng_, Mn. and Mmm. Charles Mayes, Churchill, visited Mn. and Mrs. Lewis Fitze. Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Reynolds and. Donald, Peterbono, visited Mi. and Mr&. lorrhan Wilson. What le morchful censure? To %ake thy faulta appear amnahier? May-bc ta veii fiera? No, No! O'en Ihem te raise ilico on higli-- Goethe. an d repair F. S. Phono 17-tf 1Mn. Fred Munre, Con. 8 Hope Twp, at Garden Hlli Cor- ner, will seli by public auction on Thuruday evening, Sept. 4, ati p.m. sharp, four young rnilk cows three Durhami year-olds, one Dur- ham two-year-ald, orle 50w with 14 pigs at foot, quantlty of fil] wheat, mixed grain, and hay Termes cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneen. 35-1* I have been authorized ta sell bM, pulie auction for Hcrb H. holLot 6, Con. 2, Darling. ton (north of Training school) on Tuesday, Sept. 16, ail his farm stock, implenients, hay, grair, harncgs, corn, new miuîkin nia- chine, and sanie household ëffects. Sale at 12:30. Ternis cash, Ev- enton White, cierk; Elrner Wilb'ur, auctioneen. 35-2 Mr. Stanley Kelley, Lot 21, Cor. 4, Hope Twp., 1 % miles west of Canton Corners,, la givlng up farming and will sell by publie auction'on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, at 1 p.m., three young horses, 25 head of Durhami cattie, 35 hogs, quantity of hay and grain, full line of good fanm machincny anc, sanie funnitune. Ternis cash, no neserve. Williard Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auctIoneer. 35-1' Lost GRAY Persian cat in Bowman- ville vicinity, 2 wecks ago. An. swers to Susie. Reward. R. Fur- neaux, Gen. Delivery, Exeter, ()nt, LADY'S Bulova wrist watch, gold, oblong shape, lost at Lions Carni. val at Orono park. Reward. Find- er kindly telephone 1 r 12 Onono. Mrs. Wiifred Hawke. 35-1 FOR THE HOLIDAY Ray Foyer Roinedies Vapin. Inhalant 29e RazymaliCapsules ----1.00 Lantigen "E" ------$00 Haytono----- 5e, $1.00 Cal-Rinex -- ------ - $14$5.00 Chanei: Ponfume Extraet No. à $5.00 Extniot No. 22 - - .ý$5.00 Cologne, Chanci No. 5, Cuir de Russie, Gardenia, Chanel No. 223..........$3.005.50 The perfect gift for your weckend hostes ARDENETTE KIT Centaine Clemnslng Cream, Vol- va Creans, Foundation Cream, Skin Tonie, Powder, Lipstlck JURY '& LOVELL The Rexali Store noene 77b C.N.I. TI.kem W13EN Wl TEST £TES 1? 19 DON£ PROPEILY Kinir St. W. B w avU HOUSECLEANING AIDS 4-Square Max, lb. 49e .Tohnson's Glb-eno 83e Mystic Foam, flic modern cleaner for upholstcry and ru ts - . . 49e Acromist Gluss Cleanor 15e Wlndex 25e 4-Square Sîlver Pollah 50e Brasse 30e Rexall Math Contrai......75e VITAMINSN for the maintenance or good hemlth, Puretost: Wheat Gerni 011 Caps. 51.00 Halibut Liver 0i1 Cape. - - -9 e, $1.60 Plenamins *17 Auction sales , TEZ CANADIAN STATESMM, BOWMANVMLIC. OIqTAPJD q HAMPTON WOMEN'S Hamipton INSTITUTE PICNIC r- Mrs. M. Goodman anàd Louise. Women's Institute meeting. was ýn with M. and Mrs. Allen Parker, I1h the fdnrm of a picnic beld in ô Toronto. ~Orono Park. About forty ladlies 1, Little Miss Connie Niddory of Went by Ganton chartened bus, Bowmavilicwith on g an md Mre. Cole and Miss Lulu Rey ýh mother, Mns. L. S. Niddery. noar to ih oeb nvt SMrs. Delve and Mns. Harvey r PCurtis, Orono, wore guesta ci The emniy aftennoon was spent ýk Mrs. E. H. Cale. visiting and sightseeing, with a *Mrs. W. S. Bragg and da'ugliton, few yaunger members cnjaying a Bowmanville, Mn. Ce phlas Hoakin bit of tennis and swimming.- At a nd daugliter, Mns. H. Mountjay, 4:30, Mr. H. Salter, Miss Eileen EKedron, vislted Mn. and Mns. Wes Wrmy mnd Mi"e Bertha Armour Hoskin. condueed Feveral raCes. "Mn. Gordon Sieman, Toronto, After a fintappetite had thus n' Mr. Milton Sieman and Lloyd been developed, thé ladies anJày. ~Siemon, Ha ydon, Miss Jean Toms, 04 a bountiful, vmried entdtlc- Purpe Hill, Miss Olive Mc- oua supper, Aften suepei ' roll s- Keown, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. AI- Iwas called, each ladY' tô aflswen with honMidl à .ia c bort Allun, Fort Williami wre mdefo matoddl cm'. ewich guesis ai Mns. C. Johins and Mn. md o oddm fnmns ,and Mre. Will White. cing la saie finstemes. A few i _ Mrs. Jack Parkcer,. Miss Doris thoso who hadt itot oVereaten 1- Heaslip, Ttenton, Midi. Miss enloyed ahielher smt or two of ef Helen Heaslip, Mns. A. Heaslip, tennis and fiished off 'with P Janetville, at Mrs. Frank< Rogers' another swias In the tank. But *the c Miss Marlon Jolinston, Toronto na orlty awovre bo girta sit- was guest ai Mrs. E. H. Cale, 'im no es odgrs ot Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Chap nI bail game between Orono and, Saccompanied lier sîster an us ' Newcastle. The bus came éalan9 Sband, M.anir. iny ahbefon. this Was $ver so Hamp3ton Mn.n airreun MrioDnetroitladlèi staid Au Rcvoir ta 'Orono on ateir petuanntnp ta etroitfor another ye.ar. Next meeting in ~ aier plesan vist hre. charge ai W'est Group, ; Mn. and Mns. Biayd Wilcox _____ -visited thein, parents here Change, the thlig that Most 6f Mna a. Wîs ~ .vray%.Osni-î s ike least, is the thing that a11 awa, a T. W1yof us need Most. - Miss Ruth Balson, Mona Milis,aiu -has been visiting ber grandpar- Sents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson. * Mrs. E. H. Cale and Mrs. Rus- sell Luke visited relatives at On- P'uu-A iI; ana. Mn. and, Mrs. Sid Kgrsey LM famuly visited relatives at Janet- ville. Rot Water Miss Audrey Kerscy visite,« her 1V brother, Reg, and wiie at Trent- onMiss Gwen Caverly and, Mn. le t Curtis Brown, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Ken Caverly. Mn. and Mrs. Wes Hoskin vjsit- Repairs ed their sons Bert and Haward at Harmony. Agent for Mns. Humplireys and daugliten OMal Elva, Winnipeg. Man., vislted Mn. 011 0 -a an r.S. Williams. 011 Buriqers Kenneth Purdon, Toronto, is visiting bis grandparents, Mn. and, Mrs. J. Purdon. ntleinAyTp Mrs. Manwood Heard, Ennis. Istie inAyTp killen, with lier parents, Mn. and of Fpurnaoe Mrs. Wes. Hoskin. Mrs. H. Baison and baby af Bowmanviile, with Mn. and Mrs. Ja k D o h Harold Wilkins.Ja k B o g Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy, Tyrane, Phone 2384 3 King St.W. visited Mn. and Mns. W. E. Stev- ens. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Joe Clapman in thé death ai hon brother, Dr. Mark Pascoe, San Gabriel, Calîfamnia. i (Intendodfalr Last Week) Chuncli service on Sunday ev- ening was In charge ai the young Harold Quarny conducted the ser- vice and Ted Kersey gave a splendid message. Raipli Petena was at the piano and MadlynWl cox at the organ and pridedE - U other contributions ta the service~ wene two solos, "In the Gardon" NATURE'S SEr THEM and "A Clean Heart" by a suni- mer visitor at the homeofaiMme. A. FINEST BEFORE E. Billett. Hon singlnig was ap- QUALflY TOU pneciatcd and she was acconipan- led at the piano by Raîpli Petons. PRODUCT WEAR THEM Many beautiful ilowers wore at the altar - one beautiful basket1 placed thene by Mn. and Mrs. John Milîs af Ajax, formenly ai f Matthew John Mills who gtveun s RA .a.K O ail in the Baille aiflDieppe five ORONO PIR 64rt yea"rs ago. Their many iriends wvere pleased ta see Mn. and Mrs. Milis present at this service. P.S. - Ordors nov saken for Who bath not learned hinisoîf Aniber Honey. first ta subdue. - Edmund Spcn- sen. THE MEDICINEiS we dispense upon the order of youm Nestletori

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