THrAAaK TTtA.BOMNIL. NAT HriAA7US Sh k pkD T EK rv ot Agricultrreot that theIQTrw prsetive spplIy cf al feed SPOT NW roncotrates for 1947-48 in the United States is the smallest lI six years,,but larger than average for the years just befare the war. B wvleFohles Mk' m oii I With fewer live stock expected o 'ii ob i.s Mk' m eii I to be on the tara on January 1, Defeat Peterboro CGE Softbaii League 1948, the indicated 1947-48 feed ____B..SSeon supply per animal unit la a litle The Bowmanville football team WthB T.Scn larger than avorage. which incltded a few substitutes Mike's Imperials wera safely from the surrounding district, out i front with 15 points to win journeyed to Peterbora, Saturday, telclSttalLnu ii to take on the classy Çanadian tethea falameAu.15. re GenralEletri eeve inan x-sulted in a win for Annis-King .***'~.~,hibition of cup-tie tactics, (first over B.T.S. by a score of 5-2. A time clearances and kicking). The tie for fourth place between Pepsi Bowxnanville players made short Cola and Local 189 was settled 4"'shrift tin winning handily by a by a sudden death game, Aug. 21,1 score of 4-1 before returning.home which was won by Pepsi. The immediately to play Solina the teams are now tangling in the * same evening on home grounds. semi-finals which wifl be reported Took Lea.d later. Right from' the kick-off, Bow- Complete statistics on the sea- manville concentrated in cup-tie sôn's play are shown below. tactics that had C.G.E. completely Final League §tandIng baffled pts they tried ta get, com- W. L. T. Pt. binatiori working. Cresswell, of Mike's Imps ---- 7 2 1 15 Bowménviile, placed a perfect bail Training School- 5 3 2 12 to West who beat the local goalie. Annis & King-- 5 4 1 il Ten minutes iater West scored Pepsi Cola 5 5 0 10 from a scrimmage in front of the Local 189 5 5 0 10 goal. McMaster and Goodhue kept Rumals -------- ----- i1 9 0 2 winging the bail into the centre emBtigA ras ROY ROGERS where Strong found his height no TemBtlgA rae advantage against the stalwarts on AR R H Av. King of the Cowboys the defence. Towards the inter- Mike's - 329 97 106 .322 val, Bowmanville kept up a Pepsis--------- 333 90 95 .285 'y.e Got a Feoln" steady pressure on goal to register B.T.S---------- 327 77 92 .282 another counter to make it read Annis-King- 332 86 92 .278 «10n the OId Spanih Trail" 3-1. Local 189 289 59 71 .246 Victor Reord -20-2320 Indifferent Play Rurals--------- 303 53 74 .244 On resumipig, C.G.E. torced the Mike's Imperials play Into Bowmanville area where AR R H Av., "IMy Heart Went That-a-way" the forwards lacked the final fln- Osborne, A.-35 13 15 .429 ish to their shooting, although Cot- Rundie, L ----33 10 14 .424 «INo Chiidren Allowed" ton's two efforts were worthy of McKnight, R.- 17 7 7 .412 something better. At this point Camemon, H.L 18 8 7 .389 Victor Record -20-1991 the home boys were outplayed in Osborne, H. 33 10 12 .364« _____everv department through their Wilson ---- 6 2 2 .333 indifferent attitude in not follow- Osborne, C.- 38 13 12 4.316 "Dangerous Ground" ing up the contemplated play. This Ames, R. --- 13 5 4 .308 opportunity complied with Bow- Brough, J.- 28 5 8 .286 'q'm Restiesa"l manviile's long-swinging passes Bagnell, T. 36 10 10 .278 Victor Record -20-2238 and caused C.G.E. full-backs a lot Mcllveen, E.. 17 7 4 .235 of unnecessary running. Just be- Williams, Iý. 30 2 7 .233 fore the end, Cresswell egister- Bowmanville Training School ed the fourth counter against the AR R H- Av. S only goal scored by H. Steel on an 'Wilams, D. 33 il 14 .424 ~ U individual effort. 1 Connors, H. - 41 il 15 .367 I~J J Bowmanville: F. Griffin, goal Miller, T.-- 41 15 13 .1 ~uiu- R. Sharp and T. Grahami, full- Poîlard, K. 37 à il .298 backs; A. Lobb, N. Wiseman and Richards, R.- 25 6 7 .280 P. Bathgate, half-backs; C. Flin- Mason, D. 38 9 10 .263 tof, D. West, A. Cresswell, R. Wermy. K. 38 9 10 .263 Bates and J. West, forwamds. Subs, Bagneîl, W.- 12 2 3 .250 J. Lawmie, F. Nicholson, S. Keene. Clarke ------ 6» 1 1 .167 TH C.G.E.: Chamberlain, goal; H. Richard, B.- 24 3 3 .125 Pyle and S. Murduif, full-backs; Brown, I. - 8 0. 1 .125 Murduif, E. Cotton and R. Mo- Graham, J. 9 4 1 .111 Gann. half-backs; B. McMaster, Anils & King H.Steel, R. Strong, T. McPhate, AR R H Av. aJ. Goodhue, forwards. Subs, Rundie, C.. 39 12 16 .4111 R.Wilson Couvier, N. -- 20 5 8 .4001 Raferee: W. Cribbiss. Linesmen, Mclntyre, R. -- 36 12 12 .333( 38 ig St. E. Phono H3 I. Myles and G. Downer. TeiC 3 5 7.0 BOWMANVILLE Hately, J ------- 34 il 10 .2941 IOld glue can be emoved from McFeeters, W. - 31 6 9 .2911 -~wood with hot vinegar. Jackman, D. - 40 10 10 .2501 MWWeish, J. 18 3 4 .2221 OUT Or TRIS WOBLL' SarnkCla a'dian 0bssu*ut' Piper, 1. 24 1 Polley, W ----28 Poiley, B-------- 24 Stevens, G ---13 Local 189 AB E McMurter, S. --18 Conway, M - 23 Snowden, H. .26 Jansen, H. il- 1 Barr, D ---------- 26 f Clemence, A. 17 f Keleman, F. -35 ( Tice, T ---------- 23 4 Moses, IH..-------10 Moorcmaft, H.- 25 Martyn, J.------ 19 Perfect, A-- 26 Oke, R- ----- 8 Enight, R ------- 12 2 Mutton, W. Depew, T. Omombie, J. Cowan, T. Piper. G. Yourth, M. Dickens, E. Pollard, R. 0 MFMO:ýT0-ADVERTISERS y'Newspaper within A NEWSPAPER PEPLE buy this newspaper for news o the world, the country and our community n particular. Our readers are aiso inter- ested ini news about food, clothes, enter.. tainment, automobiles, furniture and A of the necessities and luxuries that have ta do whth daily living. Through advertising in thMs paper you cari give our readers the up-to-date news about your merchandk and services. Each one of your advertisements can be a néwi-. paper wthin a newspaper. You should know ail about the icircula-" tion of the newspaper that is carrying the news of your business.'How- many people buy the paper? Where are they located? How was the circulation Qbtained? To give you this information and many other facts Pepsi-Cola AB R 10 3 35 12 9 4 - 21 4 ---- 36 13 -27 10 32 10 12 0 that you need and have a right to know when you buy advertising space, this news- paper is a rnember of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. Established in 1914, the Bureau is a national, ýooperative association of 2000 advertisers, advertising agencies and pub- lishers. Its purpose 'is to furnish advertis-. ers whth verified reports on the circulation of its publisher members. AnnuaIly, one of the Bureau's large staff of trained auditors makes an audit of our circulation records, just as the bank exam- mer makes a check of your bank's records. The information thus obtained is published n official A. B. C. reports. When you buy space in this newspaper you know just what, in circulation values, you get for the money invested. This newsp aber is a mnember of the A ue'il Bureau of Circulations. A sk for a co»y of our la test A.- B. C. report giving audited facts and figures about our circulation. LA. B. C. AUDIT BUREAU 0 F CIRCULATIONS = FACTS AS A MEASURE 0F ADVERTISING VALUE H/IAv. à .500 16 .458 4 .444 9 .429 14 .388 9 .333 8 .250 3 .250 Little, D.- --- Haliman, R.. Bird, B ---D--- Piper, F. Depew, H.- Johnstan, B.. Johnston, J. - Richards, A. - Pickell, G ---- Bragg, E.- ---- Osborne, H. - Levitt, J ----- Gay,J ------ Blackburn, F. - McDonald, C. - Woods, J ----- Penfound, C. - 22 37 M4 30 6 33 irais AB 12 20 33 36 28 24 25 26 37 >27 14 il Royals Lose to Ports Get Jitters In Ninth Inning Port Hope Ontamios sustained a determined drive by Bowmaavilie Rayais in the ninth inning Satur- day et Part Hape Town Park be- fore a cmawd of clase ta 1,000 fans to taka the third gaie of their piayoff seies 3-2 and a 2-1 gaie lead. Iran Ami Woods ascended the hîli far the locals and pitched very strang bail ail the way. The Rayais nailed hlm for 8 hits. Ha waiked six and struck out three. Doug Sutton went the route for j the lasers giving up seven hits, waiking two, hitting ana and claiming three via the strikeout route.j The Ontarios opened the scor- ing in the fourth with two muns. Ectwardson walked, Zeaiand took first on Sutton's error, Foota gained first an an errar by Fumey, Phillips walked, Edwardson scor- ing, Ashby flied ta Furey, Foote fell raunding second and was thmown out whiie Zealand scored. Curreiiy fiied ta centre. Bowmanville scored in the sixth on two hits and two walks. C. Osborne being the marksman.1 Part Hope got ana in their hall on1 successive hits by Foota and Phil- lips and an arror by Giihooiey. Then in the fateful ninth the Rayais lost the gaie on duîb basebail. Suttan singled, Aies batting for T. Bagneli walked, B. Bagneli bunted and beat it out ta iaad the paths. C. Osborne drap- ped a Taxas leagurçr into centre scoring Suttan. The rest of the Rayais froze an the bases and Buzz Foote touchcd Ames then stcpped on second ta force Bill Bagnell. Currelly forced C. Os- borne at second on Furey's field- er's chaîce ta end the gaie. Suttan and 'C. Osborne lad the Rayais with twa hits each while Phiiiips, local second sacker, led ail the hittèrs with a double, two singles and a walk la four trips. Fielding highlights af the game were the catches puiied off by the rivai centre fielders, Bill Bagnel for the Rayais and Daggem Dawiey for the locais. The teais:- Bowmanvilie Rayais - T. Bag- neil, mi; Aies, rf (9); W. Bag- neli, cf; C. Osborne, lb; Gilhooley, 2b; Yourth, ss; Tyson, c; Sutton, p; Furey, If; Richards, 3h. Part Hope Ontarios-Keeler, if; Hoy, If (3); Dawley, cf; Edwamd- son, lb; Zealand, c; Foote, ss; Phillips, 2b; Ashby, mf; Currelly, 3b; Woods, p. Score by innings -RH E Bowmanviiie 000 001 001-2 8 4 Port Hope 000 201 00x-3 7 3 Umpires-Reg. Faim, Oshawa, et plate; Mickey Devine, Part Hope, on bases. Three Basebail Games Slated for Saturday Thmee OBA playdawns are in the dockct this caîing Satumday, ail interesting and important. Bowmanvilla Rotary Juniors take an Stouffvilie at that village in the fimst gaie ai the Junior 'B' OBA - piaydownks. It is axpected that the second gaie wili ha played in Bowmanviiie Wadnas- day. Sunderland cames to Newcas- tle for the first gaie of the In- termediete "C" playdawns with the mtura gaie played next rweek. tWhitby Legion takes on Bow- manville Legion la the OBA soitbaîl piaydowns on the High School grounds et 6:15 p.m. thel timat of the seies. il__ Football Playoffs DarlingtonLogue Final revised figures of the Darlington Football League place Hampton i a tie with Enniskill- an for second place with 20 points each. At a league meeting Tues- day, it was decided to toss a coin, rather than play another gama ta decide the draw in the play- downs. Hampton won the tass and second place. Consequentiy the schedula for the piaydowns brackets Solmna with Enniskiilen and Hampton~ with Courtice. These teanis will play home and home games, total goals ta count. Then the two fi- nalists wiil play a series, best two of three gaies for the league chanipionship. The Sehedule Aug. 27-Solina at Enniskiiien. Aug. 30-Hampton at Courtice. Sept. 3-Enniskillen at Solina. Sept. 6-Court-ce at Hampton. Finals wiil be piayed Sept. 10, 13 and 17. Due to poor grounds, Courtice may play both games away from home. Phone and make sure before the gaies. Maple Grove Mr. Wright and daughter af Old- ham, Lancashire, Englând, who hava been visiting the former's sister, Miss Wri#ht and Mrs. Tun- nyclif., wha reside with Mr. lMar-. ris, lot t this week for their home li Engiand. Whilo haro they vis- ited Niagara Falls, Hamilton, To- monta and the Thousand Islands. Misses Muriel Stevens, Jean White, Joan Wright Greta Snow- den and Donna Snawden, Toron- to, are attonding. the school 'for leaders at Whitby this week. Service on Sunday at 2 p.m., when aur pqstar will be with us. Hope to see a gaod tumnout. Members of Y.P.U. conducted the warship service on Sunday with Mrs. Mildmed Muir taking the topic. She gave a very effec- tive and, practical talk on the "Poor," *A duet was sung by Misses Doris Stevens and Lenore Coliacutt. A number of ladies attended the school for leaders at Whitbyi on Wednesday. Solina Rambiers Win Titi. Misses Irene Rragg, Helen Bak- Girls' Softbail League er, Verna Giebe and Kay Hughes, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker, Janice, Grant and Mary, In a best two out of three ser- Georgetown, et Mm. jack Baker'e, îes for the championship of the M.adMs Mi osno Dariington Girls' Softbaîl League, SMcoe atdoMs gn Yonson the aîblrs o Bowanviie, Mr. and Mms. Ernest Larmer, playing under the auspices of the Lois, Beryl and Glenn, Black- Canadien Order of Forestars, stock, at E. R. Taylor's. edged out the Hampton-Maple Mis aro acehsmtu- Grave Rovers, two gaies ta one iss tar ho matindhsor ttr Ta e wi te lage titie. I psPending a month with her aunt, Thefirt gie piyedet am-I Mrs. Don Yonson. ton, August 15 praved ta be a-i Mr. and Mrs. Cal Myles and Pitchers' battie in which the Ram- Bruce, Mrs. Wiil Walters, Orono; blers wcre defeated 11-8. In the Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myles, Row- secod gie paya et reai o manvilie, at J. R. Kiveil's. Bariey Camp, August 22 the Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf Ramblers put an a POWei l pay and Lamry, Oshawa, at Wes. Wer- ta blank their oppanents Il-'O. The ry's. final gaie at Maple Grave, Aug. Rev. arnd Mrs. Albert Tink, 25, proved a runaround with the Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rambiers winning by a score of Terwiiiegar, Columbus, at Bruce 19-7. Tink's. Ramblers: B. Ellis, t. Shred, G. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Simpson,,. Willets, B. Cale, J. Haines, A. Shiela, Terry and* Hilliard, Orono, Suniîersfomd, A. Richards, P. at Roy Langmaid's. Smith, D. Wright, E. Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Rovers: R. Reynolds, S. Pingle, Lamne and Dianne, Mrs. H. E. A. Kemsey, J. Kersey, M. Tink, P. Tink and Mrs. Percy Dewell vis- Niddery, M. Crawford, Y. Wil- lted friends li Toronto on Sun- liais. day. Umpires: K. Summarford, Mapla Mr. and Mms. A. L. Pascoa vis- Grave; G. Wilbur, Hampton. ited Mms. Walter Bray at Picket- ing and Mr. Pascoe attended the C.N.E. Mrs. Bray returned home Solina Wins League with thai for a faw days. With Final Came Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascee t- TiedWit Bow anviletended thé Ogla-Arnott wadding _______ 13wnanile t Zion United Church Saturday afternoon and the reception atter- Saline won the Dariington Foot- wards et Mr. Jesse Amnott's home. bail League titie in a slow game Mr. S. E. Werry et Dr. George in Bowmanviiie Saturday whîch Werry's, Oshawa. esuited in a 1-1 tie. With three Mr. and Mms. John Raison, regular players off the team the Hampton, at A. J. Balson's. Solina boys lacked the offensive Miss Kay Hallatt, Sonya, in hol- power that has cerried them ta idaying with Patsy Davis. the top in the 1947 season and Mm. and Mrs. Jack Marks, Tor- necded only a wîn or tie ta meke onto, et Wes. Yeliowiees'. Mari-ý the point necessary ta edge out lyn Marks returned home with Enniskiiien ln the league stand- thai. ing. Janice Baker, Georgetown is The sae evening, Hampton holidaying with Gail and Ronnie playing off a tie with Tyrone ta Baker. coîpieta their schedule, took the Miss Veima Gilbert, Toronto, contest with a 4-0 shutout which at home. gave themn 3rd place in the stand- Mm. and. Mrs. Harold Ellacott, ings. It is unlikely that the two London, at E, R. Taylor's. postpaned gaies, Orono vs. Zion Sincere syîpathy is expresse&f will be piayed for the resuit would ta Mrs. H. E. Tink, Mrs. R. J. Mc-7 have no bearing on the Playoffs Kessock, Mrs. Joe Chapman and for the league champianship. Mr. A. L. Pascoe on the death of According to, league officiais the their brother, Dr. Mark Pascoa at, playoffs will ha home and home Las Angeles, Califorrnia. gaies batween Sauina and Hamp- Miss Gladys Yellôwiaas can- ton and Enniskiilen and Courtice. ducted the Sunday School service The winners thea tangle for the Sunday momning, assisted by Ev- icague titia. Dates will ha fixed elyn Parrinder who led la prayer at a league meeting this week. and Evelyn Taylor who illustrat- Unofficial figures af the season's ed the lesson on "Honesty." resuits in gaies, points, goals, Mm. Jack Baker was a judge at shutouts and tics are as foliows: Ridgetown Faim on the 27th and W L T Pts. 28th. Salina 9 2 3 21 Mm. E. R. Taylor underwent an Eaniskilien 8 2 4 20 operation for the removal of a Hampton 7 3 4 18 thyroid cist at Oshawa Hospital Tyrone 3 5 5 il Wednesday* momning. Orono 3 8 1 7 The Young People presented Bowmanville 2 10 2 6 their play at Greanwood Tuesday Zian 1 9 1 3 night. The Woîan's Institute will meet Thursday, Sept. 4, at the Goal Record and Shutouts church for a "Gîandmothers' F A SO Tic Meeting" with Mrs. E. R. Taylor'& Sauina 24 14 4 3 gmoup in charge. Enniskillen 22 9 7 5 Hampton 42 12 6 2 Enough cast iran sali pipa and Tymone 1l 15 0 5 fittings weme produced in Canada Orana 10 18 1 1 during the first three îonths of Bowmanville 9 36 2 2 1947 ta supply more than 22,000 Zion 7 33 1 1 new homes. A nnouncing School SMarte TUESDAY BE READY Have yout.Bicycle Fîxed NO0W ai repairs guaranteýd "Bowmawîvii."' Sweat Sh irts in three colors Yellow, Blue and White WINDBREAKERS and CREST13 McNulty's Sports Shop COWAN BLOCK BOWMANVELLE 0 0 # 0 ELLIOTT'S VARIETI HOUSE AT 65 KING ST. EASTy OPPOSITE GARTONS GARAGE wloen SATURDAT AUQUSI 3Oth you are cordially invited to inspeot our variety stock of SOHOOL SUPPLIES - RIJLERS - PENB PENOILS' BORIBELERS, ETO. TOYO AND GAME8 TOR TIRE ENTIRE FAMILY Soft Drinks - Tobaccos - Cigarettes - Toothpaates Kitchen Hardware and Household Âidu REG. ELLUOTI', Own.r and Manager THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVMANVILLE. ONTAIUO TRUPMAT, AUGUST 28th, ID&T à Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lander. Winnipeg, with th*lr niece, Mrs. F. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott and famnily with Mr. and Mnu. Russell Gide. Uxbridge and Mrm. W. GrahaePort Perry. Mr. andl*!rs. Hugh Beaton and Ian, Mrs. L. C. Pascoe and-Miss Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa, Mis-. Eve lvn Cunningham and Miss Frieda Sneiler, Brantford, at W. Pascoe's. Keith Gibson, Greenbank, lu vis- iting with Glenn 'Preiz<'ntt. Miss Ida McCulloch who hua been visiting in Manitoba Io with Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. McCulloch. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tapp, Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thamne. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Frank U. Mason, Oshawa, Mrs. Arthur Dan-é sein, Mrs. F'red Densem. Bowman,- ville, with Mrs. W. J. Ormistan. Mary Bowman holidayed with friends in Oshawa. We welcome Mrs. E. Sinclair and family of Oshawa te aur coin- munity. They are living in the house racently occupieil by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry. Extrema heat was the cause of a small congregation Sunday. The service was held outside. Rev. R. M. Seymour's sermon on Mis.à sions was much pnjoyed. Glenn Prescott entertained sanie young friends at a party, Tue$- day. SHE SERVES S UC HI Superb Desserts E9veryone envies Helen's parties .. . for lier good taste is infallible. Her SUCCeass is no secret by ordering deli clous baked goods from Poole's there is more time for party prepara. tien. Poole 's present the fin- est in bakery treats ta top off ail your meals. Drop in ta aur store to- day and see the wide selection of aven-f reuli goods that the* whole family will rave about.. Poole's Dakery Phone 654 53 King St E. mM Ru