Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1947, p. 11

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?MURSDAY, AUGUST 21t, 1947 1~ CANADIAR STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO PAGE ELEVEN mie*7f - JTAMES-Mn. and Mns. John M. James are happy ta announce the blrth of a littie auburn-haired bro- ther for Johnny Junior in Bow- inanville Hospital on Monday, .eugust l8th, 1947. His name is ]Robert Stephen-"Bobby" for short. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Oliver, Bright, Ontario, annaunce the en- gagement of their daughter Agnes Amelia, to Robent Merle Thomp- son, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Thompson, Nestleton, Ontario, the wedding ta take place Sep- tember 3rd in Chesterfield United Church. 34-1* Mr. and Mns. Wallace Holmnes, Newcastle, wish ta announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Jean Catherine, ta Ro- bert Shupak, son of Mr. John Shupak and the late Mrs. Shupak &Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. emarniage will take place at f1ecastle United Church, Satur- dzy. September I3th, 1947, at 3 P.m. 34-1 DEATHI DOUGLAS-At Peterborough Ci- vic Hospital on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 1947, Daniel Murdock Douglas, dear father of Donald, of Cobourg, and Mrs. Alex Chivas (Huda) of Trenton. Also survived by two sisters, Mns. M. Smith, of London, Eng., (Molly), and Mrs. E. McAd- arn (Maggie) of Yorkshire, Eng- land. Resting at the Funeral Home of A. Comstock and Sons, 305 Water St., Peterborough, where*service will be held on Fni- day, August 15, at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Little Lake cemetery, Peter- borough. 34-1 SILVESTER-On August 13, at Bowmanville, Aima Mae Robin- son, dear mother of Edward oaf Peterborough and Harvey of Bow- imanville. TRULL-At Bowmanville Hospi- tal, on Monday, August il, 1947, Ida M. Trull, widow of Aldon C. Truli and dear mother of Myrtie (Mrs. R. S. Shields), and Made- line, Toronto; Harland at home; aged 77 years. Funeral was held from Morris Chapel, August 14. 34-1* COM ING EVENTS - Dance will be held in the New- * ~castie Comrnunity Hall under the W E D IN G auspices ai Bôard of Management W ELD IN C Ion Friday, August 29, starting at 9 p-m, Russ Cneighton and his Variety Band in attendance. Ad- J IM CAM RON mission 50c per persan. 34-2 Leskard - Ontario eCornmunlty sale of many donat- +e articles in aid af the erection PHONE: ORONO 1--R-5 of Courtice United Church and Sunday Sehool, Auguit>23, at the Fomel Courtice school, at 1 30 p.m. Sce Fonmnlystary in another coIumn, with list 4 Camenon Welding Service o! articles. Frank Sturtevant, Trneauctioneer. 33-2 Toront'CARDS 0F THANKS I Elctr. & cetyene We wlsh to thank sîl the citi- Weldingzens of Enniskillen and commun- W lngity for their beautiful git anden1 tertainment Saturday nlght. 4CYLINDER BLOCKS AND 34-1 -Dr. and Mmi. C. J. Austin1 * HEDS WLDEDMr. Frank Oke and iamily wish1 4ta express their sincere thanks .4 Specializing ln and appreciation ta their fz.indsj 'Aiminum and White Metai for the many klndnesss shawn1 _____thema duning their sad bereave- ALL WORK GUARANTEED ment. 34-1 Mn. Bert Johnson and family Swish ta thank aIl the people of Tyrone and everyona w,,o s.- ced when thein barn wms burned by liightning eariy .Luesciay morn- ing, 34-1 Plum bing [iThe family of the late William Samelîs wish ta thank aIl their tfiends and nek4,'hbors for the Ho aite kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes sent during thoin recent bereavement. 34-1* Hgeating Mr. Lamne Rabbins and Pauline 4at- _ wiht extend sincene thanks and -fi approciation ta their many friendi Repairsand neighbors for expressions ai ]Repairssympathy, acts o! kindness and beautiful floral tibutes at the timee Agent for o! the death ai a dear wife and2 OiI-O Magic motheespecially thanking Doe- OlH, Burners Miss Catherine McCausland, Reg. t N., for their untining efforts, alsoc J. J. MeUlor and Rev. Eustace for s Installed in Any Typ% their cnsoling wrds. 34-1* of Furnace Radio Servicep THE Radia Shop, Bowmanville' 234 ro gh offerrnhonest charges, latet typeA jack Broulh quipentand trained persan- Phon 3 Ing t.w nel. Our two radia tec.hnicians Phon 238 3 Kng s.w. bath hold Government Certificates af Proficiency in Radio. Phono a -__573. 20-tfd PRESCRIPTIONS Prescriptions f ilied ln this of the finest quality ln their cane and akili in compouni Hay Foyer Remedi.. Vapine Nase Draps Vapine Inhalent, Lantigenl"E"' a2mah Capsules Tabletc col-Rinex-- Alliergi-Tabs------ Kellagt's Asthma Rtelief Ephazone Tablete Mendace iBo 39c - 86.00 50c-S1.00 500-81.00 * 50o-$1.00 81.00-85.00 81.00-82.50 - -- 23c-98c 82.50 -$L25-82.50 FIy Sprays Fly-ikiy 43e y-Tny24e-430 Rexal 3%D.D.T. Residuai Surface Household Pest Paint - ------ 43e Jury & Lovell'a $Swee' Piekle- Mture. Phone 7*d8 V VIIEIN iE -i.rSt.W 35e, 3 for8.0 store carry the guarantee rIntredients and the utmosé Aing. Summier Colognes Lucien Leiong Soire -- -2.5 Opening Nlght - 1.504S2.50-M3a.50 Indiscroe. . 81.g0-82.50-$3.50 Elizabeth Arden Blue Grau ---_ 1.75-$3.25 White Orohil---------..... 1.50 ,Tune Geranium - ----- 81.50 Helena Rubinstein Apple Blossom .....85c-81.Z5 Enchante---------.....85c-$1.25 'Yardiey April Violets ..... 1.50 Lotus -- - ----$1.50-82.à0 Developlnt and Prlntinig 24-Hour Service FILM .- 8 EXPOSURES «5C LY &< LOVELL The Rexali Store TEST IN MEMORIAM BRUNT-In loving memory ai dean daughter, June Marie Bri wha passed away August 25, il aged 13 years. "Beside your grave we aiten sti iWith heant bath cnushed and sq But in the gloom the sweet wc came, 'Not lost but gone before.' God knows how much we m: you, He dries the tears we shect And whispers, 'she only sleepj Your loved one is nat dead.' Sa we'll be brave, dear June, And pray ta God each day; And when He calîs us home ta, Your irnile will light the we -Sadly rnissed and ever nem( bered by Mather, Dad and Sisters.3 DEGEER-In laving memary c dear husband and father, Earl1 geer, who passed peacefully av August 23, 1946. "Farewell dean fathen, thy wi is o'en, Thy willing hands will wonk more., A loving fathen, kind &nd true No ane on eanth we'll flnd1 you.$ -Ever remembered by Wifei Family. 34 KING-In loving memary of J G. L. (Tommie) King No. 24981 C.F.C., C.E.F., who died at Chi tie Street Military Hospital, gust l9th, 1925, aged 25 yeansE 3 months. Down the lanè of memonies The light is nover dlm Until the stars farget ta shine We will remember hlm. -Sadly missed by Mather, Fa er and Brothers and Sisters. 34 LEE-In even loving memrn o dean son and brother, Pte. Hai R. Lee, who was killed In acti in France, August 12, 1947. "There is neyer a day that pas by- But aur thoughts reach out ta y, Neyer a joy that camnes aur w But we wish you could share too. We miss his lave, his cheery ws Please God just lot hlm know That we down here daoflot fang We lave and miss hlm Sa." -Ever remembered by Mat] and Sisten Alice 3ý MOUNTJOY-In lavlng mmo of Elgin Mountjoy who pâss away, August 20, 1935. We travel down a wlnding rac A naad without an end; And they, xvho seem sa fan aw& Are only araund the bend. -Always lovlngly remombered by wife Lillan, sans Donald ai Fabian. 34. Notice T'he office of W. Rais Stri] KC.C., wlll be closed fram Augu llth ta August ,30th, inclusive. Dr. Slemon's office will be clc ed fromn August 18 ta Septemb 2, inclusive. 3 Any persan having clothos the home o! the late Mns. Frai Oke are requested ta callf same; before Septemben 1à. 34. From this date I will nat, be ni Ponsible fon debts incurred by r wif e. Clifford George Lemn August 5, 1947. 32-ý WiIl the persan who took ti iiotar nug from Os. Cowaii's ci at the Canning Factory Wedne lay afternoan, and xvas seen di ing soi kindly neturn rug ar avoid funther trouble. 34-: [o Whorn it May Cancerri: Please take natice that frra this date no persans will bea owed on the Blliot beach prope: ty or on the entrance t a mre, ej :ePt by permissian. (Signed) R. B. Turne 'iug. 15, 1947 R.R. 3, Newcast' Lost GRAY Pensian cat in Bowniar ville vicinity. 2 weeks aga. Ar swers ta Susie. Reward. R. Fui neaux, Gen. Delîvery, Exeter, On LADY'S wnist watch, gold cas brown leather strap. This wate borrawed, important that it is rE turned ta Mac Hart, Apt. 7,7 King St. W., ownanville. 34. BLACK satchel, nearly new, be tween Newcastle and Bowman ville hast Thunsday. Finden pleas phone Clarke 3222. Reward ofl ered. 34-1 Personal r YGIENIC supplies (ub sealed envelope wlth pnice lisi Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.0( Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub ber Co., Box 91, Hamnilton, Ont. 27-1 SPECIAL.*.. Back-,toSc&hool WATCHES FIOR SICHOOIL GIRL& C..NL Tickýta Complet. with Tax ETES IT IS BONE PROPIERLY _____________________ JE WELLERY & GIFT 8H01 w ti 10 t> CE A cury convertible; two 1936 Olds- BRAY has pullets, vanious breeda, mobile coaches. Phon~e 447. Ap- 6-8-l0-week old. And sorne neady- ply 69 Concession St., Bowman- to. lay. immediate delveny. Get D ville. 33-tf rid of aid birds, ne-stock with _________________________these. It will, pay. Fil] ehicks 1 r hould ho ordered naw alea. F. FREE SERVICE L. Byam, Tyran.. 34-1*o DEAD HIORSES & CATTLE Pets For Sale REMOVED IMMikDIATELY and 'FOX haund pups. Apply D. Ad. P WVITHOUIT C'IARGE 'cock, Hampton. 34-1w Telephone CoUeci: FOX terrier pups. Apply 3 Silver- TORONTO - Adelaide 3638 st. 34-10 COBOUR - 41 HOUND pups, beagle and fox. (zODONYOUG. IMIE» 1 Will run by l. $5.00 each. Phono 3604 Clarke. 34-1* IIcIp Wanted BOYS wanted for weeding at Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 31-tf BOY, 16 years ai age or over, ta leann baking trade. Good work- ing houns. Apply Poole's Bakery. 34-1 GIRL or woman for three alter- noons a week, light housework but mainly baby tending. Apply 36 Silver St., evenings, or phone 2375 between 5 afid 6. 34-l* GIRL or- middle aged woman for housework, no children., Room andboard if desired. Apply 66 Warren Ave., Oshawa. Phone 872 Oshawa. 33-2 Clas-sified Ad Lates runt, CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum ase> 945, Must b. paid before Insertion tand IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word <minimum 50e) aore, 25c extra for box numbers or replies dîrected te, this office ,rds ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES niss Ai Classified Adiets Must B. In Not Later Than NOON WEDNESDAY Ps You must Include cash, stamps, or money order, wlth copy ta get Iow rate. you Articles For Sale Real Estate For Sale lm- TWENTY bundles o! steel laths. FARM-25 acnes, near new high- F. A. Bruce, phane 494. 34-1! way, hydra, stone house. Write 34-1 Box 937, Statesman Office. 33-3* 541FALL rye suitable fan seed. How- ard Cryderman, phone 2892. 34-1 HOUSE, sahid red brick, in good of a - condition, six gaod sized noorn, De- DEERING con binder in good niee lot, immediate possession. ýway working order, for quick sale. J. $6.500 cash. Phone 452 or apply H. Davey, 54 n 5 Onono. 32-3* 72 Centre St. 34-1* okUSED gai stove, four-bunner, side 'BUILDING lots or five ta 25 acres z ao ven, $e0.00. Apply Mrs. L. C. choice garden land adjaining vil- Mason, phone 553. 34-1* lage of Caesarea, close ta Lake e, MERCURY sedan, 1940, in goad Scugog. Ernest A. Werry, phono like condition. Apply 5:30 ta 7:30 at 250 3- and 48 Division St., ring 3. 34-1"* FARM, 100 acres choice land, well ~-FIELD a! standing mixed grain, watered, 'midst tobacca planta- appnaximately 13 acres, good crop. tion. Pniced veny cheap. Ternis Pte. $14 per acre. Phone 2318. 34-l* may be arranged. Phone Ennest Werny 2570. 34-1 8023 BABY carniage, good condition. ris- Mns. Virtue, 85 Church St. Phone FARM buildings, 2 bans, 20'x26', Au- 486. 34-1 20'x30' with 12' posts, hen house and 18'x30, garage 12'x28', and also KITCHEN table, chrome legs, ex- 10'x12' brooder hause. These tension, $35. Murphy's, King St. buildings are located 3 miles east W. Phone 811. 34-l1 o! McCnea Church. Apply Peter e__ Kiecka, 88 Mantrave Ave., Osh- TENT with faonr and two cots, $35 it-cmplete. Murphy's, 57 King St awa. 33-2* W . P one 11. 4-1* M ODERN, red brick house, good USED washing machine, recondi- cniin ei eaaei tianed, $29. Murphy's, 57 King small village near Hampton, con- of a St. W. Phone 811. 34-1* venient ta school, Close' ta high- arry way. Eight spacious, bnight rooma ryUSED bcd and spnings, $10 com- insulated, hardwaod flaars thru- ionlI-e Munphys', phone 811. 57 out, ail conveniences, hot water ing St. W. 34-l* heating, open fireplace. Good sses lawns and large gardon, garage KANGARCO gang plow with and chicken hause. Moderatolyi You; ikimmers. Apply Nelson Rob- priced. Immediate possession. Way bins, Hampton. Phone 2349. 34-P' Phone 2578 Bowmanville. 34-i CHEVROLET sedan, 1933, deluxeRAEopruiyMdenhm ayg,'god coditon.Appl Broksfor sale. Is under construction r Cowan, R.R. 1, Orono. 341 but will be ready for occupaney ceSTUDEBAKER sedan, '.14, fair sQon. Owner moving aut cf tawn1 Ler condition, $250.00. Appiy 2 Lib- and is forced to seli. This lu at 141 erty St. 34-1* good chance for someane wanting2 ____ta buy an up-to-date home with1 CHEVROLET coach, '36, in good new homes in the immediate vi- ory condition. Apply 66 Wellington cinity. The down payment ne- sed St. any evening after 4:30.341 quired is only $1485. Hardwood floors, built-in cupbaards in the REMINGTON portable type-. kitchen, full 7' basement. Manth-1 iwriten, latest model, very good ly payments, which include prin- r, condition, $50. Phone Clarke 3320. cipal and intenest are only $28.62. 1 ray, 34-1. For information about this lavely --home cail Oshawa 4400. Schafteld d BROADLOOM rug, green, used, aid 9x12 with Zonite filler, $30.00 Insurance Agency, 6 Simcoe St. N. -1* complete. Murphy's, phone 811. Oshawa, Real Estate Brokers. r - 57 King St. W. 34-1* 34-2 1 -FURNITURE including tables, Auction Sales1 [e, carpets, Kitchen cabinet, stoves,- r rut etc. Apply Marion Allun, corner Having sold my farm, I will selI ai King and North Sts., Newcastle. by public auctian on Fniday, 34-1* August 29, at 1 p.m., aIl my live- ~ SD ein acies ouh stock, implements and some 'On- anEd swn ahn:,btg household effects. Ahi will be sald. S be-an sold. Highest pnices paid. Norman Scott, Con. 9, Darlington0 32Write or phone Singer Sewing Twp., Buketon. 33-2 e Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. ait Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf Livestock For Sale ink for COAL stove with reservoir and -34 warming closet, idcal for farm, SIXTEEN pigs, 12 weeks oId. AI- - sacrifice. Buffet, kitchen table s0 Massey-Harris cutting box, 12". hý ,e and chairs, $7.50. Dresser. Mur- Phone 2986. 34-1 r my phy's, 57 King St. W. Phone 811.TENYtitypgsxwes- aid. Lavern Ciernens, Hampton. Il OiTWO-rlng burner; new double Phono 2436. 34-1 ej 3felt mattress; drop-leaf kitclien F, TENYokhiepi Bsv hetable; baby's bathinette; man's Fen wees Yorkd.Alvi sy, sEn- p] horsehide leather jacket, fur cal- skle.Poe28. 31N an Ian, size 38. Apply 33 Beech Ave.nkien Poe287 -1I do: mornings. 34-1 NINE pigi, seven weeks aid. Alox sl ind ELECTRIC washers, Super deluxe McRobbie, R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Tj 11948 models, 60 cycle only. Avail- Poe25.3- able for imnmediate delivery. NINE Yorkshire pigs, seven weoki Transportation prepaid. Budget old. Ahf. Richarcson, iampton. mr tenms available. Chnistian's El- Phone 2979. 34-1- ai- ectnic & Hardware, Oshawa, Ont. r- 33-3 TWELVE Shortharn yearling est-- ýx . tle; 6 young cows, also 100 acres DARK, solid oak modemn 9-piece bush. Jack G. Smith, phono Bob- er, dining raam suite; buffet; mirror; caygean 32 n 12. 33-4 tle kitchen table; Beatt.v electric xva- 1-3 sher (waoden tub); bedside table; SIX Yorkshire pigs 8 weeks old; - largo white flour bin; 3-burner Yorkshire sow due Sept. 1. Apply Perfection oil stove. Phone 625. F. Le Gresley, Newcastle. Phone SINERmaon an lghs reClarke 1130. 34-1* in MatNsER$28.50 and ights .5 ai-reifr;t IanBuîs ap - soto n vilhle tachmefnts $175.- Dvisphone2418. 34.1 Monument&s The Rutter Granite Company Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Engraving, Goldleafing Monuments, Gravemaricers, Trucklng GENERAL trucking. J. Gites, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2121 Sced Cleanlng SEED cléaning plant open morn- ings and Tuesday and Thursday evenings or by appointment. Sit- uated on highway one mile north of Burketon. Ernie Swain, R.R. 1, Burketon. 34-tf CULTIVATING, plowing a n d seeding; also John Deere repair parts and nepairing donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St, Phone 594. 17-tf COMFORTABLE home on a farrn provided ta a middle aged woman or couple capable o! looking after a ycar-old child and getting meals for one adult and at times extra farm help. No heavy work re- quired. Apply Mn. H. G. Bel- lamy, R.R. 2, 'Irono. 34-2 Work Wanted SEWING done, skirts altered at walst or hem. etc. Apply Mrs. May Yeo, 216 High St. 34-1* Wanted To Buy DINING noom suite, good condi- tion. Phone 2750. 34-1 BABY Grand Piano. Will pay cash. State make, age and price ta Box 936, Statesman Office. 33-3 COLEMAN iran or set of sad irons. Mrs. Helen Rogers. Phone 2993. 34-1 WANTED: Canoe, 14 or 16 ft., in gaad condition. Apply F. Nick- erson, 107 Liberty St. South. 34-1* USED studio couches, chesterfields and piano (flot playen type). Murphy's, 57 King St. W. Phone 811. 34-1 ALL types live poultry and fea- thers, top prices p aid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethéiry, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 1-tf LIVE horses for mink and fox food. Ah hanrses humanely slaugh- tered. Caîl us forhget prices. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Ty- rone. Phone Bowmanvjlle 2679. 33-tf Wanted to Rent W'ANTED immediately, apart- rment on house. Glenn Vîrtue. Phone 486. 34-1 ROOMS or an apartment to nent .mmediately for three adults. Ap- ply Box 940, Statesman office, or phone 710. 34-1* 'OUNG couple desire 2 unfur- nished rooms by September 8. Ap- ply Box 939 Statesman Office. 34-1 * For Rent SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewîng Machine Ca., 16 On- taria St., Oshawa, phone 696. ro-tl REPAIRS IVIACHINE shop, all kinds farm machineny, tractons, etc., nepaired. Phone Oshawa 289J13. 34-4 REPAIRS toalal makes of nefrig- raton, damestie and commercial. Iiggon Electrie 42 King St. E. phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Gaod, substantia 1 warkmanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Butiness Directory LE GA L W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal Money ta Loan - Phone 791 Bownanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MAS ON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notany Public King Street W., Bowmanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitrt - Natary 9% King Street E. Bowintinville - Ontario hone: Office 825 Hause 409 MISS APHiA I. HODGINS annister, Solicitor, Notaiy Pub licI Successon ta M. G. V. Gould remperanc2 St. -Bowmanville Plione 351 DENTAL DRS. DEVITT & RUE ELL Graduates ai Royal Dental College, and Faculty ai Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. King Street, Bawmanville iffice Hours: A a.rn- ta- . m . a- .y 7! 1PROSE 836 from the Munray Street Baptist Chunch, Peterborough, with Rev. Ivan Morgan conducting the ser- vices. Many floral tokens ai es- teem came from relatives, friends and arganizations. The palibearers were six Pro- vincial Constables who were assa. ciates of Mr. Silvesten on the force. She was laid to nest in Little Lake cemetery, Peterboro. DO WMAN VILLE Business School Courses ln Stenography - Booklseeping Start Either September 3rd or October but ENROL NOW Write or Phone 434 for Catalogue of Courses lut1 154 KING ST, E. BOWMA NVILLE KNOX'S, HONEY NATURES FINEST QUALITY PRODUCT FURS SE£ THEMi BEFORE YOU WEAR THEM CHAS. li. KNOX. 1ORONO P.S. - Ordens noms taken for1 Ambon Haney. Pienty of CLASS APPEAL Your *tylo-consciaus daughter wants high-fas- hions. And yau want yaur daughter 's clothes ta b. smart and practical. W. have the clothes ta make everybody happy. Beo re school opens . . . select your now clathes horo, 30 WMAN VILLE MRS. DAVID -SILVESTER Suffering a sudden heant at- tack, Mns. David Silvester died at her late residence, 8 Wellington St., Bowmanville, on Wednesday, August 13, 1947. Her sudden passing was a shock ta hon twa sans and a wide circie of iniends she won since caming ta live in this cammunity aimait seven years ago. Born in Coîbonne 65 years mgo, she was a daughter ai the hate Mi,. and Mn.; William Robinson. She was mannied ta the late David Silvester while he was a member o! the famous Royal North West Police. They lived at m4ny pointe in Western Canada and the Yukon before Mn. Silvester me- tired from the farce to join the Ontario Provincial Police. Shortly aiter coming ta Bow- manville, Constable Silvester was stnicken. with an illncss o! linger- ing character during which his wife wms always at his side. Ho passed away in 1944. Aiter a short nest Mns. Silvester joined the staff o! Bowmanviile Hospital and con- tinued in service until her death. 1 She was a member ai St. Paul's1 Church, Bowmanville, and thei Murnay St. Baptist Church, Peter- borough, where the famlly form- enly lived. In the time given ta her Mns. Silvesten was a loyal friend and wiihing worker among the circle her presence always graced. Gentie and kindly, she always cancealed hon own 'hum- dens when helping othens. She hs survived by her two ions, Edward o! Peterborough and Har- vey o! Bowmanville, also two sis- ters and one brother; Mrs. Aloert Annett (Maggie), o! Colbornei. Mrs. Frank Bakely (Ethel) ai Toronto and Steve Robinson o! Coîborne. The funeral was held, Saturday, Malte him style-leader of his class . . . with aur znannieh styled suite ... styled for warmth, wear tu winning looks, cam- fart ... In new faîl toned- ta-sohoal bays shades. Junior won 't be late for sohool this term, Ho '11 love rising early ta put on his tags when he 's selected one of these suite. I Il. -- Couch, Johoston & Cryderman -s. i I i mmý THE CARADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVUJ..& ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST 219t, 1947 PH 64rZ PAGE ILIM -- - 1

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