Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1947, p. 11

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TrHURSDAY, ATJGUST l4th, 14I TECNDA TTSA. OMIVLE NAI 4 etlw eIRTlt ALLIN-Mr. and Mrs. A. J. AI- li <nec Louise Cole) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Michael John, at Bowmanville Hospital, Tuesday, July 29, 1947. 33-1 BROWN-At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Sunday, August 3, to Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown, Brow- view Farm, Newcastle, a son; a brother for Earle, Gerald and Merrili. 33-l* HOGARTH-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hogarth announce the birth of their son, Clare Stuart, at Bow- manville Hospital, (n Wednesday, August 13, 1947. 33-1* KOWAL - Provincial Constable and Mrs. Ray Kowal announce the birth of their daughter, Janet Elizabeth, at Bowmanville Hospi- tal on August il, 1947. 33-1 PiETTI-Millie and Dom Petti of f5 Clendenan Ave., Toronto, are appy to announce the arrivai of their son, John Anthony. on Sat- urday, August 9, 1947, at St. Jo- seph's Hospital, Toronto. Mother anti baby both fine. 33-1* SCOTT-.-Mr. and Mrs. John Scott <nee Wi]ma Cann), Newcastle, are -happy ta annaunce the birth of their deughter, Catharine May, at Bowmanvillc Hospital on Wed- nesday, August 6th, 1947. 33-1* SHERWIN-At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Sunday, August 10, 1947, ta Dr. and Mrs. Wlfred W. Sher- wln, Orono, a son. A brother for Donald and Douglas. Notice The office of W. Ross Stnike, K.C., will be closed from August Ilth ta August 30th, inclusive. Dr' Slemon's office -will be clos- ed fÏrm August 18 ta September 2, inclusive. 33-2 Prom this date I will not be res- ponsible for debts incurred by my wife. Cliff ord George Lemon August 5, 1947. 32-3* ROOFINO ASPHALT - FELT - SHINGLE Brick Siding Call on us for Guarasnteed Work P*HONES: 2842 - 2674 EN GAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vine, Nestieton, wish ta announce the engagement of their daughter El- eanor Elizabeth, ta Mr. Reginald- E. Iyiddleton, son af Mr. and Mrs. Fredcrick Middleton, Blackstock, Ont. The wcdding will take place at home, Saturday, August' 3th, 1947. 33-1 Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Quantrili, Cobourg, wlsh ta announce the en- gagement af their youngcst daugh- ter Patricia Majorie, ta George Dentzel Anderson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Anderson, Bowmanville. The marniage will take place at Trlnity United Church, Cobourg, Saturday, Sep- tember 13. 33-1* DEATH ALLIN-At Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, on August 6, 1947, Alva William Allun, aged 54 years. MILLS-At Bowmanville Hospi- tai on August 10, 1947, Daniel, in- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Milîs, Enniskillen. 33-1 OKE-Suddenly at the reuidence, 133 King Street East, on Au g ut 12, 1947, Edith Annie Oke, beloy- ed wife of Frank H. Oke, aged 64 years. Resting at the Morris Fu- neral Chapel. Service in the Cha- pel on Thursdgy, August 14, at 3:30 p.m. Interméënt Bowman- ville cemetery. OSBORNE-At 1074 College St., Toronto- on August 7, 1947, Wil- liam Prederick Osborne, beloved busband a! the bate Minnie Wright, aged 72 yeams. Brother of H. C. Osborne, Bowmanvllbe. Inter- ment Bowmanville cemneteny. SAMELLS-At bis hoirie, Nestie- tan, Ont., on Monday Augusi 11, 1947, William Samnelis, beloved busband of Emma Mortjoy, ln bis 88th year. Resting at bis home. Funeral service frofti Nestieton United Churcb on Tbursday at 2:30 p.m. Interment' Nestieton cemetery. 33-1 IN MEMORIAM HOOEY-In loving memory of aur Mother, Lissa Hooey, wbo passed away August 18, 1045. "We who loved you sadlyr fliès yau, As it dawns another year; In aur lonely houri of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near." -Ever remembered by Roy and Burney. 33-1* MOSES-In loving memory af a ICear husband and father, Harold D. Moses wha passed away Aug- ust 18, 1945. Loving and kind in ail bis w#yç. Upright-and juit to the end of bis days, Sincere and kind in beart and mind, What a beautiful memary he left behind. -Ever remembered by wi!ie and family. 33-1, Custom Work CULTIVAtING, plowing a n d seeding; also John Deere repair parts and repairing donc. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St. Phone 594. 17-tf The Peridot, a beautiful soit green stone mined by the Egyptians since ancient times, is aiten called the Gem of the Sun. They beiicvcd that It would dispel the terrons of the night, but ta exent its full powers the gemn shauld be set in gold. The Sandonyx, eddish brown in colour, la ideal for men with masculine taste. Bath o! these beautiful stone rings, superbiy styled by highly traineti and talented craitimen, admired for beauty and desireê.j(or value ... each ideai as a birthday giit . .. speelal Occaio . . .and for yourself. BEE TMEN ON DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOWIS 1CARDS 0F THANKS1 Relatives of the late Alva W. Allin wish ta express their appre- ciation and gratitude ta iriend who were so kind during their recent sad bereavement. 33-1* Mrs. Bill Crasscy and family wish ta express ta their many friends, relatives and neighbors, their heartfelt thanks for the ex- pressions of sympathy, acts of! kindness and beautiful floral tri- butes extended ta them in the loss af a dear husband and father. Spe- cial thanks ta the members of the Ontario Training School for Boys, the members of the Florence Nightingale Ladge I.0.0.F., the. hockey tcam a! 1922 and 23 and the Rev. J. dePencier Wright, Canon C. R. Spencer, Rev. G. C. Quigley and the Salvation Army for their maît comforting words during aur sad and sudden ber- cavement. 33-.j* COMINO EVENTS Reserve August 3lst and Sep- tember lst for Tyrone Harvest Home. Full particulars later. 33-1 Clarke and Darlington Girls' Softball League final playoff game, Ncwtonville at Newcastle, on Friday, Aug. 15 at 7:15 p.m. Silver collection. 33-1 Dance will be held ini the New- castle Community Hall under the auspices of Board of Management on Friday, August 15 starting at 9 p.m. Russ Creigb.ton and bis Vaniety Band in attendance. Ad- mission 50c per persan. 33-1 The Newcastle Hoticultural Flowen Show Will be beld Thuns- day aiternoon, Auguit 21, at 5:30. Jutige and speaker, Mn. Gerald Cowan, Rosebank. "The gnowing and pruning o! plants and sbrubi for production o! bloom," also sldes. Tea 40c. 33-1 Community sale ai many donat- ed articles ln aid af the erection ai Courtice United Church and Sunday Sahool, August 23, at the Courtice schooi, at 1 30 p.m. Sec story In another columr%, with list of articles. Frankc Sturtevant, auctioneer. 33-2 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of ELLA HALLO- WELL, deceased. -Ah persons baving cdaims against the estate a! Ella Hallo- well, late of the Town o! Bow- manville, deceased, who died on on about the 1.7th day af July, 1947, are bereby natified ta send in ta W. Rosi Stnike, K.C., solici- tor for the Executors, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on on before the lst day a! September, 1947, ful Particvlars af their cdaims. I1mmediately iter the said lit dey of September, 1947, the as- sets of the testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- entitled thereto, having regard on- iy ta claitna oi wbich the said sol- icitor for the Executors shaîl then bave notice. DATED at Bowmanville, this 28tli day of July, 1947. W. ROSS STRIKE, K.C., Solicitor for Executors, Bowmanville, Ontario. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders will be received up ta 6 o'clock p.m., on Saturday, Aug. l6th, next, for purchase ai the two-starey red brick dwelling ai the late Mns. Ella Hallowell, Hor- îey Street. Prospective purchasers may in- spect premises an and after the llth day a! Auguit, and in view a! the office a! the Solicitar for the Executors being closed during period tenders are being received, these may be mailed or banded ta F. 0. Mcllveen at Bank a! Mon- treal. Termi cash. W. ROSS STRIKE, 33-1 Solicitor for Executors Wanted to Rent POUR or five roam apartment, by September 1, for elderly cou- ple, or would consider buying a amail cottage. Write Box 938, Statesmari Office. 33-1 BABY Grand Piano. Wili pay cash. State make, age and price ta Box 930, Sttarnan Office. 33-3 ALL types live pouitry and fea- thers, top rc piM. Platt, RR.1,Behany, phone Bcthany 7 r 13. 1-t! LIVE hanses for mink and fax foodi. Ail hanses hiumaneiy slaugh- tured. Call us for highest prices. Margwil 1w Farm, R.R. 1, Ty- rane. Phone Bowmanvillc 2679. 33-tf tlelp Wanted PART time janitor, good pay, ap- ply Rayal Theatre. 33-1 WOMAN far ilght hauscwork and cane of two cilidren, lîve in. Ap- piy Cream ot Bsniey Park, Bow- manville. 33-1 GIRL Who la nat returning- ta school tao work in baath. Apply Cream af Barley Park, Bowman- ville. BOYS wanted for weeding at Brookdai. - Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 31-t! GIRL or mniddle aged waman for housework, no chiidren. Room and board if desired. Apply 66 Warren Ave., Oshawa. Phone 872 'Oshawa. 33-2 CIasiied Ad Lates CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must b. pald before insertion IF CHIARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25c extra for box numbers or replies dlrected to this offlc& ADDITIONAL INSERTIONS SAME RATES Ail Classified Adiets Must Be Un Mot Later Thon NOON WEDNESDAY Tou must include cash, stamps, or money order, with copy to get low rate. For Rent AUCTION SALE ROOM for rent or accommodation for couple. App.ly 6 Liberty St. 33-4* SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month.- Sing-. er SeWing Machine Ca., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf SUMMER cottage, situatcd on beautiful Salmon Trout Lake, five rooms, furnished for comfort, spring mattresses, etc., boat, woad, good fisbing available August 23. Apply C. A. Bartlett. 33-1 HEATED apartment, with stove and refrigerator supplied; will cônsider only as prospective ten- ants household of not more than two people. Please do not tele- phone. Available August 16. Ap- ply in person only at Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries. 33-1 REPAIRS REPAIRS toalal makes o! refrig- erators, domestic and commercial. Hlggon Electnic 42 King St. E., phone 438. 26-tf NEAT-Way Shoe Repair: Good, substantial workmnanship, relia- bility, dyeing, soling, sewing, etc. Try the Neat-Way, King St., W. 30-tf Lost WALLET with large sum a! ma- ney, lait between High School and Post Office, July 31st. Reward. D. Preston, phone 2417. 33.1* Strayed HOLSTEIN beifer, one and a bal! years aid, strayed betwcen Hamp- ton and Enniskillen. Reward ta finder. Phone Albert Zilversmit, R.R. 1, Enniîkillen, 2291. 33-1 Seed Cleaning SEED cleaning plant open morn- ings and Tucsday and Tbursday eveningi. Ernie Swain, R.R. 1, Burketon. 33-1 Auction Sales Having sold rny iarm, I will sell by public auction an Sat-urday, August 29, at 1 p.m., ail my live- stock, implements and some bouschold cfecti. Ail. will be sold. Norman Scott, Con. 9, Darlington Twp., Burketon. 33-2 Having bis barn destroyed by ire, Mr. Victor Palmer, Lot 5 Con. 5, Hope township (one mile west o! Rossmai.mt) is givrng up farming and will seil by public auction an Fniday, August 15, at 6*30 p.mn., two yaung hôrses; 201 bead o! Durham cattle; 20 acresi of mixed grain, and a quantity1 a! neanly new iarm machincry. For further particulars sec bibis. Terms cash. No reserve. Wil- lard Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auc- tioneer. 32-21 Purnitune Sale-I will seil by public auction for Mns. Stephens, Manvers Rond, anc mile north o! Bowmanville, Thursday even- ing, August l4th, ber hausehoid e!fects including: dining-room suites, gaod as new; piano,,good; Belgium wine cabinet; hall chair, carved aak; steel bedi and mat- tresses; wardrobe; kitchen cabinet; chairs; rockers; chest o! drawers; Wilton rug; Congoleum mug; dishes; cooking utensils; floor re- gisters, and many other articles too numerous ta mention. Sale at 6:30 sharp. Please note time. Elmer Wilbur, auctioncer; T. S. Mountjay, cierk. 33-1 Chieks For Sale BRAY pullets, 4-5-6 week aid- most varicties-pnompt shipment. Gnowing this warm wcathcr ta catch goad mill and wintcr egg markets. Order soon-also arder naw your September - October chicks. Save time, contact agent. P. L. Byam, Tyrone. 33-1 In curling, what is a third toaa Western Canadian is a vice-skip in Ontario, and a mate in the mari- times. The undensigned auctioneen willi seil by public auction for the es- tate o! the bate Alvin Peters IN VILLAGE 0F HAMPTON an Saturday, August lGth The following: FURNITURE Piano;. chestemfleld (good as new); chest of drawers; wash stand; beds and mattress; feathen ticks; toilet set; scwing machine (Singer); glass cupboard; wheel chair; tables (antique); electnic radia; quantity o! silverwanc; 2 rugi; couches; draperies; bedding; piilows; 2 kitchen tables; smal tables; dlocks; some linen; glass churn; kitchen chairs; rockers; fonr coveningi; mats; 2 cook stoves; 2 Quebec heaters (good); lawn mowers; coal ail stove, 3- bunner, quantity o! dishes; glass wane; cooking utensils; wash tubs; dressers; sealens, and many other articles. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES Car, Chevrolet sedan, 1932, mibeage 18,932 miles, in extra good condition; scaies, 240 lbs.; toals; tool cheit; spinning wbcel; feed barrels; lumber; 23 bunches good cedar shingles; quantity af han- ncss; 30 cord a! stove wood (ap- proximate); 50 cedar posts. IMPLEMENTS Hay nake; 1ihbasc wagon; bug- gy; Vega-sepanaton; cutter (gaod); sieigbs; single plow; gang plow; harrows; iran kettle; stoneboat; power jack; sawing machine and îaw; wire stretchers; scrap iran; fonks; bacs; shoveis, etc. Terma Cash. Sale at 12:30 J. D. Hogarth, Clark Elmen Wllbur, Auctioneen. P.S.: As this is an exceptianaily large sale o! household effeets, etc., sale will stant at 12:30. Oniy a few af many articles are listed. 33-1 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 27-9 Raedio Service THE Radia Shop, Bowmanville, off crs boncît changes, lateit type equipmcnt and tnained person- nel. Our two radio technicians bath bold Government Certificates a! Pmoficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 20-tf Justiy ta discniminate, finmly ta establish, wiseiy ta prescribe, and honestly ta awand-these are the true aims and duties o! cmiticism. are holding a Anyone wishing ta have their children examinedl by a spee- lallut kindly notiy Dr. W. Tennant or any member of the Bowmanville Rotary Club. £ AUl organized groupa wishing ta une the Lions Cammunity Centre for their regular nieetinis this coming season shauld make a written request as soon as possible ta D. PREBTON, Chairman Hause Activities, Box 440, Bawmanville. The fallowing information shauld be incIuded: date preferred (first and second choie), time and dura- tion of meetings, approximate number of members, and use of the kitchen. Groups wisliing occasional use of the buildinig ahould make a wiitt.n request at leait seven days in advance af the date desfred. Articles For Sale TWENTY bundies of steel. F. A. Bruce, phone 494. 33-1 Real Estate, For Sale BUILDING lot, 50x90, Liberty St. North. APPly 36 Second St. 33-1' NASH sedan car, 40,000 miles. Ap- FARM-25 acres, near ncw high- ply T. Wesley Cawker. 33-1 way, bydro, stone bouse. Write Box 937, Statesman Office. 33-3' MINK scari, three skins. Phone 64 r 2 Orona. 32-tf GURNEY stove, white enamel, coal or wood, good condition. Phone 674 or 860. 33-1* NEW Firestone radio and used console radio, cheap. W. H. Brown, phone 497. 33-1 BARN 30'x6O' on stone founda- tion. W. G. Werry, R.R. 6. Phone 2253. 33-1* CHEVROLET Master coupe, 1934, good condition, good beater. Bruce Yeo, Hampton. Phone 2438. 33-1 CHEVROLET coach, 1934, six tires, heater, also trunk on back, Apply 13 Carlisle Ave. 33-t' STEEL pipes, radio and-other ar- ticles. Apply W. Wilcox, 58 Queen St. 33-1' SILENT Glow ail burner, com- plete with McClary cook stave, $40. Apply 237 Scugog St. 33-1* SIX coans, one red fax. Apply Cream ai Barley Park, Bowman- ville. 33-1 DEERING corn binder in good working order, for quick sale. J. H. Davey, 54 r 5 Orono. 32-3* COOK stove, smaîl, good condi- tion, $4. Cave Cottage, Lakefront or P.O. Box 10, Bawmanvillc. 33-1' PONTIAC Special sedan, 1932, in good running condition, goad tires. Sell at aid ceiling pnice. Isaac Hardy, phone 2184. 33-1 STUDEBAKER sedan, 1935, good condition; also haîf-tan two-wheel trailer. Apply 36 Second St. ONE Massey-Harris binder, 6 it., A-i condition. Everctt Cryder-q man, R.R. 1, 'Enniskillen. Phonei 2265. 33-1* MOTORCYCLE, 33 B.S.A. in good condition, twa new tires. Must seîl, make offer. Apply Gardon Garrad, Newcastle. 33-1 WAY-Sagless spring filied mat- tress, good condition. Apply Mns. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. Phone 2736. -33-1 1947 crop ai nine-acre field Ajax oats, in best shape, ready for bin- der cut. Phone 0. Frienod, Bow- manville 2523 between 7 and 8 p.m. 33-1 ONE set used spring tooth bar- rows; used DeLaval milker, like new, reasonabie for quick sale; twa used tractor plaws; used M.- H. separator. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497. 33-1j BARN torn down 48x28 ft., 16 it. posts, purlines 6 in. square, other timbens 8 in. square, appraximate- ly 3,000 it. of sbeeting. Phone Benson L. Dunn, 1654WI-2 Osh- awa R.R. No. 1. 33-1* ROW iprayer (Spraymotor), ar- cbed axles, high and iow wheels, used two seasons, suitable for ta- bacco or potatoes. Apply Brook- dalc-Kingsway Nurseries near C. N.R. station. 33-1 ELECTRIC washers, Super deluxe 1948 madeis, 60 cycle oniy. Avail- able for immediate delivery. Transportation prepald. Budget termis available. Christian's El- ectric & Hardware, Oshawa, Ont. 33-3 USED sewing machines, bought and sold. Highcst prites paid. Write or phone Singer Scwing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696, Oshawa. 23-t! FORTY rod a! pine stump fence on caunty road near Kendal, may have same for remaving. Applyr Pete Newcil, Canada Tobacco, Newcastle. 32-2 GOOD used cars at reasonabie prices. Let us know what you want and we wili f11l your order. Ail cars completely checked by licensed mechanlcý before re-sale. We take your aid car as trade. Phone 447. Apply 69 Concession St., Bowmanville. 33-tf GLOSSTONE-The genuine plas- tic floor finish. Recovens your linoleum and hardwood fonr, in a beautifu], bard-wearing plastic finish. Wil1 nat peel, crack or chip. Long basting. Phone 696. We deiver. 33-1 SINGER motors and lights are now available ta attach on your sewing machines, brand new. Matons $28.50 and lights $5.25, ai- so buttonhole attachments $10.75. Singer Sewing Machine Company, 16 Ontario St., phone 696, Oshawa. 23-tf OSHAWA'S new funnitune store- Everything in mode:n. Chester- feld, bedroom and dining room suites, and. studios. Beddlng and floor coveings a speciaity. Quai- ity merchandise at campetitive rices. Befare buying visit Brad- ?eysNew Furniture Store, 156 simcoe StS.. Oshawa. 46-tf Livestock For Sale FOURTEEN Yorkshire pi g , six weeks aid. Appiy Tom Baker, Hampton. Phone 2180. 33-1 ELEVEN thni!ty Yorkshire pigs,! six wecks ald. Jack Rogers, 1 Hampton, phone 2993. 33-1 FIFTY laying bens, mixed breedi, baying 50 per cent, $1.50 each; one droike and thrce ducks, $2.00 *ach. Phone 324. 33-1 TWELVE Shorthamn yearling cat- tie; 6 young cows, aiso .100 acrejs buah. Jack G. Smith, phone Bob- çsygeon 32 r 12. 33-1 FARM buildings, 2 barns, 20'x261, 20'x30' with 12' poats,. hen house 18'x30, garage 12'x28',. and~ also 10'x12' brooder house. These buildings are located 3 miles east of McCrea Church. Apply Peter Kiccka, 88 Montrave Ave., Osh- awa. 33-2* MODERN, red brick bouse, good condition, newly decorated, in small village near Hampton, con- venient ta school, close ta high- way. Eight spacious, bright rooms insulatcd, hardwood floors thru- out, aIl conveniences, hot water heating, open fireplace. Good lawns and large garden, garage and chicken house. Moderately priced. Immediate possession. Phone. 2578 Bowmanville. 33-1 Newcastle Loses Final Intermediate Basebail Gamne Complctcly off form, Ncwcastle lost the final game in the Inter- mediate Lakeshone League ta Bowmanville Rayais on the High School d'iamond, Saturday. It was spatty basebaîl as the 15-4 score indicates. Sandy Gnabam's arm let bim down In the second and Smythe took over a 9-0 deficit ta pitch good ball for the rest o! the route. George Waiton caught a steady, peppery game for New- castle. Sutton and Cowani were in command for Rayais for the full nine inningi. Cowan stanned withi thnee bits, an unassisted double play and llnished- the game aften being injured in the seventh. RayaIs copped three in the finit, on bits by Ted Bagnell and Gil- hooiey and a triple by Porky Os- bonne. Cowàn, Ted and Yourth singled in the second, Cowan scor- cd on a triple steal. Park Osborne and Ron Richards doubled befone Smythe baited a 6-run rably. Os- borne opcned the fourth with a single, bis third straight Ilit and scored on Bill Bagnell's triplé, but was out for failing ta tauch sec- ond. Bill scomed on a single by Richar-ds. Funey bit, stole, scomed in the sixth an Cowan's triple. Younth turned two errons into a tally ini the seventh. In the eighth Tyson, Cowan and Suttan filled the sacks in. succession. Aiter Tyson came home and Yourth waiked, Cowan again sconed on a triple steal. That ended it. Newcastle sconed one in the faumth, Lyceft andjD. Walton got on through two errons. Smythe singled for the counter. Cowan ended the rally with bis unassist- cd double play. Sutton weakencd in the fifth yielding thrce walks and two bits for two scores. Sandy Graham walked, stole twice, came home on Mddleton's single in the ninth. Finis. Summary: Newcastle 4 muni, 6 bits, 5 errons, 8 fanned, 7 walked, 2 thefts, 8 le! t an base. Royals, 15 runs, 16 bits, 3 errons, 3 fan- ned, 6 walked, 12 stole, 10 leit on base. Hit by pitcher, B. Bagneil. Double plays, Cowan, Smythe and Gray. Relie!, Jr. West for New- castle; Tyson and Funey for Ray- aIs. Umps: Ray Brown, plate; R.Hr. E. Newcastle --000 120 001- 4 6 5 Rayais ---360 101 13x-15 16 3 Parowax ____.15e Certo ---- -------_ _ 25e Cento Crystals----------1i2e Jar Rings-------- 8c - 2 for 15e Whole Aluspice -------- oz. 10e 3-oz for 25c Whole Capsicum......----oz. 10e 3-oz. for 25e Cinnamon Bark-------- oz. 10e Cinnamon Powder __oz. 5e Whole Claves oz. 5e DiII Seed _-----_ _oz. 5c Tumenlo Powder 3-oz. foc Powdered Ginger oz a. 5e Mixed Spice _------ oz. 5e Celery Seed... oz. 10e Salicylie Acid oz. 10c Piekie Mixture --35c Klenzq-Nylon Brlatled Tek Taoth Brushes, Nylon BrIstled New Deluxe Prophylactie, Prolon Bristied 29C 50e 50e * FOR DAKERY AND RESTAURANT Dniy the Best QUALITY AND SER VICE Phone 85S .... . ... .. w WELDINO lin CAMERON Leskard - Ontario. ]PHONE: ORONO 1-R-5 Formerly Cameron Weiding Service Toronto Electric & Acetylene Wolding {CYLINDER BLOCKS AND, HEADS WELDED Speclallzing ln IAluminum and White Metai ALL WORK GUARANTEED PUREBRED AND GRADE TOP PRICES PAI'D Bowmanvllm Phone 2403 Aer-O-SoI Bomb wlth DDT --- 4.98 Puit, regular with 5% DDT 23C-39e Fly-Tox 24e-43e Sheli Tox --------------24c-43c 2-Way Screen Paint ... 59c-98c Wllson's FIy Pads----------10eo 3 for 25e Fly Catcher --- 2 for 5e Fly-KiI, regular --------- 40le Fly-KiI wlth%4% DDT - 50r Rexail Residual Surface Household Pest Paint with 5% DDT 43c 0 0 0 Kienzo CoCoanut 011 Shampo. -----. 6 0C Silque Shampoo -. 60 Preli Shampoo In a tube--------7c-63o-Ue rloue 778 WEN WB TEST EYES IT 18 »<»JI, King st. W. PAGE ELEVEN h C.N.R. Ticket@ PEOPEEL? Bowmanvifle THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BONMANVII.LE, ONTARIO »-».i 1 PAGE ELEVEN IL Il

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