PAGE TRYf TEE CANADJAR STAT~MAN, BOWMAKVXLLE, ONTABJO TIflTRSDAY, AU~UST l4th, 1H, 1Mr. Alcorn, Oshawa, has been rellevlng manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce while Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been on holidays.ý Mr. and Mss. Herbert Babcock, Bowmanville, Dr. George Clem- ence, Las Angeles, Cal., wese Sun- day callers of Mrs. Geo. Rickard. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Garrod and Gardon motored during their holidays ta Mountain Grav e whese they. stayed with her parents, Mr. anJ Mrs. Keller. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. John Scott an the birth of a daughtes, and ta Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brown on the bisth of a son. iPhone 589 COOL Mrs. Tuif, Mr. Percy Tuif, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bull onto, Mrs. Otton, Thedford, Rev. arrived Sunday for a three weeks' J. C. and Mrs. Fenning, London, stay at their cottage. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bran- Mr. -and Mrs. Harold F. RustIn, ton. who are enjoying a two weeks' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade with vacation at Mr. Rolph's cottage, Reeve and Mrs. John A. Box and entertained these guests over the family, Port Hope. weekend, Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle The afternoon auxiliary of the Meek, Mrs. A. Brisbin, Mr. Baron W.M.S. entertained the members Parker, Buffalo, Mrs. A. H. Collins of the Baby Band and their mo- and daughter Marilyn, and Mrs. thers at a picnic on the United J. P. Michaud, Toronto. Church lawn, Thursday, August Lx nai à enuuu 7th. Mrs. W. H. Cooke, vice-pre- aly are Onaroas e enunusu- sident, called on Mrs. Hare who ally arm d a rs tetheoe welcomed the mothers and child continuedtaea ris mny dpopl ren. Rev. W. W. and Mrs. Pat- terson, Mrs. Baskerville and oth- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wynn spent ers entertained the children by the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. playinig games after which the R. A. Wynn at the latter's cottage, ladies served lunch. ygt.Ohrwendvsos Rev. J. B. Bonathan, rector of a Wyngate OtereeMr.end viitrs Longeueil, Que., will be special at WngewreMr and Mrs.Cuh preacher at St. George's Church F.L* em n M.En« uh on Sunday, August l7th. bertsan, Brantford. A Garden Tea was held Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Layton Long, To- day afternoon August l2th at the ledo, Ohio, spent the weekend h~ome of Miss B. Mclntosh under with his sister, Miss Gladys Long, the uspcesof te Ateroonat Miss Long's cottage. Breapce!st.Gorgte'sA The J Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matthews rcptoiSt Gere'is WMcnTohand daughter Margaret spent the rend Mrnss ewdey. Miss MBtier weekend at their cottage. and Mrs. F. Brnton cisnvera Mrs. Robert Gibson and guest an table F.miceanne arteshad supper Sunday night at Lake- ahicablerfor seln ale rs.iW.eH.side Lodge. whibson andr ae Mrs. .F.LerH.e Mr. and Mrs. George W. James teaso and theyP.F.wereassîst Bowmanville, and their guests en- poured ean hywr sit joyed Sunday dinner at Lakeside ed by Mrs. Jack Wade, Mrs. How-Lde hyicudMaoan ardGibonMrs HaoldGibonMrs. Wm. James and daughter and Mrs. Donald Gibson. Heather, Bowmanville; Mr. and Miss Pauline Deline spent a Mrs. Ward Bauman, Cleveland, week's holiday at Sharbot Lake. OhoMran s.W dHf- tr.HaroldeekenaThome.toman and daughter Andrea, Toron- spent teweeda i oe to, and Mrs. T. P. Fletcher, Glas- Miss Margaret Wright, Toronto, gow, Scotland. Mrs. Fletcher is with ber grandmotber, Mrs. We- enjoying hier visit ta Canada and hereil. assei okn owr v- The Young People's Union were itays sh elooing fcouryard is- hosts ta the Forward Movement iigarbatflcutyaan eam, Mr. Isaac Mathunni of In- dia and Mr. Allan Borland at a camp fire meeting held by the Starkville Lake, Wednesday evening, Atigust____ 3th. Same from here attended Lake- Mrs. Edith Cowan, Toronto, hasvewc etydcraonsvce been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Newtonville, on Sunday. Charles Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Dobson and Mrs. Hooper, Ajax, with her Mary Lou, with Mr. and Mrs. R. daughter, Mrs. Henry Bawen. Lowery, Toronto; Mary Lau re- Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Fisher mained far holidays. and family spent their holidays Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farrow amping in Algonquin Park and and son, Hampton, at Mr. Victor with Mr. and 14rs. Keller, Moun- Farrow's. tain Grave. Mr. and Mss. M. Shutka were in Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson Oshawa, Saturday, attending the anld family spent Sunday in Tar wedding of their eldest daughter nto. Mrs. Harold Hockin went Nellie Shutka who became the long to spend the day wîth her bride of Ms. Albert Rogers. Af- ausband. ter a short honeymoon, the happy Ms. Stuart Milligan at bis home couple will reside ,in Oshawa. ýn Deseronto. Rev. and Mss. R. Wragg and Mr. Murray Patterson, Orano, family, Glen Morris, with his mo- who bas been a junior clerk at ther and Oswald. he Canadian Bank of Commerce Miss Eileen Farrow bas return- ias been transferred ta Bowman-' ed home after completing the sum- Thle.Nwategrs .fbl mer course in Toronto. The ewcstl girs' oftall Mr. Art McKay at bis sister's, ýeamn won over Cold Springs Mrs. H. Èasrowclough, Wesley- eam in a close score 9-8, Saturday ville. vening, August 9th. Mrs. C. Reid and Mrs. F. L. The Newcastle boys' softball Souch, Toronto, at Mr. Wilfred ;eam was badly beaten by the Or- Woods'. no boys Monday, August llth. Miss Mildred Woods, Tosonto, is Ms. and Mss. Davage, Mr. Jim spending her bolidays at home. iliott, Toronto, spent a week Mr. Dobson, Sr., Pasry Sound, vith Ms. and Mrs. P. Williams. visiting his son, Ms. Alf. fobson. Miss Margaret Ash was laid up __________ Bowmanville m AIR-CONDITIONED Thursday - Friday AUGUST'ITH - 15TH HIAâNK BRAF' IVEMAWAYS 10VEDoYOU lm VICHNICOLOS DORNa McLEOD ,CARTER MME. MARIA OUSPENSKAYA Dmct Y FWK ORZAE. CARTOON IN TECHNICOLOR Saturday, Aug. 16 Johnny WEISMULLER Bustes CRABB~E America's two top aquatie stars ln one of the most thrill-fllled hits you've ever seen ! IS WAMP FIRE"II - ALSO - William Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy lu 'DANGEROUS VENTURE' CARTOON 1IN COLOR m COOL Mon. - Tues. - Wed. &UGUST 18TH - 19TH - 20TH rBobls a nosey I dêtective... with an oye for brunettes! Due HOPE DOROTNfY LAMOUR MMTERLMfR- LON CHANE LATE NEWS AN» SHORTS C'MON NIDS! WEDNESDAY MATINEE - b.~ILAUREBL & HARDY SHORT - BUGS BUNNY - JASPER C m A S'lT MICKEY MOUSE - M1GHTY MOUSE - LULU CALŽ-TCC)s-SIIC)W 3*STOGESHORT Kendal Miss Selena Thestell at Milli- ken secently With Mrs. Wm. Hon- ey. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cum- mings, with Miss Mary McLean at ber summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Turner and Diane, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Art Low. Miss Georgina Daslington is home aftes taking a summer coi.ýrse in Toronto. Mrs. Barkwell and Marcia, o! Pesrytown, visited Mrs. Wm. Wil- son. Miss Ada Wilson, Fred Wilson and George Palmes went on a trip ta Rochestes on Civic Hol- iday. Mrs. Luxon and Marion are at their summer cottage near Dosset accompanied by friends from the U.S.A. Mr. and Mss. Lane o! Liver- pool, England, asrived Satusday at Kendal ta assist Arthur Tbamp- son with bis fasmn wosk. He is living in the bouse previausly oc- cupied by Ms. Sutcliffe. Mr. Blake Alexandes was taken ta Peterboro Hospital where he underwent a minor operation last Tuesday. We are pleased that Blake is much better and able ta be home again. There has been considerable ac- tivity at Wm. .Mercer's tobacco farm this past week. Orley lv"--- cer and his gang have been swi!t- USE» RADIOS Mantel and Console Modela $7.50 up Guaranteed USED BATIERY RADIOS $10.00 USE» VACUUM CLEANERS Tank and Uprlght Modela $10.00 te $15.00 USED IRON BEDS AND SPRINGS $10.00 Complete USE» OIL BURNERS. FOR KITCHEN STOVES - GUARANTEED - $22.50_Complete MURPHY'S APPLIANCE AN» FURNITURE OFORE ly erecting a new tobacco barn. A second gang, starting Thursday was just as busily engaged prim- ing and filling three kilns with sand leaves. The tobacco is look- ing good. A large crowd turned out ta the park here last Thursday evening to support their teamn in the first playoff game wjyh Osono. Cor- nish and West pitched for Orono with Winters catchin'g. Quantrill pitched and Kenny caught for Kendal. The game was well play- ed and, dean witb a final score of 4-0 in favos of Kendal. Orono News The August meeting o! the Woman's Missianary Society of Park St. Church was held on the afternoon o! August 5th. A short business pesiod was conducted by the President, Mrs. A. ,Delve. The programme was in charge of Mrs. F. Kelly, leader o! Gsoup 2, wbo was assisted in the Warssip pes- iod by Mrs. R. Raîney and Miss Stella Best. Mrs. Walsh, Secsetasy of Christian Citizenship and Tempesance, gave a short reading on "Wbat is a Cocktail". Guest speaker was Rev. A. E. Eustace, who gave many interesting ex- periences on mission fields in Western Canada. A picnic supper on the lawn was lates enjoyed by the members and their fsiends., A number of !siends from Os- ana attended the funeral service of the latf Mrs. Lcrne Robbins at Leskard, <Pursday aftesnoon. In- terment was in Orono Cemetery. An intesesting football game was held in Orono Park la st Wed- nesday evening, wben Osono defeated Bawmanville by a score o! 2-0. 1 Reeve and Mrs. E. R. Wood- yard and Anne and Mr. and Mss. Frank Hall have been bolidaying at their summer homes at Ap- sley. Orono Citizens Band gave an- other lovely concert in the Park Sunday a!ternoon and also played at Newcastlé in the evening. Mrs. Fred Sissons, Misses Mary and Marjorie Sissons, Toronto, attended the funeral of Ms. Fred Sissons who passed away in Osh- awa Hospital aftes a long illness. Mr. Chas. Wood who bas been on vacation, bas returned ta bis work in Kitchener. Miss Marjanie Hoidge, Toronto, bas been visiting Ms. and Mrs. Chas. Wood and accompanied tbem ta Lake!ield whese tbéy visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood. Rev. and Mrs. A. Eustace at- tended the, marsiage of Miss Jean Buchanan ta Rev. Gardon Cruik- shank in Erskine United Church, Toronto, on Satusday evening. Mr. Mac Smith, Toronto, was in Orona mast week. Miss Margaret Waodley, Santa Monica, Cal., Miss Nina Hodgson, Washington, D.C., aüd Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Rev. L. Burgess, Elmvale, wlth Mss. Jas. Burgess and Miss E. Burgess. Mr. Roy Powess, Toronto, with Mss. C. L. Powess. Mr. and Mss. Glen Hancock, Peterborough, with Ms. and Mss. Edgestan Hancock. Mss. W. E. Ogden and daugh- tes, Oshawa, with Mss. W. J. Ly- cett. Ms. and Mss. C. F. Awde. Ms. and Mss. Dave Hoonp-.f. I« -- aid and Donald, with Ms. and, Mss. D. Hodgson. Halls u'-ake. Mr. and Mss. E. J. deBeaupre, Clinton, witb Ms. and Mss. J. J. Mellor. Mr. and Mss. W. E. Davey with Ms. and Mss. L. Keate at their cottage in Muskoka. Mss. Norman Rickasd, Newcas- tle, witb Mss. Jae. Dickson. Wesleyville Sund,ay School was held at il a.m. witb a vesy good attendance and aIl teachers present. The Welcome Circuit picnic was held at Daskes' Beach on Wed- nesday afternoon. Owing to the good barvest weather quite a numbes o! people did not attend. Races and games were held for the young people. Mrs. Vernon Dinner, Lindsay, is visiting with Mss. George Dmn- ner. Mss. Ira Beebe with Mr. and Msrs. C. Beighton, Saturday. Ms. and Mss. Symans wîtb Ms. and Mss. J. Snell. Miss Diane Burley, Newtonville, witb ber grandparents. Ms. and Mss. Roy Nicholîs. We were sosry ta bear that Miss Marie Austin was bit at the picnic on ber !osebead, with a swing, necessitating sgveral stitches. Ms. and Mss. Harold Barrow- clough spent Sunday evening with Mss. Mac Stapleton. Mr. and Mss. Peter Clarke and !amily, Uttesson, witb Ms. and Mss. C. Beigbtan oves the week- end. Mss. M. Marks, Tosonto, spent a few days with Ms. and Mss. Roy Nicholis. Amang Sunday visitors with Ms. and Mss. C. Payne were Ms. and Mss. J. Richardson, Cobourg, and Ms. and Mss.,Hasold Beebe and !amily, Bailieboso. Ms. Herb Paeden wbo bas been visiting at Montreal and Smiths Falls bas returned home. Mss. G. Williams and Mss. Mac- Kentyse have been 'visiting at H. Paeden's. y43~ , 4.- Y 1 I G P ER F 4 cv eIinnamostic adt jl1/2 teaspoans whole ginger (taed loosely. in a cheesecloth bag). Add crabapples and bail gently until tender but flot broken. Remove spice baýg. Quickly pack one hot, sterilized jar at a time. Fil ta %' from top. SBe sure Vinegar solution cavera the fruit. Seal each igr at M once. Yield: 6 pints. C-ÈI When you .go away 6 0 & 6 Personal effects insurance goes into effeot the minute you step outside your home-whether you are on a shopping trip or on a va- cation. This is not merely "trip insurance " - y ou need it constantly. Qet it today and be protected every day. Stuart R. lames INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor to J. 3. Masan & Son Phones: Office 681 - Bouse 493 King St. Bowmauville TrEA I A0ýý 1 a THE CANADYAN STATIBUM, BOV;BL&NVI=, ONTAitio 1HUMDAT, AUGUST'14th, 190 PAGE TM Phone 811 ,57 Kinir St. W. 1