Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jul 1947, p. 9

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RSDAY, JTJLT lOtb, 1947 ~-' TEE CANAD!A.N STATUMM<. EOWMAKVILLE, ONTAMO Z PAGE - The Newcastl ndependeutq t Ibhm: Claoke 3314 Mr; Bud Bonabn Toronto, le isiting Mr. anc*rs. Moley Sal- lows. Congratulations ta Mr. J. S. Dyci on being the. lucky winncr of a pair of headlights at the Lions Carnival at Bowmanville; also ta Marlon Martin, S.S. No. 9, on wlnuing Uic wrist watch. Miss Margaret Grice Bawman- ville, visited with Miss Evelyn ADin. Mtr. Wilnxot Thorne, New York City, ià guest ai hie sister, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Misa Hearle, Bawmanviile, is visiting Miss Annie Keneflck. birs. F. J. Lancaster, Vancouv- er, B.C., the formner Miss Annie Douglas, daughter of the. late Mir. and Mrs. Tom Douglas, is visiting lier cousins, Mrs. H. Ragen and Mr. Walter Douglas, who have elso vlsiting themn Mrs. Ragen's llttle granddaughtem Dorothy Lynn Wilkinson, Toronto. 14r. and Mrs. George, Blair, Mi- ami, Floride, are visiting the. lat- * ter's parents, Mr. and lira. J. S. Dyer. Mir. Stuart Milligan spent the weekend in TPoronto. -Congratulations ta Mm. and Mmm. tiisnet Porter an the bith of 'their second son. The boys and girls ai thc vil- lage gat quit. a thmill last week when "Tex Bloye," the singing cowboy, attired ini full cawboy re- galia rode through town an bis horse "Tony" on his way ta Belle- ville Old Home Week, July 15. He was immediately surounded by autograph seekers which kept hini busy for a few minutes. He was Uic bearer ai Àetters fram the mayors af Whitby, Pickering, Osh~awa and Bowrnanviile ta Mayor Frank FolwelI, Bellevile. The United Church held their picnic, July 3, at Lakevicw Park, Oshawa. After all had sat down ta a deliciaus and bountiful sup- per Glenn Allin conductcd the diffement contesta, the winners ai which wcre: Paper bag Uirowing contest, Evelyn Allin; shoe kick- ing contst, Betty Allin; best bat made out ai odde and ends, Don- ald Jase acting as model for fin- ished article, Kathleen Toms; ty- ing the man's tic the. quickcst, Mrs. Eileen Allin, Mr. 'Howard Allin; two-minute walking con- test, Mir. Walter Rickard; thrcad- ing the spool, teain ai Miss Helen Baskerville. Aiter the. cantests there was a game ai softball with Misses Betty Allun and Kathleen Toms captaining the. two team. HOeIUSEM:.jg. APP*IANCE Bowmanviile's Leading Electrical Store THE RADIO SHOP Bowmanvillo Radios.- Washing Machines - Refrigerators Records- Vacuum Cleaners - Stoves Hotpiates- Toasters - 011 Heaters - Etc. - SATIBFAOTION GUAW<TEED 38 ring nt. 1. Phone 573 wEC LIMITiD &OnlDon -4lIIT0II..T0qlTG--5UbiWfll96AflcOwi The team captained by Miss Bet- ty Allia won. Behind the strong pitchlng of Doreen Embiey and Uic goad de- fensive work of the infield, New- castle Girls' Soi tball Club won their 8th straight victory qute handily from Courtice, Friday. Corne out on~ Friday evenlng and se. the' Newcastle girls ini their new shorts when they play Or- ana, who also have just acquired ncw uniforms. It was noticed by an interested fan that a lot ai adults are putting in five cent pieces and çoppers when the hat is passed around. The game should be worth at leat 10 cents or more. Show your interest Iu the girls' tearn, corne out and at- tend the games and leave Uic nickels and coppers at home and drap at least 10e into the collec- tion. When Mr. R. E. Ward, former constable ai Kingston and who was aima for 14 years hurnane ai- ficer for that district, came with n 9s. Ward last year ta reside in Niwcastle, it was a source ai great comfort and relief ta -animal loyers to know that now there was sorneone in the village who un- derstood this part oi Humane Sa-- ciety work s0 thoroughly and could, if necessary, put their pets painlessly and instantaneously ta sleep. Mr. Ward was called up- on during the past ten days ta perform, this duty for three pet dogs and a cat. They were "Tom- my" the fox terrier who was a fa- miliar figure on the streets oi the village for the past 14 years as the constant companion af his owner, Mrs. Robert W. Gibson; the little Pekingese dag "Fluffy", belonging ta aur venerable citi- zen T. W. Jackson; and "Teddy" the wire-haired terrier ai Mrs. E. McArthur ai the Gateway Tea Roomn. The cat was the pet of the late William Pinnegar. Miss Barbara Bonathan accom- panied by her mother, Mrs. H. C. Bonathan and Mary Margaret was in Hamilton on Monday ta sec about entering the hospttal ta train as a nurse. NEWCASTLE W.M.S. The Aiternoon Auxiliamy ai the W.M.S. met July 3, with first vice- president Mrs. W. H. Cooke in the. chair. Miss M. E. Blackburn red the minutes and Mrs. W. E. Be- man gave the financial report. Miss Fergusan, corresponding secrctary, reported receiving a letter fmom Rev. Morton thanking the society for their kind letter af sympathy during bis sad bereave- ment. W.M.S. executive werc appoint- cd a cammittce ta assist the mis- sian band leaders, lirs. Laking and Mms. Sallows, ta prepare for the Mission Band tea, July l9th, and alsa prepare for Uic Baby Band picnic in August. Miss Ferguson gave the Scrip- turc reading and Mrs. George Allin offered prayer. lirs. Cooke gave a tahk on "The National Un- ity ai the Churches ai Canada." Mme. Mellow gave a very inter- esting talk on "The Significance ai the Church in India." Mrs. H. Pearce, Christian stcwardship sec- retary, read thc story of the noted singeir, Roland Hay. A vocal duet was pleasingly renderedby Mrs. Harold Toms and Mme. Howard Allin, accompanied by- Mrs. Rinch. Mrs. J. A. Awde, associ- ate members' secretary, gave a talk on "Organization Precedes Growth." In the absence ai the community friendship secretary, Mme. H. Hancock, Mme. C. Hancock read a paper on "Friendship Cor- ner and Our Duty ta Japanese Christians." Temperance secre- tamy Mrs. N. Rickard gave a rcad- lng on Social DrinkIng and Uic Crusade. TOUR EYES VISION By C. H. TUCK opt. Eyesight Specialist Disney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phono 15146 (No. 23) When anything irregular is ta lie feared, through improper use of your eyes, touching upon your health, happiness, or success they do flot fail ta send out sorne kînd af warning an% your own exper- ience should teach you just how ta understand s'orne of the many warnings commonly expressed. The most common of course is headaches and blurred or notice- ably reduced vision but these are the follow-up of some minor warnings allowed ta go unheeded such as weariness, nerve exhaus- tion, headaches, eyes watering twitching of the lîds, itchiness>of eyes and reddened lid edges with a feeling of sand in your eyes, styes and inilanied eyes and llds. When these symptons are ev- ident it is qulte common for your eyesight ta appear alright but your eyes are not alright, because fo hmta see in a normal way thyare expending or wasting nerve energy. Don't walt for danger to be evident, if you are not sure about your eyes, itake sure. Visit your aptornetrist. (To be continued) GIVE YOUR FEET AN ICE-MINT TREAT ,woadrfu,co"i ef for yoeia tired. mai inq ertvithIC T. btzmiag calouzM, fflafal coeran d au the foot pains the take tejyout of life cao be formen il uecrcmgoy white medicid ICE MINT. r canft i a UMnt go sun wbilh pou are s&li "yet oamd >on the -ai. £OO< ïo. IrT At Jury & Lovell'a and al druggista. The Orono News Mr. and Mrs. Burnis Kittmer iss Betty Randafl, Whitby, at have returned from their houey- Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray's. moon in Western Ontario and Mr. and Mis. Jack Leishman,- have moved to their apartmcnt Toronto, wlth Mr. and Mrs. M. J. 1at Mrs. I. Winters'. Tamblyn and Mr. Geo. Mitchell. Mrs. C. L. Powers hcld a- suc- Mis. Austin Sherwin and daugh- cessful sale of furniture at her ter, Hamilton, with Mr. Robert home on Church St.. Saturday1 Sherwmn and Miss Edith Sherwin. with Jackc Rcid as auctioner and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Major, Robert Moifat, clerk. Bowmnanville. with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. G. MeDonald. who bas Rusell Major. been il for several months as$- Mr. Bruce Chapman, Toronto, cd away June 30. The funeral service was held at the home aof .rth Mr. P. J. Chapman. her daughter, Mrs. O. W. Rolph Mirs. C. Clemens, Oshawa, with with interment in Orono cerne- Mrs. C. L. Powers. tery. Mr. and MrS. Jas. Walker and Park St. Woman's Missionary Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mcl- Auxiliary met at thc lovely home lor with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawton, af Mrs. J. D. Brown on the 3rd. Harwood. A large crowd was In attendance Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ogdcn, Osh- and a social tirne spent at the awa, with Mrs. W. J. Lycett.. close. Mrs. R. A. Delve, president, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun and was in charge anid Mrs. W. H. Joan with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rowe's group conducted the wor- Winters at their cottage in Hal- ship service and alsa had thc iburton. p.gleasure ai surprising'the hostess Mr. and Mrs. L. Crydermnan and bymaking ber a lji member. Mrs. Ferguson Hampton, with Mrs. L. Ashton, Presbyterial Mis- Mrs. Fred Tamb6lyn. sion Band Secretary, gave a very Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycctt with helpil addess.Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bouitbce, Ca- The people ai Antioch held a bourg. successful community pienie onl Ms oms ccsl.wt the f arm aif Mr. Lewis Wood, on Misand Mrs HNe~wled. t Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. V. Rab- M.adMs .Rwad inson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Crabbe, Ottawa, with Mr. C. S. McLaren and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Green, Osh- Mrs. Edgerton Hancock. Orono, awa, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller. joined in the sports and the picflic. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carleton, New Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Larmer are Toronto, and Mr. and Mms. Ray holidaying at Lake Simcoe, near Carleton and family, Woodstock, Beaverton. with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Carleton. *Miss Anna Staples, before leav- ing for the summer, entetaincd a number ai friends ai Miss Ruth Goode, at hem home. A number C utc ai beautiful gits were presented ta the bride-to-be during the ev- Miss Jean Gay, Oshawa, with ening. her aunt, Mrs. Annie Simpson. Orono girls' soitball tcam wonl Master Billy Jackson, Oshawa, a game with Newtonville girls on with his cousins, Alan and Sandra Wednesday evening at the park. McLean. Newtonville Sunday School held their annual picnîc in the aiter- Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice, ac- faon ai the same day. On July 1, cornpanied by Mrs. Chester Av- at an exhibition game between the ery and hem son, with Irvine and same teams, Newtonville took the Mrs. Pickell at Kingston. honors by a large majority. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden, Orono Chàmber ai Commerce accampanied by Mrs. Chester Av- Sports Day was a great success ery ai Alberta, and son weme vis- with soitball, hamdball and foot- itors at Ajax. In company .with ball games and a dance in the Orville and Mrs. Pickell and fam- town hall in the evening with ily, they helped celebrate thc l9th music supplied by Roy Forrester wedding anniversary ai Mr. and and bis orchestra. Mrs. Pickell, with a picnic at Lyn- The Mobile Chest Clinic span- brook. sored by the Lions Club and un- The Down familles attcnded thc der the direction ai Mm. Russell Blackburn-Hardy picnic at Orono and Mr. Guthrie, was In operation on July lst. in Orono on Monday and Tues- Miss Roberta Saunders is en- day. Great intemest was taken by joying a two-week holiday, with the citizens ai Orono and sur- the Girl Guides at camp. rounding district. Mr. C. J. Hugh- Jesse and Jack Arnott and Miss son who recently celebrated his Bernice Arnott, Maxwell's, aid lOth birthday was the fimst one Stanley Ogle, Blcnheim, at the ta be x-mayed and Mr. Richard Blake 0ke home. Wood, In his eighties, was No. 2. Mrs. Sam Vinson, who has been A vemy enjayable bauld concert a patient in Oshawa Hospital, due was held in the park oh Sunday ta back injuries is recovemlng aiternoon by Orono Band. niccly at the home ai her daugh- Master Earl Hooey f cil off bis ter, Mrs. Frank Balson. pony on Satumday and broke his Mm. and Mrs. Syd Jcwell, Bihl arm. eeladMs oohWrgt Mr. Jas. Cochrane passed awayJe lla&MsDroyWiht at his home on the 6th line on Tyrone, with Earl and Mrs. Ship- man. Monday. He was hn bis 9lst year. Mm.adMs»ara ohct Visitors:-'r n r.Nra olct At the. home of Mr. and Mrs. V. an ddaughters, Thelma and Greta, Robinson: Mrs. Wrn. Massie, Den- and little gandson aio Tyran.; ton Massie, Mm. and Mme. Wm. Mis. Jennie Manning and Fred Irwin -and Mm. and Mms. G. ýLeigh- Baker, Bowmanvillc, wlth Car- ton, ah aif Toronta. man and Mrs. Choate. Mm. and Mrs. Hately and child- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Edgar, Mr. ren, Bowrnanvilhe, with Mr. and and Mrs. Garnet Tubb, and little Mrs. Carl Tennant. son Garry, at the Wilcox home in Mr. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at Hampton. bis home. Mrs. Robinson, Sr., Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers and with ber son, Cedric' and Mrs. Grant, Toronto, with Mmm. C. L. Robinson. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutton are Mr. David Elliott, St. Peters- holidaying with the. latter's par- burg, Florida, wlth bis sister, -Mrs. ents at Saskatchewan. J. G. Tamblyn. Mrs. Peterson is also leaving for a visit with relatives I>~ the. The struggle for Truth makes My Èlches consista not lin th* western provinces. _one strng liste#d of weak, rest- extent of my possessioni, but la Several members oi the Young ing inattad of wearyig one.- the fewness af my want.-Joueph Peoples Union attended the Oshi- Mary Baker Eddy. Brotiierton awa Presbytury Young Peope'% Union picnic at Geneva Park. The Ross Young f anily attend- cd thc Langmaid-Brooks plcalc it the home o f Roy and Mrs. McGilIl, Mr. and Mrs. Norman * DÔwn Mrs. Wilxna, Ella and Muriel Down. Mr. and Mmi. Lloyd Dowri, were visitors at St. Thomas where, the. lOOth celebration of arrivai af Uic Down family was. celebrat- cd. lirs. Catharine licLean, Mr. and Mmm. George Jackson, Ouh-' awa, at the. home ai Harry and lirs. licLean. Mm. andý Mrs. Wni. Matthews, Long Branch, .visited with the lat- tcr's brother, George and Mrs. Johnstan mad with Bob Jobnston and will q1jend the wcekend e Wasaga Beach as guests of Bert and lirs. Smelling, when a fani- ily get-togcthei' will b. enjoyed. 1 10l LEGION CARNIVAL FRUDAY NIONT SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENINO July ILsth andigth Publie School G rounds' Dathing, Beauty Contest GRAND PRIZE 0F $200.00 ie. A large number of beautiful eils have already entered this canteot. Judging wifl take place bath Friday and Saturday ovenings. The wlnner wil rocèive $200.00 and two ladies-in. waiting $25.00 each. Most Deautiful Child Contest SATURDAY - AT 7 P.M. Open to any boy or girl present under 8 years of age. <Judging by applause meter.) PRIZES $10. - $5.00 - $3.00 B R. SATURDAY. 2 P.M. Soap Box Derby ~. 580.00 IN PRIZE MONEY Starts corner King and Division Streets. Finish lino atcorner King and Ontario Streetu, Be on hand for every race. ýand Concerto-6:30 p.m. Frlday NIght 2 -C.A.F. Central Air Command Band Saturday Night Bowmanvi Ile Citizens BandW Publishédla the public Intorest by John Labatt, LIrnite4 ML VALUECS TIL CLOSING I LZFEJw BATU19DAT Reasonablo RADIO REPAIES B! 2 Experts BATTERIES OP AIL lINDS L intiSTOCK rodufto-hlot DURO carry the. wator for you. ln stables, barns, poultry houses, greenhousos end truck gardons DURO adds extra profits through extra production. And the savlngs in timo end labour aloe.wlIl soon puy for a DURO Pump Installato.. Modernize wlth EMCO pbtur«en ud ASines. d.ued fer simple, .Ueiel Installation la liftéew, heifrenmud leundry. Safe- guerd Ithe h c f Your fmilY ... mdd te the <omf.rts of doly Swing. sft us fer fiai paimulms D&.t Parker and Sens PLtJXBING AND HEATINO Phono 651 47 King St. R. lji L'PUITS I*tMDAY, JU-jLYý 10th, 1947 THE CANADUN STATESUMi BOWMANVZ=, ONTAM 1 "- PACM UM

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