Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 1

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br "DuTham'Couùnty's ea amily Journal'e ~VLUE 93 SIXTEEN PAGES BOWMANVILLE, ONT., TOUe»tAY, APRIL 24th, 1947 6c >ER -CQF'"fl î Jim evi LeaierMapi. Qu'ove Boy JuirFarmers GetSpotlight s L De. Itt ac Country Boy Mke ood HitDy-T* New Parturli nome MU. anager ln Nova Scotia ____ Ciy ursay ft 66o réetise f h aia ho-W ithout G M il .. C yblett of MhplGrove suffered a The CamSI Eu dd es A t R o ar icle which has just arrived at the Stor aw y S fractured rightileg and numer- J J ~ffdesk of the editor. It is none oth l u s hitsandru T hrsyernoaMm e tel Dale Elected -PresidSoy f O er than J. W. Devitt, son of Dr. bi !nIrukavada ftroo . a esS J. C. Devitt, Bowmanville. Mr. o____ n No. 2 Hlghway, opposite the_____ TomiMaueofteWe-bth adtem i dea lnanDevitt Who is Divisiorna1 Manager In this issie oaiTBe home aiaMr. ancartMrs.eJbmrCook- the fiithhomemofiMr.sa9d maxi The Cook Twoman eaure a te eek bt e aidth minin Nova Scotia for the Confeder- SaemnCatrMme son. It la believed that a ru Forth ihtmelnts9 lymein fth omavle ony isto giclue a:we are happy to reverse the tra- Lions Club and a member of Osh- of children were sailing horne- ofoéainte ownershipaiTefmthla.anCutlJn RoayCub, ¶ield in the banquet "How can we keep them an the ditional story, "Country Boy; awa Kiwanis. Adniitted ta Leb- made boats under a viaduet in Canadian Statesman chagdlaaindti as fekii rootn af the Balmaral Hotel. Fri- farmV7"lHe quoted figures ta show Makes Good in Big City" for an .anon Lodge, A.F. & A.M. 17 years the rad when the accident occur- day noan, were the splendid and that erlightened caaching and page 5 wilI be found sanie of the ago he is aiso a Rayal Arch Ma- red. Insairing address af E. A. Sum- practical advice ta yaung farm- highlights oi the career of Roy.W.,son. Over the past quarter cen- Clifford Wannamaker, 12 De- mers, Agricultural Representative, ers had paid off li high percen- Nichais, Courtice, wha has made tury he has. taken a keen interest Prie St., Toronto, the driver of Durham County, guest speaker ai tages. good in a big way right in his awn x church and school, ln general. the. truck told police the boy dart- th dyan te nnunemnt Posing the question: <'Where aroeeitic.A tstmeba po litclaiffairs and has been a ed ln front af ismvehicle from . that Mel Dale, long-time Rotarian the bays taday who were taiken in The Statesman and the Oshawa lýeader "in promoting clean sports, the north side oi the highway as .. and, local hardware merchant, ta the bays' club projects?" Mr. Times-Gazette jain with the pub- riotabiy the Daniington Football he was going tawards Bowman- s had been eiected President for Summers said that of the 30 who lic in cangratulating Mn. Nichais League. ville. Hé applied bis brakes and 1947-48. There was universal club .annually over the past 10 years who celebrates the 25th anniver- Inal his activities he chose ra- tu.rned sharpiy but could not '. approvai in the reception oi these took up club prajects, about 86.8 sary ai the faunding ai bis. ser- ther ta pramote others ta public avaid hitting the child, Wanna- twôcenralfiure atthemetin. pr cnttody cntiu lnactvevic grgead car sales agency lie with. his f aithful backing but maker ghid. It is beiieved that The retiring President Farbes Hey- larming and ai the 54 club teains at Courtice.> three years ago he could nat es- the front night ai the truck hit land, won unanimous applause that took part in judging campe- . Searching for some bits ai per- cape the demand that he shauld the youth a glancing biaw. follawing his congratulations ta titions, no less'than 78 per cent sonal histary that always make a serve on Darlington Township An American tourist travelling 'eati i tesemenwh hae ben til stye wih aricltue a asuccess story so much mare in- Council. He was eiected at the behind the vehicie toid police that so praminent in community ai- way ai lite. Many had gone on t.tiunoegtltteecuae eda heplsadhsnpae Wannamaker didn't h a v e a 1fo ar many yearse higher education li agriculture ta .-men from Mr. Nichais, who in bis even since with unanimous ac- chance. 'Anhen ?&f. Dale rose ta say a iew win degrees. usuai retiring way said there was dam He is a tawer ai strength The boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. claies nowned ut bis wn highA.C. inrecent ears wae Bruceothers who have knawn him since Time and again he bas sparkedBom vieHoptlfrra- claies rowned ut his wn highA.C. inrécent ears wee Brucescho days we were toid: "If you the many cammunity drives that Bomen il opta o r tenon with massed volume in Beare, B.S.A., county nepreseixta- put it ta a vote, Roy Nichais have taken place during war and ment._______ uSee Him Smiling." Mel flnally tive, Peel Caunty. Anothen Wa would pnobabiy top the poil ad since and in giving persanal funds stated that he was highly honored Leroy Brown, B.S.A., Ornoa, bro- Dariington's first citizen." That Bo generousiy ta charitable ap- lni being elected ta, preside aver ther ai Jîm Brown, Newsiereputation has been earned li peais he lias preierred ta nemain dhecfesnoGary W.ubiames, aawho, as t e oe tAniculglsepre- eviti n u snusalmterialuccessn utai Cass druive h had taaccetse dR e ational He recalled the words ai his pre- erseas li the Air Force, came home Jm . CaleguuulmaeilscesbtCosdrv i a t cetsm Predident same 16 years ago said: sentative ai Huron Caunty. New- ation Lite Association, once again inathe rn camuitof servic whic rs tPublict frnedin ltaiushrte luar Jh .James e.WJao "I cernisider the honor ai being ton Ashton was axither B.S.A. makes the headies as winner afi zensbîp. Canadian Red Cross. hands the beginnin.g ai this ya n nxtn htnwppr e elected President ai Rotary, the graduate naw Representative in club bonoirs for bigh production in Starting at age 18, with the fine. These are some ai the mare ob- wbexi Mrs. Mf. S. B. James soihe tuxntaBw nvfe hnte acmne ai being chasen ta any local Grey County. These boys came 1946 with bis campany. Four ai qualities imparted by bis parents, scure items we bave been able ta Thursday, April 24th hall interest in the businestNwsasaaamed itTh public bffice." Mn. Dale said with up thraugh Durham Couxity farm bis agency representatives are Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nichais dig up as a sort ai foreword ta 6:30 p.m.-Intermediate Basebal ber son, John Mason James. ttmn tehlofhsascae ewudcus oi l ettshwshown with hlm in the photo., The an the iamily farm near Courtice, the main story told on page five. Team Practice, Higb Schaol Tn14,he Caniniathe ateBana do hig best in the year ahead. what caunty representatian under annouxicemexitli the Chronio~le Roy made bis. way step by step After 25 years in business Roy Gym. pa a Mr. Summers, for aimost 18 the Departmexit ai Agriculture can states: under bis awn initiative and Wiibun Nichais is stili a young 8:00 p.m.-Basketball House Lea- established in 1854 by W. R ain idaiEeienqaiy years the Agricutural Represen- do and bas doxie ix iînspirnxg youngl "Confederatiox ife Association frôm the very finst sbared bis maxi at the beight ai bis powers in gue, High School Gym. mie, wbo, a few years latersd nasaLetatadre i- tative ai Durham County, and a farmens ta stick with agriculture.1 announces that the representat- time and talents in community mentality and influence and for atryA il6houng oA.taesac her.Thet aco Cndsaniatra- veny active member ai Bowman- Mn. Summers we.nt an ID tell ives ai the Haliax Division quai- betterment. His pninciple, "fair Wbam the extire commuxiity wish- ficen and later as Intelligence Qi-er. Th ville Lions Club, was introduced how Rotary and other outside i- ified for membersbip li the comn- dealing and honest service" bas es xnany more years ai great suc- 8:30 p.m.-Teen Town, High transier ai the business wasi by Mel Stapies, autpast Rataniaxi terests had taken up tbe cause ai pany's' MacDonald Club Produc- been applied in bath bis pnivate .cess. The real test ixi appraisixig Schooi Auditorium.. 1922 wben M. A. James cededte ce.liI93ewataserd from Onono, and a practical fan- -ascain. Frabsnsmni oakteoi-MnaArl2t imt i w os om mer.bar Splugin li ollegte thbad met with J. S. McLean, Pres- in the Club is a bailmark oi suc- many years be bas been acciaim- ion ai bis assaciates, commonly 9:00 p.m.-Jr. House League Bas- George. hi 12,a Nra' ArLaso n ntelligence Offi- th hr pugigincllg ta ietCnaaPakrs fr bycessiui representatian." cd as unofficiai Mayor ai Courtice. caiied employees. They will say ketbail, High Schlool Gym. diet, bisetreent ase as cn h oiinbign hi wonforMr.Sumersthedegeeborn at Newtaxivilie, and that 17The Association also announ- Midway between Bowmanville that Roy Nich~ols could be elected hrdyMalssicta imasbea of B.S.A. canierreci by the Uni- Mn. McLean bad agreed ta finance ces that the Halifax Division und- and Oshawa be bas been prom- tamornow ta any public affice indy a S ic ht ie a enaseta tesm er ewscie vrm th oTnt n gutraual-on chhaarships at the Agicultunai en the management ai Provinc- iment in thein business, social and the git ai bis native Coui'ty ai 6:30 p.Branch of the Directoratepaitner- loge, a distinction sbaned Jby three Lean said: "Ed, go ta it anid I'il qualiiied li the Managers' Sec- 8:00_______________________________ em. Pactice, Highscboa- oi hena ew panter on Jso r tx nelgncw eb e former provincial premiers and put uai,00 K m orvili e, Ont. Mn.nMc- ia e MaeJcD evldCubitt again amnt afis ewa uhm 80 ..B stbal House L ea-Jnnyash is ete r knownThaS mandutlbwxiovse a publicotl i e i and what you bave inxind." Sa li is the senior club ai the campany." A~~u .U~ma. Friday, May 2nd maxi since a iew months beoesooe1i Egad ewssn Thble ctibuio i d m the past seasan 60 students bave Our congratulations ta Jim con- qlll J1l 5 8~II 6:30 p.m.-Track anid Field Club bis fathen's death in 1929., et tî nItllgnediiswt messad n.Sapes ws nonbeexi at Kemptville studying ad- vey the generai cammunity good Practice, High School Grds. joined tbe staff as an apprenie1Cnda Qpltntatir merot anly tM ougotape Duw nbam vaxiced agriculture and campetixig wishes fan the manner i whichbmanid procee.ded ta learn bis taern ihte aFacBl cou ny bthalross CanDarham for tbese schalarships. hie is upbolding the reputation aiofi. w a ~ .a mn A 4HSOT A the bard way. bis first jobben gimadHixd. icardli cthralm ail anicultunaatui- With what nesuit? Mn. Sum- Durbam fan supplying talent and Attrac m wa Grem~at aamq MY24HSORSDY ta dean the ink and grease fo etme 4,b eundt h teramo giutrlatv-mers said that two Durham Coun- ability fon many leading Canad- Entry blanks are being printed the newspaper press. Frnmths taeaxastspouinmx- ties, His contribution ta the fan- ty iarm boys went dawn ta Kempt- ian life insunance companies. . and wili be distributed nekt week uxiauspiidus beginning bewetae ib dtaai okad Ming lnterests ai Durham caunty ville and entered the schaal thnee for theKiasI uuil andxiFte ldeet oo olantepitn has been shown aven many years Jeackger mst i te stdehte -peaker b lni his work amang Junior Far- ek fe otothsudn bhl ite May 24th Sparts eventually taking tirne out t H1smane aDroh rli Uic members ai wbicii had been oi~~~rolled. Thewre Nw at.Ba Day which is beipig sponsored by corne acquaînted with therpo- reEge ifwmnqewd mers, b ~a brue Tayolorad. Che W e w..w.TniityChunh Snda ýrmaville dôi nity Coun- tonial andadvertising braxich n ti aeô~sn O rae yeafàt e yers fnhipae Bruce m aid lodrwandth i o i akSh jndglng cametitions, î acin na- naresuits ty ba i s pcd t>u'ayp cîty Fnresponded ta by Mrs. A. J Frank, cil. One ai the featurë avents tii ha familiarized himseifwtbfuyer.xihsyngrds vtdincompyétd nitions aîîy Tpro-ma ann ncd bthht heF e ofC Mmrcel d s ay eenig wben a tan 200District Cammissioner. will be the ten mile noad race ixi mast ai the ueculiarities axidfs-ais3no hewsctvy tiay lub a sosrai .The Juo- headlixies as exceptional students.____ Boy Scouts and Cubs tagether with Guests at the head table with wbich it is baoped ta bave Coin- cination ai newspaperdam. eggdlipatciyalsat to armer Club r tequn-e Amng the 60 highiy trained îarm President Samis were A. H. Stur- peting, severai ai the Canadian A ute orea niigigatvte itetw u i no urter orts o inrodctin.boys taking the course, the Dur- Congratulations and warm tri- their fathers and ather guests ga- ok ititCmisoeDn unrwopriiae nteh pn era sitn fa unter or aiintodutio. .ham candidates stood 3rd axid 5thbute are due ane ai Newcastle's tbened for the annual banquet onsck isri ctmisiae, JDen -munestoMarniiateon xihth spent a yeara aistnth ta e manitessnwrebsai Spaigwt htfmla ntefnlstandings. Ropuaryoung men, William j. the Bowmanviile Boy Scout Asso- Mnus Pickan,Somster . J . 26-m hll Bston aratho. vhic speint er e ss with h al nOs Saemn wt i i tauch in which apt stonies fonmed Turning fnomn the purely abjec- Rwland eknowxi as Bill to bis ciation. They were welcomed by Bart Smithson, Rev. J. E. Griffith,wbehaeandtenticessodbepcefrteaueur a lively part ai bis addness, Mn. tive appraisal ai the value ai Jun- many friends) wbo is making bis the chairman ai the evening, Ciiff Jack Eastaugb, Mayor Sidney Lit- hrhelandteiri thmeird timee itnyans liebad ion Farmen wonk, Mr. Summnens mark. in the field ai commerce Samis, president ai the associition tlie, Rev. J. dePencien Wright and Basebali ai quality commercial printn.ikbsiml:esvn been grd iveinpatunityaste Ro deait at same length with the an- and, finance. Bill bas taken no who conducted a varied pragnam Wm. G. James, The Intermediate Handball'teamn He aiso had a short stretch ase-zti ihmutlteppri f bengvnopruiyt elR- hr u oteipratps-which inciuded toasts, ententain __________ held thein initial workout ai the itor ai The Newmanket Ena, i-tepess ei laaRtn taniaxis sometbing ai the story of tny ai Durham County ini the 500 ~r atiohwoces mp orta entpOnd a' îng in for Editor Andrew Hehebb ian, a Mason and an foember ai thee paxtin their interests and success buso.He tl htol e ant ai the Sales Dept. ai the Head dress by guest speaker Jack East- St. John's Fireside Tbunsday evening. Aiter fiva aigex 95we h tts da ain part Ha tald that oniy a few Office ixi Canada ai the Interna- augb, Supeintendent ai bath tbed minutes calistbenics, wbich Re -________________In____1935_____________The__ h 'ped down as ai littie interest (Continued an Page Nine) tional Business Machines, Toron- Bowmanvilae and Gait Boys' Hear TaIk on Diamond creationai Dinector Bart Smitbson ta Ha taok a three-year course Training Scboi. Anothen pleas- yJmes Maru' ciaimed wauid neduce waistlineq U U d ing featuna was the sbawing of____ and tougbcn legs, the playars con- fI11 films sent on fromn Scout Head- A large audience listened with tcnted themselves with thrawîng i fa Po Tor nt M n ea he s'Ch i*. The immédiate interest ai the oua local jeelra t wintar's collection ai kinks fromA i v dl n w Me CusadSotatrgrace ai- John's Fireside Houn an Sunday thair arms. The teamn will wonk- ait fdaidland. fened by Rev. J. E. Griffith, was cvcning wbcn ha gave a very cen- out again this Tbunsday and, any- Gives M usical Treat of -Y ear ~ théasumptuous dinnen served by iightening andrnuch appreciated ana wisbiiig ta tryout wili ba wei l-peetadsmaftr uueas To bring back the Toranto Meni "Drink ta Ma Only with Thine the foundatioxi for the attention Mn.e Marr lad ta itiond Jr. Track and Field gahrd a 1he egim t nuggc-aetinndp- Teachers' Choir ta Bowmanviile Eyes" by Janson, uxiaccompaniad, paid ta the genanal program. cbarnposcssed than resisiiaIan ror iHeadquallrok ntaîainn n lnwii a was the happy piviiega ai tha the spirited Negro sang "Swing Tbanks ware tendenad the ladies day aitennon for a Junnganizatia Bawmanviiic Lions Club iast Along" by Cook; and "Velvet for preparing and presiding at the most peopia purchase tbem for and Fid Meet for boys and girls Foiiowîng tha dînrea, tha oiiic Wednesday evening at Tinity Shoas" by Randail Tbampsan. " .. tbe yRv .dPnirormantic reasons, wbile a few unden 16 yaars ai aga an Saturday, meeting and a neunion. asntrc otams acniu United Cbunch. The choir, undar With exceptional display ai tai-Ma rtth Hi Sol diretio aiElda Brthor wib ct te tio aainplaeci Andnte * .Wright. Scoutmaster Denis Pick- potarsosirthi elpat caiasMy rdttheeHihfco h o reIt was 10ka"aid oerwe"n-iigepeineihc a addrannoucedothatdhenlocal n-upecih0 ittishwilttao anw thepgronds "Aadanntata2dpm.nE.D.S..dforathemorelocal10un-igicusndsostaen them aen2many prts ai th Alex Turner, accompanist, was tram String Quartette ini D Ma- iswh giiatn umrcm characlenistics whcxi punchasîng This event is'being sponsoned by attanded, bacausa some bad o wnd assisteci by the Rivardale Coîîcg- ion" by Tscbaikowsky andi the ma- aIbe week aihthasetnana gemof the Rotary Club li canjunction se hi a-iaclege a agt mc sawMx9asfu-17.ln ata-wt herItratoa os n e al ycars and gractings wr lata Trio and, ini acclamation ai dern ciassic "Jalousie" by Gada. MnhAugust 9-17.atr-wthtei ntratoalBysad ee thas a lenteci musical artists, the The bistorical tala ai the Du- ..Mn. Eastaugh spoke with inspir- ed, worshîpped and kiliad ta own Girls Wack. Thera wil be tbrea amac eolcin reuxt iyl eeyCu audience provad li great measure bonnets was aptiy toici by the ~ atianai aff ect on the valua ai Scout lham. The first diamond on ne- classes ai avents, namaly unden Acconding ta the main speaeiet ganStra that msic lrly "hah chars." chir in BorderBailac" by F H. ani Cub ctivitrs wbih handim-ncod wasmehtioBookl12thaeBaks12uaans, nd4ry1eaparaandi uder aiohetaeernoon Col. ogaCtl.SBogart,_ The opcning chorus "Jerusa- Cowen. Describing the beauty ai cd wena ana ai the finest sources ai Exodus in the Oid Testament 16 yeas, witb valuabia pnizes li O., O.B.E.. District Officar Cm lem," sung li paniectiy bianded an aged face, tbey chose next "The ta captura the interest andi active aven 1700 years B.C., s0 diamonds each avant. List ai avents and manding M.D. 3, Kingston, pas Temmasa h iyl unisan wfth barmonizcd piano ac- Olci Woman" by Robtrtson. lni '" participation ai the individuai boy bava a long, namanlic bistory final détails will be published inl for ne-organization ai tha eac aeyClbw1 et giiS campaniment, was an inspiration Diack's prayenful litungy "Son ai andi thus maka sure bis steps whicb li same cagas sounds like ncxt week's paper. limearamy arc rapidiy baingcm-udy oniga10'cckn sucb as influeneaci Charles Parry Mary," Don Macpherson toak the wouid be li the rigbt direction- fairy tles with their colonful and plated. At présent, il would p b in amuiyCnro they sang "Marche aif1the Guards" camme-ndeci Mn. A-ndreèw Thamp- Bill is lie aniy son ai Mr. and down la campanants as foiiowa: oc htcolintbe counted as welcamed the afficans li Ibis frtcoeiaanlgt 1025.W by Shubrt nciconinuci ithonx fan bis untiring efforts and Mrs. Howeil Rowland ai New- "R" stood for recognition ai the ATTENTION ANDY CLARK representative oi ganaral opinion. get-togathar since the war. H aercleitadpiaacpe Deems Taylor's arrangement aofluport during the prajeet aifxmus- castle, andi was born an the Row- aspiratians ai youth; "E" for ex-____ Hence the ravised annauncement. expresseci bis pleasure aIthea eepsadhv hca e "May Day Canai" andi "Came ical appreciation and olso express- landi hamesteaci an the Lakeshore. perience i directing them; "A" Congratulations ta Mrs. John- Ta ha assuraci that action wiil ba large attendance andi statac htofanarrcrs giityu 0Where bi&~Love Lies Dreaming" ed gratitude ion lie co-operahian Uxtil ha lait ta accept bis present for affection as a prime keynote; stan, Millbroomte iM.A aeni by the government as ne-thie future ai the unit wouid d-cmita ent itcr by StephqWFostar. Allister Haig, ai Trinity Cbunch Board andi the naspansibla position in Toronto, ha "P", stooci for power li sali-de- Johnaton, Who will celebrate ber questaci by the Ontario Cnaam pend la a lange extent onth tanbosavbeuepfaue baritone, was soloistinlx the unoc- tawn marchants. assistad his father in thie runnixig pandanca; "S" mankeci lie secur.- 99thbibîthday an Friday, Apnil 25. Producars Association, a favorable active interest ai the maxi praet.bthcuchswocxrbue companied choral number "I Wan- Of interest la the fact that Mn. andi management aithie farm andi ity inherent i hase precepta. Rev. She h itair healtb. andi represexitative vote muet ha Lieut-Col. J. C. Gamey, r.. agnnul. der as I Waxidar" by Nules. The Thampsax's brother la a tenon was an outatanding agricultrist J. E. Griffith moveci the vote ai registereci. E.D., Orana, Officen CommandnrMyw ae hsopruit araup concludeci with the aven mnember ai the chair but was un- Ha is also a prarnunent mamber thanka ta the speaker. Il la suggested herewith thott he laI Bn. Midlanci Regt. dunntietnigt a u icn A fler a proon geC h appru afC n- ew asin taen oo, l aa M neG. B n-oAM.sta fathe sH .rB rooks, H.Rrook ,eReh a sons n oaiM n..aand M r s. C C .. s aE .ci turnladtha acive tisth et p esent ta do hua p rt ta rebu lci h lldan i w oulp auctappr clat ductr aiciChar ofarci n a- naît, tenon, brother ai Ralph Ban- The best wlsbas ai bis many heaci ai Maple Grave Scout Troop, Reiden, who bas campleled bis li this issue andi moka nota aithie tha ragimetit uxider thaexew po ti a ol ovyt core the sea c'banty "Can't You naît, Bank ai Montreal staff, andc friands go with hlm in bis ciosen naspondaci ta by Mn. Cnamp li ha- final yean lin Electnical Engineer- places whana lia meetings are la gram. mnbr iyu omle n Danaa the Polka?" Mn. Earl Ricidolia' fathen, Mn. G. profession. His parants, Mn. and hait aithie fathens. J. J. Meilon, ing-at Quern's University, King- be haici andi plan ta hurn aut. 1h Major L. N. Carr, Part Hpt alohn woI n wyass Three expressive selectians by H. Ricidolîs, basa, were members Mns. Haweil Rowland are aiso Scautmaster, Orono Traop, pro- alan, obtaining 8 honora and ana is an opportuxiuty that may flot who la siateci ta taka aven oire x bsma eeasrm the .choir followed intemmsian:1afite hoi.leaving to reuide li Orono. paseci. the toast ta the. Girl Guides, paisstanding li is tex«. came Up again. ma"d of the unit li thceapnsurraiprcatn. t, 1. 1'

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