Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1947, p. 15

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r bmIUSDAY, APEN. 4tb, 1911 F The Orono'News Orono Athletie Assocation bas had several meetings to make plans for sports during the sum- mer season. Basebafl and foot- bail teanis are Jeing chosen and a definite secpule lined Up. Orono Commuanlty Park Board lias been making a drive to raise $2,000 ta level off tic grounds and make other needed Improvements foi the beiictit of the whale com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren and familY attended Uic Rodeo at the Coliseuni, Toronto, Saturday ev- Orchland Faim Have you piaced your order for Chieks tram aur Barred Rock or Leghorn, government banded and blood-tested stock. Ail eggs set are produced on aur own farm. Ail chieks except for over batches or passible canceliations * old out to May 28th. WE HAVE ON HAND SEVERAL JAMESWAY- OIL BROODERS *Write for Price List or Phone 2636 H.J.Brooks L. 3 , BOWMAN VILLE 'I 1ening. Park St. Church Young People's .Union entemtamned Newtonville and Klrby Unions lest week. Ray Bryson, Kirby, was ini charge af the womship period; Ruth Goode and Dick Morton the mecreational pemiod; and Mme. L. Crabbe and Miss Lillian Hale looked aiter re- freshments. A number af yaung people attendcd Oshawa Pmesby- tcmy meeting et Newcastle United Church on Setumdey cvening and ail day Sundey. Junior Hockey Club held a very successiul -dance ini Newcastle Community Hall, Friday evening. Orono Women's Christian Un- ion met et Uic home of Mme. Ho- ward Walsh, Presldent. Miss Edith Shcrwln conducted e wanahip ser- vice and meed an lntcrestlng letter fmam a friend on her way ta Africa ta do missionemy work. Plans were made for a Medal Contest on May 23rd. Communion Service and e mc- ception af 15 ncw members by profession ai faith wes hcld et Park St. United Church on Sun- day morning. Rev. S. Littlewood during the service announced ta his congregatIon, ta which lielias ministemed sa faithfully for nine years, that lie would be leeving the circuit the end ai April. Rev. Littlewood has received a cail ta Bobceygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bowen are ta be congratulated on the arrivai ai a baby girl in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Keene and Mm. Sam Keene spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Keane, Sean- bora, ta celebrate the latter'e sec- ond wedding anniversary as well as Bob's bimthday. Teen-Township met on Setur- day evening in the council cham- ber. Dancing was the main in- terest of the evening. A five dollar donation was made ta the Mem- oriel Park Fund. Mr. and Mme. J. J. Mellor visited Mm. and Mrs. S. B. Rutherford on Sunday and celebrated Heather's fourth birthday. Mr. Murray Wil- son, Nakina, spent the weekend 11OTH ANNIVERSARY 0F St. Andrew's Pebtra Church SUNDAY, APRIL 2ltb, 1947 SERVICES Il a.m. and 7 p.m. (Daylight Saving Tine) PROF. Of Toronto, SPECIAL MUSIC BY GUEST SOLOISTO Mr. Ivor Davies, Tenor a.m.-"The Prayer Perfect" and "My Task"e i p.m.-- Bless This Home" Vera Hulatt, Soprano 11 a.m.-"The Lard's Prayer" . . . . 7 P.M.-"O Lard Correct Me"> *- Malotte Handel Publie Cordially Invited ta The ANNIVllElRSAhR.'YSUPPIR TIRSDÂY, MAY 1ST - from 4 p.m. ta 7 p.m. Under auspices af St. Andrew's Women 's Auxiliary ADMIBSION - - - 500 COME AND BRING A FRIEND MODERN wlth Mr. and Mrs. luth.rftn Mr. and Un. IL IL Keane1 purdiased the whltb eottago Church St. South, from Mr.1 BQultbee. Orono g oe on Dayllght Sa Turne on Bunday. Scoutmaster J. J. Mellor Bob Goode were guests of 1 manvile Scouts Frlday evoenir Trinity United Church. Visitoris: Miss Fern Webber, Osh with her sister, Mrs. Jas. W. Mrs. J. H. Leslie. Peterl with Mr. end Mre. W. J. Rid Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Xe Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. ,A Keane. Miss Marj aie McLaren, Tc ta, at lier home. Rev. Luxon Burgess, Elm, with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Burl Mrs. W. McAdam-, OshaWa,, her sister, Mrs. Evelyn Hall. Browns Wc welcome Mn. and Mre. Q Avery and femiiy ta aur midst Visitons: Mr. and Mme. Alex Moffat, Kt end Alex, Dundes, et *MmI. C Stephenson. Mr. and Mmm. Chas. Osboi Ebenezer, et Mr. ClarenceT nen's. Mn. and Mmm. Clarence Si Tenelon Fells, et Mm. Geo Haney's. Mr. R. Graham et Mr. TI Simpson's, Coanville. Mm. and Mme. Jack HeIrtw and babe with friends ln Tomai Starkville A good congregation attended Shîloh on Sunday and heard a fine. sermon. Better roads mhould en- courage still better attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn were in Bowmanville. Miss Alice Hallowell visited fniends in Tpronto. Mrs. Lamne Paden was in Bow- menville. Mr. Minto was in Toronto. Mme. Shutha was in Oshawa. Mms. Jacob HalloweUl visited'her dlaughters in Toronto. Mm. and Mme. A. Dobsan and Mary Lau were in Omono. Mr. and Mme. Lew Hailowell and Jim were in Bowmanville. Miss Nellie Shutka and fmicnd, Oshawa, with M. Shutka.. Mm. and Mrs. Victor Farrow weme in Part Hope. Mr. and Mme. Eean Quentril and family have sold their fanm. et Kendal and moved ta this district on the f arm. ai the late Jack Turn- Mi ss Audrey Farrow and Mise Eileen Farrow wcre home. Mr. and Mrs. William Fox wcre in Bowmanville. Miss Betty Farrow lias rcturned home fmom Pontypoal. Sevemal attended thc wedding of anc af aur papular young lad- ies, Miss Jadie Tnxm, who was married ta Mn. Coulson in New- tonville Cliurch an Satunday by Rev. Bunt. The bride was given in marriage by lier father, Mr. H. LTnim. She looked cberming .n a gawn ai white satin and lace,. .vearing a long veil and canrying a bouquet ai mcd roses. Mrs. Rase [Iallowell piayed the wedding inusic. Aiten Uic wedding supper the happy couple leit an a short trip. Thcy will reside in Oshawa. Congratulations ta Mies Donothy Stapleton, daughtem ai Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Stapleton, Newtonville, for winning top honore in public speeking cantest on Tempemance. tq L a IR M. ti ti s m fc Si This may be the crisis wc' not supposed ta get aven. We ni have ta change. It's not hfghem standards afil standards of 7marality. a a m MODEL HOMES FOR SALE WNERE: - In Southway. Gardens - just below the Hospital and nursery. WHO1: - Priority af purchase is given ta Veterans of World War II. WHEN: - Construction will be completed as rapidly as passible. NOW: - Yau purhase these Homes with vcry low down payments. The National Housing Act niartgage for the balance is repayable in small monthly payinents which are uBually less than yau now pay ront. r & ~ F 7'7~ ~ Monthly Paynients Include principal Cash Requlred $840.00 ta $1360.00 eeearding te model selected. and Interest. $23.07 t. $28.62 acordleg ta mortirage NU19A. ternis permit pay-oft la 3 ycars - reguler tern Io a20 yeams 4 %~ % oInterest One ai three attractive models. This Ih a 1 % tarcy brick home with ail modemn conveniences. Ail homes are built to National HouBing Act SPecifications by J. J. FLETT, CONTRACTOR, EOWMANVILL. They are permanent home. with built in kitohen cppboards and work counter, hardwood floors, ful sise basements, ,ffm furnaces and tinie saving floor plans. Jr FOR PULL INFORMATION BERTHE ADI WIITRATORS 6 Simcoe st. N., Oshawa Phone 440 schofld SINSURANCE - . _-wl" <RARI g CI ý're ay in- er CAUDZA< rATSMA, OWMANÇVILU.ONTAHIO ird. have le on Y. C. ving and Baw- ng at lawa, Iker. ,bora, [deli eanc, P. H. wron- male, ,gesa. with Cyril ;t, elh Geo. mcn, rur- l>ims, ýrge 7hos. wick )nto. PARITY PRICES But le went on ta examine the implications in the deal and ta recepitulate the farm policies that lie annaunced wlien chosen leader ai hie perty. These policies set forth a faim deal for agriculture, which meant parity pnices for fermers and lie sliowed clearly thet the price arrangcd under the Britishi deal netted farmers less than parity and lie dcmandcd nat only parity but'peyment ai participation ecI yean unden the contnact. PRODàUCTION FALLING Deallng with the position ai agriculture in hie eddmess on thc Speech Tram the Throne, Mr. Breeken declamed that tIc vaniaus boards and contrais set up over Canadien fammens lied so regimented them that he lied contantly* warned they would lead ta dccline in production ail along Uic uine. Whet le said lias e direct bearing on future warld trade and will bc told in a falaowing article. Synthetlc Tires Wes learncd that Canadien rub- ber manufacturers have agrm cd ta For a WhiIe Yet continue a voluntary form ofa allo- cation contrai for an indefinite Motorists' lapes that the end ai perfod, reports The Financiel Post. rubbem contrai April 1 wouid TIecocnt a1 wiil be administened meen a speedy return of naturel tlirougih t h e Rubber Association af ubber tires wene dashed wvhen it Canada. ________________________ 'This action meens theme le no prospect ai an immediete change in Uic naturel ubbcr content ai FR11 automobile tires or other goode. Perentge f cudeas hesupply DELIVERY situtionae. At presentç an- ing about 40 per cent naturel mub- SERVICE ber ta 60 per cent synthctic in to- tal production. By the end ai thc yeam, tliey hope ta increase the av- ,PkOI&T, COURTBOUS erage ai naturel ta 55 per cent. SERVICE TO ANY PLACE IN TOWN Phone 674 Fresh Frut ... Vogtabl.s ... Grocerles. .. Soft Driks ... Confectioneries BROTHERS FRUIT STORE "4 Kln et. X. EOWXANVILLE A teadher af Amnerîcan himtony asked if enyone in hem clame could angwer the question: "Wliet wes the eesan ion thc Pumitans corm- ing ta this country?" The best enswer read: "Tley cerne ta wor- ship in their own way and ta make. the other people do thc sarne." YOU, TOOr CAN WALK ON AIR, tfyu s of in eefnsin IC&Z.mIN a ca. 7TinMuscles eespond quickly mt he fine application ai sootas. crusoy..hite med&iiàol IGB-MIN4T. The ebloshln& dti-' $iSesaonssaTm a s»iy dthem mla y=s dm sit's gos i C O bvwork on the foo pam dms put âe e.s aino7= beaw.Oe a Jr oc - -m sme50 4o&o.r At JURY & LOVELL and &U Druggists F Mr. and Mms. Douglas Fiett and faniily, Ennlakllen, 'et.-Norman Leachas. Mr. andMis. Rose West Osh- awa, et R. W. BaU's. Mr. and Mme. Keith Ma&land, Oshawa, et Lconard Ball's. Mins Eileen Glaspel et Tomonto. Mrs. Retord Cameron and Lyn- da et Bert Hoskin's, Hermoriy. Misses Lois Hanilyn and Joan Logaman, Oshawa, vlsited Helen Davidson. Miss Elizabeth Davies, Oshiawa, vlslted Lois Glespel. Mr. and Mre. E. Rutishauser and family, North Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Hemman Schmid, Herman Jr. and Mary-, Newcastle, et Hanz Geissberger's. Mr. and Mme. S. G. Chant, Ta- rants, Mr. George Chant, St.. Thomas, eit Arnold Venncr's. Mr. and Mme. Morley Flintoif and family, Maple Grave, et Wes. Camemon 's. Mr. Bert Robinson, Harmany, Mr. Narval Northcatt, Oshawa, et N. Hircock's. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Balson and sans et Chas. Femguson's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy et Thos. Ab- bott's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton visited friends in Tarants. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jack, St. John, Newfoundland, et Alex Mc- Master's. Miss Margaret Perkins et To- monta. Master Larry Metcalfe, Oshawa, et Al Ayre'e. Mr. N. Hircock, Sr., was guet soloist at Centre St. Fireside gath- eing et Oshawa. The Church Board met et Tracy Glaspel's on Wednesdey night. Rev. John Totten spoke on "The Necessity and Work af the Lord's Day Alliance" et Sunday service. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hircock (Elle Nemis) were presented with an end table, culver sugar and cream tray, sait and peppere, by the community on Friday niglit at John Nemie'. Everybady enjoycd e nice social Urne, dancing and playing carde. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron et Wm. Smith's, Whitby. The ncw seats have arrived et the school and Mr. DeMille lies four mare pupils. - U UWEAUEJE l'Be U-m TOPS IN ENTEITAIMENT TIIURSDAY - FRIDAY - APRIL 24 - 2 imuj3!EWPr~ ,mUCU reeature Atraction- "THE LAST CHANCE" SATURDAY - APRIL 26TH RANDGLPH SCGI' ad I@4 6. ANH DVORAJÇ wlt& EDSAR*BUCHANAM mai (ARTICLE 12) Previdus articles lni this ýerles have outlir>ed Uic food agreements entered inta between thc Canadian government and the British gavernment and Uic twa main contrais set up over Canadien farmers ta give effcct ta Uic whole schieme. It hem been sliawn that Canadien producens have loet ail frecdom over their saleable surplus and et Uie sam% time arc losing a huge sum through these deais. PRESENT DISPARITY A campamison hes been made bctween Uic U.S.A. fermer and thc Canadien fermer ta give iurther emphesis ta the present disparity in their sales and purchases. Now itremains ta examine ,the positions takcn by the sevemal parties in Uic Hause and out- side in regard ta these agreements and contrais. Main intemest will centre about the stand taken byr the govcmnment end' the officiai optosition. FEDERATION CONSULTE» The position af Uic govcmnment ai course is set forth ln its legislation. The Minister ai Agriculture and the Minister ai Trade and Commerce errenged the agreements with Uic British Minister ai Food, Mr. Strachey. Tliey did flot consuit the Can- adien parleament but made quite a point in claimlng ta have consulted the Canadien FedematiQn ai Agriculture, the leaders ai which iavored the deal on Uic ground that it oiiered have ai future stability. ADVICE DECLINED But this govcmnment argument was greetly weakened whcn it wes shown that the advice ai the Federetion was declincd in other particulars. The government denied the Federation's appeal againet a risc in fced wheat from $8.00 ta $11.00 a tan; mciused thein plan for a barley subsidy; refused their plea ta pay participation in lest year's crop; declined their requet for tokfen shipments of beci cettie ta the U.S.A.; would not listen to théir plan for e National Farm Products Act. FUTURE TRADE These points will be kept in mind by the averege'fariner wha will have ta make Up lis own mind before voting in Uic. ncxt clection. But Uic broad question is this: How shahl we corne out in the end ai ter ettempting ta fulfili thesé erbitrarily er- ranged, by-laterel Bitish agreements? Selling food to Bitain much below world prices wc are forcing other corely pressed peoples ta buy elsewhere et a high world pnice. Cen we expect their future trade whcn the day cornes that we try to get it? BRITSH POLICY Thc position ai Uic British gavermient was clerly statcd by the socialiet Minister ai Food, Mr. Strechey, who said: "We buy food et the lowest pnjv'es wecacn get ln the world; if not, perliament would censure us: 'and bulk contracte are Uic best method ai getting low pnices."' Hence lie wes consistent in buy- lng bulk Canadien wheat et $1.55 per bus. with the worid pricc more then e dollar. higher. OUTSIDE MARKETS Reading this etatement ai British policy cleamly gives the key ta what mey be cxpected by Canadien producers wlen more normal Urnes retumn. There le no question that Britain wil adheme ta hem present agreement. But the future, Uic search for wldermamrkets, là Uic pmoblem ai meal conccmn ta the Canadien fermer. It cames iglit down, therefore, ta the ques- tion ai whethem the present policy ai the government is wise in the long mun. BRACKEN VIEW Speeking in thc House on the Britishi agreemnents Hon. John Bmeeken, leader ai the Progressive Conservative Party, said: (P.591 Helnsard) "Let there be noa misunderstanding with respect ta aur attitude an this meesume. The gavernment ai Canada lias made an agreement with enother nation. Thet ageement we have cither ta respect or dishonor. As anc public man I propose ta respect the agreements we enter into with other nations." MON. -TUES. -WED. -APRIL 2S-29 - 30 .~îr . SOME NEW METHODS 0F INSECT CONTROL Every farmer and gardener knows that ta, ignore the damag- ing effects of insects would often mean practically no crops. There is scarcely a growing plant in farmn or garden that is flot sub- ject to attack by one or several destructive insect pests. The entomologists of the Do-.4 * minion Depertment of Agriculture knowing the seriaus menace of in- sects ta, agricultural production have prepared a series of pam- phlets dealing with the methods of control for a variety of insects. The pamphlets give in bni, yet easily undérstood termas, informa- tion on the inse.cts and the meth- ods of control. Following are a few of the tites me of the pamphlets. Cattie Lice Con- trol; The Carrot Rust Fly; Con- trai ai Insects Attacking Veget- ables under Glass; Insecto Con-F1 trol in Lumber Camps with DDT; /" z How to Foreteil and Control Out- breaks of White Grubs. The list can be obtained from the Dominion Department of Ag- 1,..FR D M~M R A riculture, Ottawa, and a copy of HE-*M H À any of the pamphlets will be sent k on request.AIEI IL The "Vampire af Rueil" who 4 D It IES was reported as having ettackcd four women and bitten thcm about Technicolor Cartoon Short" the throat has been arrestcd by_________________________________ Paris police. 'I. WATCH WORD 0F THE NATION N the amnartest men and wamen are wearaag the talk of the «tiaus" 17'-JIWML WATCHIS Drop in a"u e the .many stylas on diapley t...a HOOPER98 I Il I C. A. ARMSTRONG will preach at bath services nuius Kif RT au .u~m v ausi wn Ral.ss.iti. United Artiste 'nu 1 b 1 Technicolor Cartoon il ' a Tmi Short

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